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Questions on the Angevin Empire (1154 – 1399)

1. Fill in the gaps:

1) Henri II was the _____________ undisputed _____________ of the English throne, count of
_____________, duke of _____________, found of _____________Law, notorious for the death
of _____________. He expanded the _____________Empire and became the most powerful
monarch in _____________. He is the greatest _____________king, the first to set foot in
_____________ and declare himself _____________. He was betrayed by his own
_____________ and his final words were _____________ on a conquered king. He died of
2) Richard I, nicknamed _____________ was duke of _____________, duke of _____________,
paid _____________ to the king of France, was a _____________leader but also known as the
_____________ king since he spent _____________months in England during his
_____________ year reign. He was mainly engaged in the _____________ fighting in the Holy
Land. Richard preserved the _____________of the Angevin Empire, differently from his brother
Jon who disintegrated it.
3) King John’s titles were: _____________ of Normandy, _____________of Aquitaine,
_____________of Anjou, _____________of Ireland. John died of _____________.
4) Complete the coalitions/plots: 1214: England + HRE vs _____________
King John + Pope vs barons + _____________
John + Philip of France vs _____________
5) True or false and why.
i. King John is known as the Lackland because he only inherited England.
ii. King John was the first Lord of Ireland.
iii. Together with the King of France they planned the partition of the duchy of Aquitaine.
iv. King John was a character in Robin Hood.
v. King John engaged in three main conflicts
vi. King John was excommunicated because he didn’t appoint Hubert Walter as Archbishop
of Canterbury.
vii. King John was deposed by the Pope and the King of France.

2. Match the kings with the archbishops appointed during their rule:
William the Conqueror, William II, Henry I, Henry II, King John
Stephen Langdon, Anselm, Lafranc, Becket, Hubert Walter
3. What were the causes of death of the following kings:
William the Conqueror, William II, Henry I, Henry II, Henry the Young King, Richard the
Lionhearted, King John

4. Define: heir apparent, heir presumptive, do homage to the king,

5. Henry II first actions when he came to power.
6. Henry II reforms
a. Rule of law
b. Administration
c. Tribunals
d. Trial by jury vs trial by ordeal
7. Henry II relation with the church.
8. What was stipulated in the Constitution of Clarendon, what were its purposes, how was it
9. Find similarities between the relations of William II, Henry I, Henry II, King John with the
10. Reasons for appointing Thomas Becket and development of events leading to Becket’s murder.
11. Compare the rebellions against Henry II, Richard I (if any) and King John.
12. Compare Richard I and King John.
13. Where was King John buried and why?
14. Who was Hubert Walter?
15. King John engaged in three great conflicts. Describe each of them:
a. With the Papacy (Archbishop, wealth)
b. With the French King (reason and consequences)
c. With the Barons (reason and consequences of 2 Barons’ Wars and respective years)
16. Provide a detailed description of the Magna Carta, its year of drafting, its purpose, its key clauses,
its approval and refusal, its impact in society, its duration.

17. For further reading


18. Watch;_ylt=AwrC5plZtMVdsWAAjnU0nIlQ;_ylu=X3oDMTBncG

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