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The quest for fusion power

Steven C. Cowley
Fusion power is one of a very few sustainable options to replace fossil fuels as the world’s primary
energy source. Although the conditions for fusion have been reached, much remains to be done to turn
scientific success into commercial electrical power.

n 1920, Arthur Eddington, as president of 10,000,000 breed most of the tritium from 6Li, which
the Mathematical and Physical Sciences comprises ~7.5% of natural lithium.
Section of the British Association,
delivered one of the greatest ever public 100,000 Why bother?
lectures on science1. He conjectured that the The most obvious attraction of fusion
Energy (weu)

Sun is powered by turning hydrogen into 10,000 is the abundance of fuel — deuterium
helium — and this is indeed what happens. 1,000
and lithium-6. To set the scale, let
We now call the process (nuclear) fusion. us use the world’s current electricity
Eddington’s deduction was remarkable given 100 production in a year as a unit of energy —
that little was understood about the atomic a world energy unit (weu) — where
nucleus at the time. He went on to remark: 1 weu = 7.5 × 1019 J = 2.4 terawatt years.
“A star is drawing on some vast reservoir 1 A gigawatt fusion power station would
of energy by means unknown to us. This consume about 120 kg of deuterium

Ur l




reservoir can scarcely be other than the and four tonnes of lithium each year.

sub-atomic energy which, it is known, exists Deuterium can be extracted from seawater
abundantly in all matter; we sometimes Figure 1 | Approximate amounts of remaining fuel at minimal cost. Each litre of seawater
dream that man will one day learn to release resources. Values are given in world energy units contains ~0.02 g of deuterium and
it and use it for his service. The store is (1 weu = 2.4 terawatt years). We cannot burn all there is therefore enough deuterium for
well-nigh inexhaustible, if only it could be of the remaining fossil fuel resources (oil, gas and fusion to supply more than 5 × 1010 weu.
tapped.” It is that dream of an almost perfect coal) without catastrophic global warming. The The current world lithium reserves are
energy source that drives global efforts to world’s known uranium reserves (at reasonable approximately 13.5 million tonnes3 —
develop fusion power today. prices) used in existing nuclear fission technology enough for fusion to supply ~103 weu.
Unfortunately, fusion reactions do would yield less than 10 weu. Advanced fission However, lithium is present in seawater
not happen at room temperature — the (breeder) technology would increase the energy too with a concentration of 0.2 mg per
colliding nuclei must have sufficient energy available from the same uranium resource. For litre. Hence, the 230 billion tonnes of
to overcome the Coulomb repulsion and get lithium (fusion fuel), the existing resource at lithium in the world’s oceans is enough to
close enough for the strong nuclear force to current prices is shown in red and the resource supply ~25 × 106 weu if lithium extraction
bind them together. There are many fusion of lithium from seawater is shown in blue. from seawater is made efficient enough.
reactions2, but by far the easiest to initiate Clearly, only fusion is able to supply significant Clearly, DT fusion could supply the
is the reaction between deuterium (heavy amounts of energy over millions of years. All world with energy for millions of years
hydrogen, 2H) and tritium (superheavy sources are expected to have resources greater (see Fig. 1 for a comparison with other
hydrogen, 3H): 2H + 3H → 4He (3.5 MeV) + n than the reserves shown here. Nonetheless, terrestrial fuel sources) — a resource only
(14.1 MeV). The values in brackets are the reserves are indicative of the available energy rivalled by solar energy.
kinetic energies of the released He atom and within a factor of two to three. Energy values What would be the environmental impact
neutron. Note that the helium nuclei receive calculated using data from: oil, ref. 20; gas, ref. 21; of fusion? The net result of the tritium-
one-fifth of the fusion energy. Almost all coal, ref. 22; uranium, ref. 23; lithium, ref. 3. The production reactions and the DT fusion is
fusion research is directed at producing power breeder energy is conservatively estimated as a small amount of helium, a useful inert
from the deuterium–tritium (DT) reaction. 50 times uranium energy. gas. However, the neutrons produced in
In addition to extremely high the DT reaction will cause transmutation
temperatures, one needs high pressures of the structural materials (steel, tungsten
to make fusion efficient. In a DT plasma One more issue is the availability of and so on) in fusion reactors4,5. These
with a temperature of 10–20 keV tritium, which is almost non-existent transmutations will produce some
(116–232 × 106 K), random collisions in nature because it has a half-life of radioactive nuclei. However, the use of
produce a fusion power density of 12.32 years. Fusion reactors will have to low activation materials — for example
approximately 0.08p2 MW m−3 atm−2, where breed their own tritium via the reactions EUROFER, a reduced-activation steel6 —
p is the plasma pressure. For commercial n + 6Li → 4He (2.1 MeV) + 3H (2.7 MeV) and ensures that the transmutations result in
fusion to be successful it is clear that power n + 7Li → 4He + 3H + n − 2.46 MeV, where short-lived radionuclides7. Studies of fusion
densities of many megawatts per cubic metre the second reaction has a small power plants show that the activation
are required. Thus plasma pressures of at cross-section and consumes energy. The of their walls and structures decays to
least ten atmospheres are required. ‘breeding blankets’ in fusion reactor designs recyclable levels in 100–200 years8.

