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Biday, City Of San Fernando La Union

Readings in Philippine History

Semi-final Examination
November 12-14, 2019
Name: _____________________________ Course: _______


I. MULTIPLE CHOICE: Identify the letter of the correct answer. Write the letter of your
answer on the space provided before each number. (25pts)
_______1. Another source of information about the Philippines came from the book
__________ written by the Wng Ta-yuan.
A. Ta-ki-shan
B. Maliliu
C. Tao-chih-lo
D. None of the above

_______2. Wang was born in _______ in Jiangxi province.

A. Minolang
B. Nangchang
C. Peshiya
D. Su-lu

______3. Which of the following was the mourning color of theMa-yi?

A. Red
B. Green
C. Yellow
D. Blue

_____4. San-tao lie to the east _____________.

A. Ma-yi
B. Ma-i
C. Ta-ki-shan
D. Peshiya

_____5. Paduka Batara known to be the King of the Eastern Kingdom of _____________.
A. Sulu
B. Jolo
C. Mindanao
D. All of the above

_____6. How many days the three Kings stayed in Beijing?

A. 35 days
B. 27 days
C. 15 days
D. 10 days

_____7. During the reign of Emperor Yung Lo in the __________, the emperor wanted to
impress upon the world the superiority of the civilization of China.
A. Ming Dynasty
B. Qing Dynasty
C. ZhenG Dynasty
D. None of the above

_____8. In the year _______, the western king sent an envoy to bring tribute.

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A. 1425
B. 1458
C. 1421
D. 1420

______9. One of the observances which are carried out with most rigors is that called ________.
A. Lorao
B. Larao
C. Laoaro
D. Loura

______10. He is the first man who waged war against Mangaran on account of an inheritance.
A. Manas
B. Sangarun
C. Panas
D. Lubluban

______11. Juan de Plasencia noted that the chief in ancient customs of Tagalogs was called:
A. Datu
B. Sultan
C. Rajah
D. Hari

______12. The “aliping namamahay” according to Plasencia were the:

A. Maharlicas
B. Nobles
C. Commoners
D. Slaves

______13. The nobles were the free born whom they called:
A. Maharlicas
B. Commoners
C. Slaves
D. None of the above

______14. They served their master in his house and on his cultivated lands and may be sold,
they are called:
A. Maharlicas
B. Nobles
C. Commoners
D. Slaves

_____15. Antonio Pigafetta was the chronicler of the Magellan expedition. He wrote his account
of the voyage in a book Relazione del primo viaggio intorno al mondo. Apparently, it was
upstaged by the work of:
A. Maximilianus Transylvannus
B. Giovanni Ramusio
C. Gabriel de Rivera
D. Hernando Riquel

_____16. In 1574, __________________ confirmed Legazpi’s decree as well as the titles of

Distinguished and Ever Loyal City on Manila.
A. King Philip III
B. Miguel Lopez
C. King Philip II
D. None of the above

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______17. The first session of the Royal Audiencia of Manila was held in ___________ amidst
great pomp and ceremonies on June 15. 1584.
A. Cebu
B. Palawan
C. Manila
D. Surigao

______18. The word encomienda comes from the word “encomendar” which means _________.
A. To entrust
B. Land grant
C. Ayuntamiento
D. None of the above

______19. He was a champion of the oppressed native against the avaricean cruelties of the
Spanish encomenderos and colonial officials.
A. Bishop Bartolome de las Casas
B. Bishop Domingo de Salazar
C. Bishop Pedro de Chavez
D. Bishop Carlo de los Reyes

______20. _____________ launched an expedition against him and defeated him in Lamitan on
March 14, 1637.
A. Governor General Hurtado de Corcuera
B. Governor General Legazpi
C. Governor General Arnold Reyes
D. None of the above

______21. One of the revolts thattook place in the island of Panay during the Spanish period was
led by a babaylan named:
A. Lapas
B. Tapar
C. Sapar
D. Raus

______22. __________ was impaled on a bamboo pole which was place at the mouth of the
Laglag River to be devoured by crocodiles.
A. Maria Bermudez
B. Lucia de Loarca
C. Margarita de Figueroa
D. Maria Santisima

______23. Which explains that many of the native medium with the spirit world were women
and there were called ______________?
A. Catalunans
B. Caparanans
C. Catalonans
D. All of the above

______24. The accounting of encomiendas was done upon the order of the King Philip II. Who
has the Governor General who prepared document detailing the number of encomiendas in the
A. Narciso Claveria
B. Gomez Perez de Dasmariñas
C. Gonzalo de Vergara
D. Jose Basco

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______25. The Spanish women who became encomendera of Tigbanuan in Panay and Oas ang
Libon in Camarines was:
A. Maria Bermudez
B. Lucia Loarca
C. Margarita de Figueroa
D. Maria de Ron

II. ENUMERATION: List down or enumerate what are asked for each of the following: (12pts)
A. Island/places visited by Wang Ta-yuan
B. Sulu Tribute Embassies to China
C. Three cases among natives regard war as just

III. ESSAY: Read each question carefully. Answer it briefly but substantially. (23pts)

1. Where in Philippine archipelago did Magellans voyage took place according to the
recollections of Pigaffeta? Describe the place. (13pts)

2. Why some Filipinos accepted the Spaniards and why did some resisted? (10pts)

Prepared by: Checked by:

Shendy M. Acosta Alfonso Rimando Jr.

Subject Teacher General Education Coordinator

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