Lady Wachters Cult of The Blackness

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Lady Wachter’s

T h e B l a c k n e s s
Cult of


Setting and Notes
The fools in the Wachterhaus basement were General Play Notes:
merely recruits. Lady Wachter’s Cult is very real, and • Customize Lady Wachter! Make her match the descrip-
has a very real headquarters in a decrepit mansion in tion of how the PCs killed her. In my game, they eagerly
a secluded corner of Vallaki. beheaded her.
Lady Wachter and her cult sacrifice a slow stream • I have tried to write the descriptions to fit if your PCs
of townsfolk to The Blackness, which lives in the enter rooms from any direction but of course you must
ballroom attic, dripping into a disused ballroom for tailor readings.
its feedings. • First floor windows are all so old and dingy as to not
Once per season, her cult abducts a Vallakian for
The Blackness, a hideous Black Pudding. After the allow a view inside. Second floor windows are strongly
death of Lady Wachter at the hands of the PCs, the boarded shut.
cult is in a panicked frenzy. They are about to sacri- • Room occupants are suggested but not specified. It‘s up
fice another villager when the PCs enter the man- to you to determine your players’ CR.
sion. They have abducted and sacrificed several • PCs can find out the purpose of the zombie mobs by
townsfolk already to try to curry the favor of the interrogating any Cult Fanatic. Cultists know about the
Dark Powers, and have expanded to arson to sew zombies, but not their ultimate purpose.
additional chaos. • If Ernst Larnak or Wachter‘s sons still live, they took up
The Dark Powers have listened. leadership of the cult until they realize Lady Wachter has
Lady Wachter has returned. returned. They may harbor resentment at being kicked
out of a place of power and either betray the cult or join
Use these hooks (or your own, of course) to lure your the players!
PCs to the mansion - and their doom? • If PCs pose as recruits or cultists to gain entry, perhaps
• Your bloodthirsty PCs simply want to root out they can learn the passphrase “May Blackness Eclipse the
the rest of the cult. Flesh” by interrogating a captured cultist.
• The PCs investigate this wave or arson, finding
a witness or capturing a cultist at the scene.
• The PCs themselves witness an arson.
• An NPC begs the players to investigate their Have fun and remember:
missing spouse, sadly already sacrificed.
• There have been stirrings of seeing Lady don’t let ‘em see you cry when they
Wachter around town, despite knowing the
inevitably mess up your plans.
PCs have killed her.
• One of the PCs themselves have been captured!
(this is great if a player has to miss a session)
Thank you for checking out our adventure!
If you find it useful and fun, please consider
As if that weren‘t enough, before her death, Lady
donating a fair price for it. It ensures I can
Wachter had long been creating zombies, herded into the
attic, to eventually unleash on all of Vallaki; at the time to continue to create new content for you!
blame the Burgomaster’s incompetence to get him ousted.
Now she simply wants revenge on the living. Don’t forget to check out my other
products on DMsGuild.
This mansion quest is fully fleshed out but also leaves
plenty of flexibility for customization for your specific
game. I‘ve left suggestions appropriate for 3-5 Level 5-7 PCs - Carl Huber
- but populate the rooms with CR appropriate challenges. Twitter: @natural20shirts
Feel free to adjust flavor notes such as the stained glass Email:
window (seen from area 15) to intertwine different Barovi-
an factions, or change the fresco (area 13) if the players’
relationship with Dusk Elves suggests it.
Grateful acknowledgement
For their excellent Dungeon Painter software,
the framework upon which our customized
maps were begun.



16 17 18
A 18B 18C


*1st floor roof areas CAN be accessed by a

DC15 climb (Dex) check, and stood upon.