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500 the order of 20 keV (232 × 106 K). Fusion gain with the inertial-fusion approach is a
research has pursued two approaches similar challenge10.
Case 1
for realizing confinement of an ultra-hot Beyond ITER lies the goal of developing
DT plasma: magnetic fusion, where the the first electricity-producing fusion
fuel is held in a strong magnetic field reactors. In Europe, the magnetic fusion
in a tokamak or a stellarator, inhibiting programme is guided by a roadmap14
Power (MW)

heat loss9; and inertial fusion, where a that aims at achieving a demonstration
small capsule of compressed fuel reacts electricity-producing reactor, called DEMO,
Case 2
before the capsule is blown apart 10. In in the 2040s. Pre-conceptual designs of
both approaches, net energy production DEMO point to needs for improvements
100 requires the fusion-produced helium (compared with ITER) in the exhaust-power
nuclei (alpha particles) to supply most of handling and current sustainment. They
0 the heating of the fuel — this is called a also highlight the need to develop materials
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 fusion burn. A controlled fusion burn has that are robust and qualified for use in the
Time (s) never been achieved on Earth — it is one nuclear environment of a fusion reactor 15.
of the great quests of modern science. But The step from ITER to a commercially
Figure 2 | Theoretical predictions of ITER we are close. In magnetic fusion, the heat viable power reactor clearly requires
performance in the baseline scenario. The loss is dominated by turbulent transport considerable innovation.
generated fusion power is shown by dark green and of heat in the plasma — it is notoriously
light green lines for two possible scenarios and the difficult, although now just possible, Innovation
external heating power, Pext, is shown by the black to make theoretical predictions of the To become a significant player on the
line. The pressure at the top of the edge ‘pedestal’ plasma turbulence11. This turbulent heat commercial power market, fusion needs
is assumed to be 1.4 atm for case 1 and 0.94 atm loss is characterized by the confinement to achieve a high degree of efficiency
for case 2. Current models cannot accurately time, τE, which is defined such that the and reliability at an appropriate scale.
predict this pressure but these two cases represent turbulent heat-loss power is equal to the Efforts to drive innovation to reduce the
a range of expectations. At t = 80 s the external stored plasma thermal energy divided cost and scale of future fusion reactors
heating is turned on to 40 MW and the plasma by τE. Equating the turbulent heat-loss (and DEMO) are underway in numerous
starts to burn — the fusion power rising to nearly power to the alpha heating power yields research institutes. We mention two
500 MW in case 1. The plasma’s self-heating by the approximate criterion for fusion burn: promising strands. The spherical-tokamak
the alpha particles constitutes one-fifth of the pτE > 20 atm s. programmes at Princeton, US (NSTX)
fusion power. At t = 150 s the external heating In 1997, the Joint European Torus (JET) and Culham, UK (MAST Upgrade, Fig. 3)
is switched off and in both cases the plasma at Culham Laboratory achieved the world are pursuing enhanced performance
continues to burn. Case 1 shows a steady fusion record fusion performance — 16 MW of at reduced scale through turbulence
power of 380 MW with no external heating — the fusion power was produced when 24 MW
fully self-sustained state is termed ‘ignited’. Case 1 of power was being injected into the fuel
would approach ITER’s baseline goal, which is to from external heating sources. The DT
produce 500 MW of fusion power with less than plasma was held in a magnetic field of 4 T
50 MW of external heating power. Figure courtesy at a temperature of 28 keV (325 × 106 K) —
of M. Romanelli. extraordinary conditions but not a
fusion burn as the self-heating was only
16/5 MW = 3.2 MW.
Do fusion power plants pose any JET is currently preparing to break
danger? The DT fusion reaction takes fusion energy records again. Advances
place at extreme temperatures and can in computational modelling and the
be stopped in microseconds, so there results from JET and many other
are no runaway scenarios to consider. experiments around the world established
However, mechanical failure could release a predictive-physics model of the turbulent
some activation. Analyses of worst-case loss of heat from the magnetically confined
accidents in fusion power plants conclude plasma. The key conclusion from the model
that it will be possible to design plants was that a machine twice the size of JET
that would never require evacuation on (and a magnetic field of ~5 T) would burn —
technical grounds8. and specifically, that it would produce at
Clearly, fusion is potentially a very least ten times as much fusion power than
attractive power source — perhaps the most the power needed to heat the DT plasma.
attractive. However, there are significant Precisely such a machine, called ITER12, a Figure 3 | Computer-generated image of the MAST
challenges remaining to be overcome. collaboration between the European Union, Upgrade spherical tokamak device. The plasma,
First, we must show that we can achieve China, India, Japan, Korea, Russia and the which appears as a cored purple apple in the
a self-sustained fusion ‘burn’, and second, US, is being built and is indeed predicted image, will rotate at supersonic speeds to comb
we must demonstrate that fusion power is to burn13. Example predictions for ITER’s out turbulence. The flared purple plasma tails at
economically viable. performance are given in Fig. 2. Fusion burn the top and bottom are the exhaust, ‘diverted’ into
in ITER is the critical step — the scientific the so-called Super-X divertor — a novel exhaust
Progress and status demonstration that controlled fusion is concept that may provide a solution to power-
To achieve the conditions for fusion, the possible via the magnetic-confinement handling in reactors. MAST Upgrade will begin
DT plasma must be held at temperatures of route. Reaching a fusion burn and energy operation in 2017. Image courtesy of Rob Akers.

