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“In many ways writing is the act of saying I, of imposing oneself upon other people, of saying listen to

me, see it my way, change your mind. It’s an aggressive, even a hostile act.”

Didion, J. (1976). Why I Write. New York Times Book Review. Retrieved October 31, 2019, from

“Writing isn’t about making money, getting famous, getting dates, getting laid or making friends. In the
end, it’s about enriching the lives of those who will read your work, and enriching your own life, as

King, S. (2000). On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft. New York, N.Y.: Scribner.

“All writing is an attempt to find out what matters, to find the pattern in disorder, to find the grammar
in the shimmer. Actually I don’t know whether you find the grammar in the shimmer or you impose a
grammar on the shimmer, but I am quite specific about the grammar — I mean it literally. The scene
that you see in your mind finds its own structure; the structure dictates the arrangement of the words.
... All the writer has to do really is to find the words.”

Didion, J. (1968). On Keeping a Notebook. Slouching Toward Bethlehem. Retrieved October 31, 2019,

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