S 14 S W

5 6 13

4 2 11 12

1 1

Lady Wachter’s Stained Glass Hole for the
Stairs Secret Door Ghast Statue and Abductee Boarded up window window Black Pudding
1) Approaching the building through the fog, you become 4) You gain access to this dingy room and immediately
aware of why Lady Wachter’s cult uses it as a base of notice rack upon rack of (unremarkable) weapons against
operations. If Wachterhaus was sagging with self-loath- the south wall. This appears to be an improvised armory
ing, this once-grand building is positively repulsed with of sorts. The wooden floor and walls are full of slashes,
itself. You can see that once bright orange-red stones dents, and the odd arrow or dagger sticking out of them.
have become grimy with lichen and twisted black vines. A few antique tables and desks are carelessly scattered.
Windows appear to be cracked thick brown glass. A large Several cultists are perched here, waiting.
stained glass window over the large entrance door is
Cultists get Surprise and use the tables for half cover
mostly covered in black slime and vines. You see at least
(+2AC) or hide behind them for three-quartesr cover (+5 AC)
three, no, four chimneys rise from various parts of the
structure, but no wisp of smoke issues from them. The 5) This room is devoid of furniture, but several small barrels
building itself rests on a patch of tall dead grass, far from are stacked in the corner. Faded wallpaper hangs from
occupied buildings; its footprint at least twice that of the the walls like strips of flayed skin. A single heavy-
once-noble Wachterhaus. This is owing to what looks like looking door in the far wall is the only other feature that
some sort of ballroom or dance hall to the east; an annex stands out to you.
that appears to have been built only slightly more recently.
[Any available NPC whispers, “it feels like we’re being The barrels (quantity up to you) are full of a combusti-
watched”.] Notwithstanding the comment, this once ble lamp oil - what the cult uses in their arsons. They do not
grand structure shows no movement and emits no noise, explode and make poor weapons, but can aid burning a
for all appearances lurking on its property like a dead structure if poured and lit.
OFFICE! DC15 Perception Check – OR the Cult Fanatic may
Everyone roll a perception check: come out to surprise the PCs if they dally or make noise.
PASS at DC15 to spot a crude alarm system of twine
6) Perhaps the brightest room you’ve yet seen, this small
running through the dead grass, held up on stakes, leading
office boasts no fewer than three oil lamps, flickering with
to a hole in a window, connected to a bell. If they fail the
acrid smoke that has stained the ceiling black. The floor is
check, it doesn’t exist - don’t want to actually alert the cult!
PASS at DC20, they can see the very, very faint flickering plastered with discarded and molding papers - faded
of light from within - weak candles. sheets of parchment and scrolls trampled underfoot,
brownish-green with water damage. A weathered desk
2) Beyond the (locked, DC15 pick check) doorway lies a long, holds some newer paperwork, writing implements, and a
open foyer with cracked stone flooring. Threadbare metal box, but behind the desk a man with a long black
carpets lie like discarded dishrags. Though a few spare beard and tiny, cruel eyes snarls at your intrusion.
candles sputter on improvised wall mounts, the air itself
Clear trails in the paper mess may give a clue to
feels gloomy and dank.
A figure leaps back from the door, his dingy brown the secret door in the west wall (see Area 5)
This Cult Fanatic (Memrik “Coinkeeper” Mirosovick)
cloak thrown back and a hand reaching for a weapon. On
uses the desk for half cover (+2 AC)
a weathered looking staircase at the far end of the hall, a
man and woman in cloaks the color of dried blood turn SEARCHING THE ROOM, THEY FIND:
from their conversation towards you. • In the detritus on the floor:
Spell Scroll of Protection from Energy
(For the Duration, the willing creature you touch has Resistance
3) The door opens into a long hallway. The cultists don’t
to damage type of your choice - acid, cold, fire, lightning, thunder.)
appear to have bothered lighting this hallway, but with • Items on the desk include:
the spare illumination from behind you, you can make • A list of names (all current cult members) with several
out several doors along its length. You also see the crossed out – ones PCs have killed.
silhouetted form of another fanatical cultist, grinning and A list of buildings – enemies of the cult - for arson:
elaborately waving his hands, muttering a grim incanta- The Church of Saint Andral
tion. The Coffinmaker’s shop
The Blue Water Inn
If the PCs made a lot of noise in the previous room, you Blinsky’s toys, etc.
Some of these may already have been burned
may opt to give this Cult Fanatic surprise against the PCs.
If so, they have been crossed out, here.
• A small lockbox (DC10 pick check) with:
100 gold pieces, 200 copper pieces
TWO potions of healing (2d4 + 2)
Large iron key (opens ONE
lock set in Area 15)
