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Annals of Burns and Fire Disasters - vol. XXVI - n.

1 - March 2013


Ibrahim A.E.,1* Sarhane K.A.,2 Fagan S.P.,1 Goverman J.1

Department of Surgery, Division of Burns, Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School; Boston, Massachusetts, USA

Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine; Baltimore, Maryland, USA

SUMMARY. Acute kidney injury (AKI), although rare, is a major complication of burn injury that commonly leads to mortality.
It results from a complex interplay of various cellular and neuro-humoral changes affecting burn patients. Guidelines for the treat-
ment of this entity are still not well defined; therefore, prevention and early diagnosis are key to avoid the unfavorable prognosis
of AKI. These entail a comprehensive understanding of the global physiologic changes underlying the condition of burn patients
and a judicious interpretation of their continuous homeostatic alterations. The aim of this review is to present the salient features
in burn patient physiology that contribute to AKI. Strategies for identifying early AKI are presented. Finally, the different treat-
ment modalities are revisited.

Keywords: renal failure in burns, kidney dysfunction in burns, dialysis in burns, classification of kidney injury, treatment of renal

Introduction these high risk patients requires a comprehensive under-

standing of the pathophysiology of renal dysfunction in
Acute kidney injury (AKI) is one of the most com- burns. The aim of the present article is to review the salient
mon serious complications in critically ill patients. Severe features underlying the etiology and pathogenesis of AKI
AKI occurs in more than one of every twenty patients re- associated with thermal injury and to summarize the effi-
quiring intensive care unit (ICU) care,1 and has been as- cacy of the available diagnostic and treatment modalities.
sociated with mortality rates ranging from 50% to more
than 70%.1-4 In burn patients, AKI is a growing health con- Definition
cern as it is associated with both short and long term ad- Over the past few decades, definitions used to describe
verse events.5,6 These frequently lead to extended intensive AKI have varied widely; however, the common underly-
care unit stays and high mortality rates.7-11 Although kid- ing theme is an abrupt reduction in glomerular filtration
ney function returns to normal for most burn survivors, a rate (GFR) with failure of the kidneys to regulate volume
minority require long-term dialysis. Despite decades of re- and electrolyte homeostasis. In an effort to standardize the
search on the etiopathogenesis of AKI in thermal injury, definition of renal insufficiency, the International Acute
the treatment of this entity is still not well defined. Its Dialysis Quality Initiative (ADQI) group developed the RI-
management remains supportive, focused on optimizing FLE criteria (Table I).10 This classification system relies
fluid balance, treating acid-base and other electrolyte dis- on a reduction in GFR or urine output as a means to de-
turbances, adjusting the dose of medications, and avoid- fine increasing levels of renal insufficiency. There are three
ing secondary hemodynamic and nephrotoxic injury. De- grades of increasing severity of renal insufficiency (Risk,
spite these conservative measures, renal replacement ther- Injury, Failure) based on changes in either serum creati-
apy (RRT) using one or more of the multiple modalities nine or urine output, as well as two outcome categories
of dialysis and hemofiltration is often required.12 It is un- (Loss and End-stage kidney disease). This system has been
clear, however, whether RRT during the resuscitation pe- validated in burn injuries where increasing grades corre-
riod can ameliorate long-term morbidity and mortality. spond to increasing mortality. The ADQI has since mod-
Hence, the key strategy for dealing with AKI is preven- ified the RIFLE criteria to the Acute Kidney Injury Net-
tion. This will obviate the need for RRT (and its associ- work (AKIN) criteria, which incorporates a time compo-
ated cost and side effects) and enable more targeted and nent to the changes in creatinine (Table I). The AKIN

effective therapies in high risk patients. Identification of criteria may permit earlier recognition of AKI in the ICU

* Corresponding author: Dr. Amir Ibrahim, Division of Burn Surgery, Massachusetts General Hospital, MGH-GRB 1303A, 55 Fruit Street, Boston, MA 02114-2696, USA.

