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Feast of Sharing is this Saturday Del Rio races past Uvalde Lobos,
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Feast of Sharing Cold front

ties century-
atzimba.morales “Sleet falls as frozen ice pellets (looks sort
of like very small hail),
Tuesday, the City while freezing rain falls
of Del Rio recorded as liquid rain, but then
the lowest daily high freezes on exposed ob-
temperature for Nov. jects,” Schreiber said.
12, tying a 100-plus- While it does seem
year-old record, a local the cold weather came
meteorologist said. in early this year, Sch-
The 46 degrees Fahr- reiber checked record
enheit record ties the books and said 2013 was
lowest high tempera- the last year a winter
ture for the day, which weather advisory was
File photo by Alfredo Jimenez was recorded in 1907, issued by the National
Volunteers serve the plates at the temporary kitchen installed at the Del Rio Civic Center during the 26th annual Smalltown Weather Weather Service in No-
H-E-B Feast of Sharing held on Nov. 11, 2018. This year the annual community celebration will be held Satur- Meteorologist Dan Sch- vember for this area.
day, at the community center, from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. reiber said. Prior to that, a winter
Colder weather weather advisory was
Entertainment lineup announced for the 27th annual feast continues to set in with
a possibility of wetter
issued in 2007, accord-
ing to Schreiber. “It is
days in the next couple a bit rare to see winter
BY ATZIMBA MORALES under the direction of of weeks, he said. weather this early, but
atzimba.morales Carmen Alvarez, will PERFORMANCE LINEUP Schreiber said the not unheard of,” he follow the mariachi’s last time the lowest said.
performance, at 11 a.m. daily high temperature The main reason this
Dance groups, ma- Del Rio Middle was set for Nov. 12 was cold front was per-
10:45 a.m. Mariachi de la Juventud
riachi and more will School Dance and 112 years ago. ceived as out of the
perform for attendees Sapphires perform RED OAK BALLROOM The city did receive
during the 27th annual back to back after the 11-11:20 a.m. Mixed Souls Gospel Choir sleet and freezing rain, See RECORD Page 3A
H-E-B Feast of Shar- choir, between 11:20- 11:20-11:25 a.m. Del Rio Middle School
ing, to be held 11:30 a.m., and Dance
Saturday. a performance 11:25-11:30 a.m. Sapphires
The perfor- by Mariachi de 11:30 a.m.-12:25 p.m. Mariachi de Media Noche
mance lineup Media Noche, 12:25-12:35 p.m. Miss Annie’s Dance Plus
begins at 10:45 27th FEAST between 11:30 Competition Team
a.m. with OF SHARING a.m. to 12:25 12:35-12:45 p.m. Toxic Cheer
Mariachi de la p.m., is on the 12:45-12:50 p.m. Del Rio Middle School
Juventud in schedule. Cheer
the Pecan Room for the Miss Annie’s Dance 12:50-1 p.m. Dance Co.
opening ceremony. Plus Company Com- 1-1:15 p.m. All District Elementary
All other perfor- petition will perform Choir
mances will take after the mariachi per- 1:15-1:25 p.m. Velocity
place in the Red Oak formance, followed 1:25-2:00 p.m. Ferdie G
Ballroom. Mixed 2-3 p.m. Casa de la Cultura
Souls Gospel Choir, See FEAST Page 3A


Joining Mayor Bruno “Ralphy” Lozano, center, to com-
Volunteers show up for graves Chinese memorate the anniversary of commercial air service in
Del Rio were, from left, Airport Director Juan Carlos On-
registration project, more needed arrested near
ofre, Economic Development Director Oriana Fernan-
dez, Tofuola Clark, Del Rio station manager for Envoy;
Natalie Southerland, Envoy flight attendant; Capt. Juan
lished on Nov. 8.
“It’s sad that some
finish this project,”
Vazquez said.
Comstock Cubelli, Envoy pilot; and Envoy pilot Tsung Hung Ku. people have forgot- On Saturday, STAFF REPORT CITY GOVERNMENT
ten their ancestors. he said, two ladies news
The San Felipe
Cemetery Graves
Yet some are looking
for their final rest-
showed up to help.
The Hildreth family
City celebrates 1 year
Registration Project
has picked up steam
amongst members of
ing place. While no
records exist of their
exact location, some-
read the article and
drove down from
Comstock, canceling
Seven Chinese na-
tionals led by a Mexi-
can alleged smuggler
of the airline service
the community, but it thing is being done,” their planned trip to a who were illegally BY KAREN GLEASON Nov. 4, 2019, as Air Ser-
is still in need of more Vazquez said Wednes- canyon, Vazquez said. in the United States karen.gleason vice Anniversary Day.
willing hands to help day in a letter to the “Another surprising were arrested Sun- Lozano welcomed
out record the location editor. volunteer was our day by U.S. Border city employees, includ-
of old gravesites in “A one man project City Manager Matt Patrol agents near Del Rio marked the ing Airport Director
Del Rio’s historic San to identify and locate Wojnowski who re- Comstock, anniversary of its most Juan Carlos Onofre,
Felipe neighborhood. burials is called the corded one section by U.S. Cus- recent iteration of com- Economic Develop-
Activist and San Felipe Cemetery himself,” he said. toms and mercial air service last ment Director Oriana
book writer Mario Graves Registration On Saturday, weath- Border week with a ceremony Fernandez, Del Rio
Vazquez, 91, who has Project. It started two er permitting, the Protec- held at the city airport Fire Department
been working in this years ago with little effort to record graves tion said Wednes- on Nov. 4. Chief Joe Harrington
project by himself interest. While over will continue, he said, day. The ceremony cen- and members of their
for months, received 2,000 graves are now and invited more or- Agents conducting tered on Mayor Bruno departments, as well as
some help from mem- recorded, an article ganizations, veterans line watch duties “Ralphy” Lozano’s employees of Envoy, a
bers of the community by Karen Gleason last groups, social reading and presenta- subsidiary of American
after an article by the Friday was supposed See CHINESE Page 3A tion of a proclamation
News-Herald was pub- to excite people to help See VOLUNTEERS Page 3A designating Monday, See AIRLINE Page 3A