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reduction and improved stability 16,17. Steven C. Cowley is at the Culham Centre for 10. Betti, R. & Hurricane, O. A. Nature Phys.
The Wendelstein 7-X (W7-X) stellarator Fusion Energy, Abingdon OX14 3DB, UK and at 12, 435–448 (2016).
11. Fasoli, A. et al. Nature Phys. 12, 411–423 (2016).
in Greifswald, Germany has just begun the Department of Physics, Imperial College, Prince 12. https://www.iter.org
operation18; the 3D magnetic field was Consort Road, London SW7 2BZ, UK. 13. Shimada, M. et al. Nucl. Fusion 47, S1–S17 (2007).
optimized computationally to reduce the e-mail: steve.cowley@imperial.ac.uk 14. Fusion Electricity: A Roadmap to the Realisation of Fusion Energy
(EFDA, 2012); http://go.nature.com/7qFq56
loss of heat due to collisional processes. References 15. Zinkle, S. J. & Was, G. S. Acta Materialia 61, 735–758 (2013).
The results are already interesting. All 1. Eddington, A. S. Nature 106, 14–20 (1920). 16. Ono, M. & Kaita, R. Phys. Plasmas 22, 040501 (2015).
efforts would be helped by higher magnetic 2. Dawson, J. D. in Fusion (ed. Teller, E.) Ch. 16. (Academic 17. Meyer, H. et al. Nucl. Fusion 53, 104008 (2013).
Press, 1981). 18. Milch, I. Wendelstein 7-X fusion device produces its first
fields (see for example ref. 19) and several 3. Lithium (United States Geological Survey, 2016); hydrogen plasma. Max-Planck-Institut für Plasmaphysik
countries are running active programmes http://go.nature.com/CG6i5Y (3 February 2016); http://go.nature.com/2eiEBj
for the development of high-temperature 4. Gilbert, M. R. et al. Nucl. Fusion 52, 083019 (2012). 19. Sorbom, B. N. et al. Fusion Eng. Design 100, 378–405 (2015).
5. Knaster, J., Moeslang, A. & Muroga, T. Nature Phys.
high-field superconducting magnets, but 12, 424–434 (2016).
20. Annual Statistical Bulletin 2010/2011 (OPEC, 2011);
these are not yet available at a useful scale. 6. van der Schaaf, B. et al. Fusion Eng. Design 69, 197–203 (2003). 21. Natural Gas Proved Reserves (CIA World Factbook, accessed
Fusion is not ready for the market, 7. Petrizzi, L., Batistoni, P. & Pillon, M. Fusion Eng. Design 10 February 2016); http://go.nature.com/dPb25O
but we are close enough to see the 69, 593–599 (2003). 22. Coal Energy Resources (World Energy Council, accessed
8. Maisonnier, D. et al. Nucl. Fusion 47, 1524–1532 (2007). 10 February 2016); http://go.nature.com/gpEzch
final challenging steps. We must make 9. Ongena, J., Koch, R., Wolf, R. & Zohm, H. Nature Phys. 23. Supply of Uranium (World Nuclear Association, accessed
those steps. ❐ 12, 398–410 (2016). 10 February 2016); http://go.nature.com/Men4OF

