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Heavy-ion tumor therapy: Physical and radiobiological benefits

Dieter Schardt and Thilo Elsässer
GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung mbH (GSI), D-64291 Darmstadt,

Daniela Schulz-Ertner
Markus-Krankenhaus, MVZ Radiologisches Institut, D-60431 Frankfurt/M., Germany
共Published 19 February 2010兲

High-energy beams of charged nuclear particles 共protons and heavier ions兲 offer significant advantages
for the treatment of deep-seated local tumors in comparison to conventional megavolt photon
therapy. Their physical depth-dose distribution in tissue is characterized by a small entrance dose and
a distinct maximum 共Bragg peak兲 near the end of range with a sharp fall-off at the distal edge. Taking
full advantage of the well-defined range and the small lateral beam spread, modern scanning beam
systems allow delivery of the dose with millimeter precision. In addition, projectiles heavier than
protons such as carbon ions exhibit an enhanced biological effectiveness in the Bragg peak region
caused by the dense ionization of individual particle tracks resulting in reduced cellular repair. This
makes them particularly attractive for the treatment of radio-resistant tumors localized near organs at
risk. While tumor therapy with protons is a well-established treatment modality with more than 60 000
patients treated worldwide, the application of heavy ions is so far restricted to a few facilities only.
Nevertheless, results of clinical phase I-II trials provide evidence that carbon-ion radiotherapy might
be beneficial in several tumor entities. This article reviews the progress in heavy-ion therapy, including
physical and technical developments, radiobiological studies and models, as well as radiooncological
studies. As a result of the promising clinical results obtained with carbon-ion beams in the past ten
years at the Heavy Ion Medical Accelerator facility 共Japan兲 and in a pilot project at GSI Darmstadt
共Germany兲, the plans for new clinical centers for heavy-ion or combined proton and heavy-ion therapy
have recently received a substantial boost.

DOI: 10.1103/RevModPhys.82.383 PACS number共s兲: 34.50.Gb, 87.50.⫺a, 87.53.Kn, 87.55.⫺x

CONTENTS 3. Dependencies of RBE 405

4. RBE determined from in vivo
measurements 406
I. Introduction 383
5. Dependence on oxygen status 407
II. Physical Aspects of Radiotherapy with Ion Beams 384
B. Biophysical models in heavy-ion therapy 407
A. Energy deposition and dose 384
1. Biological optimization at LBL 408
1. Stopping of high-energy ions 385
2. HIMAC approach 408
2. Energy-loss and range straggling 386
3. Local effect model 共GSI兲 409
3. Lateral beam spread 387
a. Basic assumptions 409
4. Nuclear fragmentation 388 b. Integration into the treatment planning
5. Neutron dose 389 system 411
B. Accelerators for ion-beam therapy 390 c. Choice of parameters for clinical
C. Beam delivery systems 391 treatments 411
1. Passive beam shaping 391 4. Alternative approaches 411
2. Scanning systems 392 C. Implications for treatment planning 412
3. Gantries 394 D. Future directions 413
4. Irradiation of moving organs 395 IV. Clinical Experiences 414
D. Treatment planning and dose verification 397 A. Clinical trials investigating heavy-ion radiation
1. Dose optimization 398 therapy 414
2. Heavy-ion dosimetry 399 B. Future directions 416
3. In vivo PET monitoring 399 V. Conclusion 416
E. Future directions 402 Acknowledgments 417
III. Biological Effects of Ion Irradiation 402 References 417
A. Relative biological effectiveness 402
1. Radiation damage by photons and heavy I. INTRODUCTION
ions 403
a. Microscopic track structure of ion beams 403 Radiotherapy plays an important role in the treatment
b. DNA damage and cell inactivation 404 of cancer. After surgery it is the most frequently and
2. Definition of RBE 404 most successfully applied form of therapy. More than

0034-6861/2010/82共1兲/383共43兲 383 ©2010 The American Physical Society

384 Schardt, Elsässer, and Schulz-Ertner: Heavy-ion tumor therapy: Physical and …

50% of all patients with localized malignant tumors are Science 共NIRS兲 Chiba 共Japan兲, using similar technical
treated with radiation. In radiotherapy the key problem concepts as those pioneered at Berkeley. At the same
is to deliver the dose in such a way that ideally the time new technical solutions were developed almost in
planned target volume receives 100% of the dose parallel at Paul-Scherrer-Institute 共PSI兲 in Switzerland
needed to kill all cancer cells in the tumor, while the and Gesellschaft für Schwerionenforschung 共GSI兲 in
surrounding normal tissue should not receive any dose. Germany, differing significantly from the previous de-
In practice, this cannot be achieved because of the un- signs at the Bevalac and HIMAC. The implementation
avoidable dose deposition in the entrance channel of the of active beam scanning techniques 关“spot scanning” at
radiation. In the past 50 years much progress has been PSI 共Pedroni et al., 1995兲, “raster scanning” at GSI
made to improve dose delivery towards the ideal situa- 共Haberer et al., 1993兲, see Sec. II.C.2兴 resulted in the
tion and to thereby increase the tumor control rate. achievement of a high degree of conformation, guiding
These achievements would not have been possible with- the biologically most effective ions to the target volume
out the strong and fruitful interdisciplinary collaboration and minimizing the dose to the surrounding normal tis-
of scientists in the fields of oncology and radiation medi- sue. In spite of the challenging technical concept the
cine, radiation biology, accelerator technology, and engi- pencil beam scanning has proven to operate reliably
neering, as well as atomic and nuclear physics. since the first patient treatments in 1996 at PSI and 1997
The application of high-energy beams of heavy at GSI.
charged particles to radiotherapy was first considered in For the carbon-ion treatments at GSI the variation of
1946 when Robert R. Wilson investigated the depth- the biological effectiveness across the irradiated volume
was taken into account individually for each voxel by the
dose characteristics of proton beams 共primarily for
treatment planning system TRiP 共Krämer and Scholz,
shielding purposes兲 共Wilson, 1946兲. He recognized the
2000; Krämer et al., 2000兲 that includes the local effect
potential benefits of proton beams and predicted “that
model 共LEM兲. This model was specifically designed to
precision exposures of well-defined small volumes
estimate the RBE by including several important param-
within the body will soon be feasible.” Two years later
eters such as the dose level, the biological end point, and
the 184 in. synchrocyclotron at Lawrence Berkeley
the irradiated tissue. This development reflects the
Laboratory 共LBL兲, Berkeley 共USA兲 became available progress in radiobiology based on extended experimen-
for experiments and the physical and radiobiological tal studies and improvements in modeling of the RBE,
properties of proton beams were thoroughly investi- as well as in the development of powerful computer al-
gated by Tobias 共1967兲. Patient treatments started in gorithms for treatment planning.
1954 at LBL Berkeley, first with protons and later with The physical properties of heavy-ion beams, technical
helium beams. Radiotherapy with heavier ions started in solutions, and dose verification techniques are discussed
1975 at the Bevalac facility at LBL. There most of the in Sec. II, followed by an overview of radiobiological
patient treatments were performed with beams of 20Ne studies, modeling of the biological effect, and its appli-
共670 MeV/ u兲, which at that time appeared to be most cation in treatment planning in Sec. III. Finally, Sec. IV
attractive because of their high relative biological effec- presents recent clinical results from carbon-ion studies
tiveness 共RBE兲 combined with a low oxygen enhance- and comparison with other treatment modalities.
ment ratio 共OER兲 in the treatment target volume 共Chen,
Castro, and Quivey, 1981; Petti and Lennox, 1994兲. The
beams were delivered to the patient by passive beam II. PHYSICAL ASPECTS OF RADIOTHERAPY WITH ION
shaping systems, including scattering devices, substituted BEAMS
later on by magnetic wobblers, and a number of other
A. Energy deposition and dose
passive elements like ridge filters, range modulators, col-
limators, and boli 共Chu et al., 1993兲. Until its closure in The main reason for using heavy charged particles in
1992 the Bevalac was the only facility worldwide using radiotherapy is their favorable depth-dose profile
heavy ions1 for radiotherapy of localized deep-seated tu- 共“Bragg curve”兲, named after Sir William Henri Bragg
mors. The treatments with 20Ne beams included a total who investigated the slowing down of ␣ particles in air
of 433 patients. 共Bragg, 1905兲. Many years later Wilson 共1946兲 proposed
In 1994 the Heavy Ion Medical Accelerator 共HIMAC兲 the application of protons and heavier ions for precision
共Hirao et al., 1992兲 dedicated to radiotherapy started exposures in radiotherapy. A comparison of depth-dose
with carbon ions at National Institute of Radiological profiles for electromagnetic radiation 共x rays and mega-
volt photon beams兲 and particle beams 共protons and car-
1 bon ions兲 is displayed in Fig. 1. Low-energy x rays show
The term “heavy ions” is commonly used in the particle
a steep exponential decrease of dose with depth 共absorp-
therapy community to characterize ions heavier than protons,
tion law兲. For high-energy photons 共mostly used in con-
although they are relatively light considering the full mass
range of nuclei. The radiation techniques which make use of ventional therapy nowadays兲 the initial dose buildup,
beams of charged nuclei are defined by different authors with mainly caused by forward scattered Compton electrons,
different names. On top of “light-ion therapy and heavy-ion shifts the peak dose by a few centimeters away from the
therapy,” the most used ones are “hadron therapy” and “par- surface of the patient’s body, thereby improving the
ticle therapy.” target-to-entrance dose and sparing the radiosensitive

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Schardt, Elsässer, and Schulz-Ertner: Heavy-ion tumor therapy: Physical and … 385

D关Gy兴 = 1.6 ⫻ 10−9 ⫻ 冋 册

dE keV
dx ␮m
⫻ F关cm−2兴

⫻ 冋 册
1 cm3
␳ g
, 共2兲

where dE / dx is the energy loss of the particles per unit

path length 共specific energy loss or “stopping power”兲. A
similar related quantity is the linear energy transfer
共LET兲, unit keV/ ␮m, which refers to the energy depos-
ited in the stopping medium by the slowing-down par-
For particle therapy the photon-equivalent dose,
sometimes referred to as biological dose or Gray-
equivalent dose, defined as the product of absorbed dose
and RBE, is most significant because it includes the
larger efficacy of ions. The units are named Cobalt-
Gray-Equivalent 共CGE兲 or Gray-Equivalent 共GyE兲. Ac-
cording to recent recommendations 共ICRU, 2007兲 for
proton beam therapy, now the term ‘‘RBE-weighted’’
dose and the unit Gy 共RBE兲 should be used. Similar
recommendations for heavy-ion therapy are in progress,
FIG. 1. 共Color online兲 Depth-dose profiles of Co ␥ radiation,
60 but presently still the unit GyE is commonly used within
megavolt photons, and 12C ions in water. the clinical community.

1. Stopping of high-energy ions

skin. In contrast to photons, the dose profiles of protons
and heavier ions are characterized by a distinct narrow In this section the basic formulas describing the stop-
peak 共“Bragg peak”兲 at the end of their path. The posi- ping of ions in a thick absorber are recalled. The theory
tion of this peak can be precisely adjusted to the desired of stopping and range of ions in matter has been treated
depth in tissue by changing the kinetic energy of the in extended reviews 共Fano, 1963; Ahlen, 1980; Sigmund,
incident ions. Protons and heavier ions differ in two fea- 2004; Ziegler et al., 2008兲. Radiotherapy of deep-seated
tumors requires ion beam ranges in tissue of up to 30 cm
tures essentially: First, protons have a similar biological
corresponding to specific energies up to 220 MeV/ u for
effect as photons 共at the same absorbed dose兲, while
protons and helium ions, 430 MeV/ u for carbon ions,
heavy ions show higher effectiveness, ranging from low and 600 MeV/ u for neon ions with particle velocities ␤
RBE values in the plateau region to a significant en- ⬅ v / c ⬇ 0.7. At these velocities the energy-loss rate
hancement in the Bragg peak 共Kraft, 2000兲. Second, dE / dx in the slowing-down process is dominated by in-
heavy ions 共unlike protons兲 exhibit a characteristic dose elastic collisions with the target electrons 共electronic
tail behind the Bragg peak, which is caused by second- stopping兲 and can be well described by the Bethe-Bloch
ary fragments produced in nuclear reactions along the formula 共Bethe, 1930; Bloch, 1933a, 1933b兲, here given
stopping path of the ions, resulting in a complex radia- in the relativistic version described by Fano 共1963兲, in-
tion field 共Schardt et al., 1996兲. cluding the shell correction term C / Zt and the density
The dose deposited in tissue is the most important effect correction term ␦ / 2,
physical quantity in radiotherapy. It is defined 共ICRU,
1993兲 by the term absorbed dose 共unit Gray 关Gy兴兲 as the
dE 4␲e4ZtZp2
m ev 2

− ln共1 − ␤2兲

mean energy d⑀ deposited by ionizing radiation in a
mass element dm, C ␦
− ␤2 − − . 共3兲
Zt 2
d⑀ Zp and Zt denote the nuclear charges of the projectile
D= 关1 Gy = 1 J/kg兴. 共1兲
dm and target, me and e are the mass and charge of the
electron, and 具I典 is the mean ionization energy of the
In radiation therapy 共RT兲 water is used as tissue ref-
target atom or molecule. For liquid water the value 具I典
erence medium. Dose measurements are normally per-
= 79.7 eV was obtained from energy-loss measurements
formed with air-filled ionization chambers and have to with 70 MeV protons 共Bichsel and Hiraoka, 1992; Bich-
be converted to the absorbed dose in water by correc- sel et al., 2000兲. From recent precision Bragg curve mea-
tion factors. For a parallel beam with particle fluence F surements for protons and various heavier ions values of
the dose deposited in a thin slice of an absorber material 75– 78 eV were deduced 共Kumazaki et al., 2007; Paul,
with mass density ␳ can be calculated as follows: 2007; Schardt et al., 2008兲. Stopping-power curves for

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386 Schardt, Elsässer, and Schulz-Ertner: Heavy-ion tumor therapy: Physical and …

FIG. 3. 共Color online兲 Mean range of heavy ions in water.

FIG. 2. 共Color online兲 Specific energy loss dE / dx of 12C ions
and protons in water. The range of 12C ions in water corre-
sponding to their specific energy is indicated at the top. ions with the same specific energy scales with a factor of
A / Z 2.

protons and 12C ions in water are shown in Fig. 2.

Due to the 1 / ␤2 dependence the energy loss increases 2. Energy-loss and range straggling
with decreasing particle energy. At high velocities the According to Eq. 共3兲 the energy loss of a single carbon
atomic electrons are completely stripped off and the ion plotted as a function of absorber depth would result
projectile charge is equal to the atomic charge number in a very sharp peak near the stopping point. For ex-
Zp. At lower velocities 共for light ions below about ample, for an incident 300 MeV/ u carbon ion the dE / dx
10 MeV/ u兲, the mean charge state decreases due to the peak-to-entrance value is about 80 共see Fig. 2兲. However,
interplay of ionization and recombination processes and statistical fluctuations of the energy loss in the large
Zp in Eq. 共3兲 has to be replaced by the effective charge number of collisions of the slowing-down process result
Zeff, which can be described by the empirical formula in a broadening of the Bragg peak for an ion beam con-
共Barkas, 1963兲 sisting of many particles. These fluctuations are de-
scribed by the 共asymmetric兲 Vavilov distribution
Zeff = Zp关1 − exp共− 125␤Zp−2/3兲兴. 共4兲 共Vavilov, 1957兲 for charged particles passing through a
The maximum energy-loss rate, corresponding to the thin layer of matter 共energy-loss straggling兲. In the limit
Bragg peak, is reached at a projectile velocity of of many collisions the Vavilov distribution becomes a
Gaussian 共Bohr, 1940; Ahlen, 1980兲,
vp ⬇ Zp2/3v0 , 共5兲
1 共⌬E − ⌬E兲2
f共⌬E兲 = exp 共7兲
where v0 = e2 / ប is the Bohr velocity and the correspond- 冑2␲␴ 2␴2
ing ␤ value is e2 / បc = 1 / 137. For 12C ions this maximum
occurs at a specific energy of ⬇350 keV/ u. At still lower
projectile energies 共Ep 艋 10 keV/ u兲 elastic collisions
with target nuclei begin to contribute significantly to the
energy loss and dominate the stopping process at the
␴ = 4␲ZeffZte4N⌬x 冋 1 − ␤2/2
1 − ␤2
. 册 共8兲

very end of the particle path 共the last few ␮m兲. The The variance ␴R2
of the range straggling is related to
corresponding dose contribution is, however, very small the variance ␴E of the energy-loss straggling by

冕 冉 冊冉 冊
and can be neglected in radiotherapy applications Ei
d␴E dE −3
共Elsässer et al., 2009兲. ␴R2 = dE. 共9兲
The total path length of the particle’s trajectory in the 0 dx dx
absorber is given by
The ratio of the straggling width ␴R and mean range R

R共E兲 = 冕 冉 ⬘冊
dE⬘ , 共6兲
is nearly constant and can be described by
冉 冊
, 共10兲
R 冑M Mc2
which for heavy charged projectiles is nearly the same as
the mean range R, i.e., the average traversed absorber where f is a slowly varying function depending on the
thickness, because heavy ions are very little scattered absorber 共Rossi, 1952兲 and E and M are the particle
and travel almost on a straight line. Ranges of various energy and mass. For light ions stopped in water the
ion beams in water are shown in Fig. 3. The range of relative straggling ␴R / R is of the order of 10−3. Because

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FIG. 4. 共Color online兲 Measured Bragg peaks of protons and

C ions having the same mean range in water 共Schardt et al.,
FIG. 5. 共Color online兲 Calculated beam spread for 12C ions
and protons in a typical treatment beam line. It was assumed
of the 1 / 冑M dependence it is smaller for heavier ions that an intially parallel particle beam 共5 mm full width at half
than for protons, e.g., a factor of 3.5 for 12C ions 共Fig. 4兲. maximum兲 passes through the nozzle 共including a thin vacuum
In practice, however, the profile of the Bragg peaks is window and beam monitors兲 and enters a water absorber 共pa-
broader, mainly due to the density inhomogeneities of tient兲 at 1 m distance from nozzle exit. At small depth 共i.e.,
the penetrated tissue. Furthermore, for scanning beam small particle energies兲 the width is mainly determined by scat-
delivery systems using slice-by-slice irradiation of the tering in the nozzle, while at higher energies the scattering in
target volume, it can be even advantageous to widen the the water absorber dominates. Carbon ions show a much
sharp Bragg peaks by passive systems in order to reduce smaller spread than protons at the same penetration depth.
the treatment time 共Weber and Kraft, 1999兲. Figure courtesy of U. Weber, Rhön-Klinikum AG.

