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Reservoir Engineering – MCQs

1 ) Which of the following statements is correct ? Qualitatively, in the study of a process of immiscible displacement of
oil by water :

 more are the mobility ratio and the injection flow , the greater the efficiency of displacement of oil by water .
 Minor are the mobility ratio and the injection flow , the greater the efficiency of displacement of oil by water .
 lower the mobility ratio and the higher the injection flow , the greater the efficiency of the displacement of oil by
water .

2 ) What is meant by GOR ?

 The ratio between the flow rates of oil and gas under the conditions of surface
 The ratio between the flow rates of oil and gas at reservoir conditions
 The ratio between the flow rates of gas and oil under the conditions of surface
 The ratio between the flow rates of gas and oil to the reservoir conditions
 The relationship between the density of gas and oil

3 ) Which of the following types of rocks are sealing ?

 salt
 anydrite
 sand
 limestone
 shale
 dolomite

4 ) The method of Havlena - Odeh is applied for :

 estimate HOIP ;
 estimate the thrust mechanism ;
 estimate the thrust mechanism and HOIP

5 ) Select the main applications of the techniques of material balance ( multiple choice ) :

 Optimization and planning of the development plan of the reservoir;

 Identification of the drive mechanism ;
 Identification of the geometry of the reservoir ;
 description of the evolution of the displacement of the contact water - hydrocarbon as a result of the production;
 Estimate hydrocarbon originally in place ;
 Assessment of the petrophysical characteristics of the overall system

6 ) Select the data necessary for the application of the techniques of material balance ( multiple choice ) :

 geometry of the reservoir ;

 petrophysical characterization of the reservoir ;
 production history ;
 values of the average pressure of the reservoir
 definition of wells ( location , geometry , type , etc .. )
 PVT properties of fluids

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7 ) What determines the Dietz Factor ( form factor ) :

 from the shape of the reservoir and the position of the shaft
 from the shape of the reservoir and the time
 from the position of the well and by the time
 the flow regime present the field.

8 ) What does the presence of mechanical damage :

 worsening productivity
 amplification effect "partial penetration "
 an improvement of the pressure wellhead
 premature development of gas

9 ) What is the equation of flow Rowlins and Shellardt :

 to calculate the coefficient of " non - Darcy " ( D )

 to calculate the flow rate that triggers phenomena of gas coning
 to calculate the productivity of gas wells
 to calculate productivity of the wells in the case of two-phase flow (oil / gas )

10 ) What determines the function m ( p ) :

 by the pressure , the temperature and the composition of the gas

 pressure and temperature
 pressure
 pressure and permeability

11 ) If with a flow rate Qg = 40000 m3 / d after 8 hours it induces a disturbance pressure that extends for 132 m , which
distance will be reached by the disturbance of pressure in a time equal to 12 hours in the event of delivering a flow rate
equal to Qg = 120,000 m3 / d :

 528 m
 396 m
 132 m
 264 m

12 ) In a pressure lifts the bottom closure through tester valve allows you to:

 reduce damage
 evaluate k vertical
 minimize wellbore storage
 eliminate water hammer
 reduce stress on string

13 ) How do you distinguish the behavior of dual - porosity than the dual - permeability :

 the depth of the valley

 by the duration of the first stabilization of the derivative
 asking the geologist type information field
 from the value of  that , in the case of dual- porosity , must be less than 10-7

14 ) What are the information obtained from a sieve analysis ?

 estimate the probability of production of sand

 choose the type of screen and / or optimal gravel
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 both previous answers

 none of the above

15 ) Which of the following statements are true :

 In a gravel pack standard , the screen is sized on the sand training

 In a Cased Hole Gravel Pack , I have to avoid putting gravel inside shots to avoid damaging
 In the design of an acid stimulation I have to take account of the mineralogy of the formation
 Hydraulic fracturing can only be done in a very low permeability formations ( < 1 mD )
 In a well completed with a gravel pack , the production of purposes is not a symptom of breakage of the
screens .

