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Job Analysis Report on the Regular Employee

Items in Caraga Regional Hospital and Job

Description, Competencies and Specifications
Bulletin Book
Caraga Regional Hospital’s history goes back to the Philippine Commonwealth Government. It
was in 1941 that the Commonwealth government had appropriated the budget necessary to establish a
hospital in Surigao. However, when the Japanese took over the country in 1942 the plans to build the
hospital was disrupted. It was only in October 6, 1946, that the very first foundation of CRH was
established. Caraga Regional Hospital at that time was a 25 bed capacity Emergency Hospital that was
maintained and operated by the National Government. Twelve years after, the Emergency Hospital was
converted to Surigao Provincial Hospital and its bed capacity became 50.

The hospital continued to increase its bed capacity to 75 in 1962, 100 in 1970 and 150 in 1985.
In April 1, 1993, Republic Act No. 7160 had transferred the management of the hospital to the Province
of Surigao del Norte. When Republic Act No. 8255 was signed in 1997, Surigao Provincial Hospital was
converted to a national agency and renamed Caraga Regional Hospital.

Today, Caraga Regional Hospital is in the process of advancing its infrastructure, medical
equipment, personnel component and quality management to become an excellent referral hospital for
the sick and injured. It is currently committed to provide in-patient and out-patient services to the
residents of SurigaoCity and other nearby places.

A Competent, Responsive and Humane tertiary hospital

Caraga Regional Hospital commits to provide quality health services to all especially the poor and the
marginalized in partnership with stakeholders

WE, the officials and employees of Caraga Regional Hospital commit to provide quality tertiary
health services to all especially the poor and marginalized by:

Strictly adhering to regulatory requirements and standards

Providing an efficient and effective clinical care
Establishing a competent hospital teaching and training program
Ensuring morality, integrity and transparency in the work place
Doing quality assurance and continuing improvement

Emergency room services, outpatient consultation services, dental services, public health
services, clinical laboratory, blood bank, x-ray and ultrasound, dietary services, medical records,
ambulance, pharmacy, ICU/NICU/PICU/Burn Unit, operating room and post anaesthesia care unit

Clinical Services: General Medicine, General Surgery, OB/GYNE and General Pediatrics, Out-
Patient Department, Medical Ward, Surgery Ward
A Job Analysis Report on the Positions in Caraga Regional Hospital


Job descriptions are forms that document the competencies, skills and educational
requirements to fulfil a certain job. They include as well the roles and responsibilities of the employees,
the work distribution as well as the compensation attached to the employees position. They can serve as
the basis for several work related processes such as recruitment and selection guidelines, job postings,
and training and performance management. Since job descriptions are the foundation of the mentioned
work related processes, it is understandable that these forms are highly valuable and important for any
company or organization engaging humans as their workforce.
Job descriptions, however, change at a rapid phase, as the demands required to perform a job
vary continuously. It is thus necessary to conduct a job analysis on the existing positionsin a company or
organization to update records as well as pave way for organizational development. A job analysis is a
process of collecting information regarding the jobs held by the employees of an organization. The
information collected in a job analysis isusually in the form of evaluations, tasks, performance and
others. These results can be a good source of employee information for the human resource
department as they can help the human resource find grounds to create programs that would better
work related performances.The importance of conducting a job analysis lies on the fact that workers can
become more productive and effective when they actually know what is expected of them. Research
shows that employees who are not oriented on how their jobs fit the organization they work for would
usually commit mistakes in their tasks. The research indicatesthat the mistakes committed are often
related to failing to recognize which function should be prioritized over the others. In addition to this,
other research findings say that employees are more motivated and satisfied with their jobs when they
know their specific roles and responsibilities.
Given the perspective on the role of knowledge on one’s work, it can be gleaned thus that any
form of ambiguity over one’s job functions would result to a problem over how one evaluates his job,
which in turn would have a large impact on one’s performance. However, the effects of not knowing
well the demands and adjustments required by ones’ job is not solely exclusive on the employees alone.
There are instances that such effects would spill over the way the employee would be towards his
customers or clients. This spill over effect is largely important to look into when it comes to jobs
requiring the employee to attend to the urgent needs of a client, for example, the jobs of health care
providers or hospital workers.
Researches onhospital environment show how one’s work environment, physical and social
included, can impact both the workers and patients. In one study by Aiken, Linda, Douglas Sloane, Sean
Clarke and others (2011), it was observed that “poor hospital work environments” are highly associated
with burnout and dissatisfaction among nurse employees and are related to poor “quality-care
outcomes”. The work environment considered in Aiken et al.’s research referred to organizational
behaviour inclusive of “staffing-resource adequacy, nurse-physician relations, nurse participation in
hospital affairs” and foundations of quality care. The low ratings on these aspects resulted to negative
patient care and thus lower rates of patient discharge readiness and patient quality care. The results of
this study underscore the necessity of actually knowing one’s job through a job analysis. To illustrate this
importance, take for instance the adequate staffing resource factor of a work environment. If the
staffing done for a hospital is inadequate because the hiring panel is not knowledgeable on the specific
traits to look for in the right hospital staff, it is possible then that the care given to the patients would be
lacking too since the staff themselves lack the capacity required to give excellent care.
Other research works related to the concern of Aiken et al.’s study also revealed that hospitals
with better educated nurses often have lower mortality rates compared to one staffed with nurses who
had not pursued advancement and updates on their profession. These researches then, although
limited to the nursing staff of the respondent hospitals, clearly rationalize the necessity of conducting
research into the employees’ knowledge of the nature of their work, their work functions, and the
activities they do to advance their work knowledge. However, to justify more the grounds for
conducting this research or job analysis, the following section is provided.

A job analysis again looks into the nature and function associated with a job, In general, the
primary purpose of a job analysis is to come up with job specifications for employment screening
processes.In this report, the purpose of this job analysis is to check the knowledge of Caraga Regional
Hospital’s employees of the nature of their work and the tasks actually involved in their work as well as
whether their job knowledge fit those indicated in their position description forms. The goal is to see
whether the functions they engage in fit their jobs. There is an underlying importance in conducting this
jobanalysis. For one, the result of this job analysis can serve as a foundation forCaraga’semployee
selection process in the future. It can have this function because a job analysis would enable
organizations to determine the competencies and qualifications needed for a certain job. Secondly, any
information gathered from the job analysis may be used for organizational planning and development. If
for instance, the job analysis results point to a gap in the actual functions done by the employees and
the competencies demanded from them by their original job descriptions, then this would result to
either reassessment of the tasks assigned to the job or reassignment of the employee. Also, if the job
analysis has information on the trainings undergone by the employees, and the results point that the
employees lack the trainings needed to perform their jobs then a training plan can be recommended to
help the organization meet the changes needed for better organizational productivity.

This job analysis research utilized a descriptive research design. The tool used to gather data
from the respondents was an open ended questionnaire consists of four general questions. The
questionnaire, although not pretested, was made under the supervision of Caraga Regional Hospital’s
administrative consultant. This was given a control number for documentation purposes. The sampling
done was stratified random sampling procedure. The method resulted to a required sample that
represented each existing position in the company. The sampling processyielded 72 positions in Caraga
Regional Hospital and a minimum requirement of 81 participants as its sample. To date however, there
are 73 positions all in all in CRH, the additional item being Accountant II. The first phase of the research
started with the distribution of the survey questionnaire. The second phase was on data analysis and the
third is writing the report. To analyze the data, clustering was first done, then auditing against the
existing database on job descriptions from the hospital’s personnel department.

Tabulated results
The following tables are the results gathered from the data analysis done for the paper.

Table 1 Frequency distribution for the existing job positions in Caraga Regional Hospital

Accountant III 1 1
Administrative Aide I 15 7
Administrative Aide II 1 1
Administrative Aide III 1 4
Administrative Aide IV 8 3
Administrative Aide V 2 1
Administrative Aide VI 8 1
Administrative Assistant I 3 1
Administrative Assistant II 3 1
Administrative Assistant III 11 1
Administrative Officer I 2 1
Administrative Officer II 1 0
Administrative Officer III 3 1
Administrative Officer IV 2 1
Administrative Officer V 2 1
Chief, Medical Professional Staff 1 1 1
Computer Maintenance Technologist I 1 1
Computer Maintenance Technologist II 1 1
Cook I 3 3
Cook II 2 2
Data Controller II 1 1
Dental Aide 1 1
Dentist II 1 0
Dentist IV 1 1
Dormitory Manager I 1 1
Engineer II 1 1
Engineer III 1 1
HEPO I 1 1
Hospital Housekeeper 1 1
Laboratory Aide II 4 0
Laundry Worker I 5 3
Laundry Worker II 2 2
Medical Equipment Technician I 1 1
Medical Center Chief I 1 1
Medical Equipment Technician II 1 0
Medical Officer III 18 4
Medical Officer IV 2 0
Medical Specialist II 4 2
Medical Specialist III 3 1
Medical Technologist I 1 0
Medical Technologist II 12 10
Medical Technologist III 2 1
Midwife I 2 1
Nurse I 41 11
Nurse II 22 3
Nurse III 6 2
Nurse IV 1 1
Nurse V 1 1
Nursing Attendant II 8 2
Nursing Attendant I 21 5
Nutritionist Dietitician I 1 1
Nutritionist Dietitician III 1 1
Painter II 1 0
Pharmacist IV 1 0
Pharmacist I 3 1
Pharmacist II 2 2
Pharmacist III 1 1
Psychologist II 1 1
Radiologic Technologist I 2 1
Radiologic Technologist II 2 2
Radiologic Technologist III 1 1
Seamstress 1 1
Security Guard I 1 0
Security Guard II 1 1
Social Welfare Assistant 1 1
Social Welfare Officer I 3 2
Statistician Aide 1 1
Statistician II 1 1
Supervising Administrative Officer 1 1
Welder I 1 0
Total 267 111

The table above shows the frequency distribution of employees according to the specific
positions they hold and the frequency distribution of employees who had actually returned their survey
forms. It can be noted from the table that out of 267 employees (as of May 2014), 111 employees
returned the job analysis forms distributed to them or 41.57% of the total employees actually
responded to the job analysis forms. It can also be seen from the table that the top five positions having
the highest frequencies are Nurse I, Nurse II, Nursing Attendant I, Medical Officer III and Administrative
Aide I.

Table 2.1 in the next page shows the job descriptions of the medical doctors according to their
position description forms and their job descriptions according to the distributed job analysis forms. It
can be gleaned from the table that not all departments had responded to the job analysis done and that
the position description forms provided do not encompassed all the departments. It is important to note
as well that the job analysis findings for the medical doctors, particularly those with MS III rank, do not
indicate active research work despite the fact that such task or duty is indicated in the position
description form. All the other functions from the position description forms of the doctors are already
reflected in the “admitting, discharging, consulting and going on 24 hour duty” work tasks indicated in
the job analysis forms passed by the doctors who participated in this research.
Position Description Forms
Pediatrics Surgery Anaestheology OBGyne Dental
Medical Officer III Medical Medical Medical Officer III Medical Specialist III Medical Officer IV Medical Officer III Dentist IV Dentist II
Specialist Specialist Medical
II III Specialist II
Overall TB Pediatrics Pediatrics, Surgery - Surgery Surgery Anaestheology OBGyne Dental Dental
Hospital coordinat departme EENT
Newbor or in nt chair Resident
n children Physician
Screenin (pediatric
g s)
and Job Analysis Forms (per service)

no pdf given no pdf given renders consultative/guidance examines patients and completes a brief admission collect, record, and maintain diagnose, prevent, and evaluate the current
services to difficult unusual and/or diagnosis ailments, examination on each patient patient information such as treat problems with health and condition of
complicated cases needing expert's treats diseases by when appropriate and medical histories, reports, and teeth or mouth tissue, patient's teeth to
opinion and management, examine prescribing medicines document clinical findings, examination results, treat perform corrective determine diagnosis of
patient to obtain information on and other therapeutic treats diseases by prescribing diesease of female organs, and surgery on gums and dental condition, if any,
medical condition and surgical risk, means, prepares medicines and other care for and treat women supporting bones to inform their patients on
follow established surgical clinical records of therapeutic means, prepares during prenatal, natal, and treat gum diseases, how to prevent dental
techniques during the operation, patients upon clinicala records of patients post natal periods, prepares extract and make problems and keep their
ensures proper supervision over admission and upon admission and clinical records of patients models and teeth and mouth as
resident staff and initiative discharge, responsible discharge, responsible for one upon admission and discharge, measurements for healthy as possible,
prescribed corrective measures as for one or more wards or more wards and males responsible to take medical dentures to replace complete treatment on
indicated, conducts training for and makes daily daily rounds ro observe care for one or more wards missing teeth, provide affected gums, dcayed
medical residents as well as medical rounds to observe progress and condition of and makes daily rounds to instruction on diet, and fractured teeth and
and allied health workers including progress and patient, provide a 24 hour observe progress and burshing, flossing, the perform tooth removal
adminstrative staff, conduct regular condition of patients, medical service within the condition of the patient, use of flourides, and for cases where there
clinical ward rounds, manage surgery administer anesthetic hispirtal on and on-call basis prescribe or administer other aspects of dental are high levels of decay,
Table 2.1 Medical Doctors

