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US 2019025 a») United States (2) Patent Application Publication co) Pub. No.: US 2019/0295733 Al PAIS IS733A1 (43) Pub, Dat Sep. 26, 2019 4) m 3) en @) on PLASMA COMPRESSION FUSION DEVICE Applicant: SALVATORE PAIS, Calkway, MD (us) Inventor: SALVATORE PAIS, Callaway, MD (us) Assignoe: United States of America as represented by the Secretary of the Navy, Patuxent River, MD (US) Appl. No 189928,703 Filed: Mar. 22, 2018 Publication Classification Int. CL G28 0s (200601) G2 V7 (2006.01) 2B 121 (2005.01) (2) cr G21B 1/05 201301); G218 121 (201301); G21 117 (2013.01) 7) ABSTRACT A. plasina compression fusion device which includes a hollow duct and at least one pair of opposing, counter- spinning dynamic fisors. The hollow duct inchudes a Vacuum chamber disposed within the hollow duet. Bach dynamic fasor has a plurality of orifices and an outer surface ‘whieh is electrically charged. In combination, the pair(s) of dynam fusors ereate a concentmted magnetic energy Mux land electromagnetic radiation within the vacuum chamber, ‘whereby the concentrated magnetic energy flux compresses ‘Amine of gases that are injected through te orifices to the vacuum chamber such that a plasma core is ereated, and the to electromagnetic miation heats the plasma core, while produced magaetc fields confine the plasma core between the dynamic fusors, such that when an tdditional mixture of ‘gases is inteodcad into the plasma core through the ofiees, fan energy gain is erated. Patent Application Publication Sep. 26,2019 Sheet 1 of 2. US 2019/0295733 Al Patent Application Publication Sep. 26,2019 Sheet 2 of 2. US 2019/0295733 Al 230 US 20190295733 Al PLASMA COMPRESS )N FUSION DEVICE ‘STATEMENT OF GOVERNMENT INTEREST [0001] The invention described herein may be manwfac- tured and used by or forthe Government ofthe United States ‘of America for governmental purposes without payment of lany royalties thereon or therefor. BACKGROUND [0002] Theemonuecear fasion involves the forcing together (aniication) of light nuclei to foem a heavier betes, which duc to the mass defect occurs with genera tione energy, a expressed in the Ene exprestion. Fusion ‘ecursat extremely high temperatures, exceeding the core temperature ofthe Sun, which i appeoxmstly 15 milion degrees Celsius. Fr example, the Deutrium-Tritum fsion reaction oeeurs at temperaties in excess of 175 lion Algroes Celis, and the Desteriam-Dewtrivm fosion rac tion eccursat approximately 232 milion degrees Celsius. At thee extremely high tmpeatres and presses, a wl ionize and fom a plasma the four stat of mater that is fn ememble of an enormous umber of eletrons snd positive ions (210"Yim’) which eonsianly interact wi ach other exchanging ener. {0003} The dee primary mend of entaing plasma in ‘onder to make the fons fise are gravitational confinement inet confinement, and magnetic confinement. In onder 0 hhve fusion fom gravitational confinement you need sola Sas masses, ths inertia and magnet enfinement are the nly practical methods, as well as possible hybrids ofthe ‘wo. Inetial confinement fasion is prec with lase- sven implosions or with elecie fields (cletrosttic), ‘while magnetic confinement fision is generated with extremely high magnetic indueGon in such configurations as tokamaks (Gevices that use @ powerful magnet field 10 confine plsma inthe shape ofa torus, which sa surface of revolution generated by revolving a circle jn three-time Sonal space about an ais coplanar with the cic) ay netic minors, magnetic cosps, pinches, and. magnetized tunes. [0004] At these methods of plasma confinement have {rive ses, sch san extrmely large size (Commensrate {otha of an itera carer requirement, plasma instabilities fortokamaks, and power losses an shor confinement ties for magnetic mirfeusp machines. None ofthese cafe ‘meat thos (o date have been able to aeieve break-even fusion reactions, namely the condion for fsion power output to equal the power iapt, Tet alone achieve the ignition condition hereby a fasion plasma bum is sl sustained, without aes for extemal power input. Asa rest thore is need for an elective plasma compression fasion device, which erates an eneay ain SUMMARY, [0005] ‘The present invention is directed to ® plasma ‘compression fison device which includes s hollow diet and at least one pair of opposing counter-spinning dynamic fusors. The hollow duct includes a vacuum chamber dis- posed within the hollow duct, Each dynamic fasor has plurality of aiices and an outer surface Which is electrically charged. In combination, the pair(s) of dynamic sors create a concentrated magnetic energy flux and electromag. retie radiation within the vacuum chamber, whereby the Sep. 26, 2019 concentrated magnetic energy flux compresses a mixture of ‘2ases that are injected through the orifices fo the vacuum chamber such that a plasma com: is created, and the elec- ‘omagnetic radiation heats the plasma core, while produced ‘magnetic fields