7) The door thuds back closed as you try to open it, 11) This was once a walk-in coat room or closet for the
slamming shut. You hear a curse and shouts from noble family and their guests. You can imagine it being
behind it. filled with ornate overcoats and wolf-fur capes, but now
it plays host to several dingy looking cloaks. Some
(A cultist is trying to hold the door close. DC15 STR brownish (Cultists), some blood red (Cult Fanatics). A
CHECK to throw it open; success knocks the cultist prone) few pairs of overalls and other common clothes lay
This large chamber appears to have once been an heaped in piles. Another door stands opposite to you.
elegant dining hall. Now it holds several beat up tables The room is otherwise empty.
and a scattering of eclectic chairs. The tables are rife If they search the room and pass a DC20 perception
with bits of old meals and spilt drink. A huge fireplace check, they will find a cleverly hidden panel in the wood-
on the west wall sits cold and dark. Several cultists working containing several dead spiders and a threadbare
crouch behind tables (with crossbows aimed. They do not time-worn purse with 80 silver pieces in it.
hesitate to fire. – OR – desperately loading crossbows).
12) Years ago this room could have functioned as a
8) The odor of stale spices and sour beer waft to you as delightful den or waiting room. Elaborate wallpaper
you enter this long narrow room. Both walls are choked now hangs stained and drooping to the floor. Delicate
with old supplies and sundries. Several small pouches chairs and end tables sit in broken heaps in the corners
of spices are tipped over across the floor, along with of the room. Two cult members, one quite obese and
trampled moldy bread and rotten vegetables. A barrel the other so emaciated as to appear skeletal, are
of salt-crusted bass and trout sits open to the air next to crouched on the floor, peering over a fistful of dice.
several half full bottles of mead and wine. Another The skinny man (”Whisp”) curses and exclaims “the
doorway sits at the end of this pantry, and a flimsy bones are with you today, you stinking dung heap!” – 
ill-fitting door sits to the south. the fat one (”Gorge”) peers around him at you and
mutters “Stab me gently and burn the blood, who the
9) This was once servants quarters - several sturdy but
fuck are you?!”
plain beds are scattered about the room. The bedding
on them appears much newer than the rest of the These cultists should have some money but only
accoutrements of the mansion - the cult seems to use copper coins. Perhaps 50 coppers between them.
this as a sort of rotating sleeping room. A woman The dice are a full D&D set carved from bloodwood
(cultist) with a shaved head and a ruddy complexion worth 2GP.
lays passed out on the far cot; an empty bottle of mead
clutched in one hand, and a broadsword gripped in 13) The ceiling of this sizeable room sports a large oval set
the other. into it. The oval bounds a flaking fresco. Despite the
gloom and faded pigments, you can make out several
10) This galley kitchen is made of coarse-cut stone blocks. figures: handsome noblemen and buxom ladies danc-
Cabinets have fallen or been torn from the walls and lay ing in revelry with exaggerated charicatures of
in heaps on the floor. A few scattered lanterns sit on the salacious purple-skinned, naked elves looking divine
stone counters. With this room separated from the main and revered. A couple of crossbow bolts stick out of the
house, you appear to have caught the folk here fresco in places. As for the rest of the room, years-old
unawares. Several men in disheveled clothes, two bare entertaining furniture is shoved up against the walls, a
to the waist, appear to be preparing some sort of meal. clear path from where you stand leading to the large,
They are in the middle of dumping old spices on stale ornate double doors on the far side of the room.
bread and ladeling watery looking soup into cracked
bowls with dried fish. On seeing you, the soup ladeler The Dusk Elves in this fresco are portrayed in an
drops his utensil, exclaiming, “By the teeth of the dark idealized but condescending way the old noble houses
prince!” and he scrambles for a large kitchen knife. liked to think of them. Almost mythical nymphs, innocent
and vapid, rather than the depressed remnants of a
The PCs have Surprise here. people they currently were at the time – and still are.
14) This huge ballroom swirls with some kind of acrid sour 15) Atop the landing you turn to see the stained glass
stench. The twenty-foot high ceiling is half-tiled with window. Backlit by the overcast light outside, you can
blue and white patterns. Many of the tiles have fallen to see it was once a beautiful scene of a white stag, a
the floor, where they have been shoved against the brown bear, a tan windmill, and a flying blue raven,
walls or swept into the two giant, dark fireplaces. surrounded by a kaleidoscopic pattern. Now many
Toward the far end of the room, a stone-bordered hole panes are cracked or missing. It’s held in place as much