16 ) The pressure difference recorded between an RFT / MDT and a "wire line pressure survey " is:

 The "Pressure survey " is made in pipe line , RFT / MDT separator
 RFT / MDT at the end of the production of the well, the "Pressure survey " during drilling
 RFT / MDT logged in open hole , the "Pressure survey " is cased hole

17 ) Which is the threshold of oil viscosity in a condition of the reservoir used to define the Bitumen ?

 10 cp
 100 cp
 1000 cp
 10000 cp

18 ) Which of the following methods EOR is used in the production of Canadian Bitumen ( not mobile at reservoir
conditions ) .

 Steam Drive
 Cyclic Steam Stimulation
 Steam Assisted Gravity Drainage
 Electrical Heating
 Assisted Petroleum Vapour Extraction

19 ) In an interpretation of Well Testing, in which case the behavior of the derivative varies between Draw - Down and
Build- Up:

 in a reservoir with an aquifer Side

 in a closed system
 depends on the type of flow (temporary or pseudo - steady state)
 in the presence of three limits of aquifer permeability with active

20 ) In an interpretation of Well Testing , what is the slope of the derivative equal to 1.5 :

 two-phase conditions in the well

 simultaneous presence of gas cap and aquifer active
 no particular physical phenomenon
 response of a horizontal well in a dual- porosity reservoir

21 ) The model "changing wellbore storage" is a function of :

 ratio anisotropy
 radius of investigation reached in the time trial
 distance of the first fault sealing
 presence of at least two fluids into the well at different compressibility

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22 ) For Performance Well , the nearest Vogel is used to determine :

 VLP of a well in the natural gas and condensates.

 IPR of an oil field in saturated conditions .
 IPR of an oil field under -saturated .
 VLP of a well in an oil field in saturated conditions .

23 ) Which of the following statements about the VLP is correct :

 In single-phase flows , the pressure drop for change in kinetic energy are generally negligible .
 The roughness of the inner surface always has a negligible role .
 It allows to calculate the Absolute Open Flow only in single-phase flows .
 Provides BHP which is always an increasing function of the flow rate .

24 ) If with a flow rate Qg = 40000 m3 / d after 8 hours it induces a disturbance pressure that extends for
163 m , which distance will be reached by the disturbance of pressure in a time equal to 12 hours in the
event of delivering a flow rate equal to Qg = 80000 m3 / d:

 326 m
 240 m
 163 m
 200 m

25 ) The following plot shows the pressure and pressure derivative as recorded during a test. Choose the model
combinations suited to reproduce these data.

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 WBS + homogeneous reservoir + channel boundaries

 fracture + homogeneous reservoir + wedge
 WBS + dual permeability + infinite lateral extent
 WBS + homogeneous reservoir + infinite lateral extent
 fracture + radial composite + sealing fault
 horizontal well + homogeneous reservoir + closed reservoir
 partial penetration + homogeneous reservoir + constant pressure boundary
 WBS + radial composite + infinite lateral extent
 the behavior is not physical
 WBS + homogeneous reservoir + sealing fault
 horizontal well + homogeneous reservoir + infinite lateral extent

26 ) What is the process used to produce heavy oil reservoir conditions in non-mobile ?

 Hot water injection

 Steamflooding

27 ) As defined heavy oils , the " Tar Sands " and that bitumen viscosity at reservoir conditions have ?

