Insurance Transcript EH 401

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SOLENG | EH 401 2019-2020

August 28, 2019 remuneration. Because when someone in your

family dies class, there are attendant expenses.
The origin of contract of insurance and how it is It’s expensive to die nowadays. So the bereaved
connected with maritime law family will spend money for the coffin. And even
Atty: In the olden days, the italian merchants were before that, there are hospital expenses. If you
very good. They have these very big vessels laden don’t have any contract with St. Peters, you have
with goods to be transported some other parts of to pay, I think around 200k-300k. And then there
Europe, including London. Of course, if you were a are daily expenses such as food for those who will
merchant at that time, there is great loss on your attend the wake and burial. In the province, they
part if and when the vessel you own will sink in the put a container and inside they put what they call
sea without any protection at all. You will assume a limos which can defray the expenses of the
all the liabilities. family. In a way you are distributing the risk if you
are a member of that mutual benefit association.
If your liabilities is not shared by other persons
who are similarly situated, you will suffer all the S: The concept of insurance as to non-life property
losses. So they pooled all their resources and they was brought by the british through the
agreed among themselves to distribute the risk. establishment of the first non-life insurance
That started the insurance business. company. Few years later, the first life insurance
company in the Philippines was established by
Particularly before, there is loan on bottomry SunLife Canada Corp where the concept of Life
which you will learn later on, such that if I borrow Insurance was introduced to the country.
money and I put the goods in my vessel and if
vessel will sink to the bottom of the sea, I am not Atty: It started with foreign corporations, foreign
supposed to pay any liability. Because no vessel, insurance companies, coming into the jurisdiction
no liability. That’s the loan on bottomry, as part of the Philippines then we have some domestic
and parcel of the insurance contracts. insurance companies for life and non-life.

So Italian merchants brought the concept of Concept of Social Insurance

insurance to London, England. At that time, the Atty: It’s a social insurance in a sense that it is
business climate of London started to flourish and mandated by law. There is a law which creates
then from England it was brought to US. these entities for purposes of defraying all the
possible liabilities which may be suffered by the
Development in the Philippines members.
Student: Before the spaniards came, when a family
member is lost, the liability or the expenses were GSIS and SSS
primarily incurred by the family. However, with the GSIS does not collect premiums, GSIS is collecting
coming of the spaniards and the contributions. GSIS is not an insurer, but it
institutionalization of the baranggays, the concept functions akin to an insurer. Same as SSS. But they
of loss within the family was evenly distributed to are included under the concept of a social
society, where Baranggay members would often insurance. But sometimes SSS calls it premium
contribute to the families bereaving the loss of contributions.
their loved ones.
For example you are working with government,
Atty: Even nowadayy, in the province, there is such that is compulsory. You have to give contribution
a thing as paluwagan system. They contributed a to GSIS, such that if something happens to you,
certain amount of money and then when someone say for example if you die during the period when
dies, your family will receive some sort of you are still working with the government, your


beneficiaries will receive something from the cannot be named benefeciary of a life inusrance
government. Or if you continued to live until you policy by the person who cannot make any
retired, you will receive your pension benefits donation to him, according to the said article.
from your contribution.
Art. 739, Civil Code. The following donations shall
Same with SSS – you contribute, but with SSS be void:
there is such thing as voluntary members. If you (1) Those made between persons who were
are not employed by a private company you can guilty of adultery or concubinage at the
voluntary pay some contribution to SSS to protect time of the donation.
you also. Example if something happens to you,
your children, or spouse, or all your beneficiaries Contract of Annuity
will receive something from SSS on a monthly Art. 2021, Civil Code. The aleatory contract of life
basis. annuity binds the debtor to pay an annual pension
or income during the life of one or more
Sources of Insurance Law in the Philippines determinate persons in consideration of a capital
Student: Primarily, the source of our insurance law consisting of money or other property, whose
is the Insurance code. First it was the PD 612, which ownership is transferred to him at once with the
repealed the insurance act, so it is now the burden of the income.
insurance code. It has several amendments
leading to the latest amendment which is the RA Atty: That’s the difference between life insurance
10697 which is the current insurance code. These and life annuity. In life annuity, you pay during his
are the primary source of the insurance laws in the lifetime. In life insurance, you pay the beneficiary
Philippines. (Check the book for the complete list of after the death. In annuity, a determinate person
sources) can receive an annual pension or income during his
lifetime. By reason of the ownership transferred.
Application of the Civil Code In consideration of the capital that has been paid
Student: The Civil Code applies since insurance is a by that person, to the debtor. There is some sort
contract, the requirements of a contract under the of capital expenditure he made to the debtor. Be
Civil Code also applies. For example, when it it a money or property. The ownership is in fact
comes to donation, the persons who shall not transferred already to the debtor. That’s why
receive a donation shall also not be a beneficiary during the lifetime of this person who transferred
of a contract of insurance. So sometimes the his property or his money to that person, this
insurance law makes reference on the provisions person binds himself to give a life annuity to the
of the Civil Code. other party.

