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Joshua Ketola Teaching Statement

The fields of Counseling and Psychology are in place to describe behavior. Health

education in Human Sexuality is an open forum at the very heart of counseling practice. It is my

goal to teach students how to identify behaviors and help others becomes agents of change in

their own lives. The overall goals of these fields are to describe, explain, predict, control, and


When I teach Advanced Human Sexuality, I will focus on the context of Sexology

research and personal empowerment which is woven in society to foster a deep understanding in

students. I will use Lehmiller, J. (2018). The Psychology of Human Sexuality (2nd ed.). Wiley

Blackwell as the text. I will use online videos and research articles for discussion, expert student

presentations, supplementary reading, and in class demonstrations. I will have students work

through each of these and give weekly check ins through short quizzes to allow for proper


When I teach General Psychology, I will focus on the base concepts and theories to

establish a solid foundation for further classes in the field. I will use Myers, D. G., & DeWall, C.

N. (2015). Psychology in modules (12th ed.). New York: Worth , A Macmillian Education

Imprint. as the text. I will use lecture, case studies, online vignettes, quizzes, in class discussions,

and reenactments. I will have students work through each relevant section and give weekly check

ins to allow for proper assimilation. I will teach in a culturally sensitive manner as a privileged

white male in a predominately female minority field. I will be inclusive to minority cultures,

including those in the LGBTQ community, and encourage a sex positive open discussion to

engage student interest.

I bring a diverse set of experiences to teaching and continually update my skills. In this

way, the assets I have learned are woven into student’s intercultural toolkit to give them an

indispensable edge in their chosen professions.

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