services, including planning, or sedation during permanently, goes with therapy, medication and other care, administer cosider treatment
scheduling and coordination, medical procedures ambulance in emergency specialized medical care to anesthetics and write methods and explain the
determination or procedures, and using local, calls, consults supervisors on treat or prevent illness, prescriptions for options with the patient
procurement of supplies and intravenous, spinal, or difficult and complicated disease, or injury, analyze antibiotics and other to determine which
equipment, coordinates, attends, caudial methods, goes cases, observe all DOH/CRH records , reports, tests results, medications, remover works best for them
and participates in clinical with ambulance in rules and regulations for or examination information to decay, fill cavities, based on their situation,
conferences, scientific meetings of emergency calls, medical services, duties and diagnose medical condition of examine x rays, place keep all ewuipment
the hospital or those accredited by consult MCC I/ CMPS I responsibilities, attends t an patient, obet and implements protective plastic functional and clean and
the dept, conducts and actively on difficult and participates in clinical and DOH-Hospital sealants on teeth, maintain dental files for
participates in hospital research complicated cases pathological conferences, Policy/Memorandums and straighten teeth and all patients, monitor and
projects, maintains and updates the observe DOH, Civil Service other office rules, consults repair fractured teeth evaluate any x ra images
professional standing in their Rules and Regulations and supervisors on difficult and for any part of the
respective specialties, renders Hospital Policy and Guidelines complicated cases, participate patients oral cavity
special duties in extreme emergency at all times in medical staff meeting as
or in the exigency of the service, schedules and present cases
attends and participates in on schedule clinico-
consultative/administrative pathological conferences as
conferences with the medical and required
allied health staff
Table 2 Comparison tables between the task descriptions gathered from the Position Description Forms
Pediatrics Surgery Anaestheology OBGyne Dental
Medical Officer III Medical Specialist II Medical Specialist Medical Officer III Medical Medical Medical Medical Dentist IV Dentist II
III Specialist III Specialist II Officer IV Officer III
Overall Hospital TB coordinator in Pediatrics Pediatrics, Surgery - EENT Surgery Surgery Anaestheology OBGyne Dental Dental
Newborn children (pediatrics) department chair Resident Physician
admit and examine goes to 24 hours duty, admit admit patients and see supervise management perform 24 hours duty, Admit patients at ER, no data no data no data no data Head the dental no data
patient at emergenry and treat patients at pedia patients at OPD for of pediatric patients in attend to emergency daily rounds of patients departmen, responsible
room and opd, goes ward and at OPD, answer consultation crh, manage training of and non emergency in ward, attend to opd for the establishment of
on a 24 hour duty, do ward calls and cp clearance, pediatric residents cases pertaining to check up department procedures
pediatric clearance admit and treat patients at surgergical and eent in the method of
and evaluation opd cases, attend and treat operation, direct and
out patient surgical and supervise activities of
eent cases, attend personnel in the dental
medicolegal concerns, department, prepares
do daily rounds and requisition for supplies
admits patients and equipment, act as
person in oral health
related program and
activities, perform
clinical and surgical
procedures, conduct
diagnostic oral exam

Table 2.2 Pharmacy

Position Description Form Job Analysis Form
Pharmacis Pharmacist I Pharmacist II Pharmacist III Pharmacist Pharmacist I Pharmacist II Pharmacist III
no data provides efficient and safe provides efficient and safe supervises provisions of efficient no data incharge of preparing thr pharmacist in charge in preparing in charge of preparing senior pharmacist in
preparation and dispensing of preparation and dispensing of and safe preparation and account payables of CRH a list of available medicine weekly reports of drug consignment, charge of daily and
drugs and medicines according to drugs and medicines according to dispensing of drugs and medicines personnel and check supporting papers uploading data through monthly report of filled
prescription to in and out patients, prescription to in and out patients, according to prescription to in and attach to credit purchase form for online electronic drug pulse and unfilled prescriptions,
records and reports to abstract records and reports to abstract out patients, record and reports to signature of the Aos and monitoring system, prepares daily monitoring of
forms and supplies ledger cards all forms and supplies ledger cards all abstract forms and supplies ledger submission to the finance office stock tons for D and M issued medicines
daily prescription drugs/medicines daily prescription drugs/medicines cards all daily prescriptions of to different wards, prepares
issued to in and out patients, issued to in and out patients, drugs/medicines issued to in and ot schedule, issues offcial
supervises pharmacy aides in supervises pharmacy aides in patients, supervises pharmacist in receipt, fills and dispenses
preparation, wrapping and preparation, wrapping and preparation, wrapping and labeling drugs and medicine
labeling of medicines issued to the labeling of medicines issued to the of medicines issued t the patients
patients for which medications are patients for which medications are for which medications are to be
to be administered, prepares to be administered, prepares administered, prepares requisition
requisitin for drugs/medicines and requisitin for drugs/medicines and for drugs/medicines and pharmacy
pharmacy supplies as approved by pharmacy supplies as approved by supplies as approved by the
the pharmacy and therapeutic the pharmacy and therapeutic pharmacy and therapeutic
committee, performs th control of committee, performs th control of commitee, performs the control of
drugs on purchasings and/or drugs on purchasings and/or drugs on purchasing and/or
requisitioning, accounting, requisitioning, accounting, requisitioning, accounting, labeling,
labeling, pricing, issuing, labeling, pricing, issuing, pricing and issuing, discharges
discharges patients with proper discharges patients with proper patients with proper instructions
instructions and health teaching, instructions and health teaching, and health teaching, establishes,
establishes,promotes and establishes,promotes and promotes and maintains good
maintains good interpersonal maintains good interpersonal interpersonal relationship with
relationship with everybody, relationship with everybody, everybody, observe DOH, Civil
attends conference, seminars and attends conference, seminars and Service Rules and Regualtions and
in service trainings and does other in service trainings and does other Hospital Policy and Guidelines at all
related work related work times

Table 2.2 indicates the job descriptions for the Pharmacists. It can be seen from the table that
the positions of Pharmacist I and II under the position description form have the same functions while in
the job analysis form, the different pharmacist ranks have different responsibilities.
Table 2.3 Laboratory
Position Description Form Job Analysis
Medical Medical Medical Medical Laboratory Medical Medical Technologist II Medical Laboratory
Technologis Lab. Technologist Technologist III Aide II Technologi Technologi Aide II
tI Technologi II st I st III
st II
microspically microscopicall microspically performs various cleans and no data prforms prepares performs all prforms supervises the no data
and chemically y and and chemically chemistry sterilizes, test available varoous various laboratory laboratory clinical available
examines and chemically examines and examinations, tubes, syringe laboratory laboratory examinations exams like laboratory
test urine, examines test test urine, attends to various instruments exams like exams like in the clinical parasitology, comprising
sputum, urine, sputum, seminal administrative and and other hematology hematology, laboratory, clinical hematology,
seminal fluids sputum, fluids and other supervisory needs, laboratory (routine and (routine, performs all microscopy clinical
and other fluids seminal fluids fluids and supervises medical glasswares and special), special), other section, body microscopy,
and and other substances, technologist II and equipment, clinical clinical functions fluids, drug clinical
substances, fluid takes blood lab technicians, collects and chemistry, chemistry, assigned by testing (specif chemistry,
takes blood substances, counts, prepares obtains specimen as receives clinical clinical higher and other serology,
counts, takes blood special kind of necessary, request specimens and microscopy. minuscopy, authorities related immunochemi
prepares counts, media reagents reageants supplies prepares stain Parasitology, parasitology, functions stry, and
special kind of prepares and solutions, and conduct and mounts body fluids, body fluids, immunoserolo
regeants and special kinds examines and inventory, receive them for HIV and other serology, HIV, gy section
solutions, of media test blood and records examinations, related and other
examines and regeants, and parasites, sugar, laboratory supplies label specimen funtions related
test blood solutions, albumin, and conduct and prepare functions
parasites, examines and hemoglobin inventory, receive simple culture
sugar, albumin, test blood content, and records media, takes
hemoglobin parasites, "rh"factor or laboratory supplies care of
content, "rh" sugar, penicillin level, and reagents, laboratory
facto or albumin, obser DOH and consults the CMPS room and
penicillin level, hemoglobin CSC rules and I/MCC I on difficult premises clean
observe DOH content etc, regulations and and complicated and orderly,
and CSC rules attend/partici Hospital policy cases, attends to and operates
and regulations pates/observe at all times, participantes in suctions
and hospital all hospital observed DOH, clinical, pathological machine to
policy at all policy civil service rules conference, separate blood
times, observe guidelines, and regulations observes/attend to plasm from red
DOH, Civil activities and and hospital all other functions cells, takes
Service Rules perform other policy and and responsibilities blood smears,
and related works guidelines at all based on the issued and bleads
Regulations from time to times, does hospital/DOH animals and
and Hospital time other related Memorandum Policy assist in blodd
Policy and work from time Guidelines and does extractions
Guidelines at to time other related work from donors
all times

Table 2.3 shows the job descriptions for those working in the laboratory, particularly the
medical technologists and the laboratory aide. The descriptions depict similarities in the indicated
functions except for the laboratory aide who had returned the job analysis survey sheet distributed
during the second stage of this research..
Table 2.4 which is about the job descriptions for the radiologist items shows that the radiologists
who had answered the job analysis survey perceive their functions to be the same despite the
differences in their ranks. Even the position description forms enumerated the same functions for all
items. However, it can be noted as well that the respondents’ knowledge on their job functions are
shallow and broad compared to that listed in the position description form.
Table 2.4 X-ray
Position Description Form Job Analysis Form
Radiologic Radiologic Radiologic Radiologic Technologist Radiologic Technologist Radiologic
Technologist I Technologist II Technologist III I II Technologi
st III
prepares and position prepares and position prepares and position perform radiological procedure
the patients for xrays the patients for xrays the patients for xrays
diagnosis as diagnosis as diagnosis as
prescribed by prescribed by prescribed by
radiologist or radiologist or radiologist or
physician, controls physician, controls physician, controls
machine switches and machine switches and machine switches and
regulate intensity of regulate intensity of regulate intensity of
exposure, takes x ray exposure, takes x ray exposure, takes x ray
picture or exposure of picture or exposure of picture or exposure of
patients for definite patients for definite patients for definite
periods to deep in periods to deep in periods to deep in
superficial rays in superficial rays in superficial rays in
treating diseases, treating diseases, treating diseases,
prepares and mixed prepares and mixed prepares and mixed
developing solutions developing solutions developing solutions
and develop xray films and develop xray films and develop xray films
and give to the and give to the and give to the
physicians or to the physicians or to the physicians or to the
radiologist for reading radiologist for reading radiologist for reading
and interpretation, and interpretation, and interpretation,
identifies and files all identifies and files all identifies and files all
develop films, types all develop films, types all develop films, types all
radiological and radiological and radiological and
ultrasounsd reports ultrasounsd reports ultrasounsd reports
and prepares bills of and prepares bills of and prepares bills of
xray and ultrasound xray and ultrasound xray and ultrasound
charges to In and Out charges to In and Out charges to In and Out
patients, request patients, request patients, request
supplies and makes supplies and makes supplies and makes
consumption reports consumption reports consumption reports
and maintains the and maintains the and maintains the
cleanliness of cleanliness of cleanliness of
Radiology room and Radiology room and Radiology room and
its equipments its equipments its equipments
Table 2.5 OPD Service
Position Description Form Job Analysis Form
ADMIN Dental HEPO I HEPO II Psychologis Psychiatrist ADMIN Dental HEPO I HEPO II Psychologis Psychiatrist
no data no data organize increasing uses a wide no data clean OPD, assist the secretariat to no data condiuct psyc no data
patient people's variety of transport dentist in daily MANCOM, testing, do
education in awareness of methods patients, activities Infection, IBC, research
the out- health issues, including cathetirization GRIEVANCE, related to
patient and in- such as the surveys, and dressing Hospital health care
patient importance of observations, of patient Affiliation field, orient
department, exercise and interviews wounds Committee, employees on
organize the the dangers of abd test to HCATS, mental health
Public Health smoking, collect data, Disciplinary, care, do tasks
Units health providing wotkn with Prepares work assigned by
promotion advice and individual and financial supervisors or
componene of information to clients and plan and chief (in
the hospital, individuals or their families operational process - HAC
provide community to modify or plan, prepares and VOWC,
regular groups, improve their training/activi HEMS roles)
orientations/b through the personal abd ty design,
riefings to use of social research
watchers presentatios, behavior, preparation
regarding exhibitions diagnose and (on process),
patient care, and the treat various monitors, files
hospital rules media, work mental, and report
and closely with behavioral or customer
regulations professional emotional feedback,
and other colleagues in disorders, prepares
health tips, local health develop. reports of
establish authorities, implement hospital
networking working with, and follow up accomplishme
with medias, advising and individual nt, radio
GOs, NGOs, traiing others treatment programming,
Professional to deliver plans for ARTA
Org., LGUs health every client, designated
and other education refer clients to tasks
agencies/sect such as specialists and
ors involve in medical other support
the workers, services if
implementati teachers and ncessary and
ons of DOH social service implement
programs. staff who may programs in
assists in the be involved institutions