Annals of Burns and Fire Disasters - vol. XXVI - n. 1 - March 2013

Table I - RIFLE & AKIN criteria: Increase: ↑; decrease: ↓ .13,15

Kidney dysfunction RIFLE criteria AKIN criteria

Parameter Risk Injury Failure Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3

Serum creatinine (Crs) ↑ in Crs ↑ in Crs ↑ in Crs ≥3.0X ↑ in Crs ≥26.2 ↑ in Crs to ↑ in Crs to ≥300%
≥1.5X ≥2.0X baseline µmol/L 200-299% (≥ 3-fold) from baseline
baseline baseline Or Or (> 2-2.9 fold) Or
Or Or ↓ in GFR ≥75% ↑ in Crs from baseline Crs ≥354 µmol/L with
↓ in GFR ↓ in GFR Or ≥150-199% an acute rise of at least
≥25% ≥50% Crs ≥354 µmol/L (1.5- to 44 µmol/L or an
with an acute rise of 1.9-fold) from initiation of RRT
at least 44 µmol/L baseline

Urine output <0.5 mL/kg/h <0.5 mL/kg/h <0.3 mL/kg/h for <0.5 mL/kg/h <0.5 mL/kg/h <0.3 mL/kg/h for ≥24 h
for ≥6 h for ≥12 h ≥24 h for ≥6 h for ≥12 h Or
Or anuria ≥12 h
anuria ≥12 h

setting since AKI is defined as an abrupt decrease in kid- Hypervolemia and Abdominal Compartment Syndrome
ney function (≤ 48 h).14 Currently there is no evidence to Following thermal injury plasma losses are in excess
support the use of one system over the other;15 neverthe- of 4 ml per kg of body weight per h in a burn exceeding
less, these two consensus definitions have facilitated com- 30% TBSA. This is sufficient to cause decreased renal per-
parisons between studies analyzing AKI in burn injuries. fusion.31 Kim et al. observed that burn size was an inde-
pendent predictor of acute renal failure in the burn popu-
Etiology lation.8 This depressed renal blood flow, which is com-
Multiple conditions contribute to early AKI (first 24 pounded by local and systemic cytokine storms, and re-
h16) in the burn patient: hypovolemia, cardiac dysfunction, sults in ischemia, cellular death, and subsequent release of
release of inflammatory mediators and denatured proteins oxygen free radicals. These mediators cause direct tubular
(from extensive tissue destruction), and nephrotoxic damage and disrupt tight junctions, leading to obstructive
drugs.17-19 Late AKI usually falls within the multi-organ dys- nephropathy which further reduces GFR. The ischemia time
function syndrome (MODS) frequently associated with se- is a critical determinant of AKI occurrence. Aggressive
vere sepsis.20,21 Hypovolemia and under-resuscitation have and early fluid replacement protects from renal failure.32
classically been thought of as the primary causes of early The Shriners Burn Institute for Children (Galveston)
AKI; however, recent studies suggest that AKI can devel- showed that the time to fluid resuscitation initiation was
op despite adequate resuscitation. directly related to the incidence of renal dysfunction and
Furthermore, recent studies in critically ill patients, in- overall mortality. They advocated early aggressive fluid
cluding burn patients, have suggested that a positive fluid resuscitation which might prevent renal injury and hence
balance may have a negative influence on kidney function improve overall outcomes.

and mortality. All these observations suggest that AKI While older data clearly demonstrated an association

is more likely dependent on the degree of shock caused between renal failure and a delay in resuscitation, more re-
by the initial injury, and the subsequent release of injuri- cent data suggest that aggressive fluid replacement does not
ous inflammatory mediators. Global indicators of tissue eliminate the occurrence of AKI. AKI can develop in burn
perfusion (i.e. lactate and base deficit) may be adequate patients despite normal to average urine output (0.5-1.0
predictors of AKI in this setting, as they have been shown ml/kg/h), and even when fluid resuscitation exceeds the
to predict increased risk of systemic inflammatory response Parkland formula recommendations.16,34 In fact, it has be-
syndrome (SIRS), acute respiratory distress syndrome come clear that during resuscitation of patients with ther-
(ARDS), multi-organ dysfunction syndrome (MODS), and mal trauma, parameters such as urine output and mean ar-
mortality.16,25-29 Base deficit may also be a better marker of terial pressure may not independently accurately reflect
poor perfusion than serum lactate because it represents the perfusion of organs at the cellular level. A state of poor
combined sum of lactate and all other metabolic acids re- perfusion can exist despite acceptable urine output and
leased during tissue hypoxia.28.30 blood pressure chartings,35,36 and the use of urine output

