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UNIT III Neruda. All publications after October 1920

were published under that name.
- Jan Neruda – a Czech poet who inspired Pablo
Pablo Neruda Neruda and from whom he took his last name.
later, he legally changed his name to Pablo
- Green was his favorite color; he always wrote in Neruda.
green as it was the color of hope. Gabriel Garcia - In 1920, he became a contributor in Selva
Marquez, Colombian novelist, once referred to Austral, Diario Austral of Temuco and various
him as, “the greatest poet of the 20th century in literary student journals in Temuco. He beame
any language.” He was a communist who fought president of the Athenaeum Literary in his high
for world unity and peace, persecuted in his school and deputy secretary of the Student
country and forced to exile. His work is a Association. He won the first prize for poetry in
reflection that safeguards the cultural heritage of the spring festival in Temuco.
Chile and the entire South American continent.
Universidad de Chile (1921)
- Neruda’s father wanted him to become a teacher.
- Pablo Neruda’s real name was Neftalí Ricardo He moved to Santiago to study Education and
Reyes Basoalto and was born in the town of French at the University of Chile. He had no
Parral in the Maule Region in Chile on July interest in pedagogy; his passion was in learning
12th, 1904. French so that he could read French literature in
- José del Carmen Reyes Morales – Neruda’s that language. He published a series of poems in
father; a railway employee the university magazine, Clarity, signed as Pablo
- Rosa Basoalto Opazo – Neruda’s mother; a Neruda.
school teacher who died of tuberculosis two - Rosa Albertina Azocar – his inspiration for a
months after giving birth to his first and only son. series of poems in Twenty Love Poems and a
- They moved to Temuco and his father remarried Song of Despair.
Trinidad Candia Malverde. Neruda grew up - It was clear that Pablo wanted to pursue a career
with half-brother Rodolfo and half-sister Laura. in writing, so his father stopped sending money.
- Men’s Lyceum of Temuco – where he - In July 1923, the first edition of
completed high school; was renamed Lyceum “Crespusculario” (Book of Twilights) was
Pablo Neruda of Temuco after he was awarded published by Clarity Editions of the Student
the Nobel Prize. Federation of Chile.
Early Years (1917-1920) - In 1924, the first edition of “Veinte Poemas de
Amor y una Cancion Desesperada” (Twenty
- While in high school at age 13, he published his Love Poems and a Song of Despair) was
first poems among them are, “Entusiasmo y published by Nascimiento Editors, which would
Perseverancia (Enthusiasm and become one of his best-known and most
Perseverance),” in the regional daily, La translated works.
Mañana. - The publication of Twenty Love Poems was
- In 1918, he published 13 poems in the journal, notoriously controversial due to its eroticism
“Run and Fly,” including, “My Eyes.” which led to the publication in “La Nacion” of a
- In 1919, he won the third prize in a local contest letter titled, “Exegesis and Loneliness.” This
with his poem, “Nocturno Ideal.” letter explained the creation of the love poem and
- Neruda’s father opposed his son’s interest in his frustration at the lack of understanding within
writing, nevertheless he found support in his the literary critics.
school teachers. - In 1925, he became the director of the magazine
- Gabriella Mistral – a teacher in the local girl’s Knights of Wands. In the following year,
school; she introduced him to the work of “Tentativa y su Esperanza” (The Habitant and
European poets and particularly Russian His Hope) and “Anillos” (Rings) were published
literature which influenced him the most. by Nascimiento. Crespusculario (Book of
- Because he wanted to hide his publications from Twilights) goes on a second edition.
his father, he chose the pseudonym of Pablo
Diplomatic Career (1926) founded Green Horse for Poetry – a literary
magazine. He left his wife and daughter in
- Because of his literary achievement and
Barcelona and moved in with Delia del Carril shame
relationships he cultivated as a writer, he was able
- In 1927, General Carlos Ibanez del Campo
to obtain a consular job in Burma. He remained a
seizes power and establishes dictatorship.
regular contributor to the newspaper “La
Nacion” in Santiago where he published his Spanish Civil War and Communism
travel chronics.
- On July 1936, the Spanish Civil War broke out
- He stayed in Burma as an honorary consul from
and Federico Garcia Lorca was assassinated by
1927 to 1929. He was appointed consul in
forces loyal to Franco. This experience had an
Colombo, Sri Lanka. During these years, he
intense effect on Neruda who, for the first time,
experimented with different styles and wrote a
became politicized supporting the republican side
series of surrealistic poems which would be a part
and becoming a communist for the rest of his life.
of “Residencia en la Tierra” (Residence on
Because of his post as a consul, he should remain
neutral to political causes.
- In 1930, he was appointed consul in Singapore
- He published anonymously Song to the Mothers
and Batavia in Java where he married a Dutch
of the dead Militants in the literary journal The
woman named Marie Antoinette Haagenar
Blue Monkey which later became part of Spain
in the Heart. The Chilean government decided to
- In 1931, the international economic downturn
close its consulate in Madrid.
made the government of Chile cut on consular
- In 1937, he moved to Paris with del Carril and
positions and Neruda was asked to return to
began his work supporting the Spanish Republic.
He organized the Latin American Committee to
- After a voyage of two months, in February of
defend the Spanish Republic and gave a
1932, he arrived in Chile accompanied by his new
conference about Federico Garcia Lorca against
wife. He resettled in Santiago and was offered a
the Chilean government advice.
job at the Library of the Foreign Ministry
- He published his views in the magazine The
which did not satisfy him; two months later he
World Poets Defend the Spanish People which
was transferred to the Department of Culural
was published in Spanish and French. Neruda
Extension of the Ministry of Labor. At this
joined Peruvian Cesar Vallejo with whom he
time, the second edition of Twenty Poems of
worked in the Association for the Defense of
Love and a Song of Despair is published.
Culture. He published the poem In this Way in
- In 1933, Neruda was appointed Consul in
The Blue Monkey which was later known as I
Buenos Aires, Argentina and Nascimiento
Explain a Few Things in his book Spain in the
Editors publishes Residence on Earth limiting
Heart. This poem is a breakthrough in Neruda’s
its publications to only one hundred copies.
style, which changed to a radical and militant
- In Buenos Aires, he met Federico Garcia Lorca
tone concerned with social and political matters.
with whom he was to establish a close friendship.
- From 1938 to 1946, communists, socialists, and
By the end of the year, he was appointed consul
radicals form Popular Front coalition and
in Barcelona. In Madrid, he was reunited with
introduce economic policies based on U.S. New
Lorca who introduced him to Rafael Alberti,
César Vallejo and Miguel Hernández. He also
- By the end of the year, he had to move back to
met Delia del Carril who later become his
Chile as he lost his post because of his political
second wife.
views. In Chile, he founded the Alliance of
- In August 1934, his daughter, Malva Marina
Intellectuals from Chile for the Defense of
Trinidad, was born in Madrid. She was born
with hydrocephalus, a condition that leads to
- The first edition of 2000 copies of “España en el
brain swelling. This was a stressful period in the
Corazon” (Spain in the Heart) sold out in the
lives of Neruda and his wife, and so he began a
first few weeks. Two months later, a second
relationship with del Carril wtf
edition was in print. “España en el Corazon”
- In 1935, Neruda was transferred to Madrid as
consul, replacing Gabriela Mistral. Neruda
had great impact as it was printed during the civil his companion, Delia del Carril, though the
war. Chilean courts declared it illegal.
