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Hazing Effect

Beverly Ann Q. Talaugon

10 - St. Augustine

Hazing in fraternities and sororities across the nation has

become an increasingly dangerous ritual that is seemingly becoming

more difficult to put an end to due to its development into an

underground activity. Hazing is an act of abusing authority in a way

that places individuals in situations that can cause, harm, violence or

injury. Tasks needed to be done for hazing are usually physical and

humiliating. It's purpose is to test an individuals breaking point in order

to see how serious they are about becoming part of a fraternity and

sorority. Hazing should be banned when joining fraternities and

sororities because it affects physical, emotional and mental instability,

declines students' performance in class, and creates problems in

relationships with friends, significant others and family.

According to Amanda Gardner (2017) " The effects of hazing

include psychological trauma, sleeping problems, flashbacks, eating

disorder, anxiety, avoidance, depression and intense feeling." Even

though hazing can build one's character, it is still not right to use this

way to a person because it can be very hazardous to one's health or

life. For example, The parents of a freshman who died of alcohol

poisoning last year after an alleged pledge-related fraternity hazing are

suing Louisiana State University, the Phi Delta Theta fraternity and four

students facing criminal charges in the 18-year-old's death. The more

long-term effects of hazing are often unseen and referred to as the

"hidden harm" of hazing. When subjected to hazing experiences, new

members react differently based upon the experiences that they bring

into this new environment.

Hazing should be banned because of declines students'

performance in class. Lisa La Rose states that "Almost half of students

who join in any group in high school experience hazing. Of the 43%

reported that they were subjected to humiliating activities, 23% said

the hazing behaviors involved alcohol or drugs, 29% said they

performed illegal acts as part of the hazing that affects their

performance in class." Even though hazing provides a sense of

accomplishment that may have a good effect on their performance,

the people that are going through it build a bond between each other

and all of them share a common goal and must work together to

become initiated. It is still not good to hurt physically a person in order

to be part a of the group to prove their loyalty.

Lastly, hazing should be banned because it creates problems in

relationships with friends, significant others and family. According to

Aaron Radwin(2014) " 71% of those who are hazed suffer from

negative consequences." Even though it bring the group closer

together. Family and friends may be affected when a peson they are

closed to is hazed. They are worried for the condition of the hazed

victim. For example, an 18 year old student, suffers traumatic

experience on hazing. Family and friends was devastated and worried

because of the condition of the student and seeks for help. Hazing can

really cross the line into something much more damaging and


To conclude, hazing is wrong in all senses it should be stopped to

prevent violence, failures and problems. The detrimental effects of

hazing can cause students to be haunted by it for the rest of their lives.

People's strength and physical endurance can be tested in other ways

where harm is not inflicted on themselves or others. When joining in

any group, team, or club should not mean sacrificing one's physical or

psychological health and well-being. Clearly, hazing can really mess

with a person's head as these countless stories that have not ended

the way they should have.

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