Annals of Burns and Fire Disasters - vol. XXVI - n. 1 - March 2013

alone as a primary measure of adequacy of resuscitation This occurs despite adequate fluid resuscitation (assessed
is not recommended by the authors. Klein et al. recently by normal central venous pressure, pulmonary capillary
reviewed data from the Glue Grant and found that the ma- wedge pressure, and mean arterial pressure). In addi-

jority of patients with AKI were adequately resuscitated; tion, large burn areas (>50% TBSA) may result in car-
early AKI was therefore probably the result of the in- diac infections from the wounded skin, further compro-
flammatory mediators storm. mising organ perfusion. The incidence of bacterial endo-

Conversely, the risk of over-resuscitation and fluid carditis in such patients is six times higher than in the
creep exists and warrants close monitoring.39 Over-resusci- general population, with mortality rates reaching up to
tation increases the risk of pneumonia, pulmonary edema, 95%.68 Burn surgeons should be aware of all these phys-
ARDS, and compartment syndromes (orbital, abdominal, iologic responses when working towards correcting the
extremity) and ultimately contributes to an increase in mor- preload and re-establishing renal blood flow.
tality.39-41 In spite of all efforts to monitor endpoints of re-
suscitation, intercompartmental fluid shifts occur,42 and Denatured proteins
these can be especially hazardous if involving fascial bound Muscle breakdown and the release of denatured pro-
compartments such as the peritoneal cavity. Intra-abdom- teins are implicated in the development of AKI. Rhab-
inal hypertension (IAH) then leads to splanchnic edema domyolysis in particular contributes to AKI following se-
with subsequent increase in gut permeability and bacteri- vere burns,69 caused by direct thermal injury, compartment
al translocation. IAH, as defined by an intra-abdominal syndrome, or severe electrical injury. The release of myo-
pressure (IAP) > 12 mmHg, has numerous adverse effects globin and free hemoglobin results in the blockage of re-
on visceral perfusion, and the occurrence of IAH in crit- nal tubules, constriction of afferent arterioles, and the gen-

ically ill patients is an independent predictor of increased eration of oxygen free radicals. Myoglobinuria occurs

mortality.46 In the thermally injured patient, abdominal com- when serum myoglobin is greater than 1,500-3,000 ng/ml
partment syndrome (ACS) is defined as an IAP > 20 mmHg and is typically associated with elevated levels of creatine
with at least one concomitant organ failure.47-49 It has been kinase (CK). AKI has been shown to be associated with
suggested that a crystalloid rate over 20 ml/kg/h during CK levels in excess of 5,000 U/L. Fortunately the inci-
the initial 24 h of resuscitation should alert physicians to dence of denatured proteins causing AKI is low, and the
possible IAH/ACS.46 There should be close monitoring for overall prognosis is favorable when appropriate therapy,
the signs of ACS (decreased cardiac output, decreased lung in the form of hydration with isotonic crystalloids, is ini-
compliance, decreased urine output) in all massive burn tiated in a timely fashion.71
patients. In general, as resuscitation volumes approach 6
ml/kg/h, or as signs of IAH arise, the addition of colloid, Sepsis
in the form of albumin, has been shown to decrease fluid Sepsis and septic shock are the most common causes
requirements and edema.50-54 A “permissive hypovolemia” of death in the ICU and are observed in up to 87% of burn
approach to resuscitation after severe burns was advocat- patients suffering AKI.72,73 The extent of sepsis is directly
ed, and may be highly appropriate in certain cases since related to the incidence of AKI.74,75 The etiology of AKI in
it was associated with significantly lower multiple-organ sepsis is multifactorial. It can be thought to occur as a re-
dysfunction score (MODS) than resuscitation following the sult of three pathological processes that result from alter-
Parkland formula.55 Considering the negative impact on ations in the homeostatic balance, between production and
kidney perfusion of under-resuscitation (ischemic injury) inactivation, of inflammatory meditators: direct endothelial
and over-resuscitation (fluid creep and ACS), burn sur- damage, vasoparalysis, and a procoagulant state. Va-
geons need to personalize fluid therapy according to the soparalysis results in a state of severe hypotension and de-
evolution of the patient’s general physiologic condition. creased tissue perfusion. This is followed by activation of
the neurohumoral axis and an increase in plasma levels of
Cardiac dysfunction catecholamines, vasopressin, and angiotensin-II in an effort
Burn injury produces substantial hemodynamic and to increase in cardiac output and restore normal tissue per-
cardiodynamic derangements;56 compromised cardiac func- fusion. However, this also results in direct renal arteriolar

