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Wave-Making Resistance of Ships

By Dr. Takao Inui,1 Visitor

This paper discusses the wave-making resistance of displacement ships in steady motion.
It is not intended for detailed discussion of the quantitative relationship between certain
types of ships and their wave-making resistance, but for discussion of the method by
which the author believes such relationship should be studied. In such method, great im-
portance is attached to the photographic study of model ship wave patterns which hi~'herto
has been ignored almost entirely in tank experiments. The paper, in appropriate con-
junction with the theoretical study, suggests a new approach to the ship hull-form research.
Early in the paper the author points out in principle the defects found in the usual resistance
tests as a method of studying the ship hull form, and also the inevitable difficulties in the
theory of wave-making resistance. Part 1 is devoted to a description of the basic
elements upon which a new method of hull-form research is based. In Part 2 the cluthor
describes the effectiveness of the new method in solving various practical problems in
hull-form design. One example of the effective use of the method is the development
of the "waveless-form theory" in the Experimental Tank of the University of Tokyo. In
the last part of the paper the author suggests a course along which the proposed method
of hull-form research should be further developed.

OVER a period of almost a century since the first it in his tank, all work conducted in the experi-
experimental tank was built at T o r q u a y in 1870 mental tanks up to date for the ,;tudy of ship's
b y William Froude such experiments have made a resistance (wave-making resistance) has been
great contribution to the improvement of ship's nothing but the "resistance test." So far as the
resistance performance. In the meantime the wave-making resistance is concerned, no new
scope of tank experimental work has been grad- method of study, or no new method of experiment
ually increased both in volume and variety. has'ever been tried.
In addition to towing tanks, there have been built I t is the opinion of the author that, although the
seakeeping laboratories for seakeeping quality "resistance test" is a vitally necessary, and very
study, maneuvering basins for maneuverability important practical method for the investigation
research, and other new types of experimental of wave-making resistance of ships, it is by no
tanks, each being intended exclusively for a means perfect, or even adequate.
special purpose. Let us now consider methodically the way in
As for the results of all such research work 'we which the physical quantity, the "force" known
m a y safely say that remarkable progress has as wave-making resistance of ships, is analyzed.
been made with respect to tank experiments in The process involved may be shown by the block
general compared to the age of Froude. How- diagram Fig. 1.
ever, in one particular aspect, little has so far At first there is (A), a given geometric body of a
been achieved. This is what is known as the ship which creates (B), ship's waves; as it advances
"resistance test." Ever since Froude started at a certain speed. A theoretical analysis of
(I), the process from (A) to (B) is troublesome and
1 Professor, Department of Naval Architecture, Faculty ship's waves are complicated in all respects.
of Engineering, University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan. However, since these waves are visible, it should
Presented at the Annual Meeting, New York, N. Y., be possible to observe them. A force known as
November 15-16, 1962, of THE SOCIETY OF NAVAL
ARCHITECTSANDMARINBENGINEERS. "wave-making resistance" is obtained through


scarcely explain the whole picture. The theory

,4, ~ '~'' ~ ~ {Ul) ~ " " "~" ~ ~ *~"%A
should be employed with respect to essential
SHIP ~=~ SHIP } ~ WAVE-MAKING/ features, leaving the study of details to observa-
GEOMETRY WAVE RESISTANCE tion. N o t all experiments can be conducted
(A) (B) (C} without technical difficulties. Be that as it may,
Fig. 1 Block diagram (1) we can work under much more favorable condi-
tions than the researchers of Froude's time in
regard to the three following points:
the process I I (this is a kind of integral process). (a) Of the two phases of process from the hull
In the resistance tests so far conducted no work form to ship's waves, and ship's wave to wave-
has been done beyond the scope of measuring the making resistance, with respect to the latter
force involved, and no observation has been made process at least Havelock's theory of 1934 [1, 2]~
of (B); i.e., ship's waves. This means, in refer- is effective.
ence to Fig. 1, that in the resistance test one leaps (b) High-speed computers are available for the
from (A) to (C), by-passing (I), the process con- required theoretical calculations.
necting (A) with (B), and (II), the process from (c) The advanced technique of photogram-
(B) to (C). This makes the resistance test very metrical survey can be used.
effective as a practical, though short-sighted, Under all of these favorable conditions the time
means of quickly finding a result. However, it seems to have arrived that a new method of tank
offers no substantial clue in the more long-sighted, experiments m a y be theoretically conceived, which
fundamental and scientific research as to how can be employed parallel and supplementary to
the result (C) comes out. the resistance test. Even following the conven-
In the early period of tank experiments when tional method, the wave-making resistance theory
the hull form has not as yet been well developed, should have been applied in planning an empirical,
the resistance test with such defects could serve methodical series test and in analyzing the data
its purpose. When the tests were carried out obtained. The need of a theoretical guidance
repeatedly on various hull forms in those days should be emphasized in particular for the decision
they produced data that could be used to improve of the parent form and the selection of principal
hull form~. Supposing that it had been known parameters. Owing to inadequacy in this regard
in the age of Froude that there was need for the result obtained by the methodical series tests
another test to be conducted along with the re- conducted up to date could have but quite a
sistance test, from a theoretical point of view, limited significance, and could never claim the
researchers could have no alternative other than applicability to general wave-making resistance
being totally dependent on the resistance test features of ships, thereby establishing a general
because no such preliminary conditions could rule.
have been fulfilled in those days that are called In connection with item (a) of the three favor-
for by such other testing method. Let us ex- able conditions mentioned, let us consider briefly
amine irt the following paragraphs what these a method of analyzing the process (I), from the
preconditions are. hull form to ship's waves. It is to be admitted
The diagram, Fig. 1, might suggest that a new that the theory has not yet been perfected by
method of tank experiments which could supple- which ship's waves could be obtained directly
ment the aforementioned defects of the resistance from a given hull form. This still remains a
test should be one in which the greatest im- problem to be solved by future study. W h a t has
portance is attached to the observation of waves been found out so far is that either Michell's theo-
of models. However, mere photographic ob- retical method (189S) [3] of linearization, in which
servation of a model's waves could be of no sig- special restrictions are imposed to the hull form,
nificance because the phenomena shown in the or Guilloton's "tangential potential" method
course of either (I) or (II) are quite complicated. [4,5], in which the second-order corrections have
The observation could be useful only with the been included, cannot make rational high-order
knowledge of the physical law, or the theory corrections required owing to the viscosity
which explains the relationship between the hull effect. In this respect the method [6] which the
form and the waves created by it, and that be- author has been using since 1949 seems to achieve
tween the waves so created and wave-making better accuracy. I n this method, instead of
resistance. In the proposed method of hull- starting the analysis with ship geometry, the
form research, it m a y be said, the theory precedes
the experiment. Since the phenomena to be Numbers in brackets indicate References at the end of
attacked are so complicated, the theory alone can the paper.

284 Wave-Making Resistance of Ships

ship's geometric body is obtained starting at the study first another relationship in the process (II)
given source distribution. This method is as so that the wave-making resistance can be ob-
indicated by the process (IA), in the diagram, tained from ship's waves.
Fig. 2. The wave-making resistance is a "force" vector
However, a source distribution is used to repre- having the same direction as and the opposite sign
to the ship's velocity vector. In a general treat-

ram_it of the resistance of a body moving in a
fluid, the answer can be found from the energy
carried to the rear of the body. The energy carrier
may be a vortex system or a surface-wave system,
and so on. This analysis is made in the far rear


1 of the body, where fluid motion has :much simpler
features. This is for the reason that, since the
Fig. 2 Block diagram (2) scalar product of the two vectors just mentioned
is not zero, as the body advances it continuously
gives the fluid around it a positive work-(i.e.,
sent an actual hull form as it is cannot be given energy) which is in proportion to the distance
directly by this method without great difficulty. of its advance. When the viscosity of the fluid
Here again the proposed method of wave analysis is ignored, the energy so given is steadily aeeunm-
could prove very effective. lated in the fluid as wave energy. I t is reasonable
I t is a method of hull-form research intended to assume that this accumulated energy will
for the thorough investigation of wave-making remain in some form behind the body. In the
resistance by a combiried use of experiment wake the further the distance away from the
and theory which are co-related through the body the simpler are the features of the flow mo-
photographic observation of a model's waves; tion in general. This makes it comparatively
in particular through the analysis of stereopic- easy to investigate in what manner the energy
tures. Part 1 is devoted to the discussion of the is carried to the far rear of the body.
basic principles and P a r t 2 to the "waveless form" A method like the foregoing has often been
as examples of the application of the proposed employed effectively to explain the resistance of a
method. This method has been investigated body in motion in a perfect fluid, as shown by such
in the Experimental Tank of the University of outstanding examples as (a) the theory of resist-
T o k y o over a period of several years. ance due to K~rm{m vortices, (b) the theory of
discontinuous motion with respect to the pressure
Part 1 Basesof Proposed Method resistance of a plate placed vertically in a flow,
and (c) the induced drag of a wing with a finite
In this part of the paper the discussions will be span due to accompanying free vortices.
on the three elenlents which constitute the bases The method is applicable also to the wave-
of the proposed method of hull-form research making resistance of ships. The carrier of the
adopted at the Experimental T a n k of the Uni- energy supplied into the water by a ship in motion
versity of Tokyo. This method is essentially a is its waves. But not all waves carry energy" to
combination of theoretical and experimental the rear of the ship. Only a portion of ship's
studies of ship's waves and wave-making resist- waves transport energy rearward. To be more
ance. The two of the elements are the analytical precise, the gravity waves created by a ship ad-
theories which correspond respectively to the two vancing through the surface of water consist of
phases of the process, (I) and (II), from "hull two types of waves, which are entirely different
form" to "wave-making resistance" via "waves" in character, as expressed by the following equa-
as shown in Fig. 1. The third one is the tech- tions.
niques involved in taking bird's-eye view pictures
of model's wave pattern and their stereo-analysis. ~(x,y) = ¢,(x,y) + ¢,~.(x,y) (t)
I Havelock's Theory
fl(x,y) = local disturbance, (2)
If an ordinary course of discussions is followed
with respect to the theories involved, this section
f,,(x,y) = free-wave pattern (3)
should start with how to establish a relationship In this case the coordinates are assumed to move
in the process (I) in ~Fig. 1 such that ship's waves with the ship, with the z-axis vertically upward;
can be predicted from the geometry of a ship. z = 0 on the still-water surface and the x-axis
However, let us consider this subject later and opposite to the ship's course.

Wave-Making Resistance of Ships 285

0 1234 5


~-" / / / - - ~/

0 . ~~ j / /

o: oo Ce=o o)

", \ "\2~T~." \
~10 o
I, \\ \ \
I\. \ \ j \ . ~
\ \ \ \
I \ \ N \
~,20 o
80 ° 70 ° 60 ° 50 ° 40 ° 55°16 ' 30 °

Fig. 3 Kelvin wave group

T h e local d i s t u r b a n c e in e q u a t i o n (2) is con- I n his two p a p e r s [1,2] p u b l i s h e d in 1934, which

spicuous o n l y in t h e n e i g h b o r h o o d of t h e ship. were m e n t i o n e d p r e v i o u s l y , Sir T h o m a s H e n r y
T h e s e w a v e s are n o n o s c i l l a t o r y w a v e s which H a v e l o c k t r e a t e d a f r e e - w a v e p a t t e r n as a re-
m o n o t o n i c a l l y a n d r a p i d l y decrease as t h e y go s u l t a n t of t h e " e l e m e n t a r y w a v e s . " B a s e d on
f u r t h e r a w a y from t h e ship. C o n t r a r y to t h e this c o n c e p t he o b t a i n e d an e x t r e m e l y simple, a n d
local d i s t u r b a n c e , t h e f r e e - w a v e p a t t e r n of equa- elegant relationship between the elementary
tion (3) consists of o s c i l l a t o r y w a v e s which, are w a v e s a n d t h e w a v e - m a k i n g resistance as expressed
n o t f o u n d a h e a d of t h e ship, b u t a r e f o u n d o n l y in b y t h e following e q u a t i o n s :
its r e a r o v e r an endless s t r e t c h of distance. ~/2
B o t h w a v e s c o n t a i n w a v e e n e r g y (the s u m of
p o t e n t i a l e n e r g y a n d k i n e t i c energy). W h i l e t h e ~v,(x,y) ~ F,J--rr/2 S(O) sin [K0 sec 20(x - x0 cos 0

local d i s t u r b a n c e m a i n t a i n s a c o n s t a n t a m o u n t of
d- y sin 0) ] dO -I- ./2 (o) c o s [K0 sec20 (.~ - x0
w a v e e n e r g y r e g a r d l e s s of t i m e a n d t h e i r d i s t r i b u - ~/2
tion is c o n c e n t r a t e d in t h e s h i p ' s p r o x i m i t y , t h e
X COS 0 + y sin 0)]d0 (4)
r a n g e of t h e f r e e - w a v e p a t t e r n is increasing p r o -
p o r t i o n a t e l y to t h e d i s t a n c e over which t h e ship where
h a s a d v a n c e d . As a consequence t h e t o t a l s u m
Ko = g/V 2 (S)
of t h e w a v e - m o t i o n e n e r g y in t h e w a v e s y s t e m
increases w i t h t h e a d v a n c e of time. T o p u t i t I n (4) sign " ~ - / ' i n d i c a t e s t h a t this e q u a t i o n
in a n o t h e r way, t h e difference b e t w e e n the two becomes a c c u r a t e when t h e v a l u e of x ( > 0) is
w a v e s y s t e m s is t h a t , while t h e local d i s t u r b a n c e sufficiently large, V r e p r e s e n t s t h e s h i p ' s speed,
has n o t h i n g to do w i t h t h e t r a n s f e r of t h e w a v e a n d g t h e a c c e l e r a t i o n of g r a v i t y . E a c h t e r m
energy, t h e f r e e - w a v e p a t t e r n alone is responsible on t h e r i g h t - h a n d side of e q u a t i o n (4) r e p r e s e n t s a
for it. T h a t m e a n s t h e w a v e which is r e l a t e d K e l v i n w a v e g r o u p as shown in Fig. 3, or to be
to t h e s t e a d y w a v e - m a k i n g resistance is n o t t h e m o r e precise, a H o g n e r w a v e g r o u p as shown in
s h i p ' s w a v e as a whole, b u t o n l y t h e f r e e - w a v e Fig. 4. I t is well k n o w n t h a t these m a t h e m a t i c a l
p a t t e r n expressed b y e q u a t i o n (3). w a v e p a t t e r n s express s h i p ' s w a v e s f a i r l y well.

286 Wave-Making Resistance of Ships


~_ 19°30'


I ~___
0 o×` "t s I ,0 15

Thin line: calculated

Thick line: measured with Model C-201
- - crest -- - trough

Fig. 4 Hogner wave group

H a v e l o c k took note of the fact t h a t at a given J

0-value the i n t e g r a n d in each t e r m on the right-
h a n d side of e q u a t i o n (4) represents a one-di- .&
m e n s i o n a l , sinusoidal wave t r a v e l i n g in a direction
0-angle a w a y from the x-axis with a p r o p a g a t i o n
speed I/cos 0. T o u n d e r s t a n d this, we m a y refer
to Fig. 5. A n e q u a t i o n to express s t r a i g h t line L
can be given b y
(:c -- xo) c o s 0 + y s i n 0 = p (6)
a n d the w a v e l e n g t h of the g r a v i t y wave with prop-
a g a t i o n speed of gcos 0 m a y be given b y
2rr 2~r
x ( 0 ) = X0eos'-'0 = K0 c°s~° = -- (Vcos0)-' (7) Fig. 5
Havelock called the o n e - d i m e n s i o n a l waves
j u s t m e n t i o n e d " e l e m e n t a r y waves," a n d showed
t h a t the K e l v i n wave group is p r o d u c e d as a result
of the m u t u a l interference of these waves which (2~L Jr- 1~22)~r, @, =: integer)
are f o u n d over the range of T h e n a k e d eye c a n n o t d i s t i n g u i s h each ele-
7F 7r
m e n t a r y wave, b u t can o n l y see the K e l v i n wave
group which comes o u t as the final results of the
2 2
m u t u a l interference of the e l e m e n t a r y waves.
T o explain this more precisely, let us consider T h e K e l v i n wave group has, as is well k n o w n ,
envelopes consisting of a group of s t r a i g h t lines two wave systems of t r a n s v e r s e w a v e a n d diverg-
which satisfy the isophasal c o n d i t i o n given b y ing wave, of which the former consists of the
K 0 s e e ~ 0 (x -- x0 cos 0 + y sin 0) = const (S) e l e m e n t a r y waves 101 = no t, ~
L() -,-
do o I6', a n d t h e l a t t e r
of those 101 = 35016 ' to 90 ° . A t the so-called
As i l l u s t r a t e d in Fig. 3, these s t r a i g h t lines are
" q u a s i - c u s p " p o i n t a which corresponds to 0 =
g a t h e r e d t o g e t h e r to form the K e l v i n wave group
35016 ' there is a phase difference of X0/3 ( ~ of
as t h e envelopes. As for the K e l v i n wave group
the first integral on the r i g h t - h a n d side of e q u a t i o n a The "quasi-cusp" point means the iulaginary crossing
(4), i.e., the sine term, the crest is expressed when point of the transverse wave and the diverging wave when
the c o n s t a n t on the r i g h t - h a n d side of e q u a t i o n (S) the phase difference is ignored as shown in Fig. 8. On the
other hand, the cusp point means the true crossing point
is as shown in Fig. 4.

Wave-Making Resistanceof Ships 287

(I) IB (Ii)

I I', I',/
/ II! /I. J.
/ ../-;.2"~;;f v^+ I
/ / / / ZJf-q
M~ /
_ ~ ~ ' 7.d-". . -- - 7
/ 1 1 1 / i / .¢.1~

Fig. 6

wavelength) between the two wave systems. Following another paper [2] of Havelock pub-
When this difference is ignored, the isophasal lines lished in 1934, we shall see next a relationship
in the wave patterns m a y be illustrated as in between wave-making resistance and the free-
Fig. 3; and when this difference is taken into wave pattern mentioned in the foregoing. In
account the isophasal lines can be shown as in this case, instead of a coordinate system which
Fig. 4. These, too, are well-known facts. moves with a ship, we consider a coordinate system
The concept of the "elementary waves" is fixed to the still-water surface. In Fig. 6 let us
extremely useful in the discussion of all problems consider two fixed planes, A and B , which are per-
relevant to the study of the wave-making resist- pendicular to the direction of the ship's course, A
ance. I t is so important that no efficient study being far ahead of the ship and B far in the rear
of wave-making resistance can be made easily of it. At the moment, t = t, the free-wave pat-
without a clear concept of the elementary waves. tern is at the position indicated by a soIid line,
For example, the discontinuous phenomenon and it will advance to the position shown by a
[7] due to the restricted water effect can be ex- dotted line at the time, t = t + At. An increase
plained fully by empIoying this concept. The in energy in the fluid between A-plane and B-plane
discovery of the waveless form to be discussed is equal to an increase in wave energy correspond-
in this paper was made also from this very concept. ing to the increase in the area of the free-wave
For simplicity let us represent the whole of the pattern. The quantity of the increase of wave
right-hand side of equation (S) by F (0), calling energy can be obtained by advancing the wave
it the phase function of the elementary waves, patterns shown by the solid line to the position
and S (0) and C (0) on the right-hand side of shown by the dotted line over a distance, ax
equation (4) the amplitude functions of the sine = vat. By a lengthy calculation Havelock
wave and the cosine wave, respectively. I t is obtained the expression for the time average of
easy to imagine that where the value of x is suf- such energy increase as
ficiently large, in each integral of the right-hand
side of equation (4) the main contribution is from gax=~pv .~at F~/2 {A(0)}~ c°sB° do (9)
a small range of 0-values. The contributions from u-,/2 i + sin°"0
the remaining portion are cancelled with each where
other because of rapid phase changes. This
means an asymptotic expansion can be applied
{.~(0)}~ = {s(0)}~ + {c(o)}~ (lo)
to the right-hand side of equation (4). Such In equation (9) Ois the density of water.
expansions are given in Appendix 1. This increase of energy m a y be attributable to

288 Wave-Making Resistance of Ships

two sources, W~ and W2. The first source, 14:~ for the two following reasons, Havelock's theory
is the work performed by the ship as it advances as the most i m p o r t a n t and the most effective
against wave-making resistance, Rw: means for the naval architect who undertakes the
study of wave-making resistance of ships in t a n k
W~ At = R~ ~x = R~ V ,St (11)
The second source, W.., is the work performed 1. By following Havelock's theory it is possible
through vertical plane /3, b y fluid (II), which is to connect the visible ship's wave directly to the
in the rear of the vertical plane 13, to fluid (I), wave-making resistance.
in a form of (pressure) X (x-component of fluid 2. His theory offers a great convenience for
velocity). This work W2 performed is the energy making the viscosity corrections and other higher
transfer due to the wave motion. The value of order corrections b y comparing the theoretical
W~ changes, like that of E, with time according computations with the experimentally observed
to the phase of the wave. The time average can ship's waves. I t is ahnost impossible to make
be expressed b y the following equation : these corrections when the theory alone is em-

I F'~ ,~t = ~ p V :~ ~t
//~'/2 {A (0)
}2 - c°s~0
- dO
a-,/') 1 -Jr- sin20 2 Nonlinear Treatment of Ship Surface Condition
(12) This section will be devoted to the discussion of
From the energy-conservation law in which the the process (I) in Fig. 1 which will explain a rela-
viscosity of fluid is ignored we have tionship between the "hull form" (A) and the
"ship's waves" (B). There are some reasons why
/~ Ax -- W, at ~- IP: At (13)
the process (I) is taken up after the process (II).
and from the foregoing, wave-making resistance In the first place, since there are several theo-
R~ is expressed in a very simple form like retical approaches by which "wave-making re-
sistance" (C) is derived from the "ship's waves"
R~ = /~ l'P2
V _ 97r p 17:2 F "/2 {.4 (0) } ~ eos:~0 dO (B), the point to be emphasized in the discussion
- d - ~/2
of the process (I) will v a r y depending on which of
(14) these approaches is followed. From a hydro-
Equation (14) shows t h a t the wave-making dynamic point of view, actual ship hulls have
resistance of a ship is an integration of the quan- quite complicated three-dimensional forms. I t
tity {A(0)}2 weighed by a factor cos:~0. From is extremely difficult to treat the wave-making
this we can see that, where the value of A(0) phenomena involved exactly. I t is necessary to
changes little with respect to 0, the wave-nmking make some assumptions to simplify the problem
resistance is determined mainly by the amplitude in order to make it amendable. The assumptions,
of the transverse wave. As the diverging wave, which can be made and still yield a useful solu-
especially at a large 0-value, has a small wave- tion, also influences the discussion of the process
length, it is more visible than the transverse (I). We shall linfit our discussion here to the
wave when we observe ship's waves from above displacement ships with Froude number up to
downward vertically. This is because of the fact 0.3 or 0.35. Within this Froude-number range
t h a t the diverging wave has a steeper slope than our research work has been greatly emphasized.
the transverse wave. This sometimes tends to As mentioned before, as far as wave-making
give us an erroneous impression about the relative resistance is concerned, we need to study only the
importance of these two waves with respect to free-wave pattern in the far rear of a ship. In
wave-making resistance. In order not to be t a n k experiments, however, the model's waves
deceived by such an impression, it is advisable to reflected b y the side walls make it impossible to
take notice of the relationship expressed in equa- observe the wave pattern far enough in rear of
tion (14). the model as to avoid local disturbances. I t is
In the preceding paragraphs an outline has been necessary therefore to have the local disturbance
given of the concept of elementary waves formu- calculated beforehand so t h a t the free-wave
lated b y Havelock, as well as to the related theory pattern can be separated from the total of the
of wave-making resistance. As a theoretical waves observed. This means t h a t the " w a v e
approach to wave-making resistance of ships analysis" which is the most i m p o r t a n t p a r t of
there have so far been introduced several methods the work involved in the proposed method of
including Michell's method of pressure integration. hull-form research, consists of two items: The
(The detailed descriptions of these methods are first one is the division of the observed waves into
found in two papers [8,9] published b y Prof. the local disturbance and the free-wave pattern.
J. K. Lunde). However, the author regards, T h e other one is a detailed analysis of the free-

Wave-Making Resistance of Ships 289

wave pattern to obtain the amplitude function obtaining the ship geometry from an assumed
of the elementary waves. singularity distribution, this rigid-wM1 effect is
Generally speaking, in order to obtain ship's represented by a mirror image of the assumed
waves, there are two methods, direct and indirect. singularity distribution. The ship geometry is
The direct method is one by which the wave then obtained by tracing the streamlines on the
pattern is directly calculated from ship geometry. closed stream surface below z = 0. The nu-
Michell's theory and Guilloton's method (in the merical calculation involved is rather troublesome
latter the second-order corrections are added to but with the use of high-speed computers this will
the former) are included in the direct method. not impose any problem. I t should become
The approximation published by Havelock [10] possible in the near future to trace the streamlines
in 1943, useful for a high-speed range, m a y also by using equation (15) instead of its approxima-
come under this category. In this method the tion (18), so that the effect of the free surface can
hull form is represented by a finite number of be included.
point singularities. I11 the Experimental Tank of the University of
The advantage of the direct method in this Tokyo, this indirect method has been used to
case is that the relationship between the hull obtain more than ten models [13-15] since 1949.
form and the corresponding waves is direct. The A matter of primary importance in such work is
disadvantage is the poor accuracy caused by the the choice of locations where the singularities are
linearized treatment of the ship-surface condition, to be placed. Various methods of distribution
which is necessary to permit such direct relation- can be considered, including the most complicated
ship. volume distribution, a curved-surface distribu-
In the indirect method, a continuous distribu- tion, a simpler vertical plane or horizontal plane
tion of comparatively simple equivalent singu- distribution, and others.
larities is assumed instead of defining the detail In this paper we shall discuss the simplest and
of the ship geometry, as the first step. Since a most effective one among all these distributions
velocity potential due to this system of singu- with respect to displacement ships of F = 0.1
larities has been formulated by Havelock [11,12], to 0.3 or 0.35. Since the waves made by ships
the surface elevation f (x, y) at an arbitrary point at such small Froude number has a short wave-
P (x, y) on the surface of the water can be ob- length compared with the hull length, the ship's
tained. Therefore, there is no problem in the maxinmm beam and the midship section form
process I(B) in Fig. 2. Only the process I(A), exercise little effect on the ship's waves, but the
through which "hull form" (A) is obtained from ship's local geometrical characteristics near both
"given source distribution," needs further dis- ends are the controlling factors, Appendix 2.
cussions. For usual ship hull form, the ship's beam is much
When we write the condition of velocity po- larger than the draft in the midship section.
tential on the free surface in a nondimensional But near the ends the ratio between the load-
form and in the scope of the infinitesimal wave waterline offset and the section depth is usually
theory we have very small. In a speed range from F = 0.1
to 0.3 or 0.35, as will be shown later, it is only
b2~ b~
bX.> KoL ~ = 0 (Z = 0), (15) necessary to make exact correspondence between
the source distribution and the hull geometry
where near the ends. The simple vertical source dis-
tribution meets this requirement. This is the
q> = 4>/(I;L), X = x / L , Z = z / L , (16)
reason that the singularities were distributed
also within the central vertical plane z = 0 for all the
model experiments by the author. Fig. 7(e)
K o L = L g / V °" = 1 I F 2, (F = Froude number) (17)
illustrates the simplest of this distribution known
Since we have K o L = 25 at F = 0.2 and K o L as the rectangular distribution. The examples so
= 11.1 at F = 0.3, the value of K o L is fairly large far calculated are only of the separated type dis-
compared to 1 within this range, and we m a y ap- tributions, in which the function of source strength
proximate equation (15) by the equation (18), re(x, y) is separated into the lengthwise func-
because the first term is considered to be negligible tion fl(x) and the draftwise function of the draft
bcP w direction ft.(z), as expressed by
- - 0, ( Z - - 0 ) , (18)
bZ V re(x, z) = f l (x) f2(z) (19)
In equation (18) the surface of water z = 0 The hull form represented by the source dis-
is regarded as a rigid wall. For the purpose of tribution on the median plane, as shown in Fig.

