(Final Manuscript) BIo-Piezoelectric Nanogenerator - Harnessing Electrical Energy From The Fishbones of Tilapia (Oreochromis Mossambicus)

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Senior High School Department

Laguna Campus

Bio-Piezoelectric Nano generator: Harnessing Electrical Energy

From Fish Bones of Tilapia (Oreochromis mossambicus)

Baliwag, Jesse Lambert R.

Brazil, Gian Miguel C.

Perez, Gabriel Francis D.

Rufino, Arvin Gabriel D.

Sambrano, Alphonse Rossaint V.

3rd Trimester, A.Y. 2018-2019

April 10, 2019

2019. All Rights Reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in an
information retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic,
mechanical, by photocopying, scanning, recording, or otherwise, except under the terms of the
applicable law.


We, the researchers would like to thank a handful of people for their generous

contributions that has led to the accomplishment of this paper. We would like to thank Lydia

Althea C. Brazil, RPh and Gruppo Medica for their assistance with the chemicals needed,

Engr. Antonio P. Rufino for his financial assistance and overall transportation, and the

University of the Philippines Los Baños, Department of Biotechnology in helping us with

their various services. We would also like to thank Ms. Phebe Mendoza, MSc, Ms. Leah C.

Madrazo, Doc. Kerry Cabral, and De La Salle University Integrated School, Chemistry

Department Research Laboratory, whom without their guidance, this research would not

have been possible.



Bio-piezoelectric nanogenerators have been one of the greatest innovations in the

biomedical field due to their ability to produce and generate significant power through the

use of mechanical energy without inflicting damage to the environment. Highly efficient

piezoelectric materials in the current generation contribute various unavoidable problems to

the environment due to high toxicity and complexity in synthesis. In this study, the

researchers developed a potential biocompatible yet cost-efficient nanogenerator that could

provide sufficient electrical energy using extracted collagen from the fish bones of tilapia

(Oreochromis mossacimbus), called the Fish Bone Bio-piezoelectric Nanogenerator

(FBBPNG). The highest generated output voltage of the FBBPNG was ~6.5V through

bending movements, with a steady voltage of ~3.06V under mechanical stress of 5.32kPa.

When 0.76kPa was applied onto the FBBPNG, it was able to generate 0.560V, and at

4.56kPa, it was able to generate 2.57V. With this, it can be observed that the pressure

applied onto the device and the voltage output has a direct relationship, however, there is a

certain pressure threshold that the device can handle before the generated output voltage

begins decreasing. Consequently, FBBPNG is also sensitive on several body motion

activities such as heel pressing, foot pressing from the heel side, and wrist movement which

can evidently be a source of electricity. Due to its biocompatibility, the FBBPNG would be

of great interest in the medical field.

Keywords: Bio-Piezoelectricity, Fish Bones, Nano-Generator


Table of Contents

Acknowledgment i

Abstract ii

Table of Contents iii

1.1 Background of the Study 1
1.2 Problem Statement 5
1.3 Objectives 6
1.4 Significance of the Study 7
1.5 Scope and Delimitations 7
1.6 Definition of Terms 9


2.1 Energy 13
2.2 Types of Energy 14
2.3 Electromechanical Conversion 16
2.4 Piezoelectricity 17
2.5 Piezoelectric Materials 18
2.6 Collagen Extraction 21
2.7 Demineralization or Desalination 22
2.8 Energy Harvesting System 24
2.9 Overall Synthesis 28

Chapter 3 METHODOLOGY 31
3.1 Materials/Equipment 31
3.2 Procedure 33
3.3 Safety Precautions 35
3.4 Research Methodology Flowchart 35
3.5 Equations for Data Collection 36
3.6 Research Design 37
3.7 Data Analysis Strategy 38


4.1 Energy Harvesting Performance and Working Mechanism 40
4.2 Human Locomotion and Human Activities 43


References 47


4.2 Table 1 .................................................................................................................... 31

4.3 Table 2 .................................................................................................................... 32
4.4 Table 3 .................................................................................................................... 33
4.5 Table 4 ..................................................................................................................... 35
4.6 Table 5 ..................................................................................................................... 41


4.7 Figure 1 ................................................................................................................... 34

4.8 Figure 2 ................................................................................................................... 36
4.9 Figure 3 ................................................................................................................... 40
4.10 Figure 4 .................................................................................................................... 41
4.11 Figure 5 .................................................................................................................... 42
4.12 Figure 6 ................................................................................................................... 44

Bio-Piezoelectric Nano generator: Harnessing Electrical Energy

from Fish Bones of Tilapia (Oreochromis mossambicus)

1.1. Background of the Study

With increasing amounts of technology comes increasing amounts of consumed

electricity. Given that the world is an ever-evolving place, many aspects of it may both

devolve or evolve. However, focusing on the aspects which humanity has taken advantage

of, such as electricity, we have learned how to utilize various objects in order for us to

advance. According to the Global Energy Statistical Yearbook (2017), electricity

consumption has increased dramatically over the span of 13 years, from 2004’s 15,037

Terawatts per hour (TWh) to 2016’s 21,191 TWh. Following this, it is known that Asia has

also observed the largest increase in electricity consumption, from 4,433 TWh to 9,053 TWh

in 2004 and 2016 respectively. With this knowledge, it can be determined that Asia uses

more and more electricity for each year that passes, therefore, electricity generation needs to

keep up with the demand of electricity consumption.

This consumption of electricity will continue to proportionally increase as the

demand of innovation persists. Consequently, there is a need for us to keep up with the

demands of electrical consumption through various methods of generating electricity. The

world is using large amounts of energy every day, and sources of energy are limited which is

feared to be gone completely if the world continues to utilize them, particularly the

nonrenewable ones called fossil fuels, such as coal, oil, and wood.

Prior to the start of the industrial age, which was around 200 to 300 years ago,

humanity has met the vast majority of their energy needs with various renewable energy

resources such as wood for heat, water mills for grinding crops, or the wind to propel sailing

vessels. Through the discovery of fossil fuels cut as oil, natural gas, and coal, we have found

new sources of energy that have been pivotal in the establishment of industrialized

economies. Modern society has been fundamentally shaped by the use of fossil fuels, and we

are still very much dependent on these fuels for our basic energy needs. Essentially, fossil

fuels are the remains of ancient organisms, such as old plants and bacteria. Following

changes in the Earth’s climate and geology, a portion of this organic matter was sequestered

below the Earth’s surface under multiple layers of sediment and rock and has been exposed

to immense heat and pressure given off by the Earth’s interior for millions of years. This

process created the fossil fuels that we use today, resulting from the originally decaying

biomass. As a result, natural oil, gas, and coal deposits can be found in specific geological

sediments throughout the world (Missouri Department of Natural Resources [DNR], 2017).

Given that these fossil fuels are the main sources of heat and electrical energy, all

these fuels contain materials including metal, sulfur, and nitrogen compounds. When we

burn gasoline in our cars, we are, in essence, burning ancient plants. The chemical process is

known as combustion, and burning fossil fuels is the equivalent of burning a piece of

firewood from a tree that existed several million years ago. During combustion, pollutants

such as fly ash, sulfur oxides, nitrogen oxides, and volatile organic compounds are emitted.

Gross emission of pollutants is tremendous all over the world, and these pollutants are

present in the atmosphere in such conditions that they can affect both man and the

environment (Chmielewski, 2005).

It is known that majority of the world’s energy needs are currently being met by the

use of fossil fuels. Fossil fuels have proven to be an abundant source of energy and have

been critical in the development of our modern world. However, the use of fossil fuel also

raises serious environmental issues such as acid rain. Acid rain has been shown to have a

significant impact on both aquatic and forest ecosystems. Mercury emissions and nitrogen

oxide contributes to various ozone pollution and serious health issues. The mining,

extraction, and transportation of fossil fuels can cause various types of environmental

damage ranging from habitat loss to pollution and the contamination of ecosystems. In

addition to the negative effects of fossil fuels to the environment, they are a limited resource;

the world will not only require energy in the future, but the energy needed in the future is

destined to grow. This is why we must find other sources of power, such as renewable

energy, as we will eventually run out of fossil fuels (DNR, 2017).