Del Rio
Vol. 89 No. 227
Copyright 2019
THU. FRI. SAT. Rufus K. ‘Pete’ Gooding, 90 City and state officials have found E.
Del Rio News-Herald
Lee Ortiz, 52 coli, a bacteria associated with fecal
matter, at the Blue Hole, in the San
Felipe Creek. Should this swimming
destination be closed to the public?
62° 37° 65° 38° 66º 45º Visit and vote!

Page Two 2A Opinion 4A Sports 6A Entertainment 9A Comics 10A Classifieds 11A Five Things 12A

AIRLINE has been a Part 139

Federal Aviation Ad-
From Page 1A ministration-certified
airport since February
Airlines that serves 2005, and whereas the
as the airlines’ regional city of Del Rio execut-
carrier to Del Rio. ed an agreement with
“This is monumental American Airlines on
for the city of Del Rio to April 10, 2018, to begin
have that connectivity flights on Nov. 4, 2018,
to the world, not only and whereas, American
bringing people from Airlines, having the
the outside in to visit largest fleet worldwide,
our community, but established a new
also to invest in our non-stop route between
community, and to Del Rio International
allow families to have Airport and Dallas/
that ease of connection Fort Worth Internation-
from Dallas to wher- al Airport,” the mayor
ever they live beyond read. Photo by Karen Gleason
Dallas, to visit their “And whereas this Envoy employees, left, led by station manager Tofuola Clark, center, join Mayor Bruno “Ralphy” Lozano, center,
friends and family,” commercial route and city of Del Rio employees, right, outside the Jack L. Richardson Terminal at Del Rio International Airport on
Lozano said. serves as the only Nov. 4 to commemorate one year of commercial air service in Del Rio.
“This really supports commercial air ser-
every industry possible vice within a 100-mile supporting the service. well for me and my fam- rity Administration online and access that,”
in the city, including radius from Del Rio and It has been a challeng- ily here. My kids enjoy (TSA),” Onofre said. Lozano added.
Laughlin Air Force whereas, over 41,000 ing year, but with my the community. Thank “I also want to convey A reception was held
Base, the maquilado- people have used the team behind me, I feel you for accepting us, and the message that Amer- in the Jack L. Richard-
ras, Border Patrol, air service between Del like we can do anything. thank you for supporting ican/Envoy is hiring. son Terminal at the air-
Customs and Border Rio and Dallas/Fort I owe it all to my team, us,” she added. Commercial air service port following the read-
Protection, the school Worth in the first year they really do an amaz- Onofre, too, thanked has created jobs in our ing and presentation of
district, the hospital of airline service, now, ing job,” Clark said. those present and community. You can go the proclamation.
district,” he added. therefore, in recogni- Clark thanked the reiterated that “it takes
Lozano pointed out tion of the one-year city, as well as sur- many more than one”
on Nov. 4, Lubbock
Mayor Dan Pope used
anniversary of the air
service between Amer-
rounding communities,
who use and support
to create success.
“We have our fire VOLUNTEERS for recording, he said.
Vazquez encour-
the airline to fly into ican Airlines and Del the airline. department. Those From Page 1A aged family members
and out of Del Rio to Rio, I proclaim Nov. She also thanked guys are there every to clear the graves of
give testimony at a 4, 2019, as ‘Air Service Lozano for frequently day, every single flight, clubs and individuals their ancestors.
Ports-to-Plains public Anniversary Day,’” using the service. rain or shine. Without to join in. “There have been
hearing. Lozano read. “Even though he does them, this wouldn’t be “All graves that many inquiries for
Lozano then read the Tofuola Clark, Del work for Delta, he still happening. The police can be identified are this information.
proclamation. Rio station manager for flies on our air service,” department is also here being registered and What has been done
“Whereas the city Envoy Air, also spoke Clark quipped. for every single flight. recorded. Final records has been a blessing for
owns and manages the during the ceremony. “It takes a village to Also, Border Patrol and of graves that can be those coming from out
Del Rio International “Thank you so much make things happen, and our partners with the identified are being reg- of town finding loves
Airport, and the airport to the community for it’s been a pleasure as Transportation Secu- istered. Records will be ones that have depart-
placed in two volumes ed. The partially com-
and alphabetically list- pleted records can now
RECORD had gotten up to 87
degrees (Fahrenheit)
weather,” Schreiber
Del Rioans can still
expect to see some
ed,” Vazquez said. be found at the Val
The documentation Verde County Library