3. Lateral beam spread 24.01, Fe 13.83, Pb 6.37 g / cm2兲. Targets containing

heavy elements cause a larger angular spread than tar-
The small lateral deflection of heavy ions penetrating
gets of light elements with the same thickness 共in units
through an absorber is a particular advantage of heavy
of g cm−2兲. The angular spread for heavy charged par-
ions in comparison to protons and is of clinical revelance
ticles is small 共of the order of 1 mrad for a thin target兲,
for treatments near organs at risk 共OAR兲. The beam
but increases significantly towards low energies due to
spread is mainly caused by elastic Coulomb interactions
the ␤pc term in the denominator of Eq. 共11兲. Comparing
with the target nuclei, while scattering due to electronic
interactions, which dominate the stopping process, can beams with the same range in water 共e.g., 150 MeV pro-
be neglected. The statistical distribution function F共␪ , d兲 tons and 285 MeV/ u 12C ions with R = 15.6 cm兲 shows
for the resulting scattering angle ␪ at penetration depth that the angular spread 共␴␪兲 for protons is more than
d can be obtained from the integral equation given by three times larger than that for 12C ions.
Bothe 共1921兲. An analytical solution of this equation was In practice two different contributions to the angular
given by Molière 共1948兲 for a shielded Coulomb poten- beam spreading have to be considered: 共i兲 scattering
tial. A thorough analysis of a large set of proton beam caused by materials in front of the patient 共e.g., vacuum
spread data obtained over many years at the Harvard exit window, beam monitor, beam shaping devices兲 and
proton therapy center 共Gottschalk et al., 1993兲 was 共ii兲 scattering in tissue between entrance point and stop-
found to be in very good agreement with the Molière ping depth. At low energies 共i兲 represents the dominant
theory. contribution because even a small angular spread trans-
For small angles the higher-order terms in Molière’s lates in a significant broadening of the beam spot due to
solution can be neglected and the angular distribution the traveling distance of typically 0.5– 1.0 m before en-
can be approximated by a Gaussian function with a stan- tering the patient. This is critical in particular for pro-
dard deviation given by Highland 共1975, 1979兲 tons and scanning systems using narrow pencil-like

冑 冋 冉 冊册
beams. Therefore the material in the beam path in front
14.1 MeV d 1 d of the patient should be kept as thin as possible, not
␴␪关rad兴 = Zp 1 + log10 .
␤pc Lrad 9 Lrad contain heavy elements, and be located as close as pos-
sible towards the patient. At higher energies contribu-
tion 共i兲 becomes less important or even negligible while
The absorber material is characterized by the thickness 共ii兲 increases due to the larger penetration depths in tis-
d and the radiation length Lrad. Values of Lrad for com- sue. The calculations shown in Fig. 5 demonstrate the
mon materials can be found in Tsai 共1974兲 and can be much smaller beam spread of 12C ions compared to pro-
easily computed for compounds 共e.g., water 36.08, Al tons 共Weber and Kraft, 2009兲. Detailed measurements

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projectile fragment TABLE I. Total reaction cross section ␴R 共Kox et al., 1987兲
projectile evap. and mean free path in water ␭ of high-energy ions with about
vf ~ vp 25 cm range in water.

E ␴R ␭
fireball p,d,t Ion 共MeV/u兲 共mb兲 共cm兲
α n
target fragment p 200 352 85.2
Abrasion Ablation He 200 767 38.6
C 380 1424 20.8
FIG. 6. 共Color online兲 Illustration of the abrasion-ablation 20
model of peripheral collisions at high energies according to Ne 530 1929 15.5
Serber 共1947兲. Adapted from Gunzert-Marx et al. 共2008兲.

confirmed these calculations 共Weber, 1996兲. It should be Dedicated fragmentation studies for applications in
kept in mind, however, that in irradiations of tissues with radiotherapy began at Princeton 共Maccabee and Ritter,
large density inhomogeneities even a small lateral 1974兲 and were performed over many years at the Beva-
spread may translate into a considerable range broaden- lac at LBL Berkeley 共Schimmerling et al., 1983, 2008;
ing. Llacer, Tobias, et al., 1984; Llacer et al., 1990兲. for the
characterization of 670 MeV/ u beams of 20Ne which
4. Nuclear fragmentation were used for patient treatments. The measured fluence
and LET data 共Shavers et al., 1990, 1993兲 as a function of
While the stopping process of high-energy ions pen- depth in water were compared with transport theories
etrating a thick absorber is governed by collisions with 共Wilson et al., 1984, 1990兲.
atomic electrons, the probability of nuclear reactions is Similar fragmentation studies were performed later at
much smaller, but leads to significant effects at large the
penetration depths. At energies of several hundred HIMAC facility and at the SIS-18 synchrotron at GSI
MeV/u violent nuclear spallation reactions may result in Darmstadt. In a comparative experimental study of the
a complete disintegration of both projectile and target fragmentation characteristics of 10B, 12C, 14N, 16O, and
nuclei 共e.g., in central head-on collisions兲 or in partial 20
Ne, the total 共nuclear兲 cross section for reactions
fragmentations. For geometrical reasons peripheral col-
changing the proton number Z was found to be even
lisions, where the beam particle loses one or several
nucleons, are the most frequent nuclear reactions occur- smaller for 12C than that of 10B, while the value for 14N
ing along the stopping path of the ions. They can be well was relatively high 共Schall et al., 1996兲. This indicates
described by the abrasion-ablation model 共Serber, 1947兲 that shell-structure effects are still visible in high-energy
as a two-step process 共Fig. 6兲. reactions. Nevertheless, at larger penetration depths a
In the first step nucleons are abraded in the overlap- substantial fraction of primary ions is lost by nuclear
ping reaction zone 共the “fireball”兲 while the outer reactions. For a 400 MeV/ u 20Ne beam, for example,
共“spectator”兲 nucleons are only slightly affected. The re- only 38% of the primary ions reach the Bragg peak at
maining projectile and target fragments then deexcite by 16 cm depth in water, the number of surviving 12C ions
evaporation of nucleons or clusters in the second step at the same range being 52%. Regarding fragmentation,
共ablation兲. Fragmentation reactions have been exten- carbon ions thus offer relatively good conditions. Fur-
sively studied in nuclear physics 关see, e.g., Goldhaber thermore, the positron-emitting fragments 10C and 11C
and Heckman 共1978兲, Hüfner 共1985兲, and Lynch 共1987兲兴 can be utilized for in vivo range monitoring with posi-
and experimental data are available for many projectile- tion emission tomography 共PET兲 techniques 共see Sec.
target combinations and for a wide range of beam ener- II.C.2兲.
gies 共Friedländer and Heckmann, 1985兲. Some impor- The total reaction cross sections ␴R at high energies
tant conclusions can be drawn for the effects of can be well described by semiempirical geometrical
fragmentation relevant to radiotherapy with high-energy models 共Kox et al., 1987; Sihver et al., 1993; Tsao et al.,
ion beams: 共i兲 Nuclear reactions cause a loss of primary 1993兲 and are almost constant over a wide energy range
beam particles and a buildup of lower-Z fragments, down to about 100 MeV/ u. Typical values for various
these effects becoming more and more important with ions and the corresponding mean free paths in water are
increasing penetration depth. 共ii兲 The secondary 共or shown in Table I. At lower energies ␴R rises due to the
higher-order兲 projectilelike fragments are moving with contributions of other reaction mechanisms like deep-
about the same velocity as the primary ions. They have inelastic collisions or fusion reactions.
in general longer ranges and produce a dose tail behind The partial cross sections for production of lower-Z
the Bragg peak. 共iii兲 The angular distributions of frag- fragments can be derived from the characteristic shapes
ments are mainly determined by reaction kinematics and of their fluence profiles as a function of depth. These
forward directed, but much broader than the lateral buildup and decay curves can be described by solutions
spread of the primary ions caused by multiple Coulomb of a diffusion equation, the so-called “transport equa-
scattering 共Golovkov et al., 1997; Matsufuji et al., 2005兲. tion,” which is in a similar way applied to the transport

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FIG. 7. 共Color online兲 Buildup of secondary fragments pro-

duced by 400 MeV/ u 12C ions stopping in water. From Haett-
ner et al., 2006. 12
FIG. 8. 共Color online兲 Measured Bragg curves of C ions
stopping in water. From Schardt et al., 2008.
of galactic cosmic rays through the atmosphere 共Shapiho
and Silberberg, 1970; Allkofer and Heinrich, 1974; Wil- 5. Neutron dose
son et al., 1987兲. With the simplifying assumption of
energy-independent cross sections the elemental frag- There is an ongoing discussion about the role of sec-
ment distributions as a function of absorber depth can ondary neutrons for the risk of late effects and second-
be described by a homogeneous system of differential ary cancers 共Hall, 2006; Hall and Brenner, 2006; Macklis,
2006; Paganetti et al., 2006; Xu et al., 2008兲. In all mod-
equations. Partial nuclear reaction cross sections can
ern therapy modalities 关intensity-modulated radiation
then be obtained from fitting to experimental buildup
therapy 共IMRT兲, protons, or heavier ions兴 neutrons may
data 共Schall et al., 1996兲. As an example, measured
be produced by nuclear interactions either in beam
共Haettner et al., 2006兲 buildup curves for charged frag-
forming elements or 共inevitably兲 in the patient’s body. In
ments of primary 12C ions with Z = 1 to 5 are shown in older facilites where beam modulating elements 共e.g.,
Fig. 7. Hydrogen and helium fragments are most abun- range shifters兲 were placed near to the patient rather
dantly produced. The heavier fragments like boron are high neutron doses have been reported 共Binns and
slowed down shortly after the Bragg peak, while hydro- Hough, 1997; Yan et al., 2002兲. These results were in
gen and helium fragments with much longer ranges pro- agreement with Monte Carlo calculations 共Agosteo et
duce the longer part of the dose tail. al., 1998兲, showing that neutrons emerging from passive
The fluence of primary 4He, 12C, 20Ne, 28Si, and 40Ar beam shaping devices straight ahead to the patient cause
ions and secondary fragments as a function of penetra- the predominant secondary dose contribution, which can
tion depth in a polymethylmethacrylate 共PMMA兲 target be about ten times higher than for fully active scanning
was investigated at the HIMAC facility 共Matsufuji et al., systems. It was pointed out, however, that the neutron
2003兲. Fragments were identified by a ⌬E-E telescope
detector, which was combined with a gas-flow propor-
tional counter for simultaneous LET measurements.
Larger discrepancies from calculated fluences were
found for the buildup curves of hydrogen fragments.
The impact of nuclear fragmentation on the depth-
dose profile is shown in Fig. 8. With increasing penetra-
tion depth the peak-to-entrance dose ratio becomes
gradually smaller, mainly caused by the exponentially
diminishing flux of primary ions. The buildup of lower-Z
fragments is clearly visible in the dose tail behind the
Bragg peak at larger depths. Additionally, the Bragg
peaks are increasingly broadened by straggling.
In comparison to 12C ions these effects are much more
pronounced in the example shown in Fig. 9 for
670 MeV/ u 20Ne ions with a range of about 36 cm in
water. The peak-to-entrance dose ratio is only 1.5 in this
case. The calculated contributions of the primary ions FIG. 9. 共Color online兲 Bragg curve for 670 MeV/ u 20Ne ions in
and second and third generation fragments are based on water measured at GSI 共circles兲 and calculated contributions of
a semiempirical fragmentation cross-section formula primary ions, secondary and tertiary fragments. Adapted from
共Sihver et al., 1998兲. Sihver et al. 共1998兲.

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dose depends on the details of the beam delivery system B. Accelerators for ion-beam therapy
共Gottschalk, 2006兲. Neutron doses of 2 mSv per treat-
ment Gy in normal tissue measured at the spot-scanning At the early stage of heavy-ion therapy the Bevalac
facility at PSI 共Switzerland兲 are indeed very small and 共combing the heavy-ion linear accelerator SuperHILAC
led to the conclusion that such doses are negligible in with the Bevatron synchrotron兲 was the only machine
view of the dose sparing that can be achieved with worldwide capable of accelerating heavy ions to kinetic
scanned proton beams in comparison to photons energies of several hundred MeV/u as required for ra-
共Schneider et al., 2002兲. diotherapy. It was, however, not optimized for the re-
In case of heavy ions the dose of secondary fragments, quirements of particle therapy but designed as a fore-
in particular the dose tail at large depths, can mainly be front tool for nuclear research with relativistic heavy-ion
attributed to charged particles, produced as projectile beams. While research machines should offer maximum
flexibility, the design of medical machines has to focus
fragments or emitted in the deexcitation process. Sec-
on reliability of the machine operation and extreme care
ondary neutrons are produced with similar characteris-
in beam control, which are key issues for operation in a
tics as protons: their energy spectrum shows a broad
clinical environment and patient safety. In the following
maximum at about half the velocity of the incident pri- years a number of proposals for medical heavy-ion ac-
mary ions and their emission angles are strongly forward celerator projects were elaborated trying to best meet
peaked. For a 200 MeV/ u 12C beam stopping in a thick these demands. Most of these projects were designed as
water absorber the forward yield was found to be 0.54 highly versatile facilities, serving also the demands of the
neutrons per primary ion 共Gunzert-Marx et al., 2008兲. physics and nuclear chemistry communities. Except for
Based on this number the neutron dose in typical the Japanese HIMAC-project, however, none of the
carbon-ion treatments assuming a medium-sized target other projects 共USA, Canada, Europe兲 have been real-
volume of 125 cm3 was estimated as 8 mGy per treat- ized.
ment Gy, i.e., less than 1% of the treatment dose. This is The choice of the accelerator type, cyclotron or syn-
about ten times less than the dose contributed by chrotron, was one important question discussed by ac-
charged fragments. Direct dose measurements 共Iwase et celerator experts. Cyclotrons were considered as easy to
al., 2007兲 using a wide-energy neutron dosimeter con- operate, highly reliable, and compact machines. They of-
firmed the above dose estimates. Comparing the neu- fer extremely stable and regulable beam intensities, but
tron doses in proton and carbon-ion therapy 共consider- no energy variation, i.e., only by means of passive de-
graders in the beam line. Synchrotrons, on the other
ing only the dose inevitably produced by fragmentation
hand, offer fast energy variation 共from pulse to pulse兲,
in the patient’s body兲 results in a similar level, although
but need an injector and a delicate extraction system
the neutron yield is much higher for carbon ions. This is and are more complex in operation. For a critical review
mainly explained by the fact that a much higher number of projects up to 1991 see Böhne 共1992兲. In Böhne’s con-
of protons 共more than a factor of 20兲 is needed to pro- clusion the synchrotron is recommended as the most ap-
duce the same dose as carbon ions. Studies performed propiate technical choice at lowest investment cost. This
with GEANT4 Monte Carlo calculations, where the com- assessment was shared in the final report of a design
plex processes of neutron transport and energy deposi- study for an European Light Ion Medical Accelerator
tion were investigated in detail, arrived at similar results 共EULIMA兲 共Wambersie et al., 1992兲, where the concept
共Pshenichnov et al., 2005兲. Microdosimetric measure- of a superconducting cyclotron was compared to a con-
ments 共Endo et al., 2007兲 at various angles to the beam ventional synchrotron.
axis resulted in neutron doses ranging from 1.4⫻ 10−4 in Further on, major progress was made in the design of
forward direction 共0° in 9 cm distance behind Bragg the injection linac 关electron cyclotron resonance 共ECR兲
peak兲 to 8.2⫻ 10−8 backwards 共126°兲 relative to the dose ion source, radio frequency quadrupole 共RFQ兲 and in-
in the Bragg peak. terdigital H-type 共IH兲 structures兴 and led to a significant
In conclusion, the dose contribution of secondary neu- reduction in length and cost. Compact accelerators for
modern carbon-ion therapy centers such as the HIBMC
trons produced by fragmentation reactions in tissue ap-
Hyogo, Japan 共designed by Mitsubishi兲 or Heidelberg
pears to be small, even considering their enhanced bio-
Ion Therapy center 共HIT兲 Heidelberg, Germany 共GSI
logical effectiveness. The absorbed dose due to neutrons
design兲 combine injection linacs less than 10 m long with
is of course included in the measured Bragg curves, en-
synchrotron rings of 20– 30 m diameter. A compact unit
tering as basic input data into the physical model used in for heavy-ion therapy was designed at CERN in a Pro-
heavy-ion treatment planning. As discussed above, the ton and Ion Medical Machine Study 共PIMMS兲. Major
production of neutrons in thick absorber materials lo- progress was made in the beam extraction, which is ac-
cated in the beam line in front of the patient should be tivated through a resonance with a betatron core and
avoided. Therefore, in modern treatment facilities using results in a flat time structure 共Badano et al., 1999, 2000兲.
passive energy degraders or other beam shaping devices The new facility CNAO 共TERA foundation, Italy兲, pres-
the treatment beam is cleaned by deflection units lo- ently under construction, as well as several other pro-
cated behind the passive elements before it is sent to the jected European ion-therapy centers are based on the
patient. PIMMS design 共Amaldi and Kraft, 2007兲. At the

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HIMAC facility, a new beam extraction method the RF 2009 and the installation at two hospitals in U.S. is
knock-out slow extraction 共“KO extraction”兲 was devel- scheduled later this year.
oped 共Noda et al., 1996兲, which proved to be an excellent Besides the optimization of classical RF machines the
method of achieving highly controllable structure-free investigation of alternative accelerator principles is ac-
spills. This method allows one to switch the extraction tively pursued, mainly driven by the demand for more
on or off within 1 ms and has been used since 1996 for compact machines which ideally would fit into a single
respiration-gated irradiations 共See Sec. II.C.4兲. treatment room of a clinical center. We mention the di-
The synchroton solution was chosen for all heavy-ion- electric wall accelerator, an induction linac based on
therapy centers presently in operation or under con- high-gradient insulators. A research program aiming at
struction. Nonetheless, there are ongoing efforts for the the development of accelerating structures with an aver-
design of cyclotrons, which are widely distributed in pro- age gradient of 100 MV/ m is currently in progress 共Ca-
ton therapy, for heavy-ion therapy as well. The problem poraso et al., 2007兲 at Livermore 共USA兲, but proton ac-
of the higher magnetic rigidities for heavy ions might be celeration to clinically relevant energies has not yet been
overcome by superconducting cyclotrons. Recent design demonstrated. A promising new accelerator type, the la-
studies for a superconducting cyclotron have shown that ser wakefield particle accelerator is based on the cre-
for heavy ions with A / Z = 2 maximum energies of ation of huge electric fields by intense ultrashort laser
250– 300 MeV/ u can be achieved using a conservative pulses 共Mangles et al., 2004兲. Laser-induced particle ac-
and reliable design 共Calabretta et al., 2006; Maggiore et celeration is a rapidly progressing, very active field of
al., 2006兲. This energy range would, however, limit the forefront research; see, e.g., Pfotenhauer et al. 共2008兲.
treatments to a maximum water-equivalent depth of The difficulties which, however, still have to be over-
17 cm. The major difficulty for using cyclotrons, how- come for applications in radiotherapy were recently re-
ever, is the lack of energy variability. The passive de- viewed 共Linz and Alonso, 2007兲. Another type of accel-
grader solution applied for protons 共see below兲 is not erator, the fixed focusing alternating gradient ring,
suitable for carbon-ion beams, as breakup of carbon ions combining the merits of cyclotron and synchrotron, has
into three ␣ particles 共having the same A / Z ratio and been reexamined and its potential for applications in
similar velocity as the carbon ions兲 has a high cross sec- hadrontherapy is presently being investigated in several
tion and therefore clean degraded carbon beams are dif- projects in Japan, UK, and France 共Collot et al., 2008兲.
ficult to achieve. Another solution proposed by Amaldi
and co-workers 共Amaldi et al., 2004; Amaldi and Kraft, C. Beam delivery systems
2007兲 is the combination of a cyclotron with a linear
accelerator 共“cyclinac”兲, which would bring the maxi- The beam delivery system transports the particle
mum energy to 430 MeV/ u and additionally provide fast beams to the treatment area and distributes the beam
energy variation. over the planned target volume 共PTV兲 accurately and
A compilation of particle therapy centers presently in homogeneously with the desired dose distribution. Two
operation, centers under construction, and proposed different basic strategies were followed which in their
new centers can be found in PTCOG 共2009兲. Most cen- extreme forms are represented by the fully passive sys-
ters in operation are proton facilities with passive beam tems with fixed beam modulation or the fully active
delivery systems. The most widely used machines for beam scanning systems. In the first case, the particle
proton therapy are cyclotrons built by IBA Inc. 共Bel- beam is adapted in three dimensions to the target vol-
gium兲 and synchrotons built by Optivus Proton Therapy ume only by passive nonvariable field shaping elements.
共USA兲 and Hitachi Ltd. 共Japan兲. In the second case, the target volume is dissected in
The first superconducting cyclotron for proton small volume elements 共voxels兲 and a fine pencil-like
therapy 共250 MeV兲 based on the pioneering work at beam is used to fill the voxels with the appropriate dose,
NSCL, MSU 共USA兲 共Kim and Blosser, 2001兲 started op- ideally without any material in the beam path. Many
eration in 2007 at the PROSCAN facility 共PSI, Switzer- other solutions in between these two extremes are pos-
land兲 共Schippers et al., 2007兲. Fast energy variation re- sible and are discussed by Chu et al. 共1993兲.
quired for the spot-scanning technique is accomplished
here with a carbon wedge degrader system followed by a
1. Passive beam shaping
cleaning and analyzing section, accepting however sig-
nificant beam losses and related activation problems. The principle of a fully passive system is shown in Fig.
Recently 共March 2009兲 the Rinecker proton therapy 10. The initially narrow beam delivered by the accelera-
center 共RPTC兲, using a superconducting cyclotron of the tor is first broadened by a scattering device, normally a
same type as PSI 共built by Accel, Varian兲, started patient double-scattering system which generates a flat transver-
treatments. sal profile in a most efficient way. The monoenergetic
A very promising solution is the superconducting syn- Bragg peak is spread out by a range modulator in order
chrocyclotron for proton therapy developed by the Still to cover the entire length of the target volume. The
River Company 共Littleton, MA兲. This machine, operat- whole spread-out Bragg peak 共SOBP兲 can be shifted in
ing at an extremely high magnetic field 共10 T兲, weighs depth by absorber plates 共“range shifter”兲. The follow-
not more than 20 tons and can be mounted directly on a ing two devices are patient specific and need to be pre-
gantry. The magnet was successfully tested in February cisely fabricated: the collimator cuts out the field area