Table 2.5 shows the different items belonging to the out-patient department (OPD) except for
the doctors and nurses assigned in the OPD. The job description from the position description form for
the HEPO I position is entirely different from the job description indicated in the job analysis. The
position description form indicates promotion oriented tasks for HEPO I while the job analysis form
indicates planning and organizing oriented functions. It should be noted that the job description of the
Administrative Aide III position in the OPD performs functions that are the responsibilities of nurses
and/or nurse attendant and midwives.
Table 2.6 contains the job descriptions for the medical social workers department. It can be
gleaned from the table that the descriptions from both the position description form and job analysis
form are similar, except for the function of participating in the patients’ rehabilitation in some cases.
Table 2.6 Medical Social Worker
Position Description Form Job Analysis Form
Admin Social Social Social Admin Social Social Social
Aide III Welfare Welfare Welfare Aide III Welfare Welfare Welfare
Assistant Officer I Officer III Assistant Officer I Officer III
no data provide performs performs social assist evaluate evaluate evaluate
information social caseworks to patient in carefully carefully carefully
or refer caseworks to patients with processing patients upon patients upon patients upon
individuals patients with social, PCSO and admission for admission for admission for
to public or social, emotional or other their eligibility their eligibility their eligibility
private emotional or environmental related to pay and to pay and to pay and
agencies or environmental problems that documents, perform social perform social perform social
community problems that affects by their files casework casework casework
services for affects by medical assessment through through through
assistance, their medical situations tools, forms, interview and interview and interview and
submit situations through referral counseling, counseling, counseling,
reports and through purposeful letters, conduct daily conduct daily conduct daily
review purposeful interview with certifications rounds for rounds for rounds for
reports for interview with them and their for DSWD, further further further
owner or them and family NCIP, BJMP evaluation, evaluation, evaluation,
management their family members, and other conduct conduct conduct
concerning members, performs social agencies, consultations consultations consultations
visits with performs group works to mails PCS, with PIC and with PIC and with PIC and
clients, social group patients and PDDT and other other other
consult with works to their families other disciplines disciplines disciplines
supervisor patients and for health related regarding regarding regarding
concerning their families education, documents, oatient's patient's oatient's
programs for for health social request, health status, health status, health status,
individual education, relationship, office prepare prepare prepare
families social skills supplies, referral referral referral
relationship, enhancement perfrom documentation documentation documentation
skills for economic other to other GO's to other GO's to other GO's
enhancement productivity related tasks or NGOs to or NGOs to or NGOs to
for economic and as directed help patients help patients help patients
productivity rehabilitation, from time to for further for further for further
and provide time, assist evaluation and evaluation and evaluation and
rehabilitation, information or patients in management management management
performs refer processing and prepares and provides
social action individuals to PDAF referral supervision to
and social public or documentation MSS staff
services, private to other GOs
research and agencies or and NGOs to
activities community help patients
related to services for for further
social works assistance, evaluation and
duties performs social management,
action and submits
social services, monthly report
research and to hospital
activities management,
relative to performs other
social works related tasks
duties as directed
Table 2.7 Medical Records
Position Description Form Job Analysis Form
Admin Admin Admin Admin Administ Statistici Statisti Admin Admin Admin Admin Administra Statistician Statisticia
Aide I Aide IV Aide VI Asst II rative an Aide cian II Aide I Aide IV Aide VI Asst II tive Officer Aide n II
Officer III
No data No data No data No data III data
No assist the and receive check and sign help the Reviews all
statistician interpret medical hospital statistician in ICD-10
in th s data charts from statistical chart coding of
recording from respective monthly, indexing, diseases
of various hospital quarterly, receive and surgical
demograp sources wards, semi-annual medical chart operations
hic data and perfrom ICD- and annual from ward performed
such as compiles 10 code for reports, check everyday, in all patient
birth, dath reports, each Renal and sign arrange the medical
of charts, Diagnosis of personnel chart by ward, record,
hospitalpa and table each clinical performance sequence the collects
tients, to based on charts, edit, evaluation chart ready data
assist the establish encode in reports, sign for philhealth needed in
statistician ed Bizbox the certificates processing, the
in statisitca clinical and make prepare all preparation
collecting l chart's final complete incomplete of Hospital
patients methods diagnosis mandatory charts by statistics
medical , familiar filing, retrieval and release of with reports of month for report,
records, to with medical records and checking correspondi Philhealth, doctors prepares
assist the standard whether the specific record belongs ng ICD-10 check daily completion hospital
statistician concepts to the right service or department codes, census specially the statistical
in the , forward all clinical report
preparatio practices listed and summary (monthly,
n of , and finished quarterly,
periodic/a procedur clinical annually),
nnual es within charts to computs
hospital a medical performanc
statistical particula records e indicators
reports r field and other
and does and measures of
some aide relies on efficiency
functions experien
and other ce and
similar judgmen
assignmen t to plan
ts and
sh goals,

Table 2.7 shows the functions of the employees working under the medical records department.
From the table, it can be observed that those with positions of administrative aides, regardless of the
step rank, have the same functions. The functions of the statistician aide and statistician II from both
forms are similar as well.
Table 2.8 Nurses
Position Description Form



Nurse I/II Nursing Nurse IV Nurse V Nurse III Nurse I Nurse II Nursing Nursing Midwife I
Attendan Attendant II Attendant I
Supervision of Supervision of Supervision of observes, takes, admit, prepare and check attends morning attends morning provide advice, care and
patients (check patients (check patients (check records and reports patients charts/condition rounds to wards rounds to ward support for women and
senior nurse, senior nurse, Senior Nurse symptoms and and administers and observe and observe their partners and
health health plans, health conditions of drugs/nursing care, endorsement, endorsement, families before, during
instruction,req instruction,reque instructions, patients and promote good assist in giving assist in giving and after childbirth, help
uest for st for referrals, request for administers interpersonal relationship bath to bath to women make their own
referrals, evaluat patient referrals, medications as well and act as ward nurse if ambulatory ambulatory decisions about the care
evaluat patient case), Personnel evaluate patient as notes reactions, necessary, prepare and patients, feed patients. Feeds and services they access,
case), Management case), Personnel sets up treatment assists patients for minor patients who patients who care for newborn
Personnel (plan staffing with Management trays, prepares and surgical operations cannot feed cannot feed children, providing
Management the nurses, (Plans staffing instruments and and orient themselves, takes themselves, health education and
(plan staffing participates in with the nursing other equipments patients/watchers in the and charts vital sig takes and charts parenting support,
with the the nursing staff), staff, participates and assists hospital rules and when delegated, vital signs when responsible for the
nurses, Promotes good in the nursing staff physicians in the procedures, supervises measures fluid delegated, health of both mother
participates in inter personnel development), treatment and in the nursing staff in nursing intake and output, measures fluid and child and only reefr
the nursing relationship, Promotes good administering highly care and other related indorse and check intake and to obstetricians if there
staff), coordinates all inter personnel specialized with function/responsibilities linens, provide output, indorse are medical
Promotes good activities of the relationship, complicated and orient new staff and clean linens to and check clean complications, has a
inter personnel nursing service Other related equipments, volunteers and evaluate patients and linens, provide range of responsibilities,
relationship, with other function/responsb maintains records nursing staff performance, emprties clean linens and including the care of
coordinates all services, orients ilities, Request TB reflecting patients observes, takes, records bedpans, asnwers makes serves mother and baby,
activities of the new staff/new Drugs, Orients condition, medical and reports symptoms and patient calls and and empties adhering to hospital
nursing service student New staff/new treatment and conditions of patients and given simple bedpans, policy and maintaining
with other student bathes and serve administers medications treatment like answers patients an awareness of isses
services, food to acutely ill as well as notes reactions, perenila care, hot calls and give such as health and
orients new patients, assists in sets up treatment trays, water bags and simple safety, observed DOH,
staff/new patients education prepares instruments and cups treatment like Civil Service Rules and
student and rehabilitation other equipments and perenila care, Regulations and Hospital
including promotion assists physicians in the hot water bags Policy and Guidelines
of mental and treatment and in the and cups, and
physical health administering highly observe DOH,
specialized with Civil Service
complicated equipments, Rules and
observe DOH, Civil Service Regulations and
Rules and Regilations and hospital polcy
Hospital Policy and and guidelines at
Guidelines all times
Job Analysis Form


Nurse I/II Nursing Nurse IV Nurse V Nurse III - ICU and ICU TB DOTS OPD Animal ER Labor Delivery NICU new ward OR OR/Post
Bites room Room born Anesthesia
Attendan Payward Care Unit
perform nursing assist in the formulates supervision of patient direct patient nursing identify TB record patient and maintain sterility receives
bedside statistical implementa nursing care, or nurses assigned care,takes vital signs as in children chart diagnosis of in the OR, sets up patients
care and be Daily report, tion of service to certain wards or rooms frequently as ordered by in the patient, carry out and arranges from
the client type nursing hospital policies and and during 13 hours of the doctor, carry out hospital, doctor's orders on instruments and operating
advocate in staff health standards, duty, supervises doctor's order on follow up monitoring patient supplies, assis room, plans,
providing schedule of programs supervises personnel monitoring and giving referral of and adminstering surgeons and care, and
holistic duties, and nursing and management/evaluators medication, do daily wards and prescribed maintain/observe evaluates
care, part of certificate work, implements performance,coordinatio inventory of emergency OPD on TB medications,observ aseptic nursing
the process preparation likewise bursing care n with other department, drugs, equipments, and Calls, assist e signs and technique, check care, carries
and , file record participates programs in make and arrange supplies., assist doctors and give symptoms and take accurately out doctors
realization and reports in the order to schedules, requests in performing special tratment to vital signs, give sponges and orders,
in nursing rre nursing formulation ensure supplies and equipments diagnostic procedures, rabies medications, instruments, chart
service staff, submit of nursing proper refer ICU patients to patients perform ans assist assits accurately
manual, approved service patient care other departments when and others doctors in anaestheologists medications
training DTR and policies and needed, attend seminars in the OPD, therapeutic/diagnos needs during and
decision nursing standards etc act as ward nurse/ER accept and tic procedures, do operation, chart treatment
and other personnel nurse assist referrals when and record given,
related to the teaches on needed, attend patients' prepares
nursing personnel the PCB trainings/meetings/ condition patient for
training office, package seminars/ do daily OP, assist
activity, has reward the checking of physicians,
an active nursing emergency drugs diagnostic
role in personnel and
nursing leave filed therapeutic
service and other procedure,
office with tasks acts as
regards to designated scrub
records and by Chief nurse/circul
documents, Nurse and ating nurse
quality MCC I when
control as needed,
per ISO endorse
standardiza post-op
tion patients
9001:2008 properly to

Job Descriptions
Rotation - Nurse II Nursing Attendant Nursing Attendant I Midwife I

