Resume Thamrin Bomb

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Historical :

Kejadian Bom Thamrin terjadi pada tanggal 14 Januari 2016 di Perempatan Plaza Sarinah, Jalan MH
Thamrin, Jakarta. Bom pertama diledakan pukul 10.39 di dekat tempat parkir "Starbucks", dan Bom ke
dua terjadi pukul 10.48 di sekitar pos polisi. Kejadian tersebut diduga dilakukan oleh anggota ISIS dengan
tujuan meneror rakyat Indonesia dengan menunjukan keberadaan mereka sehingga ingin membuat
masyarakat resah.

Impact :

-Korban tewas sebanyak 8 orang (4 pelaku dan 4 warga sipil)

-24 orang luka-luka

- Gerai "Starbucks"ditutup diseluruh Jakarta

-Nilai tukar Rupiah terhadap Dolar Amerika sempat turun

- Ketakutan warga sekitar Jakarta sehingga ragu untuk keluar rumah

How to Solve:

-Pembentukan Undang-Undang mengenai pemberantasan Terorisme pada UU No 5 Thn 2018

-mengkoordinasikan instansi pemerintah dalam upaya penangkalan paham radikal terorisme,

-mensosialisasikan kepada kekuatan masyarakat sipil (Ormas keagamaan,lembaga pendidikan, tokoh

agama, tokoh adat, generasi muda) dan mantan teroris dalam penangkalan paham radikal terorisme

-mensosialisasikan penggunaan media online dalam penangkalan paham radikal di dunia maya.


CASE : Thamrin Bomb

Historical :

The Thamrin Bomb incident occurred on January 14, 2016 at the Sarinah Plaza intersection, Jalan MH
Thamrin, Jakarta. The first bomb was detonated at 10.39 near the "Starbucks" parking lot, and the
second bomb occurred at 10.48 around the police station. The incident was allegedly carried out by
members of ISIS, by carrying out acts of terrorism on the people of Indonesia by showing their
whereabouts, so they wanted to make people afraid.
-8 people died(4 perpetrators and 4 civilians)

-24 people were injured

- "Starbucks" outlets are closed throughout Jakarta

-The exchange rate of the Rupiah against the US Dollar has fallen

- Fear of people around Jakarta that they are hesitant to leave their homes

How to Solve:

- Formation of Law on Combating Terrorism in Law UU No. 5 Thn 2018

- Coordinating government agencies in efforts to counter radicalism understanding of terrorism,

- socializing to the strengths of civil society (religious organizations, educational institutions, religious
leaders, traditional leaders, young people) and former terrorists in the refusal to understand radical

- socializing the use of online media in the fight against radical understanding in cyberspace.

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