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has limitations because the dose level cannot be varied

within one layer. This would generally be necessary to
compensate for the pre-irradiation of the proximal lay-
ers during irradiation of the distal ones. The method
works well for the case shown in Fig. 11, but would not
work for a reversed left to right target volume with the
small part of the volume at distal position.
In most currrently operating particle therapy facilities
the broad beam technique is applied, either fully passive
or in combination with variable 共dynamic兲 beam shaping
devices. All these devices have been carefully optimized
and refined over the years in order to achieve the high-
est possible degree of dose conformation to the target
volume and maximum protection of the surrounding tis-
sue. For more details the reader is referred to the com-
FIG. 10. 共Color online兲 Sketch of a fully passive beam shaping
prehensive review 共Chu et al., 1993兲 and more recent
system. The initially narrow beam is broadened by a scattering
system and adapted to the target volume by various passive reviews 共Kraft, 2000; Gottschalk and Pedroni, 2008兲.
beam shaping devices. Adaption of the dose field to the distal The broad beam method is also employed at the two
contour of the target volume is achieved by a compensator, but clinical carbon-ion facilities HIMAC 共Chiba兲 and
results in unwanted normal-tissue dose in the proximal part HIBMC 共Hyogo兲 in Japan. The four beam ports at
共indicated by the doubly hatched area兲. Figure courtesy of U. HIMAC 共Torikoshi et al., 2007兲 are equipped with a
Weber, Rhön-Klinikum AG. combination of two wobbler magnets and a scatter foil.
The depth profile of the SOBP, generated by special
ridge filters, is designed to produce a constant biological
defined by the largest target contour as seen in beam’s
effect, taking into account the variation of RBE as a
eye view, preventing particles outside the field to pass
function of depth. The most distal slice corresponds to
through. The range compensator adjusts the distal depth
the highest RBE value because it is irradiated with
pattern, taking into account also the complex tissue
highly effective stopping ions only. The more proximal
composition. Pioneering work was done at the Harvard
slices receive a partial pre-irradiation by traversing ions
Cyclotron Laboratory, such as the design of range modu-
with lower RBE, which has to be taken into account
lators and compensators and the optimization of range-
properly. Therefore the physical dose has to decrease
compensated contoured scattering systems 共Koehler et
with depth along the SOBP in order to compensate for
al., 1975, 1977; Gottschalk and Wagner, 1989兲.
the increasing RBE. However, in this technique the in-
A major limitation of the fully passive modulation sys-
built RBE distribution is derived from measurements
tem is the fixed width of the SOBP, which may result in
for one cell type and the hardware-generated RBE pro-
significant dose deposition outside the target volume,
file cannot account, e.g., for tissue-specific effects.
e.g., in the proximal part when the particle range is ad-
The adaption of the broad field to the individual pa-
justed to the distal contours 共see Fig. 10兲. In favorable
tient geometry is accomplished by a combination of two
cases this limitation can be overcome by the stacked ir-
dynamic multileaf collimators and a compensator lo-
radiation technique: the target volume is divided in lay-
cated just in front of the patient. The dose uniformity
ers in depth, which are irradiated consecutively using a
was found to be ±2.5% within a 20-cm2 field at patient
“mini-SOBP.” The SOBP depth and irradiation area for
each layer are defined by a variable range shifter and a
variable collimator 共Fig. 11兲. However, this method still
2. Scanning systems
For fully active beam delivery the target volume is
divided in layers of equal beam energy and each layer is
covered by a grid of picture points 共voxels兲. The scan-
ning beam system delivers the dose sequentially to these
This has several advantages: 共i兲 neither field-specific
nor patient-specific hardware 共except for immobiliza-
tion兲 is needed and in principle any irregular volume can
be exactly filled; 共ii兲 the dose can be varied from voxel to
voxel allowing to compensate for the pre-irradiation of
proximal subvolumes, dose contributions from second-
ary fragments, and variations of biological effectiveness;
and 共iii兲 the material in the beam path can be minimized,
FIG. 11. Stacking of subvolumes using a dynamic range shifter reducing beam losses and production of secondary par-
and collimator. Adapted from Chu et al., 1993. ticles like neutrons in front of the patient. On the other

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hand, beam scanning implies strict demands on the con-

trol and safety systems and places strong requirements
on the accelerator performance such as stability and re-
producibility of the beam position.
Radiation fields of scanned ion beams are inherently
intensity modulated fields and allow for a much greater
flexibility in tailoring the dose distribution than passive
delivery systems. In analogy to the IMRT techniques
used in photon therapy the term “intensity-modulated
particle therapy” 共IMPT兲 has been introduced.2 Each in-
dividual field of a treatment plan delivers an optimized FIG. 12. Layout of the 200 MeV proton spot-scanning system
and inhomogeneous fluence pattern such that the de- at PSI. From Pedroni et al., 1989.
sired dose distribution in the patient is achieved when all
fields are combined. While in IMRT only the fluence in
the plane orthogonal to the beam direction is modu- beam is switched on again. Variation in depth is accom-
lated, IMPT has an additional degree of freedom by the plished with a dynamic range shifter mounted close to
beam energy, allowing to position the Bragg peak at the the patient. The third scanning dimension is covered by
desired depth in beam direction. In contrast to IMRT, 共slow兲 vertical motion of the patient table. The device
dose confirmation to the target can already be achieved was designed to irradiate a 10 cm cube with 10 000 spots
with a single IMPT field 共see also Sec. II.D.1兲. uniformly in 2 min 共12 ms mean time per spot兲.
The first so-called spot-scanning system was devel- After performance tests at a horizontal beam line the
oped at NIRS 共Japan兲 for 70 MeV protons 共Kanai et al., scanning devices were mounted on a compact eccentric
1983兲. A collimated beam spot of square shape 共1 cm2兲 gantry system 共Pedroni et al., 1995兲. Patient treatments
was produced by a set of four beam defining slits. The started in 1996 and a total of approximately 250 patients
target area was divided into squared cells of the same was reached in 2005. The positive experience with the
size and filled sequentially by directing the beam to each scanning system has led to an expansion of the proton
of the cells using two fast dipole magnets. During repo- therapy facility in the following years: the PROSCAN
sitioning the beam was switched off by a quick beam project 共now near to completion兲 共Schippers et al., 2007兲
shutter. The dose was controlled by a parallel-plate ion- includes a new dedicated superconducting cyclotron
ization chamber placed in front of the target. This sys- serving both the existing spot-scanning beam line and a
tem was extended to three dimensions by combining the new isocentric gantry system. The latter is equipped with
scanning device with a dynamic range shifter and stack- a double magnetic scanning system, which will speed up
ing the doses delivered slice by slice to a homogeneous the beam delivery significantly and will permit further
lucite phantom. These early studies demonstrated the developments and optimization of scanning beam tech-
reduction of the integrated normal-tissue dose as com- niques 共Pedroni et al., 2004兲. Patient treatments at the
pared to fully passive beam delivery. The system was, first gantry station started again in 2007.
however, not used for patient treatments. At GSI a fully active three-dimensional 共3D兲 scanning
For a long time only two facilities worldwide have beam system was developed in the early 1990s when
applied pencil beam scanning for tumor therapy: the high-energy heavy-ion beams of superior quality became
proton therapy facility at PSI 共Switzerland兲 and the available from the synchrotron SIS-18. Compared to the
carbon-ion facility at GSI 共Germany兲. The scanning PSI system, a different scanning strategy, the so-called
techniques developed almost in parallel at these two “raster-scan” concept was followed at GSI and was fi-
centers will be discussed in the following section. nally implemented for the therapy unit 共Haberer et al.,
In 1992 a spot-scanning pilot project with 200 MeV 1993兲.
proton beams started at PSI 共Pedroni et al., 1989, 1995兲, The intensity-controlled raster-scan system was based
benefiting from the experience acquired before with the on the strategy of the microbeam irradiation system
dynamic delivery of pion beams for patient treatments 共Fischer, 1985兲, where single ions were delivered to indi-
from 1981 to 1992. The proton spot-scanning system vidual spots with micrometer accuracy. In the intensity-
共Fig. 12兲 uses circular-shaped pencil beams with Gauss- controlled scanning a continuous path is selected over
ian profile which are positioned by a fast sweeper mag- each iso-energy slice and “digitized” into a large number
net in the horizontal direction along the target volume in of voxels. When the desired dose in one voxel is
discrete steps of typically 5 mm. The dose delivered to reached, the beam is moved to the next voxel without
each single spot is controlled by a beam monitoring sys- turning it off. In this way, the intensity fluctuations in
tem located close to the patient. At completion of one slowly extracted synchrotron spills can also be compen-
spot the beam is switched off by a fast kicker magnet, sated. The pencil beam is moved in horizontal and ver-
the next spot is selected by the sweeper magnet and the tical direction by fast magnetic deflection units. The
treatment dose is delivered slice by slice, each slice cor-
responding to a constant beam energy 共Fig. 13兲. The
2 scan path within one slice follows a meanderlike line
The application of intensity modulation techniques was first
discussed for proton therapy by Lomax 共1999兲. connecting all points of a dense grid. The spacing be-

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FIG. 13. 共Color online兲 Principle of the intensity-controlled magnetic scanning system at GSI. Left: The target volume is irradiated
by moving a pencil-like ion beam 共80– 430 MeV/ u 12C兲 with fast magnets over thin slices in depth. The required beam parameters
are supplied on a pulse-to-pulse operation by the synchrotron 共SIS兲 control system. From Haberer et al., 1993. Right: Beam’s-eye
view of slices for a typical patient treatment plan. In each panel one slice is shown. The actually irradiated slice is seen in the
magnified panel with the raster point positions indicated as open circles. The superimposed dots show the beam center positions
measured online by a multiwire chamber. The spot size of the beam is larger than the circles and overlaps many positions.

tween adjacent raster points 共typically 2 mm兲 is chosen treatment rooms, one of which is equipped with a rotat-
much smaller than in spot scanning 共5 mm兲. This makes ing gantry system—the first heavy-ion gantry worldwide.
the system less sensitive to the intensity fluctuations of Nowadays various companies offer scanning beam
synchrotron spills since many grid points contribute to systems for clinical particle therapy facilities. The first
the covering of a small area 共Haberer et al., 1993兲. After centers using commercial scanning beam systems for pa-
completion of one slice the synchrotron beam extraction tient treatments are the Hitachi proton facility at MD
is instantly interrupted and the beam energy for the next Anderson 共Houston, Texas, July 2008兲, and the Rinecker
slice is selected and delivered with the next synchrotron proton therapy center 共RPTC兲 in Munich 共March 2009兲.
pulse. The scanning control system is linked with the Many others are presently under construction or in the
accelerator control system and requests the appropiate planning stage.
beam parameters for each slice irradiation during execu-
tion of the treatment plan. The accelerator data base
contains predefined and optimized data sets 共250 energy 3. Gantries
steps, 15 intensity steps, and seven focus widths兲 for the In conventional megavolt radiotherapy with electrons
synchrotron and all magnets in the beam line. The beam or photons patients are treated in supine position, i.e., in
monitor system has several very important functions: it the same position as used for computer tomography
controls the dose delivered to each grid position, mea- 共CT兲, magnetic resonance imaging 共MRI兲, or positron
sures the instantaneous beam position, and stops the ir- emission tomography 共PET兲 imaging before therapy. In
radiation if the measured values are outside the accept- this way uncontrolled organ displacements in the body
able tolerances. Furthermore, redundant and diversive with respect to the imaging data are minimized, which
measurements of dosimetric quantities are performed in would otherwise spoil the precision of the treatment.
order to ensure a high degree of reliability and safety. The electron linac is mounted on a rotational support
Patient treatments started in 1997 and were per- structure 共gantry兲, which in combination with the rotat-
formed in close collaboration of the GSI Biophysics able patient couch allows to select the optimum beam
group with the University Clinic Heidelberg, the Ger- directions and angles for the patient treatment. All com-
man Cancer Research Center 共DKFZ兲, and the Re- mercial megavolt therapy systems include a 360° rotat-
search Center Rossendorf, Dresden. Until July 2008 in able gantry and in principle all gantry angles are used.
total 440 patients, most of them with radioresistant tu- In the early days of particle therapy the treatment
mors in the skull base, were treated with very positive beams were delivered by large proton or heavy-ion ac-
and promising clinical results 共see Sec. IV兲. The devel- celerators, which were designed for nuclear physics re-
opments and the experiences gained in the GSI pilot search and did not meet the requirements for an optimal
project had a major impact on the advanced technical treatment as in today’s view. The beams were normally
design 共Groß and Pavlovic, 1998; Haberer et al., 2004; transported in horizontal beam lines and patients were
Heeg et al., 2004兲 of the new clinical center HIT at treated in either supine or sitting position. This situation
Heidelberg. It will be the first clinical irradiation facility changed when the first clinical proton therapy centers
for heavy ions in Europe and will provide ion species were planned. It became clear that a gantry structure
ranging from protons to oxygen. The facility with a was advantageous in order to fully exploit the depth-
planned capacity of 1300 patients per year includes three dose profile and to demonstrate the superiority of par-

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FIG. 14. 共Color online兲 Common gantry design 共left兲 and cork-
screw gantry 共right兲 for passive proton therapy systems.
Adapted from Pedroni, 1994.

ticle therapy in comparison with modern photon

therapy. For proton therapy many different gantry solu-
tions were considered and proposed 关for a classification
of gantry designs, see Pedroni 共1994兲兴. The main techni- FIG. 15. 共Color online兲 Sectional view of the heavy-ion gantry
cal problem is the high magnetic rigidity of the beams, at HIT Heidelberg. Figure courtesy of MT Mechatronics
which for conventional magnets leads to a bending ra- GmbH 共Mainz, Germany兲.
dius of more than 1 m. In the common gantry design the
beam is first deflected away from the axis and then bent
different angles. Together with the rotation of the pa-
back to the patient with a 180° deflection 共Fig. 14兲. For
tient table the treatment requirements can be reason-
passive beam delivery systems a distance of 5 – 6 m be-
ably met for most cases. Similar solutions were chosen
tween the scattering device and the patient is required
for the new heavy-ion therapy centers CNAO in Pavia
and defines the radius of the rotating structure.
共Italy兲, the Gunma University Medical Center 共Japan兲,
The first gantry systems for protons started operation
and the Particle Therapy Center in Marburg 共Germany兲
in 1990 at the Loma Linda University Medical Center
which are under construction.
共USA兲, the first dedicated clinical proton therapy facility
Another interesting solution was proposed by Kats
共Slater et al., 1988兲. For these gantries the “cork-screw”
and Druzhinin 共2004兲. Using a fixed, large-gap magnet
design was chosen, where the beam is guided back to the
deflecting the beam only in the vertical plane in combi-
axis in a plane perpendicular to the gantry axis. This
nation with a vertical movement of the patient table
solution requires a larger bending angle but saves room
many angles are accessible without rotating parts.
and shielding costs. At PSI the first gantry system with
The first rotating 共isocentric兲 gantry system for heavy
an upstream scanning system 共Pedroni et al., 1995兲 was
ions was constructed at the HIT center 共Germany兲 and is
put in operation in 1996. The eccentric design with the
presently under commissioning. The rotating structure
patient couch mounted off-axis permitted a very com-
built by MT Mechatronics GmbH 共Mainz, Gemany兲 is
pact design 共4 m diameter兲; however, some inconvenien-
about 20 m long with a diameter of 13 m and a total
cies for accessing the patient during treatment had to be
weight of 670 tons 共Fig. 15兲. It is equipped with an up-
accepted. The new 共isocentric兲 gantry at PSI is designed
stream horizontal and vertical scanning system located
for applying several scanning modes, including also gat-
in front of the last 90° bending magnet. The maximum
ing and tracking facilities 共Gottschalk and Pedroni,
beam energy is 430 MeV/ u for A / Z = 2 ions like 12C or
2008兲. Nowadays most proton therapy centers dispose of 16
one or several gantries, most of them using passive beam O. Clinical experiences to be expected within the next
delivery systems. years may give answers to the ongoing discussion on the
For heavy ions a still higher bending power is required neccessity and the therapeutic advantages of such a gan-
and leads to correspondingly large dimensions for a gan- try compared to alternative solutions.
try. The magnetic rigidity of 380 MeV/ u carbon ions
with a range of 25 cm in water is about three times
4. Irradiation of moving organs
higher than for 200 MeV protons with the same range.
Moreover, for scanning beams a high precision of the The scanning beam technique has so far mainly been
rotating structure is needed. In view of these technical applied in areas which can be immobilized by external
difficulties and the large cost, alternative solutions were aids. In these cases the target volume can be considered
considered and realized in the clinical heavy-ion centers to be fixed in the patient’s coordinate system and dis-
presently in operation. At HIMAC 共Japan兲 one treat- placements during irradiation, e.g., by breathing, are
ment room is equipped with a horizontal and a vertical negligible. The patient still has to be immobilized 共by
beam line. An additional room with a 45° oblique beam individual head masks, bite blocks, special frames, or
is available at the HIBMC at Hyogo 共Japan兲. These so- vacuum fixation equipment兲 as tightly as possible and
lutions allow one to treat a patient sequentially under tolerable. Under these conditions the spatial precision of