290 Wave-Making Resistanceof Ships

-I Y t

-T -T

(a) Plane o f S o u r c e Oisfribu÷iom


l -4 /5'

(b) Ship Geomefry

Fig. 7 Rectangular plane distribution

7(b), resembles an o r d i n a r y hull form near the Table 1 Values of KoT sec20
ends, b u t differs c o n s i d e r a b l y n e a r a m i d s h i p ~A'07" sec20 (T/L = 0 . 0 4 ) ~
toward which the keel line curves d o w n w a r d . F 0 = 0° 0 = 30 ° 0 = 60 °
However, the hull form n e a r the load w a t e r l i n e 0.1 4 5. 333 16
can be m a d e to a n y required form b y selecting an 0.15 1. 778 2. 370 7. 111
0.2 1 1. 333 4
a p p r o p r i a t e source d i s t r i b u t i o n f u n c t i o n re(x, z). 0.25 0.64 0. 853 2.56
T h a t m e a n s a m a j o r p o r t i o n of the difference be- 0.3 O. 444 O. 593 1 . 778
tween such form a n d a n o r d i n a r y hull form is near
the lower m i d d l e part. I t is well k n o w n t h a t the
a b i l i t y of a m o v i n g b o d y to m a k e surface waves According to T a b l e 1, when the theoretical
decreases with the increase of submergence. hull form in Fig. 7(b) is c o m p a r e d to the o r d i n a r y
W i t h respect to a b o d y s u b m e r g e d to a d e p t h f, hull form in Fig. S(b), the effect on the waves due
a n y wave with a w a v e l e n g t h less t h a n 2J" can be to a difference in the b o t t o m shape is of no sig-
neglected. T h e ratio b e t w e e n the d r a f t T a n d nificance in a speed r a n g e b e t w e e n F = 0.1 a n d
the w a v e l e n g t h of the e l e m e n t a r y waves in the 0.15. I t becomes noticeable when F r o u d e n u m -
0-direction X(0) is as follows: ber is larger t h a n this, b u t this effect is n o t very
serious w i t h i n the F r o u d e - n u m b e r range u n d e r
l"/x(o) = ~ KoI" see ~-O, (20) consideration.
Several m e t h o d s m a y be considered to keep the
Therefore, w h e n K 0 T sect0 exceeds 7r, the shape keel line straight. One m e t h o d m a y be, for
of the b o t t o m will have little effect on all the example, the source d i s t r i b u t i o n s in vertical tri-
e l e m e n t a r y waves with a direction angle larger angles as i l l u s t r a t e d in Fig. 8(a) i n s t e a d of the
t h a n 0. T h e values of K o T sec20 a t F = 0.l r e c t a n g u l a r p l a n e d i s t r i b u t i o n . In this case,
to 0.3 on the hull form T / L = 0.04 are given in however, it is expected t h a t a m u c h greater n u m -
T a b l e 1. ber of calculations m u s t be carried o u t in o b t a i n -

Wave-Making Resistanceof Ships 291

a 1

F// -T

(a) Plane of Scurce Dis+ribution

z Z

{b) Shlp Geometry

Fig. 8 Triangular plane distribution

ing the ship geometry, the wave pattern, and the paragraphs Michell's linearization in the treat-
wave-making resistance. ment of the ship-surface condition has not been
In the Experimental T a n k of the University of used. In Michell's theory the ship geometry and
Tokyo, the simplest source distribution as shown the corresponding source distribution Vm(x, z)
in Figs. 7(a) and 7(b) has been adopted as a pre- are related directly by the following equation :
liminary step in the experiment. At first a source
m(.v, o, z) = - 2 ~--Y (21)
distribution is chosen to represent a hull form bx
with good resistance performance. From this
chosen source distribution the corresponding hull
geometry is obtained by following the indirect y = y(x, z) = equation for ship surface (22)
method mentioned before. After the resistance In the comparative studies of the theory of
test and the wave observation experiment have wave-making resistance and the results of tank
been completed, this model is modified near the experiments, this linearization assumed in equa-
middle lower part to obtain a practical form tion (21) had always been employed until the
suitable for commercial use. The same tests are accuracy of such approximation was questioned
also conducted on this modified model. I t has by the author. I t is rather important to know
been noticed that within the interested Froude- the sources of inaccuracy of N[ichell's wave-mak-
number range the difference in resistance is usually ing resistance theory before we seek any im-
small. Also it has been found that the difference provement. In the past the viscosity effect was
in wave profiles observed correspond very well thought to be the_major source and, as a result,
with the difference in wave-making resistance no satisfactory improvement to Michell's theory
measured. More detailed discussion on this sub- could possibly be found. Since Wigley [16],
ject will be introduced in Section 5 of Part 2. started the comparative study in 1926, such study
In the method introduced in the foregoing has been made on nearly sixty different hull

292 Wave-Making Resistanceof Ships

O.OOS j-
½ I @,
Model 1113
I 0.004
--o 0003
, q" 0.002


g.s 2.5 3.0 3.5 4,0 4.5 S.O

v- m / s e c

I iii
Model Ill~t


,'.-I~l~ o.ooz
h ~

o.oo i

°.s 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 ,5.0
V= Ft3/Sec

o 005 I /
Model 1136 t

° 0.003 ,,,7
OWL 0.002 I~' ~ °s

°°° °

05 '2". 1.5 2.0 2.5

3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5,0
O.iO0 0.200 0-7:00 0.400 0.500 0.600
Model 1136 -v/g~c
~.-0.7238 ~ - 0 , 9 2 9 6= O,6lg t8.5 Ill) 15 5.5
, , , , , , , , IO.OB.O
2L51S~ , , , , ,G.05,04.235
, , , i 31.0 Z5 1. ,
2.0 ,
1.4 , __
3/7. = ~

Fig. 9 Comparison of measured (broken line) and calculated (solid line) wave-making resistance by Michell's
theory (Weinblum 1932)

forms by himself, Weinblum [17], and others, b y Weinblum. This is only one of the typical
Fig. 9 indicates an example of the result obtained examples which show that, when Michell's theory

Wave-Making Resistance of Ships 293

5,/b Parc~bo/ic Wo+eriine

-I.0 0 I.o

oStern f I I ) ) Bow I0
-I.0 1 J I .,j~'O 1.0
b=0.20 ---

- 2 b = O .~ ~ \ ~- ~/" ' .n/ /


Fig. 10 Comparison in waterline and in source distribution

is followed, t h e c a l c u l a t e d w a v e - m a k i n g r e s i s t a n c e 3
is a l w a y s s m a l l e r t h a n t h e m e a s u r e d one a t t h e
l a s t h u m p F - 0.5. C o n s i d e r i n g the fact t h a t , a t LIB =5
h u m p s , t h e v i s c o s i t y h a s a l w a y s the t e n d e n c y to 2
decrease w a v e - m a k i n g resistance, i t seems reason-
a b l e to believe t h a t M i c h e l l ' s t h e o r y u n d e r e s t i -
m a t e s t h e w a v e - m a k i n g resistance a t the n e i g h b o r -
~ >
,- ~
"L/B = 20 ""
hood of F = 0.5.
T h i s t h o u g h t s t i m u l a t e d t h e a u t h o r to investi-
//// ~Exac+
..... Appro×[nmfe
g a t e t h e possible difference b e t w e e n t h e a p p r o x -
i m a t e source d i s t r i b u t i o n in e q u a t i o n (21) a n d t h e 0 !
0.2 0.3 0-4 0.5 0.6 0.3
c o r r e c t source d i s t r i b u t i o n . H e also o b t a i n e d t h e
difference b e t w e e n t h e w a t e r l i n e form r e p r e s e n t e d
b y t h e a p p r o x i m a t e source d i s t r i b u t i o n of equa- Fig. 11 Comparison in wave-making resistance
(parabolic waterline)
tion (21) a n d t h e original w a t e r l i n e form. A n
e x a m p l e is shown in Fig. 10, in which t h e w a t e r -
line is given b y t h e ship, a n d where F r o u d e n u m b e r is large t h e
w a v e s are affected b y t h e a r e a u n d e r t h e source-
y = b(1 -- x 2) (23) d i s t r i b u t i o n curves. I n Fig. 10 t h e w a t e r l i n e s
cross each o t h e r a t x = 0.S, a n d t h e source-dis-
w i t h b = B / L = 0.05, 0.10 a n d 0.20, or L / B t r i b u t i o n curves cross each o t h e r a t x = 0.9.
= 20, 10 a n d 5. T h i s e x a m p l e i n d i c a t e s t h a t b y In Fig. 1 t t h e p o i n t w h e r e Cw curves cross each
M i c h e l l ' s a p p r o x i m a t i o n , errors of a f a i r l y large o t h e r is F = 0.35. T h e s e t h r e e crossing p o i n t s
m a g n i t u d e a r e f o u n d even o11 a v e r y n a r r o w hull are r e l a t e d to one another.,
f o r m of b = 0.05 (L/B = 20). Fig. 11 shows t h e s e F r o m t h e foregoing results we m a y safely
errors in t e r m s of t h e c a l c u l a t e d w a v e - m a k i n g c o n c l u d e t h a t in a lower speed r a n g e t h a n F
resistance. T h e c o m p a r i s o n b e t w e e n these two = 0.35 M i c h e l l ' s t h e o r y o v e r e s t i m a t e s t h e w a v e -
figures shows t h a t where F r o u d e n m n b e r is small m a k i n g resistance, a n d in a higher speed range it
w a v e - m a k i n g r e s i s t a n c e is affected p r e d o m i n a n t l y u n d e r e s t i m a t e s t h e w a v e - m a k i n g resistance. A n
b y t h e source d i s t r i b u t i o n n e a r b o t h e n d s of e x a m p l e shown in Fig. 12 i n d i c a t e s some results

294 Wave-Making Resistance of Ships

S-IOI (Exoctl~/Corresponding Model ~-Meos,~od
~_ 0.003
- ------
A-101 (App~irnolel y CorrespondingModel)J ' ' "1' ~ , - ~ " - - ~
Colculofed(Uncorrecfed) F¢~'_~_~"-~--~._
~: I ~ 0.002

U 0.001

o.~o o.~s o.zo o.zs o.3o o.3s 0.40 o.4s aoo o.os o.~o
Fig. 12 Comparison of measured wave-making resistance for models S-IO1 (exact) and A-IOI (approximate)

obtained experimentally b y conducting resistance calculated profiles of the bow waves shows t h a t the
tests on Models S-101 and A-101. B o t h models phase of the measured wave leads t h a t of the
were derived from the same given source distribu- calculated as illustrated in Fig. 23. F o r the
tion. Model A-101 was obtained based on equa- a m o u n t of this phase difference = X r , 6r m a y
tion (21), while Model S-10t was obtained b y be defined as follows:
following the a u t h o r ' s m e t h o d m e n t i o n e d pre- 6~ = Xj,/'L (27)
viously. T h e given source distribution is ex-
As for w a v e - m a k i n g resistance, a comparison
pressed as follows:
between the result of the experiment and t h a t of
Jl(X) = a.~:v, (--I < x < 1),~ (24) the theoretical calculation indicates t h a t the
j"2(z) = 1, (--77< z < O) f former has h u m p s and hollows shifted t o w a r d a
with higher speed range. I t seems reasonable to in-
terpret this as being due to the distance L be-
2'/(21) = 1"/5 = 0.05, a~ = 0.4: tween the starting point of bow wave and t h a t
Based Oil equation (21) it is easy to see t h a t the of the stern wave having increased to (1 q- 6) L.
waterline of A-101 is given b y A portion of 6 is 6~. mentioned before, and the
remainder is 6A, which is used to a c c o u n t for the
y = b(1 -- .~VZe), ( - - [ < :v < Z), (2.5)
viscosity effect. 3"o define this we nlay write
where 6 = 6F+,h (2S)
b = a J 4 = 0.1 (26) In equation (28) while 6,~ denotes principally
the viscosity effect, it also expresses a m u c h more
In the same figure the calculated w a v e - m a k i n g complicated substance. F o r example, when wave
resistance based on the same given source distribu- profiles are measured along a centerline (:v-axis)
tion in the perfect fluid is also plotted. F r o m
i m m e d i a t e l y behind the stern, the wave length
these curves it is quite clear t h a t the a u t h o r ' s
there is found clearly s o m e w h a t shorter t h a n the
objection to Michell's theory is b o t h meaningful
theoretical wave length, which corresponds to
and fruitful. These results also show t h a t the
ship's speed V and is expressed b y
difference between the two models agrees very
well with w h a t has been anticipated b y the a u t h o r Xo = 2rrV'-'/g (2!))
as stated previously. T h e tigure further shows This shows the effects of a frictional belt.
t h a t the effect of the errors due to 5,[ichell's T h e fact t h a t the waves propagate in the rear
approximation is either equal to or greater than of a ship t h r o u g h this frictional belt seems to have
the effect of the viscosity. m u c h to do with 6~ (> 0). To explain it minutely,
A l t h o u g h the a u t h o r ' s indirect m e t h o d has 6a (> 0) seems to come o u t for the reason that,
a d v a n c e d a step .toward improving Michell's besides the effective starting point of the stern
approximation in the t r e a t m e n t of ship surface waves lags behind (this has been proven b y a
conditions, it does not t r e a t the free-surface con- result obtained in the course of the waveless stern-
dition exactly. This n a t u r a l l y leads to errors, form research to be described in Section 4, P a r t
especially at the higher F r o u d e - n u m b e r range. 2), the wave-lnaking separation L, measured b y
Such effect of free surface is shown, for the m o s t the actual wavelength which has become a little
part, as phase shift of the bow wave. T o be more smaller, works as if it becalne (t + 6) L when
precise, a comparison between the measured and measured b y the unit of the original wavelength.

Wave-Making Resistanceof Ships 295

Correcfion Facfors
Cases Marks
0.008 _ _ Ideal Fluid 1 0 A

Viscous Fluid 0.8 0.05 B

2 ~ O.G QIO C

~ l ~ 0.004


0,0 015 o zo o z5 030 03s o40 045 o so 05s 060 o os 070

FiB. 13 Comparison of calculated wave-making resistance for ideal fluid and viscous fluid (T/L = 0.05)

----- C~lculafed (Uncorrecfed)
- - ]'S- 1011. Calculai-ed ('Cot reefed)
tv- t~
• S-IOI M e a s u r e d .i
o S-201 Measured / J ~,~
_5 0.002

0 -~,~
O/O 0.15 0.20 0.7_5 0.30
0.40 1~3`5
0.4.5 0.50 0.55 0.60 O.GS 0.70
F= V v/-~
Fig. 14 Measured and calculated wave-making resistance coefficients for models S-tO1 and S-201 (T/L = 0.05)

T h e a u t h o r has i n t r o d u c e d simple c o r r e c t i o n r e s u l t i n d i c a t e d in Fig. 14 shows t h e r e is a g r e a t

f a c t o r s (/3, 6) in which 6, t h e a f o r e m e n t i o n e d s i m i l a r i t y b e t w e e n t h e two. N e e d l e s s to say, in
p h a s e correction, is c o m b i n e d w i t h t h e r e d u c t i o n t h e t h e o r e t i c a l c o m p u t a t i o n of e q u a t i o n (14),
f a c t o r 3 which expresses t h e w a v e h e i g h t of t h e (/3, 6) is m a d e to v a r y s o m e w h a t w i t h F r o u d e
stern w a v e w h i c h b e c o m e s s m a l l e r due to viscosity. n u m b e r for t h e s a m e hull form. Besides, a hull
B y this m e a n s t h e c a l c u l a t e d r e s u l t has been m a d e self-interference coefficient h a s been i n t r o d u c e d
to agree with t h e e x p e r i m e n t a l result. from t h e c o n s i d e r a t i o n t h a t t h e a m p l i t u d e of b o w
L e t us consider a source d i s t r i b u t i o n as p u t in w a v e s is s m a l l e r owing to t h e self-interference of
e q u a t i o n (24). A s t h e n u m e r i c a l c o n s t a n t 01 t h e hull. H o w e v e r , we will n o t discuss this p o i n t
is increased, t h e s h i p ' s b e a m increases, t h u s further.
shifting t h e s e p a r a t i o n p o i n t of t h e b o u n d a r y l a y e r
f o r w a r d . T h i s should m e a n t h a t t h e v i s c o s i t y 3 Bird's-Eye View Pictures and their Stereo-
effect b e c o m e s g r e a t e r . F o r s i m p l i c i t y let us Analysis Applied to Tank Experiments
a s s u m e t h a t t h e v a l u e of (/3, 6) is c o n s t a n t t h r o u g h -
o u t a whole r a n g e of F r o u d e n u m b e r , a n d c a l c u l a t e T h e p r i m a r y f u n c t i o n of an e x p e r i m e n t a l t o w i n g
w a v e - m a k i n g r e s i s t a n c e coefficient Cw' = R,o t a n k should be to r e p r o d u c e t h e w a v e - m a k i n g
d i v i d e d b y (p/2V2aI2L 2) for t h e t h r e e following p h e n o m e n a of ships as e x a c t l y as possible on
cases : scaled models. H o w e v e r , t h e p r e s e n t facilities
of t h e t o w i n g t a n k s a r e n o t a p p r o p r i a t e in m a n y
Cases Correction factors Marks in Fig. 13
0 a r e s p e c t s for t h e e x t e n s i v e a n d m i n u t e i n v e s t i g a -
Ideal Fluid . . . . . . . . 1 0 A tion of t h e w a v e s of m o d e l s for t h e reason t h a t
Viscous fluid f0.8 0.05 B these t a n k s h a v e been used chiefly for m e a s u r i n g
. . . . . . . ~0.6 0.10 C "force." T h e r e are l i g h t i n g a n d o t h e r t e c h n i c a l
T h e r e s u l t of t h e c a l c u l a t i o n is shown in Fig. 13. difficulties in t a k i n g p i c t u r e s of w a v e s on t h e
T h e c o m p a r i s o n of this w i t h t h e e x p e r i m e n t a l surface of w a t e r from above. T h e difficulties

296 Wave-Making Resistanceof Ships

(a) Model SR-452 (with full entrance and easy shoulder)

(b) Model SR-453 (with fine entrance and hard shoulder)

Fig. 15 Wave patterns for 2.5-m high-speed cargo liner models (F = 0.277, KoL = 13)

are d o u b l e d when, as in the ease of the a u t h o r a n d spect it should be n o t e d t h a t small size t a n k s w i t h

his colleagues, a n a t t e m p t is m a d e to i n v e s t i g a t e small size models are more a d a p t a b l e t h a n those of
waves in as wide a n area as possible. I n this re- a large size. C o m p a r e d to the difficulties in theo-

Wave-Making Resistanceof Ships 297

SR-45 Full Load ~.~.~J
Fore Body Cp- Curve Series /,s

A~ I z 3 4 s o v a 9 FP I//
plane C J
2 " '1 ' 3 4 ~ G ~9 'a' ' 7P. j ~

Cw ;sobfained by using Hughes Line

, I 1 ~co
to wifh form +ocfor K=0.25 I 1
~ / ~ SR-453

I t / r i
o.~s 020 o.z5 o.~o o.~s
F= v/V'ffwLCJ
Fig. 16 Wave-making resistance for Model SR-452 and Model SR-453

retical analysis as described in Section 2, however, (b) Use stereo-photogrammetry such as has
the difficulties of this kind can be overcome by actually been employed in the author's experi-
properly designing appropriate devices. ments up to date.
Fortunately, in the Experimental T a n k of the Method ((~), where a cylindrical lens is neces-
University of Tokyo, such problems have been sary to cast parallel light beams, has proven
for the most p a r t solved in the past five years, useful in case the measuring objects are not so
primarily b y Professor Takahei. The method large; for example, for optical study of model
of taking pictures of waves includes using alu- wing sections. For such use as intended by the
m i n u m foil (mesh 150 to 170) which is spread on author such a cylindrical lens will have to be so
the surface of water at a rate of about 1 gram large that it is not practical.
per sq meter, and strobo-light (flash time ]./2000 In the case of method (b), on the other hand,
see) used for illumination. The extremely short even if stereo-analysis could not be made, each
flashing time of this light permits us to obtain picture showing a wave pattern as a whole should
sharp pictures of waves with vivid details and also be very useful for qualitative study. Hence,
to take each pair of stereo-pictures with good research work has been conducted using this
synchronization. The surface of the water is method as a major tool. As an example of pic-
made very bright by light reflected by the silvery tures used for qualitative observation a pair of
surface of the scattered aluminum foil. I t is pictures is shown in Fig. 15. These pictures
possible to ignore the effect of the foil on surface were taken of two high-speed cargo liner models.
tension when the model length is over 1 m. Both have ordinary conventional lines, and the
Some ten years ago when the author conceived only difference is in the sectional-area curve of the
the idea of employing an optical method for the fore body. Model SR-452 has a large entrance
investigation of the wave pattern of a model, he angle and an easy fore shoulder, but Model SR-453
did not know which of the following methods has a small entrance angle and a hard fore
should be used: shoulder. The comparison of the two pictures
(a) T a k e pictures of wave profiles cut by any clearly shows the correspondence between the
vertical plane b y casting parallel light beams onto ship geometry and the ship waves. The hard
the surface of the water through slits having shoulder produces a large shoulder wave, while the
small width; repeat this operation to photograph large entrance angle gives a large bow wave. The
various sections of waves. Cw-curves of the both models plotted in Fig. 16

298 Wave-Making Resistance of Ships

show that, at speeds lower than F = 0.26, it is plan includes the following items, some of which
better to have a smaller entrance angle and a hard already have been put into effect:
shoulder. However, since the shoulder effect in- 1 I m p r o v e m e n t of the towing-carriage speed-
creases with speed, above this Froude number, control device.
Model SR-452 performs better than Model 2 Installation of a triple-type wide-angle stereo-
SR-453. camera.
Figs. 17 and 1S show examples of quantitative 3 Towing-carriage structure change as necessi-
study by stereo-analysis. The model used is a tated for the mounting of the wide-angle stereo-
2.5-m model of MS Kurenai ~14(~ru., a passenger camera.
coaster which was enlployed for full-scale experi- 4 An increase of the number of strobo lights to
ments carried out in the Spring of 1961, with a provide better illumination.
"waveless" bulb attached. 4 In either figure, (c,) 5 Installation of a double projection type
is of a hull form with a conventional bulb, and stereo-plotter.
(b) is of a form with a large size waveless bulb Some comment is necessary concerning the size
especially designed for these experiments. When of a towing tank in relation to the proposed
this kind of stereo-analysis is performed, we can method of tank experimentation in which the ob-
make any minute comparison between the theory servation of the waves of a model is of primary
and the experiment, especially by obtaining wave importance. In the conventional method of tank
profiles from the wave contours shown in these experiments a principal object has been the meas-
figures. The details on this subject will be dis- urement of force, or a quantity such as a force or a
cussed in Section 4, Part 2. torque which is in proportion to £a or L 4. Any of
A few lines will be devoted here to the de- these quantities sharply decreases as the size of a
scription of the importance of studying the "dif- model decreases, thus causing a relatively great
ference curves of wave profiles," and requirements error in the measured values. Besides, for hydro-
for the towing-carriage speed-control device. dynamic considerations such as laminar effect, it
In the process (I) from "hull form"(A) to is considered good practice to use as large a model
"ship's waves"(B), when analysis starts at a as practicable.
given distribution of singularities, instead of at However, in the new method intended for the
ship geometry, there is such linear relationship observation of the waves of a model astern and in
between singularities and waves that an addition as wide an area as possible, the quantity to be
of some singularities to a given original distribu- measured is the wave height which is in pro-
tion will always show its effect on waves in the portion to L, and the required area in which the
form of an addition. For this reason, the exam- measurement is in proportion to L 2. Hence, it is
ination of the wave-profile difference between the appropriate to use a small-size model to facilitate
two becomes a very useful means of grasping the camera work and illumination, for this will not
wave-making effect of additional singularities. cause appreciable lowering of accuracy in meas-
In this case, it is necessary that the speed be urement. It m a y be said, therefore, that the
exactly the same in each set of two runs. This proposed method has an interesting advantage,
means thai: the towing carriage must be provided and that no large model is ne.cessary. If possible,
with an automatic speed-control device. it seems wise to have a small towing tank exclu-
When the proposed method of hull-form research sively used for this type of optical experiments
is employed, it is usual that prior to tank experi- even in a laboratory provided with large tanks.
ments the theoretical wave-profile curves are The efficiency of research work could thus be
drawn from calculations for each speed. For greatly increased for the entire institution.
this calculation, tables of functions related to In summary, the following statements can be
wave profiles are used. These tables have been made in regard to the proposed new approach
prepared for properly spaced round numbers of to the hull-form research:
KoL = 1/F'. The pictures shown in Figs. 15 1 Start from the source distribution instead of
and others were taken in this way with KoL hull geometry. Better agreement is obtained
numbers having been chosen previously. between the measured and computed ship's
In the Experimental Tank of the University of waves due to better approximation on the ship
Tokyo, guided by past experience a plan has been surface condition.
under way for the improvement of the experi- 2 Based on Havelock's elementary-wave con-
mental facilities so that the proposed method cept, and his method of computing wave-making
of ship hull-form research work could be carried resistance from the amplitude functions of the
on with greater efficiency in the future. The elementary waves, a much better understanding
4 See iliustration, page 28;2. of the ship's wave-making mechanism is obtained.

Wave-Making Resistance of Ships 299

(a) With small conventional bulb B1

(b) With large "waveless" bulb F4

Fig. 17 Wave patterns or 2.5-m high-speed passenger coaster Kurenai-Maru models (F = 0.316,
KoL = 10)

3 Using the b i r d ' s - e y e view p i c t u r e - t a k i n g technique, H a v e l o e k ' s c o n c e p t of ship's wave-

technique as well as s t e r e o p h o t o g r a m m e t r i e a l m a k i n g p h e n o m e n a can be s t u d i e d in m i n u t e

300 Wave-Making Resistanceof Ships

5 o
o - -\


_ ~v ol3 "~ ,

~;/~__ 7/ I"Z" oImt~£

HEigHT ~ 1k~=2,50~)

2A KURENAI-MAIRU MOUE1.'S I~,~ P*tierus ~r v~=17 60"(W!THOUT lliJUB)

(a) With small conventional bulb B1

/ ~ .I ~ ~ i ~)b~--------~-Tl _i .-i N s

_. t
r~, - I.....
1,°1,~ } ......... I7-I
[. . . . . . ....

2 ~ KURENAI-MARU MOOFLL'S W#w PatNrl¢ f~r Vs=I7.60"{WlTllB.L~)

(b) With large "waveless" bulb F4

Fig. 18 Stereo-analysis for the wave patterns in Fig. 17

detail experimentally. This fact makes the At this point it is interesting to mention that
further improvement of our present wave-making Prof. B. V. Korvin-Kroukovsky [18], Dr. K.
resistance theory possible arid the application of Eggers" [19], and Prof. L. W. Ward [20] have also
such to the design of ships much easier. realized the importance of observing and studying
With such a new approach, the author believes the ship's waves in a towing tank in order to have
t h a t effort expended in hulldorm research work more basic understanding about the ship's wave-
can be much more fruitful. making mechanism.