ICU OPD OR acting OR Animal TB ward NICU labor new PICU ER Delivery NICU/OB/ NICU nursing NICU Labor NBS OR
supervisor Bites DOTS room born Room GYNE service room and
screeni OB
supervis supervises Assists supervise Participa giving health care to essential newborn care, assist the nurse maintain OR
e and nursing care the Jos, RN tes in mother and babies, and doctors in any procedure, monitor clean and
help in service unit superviso heads, NA formulat monitoring pregnant pregnant women when in labor, assist in proper order,
evaluatin through r in assigned at ion, women assist the normal deliveries, assist the doctors in shane and
g mentoring direction OPD in their discrimi doctors and nurses referring, give immunication to the nb scrubs pt.
patients and and evaluation nation, in normal deliveries babies and does nbs field for
complain monitoring supervisi of patients interpret and in performing D operation,
ts to work of on of complaints, ation and C, giving health assist OR
divert nursing staff nursing direct to the and teachings to post nurses in
them to and activities night dept, impleme partum mothers sterility and in
the right students in in OR, identfies ntation performing OR
departm the helps nursing and procedures
ent, hospital, plan problem , do evaluati
assist in perform assignme necessary on of
evaluatin regular staff nts and action, nursing
g animal functions schedule administer and unit
bite and assist in s of OR medicines, policies,
patients dveloping personne carry out supervis
and applicable l scts as doctor's e nsg
administ policies, scrub orders and activitie
er rules and burse or admit s of the
medicati regulation circulatin patients, unit,
ons, for the g nurse in prepare and develop,
facilitate hospital the assist minor revises
prompt operative surgeries and
attention procedur and adopt
to OPD e, wounds, work
patients anticipat give health techniqu
and give e the teachings to e and
health need of opd methods
teaching surgeons, patients. for
s make monitor and resolutio
report of assist on n of
operatio areas under unusual
n and OPD, nsg
submit to facilitates problem
COH and prompt d
Table 2.8 shows the task descriptions of the nurses from both the position description forms and
job analysis survey. The results indicate that from the position description form, the functions of the
Nurse III, Nurse VI and Nurse V items are actually similar. There seems to be no clear distinction
between the roles of the three nurse positions. The tasks described however in the job analysis form for
Nurse III, IV and V are largely different. The Nurse III item is much more hands-on with patients and
nurse subordinates, compared to the other two which are geared towards planning and implementing
nursing policies and standards. As with the Nurse II and Nurse III positions, the position description
form indicates similarities in the jobs of the said positions, while the job analysis results indicate a
supervisory functions for the nurse II items. It can be noted from the tables as well that the Nurse I and
II positions under the Office of the Chief Nurse has additional office management functions.
Table 2.8 also shows the functions of the nursing attendants and the midwives. The nursing
attendants in the job analysis forms have similar functions as with the ones listed for the midwife in the
position description form. On the other hand, the tasks of the midwife in the job analysis form are
vertically aligned with the responsibilities in the operating room, as such midwife respondent belongs to
the surgery department. The responsibilities of the nursing attendants however in the position
description form are related to bedside care.
Table 2.9 shows the tabular results of the job descriptions for those working in the offices of the
supervising administrative office, chief of the medical professional staff, and medical center chief. There
are no position description forms for the items of dormitory manage, medical center chief, chief of
clinics, dormitory manager, administrative aide III and administrative aide VI. However, there are job
analysis results for the said items. It can be noted from the table that the supervising administrative
officer performs functions that will relieve the medical center chief of some other functions and allow
him to focus on more critical tasks. On the other hand, the chief of clinics would be responsible over
running the hospital in cases where the medical center chief is not around. There is a clear boundary
between the functions of the MCC I, CMPS I and SAO. However, the functions of the supervising
administrative officer and the administrative officer V seem to overlap, as the position description of
the AO V working under the office of the SAO, indicates that the AO V acts to assist the MCC I in
coordinating hospital functions and recommending the needed action in the administrative policies. The
tasks of the administrative assistant from both the position description form and job analysis form are
the same. The function of the administrative aide working under the office of the MCC I are specified
according to general services needs, which, is different from the other administrative aides functions in
the other offices.
Table 2.9 COH/CMPS/SAO
Medical Administr Dormitory Admin Chief of Administr SAO Administr Medical Administr Dormitory Admin Chief of Administr SAO Administr
Center ative Manager I Aide III Clinics ative Aide ative Center ative Manager I Aide III Clinics ative Aide ative
Chief I Assistant VI Officer V Chief I Assistant VI Officer V
no pdf given under no pdf given no pdf given no pdf given no pdf given assist in supervise, act and do provides maintain maintain assist file all in assist in no data
immediate planning, administer duties of administrati cleanliness cleanlinees supervision coming and planning,
supervision, organizing, and makes Chief of ve support in hospital of the COH on the out going organizing
performs and action on hospital in and dormitory office, implementa communicat and
repetitive implementi the relation to performs and guest laboratory, tion of ion, input implementi
and routine ng a activities/fu the numerous house and Chief Nurse administrati given data ng a
clerical program or nctions of mandate of duties, recommend Office, ve orders, to the program or
tasks, and function the DOH to including to do bacteriology policies and computer to function
does other with agency- managemen dispense scheduling, repairs if and chief circulars serve as with agency
related wide t support quality writing/rety necessary, quarters, issued by back up file, wide
work such impact, services, healthcare ping register clean/wash the DOH monitor the impact,
as sorts, freeing the assist COH to all correspond visitors, dishes used, secretary or flow of freeing the
indexes and superior to III/MCC I in stakeholder ence, facilitate mop and Regional dir, routinary superior to
files focus on coordinatin s making emailing, visitor for dust walls, assist the papers, focus on
correspond critical g hospital use of all handling their needs, garbage COH in the process and critical
ence, demands by functions resources visitors, does other disposal, evalyuation follow up demands by
records and performing and and means routing jobs monitor of papers to performing
other a variety of recommend to achieve callers and assigned by drinking appointmen different a variety of
documents, administrati s needed the target answering the Chief water t, promotion department administrati
routes ve support action in questions supply and and leaves s, safe keep ve support
documentar functions adminisitrat and food of important functions
y papers under ive policies, requests - delivery to employees, documents under
and traces minimal assist the specifically CMPS 1 facilitate such as minimal
missing or direction, COH III/MCC provide the memos, direction,
untransmitt responsble I in the administrati processing special responsible
ed for liason operation of ve and of orders and for liason
messages, and public the clerical documents other and public
maintains relations institution support to in the documents relations
records of assignment and in the department absence of assignment
and s which preparation s or the COH, s which
prepares include of hospital individuals, recommend include
job cards contact with budget and Alert COH any member contact with
and other the public, allocations about of the th public,
records, officials and of funds, if it cancelation medical official and
performs top level may affect s or new staff/person top level
mathematic managemen bugdget meetings, nel to managemen
al t, generally requiremen manage perform t, generally

Table 2.10 indicates the functions of the Information technology employees, or the computer
maintenance technologists. There are no large differences between the tasks of the computer
maintenance technologists indicated in the position description form and in the job analysis form.
Table 2.10 IT

Position Description Form Job Analysis Form

Computer Computer Computer Computer
Mai ntai na Mai ntai nance Mai ntai na Mai ntai na
nce Technol ogi s t II nce nce
Technol og Technol og Technol og
ist I ist I i s t II
Data Data Controller Data Data
Controlle Controlle Controlle
r r r
ins ta lls a nd ins ta lls a nd obs erve network
repla ces repla ces computers da ily a dminis tra t
computers a nd rela ted computer or s ys tems ,
a nd rela ted periphera l devices , a ctivities / monitor,
periphera l identifies , is ola tes performa nc ma inta in
devices , a nd res olves e, provide a nd repa ir
identifies , opera tiona l technica l a ll network,
is ola tes a nd problems rela ted to s upport a nd s oftwa re
res olves us er ha rdwa re a nd ins ta ll new a nd
opera tiona l s oftwa re, a nd the s oftwa re for ha rdwa re
problems dis trict's da ta computer problems of
rela ted to communica tions us ers , da ily a ll IT
us er network s ys tem, duties ma y equipment
ha rdwa re ins ta lls dia gnos tic include of the
a nd s ys tem s oftwa re to fielding hos pita l,
s oftwa re, identify a nd res olve inquiries , provide
a nd the problems or running neces s a ry
dis trict's upgra de s ys tems on dia gnos tics reports for
da ta s ite, troubles hoots to res olve procuremen
communica t in rega rd to s ys tem a nd t a ns /or for
ions fa ilures a nd ins ta lling repla cemen
network ma lfunctions upda tes to t of
s ys tem, determining exis ting neces s a ry
ins ta lls whether problem is s oftwa re, pa rts ,
dia gnos tic s ys tem rela ted, a dditiona lly outs ource
s ys tem ha rdwa re, s oftwa re ma y be repa ir jobs if
s oftwa re to or opera tor, res pons ible neces s a ry
identify a nd tra ns port for s etting
res olve equipment a nd new
problems or s oftwa re to us er equipments
upgra de work s ite, tes t
s ys tems on computers a nd
s ite, rela ted periphera l
troubles hoo devices , a s s ures
ts in rega rd tha t new
to s ys tem equipment meets
fa ilures a nd s pecifica tions

Table 2.11 is the tabular presentation for the job descriptions of those under the personnel
department. The functions of tne administrative assistants are related under the position description
form and the job analysis form. This is similar with the functions of the administrative officer I as well.
The table also indicates the positions of the data controller and laboratory aide working under the
personnel department, two positions that one may not expect to have any related functions with the
conventional human resource office.
Table 2.11 Personnel Department
Position description Form Job Analysis Form
Personnel Department Personnel Department
Administr Administr Administr Data laboratory Administrative Administr Administr Data laboratory
ative ative ative Contoller Aide Assistant I ative ative Contoller Aide
Assistant I Officer I Officer V II Officer I Officer V II

under administer no pdf given under no pdf given encode payroll Administer supervises organize ** filing of
immediate employee immediate travel order, (voucher) for employee the human data and bank
supervison, files and supervision, special newly hired files and resource keep data applications
performs records in performs order, employees, records in managemen safe and for payroll
repetitive order to repetitive memo, and assist order to t office or confident--- system,
and rotine ensure and routine other files, personnel ensure personnel filing of
clerical accurate clerical generate trainings, accurate department leave forms
task, and payment of tasks and data from other payment of , administer and
does other benefits and does other the sever of administrati benefits and implementi computing
related allowances, related HRM system ve activities allowances, ng rules and days
work such administer work such and upload ( employee administer guidelines credited,
as encod employmen as process it, print DTR attendance employmen mandated accept
and print t data where Assist HR for flag t to all forms like
hospial agreements such officer on its ceremony aggreement hospital PES, DTR and
reports, and verify processing clerical and retreat, and verify employees others
correspond and report is in works, employee and refund and other
ence and on benefits accordance update daily time of personnel
payrolls of payements, with the email of HR record payments, policies
hospital maintain criteria of officer processing maintain
personnel, the leave legitemate perform the leave
routes managemen data clerical managemen
documentar t system processing, work, GSIS, t system,
y papers and review all data ID making review
and traces remittances processing remittances
missing or , supervise must be in , supervise
untransmitt completion accordance completion
ed of the the of th payroll
messages, payroll and principals of and review
maintains review data payroll
record of payroll protection, reports
and reports, stricter
prepares resolve rules are
job cards problems, imposed
and other mediates upon the
records, conflicts processing
encides CRH encountere of what are
Personnel d during termed
Billing and Cashier Procurement Supply Budget Billing and Cashier ProcurementSupply Budget
Admin Admin Admin Aide Admin Asst II Supply Admin Admin Aide VI Admin Admin Admin
Aide III Aide IV IV cashier Officer II - Aide II Aide III Aide IV Aide IV
billing Admin billing cashier
Officer III
no pdf given no pdf given under immediate under immediate kept stocks submit/follo under immediate no pdf given Billing - PHIC checks the maintain a no data no data no data
supervison, supervision, of medical w up supervision, clerk, statement working
performs performs repetitive supplies documentat performs repetitive service of account, knowledge
repetitive and and routine clerical and ions.reports and routine clerical patient, the of accounts
routine clerical tasks and does other materials, to other tasks, and does accomplish completene of out-
tasks and does related work, such medical agency other related work PHIC claim ss of the patient
other relaed as: sorts, indexes equipments related with such as: sorts, form 3 to all supporting services,
works such as, and files at the hospital indexes and files claimants, papers, fills- receive
sorts, indexes correspondence, warehouse, operations,f correspondence, monthly up PHIC payments
and files records and other prepare ollow up for records and other mandatory form 2 the for
correspondence , documents, routes issuances of notarization documents, routs report, PR diagnosis, laboratory
records and documentary papers Memorandu , mailing documentary papers skills services tests, x-
other and traces missing or m recepit of and for and traces missing or performed, rays,
documents, untransmitted accountable signature of untransmitted drugs/meds consultatio
routes messages, maintains officer of documents messages, maintains and others, ns,NBS,mino
documentary record of and semi- by the record of and segregates r
papers and prepares job cards expendable approving prepares job cards the surgery,and
traces missing or and other records, supplies hospital and other records, supporting others,
untransmitted performs and medical officials, act performs papers and reports
messages, mathematical equipments as follow-up mathematical other payments
maintains record computations and , and errand computations and attachment received on
of and prepares meets public and prepare/ass man of the meets public and of each time for
job cards and asnwers routine ist in the hospital answers routine claim for collection
oter records, questions about conduct of administrati questions about submission balances,
performs simple paymenyd of public ve payments of hospital to PHIC performs
Table 2.12 Procurement, Billing, Supply (*no budget department)

comutations and hospital bidding of department bills/accounts office, file simple

meets public and bills/accountable supplies , performs payables etc, and logbook - computatio
answers routine payables and others, and messengeri attend/participates/ renders ns and meet
questions about attend/participates/ materials, al and other observe all hospital duty public and
places, events or observe all hospital and medical related policy guidelines, Saturday answer
personnel, does policy guidelines, equipments works activities and and sunday routine
related work activities and needed in perform other as frontline questions,

Table 2.12 shows the

perform other the related works from on schedule does

items under the Billing and Cashier, the Supply and Procurement Offices. It
related work hospital, time to time basis related
prepare/con work and
duct duties as
physical may be
Position Description Form Job Analysis Form
food dietar food service kitchen - Cook I and II dietician I dietician II
service y supervisor food
worker store service
Aide I, keep worker
Aide III, er - Aide I,
Cook I, Aide I Aide III, dietary
Cook II Cook I, storekeep
Cook II er - Aide I kitchen - Cook I and II dietician I dietician II
supervise cooking prepares and Purchase providing performs various dishing out shall keep shall assist purchase direct/ plan and lead,
and serving of cokk a food items medical chemistry and serving accurate the dietician food item participate in coordinate
meals for patients specialty or and other nutrition examinations, of meals to records and on duty in the and other the purchase and control
and the cleaning combination dietary therapy and attends to various hospital conduct overall dietary of food the admin,
and maintenance of rice, cofee, needs from nutrition care administrative and personnel regular preparation needs from supplies from therapeutic
of dining rooms, meat, etc, wet market to meet patient supervisory needs, and inventory of and cooking wet market, wet market and education
despite they belong to one department.