Renewable energy utilizes natural resources such as the sun, the wind, the plants, and

moving objects. By developing technology that can harvest these natural resources, these

can be turned into energy that would serve as electricity. With refinements in technology,

the feasibility and cost of solar and wind power systems have become affordable. Along

with these refinements in technology, market systems are rapidly evolving in favor of

renewable energy system. Major contributions are also obtained from the use of large

hydropower and solar energy, wind energy, modern bio-energy, geothermal energy, and

small hydropower energy sources are being increasingly tapped. Such a situation calls for an

implementation of aggressive long-term renewable energy programs for domestic and

commercial purposes.

Moreover, previous researchers have applied the concept of piezoelectricity in

energy harvesting systems. The piezoelectric plate is a device that holds within it

piezoelectric materials such as Quartz, Barium Titanate, and PZT, that produces a particular

kind of electricity--piezoelectricity through “squeezing” the piezoelectric material inside the


piezoelectric plate (Woodford, 2017).

Though it is considered that multiple piezoelectric materials address the problems

concerning our environment, they also produce and bring problems of their own. Lead has

been expelled from many commercial applications and materials, but this is one of the many

common components that is most commonly used in piezoelectric ceramics such as Lead

Zirconate Titanate (PZT). According to Saito et al. (2004), these materials contain almost 60

percent lead, owing its concerns to toxicity.

Bio-piezoelectric materials are discovered as a response to the adverse effects of

man-made piezoelectric materials. Bio-piezoelectricity utilizes materials that are rich in

cellulose, collagen fibrils, silk, peptide fibrils and bacteriophages. Among these biological

piezoelectric materials, the most abundant is collagen, which is present in animal tissues

such as skin, tendon, cartilage, and bones. In recent years, researchers have been studying on

collagen from aquatic animals compared with livestock sources because of the safety

brought by the collagen on aquatic animals. However, because of the very low populations

of several aquatic animals, studies from these sources cannot be supported. Because of this,

tilapia is a good candidate for farming as it is considered as the second most important farm-

raised fish (Liu & Huang, 2016). In the Philippines, tilapia is considered as the top species

for inland fish production (Philippine Statistics Authority, 2016). Although waste products

from tilapia processing have been used initially, large amounts of fish heads and skeletons

are disposed of every year.

Tilapia bone is a good source of collagen for piezoelectricity. Bones are rich in type I

collagen which can cause spontaneous polarization and piezoelectricity (Ghosh & Mandal,

2016; Karan et al., 2018). Collagen fibers can be extracted through the process of

demineralization or desalination.

One application of this concept is the Bio-Piezoelectric Nano generator (BPNG)

made with fish scales (FSC) that was developed by Ghosh and Mandal (2016). The

researchers were able to develop a high-performance BPNG with FSC as its main

component, as FSC is composed of self-assembled and ordered collagen nano-fibrils. As a

power source, it is able to generate an output voltage of 4 V, but when four BPNGs are

assembled, they are able to cumulatively generate an output of 14 V that is able to power

over 50 blue LEDs instantaneously. Proving itself as a sustainable green power source for

the next generation.

1.2. Problem Statement

In modern times, almost all of our electricity is generated from fossil fuels such as

coal, oil and, natural gas. However, these sources of nonrenewable energy diminish over

time and can bring several disadvantages to the environment. Therefore, we need a source of

renewable energy that would have little to no impact to the environment. With that said,

several studies show the conversion of mechanical energy into electricity. Piezoelectricity is

the electricity converted from the mechanical stress placed on piezoelectric materials.

Different studies have already tested the efficiency of this process and have used different

piezoelectric materials, particularly lead zirconate titanate (PZT) for energy harvesting

devices. However, these materials have a very complex synthesis method, and are

considered as brittle, toxic and non-biodegradable which resist them for real life

sensible/potential applications, especially in healthcare and biomedical point, despite of their

high output abilities. In response to this, the researchers considered the utilization of

biodegradable and biocompatible piezoelectric materials that can be used for energy

harvesting. Biological piezoelectric materials rich in collagen fibrils such as fish scales were

utilized in many researches, but the researchers are proposing another source of collagen to

be used in generating piezoelectricity; fish bones. However, because of the very low

populations of several aquatic animals, studies from these sources cannot be supported

which makes Tilapia a good candidate for this research as it is considered as the second most

important farm-raised fish around the world and even here in the Philippines. In addition to

that, large amounts of fish heads and skeletons are disposed of every year which makes this

research also helpful to waste disposal. In this research, the researchers have explored the

potentiality of an inexpensive bio-waste, Tilapia (Oreochromis mossambicus) bones, as an

efficient piezoelectric material.

1.3. Objectives

The study aims to generate a Biological Piezoelectric Nano generator which utilizes

fish bones from Tilapia (Oreochromis mossambicus) as a source of collagen which can

convert mechanical stress into piezoelectricity.

Specifically, this study endeavors the achieve the following:

a) To fabricate the Fish Bone Bio-Piezoelectric Nanogenerator (FBBPNG)

b) To determine the electrical output and the pressure-voltage relationship of the


c) To apply the FBBPNG for human locomotion and different activities.


1.4. Significance of the Study

This technology would benefit the environment, different fields of research, and

other researchers. Our world is in dire need of another source of energy as the non-

renewable resources continues to diminish. At the same time, these resources contribute to

the carbon footprints in our environment. As this can be applied to energy harvesting

devices, this research will be able to give another source of electricity, which are fish bones

and at the same time, provide environmental sustainability as this new source will not

contribute to the problems in our environment. In addition to that, as the demand for the

small power that can be produced by piezoelectric generators increases, the production of

electricity from vibrations is pertinent for energy harvesting. Although there have been

previous studies regarding piezoelectric generators, used materials in these researches cause

various implications in our environment such as toxicity, limiting their application to other

fields. In line with this, this research provides a biodegradable source of piezoelectricity and

may be utilized for other fields of research, particularly in the medical field, as this is a

biodegradable, biocompatible, and inexpensive source of electricity. Moreover, this research

would generate a great deal of interest, not only among fellow researchers, but also the

community market that uses different energy harvesting devices as this research introduces

another source of piezoelectricity.

1.5. Scope and Delimitations

The main focus of this research is to generate a biological piezoelectric material

which utilizes fish bones as a source of collagen which can convert mechanical stress into

piezoelectricity. This conversion will be done through the use of a Bio-Piezoelectric


Nanogenerator. This technology can only generate one kind of electricity, piezoelectricity.

For the fabrication of the FBBPNG, the study utilized 1 mm thick copper sheets and

laminated polypropylene (PP) films with approximately 125 µm thickness and copper wires

attached on both sides of the copper sheet. This project also focused on the measurement of

the voltage output of the FBBPNG and the devices’ application to different human

locomotion. The researchers utilized a recycled bio-piezoelectric material from the bones of

Tilapia (Oreochromis mossambicus). Fish bones contain hydroxyapatite and type 1 collagen

which are responsible for the piezoelectric reaction from the mechanical stress exerted by

the external force. Due to possible chemical changes, the fish bones that will be used in this

research will be from fishes that are uncooked.

This study did not include the production of other types of electricity, such as current

electricity, hydroelectricity, static electricity, and solar electricity. The study did not tackle

other piezoelectric materials, such as Quartz, Gallium Orthophosphate, Barium Titanate,

Lead Zircon Titanate, Berlinite, and Aluminum Nitride, since collagens are from biowaste

which are highly available and possesses longitudinal piezoelectric sensitivity, making them

useful in this study (Karan et al., 2018). Other sources of collagens such as fish scale, fish

muscle, gelatin, egg white, egg shell membrane, etc. were disregarded. Fish bones coming

from the leftovers from food were utilized in this study. Although the researchers had

studied different factors that may affect the output performance of the device, the

researchers did not conduct a structural analysis and a morphological study on the

Piezoelectric Nano generator for the study of the crystalline nature and existence of highly

ordered protein collagen fibrils inside it that gives its piezoelectric effect. This study did not

measure the generated current of the fish bones, the piezoelectric coefficient of the

fishbones, and the electric storage potential of the device because of the availability and

resources of the researchers.