Applied and fundamental

aspects of fusion science
Alexander V. Melnikov
Fusion research is driven by the applied goal of energy production from fusion reactions. There is, however, a
wealth of fundamental physics to be discovered and studied along the way. This Commentary discusses
selected developments in diagnostics and present-day research topics in high-temperature plasma physics.

n the wake of the Second World the plasma current: magnetohydrodynamic
War, several nations — notably the instabilities. (For a review of tokamak and
United Kingdom, the USSR and the stellarator physics, see ref. 1.)
United States — developed research After realization of the first tokamak in
programmes on controlled thermonuclear 1955, its design was improved step by step2.
fusion with the aim of energy production. Important improvements developed in
The main technical problems to overcome the Kurchatov Institute were, for example,
were confining the fusion plasma efficiently the use of an iron core for the tokamak
and achieving sufficient heating for fusion transformer, the use of control coils instead
reactions to happen. Different lines of of a copper casing, the change from a
research were followed — initially largely circular to an elongated toroidal cross-
independently by each nation, as fusion section and the use of superconducting
research was formally classified until instead of copper coils.
1956 in the USSR and 1958 in the UK Figure 1 | The T-3A tokamak at the Kurchatov After 1969, when a British scientific
and US — but by 1968, the tokamak (a Institute of Atomic Energy. Photograph taken delegation had brought their state-of-the-
Russian acronym for ‘toroidal chamber with around 1967; reproduced with permission from the art equipment from Culham to Moscow to
magnetic coils’) had emerged as the most NRC ‘Kurchatov Institute’. double-check the temperatures generated
promising route to controlled fusion: the in T-3A (ref. 3), tokamaks started to be
T-3A tokamak (Fig. 1) at the Kurchatov built outside the Soviet Union. Mastering
Institute of Atomic Energy in Moscow (then toroidal magnetic field so that the field tokamak technology and pursuing
USSR) achieved a plasma temperature of lines of the total magnetic field describe magnetic confinement fusion quickly
10 million degrees Celsius, a confinement helical paths within the torus — goes back became major international research
time of 10 milliseconds and production of to Igor Tamm and Andrei Sakharov, both endeavours. The experience and knowledge
thermonuclear neutrons. involved in the Soviet Union’s thermonuclear accumulated over the past decades have
The original tokamak concept — a bomb programme. The strongest competitor culminated in the design of ITER, the
toroidal vessel holding a plasma that acts to the tokamak is the stellarator, which largest ever tokamak, now being built in the
as the secondary winding of a transformer, produces the desired helical magnetic field south of France4. The evolution of tokamak
created and sustained by the combination by means of external windings, avoiding the design shows how an applied-physics
of the plasma current and an additional intrinsic problem of tokamaks caused by goal sparked fundamental discoveries in

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