From Page 1A on Tuesday and 85 According to Sch- fluctuation on the tem- project will show the and at the Whitehead
degrees (Fahrenheit) reiber, as the city sets peratures, according to gridded sections and Museum,” he said.
ordinary is, “Because on Wednesday. The re- into wintertime, the Schreiber. “I suspect coordinates, in order Vazquez said more
it came right in the gion never really had jet stream has begun over the next month to lead a person to than 60 percent of the
wake of a previous cold a chance to heat back to get a bit more active we will see a number exact burial location, project has been com-
front,” he said. up after Thursday and move further of cooler (and possi- he said. pleted, and if enough
The previous cold before Monday’s (cold) south, “Which has bly wetter) days with Currently there are volunteers join in the
front came on Thurs- front came through, been the driving force the somewhat active no records available. registration can be
day of last week. which further re- behind the cold fronts winter storm pattern,” Included in this regis- completed this month.
“Prior to that, it inforced the cooler lately.” Schreiber said. tration, a separate file Some of the organi-
will show all veterans zations already listed
who served our coun- to participate include
FEAST Ferdie G will perform
a classic blues music
in on the meal provided
that day.
event will take place
from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m.
try and where they did the Boy Scout Troop
their patriotic duty, he 255, but more volun-
From Page 1A set for the audience. “After your perfor- The city of Del Rio said. teers are very wel-
The Casa de la Cultura, mance (or before if you announced free trans- Presently, many come, he said.
by Toxic Cheer. under the direction wish) please make sure portation services to graves have been for- Plans are to register
Del Rio Middle of Executive Director to be our guest and join the dinner. Citizens gotten and are covered from 9 a.m. to noon.
School Cheer will Lupita De La Paz, will us for your thanksgiv- interested in obtaining with overgrown grass For more information
perform between 12:45- close out the perfor- ing meal. This includes transportation must and weeds. It is not call Vazquez at (408)
12:50 p.m. and will be mance lineup from 2-3 your family and fans,” call the Transportation possible to reach them 482 5731
followed by a perfor- p.m. organizers stated in a Office at (830) 774 8690
mance from the Del People attending the press release. no later than Nov. 14 at
Rio High School Dance Feast of Sharing and Performers can 3 p.m.
Company. performers’ parents are enjoy their meal in the Transportation pick-
All District Elemen- asked by event organiz- volunteer guest room ups will begin at 10 a.m.
tary Choir, under the ers to find a seat and and avoid the line and the day of the dinner.
direction of Angela not block the front area rush, according to the Feast of Sharing is
Leonor, will perform during the performanc- release. the culmination of a
from 1-1:15 p.m. and is es. Feast of Sharing will year-round commit-
followed by a perfor- The performers be held on Saturday, ment H-E-B makes
mance from Velocity and their families are Nov. 16 at the Del Rio to fighting hunger,
cheer. guests during the event, Civic Center and is according to the compa-
From 1:25-2:00 p.m. and are invited to join open to the public. The ny’s website.

CHINESE countries across the

world,” said Del Rio
has arrested individ-
uals from 30 different
countries, the agency
From Page 1A Sector Chief Patrol
"The Big Red Building That Looks Like An Old Time Gas Station"
Agent Raul L. Ortiz.
observed a group of “This trend began last
eight who had just year and so far has
crossed the border ille- been continuing into
gally, the agency said. the new fiscal year.”
After a short foot The Mexican na-
chase, agents appre- tional was identified In Business Since 1948

hended seven Chinese

nationals and one
as the suspected
smuggler and will be DICK OWEN’S JR.
Mexican national.
The group of Chinese
charged with United
States Code Title 8,
nationals consisted of Section 1324 – alien
six men and one wom- smuggling, which
an, all adults. All were carries a maximum
transported to the sentence of up to 10 SeLection of
Comstock Station and years in prison. Handmade cigarS
processed as per U.S. Throughout Fiscal
Customs and Border Year 2019, Del Rio Thank You For Voting Us
Protection guidelines.
“Agents in Del Rio
Sector arrested peo-
ple from 59 different
Best of Del Rio
Sector continue to ar- countries. So far in FY Tues-Thurs 11AM-8PM 706 Veterans Blvd (Hwy 90) & 6th St
Fri & Sat 11AM-9PM • Closed Sun & Mon Del Rio, TX 78840
rest individuals from 2020, Del Rio Sector



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