is placed in the ceiling. The long dark floorboards are by the mold and vines as its original framework. On this
stained as if wiped with a black ink, or burned, or landing, to either side, are heavy doors held fast with
perhaps both. It is hard to take much stock of the room, two weighty padlocks each. The doors look to be
however, because of the dominating feature therein, reinforced by thick boards and sheets of metal.
before which stand six cult members, chanting in
monotone. This feature is a wide dais of stone, at the DC 20 PICK CHECK FOR EACH LOCK. One key is in the
center of which stands a very large stone statue, roughly office. One key is on a cult fanatic in the ballroom. Each key
in the shape of a figure in a robe, its arms outstretched will only open one lock per door, requiring both keys.
and holding up a stone platter. It is hard to make out 16 & 17) This side of the second floor is pitch black.
details, for it faces to the east. Without darkvision, you can see nothing. Thin pencils of
But disturbingly you can see legs, human legs,
light filter in from heavily boarded windows, but they
bound thickly with rope, kicking and struggling off the
illuminate nothing. (With Darkvision or Lanterns/Light)
side of this platter.
The chanting men and women beseech “the You can easily see that this area was once several differ-
unholy blackness to envelop the flesh, and the land!” ent rooms, but all dividing walls have been crudely torn
down, leaving boards and plaster strewn across the
Lady Wachter’s Ghast stands hidden from view floor. This now single, large room houses a (certain
behind the statue, watching. Waiting. number, DM’s choice) of shuffling, shambling corpses,
One of the Cult Fanatics has the second key for the their dead black eyes rolling ceaselessy as their mouths
locks in area 15. work, chewing the air. As the scent of living flesh wafts
to them, they turn their mindless attention toward you.
WHEN LADY WACHTER APPEARS: A figure once hidden
from sight strides forward, revealing itself from behind 18A) A short, steep, narrow staircase, leads up to another
the massive statue. Its movements are jerky but rapid. It door, on which you can clearly see layer of grimy dust.
is deceptively short and confusing to behold. It wears a
crumpled blood red noblewoman’s dress, stained black 18B) opens into a black room that feels like it must
in places. It carries its own head in one hand, clutching a stretch the length of the ballroom below it. Without
fistful of long stringy grey hair up like a lantern; the Darkvision/Light, you can see nothing. The ceiling is only
dessicated head of Lady Fiona Wachter herself...cackling 6 feet high in the center and steeply angles down to
a raspy laugh. meet the floor at either side, making for cramped
quarters. Even with darkvision (or light) you can’t quite
Tailor this description to whatever fate befell YOUR see to the far end of the room. As you put a foot
campaign’s Lady Wachter. cautiously into this space, you realize that the floor of
this attic is lined with flat unsecured flagstones. The
WHEN THE PUDDING FALLS: With a churning sense of
wood trusses and beams beneath the stones creaks
foreboding, you notice the surviving cult members
unsettlingly. An acrid burning assaults your nostrils.
gasping. “The Blackness comes to consume!” one shrieks
– their attention drawn to the stone circle in the ceiling. Because of the cramped quarters, you may want to
A thick, slimy, yet gritty substance hangs low out of it, impose penalties to DEX, or use Squeezing in the PHB, p192
dripping down in slithering tendrils of thick tar. Despite
its apparent viscosity, it pours with speed and intent - 18C) As you move into the room you discern the old
dropping on to the upheld platter of the statue. An framework of crates and chests, reduced to little more
ear-piercing howl of pain fills the hall as you hear than blackened rubble. If this was once storage, it is now
sizzling and popping like frying meat, and see green empty. The floor groans menacingly underfoot. The
smoke roiling. Within seconds this mass of blackness has acrid smell burns your throat. Ahead you see the dim
enveloped the platter and continues on its way to the outline of a circle of muddy light: a hole in the floor. Just
floor, a constant crackle issuing from it as it seems to behind it, you see a glimmer of movement. A gritty,
burn the very air that touches it. slimy ebony mass lies pooled and spread out at the far
end of the room. It shudders and slides towards you.
It would be remarkable for the PCs to be able to save
this random Vallakian, as it should fall mid-combat. If you The stones’ weight and black pudding’s acid have
used the “Abduct a PC” hook, maybe give them more than weakened the floor here. If two heavy PCs walk close
a little leeway. Also a great way to kill off NPCs. together, they fall through the floor taking 2d10 damage.
If they already fought the Black Pudding in the
ballroom, this attic is empty.
THE WACHTERGHAST (modified ghast)
Lady Wachter has a terrible stench of putrid flesh and spoilt blood. Poisoned creature has disadvantage
on Attack rolls and Ability Checks.