 10-100 cp
 100-1000 cp
 1000-10000 cp
 > 10000 cp

28 ) By what standard does the process of surfactant injection ?

 mobility ratio between the injected fluid and the fluid displaced
 volumetric displacement efficiency
 On both previous parameters
 residual oil saturation

29 ) measuring the static gradient in a well the static pressure at the datum is obtained:

 Extrapolating the datum pressure last measured point with the gradient of wells
 By measuring the pressure at the datum
 Extrapolating the pressure at the top (or mid) perforations with the field gradient conventional
 none of the above

30 ) To compare two projects, in terms of profitability of different sizes:

 You use the IRR

 You use the NPV
 You use the PV ratio, which equals NPV divided by CAPEX
 You use the PV ratio, which equals NPV divided by the discounted CAPEX
 none of the above

31 ) analyzing the performance parameters of the head of a well, you notice a trend in upward pressure and a slight drop
in temperature. This indicates that:

 The well is purging and is improving its performance

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 On the field have made a change without notifying duse

 is increasing the product GOR
 is increasing the Water Cut Product

32 ) analyzing the trend of the pressure of the reservoir with respect to the percentage of oil product trends indicated 1 -
4 define:

 2-gas cap drive; 4- compaction drive; 1-water drive; 3- solution gas drive
 1-gas cap drive; 2- compaction drive; 3-water drive; 3- solution gas drive
 4-gas cap drive; 2- compaction drive; 1-water drive; 1- solution gas drive
 2-gas cap drive; 1- compaction drive; 2-water drive; 3- solution gas drive

33 ) What are the advantages of an integrated model than the traditional approach?

 The integrated model allows a calculation of the pressure reservoir more accurate.
 The integrated simulation is faster than the traditional one.
 The integrated model allows a definition of production constraints more realistic.
 The traditional approach does not consider the pressure losses in the well.
 The data required for the construction of an integrated model are more accurate.

34 ) In an integrated model which is the flow of information exchanged between the reservoir and the surface

 The average reservoir pressure is passed to the surface model for the calculation of the pressure drop in the pipelines.
 At the end of a reservoir simulation the flow rates of the various phases (oil, water and gas) are used for the
simulation of the surface model.
 The reservoir model provides a pressure well head to be used in the surface model
 The reservoir model provides the inflow performance (IPR) of all the wells at the surface model for the
calculation of the optimum flow of each well
 The pressure of the separator of the defined surface pattern is used as the head pressure of the wells in the reservoir
35 ) Which factor among those listed determines the possibility of "slugging" in a network of collection wells-
separation plant;

 wellhead pressure fluctuating

 Profile
 presence of condensate
 High water cut

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36 ) oils that come from different layers may not be compatible with each other. As if there is an incompatibility
between two oils?

 Training waxes
 formation of hydrates
 presence of inorganic scales
 Formation of solid asphaltenes

37 ) A production problem important is the damage to the formation by the stairs from barium sulfate. How to check

 Removing with wireline operations

 Dissolution of the stairs with a heat source
 Operations "squeeze" in the formation of specific inhibitors slow release
 continuous injection of additives in downhole

38 ) The use of agents "drag reducer" allows to reduce the load losses through a tube and to increase the volume of fluid
delivered from the same geometry. Act as the drag reducer?

 They reduce the viscosity of the fluid

 They reduce the roughness of the pipe
 decreased losses due to turbulence
 They increase the temperature of the fluid, reducing its viscosity

39 ) The stationary flow, you have:

 if the field is closed

 in wells gas at a low flow in which are negligible the effects of turbulence
 the field has a dual porosity behavior
 in the presence of active aquifer

40 ) In terms of International Standards , which are adopted by the External References Eni E & P for the classification
of resources and reserves ?

 UNFC (United Nations Framework Classification)

 SPE ( Society of Petroleum Engineers )
 SPE and SEC ( Security and Exchange Commission - Society of Petroleum Engineers )
 NPD ( Norwegian Petroleum Directorate )

41 ) What is the main criterion for distinguishing between reserves and " Contingent Resources " ?