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FIG. 16. 共Color online兲 Illustration of the spatial shift of a FIG. 17. 共Color online兲 Principle of respiratory-gated irradia-
target volume in the thorax caused by breathing. The dark and tion. Adapted from Minohara et al., 2000.
white contour lines indicate the target positions at the time of
maximum inhalation and exhalation, respectively. Figure cour-
tesy of E. Rietzel and C. Bert. play of beam and target motion 共Bert et al., 2008.
But expansion of the PTV is used in the gating
and rescanning techniques 共see below兲, as well as
a scanning beam system can be maximally exploited, re- for dose applications with the broad beam tech-
sulting in highly tumor-conformal dose applications. nique that are not sensitive to interplay effects.
This is, however, difficult for tumor sites in the thorax Generation of the expanded target volume has to
and abdomen where target motion due to breathing, ensure that the beam energy is sufficiently high to
heart pulsation, and/or pressure-related reasons 共blad- cover the distal end of the target volume through-
der and gut filling兲 can hardly be avoided 共Fig. 16兲. out the respiratory cycle 共Engelsman et al., 2006;
Respiration-related target motion has largest impor- Bert and Rietzel, 2007兲.
tance in radiotherapy and is a very active field of re- 共ii兲 Rescanning 共or repainting兲 is based on a statistical
search 共Henkelmann and Mah, 1982; Ohara et al., 1989; dose averaging effect by repeated irradiations of
Phillips et al., 1992; Okumura et al., 1995; Langen and the expanded target volume, using scanned par-
Jones, 2001兲 and review articles in Tepper 共2004兲. ticle beams. Assuming that target motion and
Motion patterns are, in general, complex, but pre- beam motion are uncorrelated the variance of the
dominantly translational in the upper-abdominal struc- average dose decreases with a factor of about
tures, while target rotation might occur, e.g., at the pe- 1 / 冑N 共where N is the number of scans兲 compared
riphery of the lung. Translational shifts, however, may to a single irradiation 共Phillips et al. 1992; Li and
also change the radiological path length 共i.e., the water- Xing, 2000; Bortfeld et al., 2002兲. Implementation
equivalent depth兲 of the target voxels. For particle of rescanning and experimental studies are cur-
therapy the influence of such changes is extremely high rently in progress 共Pedroni et al., 2004; Furukawa
as they shift the narrow Bragg peak correspondingly, et al., 2007兲. Rescanning has two major draw-
whereas for photons the depth-dose deviations are al- backs: first, the particle fluence for each field has
most negligible. to be lowered such that irradiation of all fields
Further difficulties are encountered for scanning together yields the correct dose. This will not only
beam systems where the superposition of beam and tar- prolong the irradiation time but may also cause
get motions results in dose inhomogeneities which are problems to the beam monitoring chambers. Sec-
difficult to predict and may lead to severe underdosage ond, for rescanning the field gradients are no
or overdosage in the target volume 共cold or hot spots兲 longer defined by the beam profile but given by
共Phillips et al., 1992; Grözinger et al., 2006; Bert et al., the amplitude of the target motion.
2008兲. Similar effects are faced in intensity-modulated
共iii兲 Gating, in contrast to the previous strategies, re-
radiation therapy 共IMRT兲 with photons and have led to
quires time-resolved monitoring of the respiration
various mitigation strategies 共Langen and Jones, 2001;
cycle. Around the point of maximum exhalation
Keall et al., 2006兲. Their application potential in particle
the respiratory signal shows a flat minimum 共Fig.
therapy, in particular for scanned ion beams, was subject
17兲. Irradiation is only activated if the signal am-
of a number of recent investigations. In the following, a
plitude stays below a predefined limit. In this way
brief overview of strategies is given with special empha-
the target motion during irradiation could be re-
sis on ion-beam therapy.
duced to less than 10% of the free-breathing dis-
共i兲 Expansion of the planned target volume 共PTV兲 as placement 共Minohara et al., 2000兲. For scanned
much as required to cover the moving target vol- beams this residual motion will still cause inter-
ume completely at any time is a simple measure play effects 共Furukawa et al., 2007兲. They can be
and is used for static field irradiations to cover the mitigated by an increased overlap of pencil beams
uncertainties of the treatment steps 共e.g., patient 共Bert et al., 2009兲. Ultimately this technique leads
positioning兲 共ICRU, 1994, 1999兲. It results, how- to much longer treatment times for the same dose
ever, in normal-tissue dose that might limit the deposition as compared to a continuous beam de-
dose that can be given to the target volume. For livery. Interplay with the extraction cycle of a syn-
scanned particle beams expansion of the PTV is chrotron further reduces the duty factor 共Tsuna-
not sufficient since it does not mitigate the inter- shima et al., 2008兲. On the other hand, overall

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range adaptation was accomplished with a passive

double wedge degrader placed in front of the target.
A method for fast range adaption without any passive
elements was proposed by Amaldi et al. 共2004兲. Combin-
ing a cyclotron with a linac booster 共“cyclinac”兲, includ-
ing ten dual klystron modulators, fast 共ms兲 energy varia-
tion for protons between 30 and 210 MeV can be
achieved. However, this solution would require a fast
tracking of the energy change for all the beam delivery
system magnets which might be difficult. A prototype of
the 3 GHz linac structure has been constructed and was
successfully tested. For carbon ions the combination of a
FIG. 18. 共Color online兲 Film exposures for stationary, moving 300 MeV/ u superconducting cyclotron with a linear ac-
共uncompensated兲, and motion-compensated 共tracking兲 irradia-
clerator with 16 modulators would be needed to reach
tions. The corresponding horizontal dose profiles are shown in
430 MeV/ u 共Amaldi and Kraft, 2007兲.
the lower right panel. Adapted from Bert et al., 2007.
Recent studies on moving organ irradiations also in-
clude combined applications of the mitigation strategies
treatment times might be significantly shortened 共i兲–共iv兲 discussed above. For example, combination of
by reducing the number of treatment fractions, gating and rescanning techniques is planned to be em-
which might be feasible for several tumor entities ployed at the new gantry system 共gantry2兲 at PSI
共see Sec. IV.A兲. 共Gottschalk and Pedroni, 2008兲.
These developments on rescanning, gating, and track-
共iv兲 Tracking 共or online motion compensation兲 re- ing techniques document the progress that has been
quires a synchronous 3D compensation of the tar- made in finding optimal solutions for the treatment of
get motion in real time 共Adler et al., 1999; Keall et moving targets with particle beams. As the scanning
al., 2001; Murphy, 2004兲. The beam follows the beam technology offers highest conformity for the treat-
target displacements exactly at any time during ment of static target volumes, an extension to the treat-
irradiation. Ideally, this results in the same dose ment of moving targets would be highly desirable. Al-
deposition as in the static case independent of the though tracking techniques with scanning beam systems
target motion. This technique was first investi- have not yet been applied to patient treatments, clinical
gated and successfully applied in the laboratory trials seem to be in reach within the next few years.
for photon IMRT using a dynamic multileaf colli-
mator for synchronous adaptation of the photon
D. Treatment planning and dose verification
field 共Keall et al., 2001兲.
For particles, scanning beam systems inherently offer The first step of treatment planning for any radiation
excellent conditions for tracking. Detailed simulations therapy modality is to define and delineate the target
共Grözinger et al., 2006兲 have demonstrated the potential volume on the basis of modern imaging techniques.
of 3D online motion compensation, which is based on X-ray CT provides quantitative information about the
three major components: monitoring of the target mo- anatomical structures by recording photon attenuation
tion, dynamic treatment planning, and a beam delivery images with a typical pixel resolution of 1 mm and slice
system permitting lateral tracing and fast range adapta- thickness of 3 mm. Native CT data 共without contrast
tion for shifting the Bragg peak correctly in depth. A agents兲 are essential for calculating the particle range
promising practical approach is the segmentation of the and dose deposited in tissue and have to be recorded
irradiation according to different time phases of the res- under the same conditions and with the same fixation
piration cycle. The dynamic treatment planning is based aids 共e.g., head mask兲 as used later in the treatment.
on time-resolved computer tomography 共Rietzel et al., Magnetic resonance imaging 共MRI兲 and PET 共Levy,
2005兲 and prescriptions for the transformation of the 2007兲 are often applied in combination with CT to allow
anatomical data into a reference frame 共Chen et al., for a better definition of the target volume and organs at
2007兲. Application to scanned carbon-ion beams was in- risk 共image fusion兲.
vestigated by simulations 共Li et al., 2004; Grözinger et Based on these images the target volume as well as
al., 2006兲 as well as experimental performance tests critical structures are delineated manually in different
共Bert et al., 2007; Grözinger et al., 2008兲 using an ex- slices. From these contours a 3D model of the treatment
tended version of the GSI treatment planning system geometry is constructed, which is used to find suitable
TRiP 共Krämer et al., 2000兲 and a modified beam control beam entrance ports under the condition that the tra-
system. versal of critical structures should be avoided. For pro-
As an example the lateral compensation capability is tons and heavier ions only few entrance ports 共typically
illustrated by the film exposures shown in Fig. 18. Ap- 2 nearly opposing fields兲 are necessary in most cases be-
plying online motion compensation, the dose deposition cause of their superior depth-dose characteristics.
to a moving film is typically within 1% of the dose de- Thereby radiosensitive organs can be spared to a maxi-
livered to a stationary target. In these studies, the fast mum extent. A comparison of dose distributions for a

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typical clinical case planned with IMRT techniques for

both photons and protons revealed that the integral
dose delivered to the patient’s body was a factor of 2
lower for protons 共Nill et al., 2004兲.

1. Dose optimization
After target definition the dose distribution has to be
adapted to the planned target volume, which ideally
should be covered completely by 100% of the prescribed
dose, while the dose in organs at risk should be mini-
mized. For protons the optimization commonly is re-
stricted to absorbed dose only, applying a constant RBE
value of 1.0–1.1 共Paganetti et al., 2002兲. For ion-beam
therapy the biological effective dose has to be opti-
mized, which is a difficult task in view of the manifold FIG. 19. 共Color online兲 Biologically effective dose distribution
dependencies of RBE and the complex radiation field. optimized with the treatment planning system TRiP 共Krämer et
al., 2000兲 for a skull base tumor treated at GSI Darmstadt.
For passive beam delivery systems it is equivalent in op-
With three fields an excellent sparing of critical organs 共brain
timizing a set of beam shaping elements and preparing
stem and optical nerves兲 is achieved. Figure courtesy of O.
patient-specific hardware for each individual case 共Chu
et al., 1993兲. At the HIMAC facility the treatment plan-
ning system HIPLAN 共Endo et al., 1996兲 has been used
since 1994. For the raster-scanning project at HIMAC between CT number and stopping power or WEPL, but
共Furukawa et al., 2007兲 a new planning system was re- it in a first step can be approximated by linear sections
cently developed as a research version 共Inaniwa et al., 共Minohara et al., 1993兲. Methods to obtain the calibra-
2008兲. tion of CT numbers were investigated systematically for
At GSI the novel treatment planning system TRiP protons at PSI 共Schneider et al., 1996; Schaffner and
共Krämer and Scholz, 2000; Krämer et al., 2000; Jäkel, Pedroni 1998兲. For the stoichiometric calibration
Krämer, et al., 2001兲 has been developed, tailored to the method it was concluded that the range of protons in the
challenging possibilities of the fully active raster-scan human body can be controlled to better than ±1.1% in
system and the application of IMPT techniques. The soft tissue and ±1.8% in bone. This has been verified
task of this code is to find an optimum superposition of experimentally by measuring pairs of CT numbers and
a large number of pencil beams 共typically several ten stopping powers for animal tissue samples. Similar in-
thousanths兲 with individual energy, position, and particle vestigations were carried out for carbon ions at NIRS
number, in order to achieve the prescribed dose 共“in- 共Matsufuji et al., 1998; Kanematsu et al., 2003兲 and at
verse planning”兲. TRiP covers the beam modeling and GSI 共Jäkel, Jacob, et al., 2001; Rietzel et al., 2007兲. These
optimization of absorbed dose as well as biologically ef- studies have shown that for soft tissues in typical patient
fective dose. It is used in conjunction with the software treatments in the head and neck region range uncertain-
platform VOXELPLAN 共Schlegel et al., 1992兲 developed at ties of 1 – 2 mm can be expected.
the German Cancer Research Center 共DKFZ兲, which Optimization with TRiP is performed in two steps: first,
provides the standard planning tools such as segmenta- only the absorbed dose is considered using various sets
tion of images and graphical user interfaces. The beam of input parameters 共number of fields, field weighting,
model included in TRiP describes the ion interaction with scanning grid, or beam spot size兲. When a clinically ac-
tissue and calculates the distribution of primary ions and ceptable solution is found, the optimization with respect
secondary fragments, their energy spectra and depth- to the biologically effective dose is started as the most
dose distributions 共Krämer et al., 2000兲. time-consuming computational part of planning. Be-
To calculate the dose deposition including the exact cause for scanned beams the composition of each voxel
position of the Bragg peak in heterogeneous tissue, the differs from another, voxel-specific RBE values have to
relationship between CT numbers and stopping power be calculated. For the inclusion of local RBE values and
has to be established. The concept of water-equivalent the biological models in TRiP, see Sec. III.B.3. Due to
path length 共WEPL兲 is used to relate the traversal of an computational limitations, until 2006 all treatment plans
ion through a CT voxel to the corresponding path length were calculated by single-field optimization, i.e., each
in water. CT numbers are given in Hounsfield units contributing field was optimized separately. The recent
共HU兲 defined by introduction of a fast approximation of biological effects
␮共xជ 兲 − ␮W 共Krämer and Scholz, 2006兲 allowed simultaneous optimi-
CT number 共xជ 兲 = 1000 ⫻ , 共12兲 zation of multiple fields 共Gemmel et al., 2008兲, which
enables better sparing of radiosensitive organs. The
where ␮共xជ 兲, ␮W denote the x-ray absorption coefficients treatment plan shown in Fig. 19 represents a typical case
in tissue at location xជ and in water as reference medium, of skull base tumors treated at GSI and illustrates the
respectively. There is no simple functional relationship dose conformation and the sparing of organs at risk. The

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treatment planning system TRiP, in combination with treatment field. An optimized dose verification system
VOXELPLAN, was routinely used for carbon-ion treat- 共Karger et al., 1999兲 was developed for the carbon-ion
ments during 1997–2008 and has proven to be a reliable treatments with scanning beams at GSI. It consists of 24
tool for heavy-ion therapy with scanning beams. ionization chambers mounted compactly in a block
structure which is attached to the arm of a three-
dimensional motor driven water phantom. The
2. Heavy-ion dosimetry computer-controlled system allows automated position-
To meet the special requirements of dosimetry with ing of the block as well as numerical and graphic com-
heavy ions and in particular for scanning beam delivery parison of the measured dose values with the treatment
systems, new techniques had to be developed and intro- plan.
duced into clinical application. This includes calibration As demonstrated by Boon et al. 共1998, 2000兲 and
of the beam monitor, checks of lateral and depth-dose Schippers et al. 共2002兲 scintillation screens viewed by a
profiles, as well as the verification of complex three- charge-coupled device camera can be used as a two-
dimensional dose distributions 共Karger et al., 2002兲. dimensional dosimetry system with high resolution
The absorbed dose to water, Dw is the quantity of 共1 mm or better兲. The system is used for verification of
main interest in clinical dosimetry. It is normally mea- complex dose distributions at the spot-scanning facility
sured with small cylindrical air-filled ionization cham- at PSI. For absolute dose measurements the quenching
bers which are calibrated in 60Co ␥-radiation under ref- characteristic 关the dependence of scintillation efficiency
erence conditions. According to the formalism described on the ionization density 共Birks, 1951兲兴 of the material
in the IAEA code of practice 共IAEA, 2000兲 the dose to has to be exactly known and taken into account. Inves-
water in a proton-or heavy-ion field can be written as tigations of quenching properties of various phosphors
at PSI 共Safai et al., 2004兲 have shown that the light out-
Dw共Peff兲 = McorrNw CokQ . 共13兲 put of a mixture of selected materials can be adjusted by
the mixing ratio, so that it reproduces the depth profile
Peff denotes the effective point of measurement, i.e., the measured with ionization chambers. Another promising
point in depth to which the measured dose refers 共Jäkel new approach is the development of a scintillation gas
et al., 2000兲. Mcorr is the measured charge in the air cav- detector using gas electron multiplier 共GEM兲 systems
ity corrected for deviations from the reference condi- 共Sauli, 1997兲. Recent measurements with 250 MeV/ u
tions, Nw Co is the 60Co calibration factor, and kQ is a carbon beams at GSI have shown a significant reduction
calculated beam quality correction factor. For ionization of the quenching factor as compared to a Gd2O2S : Tb
chamber dosimetry the relative standard uncertainty in screen 共Seravalli et al., 2008兲.
the determination of Dw for carbon ions is estimated to Various methods for measuring relative three-
be about 3% 共IAEA, 2000兲, dominated by the uncertain- dimensional dose distributions produced with protons or
ties in the water-to-air stopping-power ratio 共Paul et al., heavy ions have been investigated, such as ionization
2007兲, and the w value, defined as the average energy chamber arrays 共Brusasco et al., 2000; Cirio et al., 2004兲,
required to create an electron-ion pair in the chamber or MRI gel dosimetry 共Ramm et al., 2000兲. These meth-
gas. Measurements of the w value for 12C in air were ods allow a quick 3D reconstruction of the relative dose
reported by Kanai et al. 共1993兲 and Rodriguez et al. with good spatial resolution.
A smaller uncertainty can be achieved with water 3. In vivo PET monitoring
calorimetry, which is the most direct approach to deter-
mine Dw as it measures the dose in terms of its definition With the availability of high-energy beams of radioac-
as the temperature rise induced by the energy absorbed tive particles at the Bevalac a new field of interesting
in water. The feasibility of water calorimetry for radia- applications in particle therapy and medical imaging was
tion fields produced with scanning beam techniques has opened and pioneered at LBL, Berkeley 共Chatterjee et
been demonstrated for proton beams at PSI 共Sassowsky al., 1981兲. The basic idea was to verify the correctness of
and Pedroni, 2005兲 and carbon-ion beams at GSI 共Brede treatment plans for 20Ne therapy by depositing positron-
et al., 2006兲. Further investigations with an improved emitting particles 共e.g., 19Ne兲 at low dose exposure prior
transportable water calorimeter 共Krauss, 2006兲 are to the treatment and to measure their range in the pa-
planned in the near future. The aim of these develop- tient tissue by imaging the 511 keV annihilation photons
ments is to establish water calorimetry as a primary stan- emitted in the decay of the positron emitters from the
dard for Dw in particle therapy, allowing one to calibrate location they stopped at. Another promising application
ionization chambers directly in units of absorbed dose. seemed to be the study of metabolic or flow rates by
To facilitate the verification of complex patient treat- depositing positron-emitting nuclei directly into specific
ment plans the dose distribution has to be transformed small volumes of the body and measuring the ␤+ activity
from the inhomogeneous patient geometry to water 共see as a function of position and time. However, the amount
Sec. II.D.1兲. Dose measurements with a single-ionization of activity that can be deposited at low dose is quite
chamber placed in a water phantom would, however, be small 共for 19Ne with 17 s half-life an entrance dose of
ineffective for scanning systems, as each measurement 100 mGy corresponds to a deposited ␤+ activity of about
would require repeated complete applications of the 5000 Bq only兲 and therefore a high detection efficiency

