Assignment 4 Reading

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Reading (Assignment 4)

Controversial issue:
Gay families

This was the scene: An extraordinary meeting at an

elementary private school for girls in Mexico City.

The attendants were:

The school principal, Mr. Lopez;
The school secretary Mrs. Gonzalez;
The president of the parent association: Mrs.
Madrid; and Mrs. Valle, «The troublemaker»

Mrs. Madrid started: “We needed this extraordinary meeting”(1) she

added “Something is not right in this school” (2). “I think that this
strange situation can lead into a terrible physiological disorder among
the school girls” (3); or even worst she said “this can open the door to
hell” (4). So she, as president of the parent association said “we have
to do something to repair this situation” (5).

Neither Mr. Lopez nor Mrs. Valle

had an idea, they asked
themselves “what is she talking about?” (6) Mr. Lopez
kept thinking “I still don’t understand the reason for
this urgent meeting” (7).

Everyone arrived on time. The secretary asked “Do

you want some coffee? (8), they helped themselves
and sat down waiting for someone to start talking, Mr.
Lopez asked “What is the reason of this extraordinary
meeting?” (9).

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Mrs. Madrid started her speech. “I am very glad you have
attended on time the meeting” (10), she said. “As you know I
have two daughters in this school” (11) “I want to talk to all of
you because it came to my ears an unbelievable situation” (12),
“this uncomfortable situation cannot continue in this prestigious
and well-known school” (13). Everybody was shocked, they
stayed mouth wide open thinking of something horrible.

Mrs. Madrid stated: “I have complete

knowledge of a hideous thing” (13). Then
she said “Mrs. Valle has an mmmmhhh
‘irregular’ marital status” (14). And she
added angrily “I want her to explain to us,
right now about her marriage” (15).

Mrs. Valle kept in silence for seconds she said to herself “What is going
on?” (16) “Is this the mediaeval era?” (17), “Who does she think she
is?” (18) How can this lady talk to me this way?” (19) “She is nobody to
question my preferences” (20). The rest of the people were speechless
and concerned. Suddenly Mrs. Valle stood up and said: “Mr. Lopez,
ladies, I understand that Mrs. Madrid is talking about my preferences”
(21), okay “I am married to a woman” (22) “This is a situation I am not
ashamed or regretted” (23). “Yes, I am a lesbian mother” (24) and “I
have a wife”(25), “my daughter, my wife and I form a gay family”(26)
and “I just can’t see what the problem is”. (27)

All kept in in their own thoughts. Mr. Lopez, a 35 single man, was thinking
to himself “I am in trouble with these ladies” (28), “I do not want to lose
my job”(29). “I need to think quickly of a convenient solution for everyone”

He did not mind it about gay families, but his school had a
reputation of being a traditional one. He kept thinking “gay
families are okay in Europe” (31). He asked himself “Why not
starting in Mexico?” (32).

Mrs. Gonzalez, the secretary, was a friend of Mrs. Valle. She had known beforehand this
situation and she liked Mrs. Valle and her wife. Mrs. Gonzalez had a daughter at school,
her name was Angie; and Mrs. Valle’s daughter’s name was Lucy. Angie and Lucy were
very good friends.

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So, Mrs. Gonzalez was thinking “Mrs. Valle and her wife are
doing a great job with Lucy” (33)...“Lucy is my daughter’s best
friend” (34)... “Lucy is growing up on values and principles”
(35)...“Lucy and her two moms respect all people”...“I have no
problem with Lucy” (36). “Actually, I want Lucy to stay” (37).

Mrs. Gonzalez was aware that the world is changing, people is

changing and mentalities are changing too. Maybe a gay family
was not an offense to society, she was convinced that they were
not the ones who were opening the door to hell.

Meanwhile Mrs. Valle was not willing to change her daughter

from school; the girl liked her school and had no problems at
all. So she continued, “I request respect for me and my family”
(38) . Actually, she seemed upset “I demand that you respect
my daughter!” (39). “She has been raised with no prejudices of
discrimination against nothing but violence and war” (40).

Suddenly Mr. Lopez stood up, watched directly to the lady’s

eyes and started talking:

“Ladies, Lucy has been studying in this institution since

kinder garden” (41), six years so far, in these years “Lucy
has shown an outstanding performance in class and social
activities” (42). “She is one of the most intelligent girls in
school” (43), “I see no evil acts” (44). So my question here is:
“what is the problem?” (45) “I see that coming from a gay
family has not affected Lucy” (46) in any sense…

“Hold on!” Mrs. Madrid yelled, “You must invite Lucy to go to a

gay school”, “she cannot definitely stay here” (47). Pretty soon
“these girls will be teenagers” (48) and “I do not want her gay
influence in our normal girls” (49). “She must leave the school
now” (50).

Mrs. Valle in a very calm way replayed: “Lucy is a perfect

‘normal’ girl” (51) (quoting Mrs. Madrid). “She has no

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problems with her sexual preferences” (52), if that is your concern Mrs. Madrid, “Lucy likes
boys” (53) “she gets excited like any other girl with One Direction’s boys or Justin Bieber”
(54). “She is not a lesbian” (55), “she will not ‘contaminate’ your girls, if that is your
concern” (56). “She was raised in a safe and loving ambience” (57). “She was a desired
child by both of us” (58). “Have you ever looked into your family and see if you give all of
this to your girls Mrs. Madrid?” (59), “Do you have time to spend with them after all that
gossiping every day?” (60) “Does your husband have time to be with the girls after being in
the office and later in the bar drinking with colleagues and friends instead of having dinner
all together?” (61) “That is not my problem Mrs. Madrid”. (62) “That is your problem”. (63)
So “my marital status or sexuality preference is not of your concern” (64), “it is mine” (65).

Everyone remained in silence, waiting for Mr. Lopez to make a final comment. Then, he

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Assignment PART 1

Reported speech conversation

a) Read one more time the text and pay attention to sentences between quotation
marks “”.
b) Select 25 of them (you will transform them into reported speech).
c) Copy those 25 sentences and paste them along with their parenthesis (1), (2), (3),
(4), (5),… (65).
d) See the example to guide you through

Direct Speech # Reported Speech

Who does she think she is? (18)
“she cannot definitely stay here” (47)

e) On the third column write down the reported speech of each sentence

Direct Speech # Reported Speech

Mrs. Valle asked who she thought she

Who does she think she is? (18)

Mrs. Madrid said definitely that the girl

“she cannot definitely stay here” (47)
could not stay there.

f) Remember to select 25 sentences.

g) Go on to the next page for reading instructions of part 2.

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Assignment PART 2

It is yor turn!

How does this story end?

Think about what Mr. Lopez is about to say. Use the following format and write no less
than 10 sentences, in both forms direct and indirect speech. Use the examples in order to
guide your through and remember to be original, creative but most of all very respectful.

# Direct Speech Reported Speech

Ex Mr. Lopez said “I need discretion Mr. Lopez said that he needed discretion
. for this situation” for that situation.

Mr. Lopez said “The rules of Mr. Lopez said that the rules of the
school are… ” school were …

2 Mrs. Valle said “…

3 Mrs. Madrid …


Write your personal conclusion about gay families (please write it up with no less
than 50 words).

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