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When did it take place?

Why didn't you want to do the activity, go on the trip, etc.?

What / Who made you change your mind?

Where did the activity, trip, etc. happen?

Who were you with?

How did you feel after doing it?

describe the activity, trip, etc. that you didn't want to do, and say why you didn't want to do it.

Give details about your situation at the time. Explain what persuaded you to do it.

Describe doing the activity, trip, etc. and what help or encouragement you received.

Talk about how you felt after doing the activity, going on the trip, etc. and describe the

¿Cuándo tomo lugar?

¿Por qué no querías hacer la actividad, ir de viaje, etc.?

¿Qué / quién te hizo cambiar de opinión?

¿Dónde sucedió la actividad, el viaje, etc.?

¿Con quién estabas?

¿Cómo te sentiste después de hacerlo?

describa la actividad, el viaje, etc. que no deseaba hacer y diga por qué no quería hacerlo.

Dé detalles sobre su situación en ese momento. Explica qué te convenció para hacerlo.

Describa la actividad, el viaje, etc. y qué ayuda o aliento recibió.

Hable sobre cómo se sintió después de hacer la actividad, yendo de viaje, etc. y describa las
First of all, I did not want to travel to Paris because I do not like to get up very early, I do not
like it when it is very hot and I do not like to travel for only one day staying there. My brothers,
my sister-in-law and I were going to fly in a plane to Paris.

At that time, I was very tired and I was about to cancel my plane ticket, but my older brother
convinced me to fly with them, so he encouraged me and he told me we were going to have a
great time.

Then, I agreed to travel with my brothers and sister-in-law and we flew in a plane to Paris for
two hours. When we arrived in Paris, it was very hot and I also felt tired and bored. But, my
brother encouraged me and he told me that we were going to have a great time. Then, we visit
many interesting places like the Eiffel Tower and the Louvre museum.

Finally, we had a lot of fun in Paris and we flew back to Madrid. At the end of the trip and
arriving home, I felt very happy to have made this trip. Consequently, I also learned a lot about
French culture and also my brothers, my sister-in-law and I decided to make another trip for
the future.

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