Briefer Catechism 5: Sacraments and Grace

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Issue 5: Sacraments and Grace

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A Frequently Asked Questions
Christian life revolves around
the sacraments, which act as 1. Why are the sacraments neces-
signs of faith, means of grace, sary?
milestones of life, and corner- Because God’s creation is good, the
stones of Christian community. sacraments use elements of the cre-
ated world to give us God’s grace.
Jesus established the sacra- Christianity is as much about the
ments so that all people would physical as it is about the spiritual.
experience his grace, even 2. What makes a sacrament invalid?
after he returned to the Father. A sacrament is invalid if one of the
The Church recognizes seven four elements is missing (matter, form,
minister, intention). For example, there
sacraments: baptism, eucharist, is no Eucharistic without bread and
confirmation, reconciliation, wine; there is no marriage without a
matrimony, holy orders, anoint- bride; there is no baptism without the
ing of the sick. These sacra- proper words.
ments parallel the major stages 3. Which sacraments can only be
of human life, from birth to death. received once?
Baptism, confirmation, and holy orders
Not surprisingly, since Catholicism is a religion that stresses the
can only be received once because
body and the soul, all the sacraments are physical, outward signs of they leave a spiritual mark on the soul.
grace. They can be perceived with the senses of our bodies, even 4. What is a sacrilege?
as they bring us spiritual assistance. Sacrilege, treating a sacrament with
Above: an old holy card shows children confessing their sins to a priest, through whom Christ offers irreverence, is a serious sin because it
absolution. This card would have been given to a child upon reception of his or her first confession. insults God’s gift to us.

Sacrament: An outward sign instituted by Christ to give grace.

Terms and

Grace: The supernatural gift of God to help us overcome our weakness and grow in Christian life.
Valid: Able to produce the desired results. Sacraments that are valid will give us grace. Sacraments

that are invalid won’t give grace. To be valid, sacraments must have the following elements:
Matter: The physical stuff used in a particular sacrament. Eg: bread and wine used in the eucharist.
Form:The proper words and actions used in the administration of a sacrament. Eg: Saying, “I baptize
you in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit” while pouring water over a
baby’s head.
Minister:The person who does the sacrament. Eg: the priest who hears confession; the couple who
get married.
Intention:The reason the minister has for administering the sacrament.

© Notre Dame Regional Secondary. Design: Carlo Reyes. Banner image: Victoria Cieslik.

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