 The possibility of merchantability

 The technical feasibility of the project
 The technical uncertainty
 The price of hydrocarbons
42 ) the initial equilibrium in a medium-light oil field with gas cap:

 The oil viscosity presents its minimum value

 The pressure in the gas cap is constant with depth
 At the share of gas-oil contact pressure of the oil bubble is equal to the hydrostatic pressure
 Under the share of gas-oil contact the hydrostatic pressure is less than the pressure of bubble oil

43 ) In an undersaturated oil reservoir of the pressure of the bubble:

 not depends on the depth

 decreases with depth
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 increases with depth

 is greater than the initial pressure

44 ) In a typical reservoir naturally fractured and mineralized oil:

 The fluids move mainly within the blocks of the matrix

 The fluids are contained mainly in fractures
 The volume of oil in the reservoir is divided fairly evenly between matrix and fracture
 The fluids are mainly contained in the blocks of the matrix and move mainly within the fractures

45 ) In an oil field to study the effect of the number of development wells (and / or of the additional services) on the
final recovery:

 It builds the curve of cumulative production of oil vs number of new wells

 they compare the initial flow rates of wells
 It considers the duration of the productive life of wells
 It builds the load bearing capacity of the field vs daily number of new wells

46 ) Looking at the curve of decline of an oil well in the chart, assessing which of the following coefficients of decline
is the correct one:

 3 % / month
 3 % / day
 5 % / month
 5 % / day
 10 % / month
 10 % / day

47 ) The injection of gas is defined miscible ?

 When the oil reservoir is rather light .

 When the pressure of the reservoir is still next to the initial value .
 When a certain volume of gas is soluble in the oil.
 When the interfacial tension gas / oil is zero .

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48 ) Assume a " heterogeneity index ( HI ) " calculated according to the equation :

Value well
HI  1
Value averageof wells

For a mature oil field with high water production was achieved the following diagnostic plot :

Evaluate which of the following statements is surely correct based only on the graph proposed:

 In this field, the performance of vertical wells are better than those of horizontal wells
 The wells in the 2nd quadrant have a water production below average
 The wells in the 4th quadrant have an oil production below average
 The vertical wells they see a major depletion
 In this field, the performance of horizontal wells are better than those of vertical wells

49 ) The Skin-phase depends on:

 absolute permeability
 relative permeability curves
 Mechanical damage

50 ) The resolution of a quartz gauge (12:01 psi) may compromise the interpretation of a miniDST in deposits:

 High mobility
 A oil with kv / kr <0.01
 Tight gas

51 ) The derivative of the pressure response of an injection test shows:

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 A radial composite
 A single radial stabilization on the area invaded by the displacing fluid
 The only stabilization of the radial field to the initial oil saturation

52 ) The miniDST in a cased hole may show a partial penetration greater than those in open hole because:

 The distance between the packer is about 3 times higher

 The interval is open to flow about ⅓
 They are only made in deposits isotropic

53 ) The loss of head by friction:

 They are dominant in gas wells

 are negligible in horizontal wells
 They are dominant in oil wells with low GOR

54 ) Which factor determines the possibility of "slugging" in a network of collection wells-separation plants:

 Condition of multiphase flow

 Temperature fluctuation wellhead
 presence of condensate
 High water cut

55 ) The figure below shows a study of the sensitivity of the well performance of a well taking oil obtained : Skin = 0 ,
6 = Skin , Tubing OD = 4 1/2 " OD Tubing = 5 " . The working point to Skin = 0 and OD = 4 1/2 " is:

 5800 STB / D , 1900 psia

 4,000 STB / D , 2100 psia
 4400 STB / D , 2200 psia

56 ) The method of thermal EOR called "steam flooding" or "steam drive" is used mainly when the oil in reservoir
conditions has a viscosity :

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 < 10000 cP
 > 10000 cP
 > 100,000 cP

57 ) In the case of chemical EOR with injection of surfactants , the surfactant acts on what ?

 Block channels high permeability .

 Decrease the saturation of residual oil .
 Increase the viscosity of the fluid injected
 Makes smoother face displacement .
 decreases the speed of the front displacement .

58 ) The use of agents "drag reducer " allows to reduce the load losses through a tube and to increase the volume of
fluid delivered from the same geometry . Act as the drag reducer ?