1.6. Definition of Terms

Acidification/Acidify. the process of converting or turning something into acid.

Antiresorptive. the tendency of slowing or blocking the resorption of the bone.

Battery. any of a class of devices that convert chemical energy directly into

electrical energy.

Biomass. organic matter, especially plant matter, that can be converted to fuel and is

therefore regarded as a potential energy source.

Bio-piezoelectricity. piezoelectricity generated using organic substances.

Collagen. the main structural protein found in skin and other connective tissues.

Combustion. chemical combination attended by production of heat and light.

Current. the rate of flow of electricity.

Deformation (Material Science). any changes in the shape or size of an object due

to an applied force.

Dipole. a molecule in which a concentration of positive electric charge is separated

from a concentration of a negative charge.

Efficiency (Economics). a measure of the input a system required to achieve a

specified output. A system that uses few resources to achieve its goals is efficient, in contrast

to one that wastes much of its input.

Electricity. a fundamental form of energy observable in positive and negative forms

that occurs naturally or is produced, and that is expressed in terms of the movement and

interaction of electrons.

Electroneutrality. the neutrality of electricity, especially as applied to the principle

that pure ionic substances are electrically neutral.

Endogenous. not attributable to any external or environmental factor.

Energy (Physics). the capacity for doing work. It may exist in potential, kinetic,

thermal, electrical, chemical, nuclear, or other various forms.

Equilibrium. a phenomenon in which all the forces that act upon an object are


Kinetic Energy. a type of energy that is transferred from one object to the other

which causes its motion.

Mechanical Stress/Stress. a physical quantity that expresses the internal forces that

neighboring particles of a continuous material exert on each other, while strain is the

measure of the deformation of the material.

Nanogenerator. a type of technology that converts mechanical/thermal energy as

produced by small-scale physical change into electricity.

Osteoclast. a large multinucleate bone cell that absorbs bone tissue during growth

and healing.

Piezoelectricity. the appearance of an electrical potential (a voltage, in other words)

across the sides of a crystal when you subject it to mechanical stress (by squeezing it).

Polar. being or having a molecule in which there is an uneven distribution of

electrons and thus a permanent dipole moment.

Polarization. property of certain electromagnetic radiations in which the direction

and magnitude of the vibrating electric field are related in a specified way.

Polypeptide Chains. a chain that consists of smaller sub-units or amino acids that

are linked together in order to form various proteins.

Potential Energy. stored energy that depends upon the relative position of various

parts of a system.

Protease. an enzyme that breaks down proteins and peptides.

Renewable Energy. any naturally occurring, theoretically inexhaustible source of

energy, as biomass, solar, wind, tidal, wave, mechanical, and hydroelectric power, that is not

derived from fossil or nuclear fuel.

Resorptive/Resorption. the destruction, disappearance, or dissolution of a tissue or

part by biochemical activity, as the loss of bone or of tooth dentin.

Sequestered. to trap (a chemical in the atmosphere or environment) and isolate it in

natural or artificial storage area.

Triboelectric Effect (Triboelectricity). a type of contact electrification on which

certain materials become electrically charged after they come into frictional contact with a

different material.

Uniaxial. Having only one direction along which double refraction of light does not


Vibration. mechanical phenomenon wherein there is a back and forth movement that

occurs about an equilibrium point. It is also referred to as shaking, trembling, and


Voltage. force of an electrical current that is measured in volts.





2.1. Energy

2.1.1. Description.

It is evident that in our world today, almost everything works because of energy.

Energy, in physics, is defined as the capacity for doing work (Energy, 2018a), but this

definition of energy was not applied until rather late in the development of the science of

mechanics (Energy Conversion, 2018). Although this definition is widely used, somehow, it

is incomplete and misleading since this implies that all energy produces work, but in reality,

not all. There is really no unique, absolute or universal concept of energy leaving it with no

simple definition (Sefton, 2004). However, we can say that energy is a fundamental entity

whose availability and flow is needed for all natural or artificial phenomena (Carnegie

Mellon University, 2001). Energy is also defined as power derived from the utilization of

physical or chemical resources, especially to provide light and heat or to work machines

(Energy, 2018b). Which means it can be used to power up machines in our current


2.1.2. Forms of energy.

Energy exists in many different forms and can change or be converted from one

form to another, and this process is called energy conversion. These different forms include

gravitational, kinetic, thermal, elastic, electrical, chemical, radiant, nuclear, and mass

energy. Although energy can be converted to these different forms, it is within the constraint

of the conservation law. This is a fundamental law that holds for all natural phenomena

which states that the total energy remains constant regardless of the changes and the

transformation going on in nature. Although the total amount of energy in an isolated

system remains unchanged, there may be a great difference in the quality of different forms

of energy (Energy Conversion, 2018).

Forms of energy include mechanical energy and electrical energy. Mechanical

energy is the energy associated with the motion and position of an object (Nuclear Power,

2018). It is defined as the sum of the kinetic and potential energy (Mechanical Energy,

2015) and can be separated into transient and stored energy. Transient mechanical energy is

commonly referred to as work, which is the energy in motion or energy being transferred

from one place to another. On the other hand, stored mechanical energy is the stored energy

or energy contained within a substance which can exists in one of two forms, kinetic and

potential. Potential energy is defined as the energy stored in object subjected to a

conservative force, while kinetic energy is defined as the energy stored in an object due to

its motion (Nuclear Power, 2018). Meanwhile, electrical energy is the energy of moving

electrons. The protons and electrons of an atom carry an electrical charge; protons having a

positive charge and electrons having a negative charge. Opposite charges attract each other

but the electrons on the outermost shell of the atom does not form a strong connection to the

protons which allows it to move from one atom to another, creating electricity (Demirel,


2.2. Types of energy.

The two main types of energy are primary and secondary. Primary energy is

captured directly from the environment while secondary energy is converted from the

primary energy to electricity or fuel. Primary energy can be classified into three different

groups, namely, non-renewable energy, renewable energy, and waste. Non-renewable

energy are those that diminish over time, not being able to replenish themselves. Examples

of these energy are fossil fuels, which include coal, nuclear, oil and, natural gas (Demirel,

2012). From the statistics of the International Energy Agency (2016), coal provided almost

majority of the energy used in our world, as well as coal and natural gas. Although it

benefits us as it is a valuable source of energy, the use of non-renewable energy has its

disadvantages regarding its effect on the environment and its sustainability. The use of fossil

fuels upsets the Earth’s balanced carbon budget, which contributes to temperature rising

faster than organisms can adapt (Morse, 2013). As a result, renewable energy was

discovered as an alternative source of energy. Renewable energy comes from sources that

naturally renew and regenerate. Examples of these energy are biomass, hydropower,

geothermal, wind and solar energy. The use of these kind of electricity reduces carbon

impact in the environment as these sources of energy do not directly emit greenhouse gases.

But as it is positive for our environment, it is also quite disadvantageous due to its high

price and its inefficiency (U.S. Energy Information Agency [EIA], 2017).

Secondary energy, on the other hand, are those energy created from primary sources

through energy conversion. Electricity, which we commonly use today to use devices like

televisions, computers, and cell phones which cannot be directly powered with other energy

sources, is considered as a secondary energy. Electricity is transformed from primary

sources such as coal, raw oil, fuel oil, natural gas, wind, sun, streaming water, nuclear

power, gasoline, and etc. Other examples of secondary energy are refined fuels such as

gasoline and synthetic fuels like hydrogen gas (EIA, 2017).


2.3. Electromechanical Conversion

2.3.1. Description and process.

The human, first of all, is a mechanical entity that lives in a mechanical environment.