Stench: Any creature that starts its turn within 5 ft. of the ghast must succeed a DC 10 CON save or be Poisoned
until the start of its next turn. On a successful save, the creature is immune to the Stench for 24 hours.
Turn Defiance: Advantage on saves for turning Undead. “The blood of Barovia suffuses me! Your power is impotent!”

The Wachterghast has 2 attacks; one bite and one claw.

Bite: +3 to hit, 12 (2d8 + 3) piercing damage. (If holding her severed head, Wachterghast swings it for this attack)
Claw: +5 to hit, 10 (2d6 + 3) slashing damage. DC 10 CON save or be Paralyzed for 1 round.

SPELLS – Spell Save DC15 – can cast each spell twice – see PHB for full spell descriptions
Guiding Bolt: +5 to hit; 4d6 radiant damage, the next Attack roll against this target before the end of your next
turn has advantage, thanks to the mystical dim light glittering on the target until then.
Spirit Guardians: Black imps swarm around Wachterghast in 15’ radius. Good creatures’ speed is halved in the area,
and when the creature enters the area for the first time on a turn or starts its turn there, it must make a WIS save,
DC15. Failed save: 3d8 necrotic damage. On a successful save, the creature takes half as much damage.

AC 15
60 WACHTERGHAST moans the following:
• Eternal Straaahdddd Come to Ussssss!
CON 10 • The Powers Have Blessed Meeeeeeee
INT 11 • The Flesh will be consuuuuuumed
WIS 10 • I Cannot See the Brightness!
(laughing if the PC has the sunsword;
CHA 8 (-1) she has no sunlight sensitivity)

THE BLACKNESS (modified black pudding)

Corrosive Form: A creature that hits The Blackness with a melee Attack while
within 5 feet of it takes (1d8) acid damage. Nonmagical weapons of metal or wood
corrode: After dealing damage, the weapon takes a permanent, cumulative -1
penalty to Damage Rolls. If its penalty drops to -5, the weapon is destroyed.
Nonmagical ammunition is destroyed after dealing damage.

Pseudopod: +5 to hit, 6 (1d6 + 3) bludgeoning damage plus 18 (4d8) acid damage. In addition, nonmagical
armor worn by the target is partly dissolved and takes a permanent and cumulative -1 penalty to the AC it
offers. The armor is destroyed if the penalty reduces its AC to 10.

Split: When a pudding is subjected to lightning or slashing damage and has at least 10 HP, it splits into two new
puddings. Each new pudding has hit points equal to half the original pudding's, rounded down. New pud-
dings are one size smaller than the original pudding.

AC 7
STR 16 (+3) 85 THE BLACKNESS dissolves when killed, revealing:
• 2 partially digested skeletons
DEX 15 (+3) • 5 misc gemstones (worth 50 GP each)
CON 16 (+3) • an ivory wand of Lightning Bolt
INT 1 (-5) with one charge left
WIS 6 (-2)
CHA 1 (-5)
CULTIST 9 9 9 9 9 9
AC 12 (leather armor)
STR 11
DEX 12 (+1)
9 9 9 9 9 9
CON 10
INT 10
WIS 11
CHA 10 9 9 9 9 9 9
Dark Devotion:
The cultist has advantage
on saving throws against
Charm & Frighten. 9 9 9 9 9 9

+3 to hit 1d6 DMG
CROSSBOW: 9 9 9 9 9 9
+3 to hit 1d8 DMG
Range: 80/320

AC 13 (leather armor + DEX)
STR 11 INT 10
DEX 14 (+2) WIS 13 (+1)
CON 12 (+1) CHA 14 (+2) 1st LVL
1st LVL
1st LVL
2nd LVL 2nd LVL 2nd LVL
DARK DEVOTION: Fanatics have advantage on
22 22 22
saves against being Charm & Frightened.