- His father died in Termuco on May 1938. - Neruda violated his diplomatic neutrality again
- Neruda supported the election of the newly when he read his poem “Dura Elegía” at the
elected president, Pedro Aguirre Cerda, and funeral of Leocadia Felizardo, mother of
soon after, he was appointed special consul to Brazilian communist leader Luis Carlos Prestes,
Paris to assist in the immigration of Spanish making remarks that offends Getulio Vargas, the
refugees in France. He assisted about 2000 Brazilian dictator.
political refugees flee to Chile. - Neruda voluntarily stepped down of his position
- In 1940, Spanish philologist and literary critic, and returned to Chile. On his way to Santiago, he
Amado Alonso, published the first major traveled to Cusco where he visited the ruins of
academic work about Pablo Neruda’s work, Machu Picchu. The Inca citadel inspired him to
“Poetry and Style of Pablo Neruda, write Alturas de Machu Picchu (Heights of
Interpretation of a Hermetic Poetry.” Machu Picchu) which he completed in 1945. In
this book, he valued the accomplishments of
Mexico (1940-1943)
ancient Andean civilizations but also denounced
- In 1940, Neruda was appointed Consul General the slavery that took place in order to achieve
of Chile in Mexico City. After the assassination such an outstanding construction and their
attempt of Leon Trotsky, Neruda granted a visa subsequent conquest by the Spaniards.
to Chile to Mexican muralist David Alfaro
Return to Chile and the Communist Party (1944)
Siqueiros who was accused as one of the
conspirators to murder Trotsky. Neruda was - Neruda, like many left-leaning intellectuals of his
suspended for one month without pay for generation, came to admire the Soviet Union of
engaging in such misconduct. Once in Chile, the Joseph Stalin, partly for the role it played in
painter spent one year painting a mural in a school defeating Nazi Germany and partly because of an
in Chillán. idealist interpretation of Marxist doctrine.
- In 1942, Neruda was invited to Cuba by the - Soon after his return to Chile, he was appointed
Ministry of Education to give a series of candidate for senator for the provinces of
lectures. While in Cuba, he received the news of Antofagasta and Tarapacá representing the
the passing of Miguel Hernandez, a close friend, Communist Party of Chile.
in Spanish prison. During his stay in Cuba, he - A bilingual edition of Residence on Earth was
wrote two poems: To Miguel Hernandez Killed published by New Directions, New York.
in the Prisons of Spain and The Lost Shepherd - In 1945, he was elected senator of the republic.
which were included in Canto General and The - In 1946, Gabriel Gonzales Videla was elected
Grapes and the Wind respectively. president of Chile in an alliance with the
- In Cuba, he started collecting seashells. On a trip Communist Party. The following year, Gonzales
to Mexico at the Theater of the Mexican Union Videla turns against the Communists and aligns
of Electricians, he read his poem Song to himself with the United States starting a
Stalingrad which celebrated the first major campaign against the communists.
Russian victory over the Nazis. This generated - A violent repression of a miner’s strike in Lota
such criticism that he wrote another poem New led the poet to criticize President Gonzales
Love Song to Stalingrad, both poems were Videla’s policy in a speech known as “Yo
included in his book Third Residence. Acuso” (I accuse) in which he read the names of
- A first private edition of one hundred copies of the miners and their families who were
Canto General of Chile, Fragments was imprisoned. Because Gonzales Videla banned the
published in Mexico. Exclusive and elegantly communist party newspaper “The Century,”
printed, all the copies were signed by Neruda and Neruda published a letter, “Intimate letter for
given to friends and family. millions of men,” in many Latin American
- On March 1943, his daughter, Malva, had died in countries. This letter denounced the government
Nazi occupied Holland and, shortly, he married policies against its workers.
- The government accused Neruda of defamation by a blood clot. Matilde Urrutia, a Chilean
and of denigrating Chile abroad and started the singer, was hired to take care of him. They had a
process of impeachment. From February 1948 love affair which lasted until his death in 1973.
harot ampota
until March 1949, he lived in hiding and
- He produced many poems where Matilde Urritia
constantly changing houses to avoid being
was his muse and they are included in The
captured. During this period, he finished Canto
Captain’s Verses, On Hundred Love Sonnets,
Estravagario, The Barcarolle, and The Sea and
- From 1948 to 1958, the Communist Party was
the Bells. From 1953 onwards, her presence in
the poet’s work becomes more intense.
Exile (1948) - In 1950, while recovering in Mexico, Canto
General was published in Mexico City with an
- Local and international solidarity was expressed initial edition of 500 copies, and, in Chile, the
in defense of the Chilean poet. After several communist party published a clandestine edition.
failed attempts to escape Chile, Neruda finally At the end of the year, he received the Stalin
succeeded to cross the border to Argentina with Prize for the Peace.
the help of his friends Victor Pey, Jorge Bellet,
Raul Bulnes and Victor Bianchi. Return to Chile (1952)
- When receiving the Nobel Prize in 1971, the poet
- Neruda retuned to Chile in 1952 after three years
remembered this adventure as a spiritual journey
in exile. His return was made possible by the
to freedom. Once in Buenos Aires, he joined his
weakness of Gonzales Vileda’s government and
long-time friend Miguel Angel Asturias and,
the support of the poet’s movement group
taking advantage of their physical resemblance,
comprised of intellectuals and politicians.
Asturias lent Neruda his passport to travel to
- During this period, The Captain’s Verses was
Europe. He crossed the Argentinean border to
published. This book was controversial as it was
Montevideo, Uruguay and from there to France
published anonymously for many editions out of
disguised as the Guatemalan novelist Miguel
respect for his wife. In this book, his mistress,
Angel Asturias.
Matilde Urrutia, was the muse of his poems. By
- In order to assume his own identity, Pablo Neruda
the time the book was published he was separated
had to go to Switzerland where his old passport,
from his wife.
brought by his wife, was waiting for him. Pablo
- Neruda was actively involved in the presidential
Picasso made use of his prestige to make this
election of Salvador Allende and participated in
possible. Back in Paris he attended the World
the XI Congress of the Communist Party of
Congress of Peace to a surprised and stunned
Chile. During this period, he traveled the world
audience. The Chilean Embassy requested to
extensively promoting his books and giving
confiscate Neruda’s passport but it was in vain.
speeches and lectures and, when not traveling, he
- In Moscow and Leningrad, the poet participated
would spend his time in his house in Isla Negra.
in the sesquicentennial of the birth of Alexander
- In 1959, during a visit to Cuba he met Fidel
Pushkin. Neruda was an admirer of the Soviet
Union and Stalin which is reflected in his poetry
- Between 1954 and 1959, seven books were
“Canto a Stalingrado” (Song to Stalingrad)
published. Among them are three elementary
and “Nuevo Canto de Amor a Stalingrado”
odes books: Elementary Odes, Third Book of
(New Love Song to Stalingrad). Later he would
Odes, New Elementary Odes, Navigations and
denounce Stalin’s cult of personality and the
Return, Extravagaria, Grapes and the Wind,
crimes committed under his command.
and One Hundred Love Sonnets. The last one is
- He travelled to India, China, Poland, Hungary,
one of the most accomplished and greatest poems
and the Czechoslovakia. In Prague, he applied
of the Neruda. It celebrates his love for his lover
for a visa to London but he was denied.
Matilde Urrutia whom he married in 1966.
- In 1949, he travelled to Mexico where he
- On March 1966, his first wife, Maria Antonieta
participated in the Latin American Congress for
Hagenaar, died in Holland. On the same year, he
Peace. In Mexico, the poet became ill with
became the first Latin American to receive the
thrombophlebitis, inflammation of a vein caused
title of Doctor Honoris Causa in Philosophy - Was he poisoned upon orders of dictator General
from Oxford University. Augusto Pinochet?