From there, we can derive that man’s need for power of machines and industrial processes is

satisfied greatly by the conversion of mechanical energy to electric energy or vice versa.

Electromechanical conversion exists because of man’s basic need of mechanical assistance.

As long as it concerns the use of electrical sciences to serve basic human needs, it would fall

under the scope of electromechanical phenomena (Craig, 2002). When defined in

engineering, electro mechanics involves several processes and procedures drawn from

electrical and mechanical engineering. The process of electromechanical conversion

involves the interchange of energy between mechanical and an electrical system

(Electromechanical, 2018). This process is considered as reversible, as it can be transferred

back and forth between the electrical and mechanical system. However, as the conversion

occurs, some of the energy will be converted into heat and will be lost from the system

forever (Hiziroglu, 2010).

In a magnetic field, conductors are subjected to the action of electromagnetic forces

causing them to move. The motion of a conductor in a magnetic field causes induction of

electrical field and the electrical current existing in the conductor is a directed motion of

electrical charges. There are many ways to convert mechanical energy to electrical energy,

one of which is the application of pressure to a certain surface. This is called the

piezoelectric effect, or the induction of charges on the surface of a crystal by the application

of mechanical stress (Vukosavic, 2012). According to Ledoux (2011), this phenomenon is

generally referred to as the appearance of an electrical potential across the sides of a crystal

when you subject it to mechanical stress. By applying pressure on a surface of a crystal, it

causes variable forces to act on its surfaces, giving rise to voltage between surfaces,

producing piezoelectricity (Vukosavic, 2012).

2.4. Piezoelectricity

2.4.1. Description and process.

Piezoelectricity is the product of a phenomenon called piezoelectric effect.

Piezoelectricity can be generated by squeezing certain crystals, such as quartz, and make

electricity flow through them. The reverse is usually true as well: if you pass electricity

through the same crystals, they “squeeze themselves” by vibrating back and forth. These

reactions, electrical field and mechanical behavior, can be in either direction. The direction

of the electrical field may lead to a mechanical reaction depending on the material

(Woodford, 2017). In order to produce the piezoelectric effect, the polycrystalline is heated

under the application of a strong electric field. The heat allows the molecules to move freely

and the electric field forces all of the dipoles in the crystal to line up and face in nearly the

same direction.

In 1880, Pierre Curie and Jacques Curie discovered the piezoelectric effect through

the joint knowledge of what they knew about pyro electricity and about structures of crystals

to demonstrate the effect with tourmaline, quartz, topaz, cane sugar, and Rochelle salt. The

converse effect of producing electricity through the application of mechanical stress to the

crystals was discovered lately by Gabriel Lippmann in 1881 through the mathematical

aspect of the theory. The first applications were made during World War I with piezoelectric

ultrasonic transducers (Leodux, 2011).


2.4.2. Related studies of powering gadgets using piezoelectricity.

There are all kinds of situations where people need to convert mechanical energy

into electrical signals or vice-versa. In ultrasound equipment, a piezoelectric transducer

converts electrical energy into extremely rapid vibrations which can be used for scanning

and cleaning. In a microphone, sound energy is being converted into electrical energy by

piezoelectric crystals. This is through simply sticking the vibrating part of the microphone to

a crystal and, as pressure waves from one’s voice arrive, it will make the crystals move back

and forth, generating electrical signals. In a quartz clock or watch, the reverse-piezoelectric

effect is used to keep time precisely. Electrical energy from a battery is fed into a crystal to

make it oscillate thousands of times a second. Piezoelectricity is also used in spark lighters

for gas stoves and grills. When one presses the switch, what the individual is doing is

squeezing a piezoelectric crystal, generating voltage, and making a spark fly across a small

gap (Woodford, 2017).

2.5. Piezoelectric materials.

2.5.1. Description and examples.

There are all kinds of situations where people need to convert mechanical energy

into electrical signals or vice-versa. In ultrasound equipment, a piezoelectric transducer

converts electrical energy into extremely rapid vibrations which can be used for scanning

and cleaning. In a microphone, sound energy is being converted into electrical energy by

piezoelectric crystals. This is through simply sticking the vibrating part of the microphone to

a crystal and, as pressure waves from one’s voice arrive, it will make the crystals move back

and forth, generating electrical signals. In a quartz clock or watch, the reverse-piezoelectric

effect is used to keep time precisely. Electrical energy from a battery is fed into a crystal to

make it oscillate thousands of times a second. Piezoelectricity is also used in spark lighters

for gas stoves and grills. When one presses the switch, what the individual is doing is

squeezing a piezoelectric crystal, generating voltage, and making a spark fly across a small

gap (Woodford, 2017).

2.5.2. Effects of man-made piezoelectric materials.

Although piezoelectric materials are considered to addressing the problems

concerning our environment, they bring problems of their own. Lead has been expelled from

many commercial application and materials but this is one of the common components in

most commonly used piezoelectric ceramics, lead zirconate titanate. These materials contain

almost 60 weight per cent lead, owing its concerns to its toxicity (Saito et al., 2004).

Because of this, the possible applications of piezoelectric materials have been limited and

not mostly used for medical purposes, since even the existence of a minimum amount of

toxicity can be dangerous to patients which can cause poisoning. Which has an adverse

effect on intellectual and neurological development, and can even lead to death (Gordon,

Taylor, & Bennett, 2002). In addition to that, piezoelectric materials are fabricated or made

in a very precise and in a complex way (Ledoux, 2011). Because of this, its cost factor also

needs to be addressed.

2.5.3. Bio-piezoelectric materials. Description.

With the word ‘bio’ which means life, bio-piezoelectric materials are composed of

parts of living organisms such as animals and plants. These materials can still generate

electricity due to the presence of electric dipoles. Because of the adverse effects of man-

made piezoelectric materials, such as lead zirconate titanate (PZT) and at the same time,

fully addressing the environment problems that we are facing today, bio-waste materials are

used as piezoelectric materials. The most easily available nature driven biodegradable and

biocompatible materials such as cellulose, collagen fibrils, silk, peptide fibrils and

bacteriophages are used as a green piezoelectric material. Due to its availability and its

sensitivity when exposed to mechanical stress, collagen-based materials are the ones mostly

used for various researchers in the present time (Karan et al., 2018). Collagen.

Among these biological piezoelectric materials, the most abundant is collagen, which

is present in animal tissues such as skin, tendon, cartilage, and even in bones (Ghosh &

Mandal, 2016). There are many different types of collagen but the researchers will focus on

type I collagen which are commonly present in bones. Present in this type of collagen are

two similar alpha-1 (I) chains and one dissimilar alpha-2 (I) chain are present, wherein each

contains repeated triplet amino acid motif sequences of Gly (Glycine)-X-Y, where X and Y

are frequently proline (Pro) and hydroxyproline (Hyp), respectively. By twisting the alpha

chains together, a triple-helical structure will be formed. The quarter staggered arrangement

of collagen molecules gives collagen fibrils further assemble into a collagen fiber and gives

it an axial periodic structure (Bou-Gharios & Crombrugghe, 2008). This intrinsic presence

of polar uniaxial orientation of hydrogen bonding motifs between the polypeptide chains

acts as molecular dipoles which cause spontaneous polarization and piezoelectricity (Ghosh

& Mandal, 2016; Karan et al., 2018). Fish bones.

The majority of bones consist of bone matrix which are both organic and inorganic in

nature. Forming the inorganic part of the bone matrix is the crystalline structure called

hydroxyapatite. On the other hand, the organic part of the bone matrix is called Type 1

collagen. Both of these components have been discovered to be responsible for

piezoelectricity in bones. When mechanical stress is applied, the collagen molecules which

consist of charge carriers move from the inside to the surface of the specimen. This

movement across the bone produces piezoelectricity. According to Muralidharan, Shakila,

Sukumar, and Jeyasekaran (2011), high collagen yield could be obtained from trash fish,

leather jacket (Odonus niger) through the process of extraction which uses acetic acid with

pepsin. The collagen that is most abundant from the leather jacket was Type I collagen

which is said to be one of the parts that is responsible for the generation of electricity. Since

the production of piezoelectricity using bones entails the need of Type 1 collagen, fish

bones, on the other hand, are also rich in Type 1 collagen which can then be used as a

piezoelectric material.

