Phillhis Research

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Sumalig: A Study of Lifestyle and History

Carolinenyl Marie Aruelo

Karyl Xyrra Caparoso

Leizyl Carausos

Lourjean Cubero

Denise Angel Dalid

Realyn Flores

Jestel Jane Rondrique

Angelica Tomarong

Sumalig is a barangay of the Municipality of Tambulig in the province

of Zamboanga del Sur. The current population is estimated to be more than
6,000 and a livelihood of 400.

This study focuses on the History of Sumalig and their Lifestyle. In

exact terms, it aims to obtain information about the history of Sumalig this
includes the origin of the word Sumalig, their ancestral past, and the truth
behind the myth of the crocodile in existence. The researchers also aim to
know their lifestyle and this includes their ways of sustaining their daily
needs, and their livelihood.

The researchers want to contribute information about the study

conducted to the residents of Sumalig to have a better overview of its
ancestral past and history. This may also serve as a guide and reference for
the students undertaking similar studies. Due to this study, the government
will pay attention to what should be improved in the place like bridge from
Sumalig to the market of Tambulig, it is also serve as their passage going
out from the barangay and it will be easier to go to the nearest hospital. This
study also gives an advice to the government to have an accessible medical

This study was conducted to the residents whom live in Barangay

Sumalig. This is to know the history of the place and their lifestyle. It
involved ten (10) respondents composed of the persons living in Sumalig
more than 25 years and was selected by random sampling. The main source
of data was observation and interview which was done by the researchers.
The study was conducted for one (1) day.

A story believes in by some of the teachers of Sumalig National High

School that the place came to be called as “Sumalig” was due to the phrase
“Sumalig ka lang” which itself has a romantic story. It is said that long ago,
there was a couple in the place. The wife was terrified crossing the river
because she believes that there are numerous crocodiles lurking below the
surface. But as she was terrified, her husband was a bit more like a knight
in shining armour told her this phrase “Sumalig ka lang” which means
“Have faith.” Upon hearing those words, and the wife mustered enough
courage to cross the river and both did so successfully and unharmed. Years
passed and story lives on in the hearts and minds of the people of Sumalig.

According to Gregoria Balsa, 72 years old, Barangay Sumalig was

discovered for more than 100 years ago and she lives there for 67 years. It
was discovered by Pabatao, Maribao, and Morales Family from the Subanen
Tribe who fearlessly crossed the river knowing there were numerous
crocodiles. This information was supported by her older sister Nenita Doong
who is 84 years old and also supported by Capt. Cicellio Pansa who is 48
years old. She also said that it was Toso Pabatao who led the barangay for
being a barangay Captain or back then called as Teniente de Barrio1. It
wasn’t that typical place to live in, tall trees are everywhere, there was no
transportation, and its location is far away from the nearest town. They
used Kaingin2 to make the land area a place to live in and they successfully

The problem with the transportation didn’t eventually disappear. The

absence of the roads and bridges make it hard to transport goods in and out
the place. What is more troubling is when someone needs immediate
medical attention, should travel more than one hour to reach the hospitals
of the Ozamiz City. Despite having a health center, medical staff is short
with only one midwife works only in the morning everyday, and also duties

Also called Cabeza de Barangay, was the leader of shief of the Philippines during the Spanish colonial period.
Employing a technique of clearing land by slashing and burning underbrush and tress and plowing the ashes
under for fertilizer.
when there is someone who will give birth at night. There are also instances
that they will have troubles in their source of income which is their

The place is known for its unique way of living since their homes are
surrounded by the river and the only way to get you to the neighbours, to
the school, to the barangay hall, church, is through a boat. They have
different livelihoods just like farming, fishing, and selling goods. And in this
unique way of living of the residents, they are contented with what they have
and where they are.

On the 23rd day of November 2018, the researchers conducted an

actual interview wherein the respondents are the good people of Barangay
Sumalig. Our survey was concluded by the same story of the folks living in
the remote, but well developed community of Sumalig. On the present day, a
chance of crocodiles to be seen in the area is very much unlikely. This
situation seems to be benefitting to the people of Sumalig because they can
go swimming and fishing in the river as their livelihood without worrying of
any dangers to emerge.

Results of the conducted research, among the 10 respondents which

were interviewed, 10 respondents (100%) believe that crocodiles existed in
the river area; 3 respondents (30%) support the myth about the couple
crossing the river and the 7 remaining respondents seem to have each of
their own belief. Though they differ in story, all of them falls with the same
belief that Sumalig originated from the phrase "Sumalig ka lang"; 8 (80%) of
them said that fishing is their source of income and that they are happy
with it; 1 (10%) of them is both a farmer and a fisherman; 1 (10%) of them
has a sari-sari store. Only 3 informants, age ranging from 48-85 years old
knew who were the first people settled in the place. But the remaining 8
individuals below 40 years old have no idea who was the first settlers in the

After moderating from all the gathered information about the study,
the researchers came up with recommendations. To have an accessible farm
to market road is necessary especially when it comes of health related
situations since they only have a health center and the place is far from the
highway. The place could also be a tourist spot, the researchers recommend
to promote and renovate the site having a zip line and a floating restaurant
that also be an opportunity to some of the residents of the place that don’t
have their way of earning money. And lastly, the people of Sumalig should
maintain the cleanliness of the river.

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