DAGGER (two attacks): +3 to hit, 1d4+2 DMG

1st LVL 1st LVL 1st LVL
Spell save DC 11, +3 to hit with spell attacks SLOTS SLOTS SLOTS
2nd LVL 2nd LVL 2nd LVL
22 22 22
• Light • Thaumaturgy
• Sacred Flame – 60 ft range, +3 to hit,
DC11 DEX save or 1d8 radiant dmg
1st LVL 1st LVL 1st LVL
1st LEVEL (4 slots) SLOTS
2nd LVL
2nd LVL
2nd LVL
• Command – DC11 WIS save or follow one SLOTS SLOTS SLOTS

of these commands as its next turn: 22 22 22

Approach, Drop, Flee, Grovel, Halt
• Inflict Wounds – Melee Spell Attack, target
takes 3d10 necrotic dmg. 1st LVL 1st LVL 1st LVL
• Shield of Faith – +2 AC for 10 minutes, SLOTS
2nd LVL
2nd LVL
2nd LVL
22 22 22
2nd level (3 slots):
• Hold Person - 60ft Range, DC11 WIS save
each turn or Paralyzed 1 min.
• Spiritual Weapon - BONUS ACTION & move/attack 1st LVL
1st LVL
1st LVL
2nd LVL 2nd LVL 2nd LVL
as bonus action. 1d8dmg, melee spell attack SLOTS SLOTS SLOTS
ZOMBIES (note: NOT Strahd zombies, because all those body parts are a pain to track)

Undead Fortitude: If damage reduces the zombie to 0HP, it makes a CON save with a DC of 5+the damage
taken, unless the damage is radiant or from a critical hit. On success, the zombie drops to 1HP instead.

AC 8
STR 13 (+1)
20 20 20 20
DEX 6 (-2)
CON 16 (+3)
INT 3 (-4)
WIS 6 (-2)
CHA 5 (-3) 20 20 20 20

20 20 20 20 20

20 20 20 20 20

20 20 20 20 20

20 20 20 20 20

20 20 20 20 20

20 20 20 20 20
This page lists some items which the cultists might have if your players search the corpses.
Check them off as you use them.

2GP, 10CP, bundle of aromatic dried flowers A crumpled up poster for the Festival of the
(potpurri used to mask the stench of the attic zombies) Blazing Sun, a pouch of matches, a few bits of jerky
10GP, blacksmithing tools (ball-peen hammer, 5GP, 25CP, A lock of long blonde hair tied
long pliers) They just killed the town Blacksmith - too with a bright green ribbon...stained with blood.
bad if they were going to have him silver their weapons!
A scribbled note reading “no more dream pastries,
A worn, handcarved symbol of the Morning Lord no more dream pastries, no children left anyway,
This cultist lost his faith but carries a reminder. no more dream pastries...” (repeated)
4GP, 15CP, leather thong necklace with a green A bracelet of bronze and gold intertwining eels,
glass ring (nonmagical; it’s actually the top of a bottle worth 25GP, and a key to the outside doors
from the winery ground smooth, worth a few coppers)
A pouch full of leathery dried human ears, many
5GP and a finely detailed Vistani handkerchief, with earrings (the earrings are worth a total of 5GP)
and a key to the outside doors
A wooden spoon with a face in the “bowl” of it.
2GP, a Blinsky doll of a baby you can turn Its mouth is an open hole, making it difficult to use.
inside out to look like a zombie, a tinderbox
5GP and a scarf of blue and gold silk worth 10GP
8GP, 10CP, and a dented pennywhistle
A pocketful of birdseed and two dead pigeons,
A shopping list, a copper ring (worth 20CP), several matches, and a key to the outside doors
and a key to the outside doors
A carved wood talisman of a crude devil’s head,
A headless child’s doll carved from wood painted black and red (nonmagical, useless)
The head of a child’s doll carved from wood A well done and detailed sketch of the naked Dusk
Elves from the ceiling fresco (If the PCs haven’t been to
A copy of one of Lady Wachter’s cult books, a that room yet, this could be quite confusing for a while!)
tinderbox, whetstone, and key to the outside doors
A list of names: Rahadin, Ludmilla Vilisevic,
3GP, 15CP, a pouch full of dried fruits and wolf jerky Anastrasya Karelova, Volenta Popofsky, Escher
An ornate dagger with a human femur hilt and A note saying “Blinsky’s monkey... weird but cute
black opal pommel, worth 75GP – due to its little thing. Try to steal it before setting building
awkward grip but excellent blade, it is -1 to hit on fire. That toymaker is so obnoxious.”
but +1 to damage.

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