2.6. Collagen Extraction

2.6.1. Description.

Muralidharan et al. (2011) conducted a study focusing on the extraction of collagen

contents from skin, bones, and muscles from trash fish, leather jacket (Odonus niger).

Before the extraction, the skin, bones, and muscles of the fish were cut into small pieces then

treated with 0.8M sodium chloride (NaCl) at a ratio of 1:6 (w/v) for ten minutes in order to

remove the impurities, repeating the process for three times and then cleaned with cold

distilled water. After finishing the process, the fish should now be treated with 0.1M sodium

hydroxide at a ratio of 1:10 (w/v) for three days in order to remove the non-collagenous

proteins and to prevent the effect of endogenous proteases on the collagen contents,

changing the solution every day and then washing it with cold distilled water as a final step.

For the collagen extraction proper, the collagen was extracted using acetic acid following

three different methods. In the first method, 10 volumes of 0.5M acetic acid for extracting

acid soluble collagen (ASC) twice. In the second method, ASC was extracted first and an

addition of 0.1% (w/v) pepsin to 0.5M acetic acid was made to extract pepsin soluble

collagen contents (PSC). The purpose of adding pepsin was to split the helical region,

telopeptide. In the third method, PSC was extracted twice. After each extraction, the solution

obtained was centrifuged at 9,000 g for twenty minutes at 4 ° C. After that, the supernatant

was salted out with 2M NaCl for 24 hours at 4 ° C. Then, the precipitated collagen will be

centrifuge again at 9,000 g for 20 min at 4 °C. The residue was place into the dialysis

membrane-110 bags and then dialyzed against 0.02M phosphate buffer (pH 7.2) for 24 hours

at 4 °C. The dialyzed samples were then lyophilized and frozen at −20 °C for analysis. The

yield of collagen was calculated based on the hydroxyproline content in extracted collagen

to that of the raw material in which results from the yield of collagen acquired was varying

from 46.48% to 70.94% depending on the method used.

2.7. Demineralization or Desalination.

2.7.1. Description.

Demineralization is the process of putting away the minerals of the hard tissues of

living organisms. These hard tissues are composed of insoluble calcium salts of carbonate,

silicate, and phosphate ions. Thermodynamics and accurate measurements of the kinetics is

needed for drawing mechanistic conclusions concerning demineralization. The rate of


demineralization depends mainly on the temperature and concentration of the acid, but since

cellular definition and enzymes are adversely affected if the temperature is raised, or when

the concentration of the acid is increased, demineralization is usually carried out below or at

a room temperature and a concentration of mineral acid above 5 percent of commercial nitric

acid (55 percent) is seldom used. Under these conditions, even small specimens of bone

must be immersed in acid for days so that they will be completely demineralized. The

mechanism of demineralization is complex and efforts are needed towards obtaining a

thorough understanding of the process (Ehrlich et al., 2008). The process of demineralization

can actually be categorized into two main groups; natural and artificial. Natural

demineralization is the erosion of certain biominerals such as bacteria, fungi, algae,

foraminifera, sponges, polychaetes, and mollusks which results from the production of

mineral and organic acids, acidic polysaccharides, and enzymes. On the other hand,

examples of artificial demineralization include the demineralization of bone, dentin and

enamel, and skeletal formations of corals and crustacean (Ehrlich et al., 2009).

2.7.2. Bone Demineralization.

A bone is a highly structural composite material and its demineralization dated back

to 1889 upon exploration of using demineralized bone for surgical implantation (Ehrlich et

al., 2009). This process involves the acidification of the isolated extracellular

microenvironment, mediated by a vacuolar enzyme in the cell’s ruffled membrane known as

H+ -adenosine triphosphatase (H+ -ATPase). An energy-independent Cl/HCO3 2 exchange

on the cell’s antiresorptive surface maintains the intraosteoclastic pH in the face of abundant

proton transport. In the end, a ruffled membrane Cl channel, charge-coupled to the H+ -

ATPase, preserves its electroneutrality resulting in the secretion of HCl into the resorptive

microenvironment, generating a pH of approximately 4.5. This acidic environment prepares

the bone mineral to demineralize the organic component of bone which is subsequently

degraded by a lysosomal protease (Ehrlich et al., 2008).

In a study conducted by Liu and Huang (2016), they stated that desalination or

demineralization is an important process of bone collagen extraction. Their process of

desalination involves ethylenediaminetetraacetic (EDTA) acid solution and hydrochloric

acid in which they soaked the collagen from tilapia bones. Results showed that desalination

with HCl was fast, but collagen yield was low. In comparison, collagen yield in the EDTA

solution was higher than those from the HCl-treated fish bone, making it more effective in

bone collagen extraction. The same process was used in Ghosh and Mandal’s research about

the use of fish scales for a nanogenerator. The fish scales were also immersed in a solution

of EDTA to obtain transparent and flexible demineralized fish scales. After demineralizing

the fish scales, the collagen layers present in it serve as active piezoelectric element in the

resulting fish scale which made it transparent and roll able for a flexible Piezoelectric Nano

generator (Ghosh & Mandal, 2016).

2.8. Energy Harvesting System

2.8.1. Description.

Energy harvesting is the conversion of ambient energy present in the environment

into electrical energy. It basically has an identical concept when compared to large-scale

renewable energy generation, such as solar or wind power, but very different in scale. When

we say large-scale power generation, this typically refers to generating power for a city, a

town, an entire village. But when we refer to energy harvesting, we focus on little things,

from the large-scale megawatts of power, to the small-scale micro- to milli-watts

(Ka'zmierski & Beeby, 2010).

Energy harvesting development has been inspired by the rapid increase in numbers

of various autonomous wireless electronic systems. Examples of these systems are wireless

sensor nodes that combine together to form wireless sensor networks. By definition, the

system being talked about is wireless, and cannot be plugged into a main supply, power has

to be provided locally, but no direct wired connection.

2.8.2. Kinetic energy harvesting.

The human body is full of potential energy and when used, becomes kinetic or

mechanical energy. Mechanical energy can be found virtually anywhere, as all you need for

mechanical energy is something that moves, something that vibrates. Wireless sensor

networks may be installed on these sources of mechanical energy, which makes converting

mechanical energy from ambient vibration into electrical energy quite enticing. The

frequency of mechanical excitation depends on the source: less than 10 Hz for human

movements, and over 30 Hz for machinery vibrations, these devices are what are known as

kinetic energy harvesters, or vibration power generators (Zhu & Beeby, 2011, in Kazmierski

& Beeby, 2011).

2.8.3. Examples of energy harvesting systems using piezoelectric materials.

There are multiple energy harvesting systems which have one thing in common:

renewable energy. In order to overcome our power needs, we have to generate electricity in

every way possible, and one of these ways is through stepping on stairs. One design of an

energy harvesting system is a “Staircase Power Generation System” as invented and

designed by Ramesh and Mathew (2014). Whenever a person would step on the stairs, that

step would actually go down, and spring back up, but this spring would send the mechanical

energy to a flywheel through a connecting rod, then the crank shift would then help the

flywheel rotate the belt, thus causing the 12V DC motor to collect and harvest the

mechanical energy, now becoming piezoelectricity.

2.8.4. Examples of energy harvesting systems using bio-piezoelectric materials.

Multiple bio-piezoelectric energy harvesting has been developed, using different

kinds of bio-piezoelectric materials such as fish scales, eggshell membranes, and onion skin.

These materials are all rich in collagen. The highly stable crystalline structure of the triple

helix polypeptide chains of the collagen nano-fibrils, along with the amino acids that come

with it, is what allows for these materials to produce the piezoelectric effect (Ghosh &

Mandal, 2016). Fish scales.