The Nobel Prize of Literature (1971) For further reading: Politics in the Life of Pablo Neruda
- In 1970, the Communist Party of Chile appointed
Neruda as pre-candidate for the upcoming
presidential election; however he withdrew from Your Laughter
it and supported Salvador Allende, the candidate
- It was published as part of a collection of poetry
of the Popular Unity Party, the first socialist
by Neruda titled, “The Captain’s Verses,”
elected president.
which was published in the year 1972. As with
- In 1971, Neruda gets nominated ambassador to
many of Neruda’s poems, it is written in free
Chile in Paris which would last until 1972 when
verse, though his poems are accessible only
his health deteriorated. As ambassador, he got to
through various translations.
negotiate the Chilean external debt with the Paris
- Metaphor is used as a rhetoric for two major
themes, that is of an actual desire for the beloved,
- On October 1971, he was awarded the Nobel
and that of a deeper aspect that generally reflects
Prize for Literature. The Nobel Prize Academy
Neruda’s political life. The beloved’s laughter is
pointed out the poet’s persecution and his work
compared with many things, and all of these give
for the world’s community and peace. However,
rise to vivid images in the reader’s mind. As
the decision was not an easy one as they did not
Neruda is a diplomat for the Communist cause
forget the poet’s past support of the Stalinist
purged from his native Chile, he felt that same
dictatorship. At the end of the month, his health
pangs of needing that bread and breath. That
started deteriorating and was operated from
laughter, as can be interpreted, may reflect that
prostate cancer in Paris. He spent his recovery at
yearning to hear his fellow Chileans supporting
The Manquel, a cottage he bought in Normandy.
- He resigned his post as ambassador of Chile in
- He always wrote in green as it was the color of
Final Years
Take bread away from The image of laughter
- Neruda never recuperated and was terminally ill me, if you wish, recurs throughout the
when he returned to Chile. He spent his final take air away, but poem as it is its main
years in his house in Isla Negra accompanied by do not take from me your focus. It is for the speaker
his wife, Matilde Urrutia, and his close friends. laughter. the only essential thing in
- As the government of Allende collapsed, his life to keep him going.
prosecutions were initiated against his political Do not take away the Described as something
rose, that is important, the
supporters. Most of Neruda’s friends were taken
the lance flower that you speaker pleas not to have
prisoners or had to seek asylum abroad. Neruda’s
pluck, this laughter taken from
house in Isla Negra gets broken into and his books the water that suddenly him.
and notes destroyed by the military police. bursts forth in joy,
- His health was rapidly failing and he had to be the sudden wave of silver
transferred from Isla Negra to Santiago. Neruda born in you.
was hospitalized at Santa María Clinic in My struggle is harsh His troubles are now
Santiago and, three days later, on the evening of and I come back listed down, he feels alive
September 23, 1973, the poet died of heart with eyes tired again with this laughter.
failure. at times from having seen
- Neruda was temporarily buried in the mausoleum the unchanging earth,
of the Fittborn family. Large crowds gathered at but when your laughter
the cemetery defying the measures of the military enters
it rises to the sky seeking
police where they paid tribute to one of the
greatest poet Chile had known.
and it opens for me all
the doors of life.
My love, in the darkest Here he makes this lover - He openly supports the socialist democratic party.
hour your laughter promise that despite Not everyone liked his folksy affectation,
opens, and if suddenly whatever happens to the however. Robert Frost described his
you see my blood staining speaker, the lover must contemporary as "the most artificial and studied
the stones of the street, laugh for him to feel how ruffian the world has had." The description was
laugh, because your much he is loved. not without merit.
laughter Laughter here is now - August Johnson – his father, a semiliterate
will be for my hands heard as a cheer.
like a fresh sword.
- Clara Anderson – his mother, a menial worker
Next to the sea in the Autumn equates to the
autumn, coming cold of Winter. It - “Sandburg” – family’s idea to separate Carl
your laughter must raise is after that suffering the from other Johnsons in the neighborhood.
its foamy cascade, speaker wishes to hear the - At age 13, he drifted from one hands-on job to
and in the spring, love, lover’s laughter once the another.
I want your laughter like cold has passed. Here it is - 1899 – served at West Point and fought for eight
the flower I was waiting indicated that this is no months in Puerto Rico with the Sixth Regiment
for, ordinary lover. Of what of the Illinois Volunteers during the Spanish-
the blue flower, the rose was thought as a person is American War.
of my echoing country. actually a country’s love - Briefly studied at Lombard College but quit
for a patriot. before getting a degree.
Laugh at the night, Perhaps it is Neruda’s - Met and got support from Professor of English,
at the day, at the moon, dying wish to hear his
Philip Green Wright, and was helped in
laugh at the twisted country laugh, not simply
publishing first poetry collection, In Reckless
streets of the island, for him, but for the
laugh at this clumsy country’s happiness heard Ecstasy (1904).
boy who loves you, over and beyond. - 1907 – met future wife, Lilian “Paula” Steichen,
but when I open while organizing the Wisconsin Social Democrat
my eyes and close them, Party.
when my steps go, - He later became secretary to Emil Seidel,
when my steps return, Milwaukee's first socialist mayor, and then he
deny me bread, air, took various writing jobs until World War I.
light, spring, - Sandburg served the Newspaper Enterprise
but never your laughter Associates as Stockholm correspondent until the
for I would die. end of the war and settled in Chicago with his
CHICAGO - Wrote editorials for the Chicago Daily News.
- Sandburg published his famous "Chicago" in
Carl Sandburg (1878-1967) 1914 in Poetry: A Magazine of Verse, and
- The people’s poet. produced pulsing, realistic verse set in America's
- A restless vagabond; he’d be seen touring every urban industrial complex, which he idealized as a
summer, reciting folk songs plucked out on his brusque, up-and-coming national treasure.
banjo and guitar, earning ready cash. - His steady outpouring resulted in Complete
- He spoke directly and compellingly of the Poems (1950), winner of the 1951 Pulitzer Prize
worker, a vigorous, enduring composite character for poetry.
who embodied Sandburg's free-verse portraits of - Passed away at home from a second heart attack
democracy's inhabitants. on July 22, 1967. He was eulogized at the nearby
- He engagingly uses street slang as much as the St. John in the Wilderness Episcopal Church;
ordinary working class, never elevating himself his and Paula's ashes are buried in Galesburg
above them. beneath Remembrance Rock.
- He was associated with figures including socialist Chicago
Lincoln Steffens, actor Gary Cooper, President
Lyndon Johnson, and editor Harry Golden, Hog Butcher for the Written in free-verse, it
Sandburg's traveling buddy. World, ignores meter and rhyme
Tool Maker, Stacker of altogether in favor of Under the smoke, dust The forces that undergird
Wheat, brash, assertive all over his mouth, Chicago's permanence
Player with Railroads and statements and direct laughing with white teeth, founder on the edge of
the Nation's Freight imagery in the context of Under the terrible burden honesty and
Handler; Chicago’s labor sector. of destiny laughing as a respectability, implying
Stormy, husky, brawling, young man laughs, that too much gentility
City of the Big Shoulders: Here in the first line Laughing even as an saps a growing nation,
shows what Chicago ignorant fighter laughs depriving it of the
really is for the speaker, a who has never lost a underworld heft essential
city of hardworking battle, to progress.
laborers, tuff and resilient. Bragging and laughing
They tell me you are "They" refers to those that under his wrist is the
wicked and I believe them, people "who sneer at this pulse, and under his ribs
for I have seen your my city", as the poem the heart of the people,
painted women under the makes clear a few lines Laughing!
gas lamps luring the farm below. They are the Laughing the stormy,
boys. people who criticize husky, brawling laughter
And they tell me you are Chicago for its corruption, of Youth, half-naked,
crooked and I answer: vice and social sweating, proud to be Hog
Yes, it is true I have seen inequalities. Sandburg Butcher, Tool Maker,
the gunman kill and go accepts the city’s Stacker of Wheat, Player
free to kill again. unforgiving brutality, its with Railroads and
And they tell me you are crooked ways and wicked Freight Handler to the
brutal and my reply is: humor.. There is a hint, Nation.