tion results in global hypoperfusion and reduced renal blood vasoconstriction, which may cause a pre-renal state com-
flow contributing to AKI.57 While it was previously sug- promising renal perfusion. This is further compounded by
gested that depressed cardiovascular function in burn shock the release of vasoconstrictive agents (TNF, endothelin).76,77
was primarily a sequel of vascular fluid loss,58 recent da- With respect to the pro-coagulant state, sepsis is known to
ta point toward direct myocardial suppression, possibly upregulate the expression of complement and to enhance
caused by elevated plasma levels of catecholamines, va- the fibrinolytic cascade.78-80 This may lead to disseminated
sopressin, angiotensin-II, neuropeptide-Y,59-61 and various intravascular coagulation and subsequent direct injury to
cytokines (TNF-α, IL-1β, IL-2, IL-6 and IFN-gamma).62,63 glomeruli by microthrombi.81 Acute tubular necrosis ensues

Annals of Burns and Fire Disasters - vol. XXVI - n. 1 - March 2013

secondary to the induced ischemic injury. suggests intrinsic renal injury.85 There are, however, cer-
tain instances when renal absorption of sodium is impaired,
Diagnosis and hence FENa would not be a reliable discriminating
test between pre-renal azotemia and renal injury.
Diagnosing AKI in burn patients requires a compre- Numerous reports of low FENa (< 1%) have appeared
hensive understanding of the changes underlying the phys- in various clinical settings of oliguric and nonoliguric states
iology of burn patients throughout their course of treat- such as acute tubular necrosis, urinary tract obstruction,
ment. Renal injury may occur despite normal renal pa- acute glomerulonephritis, hepatorenal syndrome, renal al-
rameters (urine output, biochemical markers, etc.) and burn lograft rejection, sepsis, and drug-related alterations in re-
surgeons must therefore constantly monitor their patients’ nal hemodynamics. In this situation, one particular uri-

global physiologic picture in an effort to anticipate any sign nary index cannot be used to differentiate between pre-re-
pointing to early renal injury. A stepwise approach to the nal azotemia and acute renal failure. An additional modal-
diagnosis and treatment of AKI should be implemented. ity, such as urea excretion, may be appropriate. Recently,
it was suggested that fractional excretion of urea (FEUrea
Urine output < 35) may have more specificity and sensitivity than FE-
A decrease in urine output is probably the first and Na in discriminating between pre-renal and renal azotemia.87
most obvious sign of renal dysfunction. This parameter has
a high specificity but a low sensitivity.82 Plasma creatinine
The majority of burn physicians do not give much di- A true biomarker for AKI is needed; a signature mol-
agnostic value to urine output alone in assessing renal func- ecule (found in blood or urine) that signals the presence
tion as severe renal insult can occur without alterations in of early renal injury, detects the nephron segment most-
urine output. This is because urine output is not a direct ly affected, identifies the best drug or fluids therapy, meas-
reflection of GFR but rather of the difference between GFR ures the progress of renal function, and can be rapidly
and tubular reabsorption. Only in the instance of anuria (< and easily measured.88 At present, however, such an ide-
50 cc/d) is urine output alone diagnostic.83 Pre-renal fail- al biomarker does not exist and creatinine-based estimat-
ure is the most common cause of anuria (excluding a post- ed GFR (eGFRcreatinine) is considered the key measure of
renal obstruction). The incidence of other conditions as- kidney function in clinical practice. Creatinine is freely
sociated with anuria (acute cortical necrosis, bilateral ar- filtered across the kidney and is neither reabsorbed nor
terial occlusion, and rapidly progressive acute glomeru- metabolized. The Chronic Kidney Disease Epidemiology
lonephritis) is low, and their diagnosis can usually be made Collaboration (CKD-EPI) creatinine equation was used to
from other clinical signs. estimate eGFRcreatinine as follows:

Urine microscopy and chemistry • eGFRcreatinine = 141 × (minimum of standardized

Although a decrease in urine output may be indicative serum creatinine mg/dl /κ or 1)α × (maximum of
of an underlying renal dysfunction, it does not specify eti- standardized serum creatinine mg/dl /κ or 1)−1.209 ×
ology. This can be established by microscopic and bio- 0.993age × (1.018 if female) × (1.159 if black),
chemical analysis of the urine, which can be used to sup- • where κ is 0.7 if female and 0.9 if male and α is
port the diagnosis of AKI and guide treatment options. A −0.329 if female and −0.411 if male.89
combination of normal urinary sediment and hyaline casts It should be noted that creatinine clearance often over-
and an oliguric/anuric state suggests a pre-renal cause. The estimates the true GFR by 10-20%;90 this is because the
presence of epithelial casts with tubular epithelial cells is renal tubules secrete a small quantity of creatinine in the
pathognomonic for acute tubular necrosis.84 Pigmented casts urine which adds to the amount filtered by the glomeruli.
on microscopy point to myoglobinuria (most likely due to Furthermore, several non-GFR determinants of creatinine
rhabdomyolsis). It is worth noting that urinary electrolytes (e.g., muscle mass and diet) bias GFR estimates and re-
also carry a diagnostic potential and should be obtained sult in misclassification. The illness itself, due to the re-
when microscopy is not diagnostic. Urine electrolytes are sulting non steady physiologic state and muscle wasting,
also beneficial in differentiating between the pre-renal and seems to considerably bias the use of serum creatinine as
renal forms of AKI. For this purpose, the fractional ex- a marker for GFR82,91 since plasma creatinine concentra-
cretion of sodium (FENa) is calculated and interpreted. tion depends on its clearance by the kidney but also varies
The underlying concept is that a pre-renal state in the pres- according to its total production and volume of distribu-
ence of a normally functioning nephron causes increased tion within the body. In critically ill patients, changes in
absorption of sodium. FENa= (urine sodium X plasma cre- serum creatinine typically lag behind the timing of renal
atinine)/(plasma sodium X urinary creatinine). A value < injury and recovery;82 and it is therefore more appropriate
1% is associated with pre-renal injury while a value > 1% to consider variations in serum creatinine over change in

Annals of Burns and Fire Disasters - vol. XXVI - n. 1 - March 2013

time. Moran and Myers demonstrated this concept in a Early AKI

computerized model of creatinine kinetics in patients with Early AKI may be caused by hypovolemia, leading to
post-ischemic acute renal failure. They showed that the a decrease in renal perfusion and resultant renal injury. Sev-

relationship between creatinine clearance and plasma cre- eral studies have advocated early fluid administration to
atinine concentration was not always inversely proportional prevent or minimize the effects of AKI. In severe sep-

and that it dissociated in conditions of acute renal failure sis and septic shock, the administration of intravenous flu-
and recovery. In other words, a rising serum creatinine is ids and vasopressors in the first hours of an acute critical
not always a reliable indicator of deteriorating kidney func- illness have been considered to be among the most impor-
tion; conversely, a decreasing serum creatinine does not tant interventions toward improved outcomes.103 Several for-
always reflect an improving GFR. What appeared to be mulas have been suggested for optimizing resuscitation -
of prognostic value was the number of days plasma cre- which one to follow is not crucial. The key is to recognize
atinine continued to rise following the initial ischemic in- that these formulas estimate the fluid requirements over a
jury. Day 4 post-injury seems to be a point of no return; period of time. The true immediate amount depends di-
that is, a continued increase in serum creatinine beyond rectly on the patient’s general physiologic status and the
day 4 indicates that renal recovery has not begun and a extent of injury. As with any type of traumatic human in-
severe protracted course of renal failure is likely to fol- sult, indicators of regional and global body perfusion should
low. Although this study was not conducted in the burn be continuously monitored and used to assess the adequa-
population, it parallels key points in the ischemic patho- cy of resuscitation. When the assessment of renal perfusion
physiology of renal failure, in particular early renal fail- becomes challenging, invasive modalities for monitoring
ure. central pressures and global related volume variables (such
Physicians caring for burn patients should understand as global end diastolic volume, extra vascular lung water
the limitations of any biologic molecule estimating GFR volume, intrathoracic blood volume) may be of use. In-