kitchen and cooking prepares and goals, supervises medical pateints, all stocks in needs, shall assist in and grocery, aspects of
utensils, assist in desserts and groceries, performing technologist II and collecting dietary and prepare and preparing prepare and food
the supervising the other similar assist food nutrition Laboratory and washing shall receive cook meals foods such as follow up preparation
kitchen and dinning kinds of food service screening, technicians, Obtains of trays, and post on according to peeling, daily market and service,
room personnel in for patients, worker in the evaluation, and specimen as shall assist stock cards planned washing, voucher and procurement,
the planning menus assist preparation assessment for necessary, requests the cook in accurate menus for in cutting of plan and purchase and
and the preparing dietitians/su of patients patients, reagents supplies food quantities of patients, and fruits and supervise selection of
of schedules of pervisors in food, counseling and and conduct preparation all food items for special vegetables, therepeutic food supplies,
duties of preparing prepares and providing inventory, receiee works, shall delivered, functions in weighing and aspect of and other
subordinates, variety of cooks menu education to and records clean the shall record the hospital, cleaning of food equipments,
purchase food patients' for hospital patients and laboratory supplies dietary and all issuances maintain meat, preparation, and over all
supplies and keeps foods and patients with families, as well and regents, other for the day, quality poultry, assist in the activities of
Table 2.13 Dietary

records of supplies attend/partic special cases as the consults the CMPS premises, shall submit a standards in washing and formation of personnel in
received and ipates/obser on behavioral I/MCC I on difficult shall list of the cutting fish, menus, give the dietary
consumed and ve all therapeutic goals to meet and complicated apportion standing, preparation shellfish, lectures and service
assume duties of hospital diets, act as recommendatio cases, attends to food for storerooms and cooking of assists in diet
dietitian in the policy reliever in ns, marketing, and participates in distribution stocks that meals, shall dishing out of instruction to
latter's absence, guidelines,a the absence promoting, and clinical, pathological both in needs to be report any left meals to patients,
attend/participats/ ctivities and of the food raising conference, patients tray replenished; overs for patients and participates
observe all hospital perform worker awareness observes/attend to services and shall maintain proper usage hospital in dishing out
policy guidelines, other related about nuttition all othe functions physician on proper and storage, personnel, of foods for
activites and works services and responsibilities duty cleanliness shall be shall defrost regular and
perform other through based on the issued and responsible and clean therapeutic
related works communication hospital/DOH sanitation in for the proper refrigerator diets
with area Memorandums the storeroom care and and freezers
health Policy Guidelines area maintenace of
professionals quipment in
offices. Those however with the positions of Administrative Aide IV have specific differing functions

the unit
can be noted from the table that the Administrative Aide IV, Admin Aide IV and Administrative Assistant
II have the same functions in the position description forms despite the fact that they belong to different
Table 2.13 shows the table for the functions of those working under the dietary department. It
can be noted that the functions of the identified job items working in the kitchen are specific and
exclusive under the position description form, However, the said items have overlapping tasks under the
job analysis forms, that is, the functions of the employees are not categorized according to their
positions but rather according to the service they are assigned to. Also, it can be seen from the table
that the administrative aides under the dietary services have different responsibilities from the rest of
the administrative aides working in the hospital.

Table 2. 14 list down the functions of the job items under the Engineering and Maintenance
Section. It can be seen from the table that the description of the driver position from both the job
analysis form and position description form are more or less similar. It can also be noted that this is
similar for the items of medical equipment technician, housekeeper, and laundry workers. There is
however a noticeable inconsistency for the item of laundry worker in the job analysis form since the
laundry worker can asloserve as a grounds man at times. Another thing to consider is the job description
of the engineers. The Position description form indicates that the engineers should engage in the
conduct of research programs to apply engineering knowledge in the work place but the functions listed
under the job analysis form for the said position does not indicate this task, rather, the supervisory
function is emphasized as part of the responsibilities of the engineers in the job analysis form. Table
2.14 is similar to table 2.13 in that the functions of those working in the said department are not
dependent on their specific items but rather on the specific services offered, thus, the employees have
similar work despite different job positions.
Position Description Form
Driver - Admin Elec Secr For Housekeeper laundry engineers medical equipment secur seamstre pai wel Admin Aide Plumber-
Aide II, IV, VI trici etar em worker technician ity ss nter der I-Utility Admin
an - y - an guard worker Aide IV
Ad Ad
min min
Aid Aid
e e IV

under direction, supervises custodial maintain evaluates electrical systems, approves new equipment by cuts, sews mop, scrub, bends, cuts
drives hospital supervisors and staff who cleanliness products, components, and conducting tests, ensuring and darns polish and dust and threads
vehicles and are responsible for in the applications by designing adherence to codes, making simple furniture, casrry air,
ambulance, pick up maintaining a clean ans laundry structural and archetactural modifications, installs new bedding wheled patients water,stram
and transport sanitary hospital unit, soak health structure facilities, and equipment by establishing, and linen, from one section and gas
personnel on environment, implements hospital conducting research programs, adjusting, calibrating, and mend rips to another pipes,
official business, safety standards and dirty linens applying knowledge of testing performance, maintains and torn portion, render valves,
drive ambulance to develops procedures to in lysol, electricity and materials, equipment by completing clothing, personnel gates and
transport patients, ensure compliance, starch, and handle the development of preventive maintenance classify services to hydrants,
transport and ensures wuality, wash and lighting, wiring systems, schedules, conducting tests, cloths into patients by installs and
assist in loading, effectiveness and dry, fold electric motors, and utilities, following manufacturers goods and distributing repairs
unloading supplies, efficiency of unit activities and attend workshop, semiars and instructions, troubleshooting seconds, water bedpans water pipes,
equipments and and safety measures, prepare the other related jobs, test and repairing malfunctions, repairs and urinals, run taps
construction ensures that the quality of dried linens equipment and isolatr defects, calling for special service, edgers and errands for connection
supplies, submit work performed by for ironing, create best routes for power, evaluating service contracts, ses on nurses and from the
reports on fuel subordinate meets quality arrange the supplies, integrate maintaining equipment labels to doctors in the main pipe to
consumption, make assurance program, ironed components into the final inventories, directs equipment indicate unit assignment, hospital
minor mechanical resolves problems, linens in design, plan, schedule, operations by providing yardage distributes meter, lays
repair on meidates conflicts the cloth conduct and coordinate equipment operation clean linens, and joins
equipments encountered during daily lines, programs of assigned demonstrations, instructing discard dirty different
Table 2.14 Engineering and Maintenance

operations, determines indorse and engineering wor and project, other healthcare staff in use linens to laundry sizes of
appropriate solutions, and check linen make plans, designs, and care of equipment, section, pipes,
prmotes teamwork, count, estimates and program of answering questions, providing response any installs and
encourage regular operate works for all construction, information, imptovees institutional repairs
communication and and make repair and improvement of equipment performance by works even toilets,
informs staff of relevnt minor hos[ital facilities, calibrates studying machine patient clerical works sinks,
business issues and their repairs on electronic equipment and interaction conferring with fountains,
impact on the organization the washing performs basic equipment users developing faucets,
machine troubleshooting and repaor, midifications collaborating with showers
assists in the inspection, equipment manufacturers, according to
sampling and or testing of prepares reports by collectung, blueprints
construction materials analyzing and summarizing and
information and trends sketches,
repair water
Job Analysis Form
Driver - Electricia Secretar Foreman Housekee laundry engineer medical security seamstre painter welder
Admin n- y- per worker s equipme guard ss
Aide II, Admin Admin nt
IV, VI Aide VI, Aide IV technicia
IV n

to transport generator Act as in charge of supervising Issue linens supervises maintains security seamstres
patient, set tender secretary to building and to patients engineering medical guarding in s
answer any and repair the head of maintenanc monitoring and clinical and facility equipment, charge
ambulance and install engineering e, repair the duties area, sign section, preventive
call, fix, all and and and clearances responsible maintenanc
repair any electrical facilities fabrication, responsibili discharge for the e,
report any facilities, manageme follow up ties of the patients, maintenanc troublesho
damage of electrical nt section, requisitions linen listing, e of oting and
existing custodian oversees of workers, records hospital repairing
line, to and tracks maintenanc laundry soiled linen equipment malfunction
change, fix office e supplies workers, together and s, calling for
any lighting transaction and groundsme with physical special
facility, s, materials, n, and laundry plant, service,
driver- monitoring assign helpers personnel. implements install new
mechanic, regular maintenanc Provide infra equipment
service opearions e personnel beddings to programs, by
engine of facilities daily P.O.D. implements establishin
mechanical required activities quarters, special g, adjusting,
system, documenta receive, programs calibration,
service tion of Bio- record on waste making
steering Medical clean linens manageme modificatio
system, Unit from nt and fire n and
service (ambulance laundry, safety, directs
clutch ), transport, dispose engineering equipment
system and generator waste to facility operation
move set and designated manageme and
perform land mower area and nt section demonstrat
shop transaction cut grasses head ion
maintenanc /activities around CRH
e compund
Discussion of tabulated results
The tabulated findings revealed several things regarding the employment profile of Caraga
Regional Hospital. First, in general, the results show that the functions of some job positions from the
position description forms are not parallel with the functions of the said items in the job analysis results.
This indicates the possibility that some CRH employees perform tasks that are not specified in their
position description forms .The dissimilarities in the position description forms and the actual tasks
performed by the employees may imply two things, one, that the employees were possibly not oriented
regarding the duties and responsibilities of their positions or, two, that the position description forms in
the HR files are not updated.To be more specific, take for instance the job description of the laundry
workers. In the position description form, the laundry workers’ main responsibility is towards linen
concerns, but the job description of some laundry workers from the job analysis forms involves ground
keeping, which, is really the work of a ground keeper. Another example of the unparalleled job
descriptions are the job descriptions for the medical specialists III, , the position description form
indicates research as part of the work of the medical specialist III but the actual tasks practiced by the
medical specialists III indicated in the job analysis form involves supervision and the other routine
functions of a doctor. It may well be noted that the results indicated two medical specialists III who
belong to different departments, i.e. the medical specialist III in the position description form is under
the anaestheology department while the medical specialist III in the job analysis form is under the
paediatric department. Although the two medical specialists come from different departments, it is still
understandable that some of the responsibilities of these specialists would be the same as they have
similar titles, for instance, the supervisory functions would be part of these doctors’ tasks, thus, research
should also be common for both doctors as well.
Aside from the unparalleled job descriptions, another thing that can be observed from the job
descriptions are the irregularities in some responsibilities of some job items. To illustrate, the
description of the dietician II in the position description form involves ”performing various chemistry
examinations, attending to various administrative and supervisory needs, supervising medical
technologist II and Laboratory technicians, obtaining specimen as necessary, requesting reagents
supplies and conducting inventory, receiving and recording laboratory supplies and regents, consulting
the CMPS I/MCC I on difficult and complicated cases, attending to and participating in clinical,
pathological conference, observing/attending to all other functions and responsibilities based on the
issued hospital/DOH Memorandums Policy Guidelines “. These responsibilities actually are more fitting
to the job descriptions of the medical technologist III. This can be seen as either typographical error or
carelessness in the process of creating the position description form.
There are also some descriptions that are similar for several work positions. The administrative
aid I, IV and VI positions under the medical records for instance have the same responsibilities. Under
other circumstances, this event would call for a change in the compensation schedule of the employees,
that is, the different positions would have the same basic rate as they have the same functions, but this
is not true for Caraga Regional Hospital. In Caraga Regional Hospital, the employees have different salary
grades despite their overlapping duties and responsibilities.

The findings of this job analysis study indicate that there is a need to create a new set of
position description forms for the Caraga Regional Hospital employees. Such position description
formsmay need to be grounded on what the employees actually practice. Also, it is better to have the
position description forms categorized according to the service provided by the employees and not just
according to their items per se. As the original position description forms for the Caraga Regional
Hospital are overlapping for some job items, the new set should clearly state and describe the specific
functions of the hospital’s employees. These things are recommended due to the similarities observed
in the functions of employees having different job items. If changing the position description forms of
each employee would be impossible as of the moment, then at least a bulletin book on job positions
together with the job descriptions, competencies and qualities needed for the positions or services
should be provided. This bulletin book of information on the job positions in Caraga Regional Hospital
can serve as an employee selection guide when hiring new employees next time. Another
recommendation that can be given based on the results of the job analysis would be the employee
orientation. There is a need to conduct an employee orientation on the new employees to help the said
employees start with their jobs. This should be done as well to help establish to the employees the
specific protocols they need to follow in CRH, particularly their specific functions.

