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My Hero

The government said Overseas Filipino Workers (OFW) are modern day heroes, I'm
lucky enough that my mother is one of them.

She is Juliana Idris, 44 years old. She’s been working in Israel as caregiver for six
years now. My mother is my hero for me not just she is an OFW but for many reason.
First, she brought me in this world. Second, she makes sure that our needs are taken care

She makes call everyday even she is hundred miles away from us to know that we are
well. Third, she always reminds me that education is the most important in life that
nobody can take away from me. She always cheers me up when I am feeling down.

Fourth, she loves me no matter what. She told me to dream big and don't be afraid to
make mistakes because I will learn from it. Fifth she is a strong woman and willing to
sacrifice just to provide for the family. And she is selfless woman.

Sixth she is the most hardworking woman I have ever known because she went abroad to
work so that we can study in a good school and to fulfill our dreams

Even though she is working in Israel she always makes time to teach me do some of my
homework or project. That is why she is my hero. I miss her so much

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