 They reduce the viscosity of the fluid

 decreased losses due to turbulence
 They reduce the roughness of the pipe
 They increase the temperature of the fluid , reducing its viscosity

59 ) In the case of deposition of asphaltenes in the field of Hassi Messaoud ( Haskett , 1963) , which was the operative
solution ?

 Injection continuous inhibitor downhole

 treatment with hot -oil
 Intensification of washing with solvent
 Removing the choke (surface choke)
60 ) The selection of a complete "sand control" is based primarily on :

 Maximum flow of production and type of hydrocarbons

 Security
 Features Field
 Sieve analysis
 Economic constraints

61 ) What is the greatest factor influencing the productivity of the well when only one "screen" is used for the control of
unconsolidated sands?

 The permeability of the sand nell'anulus

 The type of screen for the liquid in the hole during posiziamento
 The diameter of the screen
 Well shut-in multiple and frequent during the productive life
 type screen centralized selected

62 ) What is the worst condition for the implementation of the "sand control"?

 depleted Reservoir
 HPHT Reservoir
 well in deep water
 In wells at depths greater than 5000 m
 High clay content in sandy layers

63 ) Provide the equipment / material required to achieve a completion sand control:

 Chisel

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 Cement
 Pumping unit dedicated
 Coiled Tubing
 Materials for the control of fluid loss
 centralizers

64 ) For a complete "open hole" using DIF, which of the following is false?

 fluid free from solids

 It blocks actually post training, stopping losses
 Good suspension capacity for cuttings
 Brine water based
 based fluid emulsion reversed
 capacity to promote stimulation

65 ) Which of the following statements is true?

 In interventions gravel pack, the screen is designed to keep sand formation.

 In operations in cased hole gravel pack, it must avoid the gravel drilling to prevent them from being damaged.
 Good intervention of "annular gravel pack" is available only in "squeeze".
 Production of sand always reduces the PI
 The screen must be continuous and overlap with perforations during intervals multi-perf.
 The sand control in 5 "csg is only feasible using methods with" chemicals ".

66 ) What are the problems of treatment of the well during an installation "sand control" diminish permanently
productività pit?

 treatment with water-based fluids

 Using the wrong size of the openings of the screen
 User and wrong size or poor quality of the gravel / proppant
 Mix sands formation and gravel pack / proppant
 Apertue the screen partially occluded

67 ) What is the main criterion in PRMS for the distinction between " Contingent Resources " and " Prospective
Resources " ?

 The merchantability
 The technical feasibility of the project
 The economic feasibility
 The price of hydrocarbons
 Discovery

68 ) Select true or false to draw each of the following statements .

True False

One of the objectives of the well test is to define the nature of the fluids produced

The Skin Factor is inversely proportional to the permeability of the reservoir


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In general the derivative of the pressure is less affected by noise during the buildup

The spherical flow is indicated by a slope ½ on the diagnostic plot of the derivative of
pressure X

If the oil flow increases, productivity increases


MBH function depends only on the shape of the area drained


The productivity index is the ratio between the theoretical and the CF CF Real

The Skin apparent does not include the effects of partial penetration

The limit test allow to estimate the size of the field


In a model Dual Porosity, the Storativity Ratio defines the ability of the matrix of the
network of fractures ricariare X

In single-phase flows, the load losses for change in kinetic energy are generally
negligible. X

The roughness of the inner surface always has a negligible role.


The VLP provides a BHP that is always an increasing function of the flow.

69 ) Assuming that after 6 hours of production at a portatacostante equal to Qo = 400 m3 / d tildisturbo

pressure extends to 157 m from the well, which distance will be reached by the disturbance pressure after
8 hours nell'oipotesi that the scope of the well equals Qo = 600 m3 / d?

a) 81 m
b) 157 m
c) 163 m
d) 181 m
e) 235 m

70 ) What is the diagram in the figure below?

