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What are the signs that you are wasting your life?

Anurag Kumar Yadav, B.Tech Information Technology, Motilal Nehru National Institute of
Technology, Allahabad (2021)
Answered Sep 21

1. You masturbate regularly, you think of not repeating but you repeat it right? Yeah,
you are wasting your life and energy too.
2. You keep on watching same random songs, standup videos and other stuff on
3. You chat with your crush all day long.
4. Check whatsapp,fb and instagram for every five minutes, even though there are no
important matters running in them.
5. Sundays and Holidays, No more excite you.
6. You feel angry, sad, destroyed, frustrated, you blame society, you blame your
family, you blame everything you can for your ill situation and continue to live the
way you already are.
7. Finding difficulty in getting sleep at night because afternoon nap ended a bit
8. Do not exercise.Not exercising daily is also a clear sign that you are wasting your
9. Ate junk foods and spending money without maintaining records and control.
10. You wake up and don't rush into anything and spend time with your phone in the
How is life at age 27 in India?

Saurav Mandhotra, Credit Manager at Tata Capital

Answered Nov 12

1. Deactivated Facebook and Instagram, don't want to waste time watching what's
happening in somebody else's life.
2. No Tik Tok, no Snapchat , not here for overnight sensation.
3. 10–7 job, then sports and skill building, no wasting time on parties and alcohol
4. Managing expenses within the income, no credit cards, no loans.
5. Month starts with savings and whatever left is for expenses.
6. Everyday call with parents, call in the evening with parents starts with “how are
you? “, I reply “I'm good” and the next 30 mins goes with discussion on marriage.
It's ok at least they are happy.
7. Attending friends marriages, sometimes looking after their kids
8. Tension of quick Hair fall and white hair, although I still have those.
9. Reading self help improvement and management books
10. Learning new things from YouTube, stock market investment.
11. Realising that life when we were at school was much better, and people out are
selfish, brutal and don't want to see you grow.
12. Your friend circle decreases and colleagues circle increases.
13. Your close friends start moving out.
14. Too much relying on cook, swiggy and zomato for food.
15. You start seeing categorising food into protein , fiber, cholesterol,calories, fat etc.
16. You don't have sufficient vitamin d and B12 in your body.
17. Your body is not flexible anymore and you move to point 2.
18. You are not homesick anymore and adapted to new city, new people.
19. You plan to quit job and start you own business, but after seeing your bank
balance your balls drop.
Edit 1:

Didn't expect such a great response, thank you for taking your time for reading and

Edit 2: greateful to manjari for correcting sentences mistakes. Still learning English.

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