Caraga Regional Hospital Training Manual for Nurses, CRH Nursing Service
Job Descriptions retrieved from
system/job-descriptions retrieved on August 14, 2014
Manager’s Guide to performance management retrieved from,
retrieved on August 14, 2014
Sample Job Analysis Report, California State Personnel Board retrieved from, retrieved on August 14,
Why You Need Job Descriptions retrieved from
descriptions retrieved on August 14, 2014
Appendix A

Recommendation indicating the Need to Conduct the Job Analysis

Appendix B

Letter of Approval to Conduct the Job Analysis

Appendix C

Sample for Job Analysis Form

Appendix D

Raw Data for Distributed sheets

Appendix E

Stage 1 for Data Analysis – Encoding Stage

Appendix F

Stage 2 for Data Analysis – Clustering Stage

Appendix G

Analyzing Clustered Data for Job Description, Competency and Specifications

POSITION/SERVICE Medical Officer III Medical Officer IV Medical Specialist II Medical Specialist III Dentist II Dentist IV
JOB DESCRIPTIONS collect, record, and maintain completes a brief admission examines patients and diagnosis renders consultative/guidance services evaluate the current health and Head the dental department,
patient information such as examination on each patient ailments, treats diseases by to difficult unusual and/or complicated condition of patient's teeth to responsible for the
medical histories, reports, and when appropriate and document prescribing medicines and other cases needing expert's opinion and determine diagnosis of dental establishment of department
examination results, prepares clinical findings, treats diseases therapeutic means, prepares management, examine patient to obtain condition, if any, inform their procedures in the method of
clinical records of patients upon by prescribing medicines and clinical records of patients upon information on medical condition (and patients on how to prevent operation, direct and supervise
admission and discharge, other therapeutic means, admission and discharge, goes on surgical risk for surgical department), dental problems and keep their activities of personnel in the
responsible to take medical care prepares clinical records of 24 hours duty, responsible for one follow established medical techniques teeth and mouth as healthy as dental department, prepares
for one or more wards, goes on patients upon admission and or more wards and makes daily when administering treatment (or possible, complete treatment requisition for supplies and
24 hours duty and makes daily discharge, goes on 24 hours duty, rounds to observe progress and operation for surgical department), on affected gums, dcayed and equipment, act as
rounds to observe progress and responsible for one or more condition of patients, for those ensures proper supervision over resident fractured teeth and perform consultant/resource person in
condition of the patient, wards and makes daily rounds to under anaestheology, administer staff and initiative prescribed corrective tooth removal for cases where oral health related program and
prescribe or administer therapy, observe progress and condition anesthetic or sedation during measures as indicated, conducts training there are high levels of decay, activities, perform clinical and
medication and other specialized of patient, provide a 24 hour medical procedures using local, for medical residents as well as medical cosider treatment methods and surgical procedures such as
medical care to treat or prevent medical service within the intravenous, spinal, or caudial and allied health workers including explain the options with the diagnosing, preventing and
illness, disease, or injury, hospital on and on-call basis methods, goes with ambulance in adminstrative staff, conduct regular patient to determine which treating problems with teeth or
analyze records , reports, tests permanently, goes with emergency calls, consult MCC I/ clinical ward rounds, manage works best for them based on mouth tissue, corrective surgery
results, or examination ambulance in emergency calls, CMPS I on difficult and complicated departmental services, including their situation, keep all on gums and supporting bones
information to diagnose medical consults supervisors on difficult cases planning, scheduling and coordination, equipment functional and clean to treat cum diseases, extract
condition of patient, consults and complicated cases, attends determination or procedures, and and maintain dental files for all and make models and
supervisors on difficult and and participates in clinical and procurement of supplies and equipment, patients, monitor and evaluate measurements for dentures,
complicated cases, participate in pathological conferences, coordinates, attends, and participates in any x ra images for any part of provide instruction on diet,
medical staff meeting as clinical conferences, scientific meetings the patients oral cavity brushing, flossing, use of
schedules and present cases on of the hospital or those accredited by the flourides, and other aspect of
schedule clinico-pathological dept, conducts and actively participates dental care
conferences as required in hospital research projects, maintains
and updates the professional standing in
their respective specialties, renders
special duties in extreme emergency or in
the exigency of the service, attends and
participates in
consultative/administrative conferences
with the medical and allied health staff

COMPETENCIES competencies are diagnosis, competencies are diagnosis, competencies are diagnosis, competencies are diagnosis, competencies are competencies are
management, prevention of management, prevention of management, prevention of management, prevention of diagnosis, management, diagnosis, management,
diseases, use of scientific diseases, use of scientific diseases, use of scientific diseases, use of scientific prevention of diseases prevention of diseases, use
A. Medical and Dental Department

knowledge in the practice of knowledge in the practice of knowledge in the practice of knowledge in the practice of related to oral health, use of scientific knowledge in
medicine, critical and medicine, critical and medicine, critical and medicine, critical and problem of scientific knowledge in the practice of medicine,
problem solving skill, problem solving skill, problem solving skill, solving skills, professionalism, the practice of medicine, critical and problem
professionalism, technical professionalism, technical professionalism, and and technical and procedural skills critical and problem solving skill, and technical
and procedural skills, less and procedural skills, less technical and procedural , less than 20 minutes admittance, solving skill, and procedural skills,
than 20 minutes admittance than 20 minutes admittance skills , less than 20 minutes supervisory skills and professionalism and supervisory skills and
admittance, supervisory skills management, planning and technical and procedural management, planning and
and management, planning organizing, research skills, skills organizing, research skills
and organizing
SPECIFICATIONS Patient, responsive, PR Patient, responsive, PR Patient, responsive, PR Patient, responsive, PR skills, Patient, responsive, PR Patient, responsive, PR
skills, alert, consistent in skills, alert, consistent in skills, alert, consistent in alert, consistent in carrying out skills, alert, consistent in skills, alert, consistent in
carrying out of duties, carrying out of duties carrying out of duties of duties carrying out of duties carrying out of duties
professional ethics,
Bulletin Book on the Job Description, Competencies and Specifications of the Regular Items in CRH

committed, responsive
IMMEDIATE Deparment Head Department Head CMPS I/ Department Head CMPS I Dentist IV CMPS I
B. Nursing Service
POSITION/ Nurse I/II Nursing Nurs e IV Nurs e V Nurse III
SERVICE Attendant
chi ef chief nurse as s i s tant chi ef chi ef nurs e nurs e nurs e nurs e
nurs e office nurs e s upervi s or - s upervi s or- s upervi s or -
offi ce ICU payward OR
JOB DESCRIPTION perform nursing statistical assist in the formulates nursing supervision of patient care, supervises
bedside Daily report, type implementation of service policies or nurses assigned to certain nursing care
care and be nursing staff hospital health and standards, wards or rooms and during service unit
the client schedule of programs and supervises and 13 hours of duty, supervises through
advocate in duties, certificate nursing work, implements personnel mentoring and
providing preparation, file likewise bursing care management/evaluators monitoring
holistic record and participates in the programs in order performance,coordination work of nursing
care, part of reports rre formulation of to ensure proper with other department, staff and
the process nursing staff, nursing service patient care make and arrange students in the
and submit approved policies and schedules, requests hospital,
realization DTR and nursing standards supplies and equipments perform
in nursing personnel to the regular staff
service personnel office, functions and
manual, reward the assist in
training nursing personnel dveloping
decision leave filed and applicable
and other other tasks policies, rules
related designated by and regulation
nursing Chief Nurse and for the hospital
training MCC I
activity, has
an active
role in
office with
regards to
records and
control as
per ISO

COMPETENCIES research has PR skills, leadership leadership and nursing care skills, nursing
skills, has and management supervisory skills, care skills,
writing secretarial management skills, nursing knows how to follow supervisory
skills, and skills, nursing care skills, instructions in detail, skills,
basic government care skills, evaluation planning and knows how
nursing protocol evaluation expertise, management skills, to follow
care know how, expertise, negotiation coordinating skills instruction
skills basic negotiation skills, s in detail,
computer skills, consistent planning
skills consistent decision and
decision making skills, manageme
making skills, analytical nt skills,
analytical skills, coordinatin
skills planning skills g skills

SPECIFICATIONS organized, unbiased, unbiased, unbiased, organized, unbiased,

organize meticuluous, organized, organized, effcient, open to organized,
d, effcient, open effcient, open suggestions, willing effcient,
detailed, to suggestions to to go on night shifts open to
efficient suggestions, suggestion
s, willing to
go on night

IMMEDIATE chief chief nurse MCC I chief nurse chief nurse chief nurse
AREA ICU TB DOTS/Animal OR OR/Post Ward Delivery NICU NBS ER Labor
Bites/OPD Anesthesia Room room
Care Unit

JOB direct patient identify TB in children maintain receives record patient and chart *missing data
nursing in the hospital, follow sterility in patients diagnosis of patient,
DESCRIPTION care,takes vital up referral of wards the OR, sets from carry out doctor's orders
signs as and OPD on TB Calls, up and operating on monitoring patient
frequently as assist and give arranges room, plans, and adminstering
ordered by the tratment to rabies instruments care, and prescribed
doctor, carry patients and others in and evaluates medications,observe
out doctor's the OPD, accept and supplies, nursing signs and symptoms and
order on assist teaches on the assis care, carries take vital signs, give
monitoring and PCB package surgeons out doctors medications, perform
giving and orders, ans assist doctors in
medication, do maintain/ob chart therapeutic/diagnostic
daily inventory serve accurately procedures, do referrals
of emergency aseptic medications when needed, attend
drugs, technique, and trainings/meetings/semi
equipments, check treatment nars/ do daily checking of
and supplies., accurately given, emergency drugs
assist doctors in sponges and prepares
performing instruments patient for
special , assits OP, assist
diagnostic anaestheol physicians,
procedures, ogists needs diagnostic
refer ICU during and
patients to operation, therapeutic
other chart and procedure,
departments record acts as
when needed, patients' scrub
attend condition nurse/circul
seminars etc ating nurse
act as ward when
nurse/ER nurse needed,
properly to
COMPETENCIES nursing care nursing care nursing nursing nursing care skills,
skills, skills, listening care care listening skills,
listening skills, skills, skills, inventory skills
skills, knowledgeable listening listening
inventory in anti-rabies skills, skills,
skills treatments and inventor inventor
procedures, y skills, y skills,
knowledgeable knowled knowled
in TB DOTS egeable egeable
on basic on basic
protocols protocols
and and
practices practices

SPECIFICATIONS empathic, empathic, listens willing to willing to empathic,listens to

listens to to authority, go on go on authority
authority, patient, careful night night unbiased, careful
patient, and detailed in shifs, shifs, and detailed in
careful and work organize organize work, organized,
detailed in d, d, effcient, open to
work effcient, effcient, suggestions,
keen and keen and willing to go on
accurate accurate night shifts
observer observer

IMMEDIATE Nurse Nurse Supervisor Nurse Nurse Nurse Supervisor

SUPERVISOR Supervisor Supervis Supervis
or or
DOTS/Ani mal Room Room
Bi tes
JOB DESCRIPTION supervise Jos, RN Assists the Participates *missing data
heads, NA supervisor in in
assigned at OPD direction and formulation,
in their supervision of discriminatio
evaluation of nursing activities n,
patients in OR, helps plan interpretatio
complaints, assignments and n and
direct to the schedules of OR implementati
night dept, personnel scts as on and
identfies nursing scrub burse or evaluation of
problem , do circulating nurse nursing and
necessary in the operative unit policies,
action, procedure, supervise nsg
administer anticipate the activities of
medicines, carry need of surgeons, the unit,
out doctor's make report of develop,
orders and admit operation and revises and
patients, submit to COH adopt work
prepare and and medical technique
assist minor records office and methods
surgeries and for resolution
wounds, give of unusual nsg
health teachings problemd
to opd patients.
monitor and
assist on areas
under OPD,
arrention to OPD
patients, submit
monthly report
on antirabies to
PHO, promote
relationship with
COMPETENCIES nursing care nursing care nursing
skills, skills, care skills,
supervisory supervisory supervisor
skills, knows skills, knows y skills,
how to how to knows
follow follow how to
instructions instructions follow
in detail, in detail, instruction
planning and planning and s in detail,
managemen management planning
t skills, skills, and
coordinating coordinating managem
skills, TB skills ent skills,
DOTS/ coordinati
Animal Bites ng skills

SPECIFICATIONS unbiased, unbiased, unbiased,

organized, organized, organized,
effcient, effcient, effcient,
open to open to open to
suggestions, suggestions, suggestion
willing to go willing to go s, willing
on night on night to go on
shifts shifts night

IMMEDIATE Nurse Nurse Nurse

SUPERVISOR Supervisor Supervisor Supervisor
POSITION/ SERVICE Nurs i ng Attendant II Nurs i ng Attendant I Mi dwi fe I


GYNE s ervi ce room and
JOB DESCRIPTION giving hea lth ca re to es s entia l newborn ca re, a s s is t the nurs e a nd doctors ma inta in OR
mother a nd ba bies , in a ny procedure, monitor pregna nt women when in clea n a nd proper
monitoring pregna nt la bor, a s s is t in norma l deliveries , a s s is t the doctors order, s ha ne a nd
women a s s is t the doctors in referring, give immunica tion to the nb ba bies a nd s crubs pt. field for
a nd nurs es in norma l does nbs opera tion, a s s is t
deliveries a nd in OR nurs es in
performing D a nd C, giving s terility a nd in
hea lth tea chings to pos t performing OR
pa rtum mothers procedures

COMPETENCIES knowledge on knowledge on mother-baby healthcare, midwifery

mother-baby educating skills, midwifery skills skills,
healthcare, knowhow in
educating skills, post surgery
midwifery skills procedures
and in OR

SPECIFICATIONS empathic, willing to empathic, willing to go on night shifts, empathic,

go on night shifts, organized and efficient, clean, listens to willing to go
organized and instructions on night
efficient, clean, shifts,
listens to organized
instructions, clean and efficient,
clean, listens

IMMEDIATE chief nurse chief nurse chief nurse

C. Medical – Ancillary Services (Radiology, Laboratory, Pharmacy,
OPD, MSW, Data Controller, Medical Records)


POSITION/SERVICE Radiologic Radiologic Radiologic Pharmacis Pharmacis Pharmacist II Pharmacis Medical Medical Technologist II Medical
Technolog Technolog Technolog t IV tI t III Technolog Technologist III
ist I ist II ist III ist I
*(from *(from *(from
position position position
description) description description
form) form)

JOB DESCRIPTION prepares and position the patients for incharge of pharmacist in charge of senior pErforms prepares performs all prforms supervises the
xrays diagnosis as prescribed by preparing in charge in preparing pharmacist varoous various laboratory laboratory clinical laboratory
radiologist or physician, controls thr account preparing a reports of in charge of laboratory laboratory examinatio exams like comprising
machine switches and regulate payables of list of drug daily and exams like exams like ns in the parasitology hematology, clinical
intensity of exposure, takes x ray CRH available consignmen monthly hematology hematology, clinical , clinical microscopy, clinical
picture or exposure of patients for personnel medicine t, uploading report of (routine and (routine, laboratory, microscopy chemistry, serology,
definite periods to deep in superficial weekly and data filled and special), special), performs all section, immunochemistry,
rays in treating diseases, prepares and check through unfilled clinical clinical other body fluids, and
mixed developing solutions and supporting online prescription chemistry, chemistry, functions drug testing immunoserology
develop xray films and give to the papers electronic s, daily clinical clinical assigned by (specif and section
physicians or to the radiologist for attach to drug pulse monitoring microscopy. minuscopy, higher other
reading and interpretation, identifies credit monitoring of Parasitology parasitology authorities related
and files all develop films, types all purchase system, medicines , body fluids, , body fluids, functions
radiological and ultrasounsd reports form for prepares HIV and serology,
and prepares bills of xray and signatur of stock tons other HIV, and
ultrasound charges to In and Out the Aos and for D and M related other
patients, request supplies and makes submission issued to funtions related
consumption reports and maintains the to the different functions
cleanliness of Radiology room and its finance wards,
equipments office prepares
receipt, fills
drugs and