confine the plasma core between the dynamic fasors, such that when an addtional mixture of | ‘gases is introduced into the plasma core through the orfiees, an energy gain is reated [0006] Its Feature ofthe present invention t provide plasma compression fusion deviee that generates energy {in by plasma compression-induced nuclear fision [0007] It isa feature ofthe present invention t provide plasma compression fusion devie that bas the capability of| Imaximizing’ the product of plasma pressure and energy confinement time in order to maximize energy pain and thus tive rise to fision ignition conditions [0008] It isa feature of the present invention w provide a ‘plasma compression fusion device that can produee power in the gigawatt to terawatt range (and higher), with input power inthe kilowatt wo megawatt range, DRAWINGS 0009] These and other features, aspects and advantages ‘of the present invention will become better understood with reference tothe following description and appended elms, and accompanying drawings wherein: [0010] FIG. 1 isa side cross sectional view of an embodi= meat (the eoss-duct configeration) ofthe plasma compres- sion fsion device, [001] FIG. 2s side cross sectional view of an embodi- ‘meat (he Hinear-duct configuration) of the plasma compres- sion fusion deviee; and, 0012] FIG. 3 isa eross sectional side view of an embodi- ‘ment ofthe dynamie fasor (ie conics frustum configura tion) DESCRIPTION [0013] The prefered embodiments of the present inven tion are illustrated by way of example below and in FIGS. 1.3, Asshown ia FIG. 1,inone ofthe embodiments (referred to as the erss duet contiguration), the plasma compression fasion device 10 includes a hollow eross-duct 100 and at least two pairs of opposing, smoothly curved-headed, cour ter-spinning conical structures 200 (which act as dynamic fusors). The hollow cross-duct 100 includes a. vacwum chamber 110 disposed within the hollow eross-duct 100, Fach opposing, smoathly curved-headled, counter-spinning cconicil structure 200 has a plurality of orifices 208 andl at ‘outer surface 210 whichis electrically charged, In combi- ration, the pair of counter spinning conical strictures 200 create a concentrated magnetic energy fx and eletromag- netic radiation within the Vacuum chamber 110, whereby the concentrated magnetic energy fux compresses a mixture of ‘gases (dhe fasion fuel) that ae injected through the orifices 208 tothe vacuum chamber 110 such that « plasma core 75, {also can be refered to a8 a fasion plasma core, which is @ substantially spherical and homogenous collective of elec- ‘wons and positive ions) is erated, and the electromagnetic ‘idiation Heals the plasma core 78, while produced magnetic fields confine the! plasma core 75 between the counter- spinning conical strictures 200, such that when an addi- tional mixture of gases is introduced into the plasma core 75 ‘through the orifices 208 an energy gain is created, US 20190295733 Al 0014] In the description of the present invention, the invention will be discussed in a space, sea, or temestil ‘environment; however, this invention can be wlized for any ‘ype of application that requires the use of eneryy geners- 0015] As shown in FG. 2, in another embodiment of the invention (ofered to as the Tinear duct configuration), the lasmna compression fusion devioe 10 may include only one jr of to opposing curved-headed cownter-spinning conical Sevetures 200 disposed in a linear configuration within a Dollow linea-duct 180. In general, tbe invention uses con- ‘wolled motion of electrically charged matter via accelerated Vibration andlor accelerated spin subjected to smooth yet rapid seceleration transients, in oder o generate extremely high energy high intensity electromagnetic fields, which not ‘only confine the plasma but also greatly compress it isso as to produce a high power density plasma burn, leading 10 ignition and energy ein. [0016] As shown in FIG. 1, the preferred embodiment Includes two pairs of opposing curved-headed counter: spinning conical strctures 200; however, more than two Pairs of conical strictures 200 may be utilized. The conical Suctures 200 may be generally referred to as dynamic fusors and be mode trem an alloy of Tungsten with high capacitance (such as Tungsten Nitride), or any other type of loy, or material practicable. Fach eonicalstrcture 200, opposing each other in pais, may’ have smoothly ceurved apex sections 201, and/or inclade assemblies of ‘lectrfied grids 202 and toroidal magnetic coils 203, Pach toroidal magnetic coil 203 may be disposed between at least two assemblies of electrified grids, arranged within each ‘conical structure 200, The eross-diet 100 may include at inner surface 118 surrounding the plasma core 78. The inner surface 115 may be electrically charged and vibrated in order to prevent plasma particles frm impacting the walls of the cross-duet 100 (particularly the inner surfice 115) and initiating « plasma quench. The mixture of gases