Wave-Making Resistance of Ships 301

Part 2 Applicationsof Proposed Method design as compared to the early period of hull-
form research.
in P a r t 1 the principle of the proposed method The author held the same view until three years
of hull-form research has been discussed. In ago. Even authoritative researchers, such as
P a r t 2 we shall see the effectiveness of this method Professor Havelock, seem to have accepted such a
in designing the actual hull form, using waveless- view based on their theoretical thinking. In this
form designs as examples. I t is true that the regard the author would like to quote the following
application of the method is not to be limited only passage from Professor Havelock's letter, which
to the waveless-form problem. However, the he wrote on July :?5, 1960, in reply to the author's
concept of waveless form m a y be regarded as a letter to him on July 13, 1960, immediately after
new idea in the field of ship hydrodynamics. the author's experiment on the waveless form.
Further, findings of the waveless form is closely (Cordial approval has been obtained from Pro-
related to the fact t h a t the proposed method has fessor Havelock for the quotation from his letter.)
been effectively applied. Section 4, with which From the author's letter to Professor Havelock
P a r t 2 begins will be devoted to the description dated J u l y 13, 1960:
of how the waveless form was discovered, and " . . . . . . Coming back to m y recent work, we
Section 5 to the discussion of some problems rele- at the T o k y o University T a n k have succeeded
v a n t to ship geometry which will be encountered in realizing a 'waveless' huh form where wave-
in an actual design of the waveless form. In making resistance is practically zero at a desired
Section 6, a relationship between the discon- Froude nmnber. This result, I believe, is wholly
tinuity of a source distribution and ship geometry due to you, not to me, because our success has its
will be taken up to furnish some information theoretical ground exactly on ),our excellent
which should be useful in the preparation of ship's contributions to this field of science.
lines. "Especially your paper on the energy-method
for obtaining the wave-making resistance of ships,
4 First Findings of the Waveless Forms presented to Proc. Roy. Soc. (1934), is the most
During a period of more than 90 years since important contribution . . . . . . . . . "
Froude started his t a n k experiments, resistance From Professor Havelock's letter to the author
tests have been conducted on an innumerable dated July 25, 19(50:
nmnber of hulI forms in small and large towing " . . . . . . . Your 'waveless' hull form sounds
basins the world over. T h e exact number of specially interesting. I t takes me back a long
these tests is not known, b u t it nmst be m a n y time to when Kelvin used to refer to 'wave free
thousands. In hull-form research work so far pontoons.' T h a t was, of course, for two-di-
carried out the thinking about hull resistance has mensional pressure systems where one could easily
been established based on the data obtained by picture interference between, say, bow and stern
these tests. As a result, with respect to the wave- waves completely cancelling out the resultant
making resistance the following conclusions have disturbance.
been accepted generally : " I do not suppose one could get such a complete
a Although the wave-making resistance of a 'wave free' result in three dimensions: but you
ship depends greatly upon the hull form, it is seem to have got a good approximation to
impossible to eliminate it entirely. Under a it . . . . . . . . . . . "
given set of design condition, such as displacement, The purpose of this section is to state how the
hull length, speed, and so on, there m u s t be an "waveless-form theory" was discovered in the
appreciable amount of wave-making resistance. Experimental T a n k of the University of T o k y o
b As to what is the minimum value of wave- and to reexamine the aforementioned pessimistic
making resistance for each particular case no beliefs. However, since three of the papers by the
clear answer has yet been found. However, autho~ and his research colleagues treating the
what we caI1 the best hull forms today have been subject of waveless form have been translated
established from the vast accumulated data of into English and published by the University
past hulI-form research work. The possibly at- of Michigan lately [21], the repetition of the
tainable minimum wave-making resistance seems contents in these papers will be avoided here.
to have been almost achieved, and it will be very This section will describe only the i m p o r t a n t
hard to make further improvements in presently thinking which leads to the discovery of the wave-
accepted near o p t i m u m forms. less hull form.
These rather pessimistic views m a y have much In order to facilitate this discussion, Wigley's
to do with the fact t h a t in recent years no notice- [22] paper will be quoted for comparison for the
able i m p r o v e m e n t has been made in hull-form reason t h a t this paper of Wigley represents the

302 Wave-Making Resistanceof Ships

theory or the concept of the bulbous bow which sional waves. I t seems that Wigley failed to take
has generally been accepted. (It would seem advantage of this fact.
appropriate for the author to use this occasion 5 Now to solve this problem, we m a y ask
to state that the quotation of Professor Havelock's whether some kind of singularity can be found
letter and Mr. Wigley's paper is intended to give which will produce the arnplitude functions S(O)
readers the background against which the dis- and C(O), the same as those in equation (4), but
covery of the waveless form was made. The with an opposite sign. In other words, the follow-
author has held a high respect for both Professor ing requirements must be satisfied:
Havelock and Mr. Wigley because the former (a) Inverse phase condition must be maintained
gentleman made the greatest contribution to the for all the elementary waves between the main
development of the wave-making theory and the hull and those of the singularity to be sought.
latter was the first pioneer to introduce this theory (b) Equal amplitude conditions must also be
in the tank experiment.) achieved.
In attacking any problem in the field of wave- The singularity to be sought to satisfy the
making resistance, the author would like to conditions (a) and (b), as will be shown later, is a
emphasize that the researcher must have a very doublet representing a bull), If we denote the
clear yiew of the physical phenomena in his own amplitude function of the main hull by A(O)
mind. Before the waveless-form theory was dis- and the amplitude function of the bulb by t3(0),
covered the author already had the following views we must have
in his mind :
1 As a starting point, a suitable hull form to be
fitted with a bulb must be derived from a simple
continuous source distribution in such a way not 6 Supposing that the foregoing inverse phase
only that the integrated resultant of elementary condition were satisfied, in the rear of the ship the
free waves of all the source will give only bow and free-wave pattern of the main hull's bow-wave
stern-wave systems, but also that the amplitude system can be expressed by
functions of the two wave systems so obtained
must be simple. ~,o,~,(x, y) ~ .4~. (0) sin
2 I t is quite natural to combine these two wave ,J -- ~/2
systems in the rear of a ship as was done by × [K0see ~-0 ( x - x0cos0+ysin0)]d0, (3t)
Wigley. However, unlike the case of two-di-
mensional waves, to eliminate ship's three-di- and the wave system of the: bulb by
mensional waves entirely, it is absolutely neces-
sary to leave the bow-wave and the stern-wave ¢~.,)(.V, y ) ,"-' - - 13~.(0) Sill
systems separate. If Wigley's path of combining ,J - - r / 2
these two wave systems together is followed, the X [ K 0 s e c ' 0 (x -- x o c o s 0 + y s i n 0 ) ] d 0 (32)
waveless form can never be obtained.
3 In the next step, consider whether it is pos- Then when these two systenas of waves are super-
sible or not to cancel the bow or stern waves by posed we may write
the system of waves which starts at the same point
as the bow or stern waves. So long as an ideal r,o.,.+~(.~, y) {~tF (0) - 13,- (03} sin
d -~/2
fluid is concerned, the problem of eliminating the
stern wave is the same as that of eliminating X [K0sec ~0 (x -- x 0 c o s 0 - t - y s i n 0 ) ] d 0 , (3:3)
the bow wave. However, as the problem stands, As for the wave-making resistance, where only
it is a very complicated three-dimensional prob- the bow-wave system of the main hull is con-
lem. cerned, it can be given by
4 We m a y recall the concept of Havelock's "ele-
mentary waves" which is described in Section 1,
Part 1, that a complicated three-dimensional
R,o,F = ~ p 1/2 f~/2
•J -- ~r/2
{~4 ~ (0) }" cos~ 0 do (34)

wave system, such as a Kelvin wave group can be When the bow-wave system of the main hull
reduced to two-dimensional elementary waves. and that of the bulb are superposed, the resultant
Then our problem is equivalent to cancelling the wave system will produce, a wave-making re-
integrand of equation (4) rather than the inte- sistance as expressed by the following equation :
grated result. T h a t means our complicated
71" f~r/2
problem of cancelling a three-dimensional wave R,~,~.+ ~ = ~ p y-' {.4 ~ (0) - ~ (0) 1 ~
system has been reduced to an elementary prob- ,J --~r/2
lena of mutual interference of simple, two-dimen- X eos30d0 (35)

Wave-Making Resistanceof Shi~s 303

I t is clear from equation (35) that for practical Appendix 2 by changing the integration to a
purposes, the equal amplitude condition, (5b) series through the process of integration by parts.
above, or equation (30) does not necessarily In this series, it is noticed that a bow or stern-
have to be satisfied exactly with respect to all wave amplitude function is determined by the
elementary waves. Beyond a certain value of values of the source distribution and its deriva-
0, due to the weighing factor cos:~0, the contribution tives at the end point. T h a t means only the
from all the elementary waves is negligible. small portion of a hull geometry near the ends
7 At this point, let us examine to what extent determines the wave-making resistance. From
the equal amplitude condition could be satisfied these facts it might be easily understood that, at
within the range of 0 value from which most of the F ~< 0.35 the magnitude of the main hull free-
contribution comes. This is very important. wave pattern is of a fairly small order compared
In the hitherto established theory of the bulbous to the total displacement. On the contrary, the
bow, Wigley and other researchers have in essence magnitude of the bulb free wave is determined
expressed the wave-making resistance by the fol- exactly by the total volume of the bulb; viz., the
lowing equation instead of by equation (35) : total moment of the equivalent doublet system
isolated, as shown in Appendix 2.
R~.~+D = 7) 0 V'-' F ~/~ {.4 (0) }., cos 3 0 dO In consideration of the foregoing discussion as
- d - -,,,-/2
well as that given in paragraph 6, the author had
+ ~7r p v~ f~/2 {B(0)}'-' cos3 0 dO little doubt about that, of the two conditions
d -~-/2 (5a) and (5b), the condition for equal amplitude
-.-/2 function 5b could be satisfied effectively without
- rr p lZ2 f
d - ~/2
A (0) B ( O ) c o s ~ 0 dO any serious difficulty in the range of interest of
Froude number F ~< 0.35. To verify this, an
= Rn 4- RB 4- Rz (36) approximate estimate was made of the size of a
where Rn and RB are the wave-making resistance bulb which would be required to satisfy the con-
of the main hull and the bulb, respectively, and dition (5b); viz., equation (30), with a certain
R~ is due to the interference effect between them. main hull which has an ordinary length-beam
If we compare equations (33) and (35), we can proportion L/B, but has an unusual curved
immediately see the simple relationship between bottom as illustrated in Fig. 7(b). The value
the added bulb and the changes in the wave- obtained was, as mentioned previously, only a few
making resistance. The effect of a bulb upon percent of the total displacement of the main hull.
the wave-making resistance is through the inter- 8 Now our discussion has come to be focused on
ference of each pair of elementary waves of the the other condition, (Sa); viz., the inverse phase
main hull and the bulb. If we take equation (36) condition. I t is a well-known fact in primary
instead of equation (35), such a simple relation- hydrodynamics that a sphere placed in a uniform
ship can never be obtained, especially when B(O) flow can be replaced by a certain three-dimensional
is close to A(0). To understand the action of a point doublet with its axis directed against the
bulb through this relationship has not been sug- flow. Insofar as the existing theory is concerned
gested in the reference [22]. Only with this such as Wigley's paper [22], this concept has
understanding can we ask what size of a bulb is also been aeccepted in the bulb treatment without
required for a specific main hull. Otherwise, no any question. No a t t e m p t seems to have been
matter how big or how small a bulb may be, it made at any experimental tank to verify to what
may do harm rather than improve the situation. extent the aforementioned replacement is actually
The possibility of a bulb with a reasonable realized in the waves themselves of any bulbous-
enough size to cancel a bow or stern-wave system form model.
has been considered for some time. Such possibility As shown in Appendix 2(a) the free-wave pat-
was ascertained for the first time when the author tern caused by a traveling point-doublet is a sine-
noticed that the wave-making resistance of a ship component wave with a negative sign. This
at F ~< 0.35 was mainly determined by the local means that this free wave of a doublet starts with
characteristics of a source distribution near the a trough. On the contrary, as also stated in
end. This relationship can be shown as follows: Appendix 2(c), either forward-end or after-end
In the past either the wave-making resistance free-wave pattern caused by a traveling system
or the wave height was given by complicated in- of continuous sources is primarily dominated
tegral expressions. However, the author believes by a sine-component wave with a positive sign,
it might be possible to put such expression in a since its cosine-wave component has a smaller
form which is more elementary and easier to amplitude at the range of interest of Froude
understand. This has been done as shown in number F = 0.1 ~ 0.35. T h a t means, the bow

304 Wave-Making Resistance of Ships

Fig. 19 First "waveless" model C-201F2XA4 (L = 2.5 m)

A Main Hull (without Bulb)"" o -I

B With Bow-Bulb ................. • ~-Measured
C With Bow-& Stern-Bulbs'" ~ J / f
D Wave Resistance due to Stern Waves alone /
D. B, C , } Calculated /

o 0.0010
D ~/~
I B jD/iS

).10 0.20 ! 0.30 0.40 0.50

Designed Speed (F=0.267) Froude number F'=V/,[~9

Fig. 2O Wave-making resistance for C-201 (main hull alone), C-201F2 (with bow
bulb), and C-201F2)<A4 (with bow and stern bulbs)

or stern free-wave pattern of a main hull starts belief, as stated in (a) in the introductory part of
with a crest having its origin fairly close to the this section, t h a t the wave-making resistance
end point, in either case. of any ship can never be reduced to zero.
From these considerations, it appears quite 9 Summarizing the foregoing discussion, it m a y
natural to believe the possibility of realizing safely be concluded t h a t when the possibility of
an inverse phase relationship between the afore- replacing a bulb b y an isolated doublet system is
mentioned two free-wave systems; one is the accepted, the possibility of finding a waveless
bulb wave and the other is the main hull end hull form m u s t also be accepted at the same time.
wave. In other words, when the possibility of finding a
However, through the successive analysis from waveless hull form is denied at all, the possibility
1 to 7, it is also quite clear t h a t once such inverse of replacing a bulb b y an isolated doublet system
phase relationship is realized, a waveless hull form m u s t also be denied.
could be obtained without any difficulty. 10 Now our question m a y finally be reduced to
At this stage of analysis, it also must be recalled a very elementary form as follows:
t h a t the concept of a waveless hull form is con- With respect to the phase of the free-wave
trary to the century-old and widely accepted pattern caused b y an attached bulb is it possible

Wave-Making Resistanceof Ships 305

. -- Main Hull ~ J
.... t~oil, ,,/ ~ .\~t0V/_d_]
< I
.... -, i;/_....4--"- ', ', I
1.~ t°
" ' ," "-.'.~./ ! -._ ~/,;c~-

,,.,L..... i J i
1~-~1 ~=1 >-I ~1 ',,I iI iI i II

~i i ~ I
®J i
ml i I
ml I
mi t '
", ~ . I -- 0.5
'l° 20° 35~6 '40° (ill° 8--- 80"

(a) Amplitude Function
/ / ~i 77
,[Ar(O)]"c<,saO/ E -' (,,',/hour Butt>) ,'ix ," ,'/ "~a =-" , F_p •/,/Lg
I.~ ~ I I I
0.4 q.t0 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30 0,35
I I I l
0i.5 1.0 1.5
- - blain Hull Fy=g/f,GTg
.... Bulb
0° 20 ° ,10° 60 ° 80° Fig 22 Amplitude functions versus Froude number
(b)Wave Resistance Integral

Fig. 21 Amplitude functions of main hull wave and

bulb wave for M o d e l C-2OIF2 (F = 0.267, K o L = 14)
(a) Amplitude functions
(b) Curves for integrand in wave-making resistance




--20 Stern
I- I
4 /
~ - . 7 £
. 4_ "'% I
SY-f 7
Hull Wave (with Bulb) C--201 × F 2

0 ~'< ~ e ' lo ~_ ' 16<.~, " 4 \ 2 Ko,/,
"-" J ~ " ('calculated) \ ~ A'
--20 <m.-.-,, \V/ --20

Bulb Wave (Difference between C--201 ",'F2 and C - 2 0 1 ) "~J\./

Fig. 23 Measured and calculated wave profiles on M o d e l C-201 and C-201F2 (L = 2.5 m)

to replace the bulb with good approximation b y a experimental and theoretical, was carried o u t
certain isolated system of doublet ? [A113 E v e n t h o u g h this rather preliminary
A l t h o u g h this question seems as elementary as s t u d y was not intended for the waveless form it-
it seems self-evident, it has, at the same time, an self, its importance m a y be the greatest of all the
extremely great i m p o r t a n c e with respect to ship's work reported in the papers previously published
resistance problems. related to the w a v d e s s forms (Appendix 3), for
the reason t h a t this has given a definite answer,
Preliminary Approach to First Findings of Waveless for the first time, to the foregoing e l e m e n t a r y
Forms question, b y proving t h a t a bulb can be replaced
T o exalnine the aforementioned elementary
question, some preliminary research work, both s Refer to Bibliography in Appendix 3.

306 Wave-Making Resistanceof Ships

well by an isolated system .of doublet. The The hull geometry for these two models was
method employed was nothing other than the obtaifled by tracing the streamlines as explained
method proposed in Part 1 of ~-he present paper. in Part 1. Fig. 19 shows Model C-201 with the
It also should be noted that for such purpose as bow bulb F2 and the stern bulb A4 attached. I t
ours a conventional resistance test was of little has a curved bottom and both bulbs projected
significance. The difference between the two outward rather remarkably. From the practical
observed total waves f = fz -~- f~ was studied point of view, these m a y cause various incon-
carefully; one being for the case without the veniences. However, the main purpose of these
bulb, the other for the case with the bulb. By two models was only to ascertain the possibility
comparing this with the calculated waves caused of the waveless hull form, but not to use them for
either b y a point source or by a point doublet, practical design. (Further practical develop-
the measured difference in waves was found to be ments will be discussed in Section 5.)
very close to the calculated waves due to a point
doublet, except in the vicinity of the bow. Results Obtained
Fig. 20 shows the wave-making resistance
First Waveless-Form Experiments curves for Model C-201 (main hull alone), MTodel
As mentioned before, since ~:he results of the C-201 F2 (with bow bulb) and for Model C-201
preliminary research work offered a sufficient F2xA4 (with bow and stern bulbs). The de-
reason for the possibility of finding a waveless signed speed for both bulbs is F = 0.267 (KoL
form, the first experiment was carried out to = 14). At this Froude number the wave re-
verify this possibility. In its first phase Prof. T. sistance of Model C-201 F 2 X A 4 is almost null.
Takahei attacked the waveless bow problem Fig. 21(a) shows a relation between the two
[A2,A3], 5 and in the second phase Dr. M. K u m a n o amplitude functions AF(O) (main hull wave) and
attacked the waveless stern problem [A4,A5,A6]. BF(O) (bulb wave) for Model C-201 F2, at the
In either case the same main hull models were designed Froude number F = 0.267. Fig. 21(b)
used. illustrates the integrands of the right-hand side of
equations (34) and (35). By comparison between
Source Distribution Adopted these two figures, Figs. 21(a), (b), the statements
Following the method proposed, Professor given under the paragraphs 6 and 7 of this section
Takahei and Dr. K u m a n o started not at the ship will be clearly understood. Fig. 22 shows the
hull geometry, but at the source ,distribution which general trend of the amplitude functions AF(O)
is given b y the following equations : and B~.(O) versus Froude number. From this
re(x, z) = fl (x) f',. (z), figure it will be noticed that the equal amplitude

fl(x) = a , sin <)

~ (-- l _ x _< l)
condition (5b) can be satisfied with a smaller size
of a bulb at a lower Froude number.
Fig. 2:3 is for the comparison between the
Ih (z) -~ 1 (:37) measured and calculated wave profiles at the side
From the discussion in Appemlix 2(c), the source of Model C-201 (without bulb) and Model C-201
distribution (37) has the simplicity that either bow F2 (with bow bulb). This figure clearly shows
or stern free-wave pattern consists only of the the forward shift of the bow free-wave system,
sine-wave component throughout the whole which is one of the results of the hull self-inter-
range of Froude number. ference or the free-surface effect. The value of
As for the values of at, it seemed appropriate to ~F = X~/L, where XF denotes such forward shift,
adopt at least two different values for it. I t is is about 0.06 for Model C-201, and 0.04 for Model
easy to understand that, when al is increased, C-101.
the beam-length ratio B / L must also be increased. Fig. 24 shows the bird's-eye view pictures for
And with an increase of B / L , the viscosity effect the wave patterns of Model C-201 and Model
and the hull self-interference become remarkable, C-201 F2. Fig. 25 illustrates the corresponding
thus pres.enting an unfavorable situation for the wave contours obtained through stereo-analysis.
intended experiment. On the other hand with an From these two figures the waveless situation
excessively small a~ value, B / L will be too small concerning the bow-wave system will be under-
for practical purpose. stood clearly. By making use of the wave con-
From these considerations, the following values tours as shown in Fig. 25, any detailed analysis
of al were adopted : can be carried out.
I t m a y be interesting to notice here that there
a~ = 0.4 ( T / L = 0.05) . . . Model C-101 (38) is a difference of some 40:30, in O¢~,p between the
al = 0.6 ( T / L = 0.05) . . . Model C-201 measured and calculated wave patterns, where

Wave-Making Resistance of Ships 307

(a) M o d e l C-201 (without bulb)

(b) M o d e l C-201F2 (with bulb)

Fig. 24 Wave patterns for M o d e l C-201 and C-201F2 (F = 0.267 KoL = 14)

308 Wave-Making Resistanceof Ships




(a) Model C-201 (without bulb)

.4 ! "2

8. I

/ 5//

.i /

(b) Model C-201F2 (with bulb)

Fig. 25 Stereo-analysis for the wave patterns in Fig 24

Oc,sp denotes the angle of the radial line passing c o m p a r i s o n with the calculated line Ocu.p = 15 °.
t h r o u g h the crossing p o i n t s (cusps) of the trans- T h e r e is a b o u t 4030 ' difference b e t w e e n the two,
verse w a v e a n d the diverging wave. I n Fig. 4 the reason for which still r e m a i n s unelarified.
the m e a s u r e d line Ocu~p = 19030 ' is shown in Fig. 26 is an example of detailed analysis of the

Wave-Making Resistance of Ships 309

' Hull Wave / ~ ~0
40 -Main Hull Wave (without Bulb) C-201 .__ // ~ 40
--. (measured) / ~ Hull Wave (with Bulb) _" / \
~'~ ~Q/~. ~ Q ~ (calculated) C-201×1"2
/ ~ ~'/J K (measured~t
,/_/j[""-. O0
.. .. ... .. .. ----.,-.
~" . . . . . .~ . . . . .
. . . . . . -.-, / - ,
. . . . . . . . ., '\
- . . . . . ~-wv'-- - -
. -
"'- 2 Ko R 0

--20 • ' -20


20 2, ,o
14// 12 IO~.x'~.,.,8 ~//~6 4 ~ K0R 0
-20 >j/ \ \ ,0
-40 Bulb Wave (l)ifferenee between C-201 x F2 and C-201) ~ --40

Fig. 26 Measured and calculated wave profiles on the radial line for Model C-201 and C-2OIF2
(O = 19030 ' for measured wave profile, O = 15 ° for calculated wave profile)

wave contours in Fig. 25. I n this case a compari- characteristics and, consequently, a curved bot-
sort is m a d e between the measured wave profile t o m which is impractical.
on the radial line 0 = 19o30 ' and the calculated F u r t h e r investigation is needed to bring this
wave profile on the radial line O = 15 °. waveless form into more practical hull geometry.
I n this section, the following points will be dis-
Possible Causes of Successful Experimental Results cussed:
T h e aforementioned results, as a whole, show a 1 Can the waveless form be realized also with a
v e r y good coincidence with the theoretical predic- conventional flat-bottom hull which will have
tion. This seems to be a t t r i b u t e d to the following to produce more complicated waves than a curved-
reasons: b o t t o m hull ?
i T h e use of the a u t h o r ' s m e t h o d of approxima- 2 U n d e r a given condition of displacement and
tion b y which a higher a c c u r a c y is obtained in the stability, there can be innumerable combinations
t r e a t m e n t of the hull-surface condition c o m p a r e d of a main hull and a bulb which will bring a b o u t
to Micfiell's approximation. I t would be quite the waveless situation in effect.
doubtful whether such successful results could However, the hull form with the bulb of the
have been obtained if Miehell's approximation smallest size and of the least projection o u t w a r d
had been followed as done b y Wigley. f r o m the main hull is m o s t desirable from the
2 T h e concept of the viscosity effect was bas- practical point of view, either for construction or
ically correct. I n fact, the o p t i m u m position of for operation.
the stern bulb's center was in good a g r e e m e n t W h a t kind of main hull g e o m e t r y can satisfy
with 6a = 6 -- ~p, where 8 was predicted b y the such condition ?
resistance test, while aF was determined b y the T h e m a t h e m a t i c a l t r e a t m e n t of the conven-
comparison between the measured and calculated tional flat b o t t o m , which is closely connected with
bow-wave profiles. the problem 1, was the subject which the a u t h o r
intended to s t u d y immediately after he finished
5 Practical Developments of the Waveless Forms his work published in 1957. I t is n o t so easy to
I n the preceding section the possibility of find- find the source distribution which exactly repre-
ing the waveless f o r m has been experimentally sents a given ship g e o m e t r y with a flat b o t t o m .
ascertained as theoretically predicted, with two However; for this purpose some approximation
basic models which have simple w a v e - m a k i n g m u s t be possible at a F r o u d e n u m b e r not higher

31 0 Wave-Making Resistance of Ships

than 0.35, because the wave-making effect of the distribution. This means the waterline form may
lower part around the midship section is com- exercise b y far a larger effect than the frameline
paratively small, as already discussed in Section form. This can easily be understood from the dis-
2 of Part 1. The easiest way to find this approxi- cussions in Appendix 2.
mation is to study, experimentally and theoreti- In the Experimental Tank of the University of
cally, the difference of ship's waves between the Tokyo, a plan was made for the study of these two
two hull forms, one with the curved bottom and problems after the work b y Professor Takahei and
the other with the flat bottom. This means that Dr. K u m a n o mentioned previously. The research
the new method of approach for hull-form re- work was started by two graduate students,
search, proposed in Part 1, can be applied for this Messrs. Kajitani and Ikehata under the author's
purpose, again. guidance. The work is still going on, and the
In order to find an answer to the question in stereo-analysis and the study on the stern bulb
item 2, the relationship between the main hull are yet to be finished• Consequently, only an
geometry and its free-wave pattern which starts outline of what has so far been found out will be
at the bow or at the stern should be studied introduced here.
carefully. Here again the method of approach A preparatory investigation was made of
• I • - -
illustrated by the block dmgram, Fig. 2, is useful. Ar(O)/L and hF(O)/L, an amplitude function and
T h a t is, the analysigis started not at the ship a phase-shift function, respectively. The follow-
geometry but at the~ given source distribution. ing procedure was used :
When a set of design conditions such as displace- Nondimensional variables
ment, stability, and so on, is given, it is not so
= x/l, ~ = --sit (t = T/1 = 2 T / L )
difficult to select some' series of source distributions
which represent the mlain hulls. I t is true that the were put in equation (19) which gives separated
details of the hull geometry cannot be obtained type source distribution functions, thus writing
unless the streamline calculations are completed
for the given source distribution. However, at fix) = m(~) = al~ :F an I~l"
the preliminary stage of analysis, the designed
waterline alone is sufficient for an approximate
(; -1 _< ~ < ' (39)
estimation of displacement and stability. f2(z) = f,~.(~) = l, o <_ ~ <_ 1, (40)
As stated in Appendix 2, either a bow or stern
free-wave pattern generally consists of two com- then taking
ponent waves; i.e., the sine wave and the cosine
t = O.OS or T / L = 0.04 (41)
wave. The resultant of these two component
waves can be obtained as expressed in equations and as n in equation (39), n = 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,
(4) and (10), where A (0) is the amplitude function and
of such resultant free wave. The magnitude of
this amplitude function A (0) determines the size 'm0 = m (~)l~=~ (42)
of the bulb which is required to satisfy the equal
was changed to *n0 = 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5.
amplitude condition (5b). On the other hand,
Av (0) and h~, (0) are given by the following
the effective origin of this resultant free wave
determines the longitudinal position of t h e b u l b
center. Here the word "effective" is used, be- ~/2

cause the origin of the resultant free wave changes

slightly according to the 0-value or the direction
.~,~ (x, y) ~'~
F - ~/2
Ar (0) sin [K0 see20

of the elementary wave, as shown in equation X{x-k hF(0) c o s 0 - t - y s i n 0}]d0, (43)

(50), Appendix 1.
{Ap (O)/L}"- = {8F ~ (0) -}- Cv ~ (O)}/L ~ (44)
Therefore the problem 2 will be reduced to
finding out, under the given condition, the source
distribution that gives the minimum amplitude hv (O)/L = t a t , - ' i c y ( 0 ) ) / ( K o L sec 0), (45)
(& (0))/"
function A (0) for the resultant bow or stern free
wave as well as the most rearward position of the U(Ko'F, 0) = 1 - exp ( - K0T sec-" 0) (46)
effective origin of such resultant wave.
In this regard, it must be noted that the relative Based on the foregoing calculations, the stream-
importance of the sine-wave component and the line calculation was made for eight cases; four
cosine-wave component greatly changes according *no = 0.2 series and four *no = 0.5 series. The
to f1(x) in equation (19), a function of lengthwise model numbers and the values of *no and n are
distribution, not to f2(z), a function of draftwise given in Table 2.

