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I have discovered on myself that I love to wonder in this world, I

like to try and learn new things like camping and watching the
stars and auroras pass and I like to explore places, hike
mountains and sail a boat. I also found out that I have many
plans and goals for my future, for my family, for my profession
specifically doctor in the time to come, and for my
acquaintances. It’s my dream to become a doctor for many
reasons. For example, it is great to study the human anatomy on
how different cells work together to create a being. I also
discovered that I have determinations on reaching my goals and
dreams, even sometimes I am spasmodic and likes to
I have put in the dream collage the things I dream of. In the first
part, I have selected three pictures to represent my primary goals
like graduating and being a doctor which are colored in green
and another four pictures to represent my secondary goals such
as learning violin, writing a novel and being a professional
photographer which are colored blue. In the second part, I have
chosen two pictures which symbolizes the things I want to
experience such as hiking, camping and stargazing then another
three pictures to depict materialized things such as my dream
house and car. At the middle I have put in a message “work
hard, dream big” which means that dreaming is free and
unlimited but for it to become true you have to work hard and be
strong. On the last part, there are total of eleven photographs of
my dream travel destinations especially Palawan and Boracay.
There are also the pictures of two persons which I would like to
meet in real life, Hans Zimmer and Christopher Nolan which
helps me shape and achieve my dreams. Hans Zimmer has a
quote which greatly inspires me on how you should really
achieve your goals. At the back, I have put the most important
things in my life such as my family and God.

1. Make a plan – Know what you really want and move closer
to it.
2. Be committed – Take actions toward your dream and work
harder if you need to.
3. Be confident – Learn to believe yourself, don’t listen to
mockeries of other people.
4. Be strong – There is always an obstacle, but don’t let it put
you down.
5. Avoid distractions – Find inspirations like your love-ones
and evade people who overthrow.
6. Accept Failures – failure is simply a new chance to start
again but now you are wiser.

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