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of the PET camera is essential. Several pilot experi- PET camera

ments employing a planar PET camera with two blocks
of BGO crystals yielded promising results, including
beam range measurements in a live dog 共Llacer, Chatter-
jee, et al., 1984兲. These measurements were hampered,
however, by the rather low intensities of secondary
beams and a significant activation of the BGO camera, Ion beam 12 11
which was ascribed to neutrons produced by the passive
beam shaping system.
In 1989 the new heavy-ion synchrotron SIS-18 at GSI
Darmstadt started operation and provided intense
beams of high energy heavy ions. In combination with
the in-flight fragment separator high-quality beams of
secondary radioactive ions became available for experi-
ments. Dedicated studies with pure high-energy beams
FIG. 20. 共Color online兲 Principle of in situ range verification by
of 15O, 17F, and 19Ne were carried out to assess the per-
autoactivation and PET imaging. A small fraction 共 ⬍ 1%兲 of
formance of different PET cameras 共Pawelke et al., the incident 12C ions is transformed into radioactive 11C in
1996兲. For an optimized BGO-based PET camera the high-energy fragmentation reactions. Their stopping depth is
maximum dose to the patient that is necessary to nearly the same as for the primary ions and can be monitored
achieve a range accuracy better than 1 mm was found to with a PET camera.
be about 10 mGy. More recently, from similar investiga-
tions using 10C beams at HIMAC a peak dose of ity showed a sharp peak, which was attributed to the
96 mGyE was found to be required for an uncertainty of
production of 11C as a projectile fragment.
±0.3 mm 共Iseki et al., 2004兲. Many years later the application of this phenomenon
The development of radioactive ion-beam 共RIB兲 fa- for in situ range monitoring with PET techniques 共Fig.
cilities, using in-flight separation at high energies or pro- 20兲 was studied in more detail at GSI. The measured
duction at low energy combined with isotope separation depth profiles of positron activity induced in a PMMA
online techniques and post-acceleration, has led to the block by beams of 12C, 16O, and 20Ne exhibited two dif-
proposal to apply radioactive ions instead of stable ions ferent components: a flat decreasing background result-
for tumor therapy. Detailed investigations of RIB pro- ing from target fragmentation and a pronounced peak
duction and applications in radiotherapy were carried structure caused by projectile fragments 共Enghardt et al.,
out within the EULIMA study 共Berger et al., 1990; 1992兲 The peak is formed by a complex superposition of
Ryckewaert et al., 1991兲 and have shown that sufficient all ␤+-emitting isotopes formed in projectile fragmenta-
intensities 关e.g., 1.8⫻ 109 ions/ s for 19Ne2+ using the tion. The simplest ␤+-activity profile was observed for
F共p , n兲 reaction with 30 MeV protons兴 could be ex- incident 12C ions because in this case only 11C and 10C
tracted and transported to a beam line for further accel- contribute. The relation between depth-dose distribu-
eration. It became clear, however, that such rather com- tion 共Bragg curve兲 of the incident primary beam and the
plex facilities were less suitable and too cost intensive ␤+-activity profile is shown in the upper panel of Fig. 21.
for implementation to clinical facilities. For comparison, the activity profile generated with
Most notably at the HIMAC facility much effort was 140 MeV protons 共Fig. 21, lower panel兲 does not show a
put into further development of a RIB system based on peak structure due to the lack of projectile fragments
the high-energy fragmentation concept 共Kitagawa et al., 共Parodi et al. 2005兲.
2006兲. A dedicated line for secondary beams was set up As a result of these investigations, an in-beam PET
including a production target, magnetic in-flight separa- system for monitoring patient treatments with carbon-
tion, and a raster-scanning system 共Kanazawa et al., ion beams was designed and integrated into the treat-
2002兲. For 11C a beam intensity of 7 ⫻ 106 ions/ s avail- ment site at GSI 共Pawelke et al., 1997; Enghardt, Crespo,
able in routine machine operation was reported. et al., 2004兲. This system was employed routinely for
Another approach for monitoring the dose delivery to monitoring almost all of the 440 patient treatments ad-
the patient in vivo is the utilization of secondary radia- ministered since 1997 and has proven to be a valuable
tion resulting from nuclear interactions of the primary tool for quality assurance 共Enghardt, Parodi, et al. 2004兲.
ions along their stopping path in tissue 共see Sec. II.A.4兲. The data evaluation is based on a quantitative compari-
This includes both prompt emission of photons or sec- son of the spatial distribution reconstructed from the
ondary particles like protons or neutrons and delayed measured PET data with that predicted by a model cal-
emission of radiation from the decay of unstable nuclei culation based on the treatment plan and taking into
formed in the target. The latter process, the production account the time course of irradiation. The example
of radioactive nuclei in a thick target by an incident shown in Fig. 22 demonstrates the clinical relevance of
beam of stable ions, was called “autoactivation” 共Tobias PET monitoring in case of critical dose applications near
et al., 1971兲. In first experiments with 14N beams at the organs at risk. The technique permits 共i兲 monitoring the
Bevalac the depth profile of the induced positron activ- maximum ion range, 共ii兲 verifying the field position, and

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crucial points affecting the quality of the PET images.

The rather low density of the implanted activity de-
mands highest detection sensitivity. An off-line full-ring
tomograph offers better imaging performance, but valu-
able short-lived activity components 共 15O兲 are lost for
detection. In-beam solutions, on the other hand, are re-
stricted to limited-angle detectors with lower efficiency
and their implementation is technically more difficult.
In-beam imaging is, however, preferable for another
important reason: long-lived activity can be transported
away from its stopping point by metabolic processes
such as blood flow, and so confuse the images that are
obtained 共“wash-out effect”兲. This effect was studied ex-
perimentally 共Mizuno et al., 2003; Tomitani et al., 2003兲
at the HIMAC facility by implanting secondary beams
of 10C and 11C into brain and thigh muscles of rabbits
and recording the time-activity curve in situ with a pair
of Anger-type scintillation cameras 共Iseki et al., 2004兲.
For both tissue types three components were found in
the clearance, characterized as fast 共few s兲, medium 共few
FIG. 21. Autoactivation of thick PMMA targets by beams of min兲, and slow 共hours兲. In the case of 11C irradiation
260 MeV/ u carbon ions 共top兲 and 140 MeV protons 共bottom兲. about half of the implanted activity was lost due to the
The solid line shows the depth profile of the measured wash-out effect and as a consequence the precision of
␤+-activity. For comparison the depth-dose profile of the pri- the range determination decreased by a factor of 1.1–1.5.
mary beam is shown by a dotted line. From Parodi, 2004. Recent in-beam PET studies aiming on a quantification
of the wash-out effect were performed during treat-
ments of skull base tumors with 12C ions at GSI 共Fiedler
共iii兲 detecting deviations in the patient positioning or lo-
et al., 2008兲. It was found that the biological half-lives
cal changes of the patient anatomy in the course of the
treatments 共Enghardt et al., 1999兲. 共170– 210 s兲 were correlated with the local dose. The ob-
In parallel to these developments at GSI, PET moni- served longer half-life in high-dose regions might be at-
toring based on autoactivation was also investigated at tributed to a reduced perfusion of the tumor. Further-
NIRS 共Chiba兲 共Tomitani et al., 1994, 1997兲. Instead of more, a slight decrease of the effective half-lives with
the in-beam solution followed at GSI, a postirradiation the overall treatment time was observed.
共offline兲 imaging system using a commercial full-ring PET monitoring based on autoactivation can also be
volumetric PET scanner was implemented at the applied in proton therapy 共Bennett et al., 1978兲. Its fea-
carbon-ion therapy facility HIMAC, but to our knowl- sibility and value for treatment verification was investi-
edge was not used in clinical routine. gated in various detailed studies; see, e.g., Litzenberg
The optimal strategy for implementing PET monitor- 共1998兲, Hishikawa et al. 共2002兲, and Parodi et al. 共2002兲.
ing into clinical centers is still controversial, see, e.g., The lacking peak structure in the activity profile 共cf.
Parodi, Bortfeld, Enghardt, et al. 共2008兲. As demon- Fig. 21兲, which is a drawback in comparison with carbon
strated by Crespo et al. 共2006兲 the geometrical detector ions, is balanced to some extent by the three times
arrangement and the counting statistics are the most higher total induced activity per Gy for protons 共Parodi
et al., 2002兲. A comprehensive quantitative patient study
on the feasibility of postradiation PET for in vivo veri-
fication after proton treatment was performed by Parodi
et al. 共2007兲 at the Massachusetts General Hospital in
Boston. The data analysis includes, for the first time, a
model of the metabolic wash-out of positron emitters
based on a previous formulation by Mizuno et al. 共2003兲.
The results demonstrate that this approach is essential
to reproduce the measured PET images, which show a
FIG. 22. 共Color online兲 Example of in-beam PET monitoring
showing the irradiation of a skull base tumor at GSI. Left:
significant distortion with respect to the calculated initial
Planned dose distribution superimposed onto the CT image. activity distribution without wash-out correction. In an-
The target volume and the brain stem as an organ at risk are other study, a comparison of the quality and clinical ben-
highlighted. Middle: Predicted ␤+-activity distribution calcu- efits of in vivo PET monitoring for different scenarios
lated from the treatment plan and time course of the irradia- including both synchrotron and cyclotron facilities was
tion. Right: Measured ␤+-activity distribution. By comparison presented 共Parodi et al., 2008兲.
with the prediction it was verified that the carbon ions were An alternative to the application of PET techniques
stopped before the brain stem. Adapted from Enghardt, Cre- for in vivo range and dose monitoring in proton-or
spo, et al., 2004. heavy-ion therapy might be the utilization of prompt

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photon or particle radiation. In fragmentation reactions Alternative particle accelerator concepts such as the
occuring along the stopping path of the primary particles dielectric wall accelerator and the laser driven particle
prompt photons are emitted by excited nuclei as well as accelerators represent exciting new approaches and
secondary protons, ␣ particles, and neutrons which have their potential for applications in ion-beam therapy is
long ranges and can be detected outside of the patient’s currently being investigated. However, these technolo-
body 共Gunzert-Marx et al., 2004, 2008兲. As this radiation gies are presently far from application in radiotherapy
is emitted promptly, i.e., typically within less than 1 ns and require further intense research efforts to overcome
after the nuclear reaction, the spatial information is not the tremendous technical difficulties.
affected by physiological processes unlike the PET
method. As recently demonstrated for proton beams of
100– 200 MeV stopping in a water phantom, the inten- III. BIOLOGICAL EFFECTS OF ION IRRADIATION
sity of prompt photons emitted orthogonally to the
beam direction exhibits a peak structure which is corre- A. Relative biological effectiveness
lated with the Bragg peak 共Min et al., 2006, 2007兲. Simi-
In addition to the advantageous depth-dose profile as
lar recent results were reported with 73 MeV/ u 13C ions
discussed in the previous section, heavy ions offer an
stopping in a PMMA target 共Testa et al., 2008兲. Further
even larger efficacy for tumor treatments due to the en-
investigations will be needed to ascertain the applicabil-
hanced biological effect of high-LET3 particles. As seen
ity of prompt photon 共or secondary particle兲 detection to
in Eq. 共3兲 the LET 共related to stopping power兲 depends
in-beam range and dose verification.
quadratically on the projectile charge 共Zp2 兲 and results in
large values for heavy ions. Typically, the large energy
E. Future directions deposition in the center of ion tracks result in more se-
vere DNA damage with respect to low-LET irradiation.
One of the major challenges in particle therapy is the Since the ionization density of light ions is larger for the
treatment of moving organs and it consequently repre- low energetic high-LET particles as present in the tumor
sents a very active field of research. Although scanning region relative to the swift ions in the entrance channel
beam systems suffer from interplay effects that cause 共often referred to as “plateau”兲, the biological effect in
serious deteriorations of the dose distribution, these sys- the target volume is more pronounced than in the sur-
tems offer excellent conditions for an on-line motion rounding normal tissue. The most common method
compensation by tracking techniques. First promising adapted in radiation protection of estimating the bio-
results have demonstrated the feasibility of real-time logical response of ions relative to conventional radia-
tracking, but further research is required to bring this tion is the use of weighting factors, formerly known as
technique to clinical application. Rescanning and gating quality factors. However, they represent upper limits
共with scanning beams兲, as technically less demanding only and thus largely overestimate the effect in many
mitigation strategies, might have a better chance to be cases. For an accurate estimate of the efficacy of ions,
implemented in the near future. the concept of the RBE must be applied. The RBE is
In vivo monitoring of dose delivery may become more defined as the ratio of the dose of x rays divided by the
important in the future in view of the millimeter preci- dose of ion irradiation that results in the same biological
sion and the high degree of tumor conformation that can effect. It depends on many different parameters such as
be achieved with modern ion-beam technology. For a the biological end point, dose, particle type, and energy
full exploitation of these advantages it has to be guaran- as well as the tissue under consideration. As a result, the
teed that the dose is delivered correctly. Inaccuracies, RBE is different for every location in the treatment
e.g., in the treatment planning, patient positioning, or field. Therefore, the increased biological effectiveness
changes in the tissue composition may lead to uncertain- must be thoroughly considered for heavy ion treatment
ties in dose application, which can only be recognized by planning and poses a big challenge for correct beam de-
in vivo monitoring. Correction of the treatment param- livery. Although it is appealing to characterize the larger
eters based on in vivo imaging thus will improve the biological effect by a single parameter, often referred to
therapeutic ratio and result in better sparing of normal as “clinical RBE,” one must keep in mind that the RBE
tissue. Additionally, in vivo monitoring has proven a can vary drastically within the tumor volume. However,
valuable tool for quality assurance. So far, only GSI has the RBE concept facilitates the transfer of the knowl-
used in-beam PET monitoring in its routine clinical pro- edge gathered in conventional radiotherapy to the case
gram. Further investigations are needed to evaluate the of heavy ions. In our context of radiotherapy, tumor con-
full potential of this technique. trol 共cell survival兲 and normal-tissue complications are
The utilization of prompt photon or particle radiation the most important biological end points. They charac-
emitted in nuclear reactions of the primary ions along terize the tumor response as well as the radiation toler-
their stopping path in tissue has been little explored so ance of the surrounding tissue including organs at risk.
far. New developments in particle detection such as the
GEM systems offering high sensitivity and excellent po-
sition resolution may foster the development of efficient 3
Photons, x rays, and ␥ rays are typically referred to as low-
monitoring systems exploiting secondary prompt radia- LET radiation. Heavier particles such as carbon ions are called
tion. high-LET due to their large stopping power.

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Up to the present there have been four heavy-ion The dominant ionization process can be described by
treatment facilities in operation which developed differ- the binary-encounter approximation assuming that the
ent strategies for biological treatment planning. Most of projectile collides with a quasifree electron 共Kraft and
the differences can be attributed to the diverse beam Krämer, 1993兲. Another source of energetic electrons
delivery systems at the centers. However, the experi- originates from the Auger effect, which is the expulsion
mental progress in radiation biology also led to the de- of outer electrons in the process of filling inner-shell va-
velopment of more comprehensive models for the deter- cancies created by direct Coulomb collisions. A third
mination of RBE values. In the following, we define the important interaction mechanism produces so-called
relative biological effectiveness and discuss its depen- convoy 共or cusp兲 electrons. These electrons are either
dence on various parameters relevant for carbon-ion lost or picked up into unbound states of the projectile
therapy. Subsequently, we present the pioneering re- thus being sharply emitted into forward direction.
search performed at LBL that led to the first biologically Those primary electrons induced by interaction of the
optimized heavy-ion treatments 共Blakely et al., 1980; Ly- projectile and the target are subsequently transported
man et al., 1980兲. The description of the strategy of the through the medium by elastic and inelastic collisions.
worldwide second facility for carbon-ion therapy located The former merely lead to change in direction whereas
at the HIMAC at the NIRS in Chiba, Japan, follows, in the latter process energy is transferred to the medium
which is based on an extensive data collection of cell by either ionization or excitation. For slow electrons
experiments combined with their experience of radia-
with energies below 50 eV at the very end of the elec-
tion therapy with neutrons 共Kanai et al., 1999兲. This ap-
tron track, excitation dominates. For all larger energies
proach was also adapted at the HIBMC in Hyogo 共Ka-
ionization outweighs the other processes and creates ad-
gawa et al., 2002兲. The most recent concept was
ditional electrons finally adding to the total energy
developed at GSI and uses the LEM to determine the
deposition. Interestingly, the ionization cross section of
photon-equivalent dose 共Krämer and Scholz, 2000兲. Ad-
ditionally, we address current research topics in the electrons in water exhibits its maximum at about
framework of heavy-ion therapy such as the effect of 100 eV, which relates to a mean free path of a few nm.
different oxygen levels, cell transformation, and the in- In other words, there is a high probability that two ion-
duction of secondary cancer. ization events occur on each of the 2 nm separated, op-
posite strands of DNA.
Most of the induced electrons receive either only a
1. Radiation damage by photons and heavy ions small energy transfer or they are scattered in the for-
ward direction, depositing most of the dose in the center
The most striking difference between photon and ion
of ion tracks. However, those electrons that are fast
irradiation concerns the microscopic spatial energy dis-
enough to leave the track core 共␦ rays兲 typically undergo
tribution. In the case of photons the energy is trans-
ferred to the cell either by photo effect or by Compton a large number of interactions. Due to those frequent
effect–depending on the energy of the penetrating pho- scattering processes, the initial preference of electrons in
ton 共Alpen, 1998兲. Since the cross sections for these pro- the forward direction diminishes, resulting in a broad
cesses are rather low, the number of ionization events angular distribution. All existing models, analytical
per incident photon within the volume of a cell is also 共Chatterjee and Schaefer, 1976; Katz and Cucinotta,
small. Typically only a few electrons are ejected from 1999兲 or Monte Carlo simulations 共Paretzke, 1986;
target molecules possibly ionizing further molecules if Krämer, 1995兲, as well as experimental studies 共Varma et
they have received enough energy during their primary al., 1977兲 show a steep radially symmetric dose distribu-
interaction. Due to this low number of events, many tion with a negative gradient for an increasing distance r,
photons are required to deposit a relevant dose. Since approximately following a 1 / r2 dependence. Figure 23
these photons are randomly distributed, the resulting demonstrates the highly inhomogeneous energy distri-
ionization density can be assumed to be homogenous bution deposited by a single carbon ion with an energy
over the entire cell volume. of 1 MeV/ u. A Monte Carlo track structure code was
used to simulate the generation of electrons and its
transport in water 共typically used as cell surrogate兲
a. Microscopic track structure of ion beams 共Krämer, 1995兲.
The spatial distribution of energy is entirely different One major challenge for experimentalists to measure
for heavy ions than for photons. It is this localized en- the relevant track structure for ion radiation biophysics
ergy distribution associated with ion beams that results concerns the liquid state of the target. Typically, mea-
in a typically larger biological effect induced by par- surements are performed in water vapor and rescaled to
ticles. The radial dose distribution around ions is gov- the density of liquid water, thus neglecting collective ef-
erned by two steps. First, electrons 共often named sec- fects like target polarization or collective excitations.
ondary or ␦ electrons兲 are emitted in ion-atom or ion- Recent studies for heavy ion-atom collisions on solid-
molecule interactions by means of Coulomb interaction state targets show considerable progress. However, they
of the projectile and the target. Second, the liberated also demonstrate the technical problems involved in
electrons are scattered by frequent interactions with the such experiments 共Lineva et al., 2008兲. In current Monte
medium. Carlo codes, the liquid phase is typically considered by