On the faces of women however, that all cities Things acknowledged by the speaker:
and children I have seen have them.
the marks of wanton • “Strength comes from adversity.”
hunger. • “Hard times build character.”
And having answered so The city of Chicago is • “Realistic valuing for the love of a city.”
I turn once more to those personified as a strong,
who sneer at this my city, resilient working man, "a THE KILLERS
and I give them back the tall bold slugger" with Ernest Hemingway
sneer and say to them: "Big Shoulders,"
Come and show me "laughing," "half-naked, Ernest Hemingway – was born on July 21, 1899, in Oak
another city with lifted sweating, (and) proud." Park, Illinois.
head singing so proud to
be alive and coarse and - He was an American novelist and short-story
strong and cunning. writer.
Flinging magnetic curses - He won the Pulitzer Prize in 1953 and the Nobel
amid the toil of piling job Prize in Literature in the following year for his
on job, here is a tall bold masterpiece, “The Old Man and the Sea.”
slugger set vivid against - He based many of his stories on his experiences
the little soft cities; during World War I, the Spanish Civil War, and
Fierce as a dog with the World War II.
tongue lapping for action,
- He committed suicide on July 2, 1961, in
cunning as a savage pitted
Ketchum, Idaho due to physical and mental
against the wilderness,
Bareheaded, health issues.
Shoveling, - First published in Scribner’s Magazine in 1927,
Wrecking, it later became part of an anthology entitled The
Planning, Nick Adams Stories. Nick Adams became a
Building, breaking, famous Hemingway character where Adams
rebuilding crosses over from teenager to adult in a series of
short stories.
- The 1920’s was considered the peak of organized - Most of Hemingway’s Code Heroes fear the
crime during the Prohibition era. Cities are run by darkness night brings. The Code Hero sees
different mobs and Chicago was run by the most darkness as symbolic of death, which one day he
famous of all, Al Capone. When things became will face. In order to avoid nighttime and
too dangerous for the mob, they retreated to the reminders of death, the hero drinks heavily a
suburb of Summit. This is where Hemingway’s night and sleeps during the day. It is at night that
short story took place. Not long before the story the Code Hero becomes very sensuous and
was written, the Chicago mob had killed a engages in all of his desires.
popular boxer of the time, Andre Anderson, - The Code Hero sees his desires – sex, alcohol,
who’d once knocked Jack Dempsey off his feet, and food – as the only pleasures in life, so it is his
likely Hemingway’s source for the Swede. view to enjoy everything life offers.
The Iceberg Theory (Theory of Omission) – is a style Theme of Emasculation – the two killers show their
of writing (turned colloquialism) where the story is bullying swagger as they boss and taunt Nick, George,
believed to have a deeper meaning and should not be and Sam.
evident on the surface but should shine through
Kosher Convent – to most people, a convent is associated
with Catholicism; here, Max jokes that Al, probably
Code Hero (by Sarah Bostock) – refers to Ernest Jewish, would have to be in a “kosher” convent.
Hemingway’s characters that exhibit certain views toward
- A Yiddish for food that is ritually clean,
the world around them. Scholar Philip Young coined the
according to dietary laws.
phrase “Code Hero” and not Hemingway.
Theme of Accepting the Status Quo – George and Sam
- The characteristics of a Code Hero stem from the
accept the reality around them with little or no desire to
state of the world after World War I, which most
change it.
writers describe as a world without meaning.
Hemingway’s heroes fond meaning only through Other themes handled in the short story: Courage,
themselves and not externally. Disillusionment, Death, Futility.
- Does not believe in anything, especially religion,
which he believes is false. Life is everything [read: The Killers]
whereas death is nothing. A STREETCAR NAMED DESIRE
- Nada – Spanish word for “nothing.”
- A man of action and not a man of words. Thomas Lanier Williams (Mar. 26, 1911-Feb. 25, 1983)
- Confident in every action in which he performs,
Tennessee Williams – he was brilliant and prolific,
and he does not discuss his heroic actions with
breathing life and passion into such memorable characters
anyone. The hero believes that discussing his
as Blanche DuBois and Stanley Kowalski in his critically
actions makes them less admirable. In fact, a hero
acclaimed A Streetcar Named Desire. And like them, he
does not exhibit emotion because he believes it is
was troubled and self-destructive, an abuser of alcohol
a sign of weakness.
and drugs.
- Lives a very disciplined and structured life amid
a chaotic and destructive world. He lives by strict - He was awarded four Drama Critic Circle
moral rules, and he follows them religiously. Awards, two Pulitzer Prizes and the Presidential
- Rejects cultural and social morals, and he only Medal of Freedom. He was derided by critics and
really believes in self-discovery and blunt blacklisted by Roman Catholic Cardinal
honesty. To the Code Hero, the only thing that Spellman, who condemned one of his scripts as,
matters is how a person chooses to live life. “revolting, deplorable, morally repellent,
- Faces death bravely in hopes to survive it. He offensive to Christian standards of decency.” He
only faces death in order to find out more about was Tennessee Williams, one of
his internal being, and he needs to continue life the greatest playwrights in American history.
for as long as possible. A Code Hero faces death
with dignity because it is the only thing the hero Early Life
is really guaranteed.
- Born Thomas Lanier Williams in Columbus, another play, he was in a downward
Mississippi in 1911, Tennessee was the son of a spiral. In 1969 he was hospitalized by his brother.
shoe company executive and a Southern belle. After his release from the hospital in the 1970s,
- Williams described his childhood in Mississippi Williams wrote plays, a memoir, poems, short
as happy and carefree. This sense of belonging stories and a novel.
and comfort were lost, however, when his family - In 1975, he published memoirs, which detailed
moved to the urban environment of St. Louis, his life and discussed his addiction to drugs and
Missouri. It was there he began to look inward, alcohol, as well as his homosexuality.
and to write — “because I found life - In 1980, Williams wrote Clothes for a Summer
unsatisfactory.” Hotel, based on the lives of Zelda and F. Scott
- Williams’ early adult years were occupied with Fitzgerald.
attending college at three different universities, a - Only three years later, Tennessee Williams died
brief stint working at his father’s shoe company, in a New York City hotel filled with half-finished
and a move to New Orleans, which began a bottles of wine and pills. It was in this
lifelong love of the city and set the locale for A desperation, which Williams had so closely
Streetcar Named Desire. known and so honestly written about, that we can
find a great man and an important body of work.