Ghosh and Mandal (2016) conducted a study wherein they developed an efficient

flexible high-performance Bio-Piezoelectric Nano generator (BPNG) with bio-waste

transparent fish scales (FSC) as their main bio-piezoelectric material. In this study, it is

demonstrated how the FSC that is composed of self-assembled and ordered collagen nano-

fibrils can serve as a self-poled piezoelectric component, which exhibits an intrinsic

piezoelectric strength of -5.0 pC/N. Just like regular piezoelectric energy harvesting systems,

the BPNG is able to sense several types of ambient mechanical energies such as human

locomotion, machine and sound vibrations, as well as the flow of the wind.

The FSCs were collected from the local fish processing market and washed

thoroughly with deionized water followed by a solvent system of NaOH, 1.0 M NaCl, 0.05

M Tris HCl, and 20.0mM EDTA. The FSCs were then immersed in a solution of 0.5M

EDTA to obtain transparent and flexible demineralized FSCs. This causes the collagen

layers to serve as an active piezoelectric element in the FSC which is both transparent and

roll able, allowing for a BPNG to be synthesized. To develop the said BPNG, gold

electrodes of 90nm thickness have been made on both sides of FSC by the process of

sputtering, followed by lamination with the PP film with a thickness of around 125 µm.

Under a constant compressive normal stress of 0.17 Mpa, the BPNG is able to generate an

output voltage of 4V, a circuit current of 1.5µA, and a maximum output power density of

1.14µW/cm2. Integrating four BPNGs produces an output voltage of 14V, powering up to

more than 50 blue light emitting diodes instantaneously, thus proving to be an effective

sustainable green poawer source. Eggshell membranes.

As bio-piezoelectric materials have been considered as excellent energy harvesting

sources due to their non-toxic and biocompatibility nature, Karan et al. (2018) have

developed an eggshell membrane Bio-Piezoelectric Nano generator (ESMBPNG). In this

study, the researchers have explored the potentiality of an inexpensive and bio-waste porous

eggshell membrane (ESM) as an efficient piezoelectric material which has a piezoelectric

strength of 23.7pC/N.

Fresh chicken eggs were broken and emptied, the eggshells were then washed with

deionized water, and the shell membrane was peeled out from the eggshell. The ESM was

dried at 60°C in an air-oven for an hour. Both sides of the ESM were attached with gold

fabrics serving as conductive wiring, followed by the ESM being covered by a copper tape

serving as top and bottom electrodes, respectively. PP tape was used to cover it, relieving it

from any triboelectric that may be caused from single electrodes. The ESMBPNG was then

encapsulated by polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS: Sylgard, 184 Silicone Elastomer) and a

curing agent (10:1 wt/wt), and is then dried at 60°C for 30 minutes. The PDMS layer will

protect the device from any external environmental hazards such as mechanical stress,

humidity, and temperature during experiments. The ESMBPNG alone is able to produce

26.4V, with a current of 1.45µA and a maximum instantaneous power density of around

238.17µW/cm3. When five ESMBPNGs are assembled, it provides an output voltage of

approximately 131V, lighting up more than 90 green LEDs. Onion skin.

In this study, Maiti et al. (2017) tackled the development of non-toxic, ultrasensitive,

and flexible bio-inspired piezoelectric nanogenerators. As high-performance

organic/inorganic materials based piezoelectric nanogenerators suffer from several

unavoidable problems such as complex synthesis and high toxicity, a bio-piezoelectric

nanogenerator (BPNG) using naturally abundant cellulose fibrous untreated onion skin (OS)

has been developed. The OSBPNG generated an output voltage of 18 V, and a current of

166 µA, through a biomechanical force acting vertically on the OSBPNG. Amassing 6

OSBPNGs will grant an output voltage of 106 V and grant a 900 µA current, spontaneously

powering 73 LEDs that consisted of 30 greens, 25 blues, and 18 reds.

2.9. Overall Synthesis

The use of non-renewable resources such as fossil fuels as a source of energy has

been a part of our everyday living but are considered as not sustainable (EIA, 2018; Demirel,

2012). In addition, it contributes to the carbon footprints in our environment (Morse, 2013).

As a result, the use of renewable energy as a source of energy has been discovered as an

alternative to the non-renewable resources (EIA, 2017). Renewable energy consists of the

process of converting one form of energy to another, or what we call energy conversion.

Energy exists in many different forms and examples of these are mechanical and electrical

energy (Energy Conversion, 2018). These two forms of energy are commonly used in

renewable energy in a process called electromechanical conversion or the process of

converting mechanical energy into electrical energy (Electromechanical, 2018). There are

many ways of electromagnetic conversion and one of these processes is the application of

pressure in a surface, also called as the piezoelectric effect. The electricity generated from

this process, also called as the piezoelectricity, can be generated by squeezing certain

crystals, commonly known as piezoelectric materials (Vukosavic, 2012; Ledoux, 2011).

Different piezoelectric materials exist in our world today and can occur either man-made or

natural. Man-made piezoelectric materials, such as lead-zirconate titanate, are mostly used in

researches particularly in different energy harvesting system (Ledoux, 2011). However,

these materials have a very complex synthesis method, and are considered as brittle, toxic

and non-biodegradable which resist them for real life sensible/potential applications,

especially healthcare and biomedical point, despite of their high output abilities (Ledoux,

2011; Saito et al., 2004; Gordon, Taylor, & Bennett, 2002). In response to this, bio-

piezoelectric materials were used to counter the adverse effects of man-made piezoelectric

materials. These materials are rich in biodegradable materials and an example would be

collagen fibers, which are considered as the most abundant piezoelectric biomaterial present

mostly in animal tissues such as skin, tendons and especially, bones (Karan et al., 2018).

Bones consist of bone matrix which are both organic and inorganic, and the organic part of

the bone matrix is called Type 1 collagen (Wang, 2013). Collagen can be extracted from

bones through the process of demineralization or desalination. Present in collagen are polar

uniaxial orientation of hydrogen bonds between polypeptide chains which acts as molecular

dipoles resulting to polarization and piezoelectricity (Bou-Gharios & Crombrugghe, 2008;

Ghosh & Mandal, 2016; Karan et al., 2018). Because of this, Bio-Piezoelectric Nano

generator are now utilized in energy harvesting (Ghosh & Mandal, 2016; Maiti et al., 2017;

Karan et al., 2018). In line to this, the researchers are proposing the utilization of another

source of collagen, fish bones, in Bio-Piezoelectric Nanogenerator.



3.1. Materials/Equipment

A list of materials and equipment that were used in the research is presented by the

following tables and is classified based on the four stages of our research procedure. Table 1

shows the materials, chemicals, and equipment that were used for the preparation and

extraction of the collagen from the tilapia bones. Table 2. shows the materials that were used

during the fabrication of the FBBPNG. Table 3. shows the materials and equipment that

were used for the data collection stage from the FBBPNG device.

Table 1

List of Materials, Chemicals and Equipment to be Used During the Preparation and

Extraction of Collagen from Tilapia (Oreochromis mossambicus) Bones

Materials, Chemicals, and Function/Use

40-mesh screen Used for the filtration of crushed bones
whose diameters would be 0.0164 inches
and above
Mortar and Pestle Used to deteriorate the bone structure
while still keeping the collagen amount
Sodium Hydroxide (NaOH) Used for cleaning the bones and remove
the non-collagenous proteins present.
Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid Essential for the desalination or the
(EDTA) process in which excess sodium chloride,

minerals, and impurities would be


Acetic Acid (CH3COOH) Used for extracting and solubilizing the

collagen from the dry, desalinated bone
Pepsin Used to break down the proteins into
smaller peptides, allowing the collagen to
be more prevalent.
Freeze Dryer (Virtis Freezemobile Used to freeze-dry the fishbones,
25SL) removing excess water from the dry
bones without excessive heating, while
enhancing its stability for preservation.
Centrifuge (Hettich EBA-20) Used to separate liquids from solids and
even liquids at different densities by
using centrifugal force made from
spinning a vessel at high speed.