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FIG. 23. 共Color online兲 Track structure of a 1 MeV/ u carbon

ion simulated by the Monte Carlo code TRAX. Lines represent
the paths of individual secondary electrons. Figure courtesy of
Michael Krämer. FIG. 24. 共Color online兲 Illustration of the different micro-
scopic dose distribution by x rays and carbon ions with differ-
ent specific energies. The average macroscopic dose is 2 Gy in
determining the macroscopic dielectric response func- all cases. From Scholz, 2003.
tion 共Dingfelder, 2002兲.
as survivors, if they have formed a colony with more
b. DNA damage and cell inactivation than 50 daughter cells. The surviving fraction is given by
Considering the different energy distributions of pho- normalization to the number of seeded cells. The most
tons and ions and assuming that the DNA molecule is common way to parametrize the cell survival S uses the
the most sensitive target, we can qualitatively under- linear-quadratic 共LQ兲 model 共Hall, 2000兲,
stand the larger radiation damage evoked by ions: The S共D兲 = exp共− ␣D − ␤D2兲, 共14兲
typical extension of the track center with the highest
“local” dose is on the order of nanometers, thus result- where D is the absorbed dose and ␣ and ␤ are experi-
ing in a large probability of correlated nearby DNA mentally determined parameters. The ratio ␣ / ␤ deter-
damages like single or double strand breaks or base mines the shoulder of the survival curve and represents
damages. In contrast, the approximately homogeneous an important quantity in conventional radiotherapy
dose distribution of photons generates much larger dis- 共Fowler, 1989兲.
tances between neighboring damage sites. An example We have to keep in mind, however, that the picture
of the microscopic dose distributions is shown in Fig. 24. just presented is greatly simplified and that the radiation
Since the cell’s repair capability is reduced for more effects depend on many different parameters. Some of
complex DNA damage, the radiation damage of heavy them are summarized and quantified by the relative bio-
ions is larger than that of photons 共Nikjoo et al., 1999兲. logical effectiveness introduced in the next section. This
Typically, one distinguishes DNA damage induced by di- phenomenological factor proved to be of particular sig-
rect hits of the ion or its surrounding secondary electrons nificance, since all therapy-related biological end points
and indirect DNA damage generated by radiation- 共i.e., cell survival, normal-tissue complications兲 are not
induced radicals. The contribution of indirect damage yet understood in terms of a clear mechanistic reason-
共about 70%兲 is larger than the DNA damage by direct ing.
hits 共about 30%兲 for low-LET radiation. For high-LET
carbon ions, the contribution of direct hits is slightly in-
2. Definition of RBE
creased 共Ito et al., 2006兲.
A common way to analyze the different effects of The most common way to assess the biological re-
photons and heavy ions is by means of cell survival sponse of heavy ions is by means of radiation and tissue
curves. These experiments are relatively easy to perform weighting factors assigned in radiation protection
and they have a high significance for radiation therapy 共ICRP1991, 2007兲. The radiation weighting factor, for-
because they give insight into the potential of radiation merly known as quality factor, takes into account the
to kill tumor cells. In the standard experimental protocol biological effect of different radiation qualities 共e.g.,
共Puck and Marcus, 1956兲, cell proliferation is analyzed electrons, neutrons, alpha particles, and heavy ions兲. For
about 1 – 2 weeks after irradiation and cells are counted heavy particles the value is set to 20. The tissue weight-

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FIG. 25. 共Color online兲 Determination of RBE for cell inacti-

vation for 10% and 1% survival level for a typical heavy ion
FIG. 26. Dependence of RBE␣ = ␣ion / ␣ on LET and particle
type, where ␣ and ␣ion are the linear part of the survival curve
for photons and ions, respectively. Data are redrawn from Belli
et al. 共1998兲 and Furusawa et al. 共2000兲. From Scholz, 2003.
ing factor considers the radiosensitivity of different or-
gans. In order to determine the equivalent dose 共in
Sievert兲, both weighting factors must be taken into ac- 3. Dependencies of RBE
count. These are maximum values chosen to assess the
radiation risk in the most conservative way. However, In contrast to proton therapy, where the low LET of
they should not be confused with the RBE, which is a protons is believed to allow the application of a single
much more powerful and versatile concept taking into factor 共RBE= 1.1兲 throughout the entire radiation field
account the radiation quality and tissue-specific re- 共Paganetti et al., 2002兲, the situation in heavy-ion
sponse as well as the biological end point and the dose therapy is much more complex because of the large
level of the radiation. variations of LET. From the previous section, we know
The RBE is defined as the ratio of the dose of a ref- that the mixed radiation field of a carbon-ion SOBP is
erence radiation 共typically x rays or ␥ rays兲 to the dose comprised not only of carbon ions with a large energy
of the radiation in question 共e.g., ions兲 to produce an spread but also of lighter fragments. Additionally, the
identical biological effect 共isoeffect兲, levels of absorbed dose can vary largely within single
fractions and between different tumor sites. Therefore,
we need to understand how the biological effect of
Dref heavy ions depends on the parameters relevant for ra-
RBEiso = . 共15兲
Dion diotherapy.
First, the RBE depends on the dose level as already
shown in Fig. 25. In general, it is higher for lower dose
It is important to note that the statement of a RBE levels and lower for larger doses owing to the shoulder
value requires both the specification of the reference ra- shape of the photon response curve 共Weyrather et al.,
diation and the level of the biological effect. In Fig. 25 1999; Furusawa et al., 2000兲. For application in ion
we show the determination of the RBE by typical cell therapy that means that the biological differences be-
survival curves for x rays and heavy ions. The RBE val- tween conventional radiation and particle beams dimin-
ues for cell inactivation are indicated for two effect lev- ish if the dose is escalated.
els, namely 10% and 1% cell survival. Second, the response of cellular systems depends on
The RBE is the most important quantity in biological the energy or LET of the penetrating particle. Figure 26
treatment planning of heavy-ion therapy, since it deter- presenting a compilation of different cell survival experi-
mines the photon-equivalent dose by multiplication with ments with V79 hamster cells 共a frequently used cell line
the absorbed 共physical兲 dose. The photon-equivalent in radiobiology laboratories兲 reveals that the RBE in-
dose, sometimes abbreviated as biological dose, quanti- creases with LET up to an ion-dependent maximum
fies the dose of conventional radiation that would yield value and decreases for higher LET values 共Belli et al.,
the same biological effect as the applied radiation. It is 1998; Furusawa et al., 2000兲. According to the higher
conveniently used to compare the results of conven- ionization density in the track center of particles with a
tional radiation with other radiation qualities such as larger LET, the radiation damage is more severe, thus
neutrons, protons, or carbon ions. The RBE can be used increasing the RBE. However, at a certain LET value
for many biological end points such as DNA strand the dose deposition is so large that a single-particle tra-
breaks, mutations, or transformations. In the scope of versal sufficiently reduces the cell survival probability. In
heavy-ion therapy, however, the RBE for cell killing and that case, the additional dose deposited by ions with a
normal-tissue complications are most relevant. larger LET is wasted and we would not expect a larger

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FIG. 27. 共Color online兲 RBE dependence on the radiation sen-

sitivity of cell lines. Left: Dependence of initial RBE␣ on the
three cell lines CHO, V79, and XRS after carbon irradiation.
Right: Survival curves of the same cell lines demonstrate the
different radiosensitivities after x ray irradiation. Experimental
data are from Weyrather et al. 共1999兲.
FIG. 28. 共Color online兲 RBE values based on the dose for 50%
complication probability for the radiation tolerance of the rat
RBE. Moreover, the RBE decreases due to the lower spinal cord after 1, 2, 6, and 18 fractions of carbon ions. Data
hitting probability, since the number of ions required for for the spread-out Bragg peak 共125 keV/ ␮m兲 and the plateau
the same dose deposition is lower for particles with a 共13 keV/ ␮m兲 are adapted from Karger et al., 2006.
higher LET. As a consequence, the ratio of cells without
any particle hit 共obviously being survivors兲 increases re- 4. RBE determined from in vivo measurements
sulting in a lower RBE for cell killing. Notably, the LET
dependence varies for different biological end points Experiments with cell lines are of high value in radia-
and needs to be considered cautiously. tion research. However, they represent artificial systems
Third, the particle type influences the position of the partly neglecting cell communication or any other tissue-
RBE maximum 共see Fig. 26兲. For heavier particles, the specific higher-order mechanisms. Especially, the radia-
maximum is typically shifted to higher LETs. We can tion response of normal tissue cannot be reasonably
understand that with the following argument: At the simulated by in vitro experiments. Therefore, the RBE
LET corresponding to the RBE maximum for protons, systematics described in the preceding sections should
carbon ions are much faster than protons resulting in also be analyzed by in vivo studies.
broader tracks with a reduced ionization density in the Animal experiments for tumor control are extremely
scarce 共Tenforde et al., 1982兲. Nevertheless, the main
track center. Therefore, at the same LET the biological
RBE trends were also found in vivo. Koike et al. 共2002兲
damage and thus the cell killing effect of carbon ions is
demonstrated that the RBE for tumor growth delay of
smaller than for protons. In order to achieve the maxi-
murine fibrosarcoma induced by carbon ions increases
mum RBE, slower ions with a correspondingly smaller
with increasing LET and decreases with dose per deliv-
track size and higher LET are required.
ered fraction. Recently, the same trends were detected
Last, the radiosensitivity of the irradiated cell line or
for prostate tumors implanted in the leg of rats 共Pe-
tissue also determines the RBE 共Weyrather et al., 1999;
schke, private communication兲.
Suzuki et al., 2000兲. A comparison of three mammalian At each heavy-ion-therapy center, animal studies of
cell lines with different radiosensitivities is shown in Fig. normal-tissue complications were performed in order to
27. The RBE for carbon irradiation is highest for the verify the quality of the irradiation facility 共Leith et al.,
V79 cell line, which is most resistant to conventional 1982; Zacharias et al., 1997; Ando et al., 1998兲. In these
irradiation. Chinese hamster ovary 共CHO兲 cells are studies, the RBE dependence on dose level, LET, and
more sensitive to photon radiation and show a moderate particle type were confirmed. Generally, also in vivo the
RBE, whereas for the repair-deficient CHO-mutant RBE increased for lower dose levels, lower LET, and
XRS cell line, the increased effectiveness of ions is al- lighter ions. As an example, the experimental data for
most negligible. In general, the difference in radiosensi- the tolerance of the rat spinal cord after fractionated
tivity is largely reduced for high-LET irradiation. In or- carbon-ion irradiations 共Fig. 28兲 demonstrates the LET
der to investigate the radiosensitivity of human cell lines and dose dependence 共Karger et al., 2006兲. The RBE
to therapeutic carbon ions, Suzuki et al. determined the increases with the number of fractions 共equivalent to a
survival curves for more than a dozen lineages of normal lower dose per fraction兲 and is larger in the Bragg peak
and tumor cells. A compilation of these experimental with its higher dose-averaged LET. For intercomparison
data in terms of RBE␣ dependence on the ␣ / ␤ ratio between different proton and carbon treatment facilities
after conventional photon irradiation showed an in- the crypt cell assay was developed to study the radiation
creasing RBE with decreasing ␣ / ␤ ratio 共Elsässer et al., tolerance of the intestine. It was found that the RBE
2008兲. Therefore, the RBE of carbon ions relates to the between irradiations at HIMAC and GSI, respectively,
␣ / ␤ ratio determined in x-ray experiments. agreed within a few percent 共Uzawa et al., 2009兲. Addi-

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et al., 2000; Staab et al., 2004兲. It was found that the

minimum OER is lower for heavier ions such as carbon
or neon than for light ions 共e.g., helium兲. Supposedly, the
potential higher radiation damage of ions by direct hits
compared to indirect radical-induced hits reduces the
oxygen effect. Along with a reduction of the OER the
RBE is further enhanced in the SOBP. Therefore, heavy
particles such as carbon ions offer enormous potential
for curing tumors with hypoxic regions.

B. Biophysical models in heavy-ion therapy

From the previous considerations it is clear that a

mere optimization of the physical dose is not adequate
for heavy-ion-beam therapy. In contrast to proton
FIG. 29. 共Color online兲 Influence of the oxygen level on cell therapy, where the beam shaping devices are designed to
survival of human kidney T-1 cells for carbon ions with differ- generate a homogenous physical dose along the spread-
ent LET. Lines are based on experimental data by Blakely et out Bragg peak 共Coutrakon et al., 1991兲, for carbon ions,
al. 共1979兲. the absorbed dose in the target needs to be shaped in
order to achieve a homogenous photon-equivalent dose.
For this purpose, the concept of the RBE proves ex-
tionally, the RBE of carbon ions was significantly higher tremely helpful. By properly predicting the RBE for
than for protons. each position in the treatment field, the required physi-
cal dose can be determined and the appropriate primary
5. Dependence on oxygen status particle fluence can be applied. However, those complex
dependencies of RBE previously described covering a
In radiation therapy, the treatment of hypoxic tumors wide range of parameters require biophysical modeling,
poses a specific challenge. When tumors are growing in since it is not feasible to experimentally determine the
size, new blood vessels need to be generated to supply RBE for all possible parameter combinations even for in
oxygen to the cells in the tumor core. Often these vessels vitro measurements. Unfortunately, the poor general un-
are not generated fast enough or they might also be of derstanding of the processes that govern the value of the
minor quality. Those effects of poor angiogenesis result RBE—like initial physical and chemical damage induc-
in a lower oxygen level as compared to healthy cells. tion and their associated repair processes—impedes the
Especially in the center of large tumors, hypoxic regions preferential mechanistic modeling of the biological re-
occur frequently. It is known that these hypoxic condi- sponse. Although promising approaches exist for the
tions lead to a larger radioresistance, however, a widely primary physical and chemical processes 共Nikjoo et al.,
accepted mechanistic explanation for this effect is still 1994; LaVerne, 2000; Champion et al., 2005兲 as well as
missing. The oxygen effect is quantified by the oxygen for the subsequent repair pathways 共Cucinotta et al.,
enhancement ratio 共OER兲, 2008兲, these are not yet suitable for application in treat-
Dhypoxic ment planning and their future application is uncertain
OER = , 共16兲 at this time. The lack of knowledge about basic mecha-
nisms, and the absence of rigid quantitative data neces-
where Dhypoxic and Daerobic are the doses with reduced sary as input for the models, prohibit the achievement of
and normal oxygen supply, respectively, resulting in the required model accuracy. Therefore, simplified models
same biological or clinical effect. Contrary to RBE, the needed to be developed to include the RBE either based
OER is a dose-modifying factor and independent of on some experimental heavy-ion data or by transferring
dose. Typically, it is about 3 for conventional radiation, the experience with conventional radiation to the case of
whereas it is significantly reduced for ion irradiation. ions.
Figure 29 shows the results of cell survival studies car- The complexity of the RBE issue also impacts the
ried out at LBL in the 1970s as a preparation for the first definition of the biologically or clinically relevant dose.
heavy-ion treatments 共Blakely et al., 1979兲. The differ- Since the RBE values used in therapy are not known in
ence between hypoxic and normoxic cells is reduced for advance and critically depend on the applied biophysical
high-LET particles and the survival curves converge. model, no common definition has been achieved yet.
The OER decreases with decreasing particle energy, and The relevant dose has been named and determined dif-
for high-LET particles it is close to 1. This behavior is in ferently at every heavy-ion treatment center. A homog-
line with the general observation that cell line-specific enization of the different approaches initiated by the In-
differences diminish after ion irradiation. In numerous ternational Commission on Radiological Units is in
other cell experiment during the last decades, this be- progress and will help to find a common definition. In
havior was validated for a large range of ions and cell the following, we use the expressions frequently used by
lineages 共Barendsen et al., 1966; Bewley, 1968; Furusawa the original authors and emphasize on their rationale.

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We use the unit “GyE” 共Gray Equivalent兲 for the bio- neon, and argon ions. However, the same set of filters
logically or clinically related dose in order to express the was used for neon and carbon ions, respectively, since
desire to compare the doses used in particle therapy to the estimated RBE difference was considered small
those reported in conventional radiotherapy. enough. Although the measurements suggested an influ-
The approach at LBL was based on a large data set of ence of the cell type, it was concluded that the devia-
measured RBE values which was exploited as input to tions between different tumor types are only small and
design the beam shaping devices 共Chapman et al., 1977, the errors associated with the application of the same
1978; Blakely et al., 1980; Lyman et al., 1980兲. At filter set are on a few-percent level only 共Petti, Lyman,
HIMAC and HIBMC, a similar method is applied to and Castro, 1991; Petti, Lyman, Renner, et al., 1991兲. Ad-
shape the ridge filter system to account for the declining ditionally, the application of opposing treatment fields
slope of the physical dose along the target volume partly levels the RBE distribution and reduces the un-
共Kanai et al., 1997; Kagawa et al., 2002兲. However, the certainty.
absolute dose level is determined by adjusting the RBE
for carbon ions at the distal part of the SOBP to coin-
cide with the RBE used in neutron therapy 共Kanai et al., 2. HIMAC approach
1999兲. The most recent approach applied at GSI relies Following the pioneering studies at LBL, Kanai et al.
on the local effect model, which predicts RBE values developed a new strategy to include the biological effec-
using the photon dose-response curve of the system, the tiveness of ions. Based on the experience NIRS had
physical dose distribution around single ion tracks, and gathered with neutron therapy prior to the start of
the cell nucleus as the sensitive target 共Scholz and Kraft, heavy-ion treatments, the rationale was to find the ion
1994; Scholz et al., 1997兲. In the following we describe type that most closely resembles their fast neutron
these models that have been already implemented in beams. By cell inactivation experiments 共Fukumura et
heavy-ion therapy, before we summarize alternative ap- al., 1997; Kanai et al., 1999兲, they found that the RBE
proaches. values of monoenergetic 65 keV/ ␮m carbon ions coin-
cide with those of the clinical neutron beam. Therefore,
the use of carbon ions facilitates the application of the
1. Biological optimization at LBL
same treatment protocols proven to be effective in neu-
In contrast to the treatment facility at GSI and the tron therapy.
future European projects, the beam delivery system The design of the SOBP at HIMAC is based on mea-
based on fixed ion energies requires the application of surements of the human salivary gland 共HSG兲 tumor cell
passive scattering and beam shaping techniques. At line. It is argued that HSG cells are representative for a
LBL, ridge filters were used to shape 4 – 14 cm long variety of biological species and that the RBE values do
SOBPs in 2 cm increments 共Lyman et al., 1980兲. Since not significantly differ at the 10% survival level sup-
filter design and handling is complicated and time con- posed to be typical for daily dose prescriptions. There-
suming, there is a desire to keep the number of such fore, they fitted HSG data for numerous LET values to
filters as low as possible. However, due to the different the LQ model and used the following formula to deter-
biological systems, particle types and doses, it was clear mine the linear-quadratic parameters ␣mix and ␤mix of
that it would not be appropriate to use the same set of the mixed radiation field of the SOBP:
filters for all treatments. Therefore, extensive cell stud-
ies were performed at LBL to optimize the ridge filter ␣mix = 兺 fi␣i ,
design. 共17兲
The Berkeley rationale of beam shaping was the aim 冑␤mix = 兺 fi冑␤i ,
of a photon-equivalent dose based on 66% cell survival
共Lyman et al., 1980兲, which was assumed to be equivalent where fi is the relative dose contribution of the ith beam
to the typical dose delivery of 2 Gy per fraction in con- component to the total dose. The design of the ridge
ventional radiation treatments. Based on numerous cell filter was optimized in order to achieve a homogeneous
survival measurements for different particles and LET biological response. Measurements validating the flat
values 共Blakely et al., 1980兲 and knowledge about the photon-equivalent dose for 10% cell survival along the
composition of the particle field 共Lyman and Howard, Bragg peak for several different cell lines is exemplarily
1977; Chen et al., 1979兲, and a consideration of normal- shown in Fig. 30 for a 6 cm SOBP. Other experiments
tissue complications 共Woodruff et al., 1984; Lyman and verifying the SOBP design include osteosarcoma cells
Wolbarst, 1987; Zink et al., 1988兲, the linear-quadratic and crypt cells of the mouse jejunum 共Kubota et al.,
model 关see Eq. 共14兲兴 was applied to calculate the esti- 1995; Kanai et al., 1999兲.
mated biological response at each water-equivalent Once the SOBP design was fixed and the flat dose
depth. Since most of the available cell studies present distribution along the target volume was established, cell
the RBE at a survival level of 10% and 50%, the LQ experiments applying the ridge filters were conducted to
model was applied to calculate such values and compare find the neutron-equivalent position within the spread-
them to existing experimental data. In general, good out Bragg peak. Figure 31 demonstrates that at
agreement was found 共Lyman et al., 1980兲. It turned out 80 keV/ ␮m the RBE of 2.1 resembles the neutron RBE
that different ridge filters need to be used for helium, for 10% survival of the HSG cell line. However, for neu-

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FIG. 32. Schematics to demonstrate the determination of the

FIG. 30. Distribution of the photon-equivalent dose along a
absolute clinical dose for carbon-ion treatments. The RBE of
60 mm spread-out Bragg peak used at HIMAC. Experimental
3.0 belongs to the neutron-equivalent beam, whereas the clini-
data for several different cell lines are depicted. From Kanai et
cal RBE is given in the SOBP center. From Kanai et al., 1999.
al., 1999.

end of the SOBP as shown in Fig. 32. Based on the RBE

tron radiotherapy at NIRS, the RBE was determined to of 3 as observed in the clinical neutron trials, the dose at
be 3. Therefore, the absolute RBE for carbon-ion treat- the neutron-equivalent point is chosen as 0.9 Gy, result-
ments was fixed such that for the neutron-equivalent ing in a so-called clinical dose of 2.7 GyE; this corre-
LET of 80 keV/ ␮m the RBE is 3, which is 50% larger sponds to the effective dose also used in the neutron
than the in vitro RBE of 2.0. The position of the trials and thus allows a direct comparison of the carbon
neutron-equivalent beam is 8 mm upstream of the distal and neutron trials. The RBE of the clinical carbon-ion
treatment is reported at the center of the SOBP, where it
is smaller, typically between 2.1 and 2.8, depending on
the extension of the SOBP that covers the tumor vol-
ume. This method of RBE determination is applied re-
gardless of the dose level, number of fractions, or the
tissue under consideration. The term biological dose
shown in Fig. 32 refers to the RBE for 10% survival of
HSG cells as determined by experimental in vitro data.