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10 47AH




K_air (mD)


Lineare (6BV)

0.1 Lineare (30AH)

Lineare (42AH)

Lineare (47AH)

Lineare (53AH)
Lineare (58AH)

Lineare (68AH)

Lineare (74AH)

Lineare (80AH)
10 100 1000 10000
NCS (psi)
NCS (psi)

a) The cross plot Perm Perm vs core Log

b) The extrapolation of the permeability in Not Calibrated Samples
c) The variation of the permeability with depth
d) The change of permeability to vary the composition of the fluid
e) The correction of the permeability on the condition of the reservoir

71 ) In the case of single-phase flow which allows the recognition of the following log entry points of the
fluid in a well in production?

a) Density log
b) Log in temperature
c) Log pressure
d) Log resistivity
e) Neutron log

72 ) What are the fractures observed behavior that may have an "effective" that increases the permeability
of the rock?

a) extensional fractures such as joints

b) fractures characterized by movements of "cut" along the fracture plane as the Faults
c) The tension gashes associated with stylolites
d) The unloading fractures associated with stylolites
e) fractures whose plane is parallel to the stress maximum current and perpendicular to the stress
current minimum

73 ) When you can reasonably be considered to be in the presence of a field with a fractured reservoir

a) In the presence of fractures recognized directly carrots and log image

b) In case of indirect indicators of fracturing (Mud-log, Conventional Log)
c) In the presence of wells with high production capacities
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d) In the presence of a structure strongly faulted and / or folded

e) In the presence of fractures observed directly associated with productive behavior of wells mixed
with Flow Capacity Index (kh-WT / khMatrix) >> 1 times

74 ) Based on the following test data on two oil wells : Q1 = 450 m3 / d ; Q2 = 100 m3 / d ; k1 = 100 mD ; k2
= 50 mD

Elapsed time Pressure Elapsed time Pressure

hr bara hr bara
0.0 344.7 0.0 344.7
0.5 223.0 0.5 340.1
1.0 204.9 1.0 338.3
1.5 198.7 1.5 335.1
2.0 195.1 2.0 332.1
2.5 192.6 2.5 331.2
3.0 190.6 3.0 329.5
3.5 189.0 3.5 327.5
4.0 187.6 4.0 324.8
4.5 186.4 4.5 322.5
5.0 185.2 5.0 320.2
5.7 184.1 5.7 318.5
6.4 182.9 6.4 315.2
7.1 181.8 7.1 312.9
8.0 180.7 8.0 310.7
8.5 305.3
9.0 303.1
10.0 299.8

Indicate if:


d) You can not make a comparison

75 ) For an oil field that it was decided to produce with waterflooding was derived fractional flow curve
shown in Fig. Assume that the initial water saturation that is irreducible.

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In the region of the reservoir where the oil is displaced by water saturation in water at the average
breakthrough will be approximately equal to:

a) 0.45
b) 0.55
c) 0.60
d) 0.70

76 ) What is the price demanded by the SEC for the Economic Evaluation of Reserves?

a) The average price in the twelve months (before the close of the fiscal year)
b) The average price reasonably expected (in future 4 years)
c) The price scenario
d) The price of Company
e) The price of the four-year plan

77 ) A homogeneous gas field produced gas (no water). The figure shows the graph p / z as a function of Gp.

The deviation of the data on the performance straight probably shows that:

a) There was no ingress of water into the reservoir

b) There has been ingress of water into the reservoir
c) The well is damaged
d) The pressure reservoir has dropped below the dew point
e) The field is located in overpressure

78 ) We analyze the production data in the table by the material balance equation for the case of
undersaturated oil ( p > PSAT ). It assumes that the water production , the effect of the compressibility of
the rock and measurement errors are negligible. Evaluate the initial oil in place.