Wave-Making Resistance of Ships 31 1

-1.0 -0.5 0 0.5 1.0


0L~ - t ~ ..... i
0 05
0 5 ~ '-"
Source D[s~ribu~'ion 1///.//
/'~> "/
I U3

'"/ " 1
• ~ ~ ~'- ~ " ~
II 129
- I.o L. _/

Fig. 27 Source distribution functions for U-series models

Table 2 U-Series Models for Which Streamline m a d e in b o t h directions, ahead a n d astern. I n

Calculation Was Carried O u t the following, for example, when Model UF3
~ m 0 = 0.2 S e r i e s ~ ~ m 0 = 0.5 S e r i e s - - X U F 7 r a n with U F 3 fore it is shown as U F 3
Model No. mo n Model No. m0 n ( X U F 7 ) , a n d when it ran with U F 7 fore. it is
U3 . . . . . 0.2 2 U7 0.5 2 shown as U F 7 ( X UF3).
U4 . . . . . O. 2 3 U8 O. 5 3
U5 . . . . . 0.2 4 U9 o. 5 4
U6 . . . . . 0.2 6 UI0 0.5 6 Results Obtained by U-Series Models
Fig. 2S indicates the results of the resistance
Of the eight models listed in T a b l e 2, four 2.5-111 tests c o n d u c t e d with four U-series models. T h e
models, k n o w n as U-series models, of U3, U5, results related to the m a i n hull alone are shown
U7 a n d U9 were a c t u a l l y prepared. Fig. 27 b y fine lines a n d those related to the models with
shows their s o u r c e - d i s t r i b u t i o n curves, designed the o p t i n m m b u l b a t t a c h e d are shown b y thick
waterlines a n d sectional-area curves. Since these lines. T h e b u l b oll each model is m a d e o p t i m u m
models h a v e curved b o t t o m s , a n o t h e r series of at F = 0.277 (KuL = 13). Pictures of bow pro-
models, k n o w n as UF-series, were also m a d e files are shown in the u p p e r p a r t of the figure,
which are of the same form except t h a t t h e y have which i n d i c a t e t h a t these o p t i m u m b u l b s are
flat b o t t o m s an d slightly modified midship-section different in size a n d position of the center. I n the
forms. T o provide t h e m with flat b o t t o m s , the figure is also shown an a p p r o x i m a t e sketch of the
b o t t o m of each model was m a d e s t r a i g h t along size a n d position of the o p t i n m m b u l b for an
the w a t e r p l a n e of d r a f t ratio T/L = 0.06 with i m a g i n a r y model C - 3 0 P which has a sine source
the bilge p r o p e r l y faired. Actually, however, two d i s t r i b u t i o n , as expressed in e q u a t i o n (37), the
modified UF-series models, U F 3 X U F 7 a n d U F 5 same d r a f t ratio, s t a b i l i t y a n d d i s p l a c e m e n t as
X U F 9 were b u i l t b y c o m b i n i n g U3 a n d U7, a n d U-series models.
U5 a n d U9, respectively, because two models A conclusion m a y be d r a w n from these experi-
c o m b i n e d together into a set have n e a r l y equal m e n t s as well as from the p r e l i m i n a r y calculations
b e a m s a t the m i d s h i p section. t h a t the o p t i m u m b u l b g r e a t l y changes b o t h in
F o r a n exact t r e a t m e n t of the effect of the flat size a n d the position d e p e n d i n g on the wave-
b o t t o m it is m o s t a p p r o p r i a t e to m a k e four U F - m a k i n g characteristics of the m a i n hull, a n d b y
series models s y m m e t r i c a l fore a n d aft, such as t a k i n g a d v a n t a g e of this fact the size a n d the
UF3, UFS, U F 7 a n d UF9. However, in this position of the waveless b u l b can be changed to
e x p e r i m e n t where a quick conclusion was desired m e e t the practical r e q u i r e m e n t s .
to be d r a w n in a l i m i t e d time, these two models,
The source strength of C-301 is, in equation (38), at =
a s y m m e t r i c a l fore a n d aft, were s u b s t i t u t e d for 0.87 (t = 0.08 or T/L = 0.04). The word imaginary means
four such s y m m e t r i c a l models. T h e r u n s were that actually this model was not made.

31 2 Wave-Making Resistance of Ships

M. No. i W l f h o u + B. iW{kh Bulb ....' ,
0.00~ C-301x FI ] U3 1 // /'
I us -- I . . . . . . //

U-2o, : : - i---
C~[s ob{ained by using Hughes'Line / , } ; ~ ' / '
w'+h 'orm 'Oc~or K=O.Z5 / d / < /

Designed Speed , 7 / ¢ S ' ~ . . . . -~

0 ~-~ ~ r c ==---=- - - I ~ i I 1
020 0.25 0.30 0.35 0.40

Fig. 28 Wave-making resistance for U-series models (with curved bottom)

Table 3 Particulars for U-Series Models and Their Optimum Bulbs (LBp = 2.5m)
Model No. B(m) v ( m ~) S(m 2) Bulb No. ao/L f/L XF/L &V/v (%) &S/S(%) AB/Am(%)
U3 . . . . . 0.389 0.1058 1.315 F2 . . . . 0.030 0.05 --0.025 2.49 4.07 21.8
U5 . . . . . 0.374 0.1074 1.299 F1 . . . . 0.034 0.05 --0.005 3.87 6.11 31.6
U7 . . . . . 0.371 0.1063 1.295 F1 . . . . 0.030 0.05 0.030 3.18 7.07 24.8
U0 . . . . . 0.363 0.1078 1.299 F1 . . . . 0.034 0.05 0.035 3.41 7.59 29.2
C-301... 0.356 0.1070 1.300 0.036 0.05 0.07

Table 4 Particulars for UF-Series Models and Their Optimum Bulbs (Lsp = 2.5m)
Model .",'o. /3(m) v ( m 3) S ( m 2) Bulb No. ao/L f/L Xp/L &V/v (%) & S / 3 (%) AB/A,~(%)
UF3(xUF7).. 0.380 0.08273 1. 170 F1 0.026 0.042 --0.020 1.95 3.09 20.0
UF5(xUF9) .. 0. 369 0.08386 1.17(} F1 0.030 0.042 0.010 2.99 5.52 29.5
UFT(xUF3) .. 0.380 0.08273 1.170 F1 0.030 0.042 0.040 3.92 7.77 28.2
UF9(xUFS).. 0.369 0. 08386 1. 176 F1 0. 030 0. 042 0.045 3.71 7.88 29.5
SR-451... 0.357 0.08302 1. 195
NOTE: As for ao, f, ,g[ Ab, Am in T a b l e s 3 a n d 4 l e f e r t o f o o t n o t e in T a b l e 5 p a g e 318.

Results Obtained by UF-Series Models and UF-series models and their optimum bulbs
Fig. 29 also s h o w s t h e b o w profile p i c t u r e s a n d a r e l i s t e d on T a b l e s 3 a n d 4.
t h e r e s u l t s of t h e r e s i s t a n c e t e s t s for f o u r cases
Effect of Flat Bottom
when two 2.5-m UF-series models, UF3XUF7
and UFSXUF9 w e r e r u n f o r e a n d aft. T h e Fig. 30 s h o w s t h e d i f f e r e n c e in t h e w a v e profiles
d e s i g n s p e e d of t h e b u l b w a s F = 0.277 (KoL a l o n g t h e m o d e l side b e t w e e n t w o m o d e l s U 9
= 13), as in t h e case of U-series m o d e l s . and UF9 (XUFS) at four Froude numbers F =
T h e c o m p a r i s o n b e t w e e n Figs. 28 a n d 29 s h o w s 0.250, 0.277, 0.302, 0.354, w h i c h c o r r e s p o n d t o
a g r e a t s i m i l a r i t y of t h e t r e n d . I t also tells t h a t KoL = 16, 13, 11, 8, r e s p e c t i v e l y . I n t h i s figure
e v e n w i t h t h e f l a t b o t t o m t h e r e is sufficient possi- t h e o r i g i n a l l y m e a s u r e d w a v e profiles of M o d e l U9
b i l i t y f o r t h e " w a v e l e s s " c o n d i t i o n to b e a p p r o x - a r e also s h o w n , for c o m p a r i s o n , a t t w o F r o u d e n u m -
i m a t e l y r e a l i z e d . F o r c o n v e n i e n c e in c o m p a r i s o n , b e r s 0.250 (KoL = 16) a n d 0.302 (KoL = 11).
F i g . 29 s h o w s also t h e r e s u l t of a c e r t a i n c o n v e n - T h e c o m p a r i s o n r e v e a l s t h a t , as w a s e x p e c t e d ,
tional hull form which has a similar design condi- t h e c h a n g e in w a v e - m a k i n g c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s d u e t o
t i o n . T h e p a r t i c u l a r s of t h e m a i n h u l l s of U - s e r i e s t h e b o t t o m b e i n g f l a t t e n e d is n o t so g r e a t . Let

Wave-Making Resistance of Ships 31 3

M. No. Wifhouf B. Wifh Bulb[
UF5CxUF9) . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Ciw •Ls ob÷ained by using Hughes' Line / /

wifh form f~cfor K:0.23 u-.~C...."/ ~ . . j ~ :

J... ........

(5 J-

= .....................
~ ~ ~ D e s i g q e d Speed'
-.---~--~'~~, " l I/ " L "
o.~s o.zo o.~
Fo v / ¢ ~

Fig. 29 Wave-making resistance for UF-series models (with flat bottom)

- - Difference ~n measured focal w a v e s : ~ (UF9 x U g 5 ) - f~ {U9)

Difference in catculafed f r e e waves : ~w (UFgxUFS)-t~w (U9)
- - - - -

..... Measured fofal wave on M o d e l - U 9 : ~ (U9)

-. F*0.250 /// t 20 E

,/ ~ 8O
// -40
F=0.302 // 40
"\ / 20
\~ -- --__ __---- - - . ~ /

_ -20 40

- ~ ~-20
I I ~ I I I I i ~ J j ]-40
A.R I 2_ 3 4 5 G 7 8 9 LR
Fig. 30 Measured and calculated difference in wave profile between Model-UF9 (XUF5)
and Model U9

us see b y w h a t simple s i n g u l a r i t y d i s t r i b u t i o n this s y s t e m of sink a n d source, r e s p e c t i v e l y . A m o n g

can be a p p r o x i m a t e d . T h e f o r w a r d half p o r t i o n t h e possible a p p r o x i m a t i o n s we consider a simple
a n d t h e after half p o r t i o n of the cut-off b o t t o m line d i s t r i b u t i o n on t h e x-axis a t a d e p t h f/L
should be a p p r o x i m a t e l y r e p l a c e d b y a c e r t a i n = 0.06 f r o m t h e surface of w a t e r , as given b y

31 4 Wave-Making Resistance of Ships

I Model Measured Calculated
UFg(xUFS) • o
U9 o o

• Model UF9 ~s obtained by cutting off the

0.002 lower middle port of Model U9 to obtain
N a flat bottom, o

C'w is obtained by using Hughes'L~ne • , o

with form fc~cfor K=0.Z3 . ~ ° " ,~,,9
/ ~ " ~
• /

5~ o.oo

f o . . ~ . ~ ..~. ~-~y

o.~: ~

~ I I I I
o.~5 o.~o o.2~ o.~o o.35
F= v / ~ t ~

Fig. 31 Measured and calculated wave-making resistance for Model U9, UF9 (XUF5)
a n d UF9

. ( ~ ) = - 0.0327,~//,, (- 0 . s t < :~ _< 0.s/, Comparison Between UF-Series and DTMB60-Series

\at y = 0, z = --0.0GL/
(47) As mentioned before, all UF-serics models
usually have flat bottoms. This has one merit
The chain lines in Fig. 30 show the calculated in practical use. Among this series, Model UF3
wave profiles due to this line sink-source distribu- (X UFT) has the smallest bulb with the least for-
tion, which is considered to represent approxi- ward projection. This does not seem to cause
mately the effect of the bottom being flattened. any serious trouble in anchoring or in any other
The comparison of these lines with the measured ship operation. Therefore, it will be interesting,
ones mentioned previously proves that this ap- from a point of practical design, to make some
proximation is good enough for practical use. comparisons in the resistance t)erformance be-
Fig. 31 compares the measured wave-making tween Model U F 3 ( X U F T ) and some existing
resistance of U9 and UF9 ( X U F 5 ) , showing that conventioual hull forms.
at F < 0.36 the flat-bottom model UF9 (X UF5) As the representative of the conventional forms,
has slightly larger wave-making resistance but at ~ o d e l No. 4240 (On = 0.60, LIB -- 6.5, /3/7"
F > 0.:36 the result is reversed. This figure = 2.5) of DTMB60-series [23] was selected,
also shows the theoretically calculated wave- because this model has ahnost the sanle particulars
making resistance for a combination of two source as Model UF3 (X UFT), as shown in the table in
distributions; one in which U9 (with curved Fig. 32.
bottom) is originated and one of equation (47), For this comparison it will be convenient to
i.e., what m a y be regarded as corresponding ap- follow the usual method of comparison widely
proximately to UF9, a flat-bottom hull sym- adopted in the United States. Therefore, the
metrical fore and aft. This theoretical curve does residuary resistance was reanalyzed from the
not exactly correspond to the asymmetrical Model measured total resistance of Model UF3 (X UF7),
UF9 (X UFS), but these two are !m good agreement by adopting Schoenherr's friction line with the
at lower Froude numbers where the after body form factor K = 0. Fig. ,32 shows such compar-
effect to the total wave-making resistance is small. ison between the two models; for example, at the
With increasing Froude nmnber the measured designed speed F = 0.277, C~ = 2.02 X 10-";
curve for the asymmetrical 5,Iodel UF9 (XUFS) (5{.4240) and C~ = 1.23 X 10 -a (UF3 X UF7).
becomes greater than the calculated curve. This Even in the residuary-resistance comparison,
seems due to the after body of Model UF9 ( X UFS) the decrease in C~ is found to be nearly 40 percent.
having a greater wave-making effect than that of Let us make a similar comparison in the wave-
Model UF9 in this speed range. making resistance which is derived from the

Wave-Making Resistance of Ships 315

0.003 UF3(×UF7)xFt l'd. No.4240
Mark /
LBp GO~' ~00'
Lex** 600.G' ~,0.2' / /
a/L~ o.s52o a~s38(:v~ 5) / /
o o /
0.002 BIT 2.5z~ ?_.50 ~" Jf
Cb 0.sgz o Goo i A
% LCB 0.3%fore 1.5%o*+ /E /I
Model LBp &ZO2'(=Z.5m) 20'(=6.096m) / ~ #tEl

o 0.001
** LEXdeno+es+he ex{reme leng{h
. . . . . . . . . . . . .
J%" "[~. I

o.m o.15 020 o.t5 o.zo

Fig. 32 Comparison in residuary resistance between 1~odel U F3 (XUF7) and M.
No. 4240 (DTMB 60-series)

residuary resistance by s u b t r a c t i n g the so-called E H P (M.4240) = 27,400 and

form resistance given as K X Rp0 where K and RF0 E H P (UF3 X UF7) = 22,000
are the form factor and the basic frictional re-
sistance, respectively. I n the case of Model Case (b): Schoenherr line, with K = 0.14,
UF3 ( X U F 7 ) , the K - v a l u e is estimated as K AC~= 0
= 0.23 for H u g h e s ' line, and as K = 0.14 for E H P (M.4240) = 22,900 and
Schoenherr's line. In Fig. 32 the w a v e - m a k i n g E H P (UF3 X UF7) = 16,800
resistance so obtained is also shown; for example,
Cw = 1.62 X 10 -3 (M.4240) and C,~ = 0.71 T h e foregoing figures of E H P m a y also be useful
X 10 -3 (UF3 X UF7) for Schoenherr's line with for the purpose of d e m o n s t r a t i n g the practical
K = 0.14, while C,, = 1.67 X 10 -3 (51.4240) merit of the waveless forms, because the correct
and Cw = 0.69 X 10-'; (UF3 X UF7) for H u g h e s ' value of E H P will be estimated b y interpolating
line with K = 0.23. these two extremes.
F o r a n y scientific discussion, these comparisons F u r t h e r i m p r o v e m e n t s will still be possible b y
in the w a v e - m a k i n g resistance m a y be more sig- a d o p t i n g an appropriate waveless stern the prac-
nificant than those in the residuary resistance tical development of which remains as a future
mentioned previously. research problem.
Fig. 33 (a), (b) are for comparison in the effec-
tive horsepower E H P , assuming the same length 6 Other Applications
/5Bp = 600 ft in the two models as shown in the In this section two problems of different aspects
table in Fig. 32. (The unit English horsepower will be discussed.
was adopted.)
In Fig. 33 (a), (b), the analysis is based upon Effect of Oblique Frame Lines
Schoenherr line, with (a) K = 0, ACF = 0.000'-t, W h e n the hull-surface g e o m e t r y is derived from
and with (b) K = 0.14, ZXCF = 0, where ACE a given source distribution b y following the
denotes the roughness allowance for the frictional a u t h o r ' s m e t h o d discussed in Section 2 P a r t 1,
resistance of the assumed full'-scale ships. the frame lines always cross the load waterline
A t the designed speed I~ = 22.8 knots ( F vertically regardless of w h a t form is selected for
= 0.277), we h a v e : the draftwise function f2(z). On ships of shallow
Case (a): Schoenherr line, with K = 0, &CF draft like a coaster or a railway f e r r y b o a t the
= 0.0004 framelines usually cross the load waterline not

31 6 Wave-Making Resistance of Ships

/, / 30
M 4240 - -

N 4 Z40 - - I
UF3xFi .... / UFgxFI . . . .

Schoenherr Bose / ItIt S c h o e n h e r ' r Bose.

Form Foe+or K : O -/,I
- Form F o c f o r K=O.14 ]
gg zc ~ C f = 0'0004 p/Z/i/ zo Ac{=0 /,
.Iz .c
k 7k-
EH // /"
o~ ~o
o. EHP / / HP{..~/P~ z
32 ~0 o~t0


(b) Oesigned~
I , S~pe.ed 1 ' I --
16 18 20 22 [ Z4 16 t8 20 22 [ 24
, Vs (K+) I , ' Vs ( ~ ) i
0.20 0.25 0,30 F o.2o 0'30
Fig. 33 Comparison in EHP (L = 600 ft) between Model UF3 (XUF7) and M.
No. 4240 (DTMB 60-series)
(a) K (form factor) = O, ACF = 0.0004 (Schoenherr-llne base)
(b) K (form factor) = 0.14, ACt = 0 (Schoenherr-line base)

v e r t i c a l l y b u t a t f a i r l y large o b l i q u e angles. of F = 0.267 (KoL = 14) a n d the small b u l b F 5

T h e r e q u i r e d t r a n s v e r s e s t a b i l i t y for the v e h i c u l a r for i n c o m p l e t e c a n c e l l a t i o n b y k e e p i n g t h e b u l b
d e c k a r e a will t h u s be a t t a i n e d . N o t sufficient size w i t h i n a c e r t a i n o p e r a t i o n a l limit. Fig. 35
s t u d y has been given as y e t to w h a t effect this shows p i c t u r e s of t h e w a v e p a t t e r n s of t h e t h r e e
o b l i q u i t y of t h e f r a m e l i n e s will h a v e on w a v e - m o d e l s $3, $3 X FS, a n d $3 X F3. T h i s is a
m a k i n g . H o w e v e r , this effect does n o t seem to t y p i c a l e x a m p l e of i l l u s t r a t i n g t h e r e l a t i o n s h i p
be so g r e a t as e x p e c t e d a t low s p e e d of F < 0.30. b e t w e e n t h e size of a b u l b and its w a v e - c a n c e l l i n g
A n e x a m p l e for this will be shown here of an a p - effect. M o d e l $1 X F 4 shown in Fig. 34 is one
p l i c a t i o n of t h e waveless form to a r a i l w a y ferry- which was c o n c e i v e d for the p u r p o s e of finding
b o a t . I n this case for a d r a f t w i s e s o u r c e - d i s t r i b u - to w h a t degree t h e b o w w a v e could be d e c r e a s e d
tion f u n c t i o n f2(z), a U V - t y p e f u n c t i o n was b y p r o v i d i n g t h e c o n v e n t i o n a l form $1 w i t h its
a d o p t e d which is m o s t o p t i n m m b u l b F 4 a t t h e s a m e designed
speed. T h e c o m p a r i s o n b e t w e e n S1 X F 4 a n d
J2(z) = 1 -- , ( T / L = 0.04) (48) $3 X F3 shows t h a t t h e l a t t e r is m u c h superior.
T h e s e results seem to suggest t h a t t h e f r a m e l i n e
'After p e r f o r m i n g a p r e p a r a t o r y s t r e a m l i n e t a n g e n t being o b l i q u e a t t h e l o a d w;iterline is n o t
c a l c u l a t i o n w i t h r e s p e c t to m0 = 0, 0.2, 0.5, m0 likely to be an u n f a v o r a b l e f a c t o r in b o w - w a v e
= 0.2 was finally a d o p t e d from a p o i n t of p r a c - e l i m i n a t i o n . T h e p a r t i c u l a r s of M o d e l s $1,
tical design. M o d e l $3 has t h e s a m e a f t e r b o d y $3, a n d t h e i r b u l b s are shown in T a b l e 5.
as M o d e l S1 of a c o n v e n t i o n a l hull form, a n d t h e
forebody having the load waterline exactly the Relation Between Singularity Distribution and Evaluated
s a m e as given b y t h e foregoing s t r e a m l i n e calcula- Load Waterlines, With Special Reference. to Their
tion. Fig. 34 shows C~ c u r v e s of M o d e l $1, Discontinuities
$3 w i t h a n d w i t h o u t t h e bow bulb. M o d e l $3 I n the source d i s t r i b u t i o n m (~), in w h i c h U-
was used w i t h b u l b s of different sizes, F 3 (large series m o d e l s are o r i g i n a t e d , m" (~) or m iv (~)
b u l b ) a n d F 5 (small b u l b ) a t t a c h e d a l t e r n a t e l y . is d i s c o n t i n u o u s a t t h e m i d s h i p section, or a t
T h e large b u l b F 3 is i n t e n d e d for a h n o s t c o m p l e t e = 0 in e q u a t i o n (39), t h u s c a u s i n g t h e o r e t i c a l l y
c a n c e l l a t i o n of b o w w a v e s a t the designed speed a c e r t a i n f r e e - w a v e s y s t e m to be c r e a t e d a t t h e

Wave-Making Resistance of Ships 31 7

x 10-4

H. No. Wifhouf B. Wifh Bulb

SI F4 - -
4 1:3-----
S3 F5 . . . .

~3 C~ is obfained bE using Hughes~Line

w~fh form { a c f o r K=0.25 / ../

it 2


I " Speed
0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30
Fig. 34 Wave-making resistance for railway-ferry boat Models St and $3 (L = 2.4m)

Table 5 Particulars for Railway Ferryboat Models and Their Optimum Bulbs (Lsp = 2.4m)
Model No. B(m) v(m 3) S(m ~) Bulb No. ao/L f/L XF/L 2XV/v(%) AS/S (%) AB/A,~ (%)
S1 . . . . . . . 0.348 0.04843 0.9191 F4 0.020 0.0302 0.020 2.18 3.74 20.4
$3 . . . . . . . 0.3766 0.04741 0.9068 F3 0.020 0.0302 0.010 2.02 3.18 20.1
F5 0.016 0.0309 0 1.27 1.57 16.2
ao = effective radius of bulb.
f = immersion of bulb center.
XF = longitudinal position of bulb center ( + foreward, -- aftward from FP)
AB = maximum sectional area of bulb.
Am = midship sectional area.

m i d s h i p section. H o w e v e r , t h e l o a d w a t e r l i n e p r o d u c e d a t t h e m i d s h i p section, c a n n o t be ig-

y = y (x, z) a n d its successive d e r i v a t i v e s by/bx, n o r e d a t a speed higher t h a n F -- 0.25. Fig.
b2y/bx2, a n d so on, s h o u l d all be c o n t i n u o u s for 36 gives an e x a m p l e of t h e c o m p a r i s o n b e t w e e n
the reason t h a t t h e r e l a t i o n s h i p b e t w e e n given C'~ t h e o r e t i c a l l y c a l c u l a t e d a n d C'~ o b t a i n e d b y
source d i s t r i b u t i o n a n d ship g e o m e t r y is n o t b a s e d e x p e r i m e n t w i t h r e s p e c t to M o d e l U7 a n d M o d e l
u p o n M i c h e l l ' s linearization, b u t u p o n t h e a u t h o r ' s U7 M F1, t h e l a t t e r b e i n g U7 p r o v i d e d w i t h t h e
n o n l i n e a r t r e a t m e n t . Now, one question m a y b e b u l b F1.
p r e s e n t e d as follows: I n t h i s figure, C'w (1) is t h e whole of t h e f u n d a -
W i l l such h i g h - o r d e r d i s c o n t i n u i t y in a given m e n t a l t e r m of w a v e - m a k i n g r e s i s t a n c e coefficient
source d i s t r i b u t i o n affect in a n y w a y t h e w a v e - C'w, while C'w (1) (1) is t h e f u n d a m e n t a l t e r m h a v -
making? ing o m i t t e d t h e m i d s h i p free wave. T h e differ-
Over t h e y e a r s t h e a u t h o r has t h o u g h t t h a t if i t ence b e t w e e n t h e t w o shows t h e effect of such
could affect t h e w a v e - m a k i n g to a n y degree, i t wave. T h e g r e a t e s t of t h i s effect is f o u n d on
should b e of such o r d e r t h a t could b e i g n o r e d for M o d e l U3, a n d t h e effect g r a d u a l l y decreases on
p r a c t i c a l purpose. H o w e v e r , t h e t h e o r e t i c a l cal- M o d e l s U7, U5 a n d U9 in t h i s order. T h i s is
c u l a t i o n of C'~ c a r r i e d o u t for t h e U-series m o d e l s n a t u r a l owing t o t h e f a c t t h a t on U5 a n d U9,
p r o d u c e d t h e s u p r i s i n g r e s u l t t h a t t h e effect of this m iv (~'), t h e f o u r t h - o r d e r d e r i v a t i v e of m (~), is
free-wave system, t h e o r e t i c a l l y considered to be d i s c o n t i n u o u s a n d on U3 a n d U7 t h e second o r d e r

31 8 Wave-Making Resistanceof Ships

(a) Model $1 (without bulb)

(b) Model $3 XF5 (with medium bulb F5)

Fig. 35 Wave patterns for railway-ferry boat models $3, S3NF5, S3XF3 (F = 0.267,
KoL = 14)

derivative rnr'(}) is discontinuous, both at the This gives us the warning t h a t in the prepara-
midship section. The photogrammetrical survey tion of ship's lines unless great caution is exercised
of wave patterns adopted b y the author cannot in this regard it m a y be a cause of a wave-making
as yet claim t h a t it is able to recognize clearly effect to an unexpectedly great degree. From a
such high-order free-wave systems, but it seems theoretical point of view it is especially interesting
undeniable t h a t these high-order free waves are to investigate the relationship between singularity
produced. and ship geometry with respect to hull forms hay-

Wave-Making Resistanceof Ships 319

(c) Model S3XF3 (with large bulb F3)

Measured U-/
0.0014 U-/xFI
Calcula÷ed wave-mcxking resi#ance
coefficienf of U]x Fi CaIculafed wifhouf Cw - -
O.O01Z correcfion C w'(I) - -
Calculcr~ed {undamen+al fern OKt/(t ] - -_ _
of UTxFI i i ) v w --. ve~
0.0010 CwQ)- C~ (l)= due % midship wa
Cw# due fo ~ern waye
and midship wc~veof U-( Calculafed wifh Cw
correcffon C~ (
C~ is obfolned
I~-~ 0.0008 by using Hughes' Line
wifh form facfor K= 0.7.3

Designed Speed

OpO.~o_q,e q - 0 , o _k . . . . r. . . . I I IJ i i I
o.~2 o~4 o,o o~8 020 o~2 024 o~ oz8 030 o3~ 034
Fig. 36 Measured and calculated wave-making resistance for Model U7 (without bulb) and Model U7 MF1 (with

ing a parallel body. Fig. 37 illustrates the result t i n u i t y in source d i s t r i b u t i o n which causes an
of load-waterline calculation m a d e for a case excessive shoulder wave.
where the forward h a l f - b o d y source a n d the after
Final Remarks
half-body sink are separated. E v e n t h o u g h the
load waterline a n d its successive derivatives are T h e foregoing sections discuss the fact t h a t a new
all continuous, there exists a r e m a r k a b l e diseon- m e t h o d of hull-form research has b e e n developed.