3. Local effect model (GSI)

The implementation of active energy variation and
raster scanning for carbon ions 共Haberer et al., 1993兲
opened the pathway for individually optimized tumor
conformity for each patient without the need of addi-
tional customized passive beam shaping devices. This
breakthrough in beam delivery poses a new challenge
for biological treatment planning in order to fully ex-
ploit the new potential. For this purpose, the local effect
model was developed at GSI 共Scholz and Kraft, 1996兲. It
calculates RBE values for each position in the treatment
field and facilitates the application of complex 3D vol-
umes with a homogenous photon-equivalent dose.

a. Basic assumptions
The local effect model relates the response of biologi-
cal systems following ion irradiation to the correspond-
ing response after x-ray irradiation. It assumes that the
FIG. 31. LET dependence for RBE of 10% survival for HSG biological effect of irradiation is entirely determined by
and Hela cells after irradiation by 290 MeV/ u carbon ions us- the spatial local dose distribution inside the cell nucleus.
ing a ridge filter to extend the Bragg peak. The dashed line The accumulated local dose in the cell nucleus from dif-
depicts the corresponding value of the NIRS neutron beam for ferent tracks is calculated for small subvolumes individu-
HSG cells. From Kanai et al., 1999. ally using a track structure model. With knowledge of

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It is assumed that the sensitive sites are distributed

homogeneously over the cell nucleus and that they ex-
hibit the same radiosensitivity. The target is thus mod-
eled by a cylinder with an effective area A = rn2 , which is
smaller than the arithmetic mean of the size distribution
of cell nuclei 共Scholz and Kraft, 1996兲 accounting for
inhomogeneities in DNA density.
The linear-quadratic model 关see Eq. 共14兲兴 is used to
parametrize the cell inactivation curve, since it is well
accepted and most widely used in literature. However,
experiments suggest that a purely linear-quadratic
model overestimates the radiation effect for high doses
共Fertil et al., 1994; Park et al., 2008兲, and a modification
must be introduced to account for this behavior. There-
fore, a threshold dose Dt is introduced to describe the
dose, above which the dose-response curve turns from
the shouldered form into a purely exponential part, simi-
lar to the suggestion of a recent thorough analysis of
photon dose response curves 共Astrahan, 2008兲. For even
higher doses exceeding a few hundred Gy, additional
cluster effects due to the enormous ionization densities
in the track center are considered resulting in additional
double strand breaks due to nearby single strand breaks
共Elsässer and Scholz, 2007兲,

S共D兲 = 再 exp共− ␣D − ␤D2兲, D 艋 Dt

St exp兵− s关␩共D兲D − Dt兴其, D ⬎ Dt ,
冎 共20兲

where ␣ , ␤ denote the linear-quadratic components, s

FIG. 33. Schematics of the local effect model. From Elsässer = ␣ + 2␤Dt is the slope of the exponential tail for doses
and Scholz, 2007. above Dt, St is the survival at threshold dose Dt, and ␩
quantifies the cluster effect.
the deposited dose, the resulting biological damage is The local effect model uses an amorphous track struc-
extrapolated from data of x-ray experiments for each ture description which assumes that the track consists of
subvolume and integrated over the entire cell nucleus. an inner part with a constant initial dose attached to an
Since for particle irradiation the dose distribution is outer part following a 1 / r2 dependence. It can be ex-
highly inhomogeneous, the three-dimensional local dose pressed by

冦 冧
d共x , y , z兲 is considered to calculate the average number
, r ⬍ rmin
of lethal events,
D共r兲 = ␭LET/r2 , rmin 艋 r 艋 rmax 共21兲
Nion = 冕
dV␯ion关d共x,y,z兲兴, 共18兲 0, rmax ,
where LET denotes the linear energy transfer and ␭ is a
where ␯ion denotes the lethal event density after ion ra- normalization constant to assure that the radial integral
diation within the volume V, and the survival after ion reproduces the LET for a medium with density ␳. The
irradiation is S = exp共−Nion兲. According to the main idea maximum radius rmax is determined by those ␦ electrons
of the LEM, the local effect is independent of the radia- with the highest energy. It was found by Kiefer and
tion quality and ␯ion共d兲 = ␯x共d兲 = ln关Sx共d兲 / V兴: Straaten 共1986兲 that rmax only depends on the energy E
共in MeV/u兲 and can be parametrized by rmax = ␥E␦; ␥
Nion = 冕
, 共19兲
= 0.062 ␮m 共MeV/ u兲−1.7, ␦ = 1.7, with rmax in ␮m, and E
in MeV/u. The minimum or core radius rmin is constant
for earlier versions of the LEM, namely rmin = 0.3 nm for
Equation 共19兲 represents the most general formulation the recent cluster version and rmin = 10 nm for the origi-
of the local effect model and illustrates the relation of nal model. The latter uses the large radius to implicitly
the biological effect of particle irradiation to the effect account for radical diffusion 共Elsässer and Scholz, 2007兲.
of photon irradiation. Figure 33 shows the basic idea and In these LEM representations we have assumed an
the three input quantities. The positions of ion tracks energy-independent core radius. However, by applying
are randomly distributed over the cell nucleus according Bohr’s principle of adiabatic invariance to determine the
to Poisson statistics. In the following, we summarize the core radius, it was shown that the minimum track core
three constituents of the LEM. depends on the ion velocity: rmin = ␤ionrc, with ␤ion = v / c,

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rounding OAR. It demonstrates the validity of the LEM

to calculate the photon-equivalent dose even in complex
radiation fields as well as the impressive sparing of the
OAR. During the last decade, numerous additional in
vitro experiments were carried out to demonstrate the
applicability of the LEM 共Mitaroff et al., 1998; Krämer
and Scholz, 2000; Krämer, Weyrather, and Scholz, 2003兲.

c. Choice of parameters for clinical treatments

In the LEM, the radiosensitivity of the irradiated nor-
mal and tumor tissue is parameterized by its ␣ and ␤
values after conventional radiation. For application of
the LEM to real cancer treatments, two questions need
to be addressed: Is it possible to transfer the positive
results of in vitro experiments to the more complicated
clinical case? And, are the necessary input data avail-
FIG. 34. 共Color online兲 Validation of the treatment planning In Secs. III.A.3 and III.A.4 it was elaborated that the
system with CHO cells in a therapylike scenario with an organ RBE depends on the radiosensitivity of the irradiated
at risk close to the tumor volume 共represented by the tissue or cell line. The cell experiments reported by Su-
H-shaped structure兲. Upper left: Measured survival data. Up- zuki et al. 共2000兲 indicate that the initial RBE 共␣ion / ␣兲
per right: Calculated survival. Lower row: Survival along cuts
depends on the ␣ / ␤ ratio of the tissue after x-ray irra-
through the irradiated volume. From Krämer, Wang, and Wey-
diation. Additionally, this trend was reproduced by the
rather, 2003.
LEM for the same data set as well as in theoretical in-
vestigations 共Scholz and Elsässer, 2007兲. Moreover, the
where v is the velocity of the particle, c is the speed of absolute values of ␣ and ␤ were found to be less impor-
light, and rc describes the largest extension of the inner tant. This general behavior opens up the pathway for a
part of the track in the relativistic limit of v = c. In a possible transfer to the clinical case, since it is probable
recent approach of LEM, it was found that rc = 40 nm that the RBE systematic found for in vitro data also
gives the best agreement with experimental data holds true for in vivo and clinical data, since many other
共Elsässer et al., 2008兲. characteristics were found to be the same independent
on the experimental system 共see Sec. III.A.4兲. The re-
b. Integration into the treatment planning system duction of the required input information on the ␣ / ␤
ratios increases the range of applicable tissues, since the
The LEM as described above can be applied to calcu-
␣ / ␤ ratio is known for many tumor and normal tissues.
late the dose response for all relevant parameters using
Using this concept, several animal studies were con-
the linear-quadratic model with the ion-specific param-
ducted at GSI to investigate whether the response of
eters ␣ion and ␤ion. Since the simulations usually take a
normal tissue to carbon ions can be predicted by the
long time, it is favorable to use approximations to re-
LEM based on photon data. Good agreement was found
duce the computation time. Therefore, a method was
for the RBE of skin reactions in minipigs after fraction-
developed to rapidly determine ␤ion from the corre- ated irradiation 共5F兲 with carbon ions 共Zacharias et al.,
sponding initial slope of the dose response curve ␣ion 1997兲; see Fig. 35. In this particular experiment, the pri-
共Scholz et al., 1997兲. Since the radiation field comprises mary aim was to determine the absorbed dose levels for
different particles with a large range of energies, the LQ carbon ions, which would result in the same skin reac-
parameters are required for all their combinations. For tion as the photon dose fields given to the same animals
this purpose, the treatment planning system TRiP used at at the same time as the carbon fields. The model calcu-
GSI stores values of ␣ion for 40 different energies for lations were based on ␣ / ␤ values for skin reactions after
each particle in tables. These data are used as input to photon irradiation obtained from in vivo studies. For the
the RBE calculations for mixed fields 共Krämer and investigations on the radiation tolerance of the rat spinal
Scholz, 2000; Krämer et al., 2000兲. The main task here is cord 共see Fig. 28兲, the initial LEM predictions showed
to derive the LQ parameters for mixed radiation fields deviations of up to 30% for the spread-out Bragg peak
from the parameters ␣ion and ␤ion obtained for monoen- 共Karger et al., 2006兲. However, the recent consideration
ergetic ions. Recently, an approximation was introduced of an energy-dependent core radius reduced the model
to rapidly determine the LQ parameters of any given discrepancy to the few-percent level 共Elsässer et al.,
mixed particle field 共Krämer and Scholz, 2006兲. This 2008兲.
method is a prerequisite for multiple-field optimization
共Gemmel et al., 2008兲, which has been routinely applied
4. Alternative approaches
for most of the patients treated at GSI in 2008. In Fig.
34, cell survival experiments with a mammalian cell line After the thorough discussion of those approaches
共CHO兲 are shown for a complex target volume with sur- that have been actually used in heavy-ion therapy, in this

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412 Schardt, Elsässer, and Schulz-Ertner: Heavy-ion tumor therapy: Physical and …

thal lesions at higher doses thus increasing the radiation

effect. The physically measured energy distribution is re-
lated to the biological response by means of weighting
functions generated from experimental heavy-ion data
共Loncol et al., 1994兲. Since these functions are different
for each biological end point and dose level, the concept
of TDRA is not favorable for heavy-ion therapy.
A promising concept was recently developed at NIRS
based on the microdosimetric kinetic model 共MKM兲
共Hawkins, 1994, 2003兲. Similar to LEM, it uses the dose
response of low-LET radiation as input. However, the
description of the survival curve follows the conven-
tional LQ model even for large doses. The microdosim-
etric energy distribution in submicrometer-sized targets
is measured and used as model input 共Kase et al., 2006兲.
Alternatively, it can be calculated by means of a track
FIG. 35. 共Color online兲 Skin reaction after irradiation with x structure model 共Kase et al., 2008兲. The MKM achieves
rays and carbon ions. The scoring level indicates the severity of good results for monoenergetic in vitro cell measure-
the skin reaction 关for details see Zacharias et al. 共1997兲兴. Using ments for each cell line. Therefore, it is a good candidate
the predictions of LEM, the doses for carbon-ion irradiation for implementation in treatment planning, although a
were adjust to result in the same biological effect as the photon successful transfer to clinical applications remains to be
fields applied simultaneously. From Scholz and Elsässer, 2007;
adapted from Zacharias et al., 1997.

C. Implications for treatment planning

section we summarize other biophysical models. These
were developed to predict the RBE of ions with a pos- A crucial and challenging task for heavy-ion treat-
sible application in particle therapy treatment planning ment planning is the predictive determination of RBE
in mind and focus on cell inactivation as biological end values at each position in the treatment field. The pre-
point. ceding sections showed that RBE values may vary by
The Katz approach 共Katz et al., 1971; Katz and more than one order of magnitude along the radiation
Sharma, 1974兲 is similar to the LEM in the sense that field. In particular, the dose dependence needs to be
both models use the photon dose response as an input to considered carefully. If carbon-ion treatments involve
their calculations. Additionally it also uses an amor- many fields from different directions, the expected bio-
phous track structure model to simulate the dose depo- logical gain might be wasted, since the large RBE at a
sition of single particles. The relevant sensitive target is low absorbed entrance dose might outweigh the RBE
assumed to be smaller than the cell nucleus which is resulting from high-dose high-LET radiation in the tu-
comprised of many of such targets. The main idea of the mor volume. Moreover, for hypofractionation schemes
Katz approach is the division of radiation action into with dose levels exceeding 10 Gy per fraction, the gain
two different inactivation modes, the ion-kill and ␥-kill, due to the biological effect of ions is assumed to be re-
respectively, postulating two different mechanisms for duced. Although application of different fractionation
the central part of the track 共ion-kill兲 and the outer ␦ strategies should follow the same principles as applied in
rays 共␥-kill兲. The representation of cell inactivation after conventional radiotherapy 共Fowler, 1989兲, the determi-
photon irradiation is based on the multihit single target nation of the dose per fraction needs to be calculated
共MTSH兲 theory, an alternative way to parametrize cell properly 共Karger et al., 2008兲.
survival curves. The MTSH accounts for a purely expo- The results reported by Elsässer et al. 共2008兲 indicate
nential slope at high doses and postulates a vanishing that the biological effectiveness of ions is related to the
slope in the limit of low doses. Recently, the Katz model radiosensitivity of photons or x rays, which can be char-
was used to calculate cell inactivation along a SOBP acterized by the ␣ / ␤ ratio 共see Sec. III.B.3兲. This percep-
based on experimental in vitro data 共Waligorski et al., tion primarily implies that the most beneficial carbon
2006兲. Despite good model agreement, the requirement ion treatments are expected for tumor tissues with a low
of four free parameters and a diminishing slope for low ␣ / ␤ ratio surrounded by normal tissues characterized by
doses of x rays 共equivalent with an RBE approaching a relatively large ␣ / ␤ ratio. This combination increases
infinity兲 impedes the clinical application of the Katz the therapeutic ratio even more than it is enhanced by
model. considering the same radiosensitivity for the tumor and
The theory of dual radiation action 共TDRA兲 共Kellerer normal tissue. As an example, calculations performed
and Rossi, 1972兲 is based on the concepts of microdo- with TRiP using different tissues for the tumor, brain
simetry, which relates the radiation damage to the mi- 共both assumed to have a ␣ / ␤ ratio of 2兲, and skin 共␣ / ␤
croscopic energy distribution in micrometer-sized tar- = 5.9兲 showed that the photon-equivalent dose in the en-
gets. According to TDRA, the typical shoulder shape of trance channel is reduced by about 50% for the skin as
survival curves originates from the interaction of suble- compared to brain or chordoma tissue. However, for the

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opposite ratio, namely, a high ␣ / ␤ for the tumor and low cal characteristics greatly different from the reference
for normal tissue, the biological effectiveness of heavy cell system. It was found that the clinical RBE for hy-
ions might reduce the therapeutic ratio. Therefore, care- pofractionated nonsmall cell lung cancer with a large
ful consideration of the radiobiological properties of the dose per fraction is smaller than predicted 共Kanai et al.,
irradiated tissues is essential for the full benefit of heavy 2006兲. Also, the necessity of different methods to deter-
ion treatments. mine RBE values for different tissues was addressed re-
For the optimum choice of the ion species, these de- cently at HIMAC within the scope of eye cancer treat-
pendencies are also of utmost importance. State-of-the- ments, where the shape of the SOBP is based on the
art accelerators are capable of providing swift ions start- human malignant melanoma 共HMV-I兲 cell line
ing from protons up to neon, allowing for plenty of room 共Koyama-ito et al., 2007兲.
for optimization 共Brahme, 2004; Amaldi and Kraft, At GSI, the LEM considers most of the RBE depen-
2007兲. Biological models for treatment planning should dencies previously discussed and is the biophysical basis
guide these considerations, although the final judgement of the outstanding clinical results. However, a thorough
will be provided by clinical data. At GSI, the decision analysis of its accuracy based on clinical results is pend-
for carbon ions was supported by cell measurements ing. Since during the last decade an underestimation of
showing the largest ratio between high- and low-LET the therapeutic ratio was detected by means of cell and
particles for carbon ions relative to oxygen and neon animal experiments, the LEM was recently amended to
共Scholz, 2003兲. The fundamental reason is the slope of address these inaccuracies. Still, the universal applica-
the RBE-LET dependence, being the steepest for car- tion of the LEM including light ions like proton or he-
bon ions. However, for lighter particles like boron, lium needs further improvements, since significant sys-
lithium, or helium a significant increase in RBE is also tematic deviations of the model predictions relative to
expected for an SOBP, however, starting at a more distal measurements are observed for these light ions. Addi-
position. For a careful consideration of the best treat- tionally, the tissue-specific parameter Dt requires input
ment option, physical aspects like fragmentation, strag- from high LET information either by a few experimen-
gling, and scattering need to also be considered. tal data points or by transferring knowledge from tissues
with similar radiobiological properties. In the future, di-
D. Future directions rect determination of the parameter Dt as well as a fur-
ther improvement of its accuracy will foster the applica-
The crucial criteria for the comprehensive applicabil- tion of treatment planning based on the LEM to new
ity of a biologically optimized treatment planning system tumor sites and different ion species.
for heavy-ion therapy is a sufficient RBE accuracy for all An obvious field of future research concerns the ex-
incident tissues using a number of adjustable or un- plicit consideration of hypoxic regions in RBE calcula-
known parameters that is as small as possible. Currently, tions. Extensive studies were conducted elucidating the
the application of different biophysical models results in mechanistic principles of the oxygen effect 共Dewhirst et
different predictions of the photon-equivalent dose for al., 2008兲 and possible improved imaging techniques
the same cancer or tissue type. Also no investigation of 共Macapinlac, 2008兲. We have also summarized in Sec.
RBE values derived from clinical values has been per- III.A.5 that numerous in vitro experiments have been
formed yet. Therefore, a reasonable statement on the performed since the early days of heavy-ion therapy.
systematic errors of RBE predictions in carbon-ion However, the two approaches actually used in treatment
therapy is not feasible and needs to be determined as planning do not take the OER explicitly into account.
soon as relevant clinical data are available. However, we Due to the longer lifetime and reduced treatment age,
should keep in mind that in conventional radiotherapy the second cancer risk is of growing concern in radiation
the required error margin does not relate to the biologi- therapy 共Allan and Travis, 2005兲, especially for the use
cal effect but rather to the absorbed dose and, hence, of particles. On the one hand, the excellent tumor con-
the requested maximal errors need to be larger. There- formity and its related small irradiated volumes consid-
fore, we cannot state a simple number for the systematic erably reduces the total dose delivered to patients. On
error 共which very much depends on the biological sys- the other hand, for proton therapy the cancer risk of
tem, dose level, etc.兲. Considering the uncertainties for secondary neutrons needs to be clarified and for heavier
hypoxic regions, the situation is similar to conventional ions, the RBE for cancer induction is probably in-
therapy, namely, that the variations in radiosensitivity creased. Therefore, the positive effect of small treatment
are not fully reflected by the physical dose. Especially fields might be partially outweighed by a higher effec-
for carbon ions, the difference in radiosensitivity is tiveness of particles for second cancer risk. Unfortu-
greatly reduced, thus keeping the additional uncertainty nately, there are only very few data available assessing
small. the cancer risk based on cell transformation experiments
The experiment-based approach at HIMAC provides 共Bettega, 2004兲 or animal studies 共Ando, Koike, Oohira,
reasonable RBE estimates to shape the SOBP and was et al., 2005兲. However, due to the success of the carbon-
shown to facilitate excellent clinical results 共Tsujii et al., ion therapy facilities and the desire of NASA to take
2004兲. However, the concentration on a single cell line mankind to Mars, the research in heavy-ion radiobiol-
and survival level causes inaccuracies for uncommon ogy has gained enormous momentum and we can expect
treatment protocols as well as tissues with radiobiologi- a steady increase of understanding 共Durante and Cuci-