X lives with his paramore Y. During his lifetime he Special Laws

insured his life and made Y his beneficiary. And Insurance code, PDIC, SSS law, and the GSIS law
thereafter X decided to die and transfer his (Check the book for the complete list of special
residence to Sempar(?). May Y claim for the laws)
proceeds of the insurance?
No. Art. 2012 of the Civil Code states that those Concept of Subrogation
who cannot be considered as donee under art. 739 Student: Subrogation is the substitution of one
may not be allowed to be a beneficiary under the person to another with respect to legal claim or
contract of insurance. right. Applying the insurance law, for example,
there is an insured and insurer, so the insured, for
Art. 2012, Civil Code. Any person who is forbidden example, meets an accident. The insurer can
from receiving any donation under Article 739 subrogate or step into the shoes of the insured.


Therefore, the insurer can now take a legal action Example:

against the wrongdoer. Student: I insured my laptop and the insurance
contract has a theft clause. Someone stole my
laptop. The moment that the insurer pays me the
Basis of Subrogation amount that is covered by the insurance policy,
It is rooted from equity and provided for by Art. that is when the right of subrogation accrues. And
2202 of the Civil Code. so, the insurer, now subrogated to my rights, she
can now go after the person who stole my laptop.
A insured his life for 1M pesos and made his wife
B as a beneficiary. Here comes C, a friend of A. The right of subrogation already accrued at the
One day, they had a verbal altercation which time when she paid you without her first the
resulted to the murder of A. C, in fact, was person who stole the property?
convicted. The wife, meanwhile, went to the No need to inform the culprit.
insurer and claimed the proceeds of the
insurance. She claimed the amount of 1M pesos Supposing the amount of the insurance was 100k
from the insurer. The insurer would now want to pesos. The insurer paid you 100k pesos because
seek your advice whether the insurer may go that is what is provided for in the contract of
after C, to indemnify itself of the amount it gave insurance, when the true value of your laptop is
to B, the wife of the beneficiary. just 50k pesos. Are you saying that the insurer can
There can be no subrogation because the right of get the entire 100k from the culprit?
subrogation only applies to property insurance No. The spring cannot rise higher than its source.
and not life insurance. Since the insured is the source and the spring is the
insurer, the insurer cannot rise higher than
Article 2207. If the plaintiff's property has been whatever rights that I have. Since my laptop only
insured, and he has received indemnity from the amounts to 50k, the claim of insurer would only be
insurance company for the injury or loss arising out up to that amount, which is 50k. Regardless of the
of the wrong or breach of contract complained of, value that is covered by the insurance.
the insurance company shall be subrogated to the
rights of the insured against the wrongdoer or the Where will the insurer then get the remaining
person who has violated the contract. If the 50k?
amount paid by the insurance company does not The insurer can get the excess from the insured
fully cover the injury or loss, the aggrieved party based on the concept under the Civil Code
shall be entitled to recover the deficiency from the provision that “no person shall be unjustly
person causing the loss or injury. enriched at the expense of another”.

Student: Since the value of the life of a person The contract of insurance is a contract of
cannot be determined with accuracy. Hence, a indemnity. Such that, you can only get the
third person cannot accurately say how much he is proceeds up to the amount that you are supposed
liable to pay to compensate for the life of that to be damnified. So if the damage caused to you
person. was only 50k, then the insurer must only pay you
only up to 50k.
Accrual of the right of subrogation
It accrues from the moment of payment of the A person insured his car against all types of
insurer to the insured. Once the insurer pays the damages excluding theft. Thereafter, his car was
insured, the amount that is covered by the stolen. Then the insurer paid him the value of the
insurance policy, then the right of subrogation insurance. May the insurer, after paying the
accrues. amount of the insurance to the owner of the car,


go after the person who took the car? Is there a

right of subrogation there?
None. Because the insurance is limited to
coverage of the insurance policy. Since the
insurance excludes theft, and the cause of the loss
was theft, the insurance company cannot assume
that risk arising from that specific situation.

Atty: Of course not. Because the cause of damage

is not accident. The cause of damage is theft.

Can the insurer ask for reimbursement from the

culprit despite the fact that there is no right of
Yes, because he has the right to seek for beneficial
reimbursement under the Civil Code.

Art. 1235, Civil Code. Whoever pays for another

may demand from the debtor what he has paid,
except that if he paid without the knowledge or
against the will of the debtor, he can recover only
insofar as the payment has been beneficial to the


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