320 Wave-Making Resistance of Ships

Load Waferline y(x) In this way we (:an learn from each other and the
y(×) duplication of efforts can be avoided.
f 0.15.. As mentioned before, even though the proposed
new method has been already put into use at the
Experimental Tank of the University of Tokyo,
-I.0 -0.6 0 0.6 LO
this tank has m a n y limitations. Therefore the
Sfern (5~stole is doubled) Bow author cherishes a dream that, if this new com-
mittee is organized, it may even undertake the
task of building a new tank for the sole purpose
of studying ship's waves. The optical method
Source Distribution m(×) ~ ' ~ I 1.0 used b y the author to study ship's waves is of
Sfern course one of the possible methods. Other
1,0 0.6 methods such as described in references [18-20]
[ I
I I ~ •
, '
~ X
should also be examined carefully. Once the
Bow method of studying the waves has been decided
1.0 ~'Draf~w(se D~sfribuf[on : U- Tspe T/L=O,O6) upon, then the new committee slhould take the
\\ ~ .,,/ responsibility of designing and bu:ilding the most
suitable tank for the sole purpose of studying
Fig. 37 Example for derived load waterlines (continu- ship's waves and wave-lnaking resistance.
ous) related with given source distributions (discon-
tinuous) Acknowledgments
The author expresses his thank,; to the Papers
In this method the hull form is studied both theo- Committee of the Society for their kind invita-
retically and experimentally. The theory is used tion to the author to write this paper. At the
to relate the ship's geometry with ship's waves as same time profound thanks must be expressed to
well as ship's waves with ship's wave-making m y graduate students Messrs. H. Kajitani and
resistance. The experimental work, emphasizing M. Ikehata for their assistance in carrying out the
the observation and analysis of ship's waves, is analytical work of this paper.
used to supplement the incomplete theory. Only The author expresses appreciation for the per-
in this way, the author believes, the present theory mission granted by Sir Thomas H e n r y Havelock
with m a n y of its defects can be applied fruitfully to quote his letter and wishes to mention here his
to the practical problems of ship design. He also indebtedness to this great dean of the wave-
believes that this is an effective way to improve making theory, whose well-known and unexcelled
our imperfect wave-making resistance theory achievements had set a main course for the au-
through closely related experimental check. thor's work and have always been a guide in his
However, since the proposed method has just research ever since. The author expresses his
been put into practice, it must be developed fur- appreciation also for the approwfl granted by
ther in m a n y respects either in the experimental Prof. G. Weinblum and der Sch~fbautechnischen
technique or in the theoretical analysis by the Gesdlshaft to use illustrations published in the 1932
cooperation of tank work experts and theoreti- Jahrbltch.
clans. With respect to the theoretical analysis, The author must thank Dr. Masao ¥ a m a g a t a
the author believes one of the improvements on this occasion for considerate guidance and
should be made by taking the free-surface effect encouragement given him all the years when he
into consideration in the treatment of the hull- worked as an assistant professor under this dean
surface condition. The preparation of mathe- of the University of Tokyo. The,. author owes
matical tables for a great number of functions greatly to Dr. Yamagata for all the work that has
used in our theory also should be made. led to what has been reported in this paper.
The author also believes that, if a majority of
towing tanks in the world are willing to add this References
new method of tank experiment to their regular 1 T . H . Havelock, "Wave Patterns and Wave
resistance tests, a new technical committee should Resistance," Trans. IN>I, vol. 74, 1934, p. 340.
be organized within the framework of the Inter- 2 T . H . Havelock, "The Calculation of Wave
national Towing Tank Conference. This com- Resistance," Proceedings of The Royal Society,
mittee can serve as a coordinator to plan a long- London, England, series A, vol. 144, 1934, p. 514.
range, hull-form research program as well as to 3 J . H . Michell, "The Wave-Resistance of a
distribute all necessary work among tanks which Ship," Philosophical A,[agazine, vol. 45, 1898,
are interested in taking part in such a program. p. 106.

Wave-Making Resistance of Ships 321

4 R. Guilloton, "Potential Theory of Wave of THE SOCIETY OF NAVAL ARCHITECTS AND
Resistance of Ships with Tables for Its Calcula- MARINE ENGINEERS, July 28-29, 1960.
tion," TRANS. SNAME, vol. 59, 1961, p. 86. 19 K. Eggers, "Uber die Ermittlung des
5 B. V. Korvin-Kroukovsky and W. R. Wellenwiderstandes eines Schiffsmodells durch
Jaeobs, "Calculation of the Wave Profile and Analyse seines Wcllensystems," Symposium fiber •
Wavemaking Resistance of Ships of Normal'Com- Schiffstheorie im Institut fiir Schiffbau der Uni-
mercial Form by Guilloton's Method and Com- versit~tt Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany, January
parison with Experimental Data," Technical and 1962.
Research Bulletin No. 1-16, SNAME, 1954. 20 L. W. Ward, "A Method for the Direct
6 T. Inui, "Study on Wave-Making Re- Experimental Deterrnination of Ship Wave Re-
sistance of Ships," 60th Anniversary Vohtmes, sistance," Doctoral Dissertation submitted to the
Society of Naval Architects of Japan, vol. 2, Faculty of Stevens Institute of Technology, Ho-
1957, p. 173. boken, N. J., May 1962.
7 T. Inui, "Wave-Making Resistance in a 21 F. C. Michelsen and H. C. Kim, "Three
Shallow Sea and in a Restricted Water, with Recent Papers by Japanese Authors on the effect
Special Reference to its Discontinuities," Journal of Bulbs on Wave-Making Resistance of Ships,"
of The Society of Naval Architects of Japan, vol. Department of Naval Architecture and Marine
76, 1954, p. i. Engineering, The University of Michigan, Ann
S J. K. Lunde, "On the Linearized Theory Arbor, Mich., December 1961.
of Wave Resistance for Displacement Ship in 22 W. C. S. Wigley, "The Theory of the
Steady and Accelerated Motion," TRANS. Bulbous Bow and Its Practical Application,"
SNAME, vol. 59, 1951, p. 25. Transactions, North East Coast Institute of Engi-
9 J. K. Lunde, "The Linearized Theory of neers and Shipbuilders, vol. 52, 1935-36, p. 65.
Wave Resistance and Its Applications to Ship- 2:3 F . H . Todd, G. R. Stuntz, and P. C. Pien,
Shaped Bodies in Motion on the Surface of a "The Effect upon Resistance and Power of Varia-
Deep, Previously Undisturbed Fluid," Technical tion in Ship Proportions," TRANS. SNAME,
and Research Bulletin No. 1-1S, SNAME, 1957. vol. 65, 1957, p. 445.
10 T . H . Havelock, "The Approximate Calcu- 24 T. Inui, "A Method of Finding Wave-Mak-
lation of Wave Resistance at High Speed," Tram- ing Resistance by Measuring Free Wave Pattern,"
actions, North East Coast Institute of Engineers (in Japanese), read at the Japan Towing Tank
and Shipbuilders, vol. 60, 1943-44, p. 47. Committee in June 1953.
11 T . H . Havelock, "Ship Waves: The Calcu- 25 E. Hogner, "A Contribution to the Theory
lation of Wave Profiles," Proceedings of 1"he Royal of Ship Waves," A rkiv for ~l,latematik, Astronomi
Society, London, England, series A, vol. 135, och Fysik, band 17, 1922-23, p. 1.
1932, p. 1.
12 T. H. Havelock, "Ship Waves: Their
Variation with Certain Systematic Change in Appendix I
Forms," Proceedings of l~he Royal Society, London,
Asymptotic Expansions for the Free Wave Pattern
England, series A, vol. 136, 1932, p. 465.
13 T. Inui, reference [6]. Putting x -- x0 = R cos 0, y = R sin 0 in
14 T. Takahei, "A Study on the Waveless equation (4) or (43), and applying the known
Bow (Part 1)," Joztrnal of The Society of Naval asymptotic expansions for the sufficiently large
Architects of Japan, vol. 108, 1960, p. 53. value of KoR, viz., KoR >~ 8, we have, approx-
15 M. Ikehata and H. Kajitani, "Ship Hull imately [24].
Form Design Method based upon the Waveless f(x, y) = f(R, o) = ~-,(R, o) + ~2(R, o), (49)
Form Theory," Doctoral Thesis for Master's
degree at the University of Tokyo, March 1962. where
16 W . C . S . Wigley, "Ship Wave Resistance, ( 2rr '~1'2
A Comparison of Mathematical Theory with K1 A (01) sin
Experimental Results," Tram. INA, vol. 68,
1926, p. 124.
17 G. P. Weinblum, "Schiffsform und
Wellenwiderstand," Jahrb. Schiffb. Gesellsch.,
E q
X F 1 K o R + h(01) + ~ ,

band 33, 1932, p. 419. Lo(R, o) k~/ K2 A (02) sin

18 B. V. Korvin-Kroukovsky, "A Simple
Method of Experimental Evaluation of the Wave X I F~ KoR + h(0.2) -- 41 (50)
Resistance of a Ship," Minutes of the H-5 Panel

322 Wave-Making Resistanceof Ships

20 0=19°28 ' for a n y given wdue of 0 not higher t h a n 0 <
~5 ............ 18°30 '. I n Figs. 39 and 40 these numerical
functions are given respectively. E q u a t i o n s (49)
and (50) show t h a t the wave elevation at the rear
.... ....... " % - t of the model can be expressed linearly b y the
amplitudes A (0a), A (0o.) of the corresponding ele-
m e n t a r y waves 0 = 0a and 0~.
-10 -20 -30 -40 -50 -60 -70 -80 -g0 W h e n 0 exceeds 18030 ' and approaches or
passes over the quasi-cusp line 0 -- 19°28 ',
Fig. 38 01.2versus 0 expression (50) m u s t be replaced with the expan-
sion of higher order which is similar to Professor
H o g n e r ' s early analysis [25]. This comes from
1.4 the well-known fact t h a t on the quasi-cusp line
0 = 19028 ' we have Y'(O) = F"(O) = 0, where
55 ~. F"(O) is the second derivative of F(O).
g FI,~ a n d o6~ 2 vS. H
c~ 1.2. ' JcJ These higher order expressions are given as
(a) Inside the quasi-cusp line: 18°30 ' < 0
I 1.0 FL ' l < 19028 ,

7-'->--. ~z~.~_.~i 45 :~,: 2 11'3

I I 19° 28'%
ft \Koo~t] H , d (0~) I, (~,) sin
5 ~0 ~5 20
~O-Oegrees x [f, KoR + h(O~) + ~,l,
Fig. 39 FI,2and ale versus O
f' \KoR] I-L,_A (0"-) I"- ft..,) sin (54)
I x IN KoR + h(O"-) -- ,~"-1
KI,2 vs. H
i where
I-I~ = [scc"-0," sin (0~ -- 0) ]-,/a
I,, = [I,, -~( ~ ) q- I,,'-' (~,)]IP-',
12 0
I aa = tan -1 (-o) ,
_.--m- ]
Uo: (~,)J
i K2 f l (55)
5 10 15 20
x-C°S ( 0 - - O) + 2 t a n 0 s e c 0 s i n O
Fig. 40 K~.~versus 0
[cos 0 sin (0 -- O)] "'/a
T h e suffixes 1 and 2 denote the transverse- (a = 1,2)
wave system and the diverging-wave system,
and [~,, [ai (a = 1, 2) are given as follows:
respectively, and 0~, 0.. are given as the two roots of

d F(O) _ F'(O) = 0, (51) /1(if) = / l r ( f f ) - { - ? : / U ( ~ ) = £ - £ ~ _ e i(~w2+w~) dw,

where F(O) is the phase function of the elementary eD

waves divided b y KoR, given as I"- (~) = h~ (~) + ir~.z (~) =

o --ira

F(O) = se:0 cos (0 - 0) (52) (56)

T h e n we have where Ia, and [a, are the real and the i m a g i n a r y
p a r t of I~ (~), respectively (a = 1, 2).
tan 0~) cot 0 [1 =F (1 -- 8 tan"- O)~/~-1 (53) ~a (a = 1, 2) in equations (54) or (55) corre-
tan O"-f =
spond to 4- 7r/4 in equation (50), and are shown
- -

The relation between the roots 0~, 0"- and the in Fig. 39. F r o m Fig. 39 we can see t h a t the
radial angle @ is shown in Fig. 38. Iq, F"-, K~, phase difference between the transverse-wave
K= are also the numerical values easily obtainable system and the diverging-wave system is nearly

Wave-Making Resistanceof Ships 323

equal to (zr/4 + 7r/4) = ~r/2 or 1/4 wave length
t h r o u g h o u t the whole range 0 = 0 ° ~-~ 18°30 ~, f
~ , ( x , y) ~ a -~/2 C(O) cos (Kop see 20)dO, (61)
except the n a r r o w range 0 = 18030 ' N 19028 '.
W i t h i n this narrow range the phase difference
rapidly increases toward
C(O) = mKo sec3 0 exp ( - - K 0 f sec 2 0), (62)
__ or m og h
(b) On the quasi-cusp line: 0 = 19o28 ` . I n p = xcosO +ysinO, (63)
this special case the roots 0~, 02 in equation (53)
coincides with each other, like
m V = strength of source (64)
01 = 02 = 00 = COS-1 ~ ] ~ (57) (b) A Traveling Point-Doublet. Let the
m o m e n t of the point doublet be M V (axis of
or 00 35°16 ' J which is in the negative x-direction). Point
doublet of m o m e n t M V is obtained as a limit
and equation (54) finally can be written as
when the distance between closely spaced point
source + m V and a point sink - - m V approaches
~0(0 = 19°28 ') F(-~) ( 2 )v3 zero, if the distance is denoted x = 5(>0)
"~ ~ \KoR] HoA(Oo)
X sin [FoKoR + h(00)], (58) M Y = lira (5 mY), (65)

with This relationship leads to the conclusion t h a t

the free-wave p a t t e r n due to a point doublet
Fo = F(Oo) = 0.866, and H0 = Ha(0
can be obtained b y partially differentiating
= 1 9 ° 2 8 ' , 0 = 0o) = 1.347
equation (61) with respect to x and letting
(c) Outside the quasi-cusp line: 0 > 19°28. m equal to -~f.
As Professor H o g n e r clarified, the wave elevation T h e final result will be given as
outside the cusp line c a n n o t be neglected until ,, / 2
0 exceeds 21 °. F o r such region we h a v e ~wD "~ --
f - ~/2
S(O) sin (Kop sec20)dO, (66)

~(R, 0 >~ 19°28 ') ~-~ \~R/__ I-/3 A (0~) K(~-)
S(O) - -~l~/K°2sec 4 0 exp (--Kof sec 2 0) (67)
sin [ F 3 ' K o R + h(O.~)], (59) 7r

where (c) A Traveling Continuous Source Distri-

bution. Let a continuous source distribution
r = 2'/3(l£oR)2/3H.~[sin (0 + 03) be located in the vertical central plane y = 0
+ 2 tan 2 06" sin 0], within the rectangular region of 0 < x < L,
(60) - - T _< z _< 0, where L = ship length- a n d - ] ~ =
K(T) = d-f~ ei(¢w+w') dw d r a f t at the ends. E a c h source element will
create an elementary free-wave p a t t e r n as
I t would be easily shown t h a t equation (58) described in (a). T h e integration of all free-
also can be obtained f r o m equation (59) as its wave p a t t e r n s will result in only a bow wave
limiting case for 0 --~ + 19°28 '. and a stern wave, if the source-distribution
function together with its successive derivatives
are continuous t h r o u g h o u t x = 0 --~ L.
Appendix 2 N o w let the x-coordinate of a source element
be ~, x' = x/L, ~' = G/L, and let m (~') be the
Free-Wave Pattern Created by a Traveling Point- distribution function of sources. T h e n integrat-
Source, Point-Doublet, and Continuous Source ing b y parts with respect to }' we obtain, for the
Distribution case y = O, the following result:
(a) A Traveling Point-Source. A point source,
which is located at the point (0, 0, --f), is assumed
L 1 m(~') COS [KoL(x' -- ~') see O]d#l
as traveling in the negative x-direction at the
speed V. T h e free-wave p a t t e r n which is created
b y such a traveling point source is given as [11, 12]
- --[1
KoL see 0
m((') sin {KoL(x' -- ~') sec 0

324 Wave-Making Resistance of Ships

A2* T. Takahei, "A S t u d y on the Waveless
+ KoL sec 0 Y0' m'(~') sin [KoL(x' -- }') sec O]d~' Bow (Part 1)," Journal of The Society of Naval
1 Architects of Japan, vol. 108, 1960, p. 53.
= KoL sec 0 {me sin (Kox sec 0) -- rna sin A3 T. Takahei, "A S t u d y on the Waveless
Bow (Part 2 ) / ' Journal ~" The Society of Naval
1 Architects of Japan, vol. 109, 1961, p. 73.
× [K0(x - . L ) sec 0]} +
(KoL sec 0)2 A4* M. Kumano, "A Study on the Waveless
Stern (Part 1)," Journal of The Society of Naval
X [m'(}') cos [KoL(x' -- ~') secO;' Architects of Japan, vol. 10S, 1960, p. 63.
A5 M. Kumano, "A S t u d y on the Waveless
(Kok sec 0y' fo m"(~') cos
Stern (Part 2)," Journal of The Society of Naval
Architects of Japan, vol. 109, 1961, p. 87.
X [KoL(x' -- ~') sec 0]d~' (68) A6 M. Kumano, "A Study on the Waveless
where m p = m (0) and ma = m (1) represent Stern (Part 3)," Journal of The Society of Naval
the strength of the source (divided b y ]7) at the Architects of Japan, vol. ll0, 19611, p. 159.
bow and :stern, respectively. T e r m s which are A7~ N. Yokoyalna, "Fishing Boat of the
responsible: for the bow-wave system can be Waveless Hull Form," Journal of The Society of
written as follows, with m r ' = m'(0), m~," = Naval Architects of Japan, vol. 110, 1961, p. 119.
m"(0) . . . . . . . A8 S. Takezawa, "A Study on the Large
Bulbous Bow of a High Speed Displacement
Ship (Part 1--Resistance in Still Water),"
KoL sec 0 (KoL sec 0) a
'?nFIV } Journal of The Society of Naval Architects of
Japan, vol. 110, 1961, p. 145.
Jr (KoL sec 0) '~ .... - sin (K0.v sec 0)
A9 S. Takezawa, "A Study on the Large
J. ngF ! in F I ! I Bulbous Bow of a High Speed Displacement
[(KoL see O)°- (KoL sec 0) 4 Ship (Part 2--Perfonnance.s in Waves)," Journal
of The Society of Naval Architects of Japan,
mFV 6 ... 1 c o s ( K ~ x s e c 0 )
+ (KoLsecO) vol. 1.]1, 1!)61, p. 19.
A I 0 T. Inui and T. Takahei, " T h e Wave-
From the foregoing result, in general, the bow Cancelling Effects of "Waveless Bulb on the
wave is composed of slim and cosine waves. High Speed Passenger Coaster MS 'Kurenai
B u t since KoL = 1/F"- is sufficiently large for M a r u ' (Part ] - - T h e Model Resistance and
low Froude number, the amplitude of the sine Propulsion Experiments)," Journal of The Society
wave is much greater than t h a t of the cosine of Naval Architects of Japan, vol. 110, 1961,.p. 75.
wave. The cosine wave can therefore be neg- A11 M. Shigelnitsu and K. Kai, " T h e Wave-
lected. In the higher speed range, the magnitude Cancelling Effects of Waveless Bulb on the High
of the cosine wave cannot be neglected. The Speed Passenger Coaster MS 'Kurenai M a r u '
cosine-wave component will shift the position (Part 2 - - T h e Full-Scale Experiment)," Journal
of crests of the bow-wave system forward or of The Society of Naval Architects of Japan, vol.
aft depending on whether the amplitude of the 11.0, 1961, p. 91.
cosine wave is' negative (convex waterlines) or A12 T. Takahei and 92. Inui, " T h e Wave-
positive (concave waterlines). Cancelling Effects of Waveless Bulb on the
Similar results can be obtained for the stern- High Speed Passenger Coaster MS 'Kurenai
wave system except the phase shift being opposite M a r u ' (Part 3--Photogranlmetrical Observa-
to t h a t of the bow-wave system. However, it tions of Ship Waves)," Journal of The Society oJ
should be noticed t h a t in our interested range of Naval Architects of Japan, vol. 110, 1961, p. 105.
Froude number (F ~< 0.35), the sine wave is

Appendix 3 NOTES :
(a)* T h e English translations of these papers
Published Papers on Waveless Hull Forms
were published by the University of Michigan,
A I * T. Inui, T. Takahei, and M. Kumano, [21].
" W a v e Profile Measurements on the Wave- (b)~ This paper alone is written in English;
Making Characteristics of the Bulbous Bow," all other papers listed are in Japanese, each with
Journal of Th.e Society of Naval Architects of a brief English abstract.
Japan, vol. 108, 1960, p. 39. (c) Reference [All discusses mainly the phase

Wave-Making Resistance of Ships 325

of bulb's waves, which leads to a prediction of experinaents on the MS Kurenai )lfaru and the
the waveless-hull form. related t a n k experiments for the wave cancelling
References [A2, 3] present the theoretical effect of the "waveless" bulb. The picture on
discussion and the experimental result b y which the second page is reproduced from one in [A12].
the possibility of cancelling the bow waves was (d) The following three 16-mm color films
proved. and one S-ram color film are available:
References [A4, 5, 6] t r e a t the waveless stern Film No. 1 (16 ram). "Full-.Scale Experiment
problem and also describe self-propulsion tests on the MS Kurenai-AIaru."
carried out in still water. Film No. 2 (16 ram). "Observation of Ship
References [A7, 8, 9] are on the practical Models' Waves."
application of the waveless form theory to a Film No. 3 (16 ram). "Maneuvering and
fishing boat [A7] and a high-speed escort [AS, 9], Sea-Keeping Tests on an 8-m High-Speed Escort
and self-propulsion tests in still water and in Model, Radio R e m o t e Controlled."
waves. Film No. 4 (8 mm). "Seakeeping Tests on a
References [A10, 11, 12] describe the full-scale 2-m Fishing Boat."

Prof. T. Takahei, Member and Prof. R. B. Couch, chell's theory which has been followed so far in
Council Member: The author has proposed an en- the theoretical works pretaining to ship resistance.
tirely new model t a n k testing procedure taking The procedure which author has outlined takes
advantage of model wave observations and advantage of the concept of "elementary waves"
analyses. I t is possible to use this procedure be- to clarify the mechanism of wave interference
cause of advances in wave-resistance theory, the caused by the bulbous bow.
availability of adequate digital computers, and At The University of Michigan we have been
the high degree of sophistication of present-day active in bulbous-bow research. One of the
instrumentation. The overall effectiveness of writers, Dr. Takahei, is one of the co-developers
his method has been verified quite well by the with the author of the new bulb theory, and has
evidence presented in the paper. been working at the University for the past year.
Another i m p o r t a n t contribution is the author's In t h a t time we have duplicated the Japanese
explanation of the application of wave-resistance model tests on the mathematical forms C-101
theory to practical ship hydrodynanfics instead and C-201 with and without bulbs using larger
of the tenuous calculations on the basis of Mi- models of 12 ft in length as compared to the S.2-

O.OO20 B:WITH B O W - B U L B , /


-... O.OOIO

0 I ~ I ! r r I T
O. IO 0.20 ~' 0.50 0.40 0.50
DESIGN SPEED ( F = 0 . 2 6 7 ) FROUDE NUMBER F=V//'Cgg

Fig. 41 Comparison Of wave-making resistance of C-201 model of different sizes

(refer to Fig. 20)

326 Wave-Making Resistance of Ships


3.2 ---e - -


x I
a~,~ 2.0
OBSERVATION CH A M B / , . ~ ~ " "
u .~
0.03 0.09 0.15 0)21 0.27 0.55 0.39
L I I f I I I i I I I I I
0.1 0.3 0.5 0.7 0.9 I.I 1.3

Fig. 42 Residuary resistance reduction due to bulb of Oceanographic and fisheries

research vessel

ft length of the Japanese models. Our results and (36) it is indeed dill]cult to follow his argu-
compare very closely with the author's on the ment, since both formulations lead to the con-
C-101 form, but slight discrepancies were found clusion that the wave-making resistance will be
for C-201, as shown on Fig. 41 of this discussion. zero for B(O) identically equal to A (0). When
These small differences .are negligible and our earlier investigators failed to imagine how two dis-
tests very effectively conflrln the Japanese tests. tinctly different three-dimensional bodies can
In both the Japanese and the University of Mich- produce two wave systems of equal amplitndes
igan tests the ratio of tank cross section to n]odel and inverse phase the writer finds himself in their
cross section was about 160. company. If the term "waveless" is to have an
We have also recently tested a model of an exact meaning it must be demanded t h a t B(O)
oceanographic research ship of about 15() ft in is exactly identical to A (0). I t has been shown
length on which was fitted an observation cham- that this is only al)proximately true, and we there-
ber. This observation chalnber was replaced by fore have a form for which the wave-making resist-
an Inui bulb to serve a double purpose. The ance is only approximately equal to zero. If
new bulb produced a total reduction in E H P of criticism is to be leveled against Havelock, \Vein-
about 1,5 percent at a design speed of 12 knots. blum, Wigley and others it can only be said that
Fig. 42 shows the results in the form of CR curves they did not go far enough in their investigations.
versus Froude number. This is an ideal ap- In any theoretical treatment of a physical
plication of the Inui bulb. phenomenon, approximations arise from two
sources; i.e., ai)proximations implied in the for-
Dr. Finn C . M i c h e l s e n , Associate Member: The mulation of the theory and those encountered in
wave cancellation obtained with the large bulbs, numerical calculations. Since the streamlines
which the writer believes are already being gen- defining a hull form from a given singularity dis-
erally referred to as Inui bulbs, is quite remark- tribution are usually determiued by means of
able. One m a y wonder why such results were numerical methods, such as that of Runge-Kutta,
not obtained a long tinle ago. The author gives the resulting form will not be an exact one. At
the opinion that failure to realize a "waveless" The University of Michigan it has been found,
hull form is due to the failure of earlier investi- for instance, that great care must be exercised in
gators to understand fully the lneehanisn~ of wave the determination of the streanllines. A finer
cancellation. On that point the writer wishes to mesh than that used by the author did, in fact,
express disagreement. If the author's judgnlent reduce the beam in the case of model C-201.
is based on the difference between equations (35) The difference iu this case is small and is believed

Wave-Making Resistanceof Ships 327

0.14 .....

