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It is a transformation taking the points

of one space into the points of the same
or another space.

Google Map – a desktop web mapping

service developed by google.
Web mapping is the process of using the
maps delivered by geographic information
systems (GIS) in World Wide Web. Web
mapping is more than just web cartography,
it is a service by which consumers may
choose what the map will show.
Types of web maps

Analytical web maps

Analytical web maps offer GIS analysis.
The geodata can be a static provision, or
needs updates. The borderline between
analytical web maps and web GIS is fuzzy.
Parts of the analysis can be carried out by the
GIS geodata server.
Animated and Realtime
Realtime maps show the situation of a
phenomenon in close to Realtime (only a few
seconds or minutes delay). Animated
maps show changes in the map over time by
animating one of the graphical or temporal
Collaborative web maps
Collaborative maps are a developing
potential. In proprietary or open source
collaborative software, users collaborate to
create and improve the web mapping
Online atlases
The traditional atlas goes through a
remarkably large transition when hosted on
the web. Atlases can cease their printed
editions or offer printing on demand. Some
atlases also offer raw data downloads of the
underlying geospatial data sources.
Static web maps
These include scanned paper maps not
designed as screen maps. Paper maps have a
much higher resolution and information
density than typical computer displays of the
same physical size, and might be unreadable
when displayed on screens at the wrong

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