Rising Career
His genius was in his honesty and in the
- Williams spent a number of years traveling perseverance to tell his stories.
throughout the country and trying to write. His
Modernism and the American Playwrights
first critical acclaim came in 1944 when The
Glass Menagerie opened in Chicago and went to - American theater grew out of the milieu of
Broadway. It won the New York Drama Critics’ sweeping economic, political, social, and
Circle Award and, as a film, the New York Film cultural changes that occurred in the last half of
Critics’ Circle Award. the nineteenth century and throughout the
- At the height of his career in the late 1940s and twentieth. The fallout of the Industrial Revolution
1950s, Williams worked with the premier artists and the shockwave of new psychological theories
of the time, most notably Elia Kazan, the director would resonate throughout American culture,
for stage and screen productions of A Streetcar making strong impact on a burgeoning American
Named Desire, and the stage productions of population realigned by surges of immigrants,
Camino Real, Cat on a Hot Tin Roof, and traumatized by war, and increasingly uprooted in
Sweet Bird of Youth. Kazan also directed the shift from a primarily agrarian to an
Williams’ film Baby Doll. Like many of his urban/suburban society.
works, Baby Doll was simultaneously praised and - Ironically, American playwrights in their reach to
denounced for addressing raw subject matter in a clarify and give meaning to the turbulent changes
straightforward realistic way. of this “modern” world would draw heavily from
the sources that had helped effect change.
Down Spiral to Tragedy
Experimenting in symbiotic relationship with
- The 1960s were perhaps the most difficult years European writers and artists of other genres,
for Williams, as he experienced some of his American dramatists found inspiration in the
harshest treatment from the press. In 1961, he intellectual “arguments” of Charles Darwin,
wrote The Night of the Iguana; and in 1963, The Karl Marx, and Herbert Spencer and
Milk Train Doesn’t Stop Here Anymore. especially the psychoanalytical concepts of
- His plays, which had long received criticism for Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung. The vibrancy of
openly addressing taboo topics, were finding the themes and forms of modern American drama
more and more detractors. resound with these influences.
- Around this time, Williams’ longtime
Artistic Craft
companion, Frank Merlo, died of cancer.
Williams began to depend more and more on - Tennessee Williams crafted forceful statements
alcohol and drugs and though he continued to of psychological and spiritual displacement, loss
write, completing a book of short stories and of connections, loneliness, self-deception, and
retrogression into sexual hedonism. In Setting
confronting problems of the lost individual in an
- The setting for A Streetcar Named Desire takes
industrial, mechanized society, they lay bare
place two years after the end of World War II.
human passions, exposed the raw tensions of the
The entire play is staged in a modest, cramped
American family, and challenged
two-room flat in a particularly low-income are of
Victorian/Puritan morality. Whether delivered in
the French Quarter in New Orleans. All of the
the shocking hyperbole of overstatement, the
action takes place on the first floor of a two-
ambiguity of images and symbols, or the
bedroom apartment. The set is designed so that
heartbreak tone of understatement, the messages
the audience can also see outside and observe
wrought indictments of a wasteland in which the
characters on the street. In the play, the tightly
term “heroic” was redefined.
squeezed setting is a key factor in the drama: it
- The protagonist was no longer an idealistic
provides instant conflict.
“doer” who ventured out to save the day. He was
an alienated tragic hero seeking to belong in an - This simple set is viewed by the various
eroded jungle society, or an everyman trying to characters in sharply contrasting ways — ways
cope through false compensations of pipe that directly reflect the dynamics of the
dreams, or a muted survivor living a life of quiet characters. This clash of views speaks to the heart
desperation, a victim of societal pressure, animal of the plot of this popular play.
desires, and loss of integrity.
- His themes revolve around the old South’s lost The Real New Orleans
aristocracy in tension with the invading - Though these are actual places, the names also
materialism of the reconstructed South. have significant allusions in the play.
- Many of his female characters are individuals o Elysian Fields Avenue – a broad, straight avenue
psychologically trapped in the myths, self- named after the Avenue des Champs-Elysees in
delusions, and pretensions of the “gentility” of Paris.
the agrarian, “Cavalier” past. Some are of the o L & N tracks – the Louisville and Nashville
Southern wench variety, passionate in behavior, railroad operating freight and passenger services
sex-driven, in conflict with Puritan/Victorian in the Southeast of United States.
mores. o the river – refers to the Mississippi River that
- Some of his male characters are lusty, self- down streams from New Orleans to the Gulf of
serving, rednecks; others are poet realists who try Mexico.
to find their way in the shifting economic profile, o The French Quarter – it was established by the
changed values, and altered morality of a new French in 1718, which is why it’s also known as
South. Yet others are dull, unimaginative types, the vieux carre (old square in French). It is the
representative of Williams’ view of those who city’s historic heart, famous for its vibrant
have bought into the herd mentality of the nightlife and colorful buildings with cast-iron
American shoe-factory world. balconies. Crowd-pleasing Bourbon Street
- Williams’ dramatic power comes not only from features jazz clubs, Cajun eateries and raucous
the content of his plays, but also from his non- bars serving potent cocktails. Quieter streets lead
linear structural patterns and the devices of to the French Market, with gourmet food and
technical support he integrates into his scripts. local crafts, and to Jackson Square where street
His use of symbols such as the animal figures in performers entertain in front of soaring St. Louis
The Glass Menagerie, his use of music, lighting, Cathedral.
and set design to move his narrator in and out of o Preservation Hall – a musical venue in the
memory; his destination names for trolleys and French Quarter that perpetuate traditional New
the end-of-the-line location in Streetcar, and Orleans Jazz.
certainly the vibrant images in his play titles o Lake Pontchartrain – a brackish estuary located
reinforce, through nuance and insinuation, his in southeastern Louisiana that covers an area of
characterizations and basic themes add a haunting 630 square miles with depth of 12 to 20 feet.
third dimension to his plays.
o Bourbon Street – a historic street in the heart of with strangers was all I seemed able to fill my
the French Quarter. Famous for its many bars and empty heart with. And she was particularly drawn
strip clubs. to very young men who would remind her of her
o Desire Street – named after Desiree Gautler young husband. During those years of
Montrieul, the daughter of Robert Gautler de promiscuity, Blanche had never been able to find
Montrieul who owned the plantation on the land anyone to fill the emptiness.
where the street now lies.
- Despite these, she still felt pure and innocent,
o Canal Street – a major thoroughfare in the city
playing the ideal type of person she would like to
of New Orleans. Served historically as the
be. For her, it is only her body that she has given
dividing line between the colonial-era city and the
to strangers, but not her whole being.
newer American Sector, todays Central Business
District. Stanley Kowalski – Stella’s husband; a blue-collar
- Somewhat seen by most as a brute, Stanley can
Stella Kowalski – Blanche’s sister; left family estate to
be understood as being the practical and
marry and make a life for herself
straightforward guy. He is loud, and dresses like
Harold Mitchell – Stanley’s friend; known as Mitch one, hating refinements and subtleties and most
especially pretensions. This is reflected as how
Eunice & Steve Hubbell – neighbors of Stella and
people see him as common, crude and vulgar.