, I

0 I0 20 50 4'0 50 60 70 80 90 I00
Fig. 43 Runge-Kutta method, effect of disisions in x on maximum beam for C-201

to be insignificant. Fig. 43 shows the variation equations (61), (62), (63), (66) and (67). Equa-
of beam as a function of n u m b e r of subdivision tions (61) t h r o u g h (63) give the free-wave pat-
used. tern of a traveling point source, and equations (66)
T h e a u t h o r has now for m a n y years been one of and (67) the free-wave p a t t e r n of a traveling
the m a j o r contributors to our knowledge of wave- point doublet. T h e point source produces waves
m a k i n g resistance of ships. His work on bulbs m u c h like those of the bow of a ship, while the
has indeed stirred our imagination and has led to point doublet produces waves like those of a
full realization of the significance of the wave- sphere :
resistance theory. F o r this alone will he take a
place a m o n g the fotmders of this theory. ~os(x,y) N
f_ +/'~
,2 C(O) eos(K0p sec-~0) dO (6~)

Capt. S. W. W. Shor, USN, Member: Despite the

C(0) = inK0 see:+0exp (-- K o f sec ~0) (62)
becoming m o d e s t y of the author, the paper we 7r
have heard t o d a y describes discoveries in the
field of w a v e - m a k i n g resistance of ships which
r a n k in i m p o r t a n c e with those of Kelvin, Froude, p=xcosOq-ysinO (63)
Michell, and Havelock. I n one respect, however,
this p a p e r is unique: the a u t h o r has kept his f,,,,, N S(O) sin(K0p see'-'0) dO (66)
J --7ri2
a t t e n t i o n focused on w h a t hal)pens far astern of
the ship, and I do n o t think we have ever seen with
so m u c h progress ahead b y one whose eyes are so M K o -+
c o n s t a n t l y t u r n e d behind. S(0) - sec40 e x p ( - K 0 f see'-'0) (67)
I would like to c o m m e n t on the potential of
the a u t h o r ' s theoretical attack. I n arriving T h e formula for the wave p r o d u c e d b y a doub-
at a waveless form, his m e t h o d has been to find let was obtained from t h a t for a point source by
an a p p e n d a g e to add to the hull of a ship which allowing a point source and an equal point sink,
will p r o d u c e waves of the same form as those pro- the source f o r w a r d of the sink, to a p p r o a c h each
duced b y the hull, b u t o u t of phase so t h a t t h e y other. T h e p r o d u c t of the source s t r e n g t h and
cancel. H e has chosen as his s t a n d a r d a p p e n d a g e the separation was held c o n s t a n t and the a p p r o a c h
a sphere, and has then adjusted its position and permitted to go to the limit of zero separation.
size so t h a t its waves just a b o u t cancel the bow We m a y inquire w h a t happens if the a p p r o a c h
waves or stern waves of the ship. I t is evidence is n o t carried to the limit of zero separation.
of the power of his methods, however, t h a t the This is equivalent to investigating the effect of
same calculations which he uses can also be usec) using an oblong b o d y r a t h e r like a blimp instead
to d e m o n s t r a t e t h a t a sphere is n o t the only of a sphere to cancel the ship's waves.
shape t h a t can be used for this purpose. L e t us assume a source and a sink, each of
T o show this, we can start with the a u t h o r ' s strength ImV[ and at the same depth, separated

328 Wave-Making Resistance of Ships

by a distance ~ in the x-direction. We can then If we let V = 32 fps (a little under 19 knots) we
write for the amplitude of the waves produced by get ~ = 247r or about 75 ft. The body described
this pair, following equation (61) : by a source-sink pair this far apart will be a little
~/2 longer, so it appears that we m a y use a blimp-
~,o " " F
d --7r/2
C(O) cos(Kop~ sec"-O) dO shaped object somewhat over 75 ft long in place
of a spherical bulb on a 19-knot ship. I t will,
-- --I"'~/2 C(O) cos(K<&, sece0) dO (69) of course, be smaller in diameter than the sphere.
d - - 7r/2 In practice it m a y well be that the sphere will
where we have defined prove more desirable than other possible shapes
in most eases; but it is good to know that the
p, = p + (~/2) c o s o author's theory provides a method so powerful
and that alternatives such as the one discussed here
can be worked out easily.
p.. = p -- (~/2) cos 0 (7O)
The quantity C(O) is the function described in Dr. F. H. Todd, Member: The calculation or
equation (62). measurement of the wave-making resistance of a
We m a y simplify the right-hand side of equa- ship has a double significance. In the first place
tion (69) by ordinary trigonometric identities with it is that part of the total resistance over which
the following result: the naval architect has most control, since it
depends upon the "shape" of the hull, and there is
f,, ,~, --2 C(O) sin(K0p sec20) a natural desire to reduce it to a minimum consist:
ent with the other features of the design.
sin(K0 :~ see0) dO (71) The basic feature of model testing techniques
is the extrapolation of model results to the ship
We now examine equation (71) and find that it is size, and any better knowledge of the components
like (66) except that in place of a factor see 0 of ship resistance, such as that due to wave-lnak-
it contains a factor ing, wouM contribute greatly to our improved
understanding of the whole problem. Changes
sin(K0 } see 0) in hull form made with a view to reducing wave-
making resistance have in the past depended
However, it is reasonable to eliminate the factor largely upon the results of model tests, either from
see 0 because it is the only respect in which the an analysis of the resistance data or observation
amplitude factor of a doublet differs from that of the wave profiles. The lessons learned in these
of a source like that of equation (61), which ways from past models have been applied to new
resembles a ship wave. This means that our only designs by a mixture of statistics, experience and
problem is the factor intuition.
"Forms of minimum wave-making resistance"
sin (K0:5 sec 0) have been developed mathematically by a number
of people, but in general they have had unortho-
This factor, however, can be made nearly equal dox if not impracticable shapes. The author's
to unity over the range of integration of 0 which approach is to calculate the wave-making resist-
produces nearly all the value of the integral if ance for a particular form, defined by a source-
we make an appropriate choice: of ft. For exam- sink distribution, and then to cancel it as far as
ple, if we choose 6 so that Ko 6/'2 is equal to 3~-/8 possible by adding a bulb with its own associated
then the factor wave system. He has illustrated this procedure
6 by the comparison shown in Fig. 32 between a
sin(K0 ~ see 0) Series 60, 0.60 C'B hull without a bulb (Model No.
4240) and one of his designs of similar proportions
ranges between 0.9 and 1.0 for 0 < 0 < 0.9, which fitted with a large bulb (his model UF3-UF7-
for any reasonable depth of bulb provides nearly F1). From the curves given in the figure he
the whole value of the integral. states that the residuary resistance is reduced by
The interpretation of this result is t h a t we 4(I percent and the total resistance by some 20
should be able to use an elongated body of revolu- percent. However, in making such comparisons,
tion in place of a spherical bulb. We m a y sub- one has to be sure that they are based upon
stitute some numbers in the result just worked out comparable cases. In the first place, it should
to see how long this body will be : be realized that model UF-3-UF7 is not at all a
6 = 2(3~/8)(1/K0) = 3rrV"/4g (72) ship-shape form, being wall-sided throughout,

Wave-Moking Resistance of Ships 329



WL R ---/1560 C ,478 B
KEEL 7 !
1560 F IS 75 FT 51.25 FT. t

WL R /WL S ~
S~ ~ - - - - - - ~ ~
T~ ~ ~ _ _ _ ~ .
u ~_ -- -- ~- _. . . .
Fig. 44 D e t a i l s o f b u l b s fitted to models 1360 and 1478 (Wigley). D i m e n s i o n s are
f o r a ship 400 ft X 37.5 ft X 25.0 ft draft

w i t h v e r t i c a l b o w a n d s t e r n contours, t h e displace- UfT-F1 w i t h b u l b a n d a fiat b o t t o m , even t h o u g h

m e n t - l e n g t h r a t i o is s o m e 5 p e r c e n t less, while the U3 was c a r r y i n g 25 p e r c e n t m o r e d i s p l a c e m e n t .
L C B p o s i t i o n s differ b y 1.2 p e r c e n t of t h e length. T h i s suggests t h a t t h e basic form h a s v e r y good
T h e effect of t h e b u l b on m o d e l U F 3 - U F 7 is wave-making characteristics.
shown in Fig. 29, t h e v a l u e s of C,.' being 0.00026 T h e b a s i c t h e o r y for t h e b u l b o u s bow was p u b -
a n d 0.000lS for t h e n o r m a l a n d b u l b forms, lished b y W i g l e y in 1935. 7 I n 192S H a v e l o c k
r e s p e c t i v e l y . I t s h o u l d be n o t e d t h a t t h e dia- c a l c u l a t e d t h e surface w a v e p a t t e r n due to a d o u b -
g r a m s g i v i n g values of w a v e - m a k i n g r e s i s t a n c e in let i m m e r s e d in a u n i f o r m s t r e a m , which is
this p a p e r a r e n o t t h e u s u a l ones where R , , is e q u i v a l e n t to an i m m e r s e d sphere, s T h e m o s t
r e f e r r e d to ~.~pSV 2, b u t t h e d e n o m i n a t o r is i m p o r t a n t f e a t u r e of this p a t t e r n was t h a t i t h a d
],~pL"-V e. C o r r e c t i n g to t h e usual f o r m t h e a w a v e t r o u g h j u s t aft of t h e sphere, which sug-
f o r e g o i n g v a l u e s of C.,' b e c o m e 0.00.139 a n d gested to W i g l e y t h a t it m i g h t be possible to
0.00096, so t h a t t h e r e d u c t i o n d u e to f i t t i n g t h e p a r t l y cancel the bow w a v e of t h e hull b y l o c a t i n g
b u l b is 0.00043. a sphere below t h e surface in t h e n e i g h b o r h o o d
F r o m Fig. 32 t h e CR-value for m o d e l U F 3 - U F 7 - of t h e stem. H e c a r r i e d o u t c a l c u l a t i o n s of
F 1 w i t h b u l b is 0.00123, a n d a d d i n g t h e difference w a v e profiles a n d w a v e - m a k i n g resistance b a s e d
of 0.00(14"3 for t h e b u l b effect we find a v a l u e of on H a v e l o c k ' s w o r k r e l a t i n g t h e expression for t h e
CR for U F 3 - U F 7 w i t h o u t b u l b of (1.1)1)166. T h i s r e s i s t a n c e to t h a t for t h e w a v e profile a t a g r e a t
c o m p a r e s w i t h C~ of 0.00202 for the Series 60 d i s t a n c e astern. H e expressed t h e t o t a l resist-
model, or a difference of 0.00036. T h e t o t a l ance of t h e c o m b i n e d hull and b u l b in t h e f o r m
resistance coefficient for a ship 400 ft long b u i l t
to t h e lines of M o d e l 4240 is 0.00407, so t h a t the Rr = Ru +R~ +R~
I n u i form w i t h o u t b u l b has a lower resistance b y where t h e first two t e r m s are t h e s e p a r a t e resist-
a b o u t 9 percent. A s s u m i n g t h e stone r e d u c t i o n ances of hull a n d bulb, a n d RI is an i n t e r f e r e n c e
could be achieved b y fitting a similar b u l b to the t e r m . T h e b u l b will also h a v e a frictional a n d
Series 60 m o d e l as was found on U F 3 - U F 7 , t h e r e f o r m resistance R~. a n d if t h e n e t effect is to be
would be a f u r t h e r r e d u c t i o n in t o t a l r e s i s t a n c e a r e d u c t i o n in resistance, then R~ m u s t be nega-
of s o m e li) p e r c e n t . I t t h u s a p p e a r s t h a t t h e tive and n u m e r i c a l l y g r e a t e r t h a n (Rn 4- R~,).
r e d u c t i o n of 20 p e r c e n t p r e v i o u s l y m e n t i o n e d can T h e t e r m R,. p r e d o m i n a t e s a t low speeds, a n d
be a t t r i b u t e d a p p r o x i m a t e l y e q u a l l y b e t w e e n t h e t h e r e f o r e t h e r e is an increase in t o t a l resistance.
difference in basic forms a n d t h e effect of bulb. 7 W. C. S. W i g l e y , " T h e T h e o r y of t h e B u l b o u s Bow a n d
M o r e o v e r , reference to Fig. 2S will show t h a t its Practical Application," Northeast Coast hlstitution of
Shipbuilders, 1935-36.
m o d e l U3 w i t h o u t b u l b a n d w i t h a c u r v e d b o t t o m 8 T. H. Havelock, Proceedings of The Royal Society,
h a d a w a v e - m a k i n g r e s i s t a n c e lower t h a n U F 3 - London, Englmld, series A, vol. 121, 1928.

330 Wave-Making Resistanceof Ships


; " -..N ~ g JI
-+. o
:o+ ' - \ ia
n 0

- 5 _ _

~-t- 1.280
75 FT A F T OF" FP I I
-I0 ! FP
I00 80 60 40 20 0 20 40 60
Fig. 45 Percentage change in resistance due to fitting of a bulb (\Vigley). Percentages
refer to a 400-ft ship

R~ increases n u m e r i c a l l y w i t h speed, a n d the I believe in fact t h a t W i g l e y did show the reason

t o t a l effect becomes n e g a t i v e a t a b o u t V/-v/Z, = w h y resistance could be r e d u c e d b y t h e use of a
0.8 for t h e ship. W i g l e y m a d e c a l c u l a t i o n s for b u l b (the f a c t was, of course, a l r e a d y well k n o w n
b u l b s in different f o r e - a n d - a f t locations, a n d con- as a m a t t e r of experience), a n d he d r e w t h e follow-
eluded t h a t the b e s t position in. general "is w i t h ing conclusions :
its c e n t r e a t the b o w a n d t h e r e f o r e w i t h a projec- l T h e useful speed range of a b u l b is g e n e r a l l y
tion f o r w a r d of the hull." from I 7 ' ~ / ' ~ = 0.8 to 1.9, V b e i n g speed in k n o t s
Fig. 44 shows d e t a i l s of one b u l b design in t h r e e a n d L the s h i p ' s l e n g t h in feet.
different l o c a t i o n s a n d Fig. 4,5 t h e p e r c e n t a g e 2 T h e worse t h e wave-naaking of the hull
c h a n g e in c a l c u l a t e d resistance for a ship 400 itself is, the m o r e gain m a y be e x p e c t e d w i t h the
ft in length. T h e s e results were g e n e r a l l y con- b u l b and vice-versa.
firmed b y e x p e r i m e n t s on 16-ft models. I t will
3 Unless the lines are e x t r e m e l y hollow the
be seen t h a t t h e i m p r o v e m e n t is g r e a t e r the
b e s t position of t h e b u l b is w i t h its c e n t r e a t t h e
f a r t h e r f o r w a r d t h e nose of the b u l b from the stem,
bow, t h a t is, with its nose p r o j e c t i n g f o r w a r d of
while in t h e f a r t h e s t a f t position t h e r e is a sub-
the hull.
s t a n t i a l increase in resistance. T h e b u l b shown in
Fig. 44 in t h e m o s t f o r w a r d l o c a t i o n b e a r s a close 4 T h e b u l b should extend as low as possible
general r e s e m b l a n c e to sonae of those used b y the c o n s o n a n t w i t h fairness in the lines of t h e hull.
a u t h o r - t h e nose is 31.25 ft f o r w a r d of the s t e m 5 T h e b u l b should be as s h o r t l o n g i t u d i n a l l y
for a 400-ft ship, a n d t h a t shown in Fig. 19 of the a n d as wide l a t e r a l l y as p o s s i b l e , . . . .
p r e s e n t p a p e r , for e x a m p l e , has a p r o j e c t i o n of 6 T h e t o p of the b u l b should n o t a p p r o a c h too
a b o u t 37 ft. T h e p e r c e n t a g e i m p r o v e m e n t s in- n e a r l y to the w a t e r surface . . . .
d i c a t e d b y W i g l e y ' s work v a r y front 2 to 7 per- W i g l e y did n o t proceed to e x t r e m e sizes of bulb,
cent; w h i c h are less t h a n thai. achieved b y the a n d here the a u t h o r naust be c o n g r a t u l a t e d on his
a u t h o r , b u t i n s p e c t i o n will show t h a t the l a t t e r courage in n o t being d e t e r r e d b y a p p e a r a n c e s !
has used b u l b s of m u c h g r e a t e r t r a n s v e r s e di- The author repeats Havelock's statement that
mensions, c o m i n g m u c h n e a r e r to t h e surface. the free-wave p a t t e r n of an ilnmersed d o u b l e t
T h e a u t h o r r e m a r k s a t one p o i n t t h a t b y Wig- or sphere s t a r t s w i t h a trough. T h i s I find diffi-
l e y ' s m e t h o d t h e " w a v e l e s s hull f o r m " could n e v e r cult to visualize physically. A t the nose of t h e
h a v e been discovered. T h i s I do n o t u n d e r s t a n d . sphere there is a s t a g n a t i o n p o i n t w i t h increased
Both Miehell's integral method and Havelock's pressure, and it seems t h a t the w a v e s y s t e m m u s t
m e t h o d of c a l c u l a t i n g t h e r e s i s t a n c e from t h e s t a r t w i t h a crest, even t h o u g h this m a y be small
w a v e p a t t e r n well a s t e r n lead to t h e s a m e final in m a g n i t u d e c o m p a r e d w i t h the ensuing trough.
m a t h e m a t i c a l expression, as i n d e e d t h e y m u s t . By k e e p i n g the nose of t h e b u l b well forward, t h e

Wave-Making Resistance of Ships 331

crest would not affect the hull bow wave, which such a bow design enables the center of buoyancy
would longitudinally coincide with the trough of to be kept in a desirable forward location without
the bulb system. In Fig. 23 of the paper, in- requiring large angles of entrance on the load
deed, the calculated bulb free-wave profile be- waterline and so bad behavior and loss of speed in
comes positive at the extreme fore end, i.e., ahead head seas. The author's views on this application
of the first trough, and has an amplitude of more would be of interest.
than half that of the succeeding hollow. There The author states that "the wave-making
are also symmetrical disturbances of the surface resistance theory should have been applied in
associated with both the hull and bulb, which planning an empirical, methodical series test and
complicate the wave pattern but which travel in analyzing the data obtained." When Series 60
with the hull and do not cause any resistance once was planned by the Society's Panel and the Taylor
a steady speed has been attained. Any change IX~odel Basin in 1949, this possibility was con-
in shape of the nose of the bulb, for example from sidered seriously. However, owing to the then
a sphere to an ellipsoid, would cause some change state of knowledge of the theory of wave-making
in the associated wave profile and the resistance, resistance and the difficulties of representing hull
and so nmst affect the "free" wave pattern as forms mathematically, it was decided to adopt
well as the symmetrical disturbance. I should instead a family of graphically defined and re-
value the author's comments in connection with lated parent forms, t° Progress in the theory
this point. over the past 12 years and the development of
The author advocates the use of observed wave methods of defining ships' lines for use on a high-
patterns for linking up experimental and the- speed computer have altered the situation to a
oretical results. In 1952 Guilloton gave details great extent, but the time has not yet come when
of a method of determining the wave-making we can dispense with methodical series experi-
resistance graphically from measured wave pro- ments. For the vast majority of ships wave-
files. ° The wave profile and the resistance can making resistance is but a small part of the total,
both be calculated mathematically to a first ap- and in series work we are concerned with finding
proximation. Guilloton assumed that the same the effects upon total resistance of changes in
relation would hold between the actual profile fullness, proportions, and other features which
and wave resistance, so that by measuring the m a y also affect viscous drag to an important
former the resistance could be calculated by extent.
graphical methods. He and others have obtained The curves in the paper showing comparisons
good results. between calculated and observed wave-making
All this work is for smooth water, and the resistance indicate very close agreement. It
effects of such bulbs on seagoing qualities must should be remembered, however, that the calcu-
certainly be investigated before embarking on lated curves have been "corrected" by a number
their widespread use. The advantages of bulbs of.factors which have in themselves been derived
in reducing smooth-water resistance have been from such experiments to allow for the virtual in-
known from model tests for 60 years or more and crease in length due to viscosity, ~, the effect of
the theory for 30 years. One is tempted to ask viscosity in reducing stern wave heights, ~, and a
why large bulbs of the sizes used by the author hull self-interference coefficient. More informa-
have not been tried before. The answer is tion on the latter would be of interest. The
probably that no operators have been willing to measured wave-making resistance coefficient Cw
go to such extreme bulbs for fear of bad sea be- is always a derived value, since only the total
h a v i o r - s p r a y , slamming and hull d a m a g e - - a n d resistance is actually measured. The author has
the difficulties of berthing and anchoring. The used Hughes' "form factor" concept in the deriva-
possibilities shown by the author should en- tion. But there are other methods of doing this
-courage the application of his design methods to and the correction factors will depend very much
high-speed warships which have to carry large on which method is used.
sonar domes.
The author has confined his considerations to Prof. Philip Mandel, Member: I n a practical
the reduction of wave-making resistance. Yet sense the author's results are not yet revolution-
in the merchant marine most of the large bulbs ary. While Figs. 32 and 33 show an appreciable
have been fitted to large full tankers of low speed- advantage for a 20 percent bulb form as com-
length ratio where wave-making resistance is not pared to the Series 60 at speeds, F > 0.25, this
a problem. The reason is usually given that i0 F. FI. Todd and F. X. Forest, "A Proposed New Basis
for the Design of Single-Screw Merchant Ship Forms and
9R. Ouilloton, "A Note on the Experimental Determina- Standard Series Lines," TRANS. SNAME, vol. 59, 1951,
tion of Wave Resistance," INA, 1952. discussion by Dr. G. P. Weinblum, pp. 722-724.

332 Wave-Making Resistanceof Ships

advantage disappears in a comparison with the First of all, let us take a moment to look at the
Taylor Standard Series ( D T M B Report 806) of approximation to the boundary condition Oil the
comparable displacement (35,000 tons) com- ship which is now used. The e.xact b o u n d a r y
parable prismatic, Cp (,-o0.615), L / B and B / H . condition on the ship is (for the case of a stationary
Using the wetted surface of the latter series re- ship in a superposed uniform flow):
sults in an E H P curve slightly more favorable
than t h a t shown for model UF3 x FI up to the
highest speeds shown. where
One question that the author has not raised is
of concern. He has chosen to limit his speed V = (u-U) l + v j + w k
range to F ___<0.35, perhaps for the reason that bF OF OF
the bulb sizes necessary to reduce resistance n = b~-~i + b y J-i- bz k
significantly at higher speeds become inordinately
large. Surely if the very large wave-making drag V being tile total vector velocity composed of the
could be eliminated, or even reduced at the last free-stream velocity - U parallel to the longitudi-
hump speed of F = 0.5, a major barrier to higher nal x-axis, and 'u,v,w being the conlponents of the
ship operating speeds would be reduced. The disturbance velocity due to the displacing effects
author's comments on this point would be very of the ship, and n is the normal vector to the ship
helpful. surface being computed from the equation of the
We hope and pray that the author's work will ship surface
continue into the future with enlarged scope.
Y(.v,£z) = 0 = f(x,z) -- y = 0
Significant advances in this field have been much
too rare since the pioneering work of the 1920's where y is the waterline half-breadth at any
and 1930's for us to fail to support an enthusiastic station x and height from the keel z
researcher of demonstrated competence in this
OF Of(x,y) OF OF f
b,v bx ' b y --1; Oz z

Dr. J. P. Breslin, Member: While m a n y researchers In detail, then, the boundary condition requires
have been aware of the fact that the streamline that
shape associated with source distributions is not
that of the ship, the author has been the first, I b.f bf o
(..- u ) 57~ - ~ (0 + w b-;, =
believe, actually to nmke calculations to show what
these shapes are. Further, he shows that when so that
one builds a model to this shape rather than the
- UOf .Of wOf
one which the source distribution is supposed to
v- bx + bx + - bz
give, much better agreement between theory and
experiment is obtained. The last two terms are neglected on the basis that
He side steps this failure of the simplified they represent the product of small quantities.
relationships between the local source density and But in the neighborhood of the bow and stern
the desired or arbitrary ship geometry by accepting u --~ U and by/bz, the slopes of the sections are not
the resulting streamline shape which he calculates small and it is just these regions of a ship which
with the use of an electronic computer after are predominantly important in the generation of
selecting a source distribution. This is fine for waves. The thin-ship theory goes on then to
his purposes-particularly to demonstrate as he exploit the simple relation between the local
has-the effectiveness of bulb s;hapes to produce source strength of a distribution taken over the
interfering wave patterns which reduce the wave longitudinal centerline plane which says that on
resistance to very low values at certain design the plane
Froude numbers.
However, I think that it is essential to make vs± ~-~ =t=-
calculations for desired waterline and section 2
shapes so that we m a y learn how such factors as and that this expression is considered to hold out
entrance angle and waterline shape, for example, to the adjacent point on the ship boundary so that
influence wave resistance. Thus the direct
-- UOf(x,z)
p r o b l e m - - w h a t is the wave resistance for a m(x,z) = v ~ - bx
specified set of lines--is still with us, but the
answer is much nearer to hand than before and I This expression is then inserted into the formulas
would like to explain why this is so. for the Kelvin source distribution which satisfies

Wave-Making Resistanceof Ships 333

linearized free-surface conditions and the wave The author's plea for wave measurements as
resistance calculated. I t is not surprising that the key for understanding wave resistance is very
this theory gives only the broad aspects of the well taken. I believe electrical methods for
wave pattern but fails to predict the resistance obtaining these data (as developed by Dr. Ward
very well. here in his doctoral dissertation) are more practi-
W h a t can we do in place of this? cal than stereo-photographs. Dr. Inui's studies
The answer is complicated but feasible now that have certainly generated a renewed interest in
the "space age" has accelerated the development ship-wave resistance. His bows have been shown
of large capacity, very high-speed computers. to w o r k - - b u t I think it m a y be possible to achieve
Quite recently, the problem of finding the surface the same result by smaller changes in the water-
distribution of sources which meets or satisfies a lines near the designed waterline for already well-
given normal velocity distribution has been designed lines. I have been particularly anxious
solved by a caleulational procedure devised by to know if the wave resistance of the sinusoidal
Hess and A.M.O. Smith at Douglas Aircraft under source distribution is larger than that which
support of the Bureau of Ships Fundamental would be obtained for a ship of the same propor-
Hydromechanies Research Program. T h e y have tions designed by a competent naval architect
applied the method to a Series 60 hull shape. from empirical knowledge.
The basic integral equation which they solved Finally, m a n y a "hard-shelled" naval architects
is might say: "All this business of large bulb or
'wavy-waterlined' ships is the result of the
m 1 F £ m cos(n,r)~S
theoretical types who 'wander' about towing
2 4~ J J r~ v,,(p) tanks? D o n ' t they know that the cost of fuel is
where about in seventh place in the order of cost items in
running a ship!" However, the answer m a y well
source strength density distributed over
be that a substantial reduction in power as shown
surface S of the ship
by the author cozdd still spell the difference in the
n = outward drawn normal
margin for profit after all the other higher cost
r = distance between any point of interest on
items are paid.
' ship surface to any d u m m y point on surface
I t is to be noted that cos(n,r) is the cosine of the Dr. P. C. Pien, Member: This paper, like m a n y
angle between the directed line r and the normal other contributions of the author, will have a
n which is clearly zero in the case of planar sur- tremendous influence upon the future research
faces. Here v,, must be opposite and equal to the work in the field of wave-making resistance of
normal component of free-stream speed at each ships. The most important contribution made by
point of the ship surface S. the author, I think, is the nonlinear treatment of
Having found the source strengths m for each ship surface condition as described in Part 1,
of the small segments into which the ship is Section 2 of this paper. This improvement to
divided, one can then compute the wave resist- Mitchell's original wave-making resistance theory
ance through use of established formulas for the brings the theoretical and experimental results into
drag associated with the waves generated by much better relationship. I t makes theoretical
isolated sources. The sum or integral over the analysis meaningful in searching for better hull
surface for all such sources and sinks will give a forms under a given set of design conditions.
theoretical wave resistance which is not subject At the David Taylor Model Basin, we are
to the limitations of thin-ship approximations. doing some research work on hull forms. I would
One can expect that some of the finite-beam like to show some of our results and, based upon
effects in providing wave-interference effects will them, make some comments on this paper.
be exhibited by this more realistic model. I t will In order to save time in making a theoretical
still be necessary to modify this potential-flow analysis of a hull form, I have revised the author's
model to account for the softening of the pressure procedure for such analysis and have prepared
rise at the stern provided by the boundary-layer new tables for use with this procedure. The
flow. variety of singularity distributions, as well as
I t is hoped that calculations using the presently their location, have been greatly extended. Now
available source distribution computed at Douglas a wave-making resistance coefficient curve or
for a Series 60 hull will be completed at Stevens elementary wave-amplitude curve of a chosen
Institute so that a measure of the importance of singularity distribution can be quickly made.
more exact modelling of the boundary condition I am going to show the results of an analysis we
can be ascertained. have made on three mathematical models. The

334 Wave-Making Resistance of Ships



- - M(F~) = 3.68oo9~-3.48oo9
2 L
~40DEL X . . . . . M(~) = 3.55"35~ --.01386~ 2 _ 7.3891~ 3

+4.0537~4 _.19903~ ~

~IODEL 4946 - - ?J(g) = 3.88306~+ 1.8a4~ 2

,1.2 -17.q91~ 3 + 14.5792g ¢

-2.459'76~ 5
FOR 0 "::~ -~i
/ i


/ \ \


0.2 \

-0.2 ~ \ \

,d /
-0.6 x,Q\
-0.8 "~,k \

-i.0 -0.9 -0.8 -0.7 -0.6 - 0 . 5 - 0 . 4 -0.3 -0.2 -0.i O.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0

