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= ¥ MADE EASY 9 e Q.165 Q.166 a The plan of a ma *" MAP was photo copied reduced size such that a line a toa 100 mm, measures % . scale of the plan was ny ne scale is, (a) 1: 900 (© 1: 121 1:11 (a) 1: 1221 IE L is the measured length of a line, then the compensating errors are proportional to @L @L (b) 2 (@) Jt The correction to be applied to each 30 metre chain length along 6° slope, is (@) 30 (sec - 1)m (©) 30 (sin@ -1)m (©) 30 (cos® - 1)m (4) 30 (tand ~1)m ‘The required slope correction for a length of 60 m along a gradient of 1 in 20 is (a) 75m (&) Bam (© 0.75 cm (@) 550 cm ‘The length of a base line is measured on ground at an elevation of 300 metres above mean sea level is 2250 metres. The required correction to reduce to sea level length (given Radius of earth = 6370) will be (@) 106 mm (b) 206 mm (©) 306 mm (d) 212 mm Which of the following arithmetic checks ‘can be applied in rise and fall method? @ ‘EBS - ZFS = ERise - ZFall only (b) 2BS- [EFS = ELast RL - First RL only se ~ SFall = ELast RL - First RL only = Rise - Fall = Last RL Civil Engineering | Testy 17 168 The correction f for refraction as applied t© ee a as applied t aa o A) of 9 “72K, ® {8 & a alt) i a3) where R is radius of earth of Two points A and B are 1530 m apart across a river. The reciprocal levels measured are Readings n (in m) Level at A B A 2.165 3810 B__| os10 | 2265 ‘The true difference in level between A and B would be (a) 1.255 m () 1545 m (b) 1355 m (@) 1645 m (70 The distance of visible horizon from a height of 36 m above mean sea level is given by % Z © Vos’ © 6 onerz 3 © Yaparas # (@) 36V0106728 km QA71 The height of instrument method of reducing levels is preferred when (a) there are large numbers of intermediate sights. (b) there are no intermediate sights. (©) there are large number of fore sights. (4) there are no fore sights. (@A72 The process of determining the locations of the instrument station by drawing resectors from the locations of the known stations is called Scanned by CamScanner

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