oF fusion five, preferably Deuterium gas is intr into the plasma core 75 through the counter-spinning conical structures 200, ‘namely injected throvgh oitices 205 in the conical sruc- ‘res 200, The conical structures 200 are attached to coeee- sponding hollow shafts 220, through which the mixture of| _zises or sion fuel is pressure-fed from a gas reservoir(s) {oot shown), [0017] tn an alternate embodiment, the dynamic fusors ‘can also be dome-like or hemispherical in gsometry. Alter: natively. as shown in FIG. 3, the dynamic fusors may be ‘conical frustums 280 or truncated canes having an isosceles ‘wapezoidal cross section, The eonieal frustums 230 also include a plurality of orifices 238, und can include assem. Dlies of electrified grids 202 (atleast three) and atleast one toridal magnetic coil 203, arranged within each conical frustum 230. In general, the plurality of orifices 235 can be lisposed within the electeifed grids 202, As with all other embodiments of the dynamic fusor, each conical frustum 230 may’ have an outer surface that is electrically charged Each torvidal magnetic eol 203 must be disposed between ‘wo electrified prs 202, The electrical grids 202 are used 10 ionize the Deuterium gat (or other fusion fuel in gaseous form) and are kept at diferent oppositely changed volages so as to electrostatically accelerate either electrons or ions imo the plasma core 78, depending on desired. physical cellect, ia manner similar to ion thrasiers Sep. 26, 2019 [0018] All dynamic fasor embodiments ean be utilized in cither the linear-duct configuration, the coss-duct configs- ration, or any type of duct configuration practicable. In the ‘embodiments ofthe deseribed dynamic fusors, the direction ‘of the cynamie fusors 200, 230 or dynamic fsor spin is such ‘thatthe generated magnetic fox always points towands the plasma cone 78. The dynamic fusors 200, 230 can act as particle accelerators fr electtons which are closely bond 10 the magnetic field lines of the toroidal coil 208, a8 well as to the maynetie field lines of the dynamic fasors 200, 230, ‘once they exit each dynamic fasors 200, 230. These elee- trons are elecrostatcally accelerated through a set of two lecrial yrids 202 (one grid may be a positive voluge charge grid and another negative voltage charged grid, both having the ability to switch electrical charge) exhibiting @ potential difference into the plasma core 78, forming a deep (high energy) negative potential well This negative poten- tial well greatly accelerates the positively charged ions {oward it, and as the ions keep recirculating around the wel they undergo fusion, A high temperature, high pressure phisma core 7S results from the impingement of gas dynamic vomical plumes, which exhibit high viscous heat- ing, as well as the intense collisions of electrons and positively charged ions which make up these plumes. In ‘order to eat the plasma core 75 atthe extreme temperatures ‘that fusion requires, de electrically charged dynamic fusors 200, 230 generate high electromagnetic radiation by virtue ‘of their accelerating spa. The inne surfaces ofthe dynamic fusors 200, 230 are sell insulated spainst electrical charge migration, possibly, but without limitation, with silicon carbide, boron nitride, or boron carbide lines. An alloy of| ‘Tungsten (such a5, but without limitation, Tungsten-nitide) ‘with high capacitance, inorder to hold aa electsic ebarge of 4 least one Coulomb, is the material of choice for the ‘dynamie fusors 200, 230. Each dynamic fusor 200, 230 is ‘mounted to a corresponding hollow shaft 220 (which can alo be refered as a fusion fuel conduit), whic is coupled {oa variable power DC induction motor (aot shown) and a ‘28 reservoir (not shown), and can be aceelerated-deceler- fated-acocleated in spin, Via digital controller (not show). 0019] In order for a fasion reation to ooeur, we need to abide by the Lawson erterion, namely’ epee ate 0020] where a is the plasma density, Ti the plasma Aemperature and, tis the energy confinement time, Fae tion 1 illustrates thatthe higher the product of the plasma pressure with to the plasms energy confinement time, the hhgher dhe energy gain of the fusion reaction, The eal sign in Fauation 1 represents the break-even condition, indieat- ing an energy pain of one, which is the condition under ‘which the fusion power output equals the reactor power input. Furthermore, itis important 1 note that if you double the strength of the magnetic feld (double the magnetic induction B in units of Tesla), you hal the linear size of the reactor, given other fusion parameters are held constaat. Hence, being able to generate high magnetic induction (agnesie Hux deasity) is extremely important in developing ‘compact fusion device 0021] There are two expressions which convey: the importance of having high magnetic field induction, when it comes to plasma magnetic confinement for fusion, namely: (uaon 0,

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