Fig. 46 Source distribution

first one is on Model U3 of this paper. I t is the free-wave system of these models. As mentioned
best model of the U-series for V~/L = 0.93 before, Model X has been specially chosen. I t
(F = 0.277). The second one is D T M B Model was selected so that the sine component of the
4946 which was just recently tested. The third free-wave system is negligible, and the dominating
one, Model X, is selected particularly for the component is the cosine component. In this case,
purpose of this discussion. a bulb derived from a point doublet cannot possi-
Fig. 46 of this discussion shows the source dis- bly cancel the free wave. Instead, concentrated
tributions of the three models. The notations source (sink at stern) at ends should be employed
are the same as used in the paper. Model X has for this purpose. This concentrated source at
a T / L value of 0.04 and has the source distribu- ends will avoid the cusp of waterline .endings of
tion on the central plane. 2/-'and L are the depth this model. In the case of Model U3, the cosine
and the length of source distribution, respectively. component within the range of important 0-values
Model 49'.4.6 has a T / L value of 0.03 and has the is actually larger than the sine component. A
source distribution placed off the central plane. bulb derived from both a concentrated source and
This is done in order to obtain a desired B/I-Iratio. a doublet should, at least theoretically, be more
Fig. 47 shows the resultant elementary wave effective. Furthermore, the doublet should be
amplitudes of the models at the designed 17/~/~ distributed along a vertical line at the ends in
value of 0.93. From this figure, it may be expected accordance with the amplitude curve of the sine
that Model 4946 will have better performance component of the free-wave system. Likewise,
than Model U& Fig. 48 shows the amplitude the source should be distributed along the same
curves of the sine and cosine components of the line in accordance with the amplitude curve of the

Wave-Making Resistance of Ships 335

i.~ x lO-2

- -


7~ODEL 4 9 4 6 - -

+-------- J

o.5 \

/ \

// \

0° i0 ° 20 ° 30 ° 40 ° 50 ° 60 ° 70 ° 80 °

Fig. 47 Resultant elementary free wave amplitude curves

cosine component. B y doing so, not only a more In conclusion, I would like to make the follow-
effective bulb can be obtained but also better hull ing statements based on the results in Figs. 46 to
geometry near the ends can be developed. For 49:
the case of Model 4946, both the sine and the 1 A large bulb seems not a necessity for a low
cosine components of the free-wave system are wave-making resistance hull form as shown in the
negligible within the range of important 0-values. case of Model 4946.
Therefore, no bulb would be required.
2 Line source should be considered as a very
Fig. 49 shows the total measured resistance-
desirable element in designing an effective bulb.
coefficient curves of Models U3 and 4946. The
In any case, it is not possible to have a bulb de-
former was obtained at the University of T o k y o
rived purely from a point doublet. The necessary
both with and without bulb, while the latter was
arbitrary fairing, in order to blend the sphere to
obtained at D T M B . The lower portion of the
the main hull, in reality is equivalent to the intro-
figure shows the Cw curves obtained from the
ducing of additional source. Would it be better
measured 'total resistance coefficients by using
to include the source in the design stage of a bulb
Sehoenherr's friction line with a K-factor of 0.14.
rather than to introduce it arbitrarily on the
The computed C,v curves have been plotted also
drawing board?
as shown. There is a shift of phase between
measured and computed C., curves for both The author's comments on these points will be
models. The better resistance quality of Model greatly appreciated.
4946 near the designed speed, as predicted by
theory, has been verified experimentally. Aside Prof. Lawrence W. Ward, Associate Member:
from the phase shift, the agreement between T h e a u t h o r presents a s t r o n g case f o r w h a t c o u l d
measured and computed Cw-values of Model be called "the photographic analysis of ship wave-
4946 is very good. making performance"; by this I mean the tech-

336 Wave-Making Resistance of Ships

1.0 X I0 -2 MODEL


4 9 4 6 - -
_ j r /

\ /
. ,f

o--- l I /


-0.5 - -
. . . . ,.I
I d

0 ° 10° 20 ° 30 ° 4o ° 50 ° 60 ° 70 ° 80 °

Fig. 48 Component elementary free wave amplitude curves

nique of circumventing completely the determina- himself has shown [24] to derive such a number
tion of any number corresponding to the energy from the photographs but only with considerable
in the ship wave system but rather relying on analytical effort and still requiring complex and
visual observation of the photographs themselves large facilities, nor does it seem possible, as the
for the purpose of assessing the value of changes author suggests, to cut down the size of this equip-
made in the hull form. The success obtained ment since the wave pattern itself depends o11 the
herein for the case of adding bulbs makes this viscous-flow regime to an unknown extent. Thus
method one difficult indeed to criticize; however, his method will not eliminate the need to establish
those of us who have taken as our goal the im- practical methods for the experimental determi-
provement of the theory of ship waves still must nation of wave resistance directly from measure-
insist that we have that number, however elusive ments of the wave pattern as in the methods of
it m a y be, for comparison with the theory with a the writer [20] and that of K. Eggers [19].
view to finally improving it to the point where it The author is to be commended on having in-
can guide us .truthfully in our various design eluded an investigation into the validity of the
problems. Of course it is possible as the author usual linearized treatment of the ship hull surface

Wave-Making Resistance of Ships 337

I I i
U 3 . .

U 3 u~th Lulb . . . . . . . . .
. . C,¢ = 6.77 X lO

, C~ = 6.94 X lO
-3 //// 1.5
TMP, NC,D'ZL 49146 , C.~ = 5 . 0 3 X 10
-3 N

L %

~ /~U_3 ~¢ith bulb ~



[ T~.~a r,(,D~ u946 ___ //

0.5 %

/ a
TMB~O~EL, 4946.]X /

0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30 0.35

Fig. 49 Comparison of C, and Cw

consists of a single w a v e s y s t e m whose d i r e c t i o n
angle 0, v a r i e s from t h e s a m e 3 5 ° - 1 6 ' a n g l e of t h e
inside w a v e s a t t h e cusp to z e r o ' a t large d i s t a n c e s
a w a y , t h u s it s h o u l d be classified as a t r a n s v e r s e
s y s t e m . T h i s is shown in Fig. 50 of this discus-
sion. K e e p i n g this d i a g r a m in mind, I would
like to show t h e results of a c o m p l e t e e v a l u a t i o n
of t h e w a v e s f r o m a p o i n t d i s t u r b a n c e as given b y
"r ~ T. J i n n a k a in 1957 in t h e 60th A n n i v e r s a r y
X V o l u m e of t h e S o c i e t y of N a v a l A r c h i t e c t s of
J a p a n , Fig. 51. T h i s is a c o n t o u r d i a g r a m a n d
Fig. 50 with a l i t t l e s t u d y one can see c l e a r l y b o t h t h e
two inside s y s t e m s s u p e r i m p o s e d a n d also t h e
n e w l y conceived o u t s i d e t r a n s v e r s e s y s t e m .
I0 N o t i c e also t h a t the c o n c e p t of a line w i t h i n w h i c h

o/) the waves are c o n t a i n e d is n o t a definite one; one
would h a v e to s a y "90 d e g r e e s " to be sure. T h i s
is n o t new to m o s t t a n k e x p e r i m e n t e r s , b u t has
o5 often been a s c r i b e d to an effect of the finite b e a m .

Dr. Jack Kotik, Associate Member: H a v e l o c k was

a m o n g t h e first to consider the w a v e s a n d w a v e
0 1.6 5 I0 15 20 resistance of s i n g u l a r i t y d i s t r i b u t i o n s i n s t e a d of
koXo hulls. T h i s is an i m p o r t a n t f o r w a r d s t e p since it
Fig. 51 Theoretical wave pattern
--e--- ~ - - c$rxl /
~ A,a ,~ P P e o x ~MAT~OA'
. . . . . ex,~cr S~APE /
b o u n d a r y c o n d i t i o n ; this is an e x t r e m e l y ques- {.~ E-.o~- /__
t i o n a b l e link in t h e p r e s e n t t r e a t m e n t a n d one
which could r e s u l t in q u i t e m i s l e a d i n g conclusions
r e g a r d i n g t h e effect of c h a n g e s in t h e hull form.
F i n a l l y I would like to c o m m e n t on t h e m o d e of O t
p r e s e n t a t i o n b y t h e a u t h o r of t h e simplified ship-
w a v e p a t t e r n ; this can be t h o u g h t of as t h e ap- .0~ I
p r o x i m a t i o n to t h e a c t u a l p a t t e r n b y the m e t h o d .O/ I
of s t a t i o n a r y phase. Figs. 3, 4 a n d 6 a p p e a r to I

n e g l e c t t h e differences in p h a s e b e t w e e n the two ./ .~ .$ .÷ .$

s y s t e m s inside t h e cusp line; however, u p o n X
e x a m i n a t i o n of t h e t e x t it is seen t h a t this is Fig. 52 Graphs of optimum strutlike dipole distribu-
realized a n d m e r e l y ignored in p r e p a r i n g the tion, w h i c h is infinite at b o w and stern, the exact shape,
w h i c h is finite, and an approximation to the shape,
d i a g r a m s . T h i s is Ulffortunate in t h a t it t e n d s to all at infinite Froude number. The shape is exact at
perpetuate a wrong impression originated by great depths, but would be perturbed near the_free, sur-
Lamb's "Hydrodynamics" but corrected by a face. e is the average half-beam over the length
f o o t n o t e in s u b s e q u e n t editions. I n a d d i t i o n the
leads to an i n t e r p r e t a t i o n of M i c h e l l ' s i n t e g r a l as
a u t h o r a v o i d s t h e use of t h e t e r m " c u s p line" to
giving t h e e x a c t w a v e r e s i s t a n c e of a s i n g u l a r i t y
d e s c r i b e the line a t an angle of 19°-2S ' to the
d i s t r i b u t i o n ( a s s u m i n g t h e lineari:,ed free surface
axis along which t h e s t a t i o n a r y - p h a s e s o l u t i o n
condition), t h e relation b e t w e e n the s i n g u l a r i t y
shows t h e w a v e d i r e c t i o n angles 01 a n d 02 to be
d i s t r i b u t i o n a n d t h e hull form being left as a
equal, a n d o u t s i d e of which t h e s t a t i o n a r y - p h a s e
s e p a r a t e p r o b l e m to be t r e a t e d as e x a c t l y as
s o l u t i o n does n o t exist. T h i s is a p e r f e c t l y good
desired. W o r k i n g f r o m this p o i n f of view K a r l ) ,
t e r m to use, if one r e m e m b e r s its being based on
K o t i k a n d L u r y e 1~ were a b l e to f o r m u l a t e a n d
t h e s t a t i o n a r y - p h a s e solution, a n d is u n i v e r s a l l y
solve t h e p r o b l e m of t h e s t r u t of m i n i m u m w a v e
used. Of course t h e w a v e s y s t e m does n o t end
resistance, which p r o b l e m h a d led to a n o m a l o u s
there, o n l y t h e s t a t i o n a r y - p h a s e solution! Re-
results when a t t a c k e d from t h e M i c h e l l v i e w p o i n t .
c e n t l y t h e w r i t e r [20] was a b l e to a l t e r t h e
a n a l y s i s to include the o u t s i d e w a v e s y s t e m . T h i s n See footnote l l, page 341.

Wave-Making Resistanceof Ships 339


o .~ z . "~


( • OP

E =.OP

o ./ Z .~ ÷ T~


/, \

~* 0 3

Fig. 53 Optimum shapes, i g n o r i n g free-surface distortion, for eight values of

Froude n u m b e r / = V/~v/gL.. e is the average half-beam over the length

340 Wave-Making Resistanceof Ships

p e s s i m i s m w i t h r e g a r d to lowering w a v e r e s i s t a n c e ,
are n o t correct.
W e i n b l u m has s e v e r a l t i m e s called a t t e n t i o n t o
t h e i m p o r t a n c e of d i s t i n g u i s h i n g b e t w e e n hull
f o r m a n d s i n g u l a r i t y d i s t r i b u t i o n . A l t h o u g h this
p o i n t is classical for s u b m e r g e d bodies its i m p o r -
t a n c e as a possible source of error in M i c h e l l ' s
t h e o r y h a s been insufficiently a p p r e c i a t e d . T h e
a u t h o r , using d i g i t a l m e t h o d s in c o n j u n c t i o n with
z x x
a low-speed a p p r o x i m a t i o n , shows t h a t t h e linear-
ized (Michell) relation between singularity
s t r e n g t h a n d hull f o r m is q u i t e e r r o n e o u s even for
r a t h e r t h i n forms, a n d t h a t this e r r o r leads to a
c o r r e s p o n d i n g l y large error in M i c h e l t ' s w a v e
resistance. K o t i k a n d M a n g u l i s , te by c o n s i d e r i n g
c.:s .4o .# .io c i r c u l a r - a r c w a t e r l i n e s for w h i c h a n a l y t i c a l solu-
tions a r e a v a i l a b l e , were led to t h e s a m e conclu-
Fig. 54 Various wave resistance curves, show-
ing that optimization has cut the wave resistance sion. I n fact, for c i r c u l a r - a r c w a t e r l i n e s w i t h
in half b e a m - l e n g t h r a t i o of 0.18 ( w a t e r l i n e coefficient =
2/3) t h e w a v e r e s i s t a n c e based on the s i n g u l a r i t y
O O O Wave resistance, as a function of d i s t r i b u t i o n is 170 p e r c e n t of M i c h e l l ' s w a v e
Froude number, of form which is
optimum at that Froude number. r e s i s t a n c e a t f = 0.4, a n d s u b s t a n t i a l l y exceeds it
X X X Wave resistance, as a function of a t all f > 0.33. F o r a c e r t a i n m o d e l t h e a u t h o r
Froude "number, of form which is finds t h a t this error equals or exceeds t h e re-
optimum a t / = O.5. m a i n i n g error due to viscosity. By first c o r r e c t i n g
Wave resistance of a parabolic dipole f o r ' t h i s error a n d t h e n a p p l y i n g a c o r r e c t i o n for
distribution v i s c o s i t y he is a b l e to a c h i e v e i m p r e s s i v e agree-
A /~ A Michell's wave resistance for a len- ment between calculated and measured wave
ticular strut
r e s i s t a n c e over a large speed range. N a t u r a l l y an
[] [] [] Wave resistance of dipole distribution
which generates a lenticular strut i m p o r t a n t c o n d i t i o n for g e n e r a l a c c e p t a n c e of t h i s .
exactly in an infinite fluid m e t h o d is t h a t i t c o n t i n u e to succeed when t h e
Wave resistance here is normalized c a l c u l a t i o n s a r e m a d e before t h e m e a s u r e m e n t s .
by volume per unit depth, which quantity varies I t a p p e a r s t h a t b u l b s c a n n o t be u s e d to r e d u c e
only slightly from one of these forms to another.
w a v e r e s i s t a n c e a t higher speeds. I s h o u l d like the
a u t h o r to s t a t e w h a t he believes is t h e m a x i m u m
F r o u d e n u m b e r a t w h i c h b u l b s a r e useful. F o r
Karp, Kotik and Lurye found that the optimum
i n s t a n c e , can b u l b s b e u s e d to i n c r e a s e t h e m a x i -
s i n g u l a r i t y d i s t r i b u t i o n s h a v e infinite s t r e n g t h
m u m speed of a d e s t r o y e r ?
n e a r t h e b o w a n d stern, whereas the c o r r e s p o n d i n g
T h e a u t h o r confines his t e x t a n d references to
o p t i m u m forms are p e r f e c t l y finite,- Figs. 52 a n d 53.
resistance. I a m sure t h a t o t h e r s beside m y s e l f
T h e y also f o u n d t h a t in t h e F r o u d e - n u m b e r r a n g e
w o u l d like to l e a r n of r e s e a r c h a n d references
0.38-0.70 t h e o p t i m u m w a v e r e s i s t a n c e is a b o u t
c o n c e r n i n g p r o M e l n s such as t h e following:
half t h a t of s t r u t s h a v i n g m o r e c o n v e n t i o n a l
waterlines, Fig. 54. T h e m e t h o d has been ex- 1 Effect of b u l b s on r e s i s t a n c e in waves.
t e n d e d to m o r e p r a c t i c a l forms. T h e s e results 2 Effect of b u l b s on ship m o t i o n s .
were first p u b l i c l y p r e s e n t e d a t t h e S e h e v e n i n g e n 3 C a v i t a t i o n p r o b l e m s of bulbs.
S y m p o s i u m in 1960. T h e y r e p r e s e n t w o r k d o n e 4 S t r u c t u r a l p r o b l e m s of bulbs.
as e a r l y as 1957, a n d c o m m u n i c a t e d to O N R , 5 I n t e r a c t i o n of s t e r n b u l b s a n d propellers.
S N A M E P a n e l H - 5 a n d to a n u m b e r of s p e c i a l i s t s
in w a v e resistance. T o this e x t e n t t h e a u t h o r ' s W e w o u l d be g r a t e f u l to him for i n c l u d i n g such
i n f o r m a t i o n in his w r i t t e n r e p l y to t h e discussion,
r e m a r k s , a n d t h o s e of s o m e of t h e discussers,
c o n c e r n i n g t h e l a c k of n o t i c e a b l e i m p r o v e m e n t in p r o v i d i n g t h e r e b y a final o r n a m e n t to a p a p e r
which will be r e a d w i t h i n t e r e s t for a long t i m e
hull design in r e c e n t y e a r s a n d t h e p r e v a l a n e e of
to come.
H S. Karp, J. Kotik, and J. Lurye, "On the Problem of
Minimum Wave Resistance for Struts and Strut-Like
Dipole Distributions," Proceedings of the Third Symposium 12j. Kotik and V. Mangulis, "Comparison of Two Ap-
on Naval Hydrodynamics, Seheveningen, Holland, Septem- proximate Dipole Distributions for a Lentieular Cylinder
ber 1.960. Available from Code 438, Office of Naval Re- in a Semi-infinite Fluid," this appeared as a report under
search, Navy Department, Washington, D. C. ONR Contract Nonr-2427(00).

Wave-Making Resistance of Ships 341

Dr. Rene Guilloton, TM Visitor: Before stating the in- opinion has been held by the writer for 25 years,
terest which this paper has for the writer, he m a y and he is interested in the remarkable photo-
be permitted to explain an i m p o r t a n t point of dis- graphs of waves given b y the author, for he has
agreement in theory. In using the method of given the complete linearized theory of these
sources, the author presents a method of calcula- waves in two papers (RINA, London 1960 and
tion which appears to him to represent the correct A T M A , Paris 1960).
solution for the problem without the assumption The question whether it is preferable in order to
of linearization. I t seems t h a t he has there made s t u d y hulls and determine their resistance, to in-
a fundamental mistake. vestigate the wave system at a distance aft of the
Havelock's potential for a source defines the boat or in the immediate neighborhood of the hull
motion of the fluid for a body represented b y ah as the writer has proposed in his paper, "A Note on
assembly of sources and sinks defined in the fol- the Experimental Determination of Wave Resist-
lowing manner: ance" (RINA, London 1952) will be decided in
(a) The source considered, situated at a d e p t h f the future b y the possibility of experimefltal ac-
in the fluid below the free surface Z = 0. curacy.
(b) A sink situated at the height -f above the We note in passing t h a t this paper of 1952 brings
free surface Z = 0. to light a fact which contradicts the author's sug-
(c) A continuous distribution of sources and gestion t h a t viscosity is responsible for the greater
sinks situated in the plane -f. p a r t of the existing difference between the resist-
But, the author makes this potential corre- ance due to the real wave and the resistance due
spond to a b o J y defined b y to the calculated wave at high speeds, say, when
(a) The source situated at the depth/'. F > 0.,5. I t has been found t h a t the actual resist-
(b) An image source situated at the height -f. ance deduced from the experimental wave is less
than the residuary resistance, which can only
A p a r t from the continuous distribution of
happen if the coefficient of friction increases for
sources in the plane -f of which he takes no-ac-
these high speeds, and cannot be due to the
count, the author gives a solution which is in
changes in the wave caused by viscosity. In
error by double th~ valzte of the image sources used
general, the reader of the paper m a y form the
above the free surface. Since these image sources
general opinion t h a t the author has not perhaps
form the delts ex machina which allows him to
sufficiently explained the existing difference be-
represent reasonable floating bodies, these bodies
tween the residuary resistance and the experi-
have no longer meaning when the image sources
mental wave resistance, these two quantities be-
are removed, and matters are still worse when the
ing very different in certain cases.
source images are replaced b y sinks, which how-
Finally there will be a real practical interest in
ever is unavoidable to agree with the true theory.
the bulbs realized b y the author, if they allow the
I t will be remembered that, on the subject of
development of forms which have, for the same
the true theory, it suffers from the approximations
displacement and speed, a total resistance less than
due to the linearization of the conditions at the
t h a t usually found at present. We shall await
surface of the fluid, which are very i m p o r t a n t at
hopefully developments which the author will
the low speeds considered. Besides, in the paper
certainly a t t e m p t towards this end.
" E x a m e n critique des m&hodes d'&ude th6orique
des car~nes de surface" (Sch{ffstechnik, Hamburg, C. Wigley, 14 Visitor: In this paper the author sug-
January, 1962), the writer has shown b y a very gests changes in the methods used for the calcula-
suggestive example, t h a t when the potential of tion of the wave resistance of floating forms which
sources is used without linearization of the sources he thinks will give greater accuracy in the results.
which makes it equivalent to Michell's potential, it The writer does not agree t h a t such changes are
cannot be applied to floating bodies because, then, possible without a complete solution of the prob-
the free surface of the fluid no longer exists. I t lem in which higher powers of the ratio of wave
has also been shown t h a t this theory does not de- height to wave length are taken into account.
fine closed bodies, and t h a t this defect is pre- The changes which the author suggests appear
cisely measured by the waves which are the ina- to be based on comparison of the calculated wave
p o r t a n t result to be found from the theory. resistance with the residuary resistance, found by
The general importance of the paper is again to subtracting from the total measured resistance
draw the attention of scientists to the predomi- the frictional resistance as estimated b y one of the
n a n t importance of the study of waves in any usual methods from the known resistance of a
advance in the scientific s t u d y of ships. This thin plank.
la St. Denis (Seine), France. 14London, England.

342 Wave-Making Resistanceof Ships

The residuary resistance thus found includes Finally, although the writer disagrees with the
any difference between the frictional resistances author in m a n y ways, he would like to congratu-
of a plank and of the actual form, usually named late Professor Inui on writing, and the Society on
the "form resistance," and its direct comparison publishing a very entertaining and stimulating
with the calculated wave resistance m a y therefore paper.
lead to considerable error.
An illustration of this is found in the statement Dr. K. Eggers, is Visitor: From a mathematical as-
that "Michell's theory underestimates the wave- pect m y feeling is that the author m a y slightly
making resistances in the neighbourhood of F = overestimate the difference in methods cited for
0.5." theoretical study of the bulbous-bow effect.
Actually as soon as the model starts to trim, From calculations performed here at the Uni-
that is at Froude numbers greater than 0.35, the versity I have determined that adequate choice of
form resistance increases and this increased form dipole contribution even to equation (.36) m a y re-
resistance is included in the so-called measured duce theoretical resistance down to one tenth in a
wave resistance. This is the reason for the ap- wide speed range, especially at low Froude num-
parent increase of the latter over the calculated ber. This becomes evident from the fact that the
wave resistance as the Froude number approaches in terference term
The author's suggestion of photographing the f_'/~- AF(O)Br(O)cos ~ 0 dO
waves some distance aft of the form, to deduce ~r/2
therefrom the wave resistance, is very interesting. will turn out positive under rather general as-
In order to arrive thus at a value for the wave re- sumptions. This means that resistance m a y be
sistance it is necessary to use Havelock's results of reduced in any case, provided the dipole is not too
1934 described in this paper. T h e y only apply to strong.
wave-making under the assumption of small ratio However, the considerable improvement gained
of wave height to length so that the use of this by author's approach results from better choice
method does not in fact avoid this assumption. of bulb intensity and location by taking ac-
For the purpose of comparing theoretical and ac- count of the actual, not only the theoretical bow-
tual results I think this suggestion would not be wave system, and here separation of bow and
any better than a comparison of wave profiles stern wave system becomes pertinent.
along a model; a number of which have been pub- I strongly favor the author's proposal to es-
lished. With modern methods of computation tablish special tank facilities for tests on wave-re-
the calculation of the local wave disturbances sistanc~ theory. Regarding tank width, how-
should not present any difficulty. Also there ever, I suggest he consider that it is not in any
seems to be some difficulty inherent in finding an case necessary to avoid wave reflection, within the
area to photograph which is at the same time far domain of observation, provided the reflection
enough aft for the local disturbance to have died lneehanism is satisfactory and the effe.ct on resist-
out and not so far aft that the reflection of the bow ance m a y be estilnated. At H a m b u r g we per-
waves from the sides of the tank affects the formed a wave analysis in the rear of a model, as-
measurements. suming nothing but a free wave p a t t e r n - - n o Kel-
The author suggests that an experimental proof vin system-and taking account of tank width. I
of the equivalence of a small sphere with a doublet understand that Dr. Gadd and Dr. Hogben at
might be made by experiment. Actually the NPL, England, operate on similar lines.
difficulty in measurement of resistance for sub-
merged bodies is always the wave-making of Dr. G. P. Weinblum, Member: The clear-cut dis-
whatever towing arrangements exist since they tinction between ship form and the form of singu-
must penetrate the free surface of the fluid, and larity distribution is again the backbone of this
their wave-making m a y easily be much greater paper. A lot of basic information could have been
than that of the body. In particular it would be derived from pertinent results for cylinders, bodies
very difficult to design such an apparatus for tow- of revolution, and the general ellipsoid, but some
ing a sphere owing to the unstable vertices in the kind of mental friction prevailed in this field be-
wake. Such a comparison could be made much fore the " h m i bodies" were published. The
more easily with a Rankine oval represented by a writer was aware of the importance of the problem
source, and sink at a finite distance apart. Pro- but did not succeed in solving it.
vided that great care is taken to avoid surface For similar reasons the practical advantage of
waw~.-making by the towing apparatus as far as
possible, the results might be very interesting. 15Institute fiir Schiffbau, I-[amburg, Germany.

