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GEN MUSLIM Allahumma Innee Ureedul Umrah
“O Allah! I intend to perform Umrah.”
Circling Ka’bah 7 times

Continue reciting Talbiyah (men loudly, women softly) as you approach
the Ka’bah.
6. Talbiyyah
A Step by ‣ After Niyyah, recite Talbiyah to enter into a state of Ihram. Once you 1. Enter Masjid Al-Haram
Step Outline enter Ihram you need to be aware of prohibitions of Ihram. If Ihram is ‣ Step into the mosque with your right foot first. The following should
violated, Damm (sacrifice) or Sadaqah (charity) is required. Talbiyah is be recited:
How to perform Umrah Cheatsheet recited loudly by men and quietly by females. It should be recited as you
make your way to the Ka’bah and before you start Tawaf.

Summarized Components
Bismi-llāh, Allāhumma ṣalli alā Muhammad.
1 Purity: Ghusl for Ihram Sunnah
Labbayka Allāhumma Labbayk. Labbayk Lā Sharīka Laka Labbayk. Allāhumma-ghfir lī dhunubi, wa-ftaḥ lī abwāba raḥmatik.
Inna l-Ḥamda, Wa n-Niʻmata, Laka wal Mulk, Lā Sharīka Lak. “In the name of Allah, send blessings upon Muhammad PBUH.
IHRAM 2 Two rak’ahs before Ihram Sunnah
“At Your service, Allah, at Your service. At Your service, You have no partner, O Allah, forgive my sins, and open for me the doors of Your mercy.”
at Your service. Truly all praise, favour and sovereignty is Yours.
3 Ihram with intention + Talbiyah Fard You have no partner.”
2. Tawaf al-Umrah
4 Tawaf Fard
7. State of Ihram & Prohibitions ‣ “Tawaf” means to “encircle around”.
5 Two rak’ahs after Tawaf Sunnah ‣ After Niyyah and Talbiyah, you have entered into a state of Ihram. Preparation:
‣ It is recommended to recite Durood Sharif (praise Muhammad PBUH), For men, they should put
SA’EE 6 Sa’ee Fard supplicate to Allah and ask for forgiveness. the upper sheet of Ihram
underneath the right arm
Wajib The following actions are strictly prohibited during Ihram:
HALQ 7 Halq/Qasr and over the left shoulder.
- Covering head (men) / face (women) This exposes the right
- Cutting hair or nails or shaving hair shoulder as bare (Idhtiba).
- Applying perfume (no scented soaps, etc.) Reciting Talbiyah stops
- Wearing any stitched clothing (men) when you reach Hajar-e-As-
- Wearing gloves (for both men and women)
IHRAM TAWAF SA’EE HALQ - Intercourse / Hunting / Killing
wad (Black Stone).

- Fighting / Backbiting / Swearing / Arguing Niyyah (Intention): Facing

Talbiyah & Niyyah Hajar-e-Aswad (Black
The meaning of Ihram is to make certain acts haram (forbidden). When 8. Miqat & Journey to Makkah Stone) make Niyyah for
someone makes Niyyah (intention) and utters the Talbiyah certain halal Tawaf. There is a green light
‣ Miqat is the boundary where it is necessary for pilgrims to be in a state on the Masjid wall opposite
(permissible) things become haram, during the state of Ihram.
of Ihram. of the Ka’bah indicating the
1. Preparation starting point. This Niyyah
There are 5 Miqats as mentioned in Bukhari. doesn’t have to be verbal as
‣ Comb hair, shape/trim facial hair, cut nails, remove hair under armpits - If a pilgrim wants to perform an additional Umrah, they must assume it can be an internal Niyyah.
and beneath naval (pubic hair). Ihram outside the Haram boundary (many choose to enter Ihram again at
2. Purification Masjid Aisha due to ease of re-entry)
Kissing, Touching or Raise Hands at the Hajar-e-Aswad (Istilam):
- Travelling from Madinah: Pilgrim can enter Ihram at Masjid Dhul
‣Take ghusl (shower) as it is Sunnah, otherwise do wudu (ablution). You If you can kiss or touch the stone it is very virtuous, but do not harm
Hulayfah in Madinah
should also ask for internal purification from Allah. others in an attempt to reach it. Raising your right hand facing the stone
- Travelling from Jeddah: Pilgrim enters Ihram while in the flight (closest
is also fine. When beginning each circuit, make a sign with your right
3. Ihram Clothing Miqat is al-Juhfah). Actions 1 to 7 must be completed 1 hr before reaching
hand towards Hajar-e-Aswad (Black Stone) and recite:
‣ Men wear 2 white pieces of cloth that are un-sewn (no stitches).
‣ Women wear regular clothing Arriving from Madinah to Makkah
3 Madinah
‣ Wear flip-flops (un-sewn) that leave the upper foot exposed (men only). 3 1