COMPETENCIES knowledgeable on radiologic knowled knowledgeable on knowled knowledgeable on laboratory test knowledgeabl
operations and procedures, geable prescribed geable procedures, experiments, diagnosis, e on laboratory
communication skills for on medications, drugs on treatment and prevention of diseases, test
giving instructions, prescribe and other prescribe chemical fluids analysis, knowledgeable procedures,
knowledgeable of on d pharmaceutical d on equipment operation, analytical experiments,
radiation protection medicati items for patient medicati skills diagnosis,
techniques and practices ons, care, ons, treatment and
drugs knowledgeable on drugs prevention of
and medication,compos and diseases,
other itions, processes other chemical fluids
pharmac and formulas used pharmac analysis,
eutical for administration eutical knowledgeabl
items for of dosages, knows items for e on
patient drugs interactions, patient equipment
care, quality assurance care, operation,
knowled and hazardous knowled analytical
geable waste control, geable skills,
on inventory skills, on leadership
medicati knowledge on basic medicati skills,
on,comp process for on,comp management
ositions, medicine requests, ositions, skills
processe writing skills, processe
s and computer skills, s and
formulas knowledge on formulas
used for internet skills, used for
administr monitoring and administr
ation of coordinating skills ation of
observes safety radiologic dosages,
organize fororganized,
dispensing dosages,
organized, cautious, meticulous, organized, efficient, tactful on
precautions, cautious, follows d, efficient, willing to efficient, release of laboratory readings
instructions strictly efficient, go on shifts, meticulous,
willing to meticulous, updated, cautious,
go on updated, cautious people skills
POSITION/SERVICE Administrative Social Social Social Administrative Dental Health Heealth Psychologist Psychiatrist
Aide III Welfare Welfare Welfare Aide III Aide Education Education II
Assistant Officer I Officer III and and
Promotion Promotions
s Officer I Officer II
*(from pdf
JOB DESCRIPTION assist patient in evaluate evaluate evaluate clean OPD, assist the secretariat increasing conduct psyc *missing data
processing PCSO and carefully carefully carefully transport patients, dentist in to MANCOM, people's testing, do
other related patients upon patients upon patients upon cathetirization and daily Infection, awareness of research related
documents, files admission for admission for admission for dressing of patient activities IBC, health issues, to health care
assessment tools, their eligibility their eligibility their eligibility wounds GRIEVANCE, such as the field, orient
forms, referral to pay and to pay and to pay and Hospital importance of employees on
letters, certifications perform social perform social perform social Affiliation exercise and mental health
for DSWD, NCIP, BJMP casework casework casework Committee, the dangers of care, do tasks
and other agencies, thriugh thriugh thriugh HCATS, smoking, assigned by
mails PCS, PDDT and interview and interview and interview and Disciplinary, providing supervisors or
other related counseling, counseling, counseling, Prepares advice and chief, conduct
documents, request, conduct daily conduct daily conduct daily work and information to therapy sessions
office supplies, rounds for rounds for rounds for financial individuals or for drug
perfrom other further further further plan and community rehabilitation
related tasks as evaluation, evaluation, evaluation, operational groups, through patients (in
directed from time to conduct conduct conduct plan, the use of process - HAC
time, assist patients consultations consultations consultations prepares presentations, and VOWC, HEMS
in processing PDAF with PIC and with PIC and with PIC and training/acti exhibitions and roles)
other other other disciplines vity design, the media,
disciplines disciplines regarding research work closely
regarding regarding oatient's health preparation with
oatient's oatient's status, prepare (on professional
health status, health status, referral process), colleagues in
prepare prepare documentation monitors, local health
referral referral to other GO's or files and authorities,
documentatio documentatio NGOs to help report working with,
n to other GO's n to other GO's patients for customer advising and
or NGOs to or NGOs to further feedback, training others
help patients help patients evaluation and prepares to deliver
for further for further management reports of health
evaluation evaluation and and provides hospital education such
and management supervision to accomplish as medical
management and prepares MSS staff ment, radio workers,
referral programmin teachers and
documentatio g, ARTA social service
n to other GOs designated staff who may
and NGOs to tasks be involved
COMPETENCIES efficient, knows efficient, efficient, efficient, Basic first aid knows secrtarial computer knowledge
the basic of knows the knows the knows the know how, dental skills, skills, on research,
counseling, basic of basic of basic of
housekeeping hygiene, planning, planning counselling
knows technical counseling, counseling, counseling,
writing, knows knows knows knows skills referral organizin and training skills,
protocols on technical technical technical and g, skills, knowledge
funds assistance writing, writing, writing, coordinat training knowledge on job
and programs knows knows knows ion skills skills, able on the analysis and
protocols on protocols on protocols on research health care training
funds funds funds
experien field, needs and
assistance assistance assistance
and and and ce and research other tasks
programs programs programs, knowled skills related to
knows how to ge, industrial/or
supervise/ma analytical gnizational
nage people
skills, aspect

SPECIFICATIONS highly meticulous highly highly highly willing to organize efficient, public organized,
and observnt, meticulous meticulous meticulous learn how to d, organize relation has
unbiased, high and and and observnt,
do nursing efficient, d, well skills, initiative,
empathy and can observnt, observnt, unbiased,
effectively relate unbiased, unbiased, high empathy care activities clean, read, has organized, has empathy
with other people high high and can meticulu initiative meticuluou
empathy empathy and effectively os , open to s , well
and can can relate with new read, has
effectively effectively other people, learnings initiative,
relate with relate with leadership
open to
other people other people
Officer Welfare Welfare IV
Officer Officer
POSITION/SERVICE Computer Computer Administrative Administ Administ Administ Statisticia Statisticia Administrative Administrati
Maintainance Maintaina Aide I rative rative rative n Aide n II Officer III ve Officer V
Technologist I nce
Aide IV Aide VI Assistant
ist II at OPD II
JOB DESCRIPTION observe daily network filing, retrieval and release of medical records receive help the Reviews all check and sign *missing data
computer administrat and checking whether the specific record medical statistician ICD-10 hospital
activities/ or systems, belongs to the right service or department charts from in chart coding of statistical
performance, monitor, respective indexing, diseases monthly,
provide technical maintain hospital receive and surgical quarterly, semi-
support and and repair wards, medical operations annual and
install new all network, perfrom ICD- chart from performed annual reports,
software for software 10 code for ward in all check and sign
computer users, and each Renal everyday, patient personnel
daily duties may hardware Diagnosis of arrange the medical performance
include fielding problems of each clinical chart by record, evaluation
inquiries, running all IT charts, edit, ward, collects reports, sign
diagnostics to equipment encode in sequence data certificates and
resolve and of the Bizbox the the chart needed in make complete
installing updates hospital, clinical ready for the mandatory
to existing provide chart's final philhealth preparation reports of
software, necessary diagnosis processing, of Hospital Philhealth, check
additionally may reports for with prepare all statistics daily census
be responsible for procuremen correspondi incomplete report,
setting new t and/or for ng ICD-10 charts by prepares
equipments replacemen codes, month for hospital
t of forward all doctors statistical
necessary listed and completion report
parts, finished specially (monthly,
outsource clinical the clinical quarterly,
repair jobs if charts to summary annually),
necessary medical computs
records performanc
e indicators
and other
measures of
COMPETENCIES knowledge skills on 3 minutes filing, 3 minutes retrieval, knows familiar familiar hospital
and know website computer skills, interviwiewing how to with chart with chart records
indexing, indexing, management
how on creation skills, public relations skills use the
familiar familiar skills,
computer and compute with ICD- with ICD- computer know
systems and administr r, Bizbox 10 and 10, has how
hardware ation, knowled details knowledge particularly
bizbox ge is an and on with software
manage advantag informatio statistical used in charts
n procedure and reports
ment, e,
necessary s, good
knowled familiarit for with
ge and y with Philhealth numbers,
know the reports has
how on Internati knowledge
compute onal
r systems Codes for for
and Diseases charting
hardware is an and
, familiar advantag statistical
with e, can computati
hospital understa
protocols nd basic
, instructio
procedur ns
es and

SPECIFICATIONS willing to willing to efficient, organize, and works fast efficient, organize, organize, organize,
transport transport organize, efficient, efficient, efficient, knows
particular particular technical
internally internall works
with with writing, has
computer y fast details( details( command, time
parts, compute oriented
consistent in r parts,
carrying out consisten
one's job, t in
willing to go carrying
from dept to out one's
dept for job,
checking on willing to
pcs) go from
dept to
dept for
on pcs)


SUPERVISOR Maintainance
D. Administrative Services – Billing and Cashier, Procurement and Supply
Billing and Cashier Procurement Supply
*(from pdf description) * (from pdf descriptions)

POSITION/SERVICE Admin Aide III Admin Aide Admin Admin Asst II Supply Officer Admin Aide II Admin Aide VI
IV billing Aide IV II - Admin
cashier Officer III

JOB DESCRIPTION Billing - PHIC checks the maintain a under immediate kept stocks of submit/follow up under immediate
clerk, service statement of working supervision, performs medical supplies documentations.r supervision, performs
patient, account, the knowledge of repetitive and routine and materials, eports to other repetitive and routine
accomplish PHIC completeness of accounts of clerical tasks and does medical agency related clerical tasks, and
claim form 3 to all the supporting out-patient other related work, such equipments at the with hospital does other related
claimants, papers, fills-up services, as: sorts, indexes and files warehouse, operations,follow work such as: sorts,
monthly PHIC form 2 the receive correspondence, records prepare issuances up for indexes and files
mandatory diagnosis, payments for and other documents, of Memorandum notarization, correspondence,
report, PR skills services laboratory routes documentary recepit of mailing and for records and other
performed, tests, x-rays, papers and traces missing accountable officer signature of documents, routs
drugs/meds and consultations, or untransmitted of semi-expendable documents by the documentary papers
others, NBS,minor messages, maintains supplies and approving hospital and traces missing or
segregates the surgery,and record of and prepares job medical officials, act as untransmitted
supporting others, cards and other records, equipments, follow-up and messages, maintains
papers and reports performs mathematical prepare/assist in errand man of the record of and
other payments computations and meets the conduct of hospital prepares job cards
attachment of received on public and asnwers public bidding of administrative and other records,
each claim for time for routine questions about supplies and department, performs
submission to collection paymenyd of hospital materials, and performs mathematical
PHIC office, file balances, bills/accountable medical messengerial and computations and
and logbook - performs payables and others, equipments other related meets public and
renders duty simple attend/participates/obser needed in the works answers routine
Saturday and computations ve all hospital policy hospital, questions about
sunday as and meet guidelines, activities and prepare/conduct payments of hospital
frontline on public and perform other related physical inventory bills/accounts
schedule basis answer work of plant asset, payables etc,
routine motor vehicles, attend/participates/o
questions, equipments, and bserve all hospital
does related semi-expendable policy guidelines,
work and supplies, prepare activities and perform
duties as may monthly other related works
be directed procurement from time to time
from time to monitoring report,
time by kept files of
supervisor Memorandum
Receipts, maintain
records and
COMPETENCIES 3 minutes 3 minutes 3 minutes knowledgeable in knowledgeabl knowledgeabl 3 minutes
accomplishm accomplish accomplish procurement e in e on list of accomplishment
ent of ment of ment of policies in the procurment heads to go to of instructions
instructions instructions instruction government, basic policies in the for document and filling up of
and filling up and filling s and computer skills, government, signing, forms
of forms, up of forms, filling up basic mathematical basic driving skills
knowledgeab knowledgea of forms, skills mathematical for running
le in ble in knowledge skills, planning errands
Philhealth Philhealth able in and
policies, policies, Philhealth monitoring
basic math policies, skills
skills basic math

SPECIFICATIONS patient with patient with patient fast and efficient public fast and patient with
people, can people, can with worker, willing to relations skills, efficient people, can give
give clear give clear people, put long hours into fast and worker, clear instructions
instructions instructions can give procurement efficient organized,
clear meetings, bidding worker, willing with public
instruction and awards to put time relation skills
s and effort in
public bidding
and awards,

IMMEDIATE Administrativ Administrati Administra Head of the Bidding SAO Supply Officer Supply
SUPERVISOR e Asst II ve Asst II tive Asst II and Awards II/Administrat Officer/Administ
Committee ive Officer III rative Officer III
Budget Accounting Perosnnel

