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4th Quarter
Prevention of Substance
Use and Abuse


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2S u b s t a n c e U s e a n d A b u s e
(Active or Passive)
Direction: Read and answer each item below with YES or NO. Total the number of your
responses for the interpretation of score. Do this activity in your activity notebook.
(write your answer before the number)

1. Do you smoke?
2. Is there someone who lives with you, who smoke?
3. Do you have friends who smoke?
4. Are you often exposed to cigarette smoke?
5. Do you stay around people who smoke?
6. When people around you smoke, do you let them know that you don’t want to inhale
or smell their smoke?
7. Have you tried giving disapproving look at people who smoke to let them know that
you indirectly dislike smoking?
8. Have you ever commented about someone smoking but not directly to the smoker?
9. Have you ever asked smoker to get rid of their smoke?
10. have you ever asked smokers to transfer to another place so that you would not
inhale their smoke?
11. Have you ever tried moving away from a smoker who does not listen to your appeal?
12. If you are in a vehicle and someone is smoking, do you roll down the window or turn
towards the window to avoid inhaling smoke?
13. Have you ever tried moving away from a smoker without asking him/her to move
away instead?
14. Will you just let smokers smoke near you, choosing to be passive, saying nothing,
and doing nothing?
15. Are you afraid that if you speak out and ask a smoker to stop smoking or move away
from you, that he/she will laugh or get mad at you?

What is you score in the self-inventory?

If you answered YES for items 1 to 5, you might be “at risk of exposure to smoke”.
Now, for items 6 to 13, if you answered YES to five or more questions, you are in the
“active zone” and you stand for your rights and protect your health. If you answered YES
to 3-4 questions, you are heading towards standing for the rights and protecting your
health. If you answered YES to 1 to 2 questions, you are beginning to stand for your rights
and protect your health.

If you answered NO for items 6 to 13, you are a passive smoker and need to learn to stand
up for your rights and protect you health.
If you answered YES to items 14 to 15, it is important to learn how to be active in standing
up for you rights and protecting your health.

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2S u b s t a n c e U s e a n d A b u s e

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