In Ihram at Masjid Dhul Hulayfah

4. Nafl Salah/Prayer
Bismi-llāhi wallahu akbar
‣ It is Sunnah to offer two rakats of Nafl for Ihram if it is not a makrooh
(undesirable) time. It is sunnah to recite Surah Kaafirun in the 1st Rakat “In the name of Allah, Allah is the Greatest.”
and Surah Ikhlas in the 2nd Rakat.
5. Niyyah (Intention) 1 Makkah Start of Tawaf:
Arriving from Jeddah to Makkah After Istilam, turn right and walk counter clockwise for the start of the
‣ Recite intention for Umrah only at the Miqat or close to it. It is 2 Jeddah
1st of 7th circuits around the Ka’bah. You should make sure you have
2 1
recommended (Mustahabb) to recite it verbally and internally. Wudu for the entire Tawaf. If you are in a state of Ihram do not shove
In Ihram before Jeddah airspace
others or get Ka’bah perfume on you.
4 5 6
Raml (first 3 circuits out of 7): IHRAM TAWAF SA’EE HALQ
For the first 3 circuits, it is Sunnah for Men to walk briskly with short
steps. The 4 other circuits are done at normal pace. Safa and Marwah
Sa’ee means to run or to make effort, but in Umrah it entails walking
Duas & Supplications of Tawaf: back and forth between the hills of Safa and Marwah seven times. The
There are no fixed supplications for tawaf. The most important thing to route you will travel is enclosed in a long gallery with signs for the hills. Lā ilāha illallāhu waḥdah(u), anjaza wa’dahu wa naṣara ‘abdahu
remember is that Duas are accepted during Tawaf and to remember wa hazama l-aḥzāba waḥdah.
Allah with sincerity and devotion, ask for forgiveness and recite Durood “There is no deity except Allah alone. He fulfilled His promise,
Sharif. supported His slave and defeated the confederates alone.”