Stanley Kowalski
Stan is also run by his basic instincts, the reason
Blanche Dubois – high school English teacher; tried to why his animal-like behavior often rises. This can
save family estate (Belle Reve) be seen the way he equates love with sex, his
exuberating masculinity, and his territorial
- Innocent-like in appearance but internally attitude under the guise of the Napoleonic Code.
damaged by the succeeding tragedies that befell And when that territory is threatened, he strikes
her, Blanche lived in an imagined world of the back with hostility.
past where gentility and refined delicate
sensitivity still mattered. She presents herself to The Napoleonic Code (France, 1804) – French civil
others as cultured and intelligent, detesting vulgar code by Napoleon Bonapart enacted on March 21, 1804,
remarks and actions. The problem with her is that and still extant, with revisions. It was the main influence
she only tells only what ought to be the truth. on the 19th-century civil codes of most countries of
continental Europe and Latin America. Under the code all
- She was married to a young boy who has male citizens are equal.
tenderness and softness which wasn't like a man's,
even though he wasn't the least bit effeminate - The first book of the code deals with the law of
looking. It turns out, as to her discovery, that the persons: the enjoyment of civil rights, the
boy was gay, and was having a relationship with protection of personality, domicile, guardianship,
an older man. Her revulsion and deliberate act of tutorship, relations of parents and children,
cruelty against him pushed the boy to suicide. marriage, personal relations of spouses, and the
This was followed by a series of deaths in her dissolution of marriage were favored in divorce
family and the ultimate loss of her ancestral proceedings. Many of those provisions were
home. To escape from these brutalities and to reformed only in the second half of the 20th
escape from the lonely void created by her young century.
husband's death, Blanche turned to alcohol and - The second book deals with the law of things: the
sexual promiscuity. regulation of property rights — ownership,
usufruct, and servitudes.
- Blanche gave herself to men for other reasons. - The third book deals with the methods of
She felt that she had failed her young husband in acquiring rights: by succession, donation,
some way. Therefore, she tried to alleviate her marriage settlement, and obligations. In the last
guilt by giving herself at random to other young chapters, the code regulates a number of
men. And by sleeping with others, she was trying nominate contracts, legal and conventional
to fill the void left by Allan's death — intimacies
mortgages, limitations of actions, and • airily – in a light or frivolous manner
prescriptions of rights. • atomizer – a type of spray dispenser that turns
liquids (perfume, in this usage) into a fine mist
Scene Two
• fornications – sexual acts
“Early the following evening, Stella and Stanley • gander – a look
talk while Blanche is in the bathroom preparing to go out • improvident – careless, reckless, irresponsible
to dinner with Stella because it is poker night. She • perpetrated – committed, carried out
mentions that Belle Reve has been lost and asks Stanley • peruse – to read carefully or thoroughly
to be nice to Blanche. She tells him of the difficult life • swindled – cheated
Blanche has led and that she has never told Blanche about • tiara – a type of jeweled headdress resembling a
the apartment and neighborhood. Stanley asks about the crown
plantation and becomes angry as Stella tries to downplay
• treachery – betrayal, disloyalty
the loss. He tells her that the Napoleonic code means that
he, because he is married to her, owned part of Belle Reve Scene Five
and they have been swindled. He goes to Blanche’s trunk
“Later, as Blanche is writing a letter and reading
and pulls out her clothes and jewelry to prove that she has
it to Stella, the Hubbells have a loud and violent fight.
money when they do not. Stella becomes angry, tells him,
Eunice rushes out saying she is going to the police.
“You have no idea how stupid and horrid you’re being”
Stanley and Blanche exchange insults, and he brings up
(36) and leaves. Stanley stays in the kitchen waiting for
the hotel where she was a prostitute. He exits. Blanche
Blanche. When she enters from the bathroom, Stanley
asks Stella if she has heard any rumors. When she says no,
mentions her elegant and expensive clothes, and they talk
Blanche begins to hint about what happened in the hotel.
about her appearance and his manliness. When Stella calls
When Stella brings Blanche a drink, Blanche becomes
out from the street, Blanche asks her to get her a lemon-
emotional about the support that Stella gives her and
coke at the drugstore, obviously a ploy to get her out of
promises to leave soon. She tells Stella that Mitch is
hearing distance. Stanley’s comment — “If I didn’t know
coming that evening and admits to wanting him but
that you was my wife’s sister, I’d get ideas about you”
needing “to deceive him enough to make him—want me”
(41)—makes clear the underlying sex that is part of their
(81). Stanley returns, and Stella leaves with him,
new relationship. Stanley asks to see papers related to the
cautioning Blanche not to have anything more to drink. A
loss of Belle Reve. Blanche says that everything she owns
young man arrives collecting for the newspaper, and
is in her trunk. He rummages through the trunk, and she
Blanche flirts with him and kisses him as he tries to leave.
reaches in to get the box containing her papers. Stanley
Mitch then arrives with roses.”
notices other papers under the box. When Blanche tells
him that they are “love letters all from one boy” (41), he Understanding the Play
grabs them. She demands them back and says, “Now that
you’ve touched them, I’ll burn them!” (42), adding that - The structure of this play is best seen through a
they are poems written by the young husband she hurt. As series of confrontations between Blanche DuBois
Stanley looks through the papers, she tells him that blame and Stanley Kowalski. In the first scene the
for the loss of the plantation belongs to “our improvident confrontation is not so severe, but it increases in
grandfathers and father and uncles and brothers [who] severity until one of the two must be destroyed.
exchanged the land for their epic fornications” (43). To understand fully the scenes of confrontations,
While explaining the Napoleonic code, Stanley also readers should have a good understanding of what
mentions that Stella is pregnant. Stella returns, Stanley is at stake in each encounter.
takes the papers into the bedroom, and Blanche joins - The most obvious difference between the worlds
Stella outside. After Blanche tells her that she treated of Blanche DuBois and Stanley Kowalski lies in
Stanley’s comments as a joke, she admits to flirting with the diversity of their backgrounds. Blanche
him. The poker players arrive, and Blanche and Stella belonged to the aristocratic and refined as
leave for dinner and a show.” compared to Stanley who came from the working
class. This stark contrast reflects why Blanche’s
Vocabulary: kind prefers tea parties, luncheons and cocktails.
Stanley prefers playing poker and bowling. It also
• absconding – running away, usually after having
shows how each value money, where Stan openly
stolen something
admits the need for money as the means to
happiness. Stanley's interest in Belle Reve centers November 30, 1947 – four days before the New
only upon the fact that under the Napoleonic York opening of A Streetcar Named Desire.
Code he loses money. He cares nothing for the
“Sometime this month I will observe the third
tradition of the place but only its financial value.
anniversary of the Chicago opening of "The Glass
Money, to his type, is a power that can buy some
Menagerie," and even which terminated one part of my
basic wants or pleasures of life. This gives him a
life and began another about as different in all external
type of animal superiority to the world of people
circumstances as could be well imagined. I was snatched
(like the DuBois) who do not understand the value
out of a virtual oblivion and thrust into sudden
of money and then become destitute.
prominence, and from the precarious tenancy of furnished
- A Kowalski, as seen in Stanley, is simple,
rooms about the country I was removed to a suite in a first-
straightforward, and honest. He tolerates nothing
class Manhattan hotel. My experience was not unique.
but the bare, unembellished truth. Blanche, so to
Success has often come that abruptly into the lives of
speak, puts a sugar-coated, romantic view on the
harshness of truth. This isn't lying to her. A lie,
for Blanche, would be a betrayal of herself, of “No, my experience was not exceptional, but neither
everything she believes in. Therefore, it would was it quite ordinary, and if you are willing to accept the
not only be a verbal lie but also a lie in act. somewhat eclectic proposition that I had not been writing
Stanley abhors excuses. He accepts it for nothing with such an experience in mind--and many people are not
other than a lie and detests Blanche for deceiving willing to believe that a playwright is interested in
others with it. This conflict is irresolvable anything but popular success--there may be some point in
because it originates in the essence of their comparing the two estates.