Budget Accountan Accountant Administrativ Administrati Administrative Administrative Assistant I Administrativ Administrative Data Contoller Laboratory Aide
t III Chief II *(from pdf e Assistant II ve Officer II Officer IV e Officer I Officer V II *(from JA direct
Accountan description) observation)
ve Officer
*missing data overall assist the prepares financial inspection of encode travel payroll (voucher) Administer supervises the organize data and ** filing of bank
supervision Chief monthly, reports deliveries, order, special for newly hired employee files human resource keep data safe applications for
of the Accountant quarterly and preparation procurement of order, memo, employees, assist and records in management office and confident--- payroll system,
accounting supervises the annual BIR medical.surgical, and other files, personnel order to ensure or personnel filing of leave forms
section, keeping of reports for taxes drug and generate data trainings, other accurate department, and computing days
prepare and accounting/fin withheld on medicine and from the sever of administrative payment of administer credited, accept
pre-audit ancial records payment of housekeeping HRM system and activities ( benefits and implementing rules forms like PES, DTR
financial of the goods and supplies , public upload it, print employee allowances, and guidelines and others
statements, hospital, to services paid, bidding,le seal DTR Assist HR attendance for flag administer mandated to all
review the assist the assists in the common, petty officer on its ceremony and employment hospital
correctness, Chief process of cash voucher, clerical works, retreat, employee aggreement and employees and
completene Accountant disbursement type update email of daily time record verify and other personnel
ss and controls vouchers, bills,OS,voucher HR officer processing refund of policies
legality of appropriation records MHCAP of monthly bills perform clerical payments,
purchase and certifies Beneficiaries, work, GSIS, ID maintain the
order and to availability records check as making leave
disburseme of funds, to per management
nt vouchers assist the disbursement system, review
chief voucher from the remittances,
accountant Cashier, supervise
verifies and receives/records completion of th
review purchase order, payroll and
vouchers, prepares review payroll
payrolls and demand letter to reports
check covering patients with
expenses to past dues and
determine absences,
their propriety prepares
and certification,
availability GSIS, HMDF PHIC,
before PCSO, LDDAP,
approval of inspect medical,
the chief of surgical,
hospital, to dental,X-
assist the ray,Laboratory
chief Supplies per P.O.
accountant delivery
knowledgea supervisio knowledgea knowledgea knowledge knowledgeab training skills, training skills, training management computer basic
ble in n skills, ble in all ble in basic able in le in basic knoweldegeabl knoweldegeable skills, skills, training skills --- what mathematical
knowledge accounting e in benefits in benefits knoweldegeab skills, else? skills, detailed in
department accounting basic accounting
able in all tasks, , processing processing le in benefits knoweldegeable work, benefits
of budget accountin knowledgea tasks, accounting tasks, activities, has activities, has processing in benefits processing
and g tasks, , ble on knowledgea tasks, knowledgeab computer computer skills, activities, has processing
managemen knowledge policies ble on BIR knowledge le on BIR skills, knowledgeablt computer activities, has
t policies, able on regarding policies able on BIR policies, knowledgeable in CSC policies skills, computer skills,
knoweldege policies public funds policies knowledgeab in CSC policies knowledgeabl knowledgeable
regarding particularly t in CSC in CSC policies
able in le on bidding
public tax revenues policies
other laws funds and and awards
or fiscal particular expenditure policies
policies ly tax s

analytical analytical analytical patient, patient, patient, people skills, people skills, people people skills, people skills, people skills,
skills, hones skills, skills, detailed in detailed in detailed in efficient and efficient and skills, efficient and efficient and efficient and
and honest honest and work, work, work, honest, organized organized efficient organized,lead organized organized
unbiased, and unbiased, honest, honest, keen on and ership skills
keen on unbiased keen on keen on keen on discrepancies organized
budgeting, , keen on discrepanci discrepancie discrepanci , transparent
patient with discrepa es, s, es, with sense of
making ncies, transparen transparent, transparent accountabilit
reports transpare t, with with sense , with y, punctual,
nt, with sense of of sense of critical of
sense of accountabi accountabilit accountabil contracts
accounta lity y, punctual ity,
bility punctual

SAO SAO Chief Chief Chief Chief AO V AO V AOV SAO AO V AO V

Accountant Accountant Accountant Accountant
POSITION/SERVICE Driver Electrician Secretary Foreman Housekeeper Laundry Worker Engineers Medical Security Seamstress Painter Welder Plumber- Admin Dormitory
(Administrative (Administrative Aides (Administrative Equipment Guard Aide IV Manager I
Aides II, IV, VI) VI, IV) Aide IV) Technician
JOB DESCRIPTIONS to transport patient, generator set tender and Act as secretary to in charge of building supervising and Issue linens to supervises maintains medical security cuts, sews and *missing *missing bends, cuts and threads maintain
answer any ambulance repair and install all electrical the head of maintenance, repair monitoring the duties patients and clinical engineering and equipment, preventive guarding in darns simple data for job data for job air, water,stram and gas cleanliness in
call, fix, repair any facilities, electrical custodian engineering and and fabrication, follow and responsibilities area, sign facility section, maintenance, charge bedding and descriptions description pipes, valves, gates and hospital
report any damage of facilities up requisitions of of the linen workers, clearances responsible for the troubleshooting and linen, mend rips hydrants, installs and dormitory and
existing line, to management maintenance supplies laundry workers, discharge patients, maintenance of repairing malfunctions, and torn repairs water pipes, taps guest house and
change, fix any lighting section, oversees and materials, assign groundsmen, and listing, records hospital equipment calling for special clothing, classify connection from the recommend to do
facility, driver- and tracks office maintenance helpers soiled linen together and physical plant, service, install new cloths into goods main pipe to hospital repairs if
mechanic, service transactions, personnel daily with laundry implements infra equipment by and seconds, meter, lays and joins necessary,
engine mechanical monitoring regular activities personnel. Provide programs, establishing, adjusting, repairs edgers different sizes of pipes, register visitors,
system, service opearions of beddings to P.O.D. implements special calibration, making and ses on labels installs and repairs facilitate visitor
steering system, facilities required quarters, receive, programs on waste modification and directs to indicate toilets, sinks, fountains, for their needs,
service clutch system documentation of record clean linens management and equipment operation yardage faucets, showers does other jobs
and move perform Bio-Medical Unit from laundry fire safety, and demonstration according to blueprints assigned by the
shop maintenance (ambulance), engineering facility and sketches, repair Chief
transport, generator management water meter
set and land mower section head

COMPETENCIES knowledgeable knowledgeable on secretarial organizational supervising, inventory skills supervising decision
appliance repair sewing knowledge on public
in automotive electrical related skills, medical skills, planning and and making
and maintenance skills, water properties, relations
repair and maintenance, wiring equipment carepentry, organizing skills management skills,
skills, medical designing installing, skills,
maintenance, connections, safety know how is an building skills, coordinat
equipment know skills maintaining and supervision
drives within precautions, generator advantage, structure knowledge on ion,
how, hardware repairing pipes,
acceptable maintenance organizing skills knowhow building neegotia
repair skills water disposal in
ambulance construction, tion health
speed, electrical skills, careinstitutions
wiring, socially and industries
plumbing, and perceptiv
other matters e,
related to reading,
infrastructure, speaking
knowledge on and
hospital communi
equipments cating
and policies, skills,
E. Engineering Services

leadership leadershi
skills p skills,
SPECIFICATIONS alert, willing to willing to go on night organized, organized, meticulous, meticulous, organized, quick to respond, willing to meticuluous, willing to go on organized,
go on night shifts, fast workers, efficient, efficient, organized, clean, detailed efficient, quick organized, rove detailed, night shifts, fast efficient,
shifts, willing to detailed and careful in meticulous, meticulous, efficient, to respond, efficient, around, efficient and workers, detailed meticulous,
be on call, willing doing procedures detailed detailed detailed meticuluous meticulous and willing to fast in and careful in clean
to travel long and detailed detailed be on delivering doing procedures
distances call, output
fast and

IMMEDIATE Engineer III Engineer III Engineer III Engineer III Engineer III Engineer III MCC I Engineer III Engineer Engineer III Engineer III Engineer III
POSITION/SERVICE Food Service WorkerS ( Administrative Dietary Storekeeper kitchen - Cook I and II dietician I dietician II
Aide I, Administrative Aide III, Cook I, (Administrative Aide I)
Cook II)
JOB DESCRIPTION dishing out and serving of meals to hospital personnel shall keep accurate records and shall assist the dietician on duty in the purchase food item and other direct/ participate in the plan and lead, coordinate
and pateints, collecting and washing of trays, shall conduct regular inventory of all overall preparation and cooking needs, dietary needs from wet market, purchase of food supplies and control the admin,
assist the cook in food preparation works, shall clean stocks in dietary and shall shall prepare and cook meals according assist in preparing foods such as from wet market and grocery, therapeutic and education
the dietary and other premises, shall apportion food receive and post on stock cards to planned menus for in patients, and peeling, washing, cutting of fruits prepare and follow up daily aspects of food
for distribution both in patients tray services and accurate quantities of all food for special functions in the hospital, and vegetables, weighing and market voucher and plan and preparation and service,
physician on duty items delivered, shall record all maintain quality standards in the cleaning of meat, poultry, supervise therepeutic aspect procurement, purchase
issuances for the day, shall preparation and cooking of meals, shall washing and cutting fish, of food preparation, assist in and selection of food
submit a list of standing, report any left overs for proper usage shellfish, assists in dishing out of the formation of menus, give supplies, and other
storerooms stocks that needs to and storage, shall be responsible for meals to patients and hospital lectures and diet instruction equipments, and over all
be replenished; shall maintain the proper care and maintenace of personnel, shall defrost and to patients, participates in activities of personnel in
proper cleanliness and quipment in the unit clean refrigerator and freezers dishing out of foods for regular the dietary service
sanitation in the storeroom area and therapeutic diets
F. Dietary Services

COMPETENCIES culinary skills, household skills, inventory skills, basic culinary skills, household skills, experience in terms of culinary skills, culinary skills,
experience in terms of cooking mathematical skills cooking knowledgeable on knowledgeable on
nutrition aspect, nutrition aspect,
budgeting skills budgeting
SPECIFICATIONS organized, clean, efficient, fast organized, clean, organized, clean, efficient, organized, clean, organized, clean, organized, clean,
efficient, fast fast efficient, fast efficient, fast efficient, fast
IMMEDIATE Dietician II Dietician II Dietician II Dietician II Dietician II CMPS I
G. Supervising Administrative Officer/Chief of Medical Professional Staff/Medical Center Chief
Medical Administrative Admin Aide III Chief Medical Administrative Supervising
Center Chief Assistant III Professional Staff I Aide VI Administrative
I Officer
JOB DESCRIPTIONS act and do provides maintain assist supervision on file all in coming assist in planning,
duties of Chief administrative cleanlinees of the the implementation of and out going organizing and
of hospital in support and performs COH office, administrative orders, communication, implementing a program
relation to the numerous duties, laboratory, Chief policies and circulars input given data to or function with agency
mandate of including scheduling, Nurse Office, issued by the DOH the computer to wide impact, freeing the
DOH to writing/retyping bacteriology and secretary or Regional serve as back up superior to focus on
dispense correspondence, chief quarters, dir, assist the COH in file, monitor the critical demands by
quality emailing, handling clean/wash dishes the evalyuation of flow of routinary performing a variety of
healthcare to visitors, routing used, mop and dust appointment, papers, process administrative support
all callers and answering walls, garbage promotion and leaves and follow up functions under minimal
stakeholders questions and disposal, monitor of employees, papers to different direction, responsible for
making use of requests - specifically drinking water facilitate the departments, safe liason and public
all resources provide supply and food processing of keep important relations assignments
and means to administrative and delivery to CMPS 1 documents in the documents such which include contact
achieve the clerical support to absence of the COH, as memos, special with th public, official
target departments or recommend any orders and other and top level
individuals, Alert COH member of the documents management, generally
about cancelations or medical supervises the full
new meetings, staff/personnel to operation of an
manage travel and perform additional administrative branch or
schedule, handle tasks division, initiates and
information requests, coordinates
prepare/retype administrative and
correspondence and operational methods and
stuff mail into procedures as required
envelopes, arrange to effect efficient and
for outgoing mails and uniform operation of the
packages to be picked branch or departmental
up, greet and receive division, assist COH
visitor, prepare III/MCC I in coordinating
confidential and hospital functions and
sensitive documents, recommends needed
coordinates office action in administrative
management policies, act on othe and
activities, determine related functions that
matters of top priority may be assigned by the
and handle MCC I
COMPETENCIES planning clerical skills, household knowledgeable clerical skills, planning and
and computer skills, skills in policies, computer organizing skills,
organizing secretarial skills, management skills, leadership skills,
skills, planning and and leadership secretarial public relation
leadership organizing skills skills, skills, analytical
skills, planning and skills,
public organizing knowledgable in
relation policies,
skills, management skills
ble in
nt skills
SPECIFICATIONS organized, organized, consistent in organized, organized, organized,
unbiased, efficient, performance of unbiased, open efficient, efficient, effective,
open to effective duties for to suggestions effective unbiased, open to
suggestion different areas, suggestions
s efficient,
organized, has


For Caraga Regional Hospital
ISO Certification Related Output

Prepared by: Noted by:

Azucena L. Alvarez, MD Andres M. Dolar, Jr. MD, MPM, DPBR

Medical Specialist II Medical Center Chief I
/Training Officer
Cheryl A. Gotinga, MD, DPPS
June D. Baunillo, MA Chief Medical Professional Staff I
Psychologist II
Dante P. Daloso, MPA
Administrative Officer V – Personnel Department

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