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Time Tank Oil Solution Producing Cum Oil

Pressure FVF GOR GOR Produced

(date m/d/y) (psig) (RB/STB) (scf/STB) (scf/STB) (MMSTB)

1/1/2001 6000 1.55106 500 0

1/1/2002 4444 1.56088 500 500 2.51775

1/1/2003 3759 1.56782 500 500 4.27645

1/1/2004 3354 1.57327 500 500 5.64747

1/1/2005 2878 1.58166 500 500 7.73934

1/1/2006 2602 1.58795 500 500 9.29183

1/1/2007 2419 1.59293 500 500 10.5137

1/1/2008 2287 1.597 500 500 11.5076

1/1/2009 2194 1.59854 498 499 12.3363

1/1/2010 2160 1.58869 489 494 13.0812

1/1/2011 2131 1.58047 481 485 13.7891

1/1/2012 2106 1.5734 475 478 14.4653

a) 400 MMstb
b) 415 MMstb
c) 552 MMstb
d) 741 MMstb
e) 1018 MMstb

79 ) Consider an oil field with current pressure lower than the pressure of the initial bubble in which water
injection is carried out to support the pressure . Are individuals who, in the following, which does not affect
the calculation of Voidage Replacement Ratio ( VRR ) :

a) volume of gas dissolved in the oil at the pressure of the reservoir ( Rs )

b) mobility ratio water / oil
c) oil compressibility
d) GOR production
e) volume factor of the gas

80 ) The following graphs represent the production profiles of the possible scenarios of development of a
new field in the exploration phase . The graphs show the abscissa time in years and the scope of the field
on the ordinate . Whereas all the proposed profiles allow to reach the same cumulative output , it indicates
the more correct from the point of view of the reservoir management.
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(a) (b)

(c) (d)


81 ) The hypothesis that NO is made in the derivation of the diffusivity written for radial coordinates is:

a) Even thickness of the production level

b) fluid compressibility with small and constant
c) Mezzo porous homogeneous and isotropic
d) flow that continues well after closing.

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82 ) You want to estimate gas in place and the Recovery Factor final for a gas field by the method p / Z . Are
known, the volumes produced in the following table :

Gp (MMscf) P/Z

100000 3299.34

500000 3166.033

1000000 2999.4

It is well known that the initial pressure of the reservoir is 3000 psi , the THP required minimum is 100 psi ,
the reservoir is 5700 feet deep and the average density of the gas in the well under the conditions of THP
limit is 0.158 psi / ft. Finally , use the table below to the properties of the gas :

Pressure Z Factor P/Z


150 0.98764 151.8772

500 0.96065 520.4809

600 0.95351 629.254

700 0.94665 739.4496

1000 0.92801 1077.575

1500 0.90451 1658.357

2000 0.89201 2242.127

2500 0.89091 2806.12

2700 0.89347 3021.926

3000 0.90018 3332.667

As the source, including the following, the correct answer:

a) GOIP TSCF and RF = 8 = 75%

b) GOIP TSCF and RF = 10 = 68%
c) GOIP TSCF and RF = 12 = 66%
d) GOIP TSCF and RF = 14 = 71%
e) GOIP TSCF and RF = 6 = 79%

83 ) The skin-phase depends on:

a) absolute permeability
b) relative permeability curves
c) distance possible barriers

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d) fluid flow
e) Mechanical damage

84 ) From a production test with constant flow we provide the following information:

compressibility total = 5 x 10-5 psi-1

oil flow = 400 bblST / day
OFVF = 1.26 BBLR / bblST

The pore volume of the associated field ( in m3 ) is closer to:

a) 5,200
b) 52,000
c) 520,000
d) 5,200,000

85 ) Reserves for high-pressure volumetric dry gas reservoirs are often obtained by extrapolating a plot of
p/z vs. Gp to the abandonment point. Equivalent results could be obtained by plotting:

a) 1/Bg vs. Gp
b) p vs. Gp
c) p2 vs. Gp
d) Bg vs. Gp

86 ) The loss of head by friction

a) are dominant in the well to oil

b) are dominant in water injection wells
c) are dominant in gas wells
d) are negligible in horizontal wells
e) are dominant in oil wells with low GOR