personalities. To concede to the other's view
entails self-destruction. “The sort of life which I had had previous to this
- Love is essential to both worlds but has entirely popular success was one that required endurance, a life of
different significance for each. Stanley needs love clawing and scratching along a sheer surface and holding
to satisfy his animal desires. To him it is the on tight with raw fingers to every inch of rock higher than
physical act of love, no more. Blanche's the one caught hold of before, but it was a good life
sensitivity is the key to her approach to love. She because it was the sort of life for which the human
needs someone not to fulfill her basic physical organism is created. I was not aware of how much vital
desires but to protect her or she feels the need of energy had gone into this struggle until the struggle was
giving herself to someone. Her concept of love is removed. I was out on a level plateau with my arms still
on a higher level than Stanley's. Shunning the thrashing and my lungs still grabbing at air that no longer
brutality and animality of a Kowalski, she seeks resisted. This was security at last.
some type of communication, some capacity for “I sat down and looked about me and was suddenly
devotion. Desire isn't the lustful passion that very depressed. I thought to myself, this is just a period of
Stanley regards it, but it is a spiritual need. adjustment. Tomorrow morning, I will wake up in this
Speaking of Mitch, Stella asks her, "Blanche, do first-class hotel suite above the discreet hum of an East
you want him?" She answers, "I want to rest. I Side boulevard and I will appreciate its elegance and
want to breathe quietly again." She seeks security luxuriate in its comforts and know that I have arrived at
and protection for her sensitiveness against the our American plan of Olympus. Tomorrow morning when
rough edges of her surroundings. I look at the green satin sofa, I will fall in love with it. It
- Thus, the play is structured on the principle of is only temporarily that the green satin looks like slime on
presenting the two worlds, establishing what each stagnant water.
world believes in, and then placing these worlds
in a series of direct confrontations until one is “But in the morning the inoffensive little sofa looked
destroyed. more revolting than the night before and I was already
getting too fat for the $125 suit which a fashionable
On a Streetcar Named Success acquaintance had selected for me. In the suite things
- By Tennessee Williams; this essay appeared in began to break accidentally. An arm came off the sofa.
The New York Times Drama Section, Cigarette burns appeared on the polished surfaces of the
furniture. Windows were left open and a rainstorm
flooded the suite. But the maid always put it straight and
the patience of the management was inexhaustible. Late “When the gauze mask was removed, I found myself
parties could not offend them seriously. Nothing short of in a readjusted world. I checked out of the handsome suite
a demolition bomb seemed to bother my neighbors. at the first-class hotel, packed my papers and a few
incidental belongings and left for Mexico, and elemental
“I lived on room-service. But in this, too, there was a
country where you can quickly forget the false dignities
disenchantment. Sometime between the moment when I
and conceits imposed by success, a country where
ordered dinner over the 'phone and when it was rolled into
vagrants innocent as children curl up to sleep on
my living room like a corpse on a rubber-wheeled table, I
pavements and human voices especially when their
lost all interest in it. Once I ordered a sirloin steak and a
language is not familiar to the ear, are soft as birds'. My
chocolate sundae, but everything was so cunningly
public self, that artifice of mirrors, did not exist here and
disguised on the table that I mistook the chocolate sauce
so my natural being was resumed.
for gravy and poured it over the sirloin steak. Of course,
all this was the more trivial aspect of a spiritual “Then, as a final act of restoration, I settled for a while
dislocation that began to manifest itself in far more at Chapala to work on a play called "The Poker Night,"
disturbing ways. I soon found myself becoming which later became "A Streetcar Named Desire." It is only
indifferent to people. A well of cynicism rose in me. in his work that an artist can find reality and satisfaction,
Conversations all sounded like they had been recorded for the actual world is less intense than the world of his
years ago and were being played back on a turntable. invention and consequently his life, without recourse to
Sincerity and kindliness seemed to have gone out of my violent disorder, does not seem very substantial. The right
friends' voices. I suspected them of hypocrisy. I stopped condition for him is that in which his work is not only
calling them, stopped seeing them. I was impatient of convenient but unavoidable.
what I took to be inane flattery.
“This is an over-simplification. One does not escape
“I got so sick of hearing people say, "I loved your that easily from the seductions of an effete way of life.
play!" that I could not say thank you any more. I choked You cannot arbitrarily say to yourself, I will now continue
on the words and turned rudely away from the usually my life as it was before this thing. Success happened to
sincere person. I no longer felt any pride in the play itself me. But once you fully apprehend the vacuity of a life
but began to dislike it, probably because I felt too lifeless without struggle you are equipped with the basic means
inside ever to create another. I was walking around dead of salvation. Once you know this is true, that the heart of
in my shoes, and I knew it but there was no one I knew or man, his body and his brain, are forged in a white-hot
trusted sufficiently, at that time, to take him aside and tell furnace for the purpose of conflict (the struggle of
him what was the matter. creation) and that with the conflict removed, the man is a
sword cutting daisies, that not privation but luxury is the
“This curious condition persisted about three months,
wolf at the door and that the fangs of this wolf are all the
till late spring, when I decided to have another eye
little vanities and conceits and laxities that Success is heir
operation, mainly because of the excuse it gave me to
to--why, then with this knowledge you are at least in a
withdraw from the world behind a gauze mask. It was my
position of knowing where danger lies.
fourth eye operation, and perhaps I should explain that I
had been afflicted for about five years with a cataract on “You know, then, that the public Somebody you are
my left eye which required a series of needling operations when you "have a name" is a fiction created with mirrors
and finally an operation on the muscle of the eye. (The and that the only somebody worth being is the solitary and
eye is still in my head. So much for that.) unseen you that existed from your first breath and which
is the sum of your actions and so is constantly in a state of
“Well, the gauze mask served a purpose. While I was
becoming under your own volition--and knowing these
resting in the hospital the friends whom I had neglected
things, you can even survive the catastrophe of Success!
or affronted in one way or another began to call on me and
now that I was in pain and darkness, their voices seemed “It is never altogether too late, unless you embrace the
to have changed, or rather that unpleasant mutation which Bitch Goddess, as William James called her, with both
I had suspected earlier in the season had now disappeared arms and find in her smothering caresses exactly what the
and they sounded now as they used to sound in the homesick little boy in you always wanted, absolute
lamented days of my obscurity. Once more they were protection and utter effortlessness. Security is a kind of
sincere and kindly voices with the ring of truth in them. death, I think, and it can come to you in a storm of royalty
checks beside a kidney-shaped pool in Beverly Hills or
anywhere at all that is removed from the conditions that to Fort Hare he would arrange wives for him and
made you an artist, if that's what you are or were intended his cousin justice. They ran away to
to be. Ask anyone who has experienced the kind of Johannesburg instead, arriving there in 1941.
success I am talking about--What good is it? Perhaps to There he worked as a mine security officer and
get an honest answer you will have to give him a shot of after meeting Walter Sisulu, an estate agent, he
truth-serum but the word he will finally groan is was introduced to Lazer Sidelsky.
unprintable in genteel publications. - He then did his articles through a firm of
attorneys – Witkin, Eidelman and Sidelsky. He
“Then what is good? The obsessive interest in human
completed his BA through the University of
affairs, plus a certain amount of compassion and moral
South Africa and went back to Fort Hare for his
conviction, that first made the experience of living
graduation in 1943.
something that must be translated into pigment or music
- Meanwhile, he began studying for an LLB at the
or bodily movement or poetry or prose or anything that's
University of the Witwatersrand. By his own
dynamic and expressive--that's what's good for you if
admission, he was a poor student and left the
you're at all serious in your aims. William Saroyan wrote
university in 1952 without graduating. He only
a great on this theme, that purity of heart is the one success
started studying again through the University of
worth having. "In the time of your life--live!" That time is
London after his imprisonment in 1962 but also
short and it doesn't return again. It is slipping away while
did not complete that degree.
