Recognition Day Emcee Script

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Convocation Script

A blessed morning to everyone! This morning’s event marks as one of the most-awaited special
event not only for our dear students but also to our proud and supportive parents.

To our ever dynamic School Principal Mr. Reneboy F. Gutierrez, to our highly competent and
deeply motivated members of the TNHS faculty and staff; to the proud and loving parents;
students, visitors, friends, ladies and gentlemen, a pleasant morning. Welcome to the

To formally start our program, may I request everyone to please stand for the DOXOLOGY with an
audio presentation and please remain standing for the singing of the National Anthem and
Zamboanga Hermosa.

You may now be seated.


I do believe that the secrets behind this significant event are not only teachers, who have
rendered their invaluable service by guiding these students to the right path, but also the parents
who give them the support financially, love and encouragement in every activity in our school.

Today signifies the months of hard work in the relentless pursuit of knowledge that will enable our
students to embrace opportunities and take on challenges life may bring with courage,
confidence and wisdom. Again, this would not be possible without the guidance and support of
the parents, the hardwork and patience of our teachers, and the persistence and determination
that lies within the student’s hearts. Please give yourselves a round of applause please!

For our Opening Remarks, ladies and Gentlemen, it is my privilege to introduce
Thank you so much Ma’am, for the empowering words you have shared.


At this point, we are to give the rightful Recognition of Deserving Pupils of TNHS Junior High School
department for the 3rd Quarter School Year 2019-2020 and TNHS Senior High School department
Midterm of the 2nd Semester S.Y. 2019-2020.

May I call on our beloved principal, Mr. Reneboy F. Gutierrez for the recognition of the deserving
pupils. May I also request the parents to accompany your child as they receive the award.

To start with, may I call on __________ to present the following honorees for the Grade 7 Curriculum

Congratulations students!
At this juncture, you are going to witness an intermission number from one of our students from the
Grade 11-Curriculum Ms. Angel Faith Natividad who will give us a song number. Let’s give her a
round of applause.

-Thank you for that wonderful performance!


This time, we will now proceed to the Citation awards where we recognize students who

To break the monotony of the program ladies and gentlemen let us all welcome the selected
students as they render their exciting special number.

At this point, let us pay attention, pin our ears to ___________________________
no other than our endearing ______________, for her official closing remarks

Thank you very much ma’am. As we end today’s affair, thank you so much for your participation
and congratulations! We would like to leave a thought for all of you and all of us.

Abraham Lincon, once quoted, “Don’t worry when you are not recognized, but strive to be
worthy of recognition.” It’s hard not to be recognized…when you feel like you deserve it, when
you feel like it’s been left up to you, when you have been given responsibility, when you feel like
you have aced the test, when you feel worthy of it, when you think it couldn’t have been done
without you, when you know that you gave 100%, when it cost you a lot, when you sacrificed, and
when you want it. We may not be worth of the recognition in human eyes but remember, God will
always be our great audience in everything, He knows best, more than giving a certificate, a
medal, or a shake hand, it is His glory, His blessings.

This has been Sir Ray your emcee for this morning, Thank you for coming and God Bless

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