during renal injury. Serum creatinine is currently regard- terestingly, Schiller et al. compared the resuscitation of burn
ed as the “gold standard”, but this is not an “ideal mark- patients to the use of invasive hemodynamic monitoring
er”. GFR estimations based on creatinine clearance should and a hyperdynamic resuscitation protocol to that of a con-
be calculated over short time intervals with the serum cre- trol group for which resuscitation was guided by tradition-
atinine value reflecting the central tendency of the values al end points such as blood pressure, heart rate, and urine
obtained at the beginning and end of the collection inter- output. Patients treated with hyperdynamic resuscitation
val. The search for the ideal biomarker or combination of showed improved microcirculatory flow, tissue perfusion
markers to predict kidney function is an area of substan- and tissue oxygenation and appeared to have less renal and
tial interest. Cystatin C for example, an alternate marker hepatic dysfunction with a significant reduction in the mor-
of kidney function, was shown to estimate GFR as accu- tality rate. A statistically significant difference in early he-
rately as serum creatinine in a large sample of chronic modynamic response was noted between survivors and non-
kidney disease patients.93 Additional data also suggested survivors. The association between improved survival and

that eGFR by Cystatin C (eGFRcystatin) had a stronger as- an early self-generated hyperdynamic response has been
sociation with mortality and cardiovascular disease than previously demonstrated. Whether the use of invasive mon-
eGFRcreatinine.94-101 itors can actually improve outcome has not been proven
conclusively and the use of invasive monitoring carries in-
Treatment of acute renal failure herent risks, especially in an immunocompromised host,
such as a burn patient.68,106 Lastly, it is worth reiterating that,
As outlined above, several studies have shown that while striving to restore an effective circulatory volume,
AKI is associated with an increase in morbidity and mor- physicians should keep in mind the possibility of early my-
tality in critically ill and hospitalized patients.1,6,86 Few ther- ocardial dysfunction as a cause of decreased renal perfu-
apeutic interventions, however, have been successful in sion and early AKI.
treating or preventing AKI, possibly owing to delayed di-
agnosis. Patients at risk for AKI, or those with AKI, re- Late AKI
quire careful attention to hemodynamic and general phys- Late AKI is viewed as being multifactorial and is of-
iologic status. The key to adequate AKI treatment is ear- ten associated with sepsis and multi-organ dysfunction
ly diagnosis and rapid termination of the underlying insult (MODS). The most effective therapy is prevention and ear-
while preserving renal function and preventing iatrogenic ly recognition of the septic state.107 Early sepsis can be sus-
injury. When conservative measures fail, RRT is required. pected on the basis of feeding intolerance, insulin resistance,
This section will re-examine measures for the prevention elevation of acute phase reactants, and many other markers.
of AKI, and will outline current evidence regarding the Source control, identification of the offending organism or
use of RRT initiation. organisms, and early directed-goal therapy (EGDT) should

Annals of Burns and Fire Disasters - vol. XXVI - n. 1 - March 2013

be initiated.103 The role of infectious surveillance in the burn prospective) studies with CRRT in the burn patient demon-
patient for a targeted control of offending microbes and pre- strated improved survival,112,113 future prospective random-
vention of systemic dissemination cannot be overstated. ized studies are required.

RRT overview Intensity of RRT

As a result of major advances in burn resuscitation It has been suggested that prevention of severe metabolic
and the management of sepsis, renal failure requiring
derangements by earlier initiation of RRT in the critically
RRT is becoming a relatively rare event.109 The reported burned patient may be beneficial. Likewise, prevention or
incidence varies between 1 and 3%; however, the overall correction of severe metabolic derangements with more in-
mortality associated with renal failure requiring RRT can tensive RRT has also been suggested. There is no solid ev-
be as high as 80%.17,73,110,111 idence, however, that augmented doses of RRT in critically
ill patients with AKI are associated with improved outcomes,
Optimal timing and most studies examining the impact of more intensive
The issue of when to initiate RRT in patients with RRT quantified the intensity of therapy based on the clear-
AKI has been debated nearly as long as hemodialysis has ance of urea (a low molecular-weight solute), ignoring the
been part of the armamentarium of clinical medicine.12 Al- clearance of higher-molecular-weight solutes and, even more
though numerous studies over more than a half century importantly, the management of extracellular volume.