Ar-Ruknul-Yamaanee (Yemeni Corner): 3. Proceed to Marwa from Safa

While travelling between the Yemeni Corner (4th corner) and the Black
Stone (1st Corner), it is Sunnah to recite the following: ‣ Between Safa and Marwa, there are two sets of green lights (Milayn
al-Akhdharayn) which indicate the distance Hajar ran in order to get to
higher ground (50 meters).
‣ It is Sunnah for men to run at medium pace; women should continue at
normal pace between the lights.
‣ There is no fixed Duas or Supplications that need to be read during
Rabbanā ātinā fi d-dunyā ḥasanatan wafi l-ākhirati 4. Making Dua at Marwa
ḥasanatan wa qinā ‘adhāba n-nār.
“O our Lord, grant us the good of this world, the good of the Hereafter, ‣ Upon reaching the hill of Marwa, follow the same procedure as Safa
and save us from the punishment of the fire.” (Step Sa’ee 3).
‣ This completes 1 lap.
Circuit Completion (at Hajar-e-Asward): ‣ Proceed to Safa for the start of Sa’ee.
One circuit is complete when you reach the Hajar-e-Aswad (Black Stone) 5. Completion of Sa’ee
again. ‣ These steps are repeated until seven laps are completed. You should
1. Start of Sa’ee at Safa
complete Sa’ee on the hill of Marwa.
During Tawaf: ‣ Make Niyyah (intention) for Sa’ee. It doesn’t have to be vocalized as it
While performing Tawaf, ensure you go around the Hateem (semi-circu- can be internal: “O Allah! I perform Sa’ee between Safa and Marwah to 6. Nafl Prayer of 2 Rakats (Optional)
lar half-built portion beside the Ka’bah). At the start of the second please You. Make it easy for me and accept it from me.” ‣ If not at a Makrooh (undesirable) time, then offer two rakats of Nafl in
circuit, follow the same steps as the first circuit by saying, Bismi-llāhi ‣ Wudu is highly recommended; it is Sunnah to perform Sa’ee immedi- Masjid al-Haram.
wallahu akbar and follow all the same steps. Tawaf should be completed ately after Tawaf, but you can take a break if absolutely needed.
in a continuous manner with no interruptions. If a prayer starts, you can ‣ Proceed to the hill of Safa which is in line with Hajar-e-Aswad and then 7. Leaving the Haram
resume Tawaf from the position that you stopped at. recite at the start of Sa’ee (not at the start of each lap): ‣ As you leave the Masjid, step out with your left foot and recite the
following dua:
Completed Tawaf (7 Circuits of Ka’bah):
At the completion of 7 circuits, you should have performed Istilam 8
times in total during Tawaf; once at the start of Tawaf and seven times
at the end of each circuit. Upon completion of Tawaf, men should cover Inna ṣ-ṣafā wa l-marwata min sha’ā’iri llāh(i). Abda’u bimā bad’allahu bihi.
their right shoulder as Idhtiba is now complete.
“Indeed, Safa and Marwa are from the Signs of Allah. I begin with that which
Allah has begun with.”
3. Maqam Ibrahim (Abraham’s Station)
Bismi llāhi, wa ṣ-ṣalātu wa s-salāmu ‘ala rasūli llāh.
‣ Pray 2 Rakats anywhere behind the Station of Ibrahim facing the 2. Making Dua at Safa Allāhumma innī as’aluka min faḍlik.
Ka’bah doors (if very crowded you can do it anywhere in the Haram “In the name of Allah, and peace and blessings be upon the
behind Maqam Ibrahim). It is Sunnah to recite Surah Kaafirun in the 1st ‣ Upon reaching the hill of Safa, face the Ka’bah and raise your hands in Messenger of Allah. O Allah, I ask of you from Your bounty.”
Rakat and Surah Ikhlas in the 2nd Rakat. Supplication. The following is Sunnah to recite three times with duas in
between each recitation (after 1st and 2nd recitation):
‣ While moving to the place where you will offer 2 Rakats it is
recommended to recite: IHRAM TAWAF SA’EE HALQ
Shorten Hair
Allāhu akbar, Allāhu akbar, Allāhu akbar, wa lillāhi l-ḥamd. 1. Shaving or Cutting Hair
“Allah is the greatest; Allah is the greatest; Allah is the greatest, and to Allah ‣ Men: should have their heads shaved completely (highly recommended)
Wattakhidhu min maqāmi Ibrāhīma muṣalla belongs all praise.”
or get their hair clipped to the length of the upper third of their finger
“And take the Maqam Ibrahim as a place of Salah.” (permissible). Both should be done by someone not in Ihram (e.g. barber).
‣ Women: should have one-third finger-length of hair clipped (by
someone not in Ihram). They cannot shave their heads.
4. Zamzam Water
2. Umrah Complete
‣ After Salah and making Duas, drink Zamzam water.
‣ The Prophet PBUH said Zamzam water is for whatever purpose it is ‣ After cutting the hair, Ihram can be removed and all restrictions are
drunk for (e.g. thirst hunger, illness etc). Lā ilāha illallāh waḥdahu lā sharīka lah(u), lahu l-mulku wa lahu l-ḥamdu lifted.
‣ When drinking the water say Bismillah, pause to take a breath 3 times yuḥyī wa yumīt(u), wa huwa ‘alā kulli shay’in qadīr.
In Ihram before Jeddah airspace
“There is no deity except Allah, alone without a partner. To Him belongs the
3. Nafl Tawaf
and say Alhamduillah after finishing.
‣ You can also rub the Zamzam water on your face and body. You can Dominion, and to Him belongs all praise. He gives life and death and He has ‣ You can perform Nafl Tawaf as much as you want. There is no need for
make supplications/duas here as they are accepted. power over everything.” Ihram, Raml, or Sa’ee (Sa’ee is only done as part of Umrah).

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