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In the following Figure, computer A sends a message to computer D via LAN1, router R1,
and LAN2. Show the contents of the packets and frames at the network and data link layer for each
hop interface.

2. In Figure, assume that the communication is between a process running at computer A with port
address i and a process running at computer D with port address j. Show the contents of packets and
frames at the network, data link, and transport layer for each hop.

3. Suppose a computer sends a packet at the transport layer to another computer somewhere in the
Internet. There is no process with the destination port address running at the destination computer.
What will happen?

4. Match the following to one or more layers of the OSI model – Explanation not needed spel only
the responsible layer
a. Format and code conversion services
b. Establishes, manages, and terminates sessions
c. Ensures reliable transmission of data
d. Log-in and log-out procedures
e. Provides independence from differences in data representation
f. Communicates directly with user's application program
g. Error correction and retransmission
h. Mechanical, electrical, and functional interface
i. Responsibility for carrying frames between adjacent nodes
j. Reliable process-to-process message delivery
k. Route selection
l. Defines frames
m. Provides user services such as e-mail and file transfer
n. Transmission of bit stream across physical medium
o. Route determination
p. Flow control
q. Interface to transmission media
r. Provides access for the end user

5. Code the bit stream 110101 using Unipolar NRZ, Polar NRZ-L and NRZ-I, Polar RZ
methods of Line Coding.

6. In this problem we will compare the performance of circuit switching with datagram
packet switching. Figure shows a source host S and a destination host D connected by a
switching network consisting of three nodes. We will make the following assumptions:

a. The transmission rate of all the links is 9600 bits per second.
b. The propagation delay in each hop is 0.001 seconds.
c. The size of the message that needs to be sent from S to D is 3200 bits.
d. The end-to-end connection setup time for circuit switching is 0.2 seconds.
e. For packet switching the packet size is 824 (this includes 24 bits of header).
f. Assume that for packet switching there is no queuing and processing delay at the
intermediate nodes.
g. Assume that no acknowledgements are required. Find the time to send the message
from the source to the destination assuming that the network uses (i) circuit switching
and (ii) packet switching. Show all calculations.

7. Why the packet has been discarded at host 28 and 53? Validate your answer

8. Assume a department needs 123 systems and the adminstrator is asked to connect all the systems
in a single network for its interconnectivity. The administrator decides to construct the network
using only switches. He deploy 48 port switch for his task. Assisit him to build the network.

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