have attempted to resolve the issue of optimal timing, the

level of evidence guiding current practice remains weak, Conclusion
derived primarily from retrospective and observational co-
hort studies and small underpowered prospective trials. Suf- Significant advances in the management of burn pa-
fice it to say that the standard indications for dialysis (vol- tients have been made over the past four decades. Increas-
ume overload; severe hyperkalemia and metabolic acido- ing evidence points to the need for early aggressive fluid
sis; overt uremic symptoms) are less relevant in the ther- repletion (probably with isotonic crystalloids rather than
mally injured patient. A recent consensus advocated the colloids) for expansion of intravascular volume. Urine out-
initiation of RRT in critically ill patients with AKI before put is still considered a good indicator for adequate resus-
the development of extreme metabolic derangements and citation. Persistent low urine output invariably indicates in-
life-threatening events. Additionally, preliminary evidence
adequate resuscitation but an adequate urine output does
suggests that a more aggressive approach to RRT in burn not necessarily mean that the burn patient is not develop-
patients may be beneficial.112,113 ing acute non-oliguric renal failure either due to insuffi-
cient resuscitation or to massive release of inflammatory
Modality of RRT mediators. Moreover, relying on urine output alone could
Peritoneal dialysis (PD) has long been used as a form be misleading, resulting in over-resuscitation and fluid
of RRT in AKI.114 In a burn management setting, this form creep. Consideration of urine output together with other re-
is limited by clearance rates and the need for catheter in- suscitation parameters should thus be the standard of care.
sertion through the abdominal wall. In the past two decades, In instances where it is necessary to decrease overall
other RRT modalities were examined in the ICU setting, fluid requirements, the addition of albumin appears justi-
namely intermittent hemodialysis (IHD), continuous and fied. This is best coupled with early burn wound excision
prolonged intermittent RRT (CRRT and PIRRT), and sus- (first 72 h) and burn wound closure. While this approach
tained low-efficiency dialysis. There is no evidence that appears to reduce the incidence of early AKI, this disor-
any single modality of RRT is associated with improved der may still occur at a later stage following prolonged or
survival or recovery of kidney function, although slower delayed initial resuscitation and following sepsis. At this
modalities (e.g., CRRT, PIRRT) may be better tolerated stage, once AKI occurs and hemodynamics are stabilized,
in hemodynamically unstable patients and permit achieve- the relevance of a restrictive fluid balance and the use of
ment of a more negative fluid balance.115 An additional po- diuretics or RRT to prevent or treat fluid overload and im-
tential benefit of continuous hemofiltration is the clearance prove outcomes in this population, without worsening kid-
of pro-inflammatory mediators and therefore the theoreti- ney function, need to be confirmed with RCTs. Neverthe-
cal reduction in the development of multi-organ dysfunc- less, physicians should monitor the complex physiologic
tion.116 Conversely, studies have shown that the cytokine state of the burn patient constantly in order to anticipate
clearances attainable with even high-volume continuous any condition that may injure the kidneys. This will en-
filtration are trivial in comparison to endogenous produc- sure prompt initiation of appropriate treatment and possi-
tion, and cytokine removal is nonselective and results in bly prevent the development of acute kidney injury. In an
removal of both pro-inflammatory and anti-inflammatory era where no pharmacologic agent exists to treat this con-
mediators.117 In any case, although preliminary (non- dition, prevention remains the best (and only) remedy.

Annals of Burns and Fire Disasters - vol. XXVI - n. 1 - March 2013

RÉSUMÉ. Les lésions rénales aiguës (LRA) sont rares, mais elles constituent une complication majeure des brûlures qui mène
souvent à la mortalité. Ces lésions sont provoquées par une interaction complexe de divers changements cellulaires et neuro-
humoraux qui affectent les patients brûlés. Les directives pour le traitement de ces patients ne sont pas encore bien définies et, par
conséquent, la prévention et le diagnostic précoce sont essentiels pour éviter le pronostic défavorable des LRA. Cela nécessite une
compréhension complète des changements physiologiques présents dans ces patients et une interprétation judicieuse de leurs conti-
nuelles altérations homéostatiques. Les Auteurs se sont proposé de présenter les principales caractéristiques de la physiologie du
patient brûlé qui contribuent à ce type de lésion. Apres avoir discuté les stratégies pour identifier ces lésions en phase précoce, ils
concluent avec une description des différentes modalités de traitement.

Mots-clés: brûlures et insuffisance rénale, brûlures et dysfonction rénale, brûlures et dialyse, classification des lésions rénales, trai-
tement de l’insuffisance rénale

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