Table 2

Materials to be Used During the FBBPNG

Materials Function/Use
Copper Wire Functions as conducting wires for the
bio-piezoelectric material
Copper Tape Functions for conduction and attachment
of wires to the bio-piezoelectric material
Polypropylene (PP) Film (125 µm) Functions for protection from any

triboelectric effect caused by different

environmental hazards

Table 3

Materials and Equipment to be Used for the Data Collection from the FBBPNG

Equipment Function/Use

Oscilloscope (Agilent InfiniiVision Used to measure the electrical output of

DSO-X 2002A) the device; used to measure the charging

voltage of the device

Multimeter Used to measure the charging voltage of

the device

3.2. Procedure

The experimental procedure was categorized into three parts; the preparation and

extraction of collagen from of tilapia (Oreochromis mossambicus) bones, the fabrication of

the FBBPNG, and the collection of data from the FBBPNG.

3.2.1. Preparation and extraction of collagen from the tilapia.

The tilapia skeletons were collected which contained residual bones and meat from a

fish market and stored at-18 °C in a freezer for 1-3 d to preserve its freshness. It was then

thawed at room temperature (23 °C) before scraping residual fins and small portions of skin

from the bones using the scalpel. Afterwards, the bones were cleaned from different non-

collagenous proteins using 0.1 M NaOH, and water, filtered, washed with water, dried at

room temperature, crushed to obtain a small residue with a crusher, and then filtered using

40-mesh screen. In preparation for the collagen extraction, the residue was softened by

decalcification, using 0.5 M EDTA for 9 days, changing the EDTA solution per day. The

decalcified bones were washed with distilled water at 4 °C and then lyophilized for 1-2 d,

removing water from the dry bones without excessive heating, enhancing its stability for

preservation. The dry bones were extracted with 200 mL of 0.5 M acetic acid, having 20 mL

acetic acid per gram of bones, for 24 h. To separate the solid from the liquid substance, the

solution was centrifuged at 5,000 rpm for 20 m at 4°C. The residues were then re-extracted

and mixed again with the same amount and concentration of acetic acid, and centrifuged at

the same conditions. After that, the residue was re-dissolved in 0.5 M acetic acid, salted out

and centrifugated thrice and subsequently re-dissolved in 0.5 M acetic acid again with

1000U pepsin at 4 °C for 96 h. Again, the viscous solution was centrifuged at 10,000 rpm

for 20 m at 4 °C, separating the collagen from the aqueous solution. The collagen was

dialyzed against distilled water and then lyophilized. After demineralization, the collagen

layers collected served as an active piezoelectric element that makes it suitable for a


3.2.2. Fabrication of the fish bones bio-piezoelectric nanogenerator.

Copper sheets were attached on both sides of the Fish bone collagen (FBC), with a

1”x1” dimension followed by attaching copper wires (serving as a substitute for gold

electrodes) on both sides of the copper sheets. The device was covered using PP film. Figure

1 shows the design of the FBBPNG.

Figure 1. Fabrication of the Fish Bone Bio-Piezoelectric Nanogenerator (FBBPNG)


3.2.3. Collection of the data from the fish bones bio-piezoelectric nanogenerator.

For the collection of data from the FBBPNG, the device was tested using a

multimeter (U1230 Series, Synergy Technologies) and an oscilloscope (DSO-X 2002A,

InfiniiVision) for measuring its output performance and working mechanism from human

locomotion and activities, which is guided by the methodology of Maiti et al. (2017) and

Karan et al. (2018).

3.3. Safety Precautions.

In conducting this research, different safety precautions were followed especially

when handling the chemicals. Table 4. shows the list of chemicals that were used in the

experiments, their safety precautions and recommended personal protective equipment.

Table 4

List of Chemicals that were used, Their Safety Precautions and Recommended Personal

Protective Equipment (PPE)


Sodium Keep container dry. Avoid Gloves, Synthetic apron, Approved
Hydroxide contact with eyes and skin. and certified vapor and dust
(NaOH) Never add water to it. respirator, Splash goggles
Acetic Acid Keep away from heat. Do not Gloves (impervious), Synthetic
(CH3COOH) ingest. Avoid contact with eyes apron, Approved and certified
and skin. Keep in a cool area. vapor respirator, Splash goggles
Water (H2O) Quickly mop up if spilled. N/A
Absorb it with inert material.
Ethylenediamine Keep away from heat. Do not Gloves, Lab coat, Approved and
tetraacetic Acid ingest. Keep container tightly certified dust respirator, Safety
(EDTA) closed. Keep in cool area. glasses

Pepsin Avoid eye and skin contact. Do Gloves, Lab coat, Approved and
not breathe. Beware of the certified dust respirator, Safety
possible allergies involved. glasses

3.4. Research Methodology Flowchart

To have a graphical representation of the experimental procedure of this research, a

flowchart was created. Figure 2. shows the flowchart of the research procedure for the


Figure 2. Flowchart of the Research Procedure for the Fish Bone Bio-Piezoelectric

Nanogenerator (FBBPNG)

3.5. Equations for data collection.

3.5.1. Force from Mass and Acceleration.

Newton's second law of motion pertains to the behavior of objects for which all

existing forces are not balanced. The second law states that force is dependent on the mass

and the acceleration of an object, given by the equation, F = ma. Force is measured in

Newtons (N), mass in kilograms (kg), and acceleration in meters per second squared (m/s2).

This equation was used to find the force applied on the FBBPNG to be used in solving the

pressure applied on it.

3.5.2. Pressure from Force and Area.

Pressure and force are related, and so you can calculate one if you know the other by
using the physics equation, 𝑃 = 𝐴. Because pressure is force divided by area, its meter-

kilogram-second (MKS) units are newtons per square meter, or N/m2. This equation was

used to identify the pressure-voltage relationship of the FBBPNG.

3.6. Research Design

The purpose of this study is to generate a Biological Piezoelectric Nano generator

which utilizes fish bones from Tilapia as a source of collagen which can convert mechanical

stress into piezoelectricity. To be able to construct a biological piezoelectric nanogenerator

which uses fish bones as the source of collagen, an experimental research design was

utilized. This research design enabled the researchers to design and build a nanogenerator

using a bio-waste piezoelectric material. An experimental design also aids in the

determination of the efficiency of the designed FBBPNG. To be able to gather data,

observations and calculations are both employed.


The participants of the study will be the collected bones of tilapia. Of all the

vertebrate fishes available in the market, the researchers used the Tilapia due to its

abundance and availability; thus, researchers used convenience sampling. The different

variables that were tested in this research were the energy harvesting performance of the

device through its output voltage, the energy harvesting performance of the device without

the PP tape, the output performance of the device under constant pressure using metal

weights, and its output performance under different human locomotion. The independent

variable in this study that will be varied by the researchers is the fish that will be used as the

source of collagen, Tilapia.

The aforementioned instruments that were used for testing the different variables are

only valid for a certain degree. Although there are better instruments that can be used to

gather data, these instruments were chosen by their availability and ease in operating.

3.7. Data Analysis Strategy

The data were analyzed based on the objectives of the research.

3.7.1. Polarity Reversion Test.

The voltage output of the device was measured with the reversion of the connection

of the wires. Different signs in the output voltage between the two trials would determine the

self-polarization of the FBBPNG. The data collected was presented using the time-voltage

graph displayed on the oscilloscope.

3.7.2. Electrical output performance with and without PP tape.

Initially, the voltage output of the fabricated FBBPNG with and without the PP tape

was measured and analyzed. An increase in output voltage without the PP tape would

determine that there has been an occurrence of triboelectric effect. The data collected was

presented using the time-voltage graph displayed on the oscilloscope.

