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Problems - Set 10 Simple and Compound Interest PROBLEM 10-1 PROBLEM 10-2 PROBLEM 10-3 EE Board PROBLEM 10-4 PROBLEM 10-5 PROBLEM 10-6 PROBLEM 10-7 Find the interest on P6800.00 for 3 years at 11% simple interest. A. P1,875.00 CC. P2,144.00 B. P1,987.00 D,-P2,244.00 A man borrowed P10,000.00 from his friend and agrees to pay at the end of 90 days under 8% simple interest rate, What is the required amount? Ae P10,200.00 C. 9,500.00 B. P11,500.00 D. P10,700.00 Annie buys a television set from a merchant wKo offers P 25,000.00 at the end of 60 days. Annie wishes to pay immediately and the merchant offers to compute the required amount on the assumption that money is worth 14% simple interest. What is the required amount? ‘A. P20,234.87 L. P24,429.97 B. P19,222.67 D. P28,456.23 What is the principal amount if the amount of interest at the end of 2¥ year is P4500 for a simple interest of 6% per annum? ‘A. P-35,000.00 C. P-40,000.00 B. P-30,000.00 D. P-45,000.00 How long must a P40,000 note bearing 4% simple interest run to amount to P 41,350.00? ‘A. 340 days C. 304 days B. 403 days D. 430 days If P16,000 earns P480 in 9 months, what is the annual rate of interest? A. 1% C. 3% B. 2% D. 4% ‘Aman lends P6000 at 6% simple interest for 4 years. At the end of this time he invests the entire amount (principal plus interest) at 5% compounded annually for 12 years. How much will he have at the end of the 16 A P1361 5 20 C. P13,333.20 B. P13,633.20 D. P 16,323.20 engineering Mathematics PROBLEM 10-8 (CE May 1997 PROBLEM 10 - 9 MEApril 1998 PROBLEM 10 - 10 CE May 1999 PROBLEM 10 - 11 PROBLEM 10 - 12 PROBLEM 10-13 PROBLEM 10 - 14 PROBLEM 10-15 PROBLEM 10-16 Part7 344 Engineering Economics A time deposit of P110,000 for 31 days earns P890.39 on maturity date after deducting the 20% withholding tax on interest income. Find the rate of interest per annum. A. 12.5% C. 12.25% B. 11.95% D. 11.75% A bank charges 12% simple interest on a P300.00 loan. How much will be repaid if the load is paid back in one lump sum after three years? A. P408.00 C. P415.00 B. P551.00 D. P450.00 The tag price of a certain commodity is for 100 days. If paid in 31 days, there is a 3% discount. What is the simple interest paid? A. 12.15% C. 22.32% B. 625% D. 16.14% Accumulate P5,000.00 for 10 years at 8% compounded quarterly. ‘A. P12/456.20 C. P10345.80 B. P13,876.50 D. P11,040.20 Accumulate P5,000.00 for 10 years at 8% compounded semi-annually. ‘A. P10,955.61 C. P9,455.67 B. P10,233.67 D, PIL 876.34 Accumulate P3,000,00 for 10 years at 8% compounded monthly. A. P15A56.75 C. P14,768.34 B. P11,102.61 D. P12,867.34 Accumulate P5,000.00 for 10 years at 8% compounded annually. A, P10,794.62 C. P10,987.90 B, 78,567.98 D. P7 87687 How long will it take P1,000 to amount to P1346 if invested at 6% compounded quarterly? A, 3years 5 years B. 4 years D. 6 years Jong will it take for an investment to double its How Tong, wisted af an interest rate of 6% compounded bi-monthly? A 10 years C. 1B years B. 12 years D. 14 years Part 7 Engineering BLZ_ Engineering Eeonomics Mathematics RR PROBLEM 10-17 PROBLEM 10-18 PROBLEM 10-19 PROBLEM 10-20 PROBLEM 10 - 21 PROBLEM 10 - 22 PROBLEM 10 - 23 PROBLEM 10 - 24 If the compound interest on 3,000.00 in 2 years years ig 500.00, then the compound interest on P3,000.00 in 4 years is: if ‘A. P956.00 C. P1,125.00 B. P1,083.00 D. PL526.00 The salary of Mr. Cruz is increased by 30% every 2 years beginning January 1, 1982. Counting from that date, what year will his salary just exceed twice his original salary? A 1988. C. 1990 B. 1989 D, 1991 If you borrowed P10,000 from a bank with 18% interest per annum, what is the total amount to be repaid at the end of one year? A. P11,800.00 . P28,000.00 B. P19,000.00 D. P10,180.00 What is the effective rate for an interest rate of 12% compounded continuously? A. 12.01% C. 12.42% B. 12.89% D. 12.75% How long will it take for an investment to fivefold its amount “if money is worth 14% compounded semiannually? AL cB B, 12 D. 14 An interest rate of 8% compounded semiannually is how ‘many percent if compounded quarterly? A. 781% Pi C7 B. 7.85% D. 8.01% A man is expecting to receive P450,000.00 at the end of 7 fears. If money is worth 14% compounded quarterly jow much is it worth at present? A. P125,458.36 C. P162,455.63 B. 147,456.36 D. PI71,744.44 A man has a will of P650,000.00 from his father. If his father deposited an amount of P450,000.00 in a trust fund earning 8% compounded annually, after how’ many years will the man receive his will? AL 455 years C. 5.11 years B. 4.77 years D, 5.33 years Engineering Mathematics eee PROBLEM 10 - 25 PROBLEM 10 - 26 PROBLEM 10 - 27 ME April 1996 PROBLEM 10 - 28 ME April 1996 PROBLEM 10-29 ME April 1996 PROBLEM 10-30 PROBLEM 10 - 31 ME Oct. 1997 PROBLEM 1 ME Oc. 1997, - 32 Part7 313 Engineering Economics een oe RE Mr. Adam deposited P120,000.00 in a bank who offers 8% interest compounded quarterly. If the interest is subject to a 14% tax, how much will he receive after 5 years A. P178,313.69 ©. P170.149.77 B. P153349.77 D. 175,343.77 What interest compounded monthly is equivalent to an interest rate of 14% compounded quarterly? A. 1.15% C. 10.03% B. 13.84% D, 11.52% What is the present worth of two P100.00 payments at the end of the third and the fourth year? The annual interest rate is 8%. A. P152.87 C. P187.98 B. P112.34 D. P176.67, Consider a deposit of P600.00, to be paid up in one year by P700.00. What are the conditions on the rate of interest, i% per year compounded annually, such that the net present worth of the investment is positive? Assume 1 > 0. A. 0< i <16,7% C. 12.5% B. OS 1 <14.3% D. 16.7% < 143% < 100%

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