87 ) In a well just realized it was conducted a production test . The well was produced at a constant flow
rate of 300 bbl / d of oil . During dispensing , duration 3 days, and the next rise of the pressure (duration 48
hours) were harvested the following information :

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Fluid properties and rock

Βo = 1.27 bblR/bblST h =37 ft

μo = 0.80 cP ct = 4.25 10-6 psi-1

 = 12%
(1 psi = 6895 Pa)

The radius of investigation (in meters ) reached during the build-up is in the range :

a) 140-160
b) 175-200
c) 225-255
d) 870-980

88 ) Assuming to produce oil from an oil field, the reinjection of gas separator in the field is:

a) Always miscible with the oil comes from.

b) Never miscible.
c) It depends on the results of experimental tests.

89 ) In the case of EOR with injection of "low salinity water", it acts as the low-salinity water?

a) Decrease the saturation of residual oil.

b) Makes smoother face displacement.
c) Block channels high permeability.

90 ) In the case of the EOR process: injection of polymers, as does the polymer dissolved in the injection?

a) Improve "sweep efficiency" microscopic (decreases the saturation of residual oil).

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b) Improve "sweep efficiency" volume.

c) Block the arrival of water to the production well.

91 ) The following plot shows the pressure and pressure derivative as recorded during a test. Choose the
model combinations suited to reproduce these data.

 WBS + homogeneous reservoir + channel  horizontal well + homogeneous reservoir +

boundaries infinite lateral extent
 fracture + homogeneous reservoir + wedge
 WBS + dual permeability + infinite lateral
 WBS + homogeneous reservoir + infinite
lateral extent
 fracture + radial composite + sealing fault
 horizontal well + homogeneous reservoir +
closed reservoir
 partial penetration + homogeneous
reservoir + constant pressure boundary
 WBS + radial composite + infinite lateral
 the behavior is not physical
 WBS + homogeneous reservoir + sealing
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92 ) Investigation radius is:

 valid under steady state conditions

 valid only under early transient conditions
 valid during the entire duration of the test
 a function of flow rate
 a function of time
 a function of permeability
 independent from the duration

93 ) Associate the appropriate comment to each gauge recording (draw arrows).

23 GAUGE 3
21 GAUGE 6
Pressure (psia)









11 Before RIH After POOH

0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 160.2 160.3 160.4 160.5 160.6

Elapsed Time (hr)

Gauge 1 Uncalibrated

Gauge 2 Drift

Gauge 3 OK

Gauge 4 Uncalibrated with drift

Gauge 5 Noisy with drift

Gauge 6 Noisy and broken

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Student ID number

94 ) In the following table, select true or false for each sentence.

True False

One of the target of well test is to define the nature of produced fluids X

Limit test permits to estimate reservoir size x

The Skin factor is inversely proportional to the permeability of the reservoir X

The Productivity Index is the ratio between theoretical and real completion factor X

Investigation radius depends on the fluid rate X

The MBH function depends only from the shape of the drainage area X

The AOF is the maximum producing rate which could be theoretically obtained for p min X

The ½ slope is typical of linear flow x

In the dual porosity model, the storativity ratio defines the ability of the matrix to flow into the

The injection test method is a procedure that allows the reservoir characterization through injection
of a H2S slug

95 ) Check the appropriate region in the Duns – Ros map for the following multiphase flow regimes

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1 2 3
Low velocity slug x
Churn X
Anular X
Bubble x
High velocity slug X

96 ) Indicate the appropriate Vertical Lift Performance for each of the following
conditions. 1° APPELLO 11.2.2011


(0;0) Q

4 ½” Tubing, WHP = 500 psia 3

3 ½” Tubing, WHP = 1000 psia 1

4 ½” Tubing, WHP = 1000 psia 2


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