3.7.3. Pressure-Voltage Relationship.

The FBBPNG was exposed to different amounts of pressure to measure the amount

of generated output voltage per certain amount pressure exerted. An increase or decrease in

output voltage as the applied pressure is increase would determine the pressure-voltage

relationship of the FBBPNG. The data collected was presented in tabular format and using a

line graph to show the relationship between the amount of electricity generated and amount

of pressure exerted for easier analyzation.

3.7.4. Harvesting performance in different human locomotion.

The feasibility of the fabricated FBBPNG to harvest the biomechanical energy for

developing human-based self-powered devices was clarified. This was shown through

exposing the device under different human locomotion such as heel pressing, foot pressing,

heel side pressing, below the shoe, wrist movement, neck movement, coughing, and

shouting. The data collected was presented using the time-voltage graph displayed on the





4.1. Energy Harvesting Performance and Working Mechanism

In determining the energy harvesting performance and working mechanism of the

fabricated FBBPNG, the output voltage generated from simple motions applied on the

device, such as stretching and bending, was considered. Also, the relationship between the

applied pressure on the FBBPNG and its output voltage was studied.

4.1.1. Polarity Reversion Test.

Fig. 3. Output voltage from the polarity reversion test

Figure 3 shows the output voltage measured doing the connection polarity reversion

test. Two output voltages was measured, where the second output voltage was measured

with the reverse of the wires of the first one. Doing so, the output voltage generated form the

reversed polarity was negative, showing the dipole reversibility of the device. This proves

that the output voltage measured from the FBBPNG was from the FBC and not from any

electrostatic interactions. Although this was proven to be true, the self-polarization

mechanism in piezoelectric materials are yet to be established for their complex nature

(Saravanakumar, Soyoon, and Kim, 2014).


4.1.2. Electrical output performance with and without PP tape.

Fig. 4. Output voltage generated from bending the FBBPNG

Furthermore, we have checked the output performance of the device without the PP

tape, generating an output voltage of 7.08 V as shown in Fig. 4. There is an observed slight

increase of voltage than that of the highest output performance of the PP integrated device

(6.5 V) when removing the PP tape, leading us to assume that the use of PP tape could

minimize any triboelectric effect occurring in the device due to single electrode type of


4.1.3. Pressure-Voltage Relationship

5. Table 5

6. Crystal Deformation Per Applied Weight and Pressure

Mass of Object (g) Applied Pressure (kPa) Voltage (V)

50 0.76 0.560

100 1.52 1.13

150 2.28 1.53

200 3.04 1.69


250 3.80 1.77

300 4.56 2.57

350 5.32 3.06

Fig. 5. Pressure-Voltage Graph and Relationship

Table 5 shows the masses of the metal object applied on the FBBPNG, the calculated

pressure from these masses, and the output voltage of the device upon the application of mass.

Figure 1 shows the relationship between the applied pressure on the FBBPNG and its output

voltage upon application. As shown in Figure 1, the applied pressure of the FBBPNG is directly

proportional to the output voltage generated by the device, meaning that as the applied pressure

increases, the output voltage also increases, and if the applied pressure decreases, the output

voltage also decreases. This proves that the crystal deformation of the piezoelectric material is

dependent on the applied pressure on the device, which also changes its output performance

(Ghosh & Mandal, 2016; Maiti et al., 2017; Karan et al., 2018).

6.1. Human locomotion and human activities

We clarify the feasibility of our fabricated FBBPNG to harvest the biomechanical

energy for developing human based self-powered devices. Several body locomotion (heel

pressing, foot pressing from heel side, below the shoe, wrist movement, and neck movement)

and different human activities (coughing and shouting) have minutely been studied for

biomechanical applications.

The fabricated FBBPNG generated an output voltage of 0.8 V during heel pressing

while generating an output voltage of 2.13 V during foot pressing as shown in Figure 6a and 6b.

The higher output voltage generated under foot pressing than heel pressing is due to a higher

applied pressure or more crystal deformation of the former case. FBBPNG is also able to

harvest energy by wrist movement, as shown in Figure 6c, generating 5.11 V. Further, it is

highly sensitive to bending and stretching as presented in the previous discussion shown in

Figure 6d and 6e. The sensitivity of the FBBPNG was also checked by single finger pressing

and hand punching as shown in Figure 6f and 6g, generating 1.21 V and 3.50 V, respectively.

Consequently, the device displayed an output performance of 2.57 V from neck movement

(Figure 6h.), 0.16 V from coughing (Figure 6i.), and 200 mV by shouting “Stop!” and “Go!”

(Figure 6j.). Despite its low overall output performance, it showed a higher sensibility to human

locomotion and activities compared with the other bio-piezoelectric devices. All these findings

clearly demonstrate that FBPPNG can harvest energy during real life motions and could be

extended to various fields.


Fig. 6. The changes in output voltage versus time for monitoring motions in: (a) heel

pressing, (b) foot pressing front side below, (c) wrist movement (up and down), (d) bending

by fingers, (e) stretching, (f) finger pressing, (g) hand punching, (h) neck movement, (i) neck

movement, (j) and shouting “Stop!” and “Go!”, respectively. The inset of Figure 6a-c, and

g show the real photo images of the OSBPNG attached with respective specified portion.



In conclusion, fish bones, a naturally abundant biodegradable material, has been

shown to be a possible bio-piezoelectric material for the development of efficient energy

harvesting nanogenerators. The design of the FBBPNG is proven to be able to generate a

high amount of electricity for it to be used in energy harvesting. FBBPNG requires no

complex process for fabrication and is best fabricated covered in PP tape to prevent any

other sources of electricity other than the bio-piezoelectric material. In terms of voltage

output, it produced a lower voltage when compared to the previous bio-piezoelectric

devices. The highest voltage output generate by the FBBPNG by simple applied motions is

6.5 V from bending the FBBPNG. Despite its low output performance (~6.5 V), it can still

be used in small scale energy harvesting and commercialization. In theory, multiple

FBBPNG devices may be connected in series to be able to generate a higher output

performance based from the previous studies on bio-piezoelectricity. Also, it was found that

there is a direct relationship between applied pressure and the output voltage of the

FBBPNG, which was observed by applying different masses of metal weights on the device,

ranging from 50 up to 300 grams, as you can see on the screen. Lastly, FBBPNG showed a

high sensitivity on human locomotions. The fabricated FBBPNG generated a voltage output

of 0.8 V during heel pressing, 2.13 V during foot pressing, 5.11 V by wrist movement and

3.50 V by hand punching. Consequently, the device displayed an output performance of 2.57

V from neck movement, 0.16 V from coughing, and 200 mV by shouting “Stop!” and “Go!”.

From this, FBBPNG shows its capability to be used for realistic applications particularly

fields involving human motions.



The research would be recommended to be used and applied in energy-harvesting as

it proves to be able to generate electricity from the application of pressure on the FBBPNG.

This device could be extended to various fields, like inside the soles of the shoes, wheels

from the car, and different machines for the conversion of mechanical energy into electrical

energy to power up LEDs, LCD screen, and if possible, for mobile charging. At the same

time, being biocompatible in nature, it may still be used in the medical field apart from its

broad range application of the usual piezoelectric materials. But despite these possible uses

and applications and added knowledge on bio-piezoelectricity, this research is still subjected

to future studies to widen the understanding and if possible, increasing its output

performance. Firstly, a structural investigation and morphological study on the bio-

piezoelectric material can be done to further explain how the process of conversion from

mechanical energy to electrical energy happens in the fish bones. Second, the piezoelectric

coefficient of the device may be measured to add to the accuracy of the data collected as it

would be a good basis for comparison on the generated output voltage of the FBBPNG.

Third, other factors may be measured that can affect or is being affected by the output

voltage of the FBBPNG such as the dimensions of the bio-piezoelectric material, the

durability of the device, and even the materials used for the fabrication of the device. Fourth,

the generated current on the device must be established so that the FBBPNG may be used in

different circuits and other applications. Lastly, the charging capability and energy storage

of the device can be measured to extend the application of the FBBPNG in energy storage

and batteries.


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