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Name: ______________________________ Grade & Section: ______________ Date: ______________



Electronegativity is the tendency of an atom to attract a shared electron pair to itself.

1. Construct graphs to show trends in the periodic table.
2. Describe the trends with the electronegativity of elements in the periodic table

1. Fill in the electronegativity value of the elements in the table below.

Atomic Atomic
Element Electronegativity Element Electronegativity
Number Number
1 H 14 Si
3 Li 15 P
4 Be 16 S
5 B 17 Cl
6 C 19 K
7 N 20 Ca
8 O 35 Br
9 F 37 Rb
11 Na 50 Sn
12 Mg 53 T
13 Al 55 Cs

2. On a separate sheet of graphing paper, plot the electronegativity (y-axis) of selected elements against
their atomic number (x-axis).

3. Study and interpret the graph.


1. What are the elements located at the highest point?

Do they belong to the same family?

2. How is electronegativity related to atomic number?

3. Why do alkali metals have low electronegativity?

4. What is the trend of electronegativity within a family?

5. What is the trend of electronegativity across a period?

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