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notta, 2008兲. In order to incorporate cancer risk esti- and adenocarcinomas of the head and neck region
mates into heavy-ion treatment planning, novel models 共Tsujii et al., 2004兲.
need to be established, possibly using the same basic In locally advanced head and neck tumors, radiation
principles as in the local effect model, by transferring therapy is part of interdisciplinary treatment concepts.
knowledge gained from conventional treatments to ion Most patients with head and neck tumors are treated for
therapy. squamous cell carcinomas. Carbon-ion RT has been
found to be beneficial especially for the less common
histological subtypes such as adenocarcinomas, adenoid
cystic carcinomas, and malignant melanomas 共Mizoe et
IV. CLINICAL EXPERIENCES al., 2004兲. These histological subtypes are known to be
relatively resistant to conventional photon RT.
A. Clinical trials investigating heavy-ion radiation therapy
At NIRS, 36 patients with locally advanced head and
Most of the patients treated with carbon-ion RT so far neck tumors have been enrolled in a dose escalation trial
have been included in prospective clinical phase I–III investigating carbon-ion RT. Eleven patients had squa-
trials. Taking into account radiobiological aspects, the mous cell carcinomas, five had malignant melanomas,
highest benefit of carbon-ion RT by means of increased nine had adenoid cystic carcinomas, four had adenocar-
biological effectiveness and minimization of toxicity can cinomas, and seven patients had other histologies. Total
be expected for radioresistant tumors, which are located doses between 52.8 and 70.2 GyE were delivered in 16
within radiosensitive normal tissues. or 18 fractions within 4 – 6 weeks. Five year local control
RBE depends on several factors such as tissue type, rates achieved with carbon-ion RT were 100% for ma-
dose level, atomic number, and energy of particles tra- lignant melanoma, 50% for adenoid cystic carcinoma,
versing a cell nucleus. Different biological end points and 34% for squamous cell carcinoma, respectively. Lo-
like cell killing within the target volume and toxicity to cal control rates were found to be favorable in compari-
normal tissues have to be taken into consideration. In son to conventional photon RT especially in nonsqua-
systems with a high repair capacity characterized by low mous cell tumors like malignant melanoma, adenoid
␣ / ␤ ratios and a pronounced shoulder of the cell sur- cystic carcinoma, and adenocarcinoma 共Mizoe et al.,
vival curves, high RBE values could be found in experi- 2004兲.
ments. On the other hand, systems with a poor repair At GSI, only patients with locally advanced adenoid
capacity showed low RBE values. When a patient is cystic carcinomas have been chosen for a clinical phase
treated with carbon-ion RT, different tissues with differ- I-II trial investigating a combination treatment of pho-
ent repair capacities are typically included in the target ton IMRT and a carbon-ion boost to the macroscopic
volume. For the same beam within the same target vol- tumor. This histological subtype belongs to the group of
ume various RBE values may coexist for different end- high grade malignant salivary gland tumors and was cho-
points. Therefore, RBE has to be accounted for during sen for a clinical phase I-II trial because of the relatively
the treatment planning process. high RBE values of up to 8 after high-LET irradiation in
Historical clinical neutron data have been useful in these tumors 共Battermann et al., 1981兲. Twenty-nine pa-
identifying tumor entities that might benefit from tients with inoperable, incompletely resected, or recur-
carbon-ion RT and in defining clinical trials. In a second rent adenoid cystic carcinoma have been included in the
step, dose finding studies have been performed to deter- trial. Treatment planning for carbon-ion RT included
mine the optimal target doses with respect to the toler- biological plan optimization using the TRiP treatment
ance of dose-limiting normal tissues surrounding the tu- planning software 共Scholz et al., 1997; Krämer and
mors. Scholz, 2000兲. A target dose of 18 GyE of carbon-ion RT
At NIRS in Chiba, Japan, a large clinical research was applied in six fractions of 3.0 GyE. Additionally, pa-
program was started in 1994. Carbon-ion RT was inves- tients received photon treatment with a median total
tigated within dose escalation trials and, thereafter, in dose of 54 Gy using conventional fractionation. The
clinical phase II trials for a number of different tumor 4-year locoregional control and overall survival rates
entities. A focus of research was put on toxicity to nor- were 77% and 75.8%, respectively. Severe late toxicity
mal tissues. Using passive beam delivery systems with grade 4 was observed in one patient, only. While locore-
the beam passing through a compound scattering system gional control rates and overall survival rates were com-
or magnetic wobbling systems, toxicity was mainly ob- parable to historical neutron data, toxicity seemed to be
served in the entrance channels of the radiation fields. reduced after carbon-ion RT. When results were com-
The dose limiting toxicity of carbon-ion RT was there- pared to data collected for a adenoid cystic carcinoma
fore acute toxicity to soft tissues and skin in most of the series treated with photon IMRT alone, local control
trials performed at the NIRS. rates tended to be higher after combination therapy with
For a number of tumors high local control rates were photons and carbon ions 共Schulz-Ertner et al., 2005兲.
found after carbon-ion RT. Promising results were re- Carbon-ion RT has also been investigated in chordo-
ported for high risk prostate cancer, non-small-cell lung mas, chondrosarcomas, and osteosarcomas. These histo-
cancer, several skull base tumors of the bone, and chon- logical subtypes of soft tissue and tumors of the bone are
drogenic tumors as well as hepatocellular carcinoma, known to be very unresponsive to conventional RT ne-
malignant salivary gland tumors, malignant melanoma, cessitating irradiation with high tumor doses, typically

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Schardt, Elsässer, and Schulz-Ertner: Heavy-ion tumor therapy: Physical and … 415

served for carbon-ion beams 共Ando, Koike, Uzawa, et

al., 2005兲. Moreover, it has been shown in clinical trials
performed at the NIRS that hypofractionation is feasible
for several tumor entities. In dose escalation and phase
II trials, hypofractionation of carbon-ion RT has been
established at the NIRS for stage I lung cancer and
hepatocellular carcinoma.
Surgical resection is the treatment of choice for local-
ized non-small-cell lung cancer 共NSCLC兲, but primary
RT is considered in medically inoperable patients. Due
to the high radiosensitivity of the lung parenchyma and
the reduced lung function in most of these patients, the
benefit of RT has always to be weighted against the as-
FIG. 36. 共Color online兲 Axial MRI scan of a skull base chor-
sociated risk of further impairment of lung function.
doma prior to RT 共left兲 and tumor regression 6 weeks after
irradiation 共right兲.
Carbon-ion RT represents a RT modality that can be
focussed precisely to the tumor. A first phase I-II study
was conducted from 1994 to 1999 to determine the opti-
exceeding the tolerance doses of neighboring normal- mal dose in stage I NSCLC. Irradiation was applied in
tissue structures. Between 1997 and 2005, 96 patients 18 fractions within 6 weeks in 47 patients and nine frac-
with chordomas have been treated with a full course of tions within 3 weeks in 34 patients. The optimal dose
carbon-ion RT with a median total tumor dose of fractionation scheme of carbon-ion RT in stage I
60 GyE at GSI. A local control of 70% at 5 years could NSCLC was determined to be 68.4– 79.2 GyE given in
be achieved, while highest local control probability rates nine fractions. The 5-year local control probability was
after modern photon RT are reported to be as low as 84%, three out of 81 patients developed grade 3 toxicity
50% in chordomas. Overall survival after carbon-ion RT to normal lung tissue 共Miyamoto et al., 2003兲. As a next
was 88.5% at 5 years. Severe late toxicity was observed step, a phase II study investigating 72.0 GyE within nine
in less than 5% of all patients, while overall treatment
fractions in 3 weeks was carried out in 50 patients at
time could be significantly reduced to 3 weeks. When
NIRS. The local control rate was 94.7%. The 5-year
the local control rates observed after carbon-ion RT at
overall and cause-specific survival rates were 50% and
GSI in chordomas were compared with the data avail-
75.7%, respectively. Hypofractionated carbon-ion RT
able for proton RT in the literature, a clear dose-
given in four fractions yielded similar local control rates
response relationship could be found and the optimal
in a phase I-II trial performed in 79 patients 共Miyamoto
dose could be estimated to be between 75 and 85 GyE
et al., 2007兲. Furthermore, single dose irradiation using
共Schulz-Ertner et al., 2007兲. Similar advantages of
carbon-ion RT is currently being investigated for stage I
carbon-ion RT could be shown for chondrosarcomas of
the skull base. The local control rate was 89.8% at NSCLC patients. Single total doses of at least 28.0 GyE
5 years after carbon-ion RT in 54 patients 共Schulz- are applied in this dose escalation trial, which is still
Ertner et al., 2007兲. An example of tumor regression is ongoing 共Tsujii et al., 2007, 2008兲.
shown in Fig. 36. So far, there are no data available comparing proton
At NIRS, 57 patients with inoperable bone and soft and carbon-ion RT with modern stereotactic photon RT.
tissue sarcomas were treated within a phase I-II dose A comparative study is particularly warranted for large-
escalation trial. Carbon-ion beams were applied pas- sized T2 tumors.
sively using compensators and collimators. Total doses Another important potential indication for hypofrac-
between 52.8 and 73.6 GyE were applied in 16 fractions tionated carbon-ion RT is hepatocellular carcinoma.
within 4 weeks. The overall local control rate was 73% Twenty-four patients with 24 lesions were treated with a
at 3 years, the overall survival rate was 46%. Results 15 fractions regimen within 5 weeks. Further phase I-II
were promising especially for 15 patients with inoper- trials were carried out in order to confirm the safety and
able osteosarcoma of the trunk for which an overall sur- efficacy of short-course therapy regimes such as 12 frac-
vival rate of 45% at 3 years was obtained 共Kamada et al., tions within 3 weeks, eight fractions within 2 weeks and
2002兲. Imai et al. reported a 5-year local control rate of four fractions within 1 week. In these trials, dose was
96% for a subset of 30 patients with unresectable sacral escalated by increasing the fraction dose in increments
chordomas treated with carbon-ion RT using total doses of 10% from 3.3 to 5.3 GyE 共15 fractions兲,
between 70.4 and 73.6 GyE 共Imai et al., 2004兲. 4.5 to 5.8 GyE 共12 fractions兲, 6.0 to 7.5 GyE 共eight frac-
Using conventional RT with photons or proton RT, tions兲, and 12.0 to 13.2 GyE 共four fractions兲. The total
hypofractionation is limited by the tolerance of normal dose ranged from 49.5 to 79.5 GyE 共15 fractions兲,
tissue included in the planning target volume. It has 54.0 to 69.6 GyE 共12 fractions兲, and 48.0 to 58.0 GyE
been shown for neutrons, which are high-LET beams as 共eight fractions兲. Carbon-ion RT yielded local control
well, that increasing the fraction size leads to lower RBE and overall survival rates comparable to proton RT
for the tumor and less pronounced for normal tissues 共Kato et al., 2004兲. While there was no significant differ-
共Denekamp et al., 1997兲. Similar results have been ob- ence among the different fractionation regimen, the gen-

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eral tendency was that local control rate improved with These questions can be answered only in clinical studies
shorter irradiation periods. As a result of a dose escala- performed at hospital based ion therapy facilities.
tion trial, which proved the safety and efficacy of a regi- So far, not much experience has been gained with
men of four fractions within 1 week with a total dose of combination therapies of carbon-ion RT, chemothera-
52.8 GyE, this fractionation scheme has been adopted peutic agents, and other modifiers of the radiation re-
for a subsequent phase II trial. Forty-four patients were sponse. Almost all clinical trials investigated carbon-ion
treated with 52.8 GyE within four fractions within this RT alone so far. Since modern treatment concepts con-
phase II trial. Local control rate was 95% at 3 years and tain chemotherapy as essential part of the treatment, the
overall survival was 35% at 5 years 共Tsujii et al., 2007兲. combination of carbon-ion RT with different chemo-
Hypofractionated carbon-ion RT has also been inves- therapeutic agents will be an important research field in
tigated in patients with locally advanced prostate cancer the near future. One of the main clinical problems using
and soft tissue sarcomas. A fractionation scheme of active beam delivery techniques is the physiological
16–20 fractions within 4 – 5 weeks was employed at the movement of targets and breath dependent changes in
facility in Chiba. Given the relatively high photon and the normal tissues surrounding the tumor region. These
proton doses needed to control prostate cancer, prostate changes might influence the range of carbon-ion beams
cancer cells can be assumed to be relatively radioresis- and limit the application of scanned carbon-ion beams.
tant to conventional photon RT. The ␣ / ␤ ratio was Potential strategies currently under investigation include
found to be very low in the range of 1.5 Gy, while a motion management for active particle beam delivery
higher radiosensitivity is assumed for dose-limiting late with gating and fast rescanning 共see Sec. II.C.4兲. Further-
reactions of the rectal wall 共Fowler, 2005兲. Therefore, more, different tumor tracking methods are under de-
the delivery of higher single doses is currently under velopment as well for particle therapy. Technological im-
discussion even for photon irradiation. High-LET beams provements in the fields of treatment planning,
such as carbon ions do not only provide the physical accelerator technology, patient positioning, image guid-
advantage of an inverted dose profile, which enables a ance, adaptive radiation therapy, PET monitoring, and
steep dose gradient towards the anterior rectal wall, but biological dosimetry will help to fully exploit the poten-
also offer biologic advantages by means of an enhanced tial of carbon-ion RT in the treatment of oncological
biologic effectiveness in tumors with low ␣ / ␤ ratios. patients in the future.
After determination of the optimal carbon-ion dose
for prostate cancer within a dose escalation trial, carbon- V. CONCLUSION
ion RT has been investigated within a prospective phase
II trial at a fixed dose of 66 GyE in 20 fractions given Since the pioneering work at LBL Berkeley, where in
within 5 weeks 共Akakura et al., 2004; Tsujii et al., 2005兲. 1975 heavy ions were applied in cancer treatment for the
175 patients received this fixed regimen of 66.0 GyE/20 first time, rapid progress in accelerator technology has
fractions of carbon-ion RT within a phase II trial. No contributed significantly to the further development of
patient developed severe late toxicity. Biochemical dis- ion-beam therapy as a precision tool in radiooncology.
ease free survival and overall survival rates were 87% The following generation of heavy-ion accelerators, the
and 91% at 4 years, respectively, although the majority SIS-18 synchrotron at GSI and the HIMAC facility at
of patients had high risk tumors 共Ishikawa et al., 2006兲. NIRS, Chiba provided excellent beam quality and highly
The favorable outcome after carbon-ion RT in prostate reliable performance, which was essential for the further
cancer patients is assumed to be related to an elevated development of radiotherapy with ion beams. An impor-
relative biological effectiveness of carbon-ion RT in tant step was the design and installation of scanning
prostate cancer cells. Besides, hypofractionation has beam systems for proton beams at PSI and carbon ions
been proven to be feasible, thus reducing the overall at GSI, providing optimum conditions for the applica-
treatment time. Nevertheless, the promising results ob- tion of IMPT and enabling highly tumor-conformal
tained with carbon-ion RT need confirmation in con- treatments with improved sparing of normal tissue and
trolled clinical trials with large patient numbers compar- organs at risk.
ing carbon-ion RT with photon IMRT and proton RT, In parallel, extensive radiobiological studies have led
taking also into account toxicity and quality of life. Fur- to an improved understanding of the biological effec-
ther hypofractionation of carbon-ion RT appears attrac- tiveness of heavy ions. Comprehensive strategies and
tive and might be realized with further optimization of models for biological treatment planning have been de-
the beam delivery and by combination with new meth- veloped and implemented in the treatment planning sys-
ods for tumor tracking in the future. tems. These tremendous achievements advanced the
better exploitation of the specific advantage of heavy
ions, characterized by the effective combination of
B. Future directions physical and biological benefits.
The increasing number of excellent clinical results
From the clinical point of view, further research is re- provide evidence that carbon-ion therapy should be ben-
quired to quantify the benefit from therapy with protons eficial in numerous tumor entities, however, more data
and heavy ions in different tumor situations, and to de- will be needed for a better assessment of the role of
termine the ideal ion species and fractionation scheme. heavy ions in modern radiation therapy. Interesting re-

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sults can be expected from the dedicated ion-beam cen- A retrospective analysis,” J. Radiat. Res. 共Tokyo兲 46, 185–
ter HIT which started patient treatments in November 190.
2009 and allows for the first time to compare clinical Ando, K., S. Koike, A. Uzawa, N. Takai, T. Fukawa, Y. Furu-
results of proton and heavy-ion treatments under the sawa, M. Aoki, and Y. Miyato, 2005, “Biological gain of
same irradiation conditions. Various other heavy-ion carbon-ion radiotherapy for the early response of tumor
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therapy group 共GSI Darmstadt/Kopfklinik Heidelberg/ Knaus, A. Meier, M. Pullia, and S. Rossi, 2000, Proton Ion
DKFZ Heidelberg/FZ Dresden兲 for the very fruitful col- Medical Machine Study (PIMMS), Part II 共CERN, Geneva兲,
laboration over more than ten years in the pilot project cern/ps 2000-007.
at GSI, where many of the results presented in this re- Barendsen, G. W., C. J. Koot, G. R. van Kersen, D. K. Bewley,
view were obtained. We particularly thank Gerhard S. B. Field, and C. J. Parnell, 1966, “The effect of oxygen on
Kraft for his enthusiasm and countless stimulating dis- impairment of the proliferative capacity of human cells in
cussions. His tireless efforts have paved the way for the culture by ionizing radiations of different LET,” Int. J. Ra-
first heavy-ion therapy unit in Europe. Critical com- diat. Biol. 10, 317–327.
ments and valuable suggestions on the manuscript from Barkas, H. W., 1963, Nuclear Research Emulsions 共Academic,
Christoph Bert, Ellie Blakely, Peter Heeg, Oliver Jäkel, New York兲, Vol. 1.
Michael Krämer, Katia Parodi, Eike Rietzel, Michael Battermann, J. J., K. Breur, G. A. Hart, and H. A. van Pep-
Scholz, and Uli Weber are gratefully acknowledged. erzeel, 1981, “Observations on pulmonary metastases in pa-
tients after single doses and multiple fractions of fast neu-
trons and cobalt-60 gamma rays,” Eur. J. Cancer 17, 539–548.
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