Wave-Making Resistanceof Ships 343

Havelock's interpretation of Mitchell's integral from 12-ft models indeed agree very well with our
has not been sufficiently realized. results obtained from S.2-ft models. I t should
A serious confusion resulted herefrom when also be mentioned here t h a t quite recently a simi-
dealing with the problem of ships of minimum lar duplication test with a 19.7-ft model was car-
wave resistance. Only recently resulting "ship ried out on the fuller model C-201 at The
lines" which as such appear senseless have been Mitsubishi Experimental T a n k at Nagasaki,
interpreted as doublet distributions and now be- Japan. In this case, not only the bow-bulb test,
came meaningful [3]. The infinite horns at the but also the stern-bulb test were made to check
ends of the extremal curves present nothing else the possible scale effect upon the stern waves. I
t h a n concentrated doublets. am v e r y glad to see t h a t Professors Couch and
Thus a satisfactory link between the develop- Takahei have made good use of our findings in
m e n t of bulb form and the general theory of op- designing the oceanographic research vessel.
t i m u m ship lines has been established. In the Professor Miehelsen's interests in our work has
light of the latter the application of the bulb is not been greatly appreciated especially for his effort
a useful perverted trick but an essential feature in translating several' Japanese papers into Eng-
of such optimum forms. lish [21]. His discussion is related to three items
The theory of bulb forms has been developed at as follows:
the same time b y Mr. Wigley and the writer.
The latter restricted his investigation to con- (a) No i m p r o v e m e n t will be possible b y re-
tinuous distributions. T h e results led to the placing equation (36) with equation (35), because
recommendation of the stern bulb; they were ex- these two equations are mathematically identical.
perimentally checked (Schiffbazt, 1936). Fur- (b) The term "waveless" must be used only
ther, similar to w h a t the author has done on a for the "exactly" waveless case when we can
higher level, a t t e m p t s were made to reduce the satisfy equation (30) exactly throughout the
magnitude of the integrand rather than t h a t of whole range of 10] = 0 ~ ~r/2.
the integral itself. (c) A sufficiently fine mesh should be used in
In the light of the present development it turns the determination of the streamlines.
out t h a t Mr. Wigley's procedure based on the Concerning item (c), I agree wholeheartedly
concentrated doublets was more basic. When with Professor Michelsen, and his instructive
trying to optimize the shape of bodies of revolu- result, Fig. 43, m u s t be highly appreciated. Con-
tion it was shown b y the writer and his collab- cerning the items (a) and (b), however, m y opinion
orators Dr. Eggers and Sharma t h a t b y intro- is somewhat different.
ducing a concentrated doublet term in addition to I t is true t h a t equations (35) and (36) are
a continuous distribution the wave resistance of mathematically equivalent, but from the "physi-
resulting bodies could be reduced by one order of cal" point of view there exists a great difference
magnitude. between them. T h e practical merit of equation
The author's work excels by the simplicity in (35) is t h a t we can get a clear understanding about
representing complicated matters. The empha- the physical relation between the observable wave
sis laid on the wave phenomena as means of re- phenomenon and its resulting wave resistance.
ducing resistance is creative and leads to an evi- Equation (36) gives the sum of three integrals,
dent method suitable to the mind of an engineer. while equation (35) emphasizes the importance of
I t admits further of considering experimentally reducing the integrand. The full meaning of
i m p o r t a n t effects. Thus a much more advanced equation (3,5) is clearly demonstrated in Fig. 21.
method of improving ship forms is developing in This figure, is certainly more informative than a
comparison to which the present use of routine wave-resistance curve as obtained from equation
photographs of wave contours appears completely (36).
outdated. Further it nmst be added here t h a t the afore-
The weakest point in this outstanding pa- mentioned method of analysis ean be made ef-
per is probably the use of the notation "wave- fective only when we treat the bow and stern-
less hull forms." Obviously, the forms investi- wave systems separately, not as a whole.
gated are not waveless but low-resistance shapes. Coneerning the usage of the term "waveless,"
I must confess t h a t I cannot guess exactly what
Author's Closure kind of feeling this English term has in general,
I want to t h a n k Professors Couch and Takahei because I am a Japanese. However, Professor
for their informative discussion of m y paper as Michelsen's opinion seems to be a little bit too
well as for their general interest in the work of strict when we consider the working limit of the
mine and m y colleagues. Their results obtained "elementary wave" concept. The concept of

344 Wave-Making Resistanceof Ships

pose of this comparison lies in explaining the need
and effectiveness of the proposed method of hull-
0,14 form research. As we can see in Dr. Pien's dis-
cussion, Fig. 49, or in my reply, Fig. 58, our pro-
~TZ posed method is effective in seeking "better" hull
forms irrespective of with or without bulbs. I t is
0,I0 important for us to make a clear-cut distinction
between the method of confirmation and that of

~o6 I/i\ seeking better hull forms. The existing "resist-

ance test" is quite practicable in confirming the
resistance value of a given ship-huU geometry.
But it cannot tell us how to improve a given hull
As Dr. Todd mentions, it is true that model
UF3(xUF7) and Series 60 model 4240 have dif-

i':=' I'r , ',., ferent LCB location, end contours, and so oi1.
However, these differences are not necessarily in
0 ~PE6~EE) favor of model UF3(xUF7). Besides, the purpose
of m y UF-series is not to compete with other forms
Fig. 5 5 but rather to study how the optimum size and
location change with main hull forms. Our re-
sults are shown in Fig. 29. Even though the
elementary waves is, of course, one of the results resistance at F -- 0.277 is quite different among
obtained from the linearized wave theory, where the forms UF-series models, if each of them is
the wave slope is assumed as infinitesimally small. fitted with its own specially designed bulb, their
Referring to equation (7), it would be easily wave-making resistance can all be reduced to a
understood that the wave slope of the "elemen- very low magnitude. Concerning the end con-
tary waves" rapidly increases with inereasing 0. tours, it should be noted that the railway ferry
For a numerical example, Fig. D5 is reproduced boat model $3 has a conventional <~tem and a
from Professor Takahei's paper [A-3], Fig. 10. cruiser stern•
When we remember that the limiting allowable The second item of Dr. Todd's discussion is the
wave slope is, say 1/7, the concept of the "elemen- comparison of our theory of bulb with that of
tary waves" m a y fail its physical meaning in the Mr. Wigley's. From the six conclusions of Wig-
range beyond a certain finite value of 0, say 0 = ley's work on bulbs as quoted by Dr. Todd, very
70 deg. little is said about the relationship between each
In conclusion, this problem seems rather "reIa- main hull form and its optimum bulb. This rela-
tive," not "absolute." T h a t lneans, since the tion is a vital requirement in order to design an
wave-resistance level of the conventional hull effective bulb. Each bulb has to be specially
form is not so low, we lnay be allowed to use the designed to fit a particular hull form. Wigley's
term waveless. conclusions are too vague to be useful for a par-
I want to thank Captain Shor for his interests in ticular design. For exalnple, if the bulbs of the
m y paper as well as for his informative comments form UF-series models are interchanged, no
on the usefulness of a combined system of point satisfactory results can be obtained.
source and sink in place of a point doublet. In Concerlfing the free-wave pattern of an im-
his case, the additional displacement due to the mersed doublet or sphere, Dr. Todd expressed his
added system of singularity would be larger, and experience that he could not find visual evidence
must be taken into consideration at an early stage that the free wave starts with a trough, as the
of design. theory explains. In such conlparison between ob-
Dr. Todd's discussion is very interesting to me served and calculated wave profiles, the following
especially because his comments might be ac- two points must be considered:
cepted generally as representing the average opin- (a) To clearly make a distinction between
ion of the naval architects who are working at the "free" wave and the "total" wave.
ship model basins the world over. He first pointed (b) To appreciate the difficulty of obtaining
out the several minor differences in the hull-form tile wave profile of a bulb directly. As explained
characteristics between the two models, UF3- in Fig. 2"3 an indirect method was used by sub-
(xUF7) and Series 60, Model 4240. As I remarked tracting the wave profile measured on the without-
clearly in the snmmary of m y text, the main pur- bulb model from that lneasured on the with-bulb

Wave-Making Resistanceof Ships 345

/.o o.,¢


Ol t , . a

0,4 0,2 O-3

0.2 l>.1

#,# I I I 0
0.2 0.3 ~.4. f=v~"£-~ o,.r 0,2 0,3 0.4 a..¢

I,~ 1.0

0.8 $-~oI e.#

?, ~ ~ o~
.D a
O.Z 0,2

O,O i I I 0 I | I
o.I ~.2 0.3 ,~.4 ,c~Y/(/'~ ,~..¢ 0.1

/,o 1,0

0,8 o,~

ZI 0. /~ 'Z o.6

0,4- o.,
#2 O2

I,O o I I I
0.2 o,4. /: = ~,/'~$ d.i a,2 o,3 o,4 ~ = V o,g
0./ a. 3

Fig. 56 Correction factor

model. T h e d i r e c t m e t h o d of t o w i n g a s u b m e r g e d a n d o b t a i n all t h e n e c e s s a r y i n f o r m a t i o n s a b o u t
sphere alone m a y be m e a n i n g l e s s d u e to a s t r o n g t h e a m p l i t u d e f u n c t i o n A(O) t h r o u g h o u t ]01 =
s e p a r a t i o n of t h e b o u n d a r y l a y e r on t h e surface of 0 ,--, rr/2 ( A p p e n d i x 1).
t h e sphere. F u r t h e r i t should be n o t e d t h a t even a single
Dr. T o d d ' s f o u r t h c o m m e n t is on t h e d o u b t of s t e r e o - p i c t u r e of such w a v e p a t t e r n is q u i t e use-
t h e usefulness of t h e w a v e p i c t u r e a n d our stereo- ful to us to g e t general i n f o r m a t i o n a b o u t t h e
a n a l y s i s in c o m p a r i s o n w i t h t h e existing m e t h o d of w a v e m a k i n g c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s of a n y given hull
m a k i n g use of t h e m o d e l - s i d e w a v e profiles, as form, as i l l u s t r a t e d in Figs. 15 a n d 16.
r e p r e s e n t e d b y Dr. G u i l l o t o n ' s e l a b o r a t e w o r k Dr. T o d d ' s fifth c o m m e n t is on t h e effects of
p u b l i s h e d in 1952. As I e x p l a i n e d in t h e text, large b u l b s on t h e sea-going qualities. F o r t h i s
t h e m o d e l - s i d e w a v e profile r o u g h l y c o r r e s p o n d s to Dr. Y o k o y a m a ' s w o r k on fishing b o a t s (reference
a single r a d i a l section s u r v e y on S = 0 °, which A7 a n d F i h n No. 4) as well as Dr. T a k e z a w a ' s
gives us o n l y a small p a r t of t h e i n f o r m a t i o n a b o u t w o r k on h i g h - s p e e d escorts (References AS, 9 a n d
t h e n a t u r e of t h e f r e e - w a v e p a t t e r n c o r r e s p o n d i n g F i l m No. 3) is m o s t i n s t r u c t i v e .
to 0 = t) °. I n our m e t h o d we can d r a w v a r i o u s I agree w i t h Dr. T o d d ' s sixth c o m m e n t o11 t h e
r a d i a l lines from 8 = 0 ° to, s a y S = 25 ° or more, p r a c t i c a l m e r i t of a b u l b o u s b o w in keeping L C B

346 W a v e - M a k i n g Resistance o f Ships

at a desirable forward location without requiring Fig. 57 shows the residuary-resistance coeffi-
large angles of entrance. Dr. Todd's seventh cient curves versus Froude number obtained from
comment on the prehistory, in 1!)49, of Series 60 Taylor's charts for these two cases ,~cL) and (b),
is most interesting. He expressed his feeling, as together with those of Model UF3(xUF7)xF1 and
"the time has not yel: come when we can dispense the Series 61) Model 4240 as shown in Fig. 32.
with methodical series experiment." As far as If Fig. 57 would be accepted as correct, our model
the self-propulsion test is concerned, I agree UF3(xUF7)xF1 is superior not only to case (a),
with his conclusion, but when we confine our- which should be used for comparison in the first
selves to the resistance-test, I do not agree with place, but also to case (b).
him. Within a few years, a distinct improvement Professor Mandel raises an interesting question
or, I dare say, a revolution will take place on the about the possibility of a large amount of reduc-
wave-making characteristics of ships. Ships with tion in wave-making resistance at the speed range
very low level of wave resistance will be designed higher than 0.35 Froude number, including the
and launched one after another all over the world last hump of 0.50. Certainly this is a speed range
in the near tuture, I believe. A scientific ap- most profitable to reduce the wave-making resist-
proach, when it is adopted correctly, is much ance. In the near future when I sha!!l be able to
superior to an empirical or intuitive method of ap- complete the research work of my present in-
proach. terest-the improvement of ships' lmll forms in the
Dr. Todd's last comment is on the so-called cor- speed range of ordinary commercial use-[ shall
rection factors (3, ~). Fig. 56 is reproduced from extend my work to this high-speed range. In
reference [15] in reply to his comment. Con- this case, the adoption of the concentrated source
cerning the adoption of Hughes' "form-factor" as mentioned in Captain Shor's and Dr. Pien's
concept, I believe this concept may give us, for discussions will be considered.
the present, the most reliable amount of the I must express my heartfelt th~,nks to Dr.
"measured" wave resistance. Breslin for his very interesting discussion which is
Professor Mandel mentions the comparison suggestive in many respects. Firstly, he em-
between Model UF3(xUF7) xF1 and Taylor phasizes the necessity and importance of the
Standard Series. His conclusion that the latter "direct" solution or the "direct" finding of the
with corresponding particulars (A = 35,000 tons, equivalent singularity distribution which repre-
Cp = 0.61,5, with close L/]3 and B / T ) is slightly sents the given "desired" or "arbitrary" ship-form
superior to the former sounds to me a little bit geometry. I agree with him completely on this
.strange, because it ~s m y impression that Series point. Quite recently I received a copy of Messrs.
60 Models of lower block coefficient have better Hess and Sm.ith's paper (Report No. E. S. 40622,
performance than Taylor Standard Series. I t Douglas Aircraft Division), and found it very
seems that the choice of C~, value of 0.615 is not interesting and quite useful. I t is true that we
quite proper. For the purpose of confirming the need to treat: the ship surface condition more ex-
foregoing question, 1: have made a rough calcula- actly as the hull forms get better and better.
tion by referring to D. W. Taylor's "The Speed However, I would like to raise one question. My
and Power of Ships" (194:3 ed.). Our model question is related to the problem of variation, or
UF3(xUF7)'xF1 has C,,, = 0.919, Cv = fl.644 and to find the best hull geometry under a given design
CB = 0.592, and "],aylor's Standard Series has condition by applying the principle of variation.
C,~ = 0.923, which is very close to the C~-value In this case the method described in the aforemen-
of our model. Now, fixing T / L (=0.06), tioned report cannot be applied in its present form
V/(L/IO) a = 5.398 [corresponding to A/(L/I()O) :~ because the location of the singularity is different
= 154.21 in Taylor's notation], and CH = 0.592, with a different hull geometry. In conclusion, it
we have a corresponding Taylor's Standard Series seems to me that a simpler mathematical treat-
model as follows: ment sometimes may work as a better guide for
Case (a): CB = 0.592, C,,, = 0.923, Cp = (L641, an engineer. However this does not deny the im-
with B / I ' = 2.54 (unchanged) portance of further improvement of our mathe-
Therefore the choice of Cp = 0.641 should be matical theory. I am very anxious to know the
made in our comparison, and I wonder why result of Dr. Breslin's work on a Series 60 model
Professor Mandel adopted the finer Cp value of now being carried on at Stevens Instimte of Tech-
0.615. If this Cp w~lue is arbitrarily chosen, we nology.
have a finer CB and. larger B / L and B / T as fol- Dr. Breslin has mentioned the possibility of
lows. making changes in the waterlines rather than using
Case (b): CB = 0.568, (7,, = 0.923, Cp = 0.615, big bulb for reducing the wave-making resistance.
with B/I" = 2.78

Wave-Making Resistance of Ships 347

I /
I /
i /
I /
O. 0 0 3 I /

, /

M. N a ~F240 (&T,H,8 ~o- Ser;e.s) ' 6 4Z4O


U P 3 ( x UFq) ,rFl

/ / I

? o.ool
C~se Ca) ~[ "7"^yl.oR~
C=~e Cb)
ST,4~D,~RO ,St~rz i $

o I


UF3 0 L/F,7) x F I

0 r4 z~
7 _



.¢ II

¢4c~rAI~Cf RR f ( = 0,/4. • Licct K--G. 23

,Ir~ •/S ,~3" • 30

Fig, 57
P#oupL" ~Mak¢ F,,= e,a~9 (Y, .ao.s,,,,,~= ~,, Z-~o')
C~, = ~ / ~ a ¢ t . ' ) 6) CA z-CUL-ATGp ( I$,'l ~o 7o )
4- H~A,vU,q~O ( "g" ~a,,oT~.S ~'~,~z-#.8#L~*)
2 x / o -u . ~ - / . 8",4~a x / b ~ 8~IIRcE PIGT-RIBUT/olV :
- Z o. i c =o .o, )

I ~ I0 -ll

+ U.C'B
+ TJ 3 B
+ U qB
I)R. Pigwts [~Esecr (c,,t.cUl..,4rg:o)
o, o Og3 ~rlO-~,
+ U'q8
I I . . . . . T 4

2 3 4 8- x

Fig. 58 M i n i m u m w a v e r e s i s t a n c e due to f o r e - h a l f b o d y *

Presently in writing this reply I agree with him can never fully emphasize. Owing to these re-
wholeheartedly, but [ must confess that when I suits, it m a y be safely concluded that m y bulb
prepared m y text, which is only 6 months ago, ] form is not always the necessary condition for ob-
would not have expected a drastic result from such taining "practically" waveless forms. Thus, from
an approach. At that time I assumed t h a t the the mathematical point of view, we m a y divide the
better forms of existing designs represented a near waveless forms into .three categories, as; follows:
limit of such as approach, and I was inclined to Category (A): A s y s t e m of a "simple" con-
believe t h a t the long history of ship model basin tinuous source-sink distribution in combination
work would indicate, very little possibility for with a concentrated doublet, just like those de-
further improvement. scribed in Part 2 of m y text.
All this thought has now clearly turned out to
be questionable, as indicated by Dr. Pien's model
Category (B): A system of a "complicated"
continuous source-sink distribution alone, without
D T M B 4946 (refer to Figs. 48 and '4.q).
adopting any concentrated singularity, just like
Dr. Breslin's final c o m m e n t is " W h y the wave
Dr. Pien's model D T M B 4946.
resistance of the sinusoidal source distribution
(Models C-101, C-20l without bulbs) is larger Category (C) : A system of a "simple" or "con>
than t h a t which would be obtained for a ship of plicated" continuous source-sink distribution in
the same proportions?" These models were used combination with two different kinds of con-
to obtain the simplest wave-making characteris- centrated singularities; i.e., the concentrated
tics, without making use of the "internal self- doublet and the concentrated source.
interference," of the source distribution. Mathematically speaking, category" (C) m a y
Dr. Pien's discussion brings out m a n y i m p o r t a n t be the best. However, from a practical point of
fundamental points. Especially, his calculation view, category (B) m a y be most important.
and experiment on D T M B Model 4946 show In Fig. 47, A, (O)/L and ..:1~ ( 0 ) / [ of Model
epoch-making results, the importance of which I 4.q46 change their sign with increasing 0. This is

Wave-Making Resistance of Ships 349

Op7-/Mu,~ ~ou~eCE Dmr~/aurlon ( "rZ, = o . o ~ , F = o . 2 7 7 )

o U3



-O.g -0.41 -0.2





-I. 0



Fig. 59 Optimum source distribution (T/L = 0.04, F = 0.277)

q u i t e a r e m a r k a b l e f a c t ; I w o u l d n e v e r h a v e ex- As examples, I h a v e p r e p a r e d Figs. 58-61.

p e c t e d such a p o s s i b i l i t y b e f o r e h a n d . Here, for s i m p l i c i t y ' s sake, t h e s i m p l e s t case of
C o n c e r n i n g Dr. P i e n ' s conclusions ( l ) a n d (2), m = 0 or the d r a f t w i s e l y u n i f o r m source d i s t r i b u -
I agree w i t h him c o m p l e t e l y . tion is considered. T h e d e p t h of source d i s t r i b u -
H a v i n g been s t r o n g l y i m p r e s s e d w i t h Dr. tion is T/L. = 0.04, a n d t h e designed speed is
P i e n ' s u p - t o - d a t e r e s u l t on M o d e l 4946, as soon F = /).277 (KoL = 13). B y increasing t h e n u m b e r
as I r e t u r n e d f r o m N e w Y o r k to T o k y o , I pre- of t h e t e r m s in t h e source p o l y n o m i a l s
p a r e d some m a t h e m a t i c a l t a b l e s of the " w e i g h e d
a m p l i t u d e funetion'i. A*(0) = A(O) cos a/2 0 re-
m(~) = ~2&~",
l a t e d to t h e c e n t r a l v e r t i c a l p l a n e d i s t r i b u t i o n of 1
sources in p o l y n o m i a l form, such as
we can r e d u c e t h e w a v e resistance m o r e a n d more,
m(~,¢) = ~ &,,,~"r" u n d e r t h e a p p r o x i m a t e l y fixed d i s p l a c e m e n t
which, in this case, is s a m e as t h e U-Series. Fig.
I n this w o r k t h e I B M 71)90 was a d o p t e d , t h a n k s 58 shows this t e n d e n c y in m i n i m u m Cw-value
to t h e v e r y e a r n e s t c o o p e r a t i o n of the M i t s u b i s h i versus n, where Cw is r e l a t e d to t h e w a v e - m a k i n g
Y o k o h a m a S h i p y a r d . T h e r a n g e of t h e indices is resistance in an ideal fluid, n o t in total, b u t in p a r t ;
n = 1~-~9, m = 0 ~ 3 . B y m a k i n g use of these or m o r e strictly, t h e c o n t r i b u t i o n in w a v e resist-
t a b l e s t o g e t h e r w i t h s o m e r e l a t e d tables, we can ance from fore or aft- half b o d y . T h e r a p i d d r o p
find o u t v e r y easily t h e o p t i m u m source d i s t r i b u - of m i n i m u m C~ f o r m n = 2 to n = 3 is q u i t e re-
tion w i t h i n c a t e g o r y (B) u n d e r a n y given design markable. Fig. 59 shows t h e c o r r e s p o n d i n g
condition. s o u r c e - d i s t r i b u t i o n c u r v e s for such o p t i m u m solu-

350 Wave-Making Resistance of Ships

A~C$) = Asw)'cosse (=m-co,~?e#~#r)
"~ A* ~ ~') 14c CO.). (-*0S46 0 ( ( 0 ~ " C,Z~'IP o lVL=IV"T .~
•10 e

,4 ~ ap) .7"l= Z

O ---------

-/ -- ( DE &gEE )

-~" / z
_~. .__---~ ~

Fig. 60 Weighed amplitude function (T/L = 0.04, F = 0.277)

"'°~ / ( T/= = , , , , , # , ,~ =o 2~,;, )
R .,
C w =--i--~-7~,--~-- ~ .rl SOIII~CE DI~STRII3/JTION

" ~ -o. ~ :3 CALCULAT O

U3 ~ J ,4
( < > D£NOTES ~ vALUE..)
..... DE.NOTJ=S tIWITfl BULB #
1.0 W- 3
..... D~'. Pf~f; Result ( C~CUL~I'/ED)
Po- O~A..~,R~P.)
~u3B (~=2) . __ X , v ~

. m

•~ 0 ' , o ? ~ <0"~12"
0 i ~lLJ'/S('~t'2~ -'~o
o O, ! 0.2 0.3 o,4. o ,$" o.g

Fig. 61

Wave-Making Resistance of Ships 351

tions. Here it m a y be interesting to note that the Froude number of K L , value, as follows :
source distribution of our model U3 is practically
identical with the optimum solution for n = 2. (a) For lower Froude nmnber (F < 1, KoL
In this regard Dr. T o d d ' s comment that Model > 1):
UF3(xUF7), which is modified from U3, has al-
ready better performance, even without the bulb ~s(x,y) = ,u
47rr m +
47rr' 9_@f dO
F1, than Series 60 Model 424(I is interesting.
Fig. 61) shows the corresponding "weighed"
amplitude-function curves, which m a y be snore £ ~ e x p [ - - K ( f - z) + iKP] kdk
K -- K.sece0 + lT#sec0
convenient and useful than the amplitude-func-
tion curves themselves. (b) For higher Froude nmnber (F > 1, KoL
Fig. 61 shows the similar results when we adopt < U:
the second fixed condition 9~n m.K~ r 2
. II

m0 = [m(~)]~=l = const ¢s(x,y) -= - -4rrr

- + 4 ~ r ' + _9~-~r
5 a| ~ L sec0 dO

for the purpose of obtaining a more practical

value of B/L. Under the first fixed condition £ ~ e x p [ - - K ( f ~ z) + i K P dk

V -- const, smaller m0 may give larger 13/L, and

vice-versa. Though. these two expressions are mathematically
In concluding m y reply to Dr. Pien's discus- identical, we must make a proper choice between
sion I would like to express my profound respect the two. Since we have confined ourselves to the
to his epoch-making discovery of category (.B). low-speed range, say F -< 0.35 (KL >- S), we have
Professor Ward has presented a very interesting to adopt (a) instead of (b) in our interpretation
discussion. I agree with his comments that all which leads to our "rigid-wall" assumption.
kinds of efforts, theoretical or experimental, Further, in the very near future, we m a y be able
should be exerted to the study of ship's waves to take all terms of Haveloek's potential in tracing
themselves. Only in this way, I believe, a full streamlines by virtue of the high-speed computer.
understanding of ship's waves and wave-making Dr. Guilloton raises doubt that I might mis-
resistance can be established. In this connection, place the residuary resistance as a true wave
Professor Ward's contribution to this field nmst resistance. This is not the fact at all. Ever since
be evaluated carefully. With regard to the I started m y study o11 wave resistance many
theoretical wave patterns, it seems to me there years ago, it has always been a matter of greatest
remains a huge amount of work, both analytical concern to me as to what is the best way to find
and numerical, to be done. For this purpose the "true" experimental wave resistance. This
some kind of international cooperation would be problem includes m a n y technical aspects, such as
most desirable, I believe. (a) the laminar effect (turbulence stimulation), (b)
Dr. Kotik outlines the essentials of two papers the form effects (resistance test with submerged
presented by himself and his colleagues. These double models), (c) the effect of trim and sinkage
papers treat the wave resistance of a body with during a test run (preparation of a specially de-
infinite draft. I t is true that they are very valu- signed "horizontal" guide), and so on. M y pre-
able contributions from a theoretical point of view. liminary work concerning all these technical prob-
However, unfortunately, I have never heard of the lems is outlined in m y chapter of the second vol-
fact that their analytical results obtained with ume of the Japan Society of Naval Architecture
such "two-dimensional" cases alone have actually published in 1957.
been applied to any practical ship hull forms. Mr. Wigley's first comment on the necessity of
Dr. Kotik's other questions are ahnost the same a strict distinction between the residuary resist-
as those raised by Dr. Todd and by Professor Man- ance and the "more true" experimental wave
del. Therefore repetition will be avoided here to resistance is the same as Dr. Guilloton's, for which
save space. I have already replied. I agree with Mr. Wigley
Dr. Guilloton mentioned that I made a "funda- on the point that our theory is not complete,
mental" mistake in assuming the free surface as a especially the finite amplitude effect is in urgent
rigid wall when I traced the streamlines. He need of solution. However this requires, so to
pointed out that Havelock's potential for a travel- speak, a high jump from ordinary linearized theory
ling source consists of three terms, as denoted to nonlinear theory. No one can predict when
(a), (b), (c) in his discussion. This is not always such state of higher development of the theory
correct. As is well known, Havelock's potential m a y be successfully attained. Instead of waiting
can be interpreted in various ways according to for the solution to these nonlinear treatments, of

352 .Wave-Making Resistanceof Ships

the differential equations, we n m s t t r y hard to similar to Professor Michelsen's discussion.
m a k e good use of the existing theory, because we Therefore repetition of nly reply will be avoided
are naval architects, not mathematicians, who are here. I am very pleased with Dr. Egger's second
pressed daily to produce better hull forms under c o m m e n t on the importance of the separate treat-
various design conditions. For such purpose and ment of bow and stern-wave systems as well as his
for complementing our incomplete theory, I sug- third and final c o m m e n t on the necessity of
gest the approach of photographing the wave pat- establishing special t a n k facilities for the detailed
tern of models. By this means we can get not study of the model's wave patterns.
only the immediate wave characteristics of each Dr. Weinblum gives a very elaborate review of
individual model, but also accumulate the experi- the past and the present state of wave-making
mental evidence needed for further i m p r o v e m e n t theory with special reference to the bulb problems.
of the theory. One of the main objectives of m y I would like to express m y heartfelt thanks to this
paper lies in emphasizing this point. pioneer in the field of wave-making theory.for this
Mr. Wigley mentions in his discussion, " . . . valuable contribution. Concerning his last state-
the author suggests t h a t an experimental proof lnent on the use of the notation "waveless," I
of the equivalence of a small sphere with a have already presented m y opinion in m y reply to
doublet might be made by e x p e r i m e n t . . . . . . " Professor Michelsen's discussion.
This is not the fact. I agree with him t h a t it is In concluding this closure I would like to t h a n k
very difficult to carry out the resistance test or the all discussers for their very interesting and quite
wave observation for a submerged sphere. W h a t valuable contributions to m y paper. In addition
I intended to suggest in m y text is to take the dif- I m u s t express nay cordial gratitude to the Office of
ference in the measured waves between two cases: N a v a l Research for their kind help in m y trans-
(a) tile main hull alone without the bulb, and (b) portation problem, and to the Mitsubishi Nippon
the main hull with the bulb attached. H e a v y I n d u s t r y C o m p a n y Ltd., for their generous
Dr. Egger's first c o m m e n t on the mathematical permission of publishing Figs. 5S-61 which I
identification between equations (35) and (36) is have cited in m y reply to Dr. Pien's discussion.

Wave-Making Resistance of Ships 353

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