I write this and while you read it, and the monosyllable of
- In 1989, while in the last months of his
the clock is Loss, Loss, Loss unless you devote your heart
imprisonment, he obtained an LLB through the
to its opposition.”
University of South Africa. He graduated in
BLACK MAN IN A WHITE MAN’S COURT absentia at a ceremony in Cape Town.

Rolihlala Mandela – was born into the Madiba clan in Entering Politics
the village of Mvezo, in the Eastern Cape, on 18 July
- Mandela, while increasingly politically involved
from 1942, only joined the African National
- His mother was Nonqaphi Nosekeni and his Congress in 1944 when he helped to form the
father was Nkosi Mphakanyiswa Gadla ANC Youth League (ANCYL).
Mandela, principal counsellor to the Acting King - In 1944, he married Walter Sisulu’s cousin,
of Thembu people, Jongintaba Dalindyebo. In Evelyn Mase, a nurse. They had two sons,
1930, when he was 12 years old, his father died, Madiba Thembekile "Thembi" and
and the young Rolihlahla became of a ward of Makgatho, and two daughters both called
Jongintaba at the Great Place in Mqhekezweni1. Makaziwe, the first of whom died in infancy. He
- Hearing the elders’ stories of his ancestors’ valor and his wife divorced in 1958.
during the wars of resistance, he dreamed also of - Mandela rose through the ranks of the ANCYL
making his contribution to the freedom struggle and through its efforts, the ANC adopted a more
of his people. radical mass-based policy, the Programme of
- He attended primary school in Qunu where his Action, in 1949 In 1952 he was chosen as the
teacher, Miss Mdingane, gave him the name National Volunteer-in-Chief of the Defiance
Nelson, in accordance with the custom of giving Campaign with Maulvi Cachalia as his deputy.
all schoolchildren “Christian” names. This campaign of civil disobedience against six
- He completed his Junior Certificate at unjust laws was a joint programme between the
Clarkebury Boarding Institute and went on to ANC and the South African Indian Congress. He
Healdtown, a Wesleyan secondary school of and 19 others were charged under the
some repute, where hi matriculated. Suppression of Communism Act for their part
- Mandela began his studies for a Bachelor of Arts in the campaign and sentenced to nine months of
degree at the University College of Fort Hare but hard labor, suspended for two years.
did not complete the degree there as he was - A two-year diploma in law on top of his BA
expelled for joining in a student protest. allowed Mandela to practice law, and in August
- On his return to the Great Place at Mqhekezweni, 1952, he and Oliver Tambo established South
the King was furious and said if he didn’t return Africa’s first black law firm, Mandela & Tambo.
- At the end of 1952, he was banned for the first KwaZulu-Natal, where he had briefed ANC
time. As a restricted person he was only permitted President Chief Albert Luthuli about his trip.
to watch in secret as the Freedom Charter was - He was charged with leaving the country without
adopted in Kliptown on 26 June 1955. a permit and inciting workers to strike. He was
convicted and sentenced to five years'
The Treason Trial
imprisonment, which he began serving at the
- Mandela was arrested in a countrywide police Pretoria Local Prison. On 27 May 1963, he was
swoop on 5 December 1956, which led to the transferred to Robben Island and returned to
1956 Treason Trial. Men and women of all races Pretoria on 12 June. Within a month police raided
found themselves in the dock in the marathon trial Liliesleaf, a secret hideout in Rivonia,
that only ended when the last 28 accused, Johannesburg, used by ANC and Communist
including Mandela, were acquitted on 29 March Party activists, and several of his comrades were
1961. arrested.
- On 21 March 1960, police killed 69 unarmed - On 9 October 1963, Mandela joined 10 others on
people in a protest in Sharpeville against the trial for sabotage in what became known as the
passed laws. This led to the country’s first state of Rivonia Trial. While facing the death penalty his
emergency and the banning of the ANC and the words to the court at the end of his famous
Pan Africanist Congress (PAC) on 8 April. "Speech from the Dock" on 20 April 1964
Mandela and his colleagues in the Treason Trial became immortalized: “I have fought against
were among thousands detained during the state white domination, and I have fought against
of emergency. black domination. I have cherished the ideal of a
- During the trial Mandela married a social worker, democratic and free society in which all persons
Winnie Madikizela, on 14 June 1958. They had live together in harmony and with equal
two daughters, Zenani and Zindziswa. The opportunities. It is an ideal which I hope to live
couple divorced in 1996. for and to achieve. But if needs be, it is an ideal
- Days before the end of the Treason Trial, for which I am prepared to die.”
Mandela travelled to Pietermaritzburg to speak - On 11 June 1964, Mandela and seven other
at the All-in Africa Conference, which resolved accused, Walter Sisulu, Ahmed Kathrada,
that he should write to Prime Minister Govan Mbeki, Raymond Mhlaba, Denis
Verwoerd requesting a national convention on a Goldberg, Elias Motsoaledi and Andrew
non-racial constitution, and to warn that should Mlangeni, were convicted and the next day were
he not agree there would be a national strike sentenced to life imprisonment. Goldberg was
against South Africa becoming a republic. After sent to Pretoria Prison because he was white,
he and his colleagues were acquitted in the while the others went to Robben Island.
Treason Trial, Mandela went underground and - Mandela’s mother died in 1968 and his eldest son,
began planning a national strike for 29, 30 and 31 Thembi, in 1969. He was not allowed to attend
March. their funerals.
- In the face of massive mobilization of state - On 31 March 1982, Mandela was transferred to
security, the strike was called off early. In June Pollsmoor Prison in Cape Town with Sisulu,
1961, he was asked to lead the armed struggle and Mhlaba and Mlangeni. Kathrada joined them in
helped to establish Umkhonto weSizwe (Spear October. When he returned to the prison in
of the Nation), which launched on 16 December November 1985 after prostate surgery, Mandela
1961 with a series of explosions. was held alone. Justice Minister Kobie Coetsee
- On 11 January 1962, using the adopted name visited him in hospital. Later Mandela initiated
David Motsamayi, Mandela secretly left South talks about an ultimate meeting between the
Africa. He travelled around Africa and visited apartheid government and the ANC.
England to gain support for the armed struggle.
Release from Prison
He received military training in Morocco and
Ethiopia and returned to South Africa in July - On 12 August 1988, he was taken to hospital
1962. He was arrested in a police roadblock where he was diagnosed with tuberculosis. After
outside Howick on 5 August while returning from more than three months in two hospitals he was
transferred on 7 December 1988 to a house at Asians and Coloreds – people of mixed race. In white-
Victor Verster Prison near Paarl where he spent ruled South Africa, black people were denied basic human
his last 14 months of imprisonment. He was rights and political rights. Their labor was exploited, their
released from its gates on Sunday 11 February lives segregated.
1990, nine days after the unbanning of the ANC
- Under Apartheid, racist beliefs were enshrined in
and the PAC and nearly four months after the
law and any criticism of the law was suppressed.
release of his remaining Rivonia comrades.
Apartheid was racism made law. It was a system
Throughout his imprisonment he had rejected at
dictated in the minutest detail as to how and
least three conditional offers of release.
where the large black majority would live, work
- Mandela immersed himself in official talks to end
and die. This system of institutionalized racial
white minority rule and in 1991 was elected ANC
discrimination defied the principles of the United
President to replace his ailing friend, Oliver
Nations Charter and the Universal Declaration
Tambo. In 1993, he and President FW de Klerk
of Human Rights.
jointly won the Nobel Peace Prize and on 27
April 1994 he voted for the first time in his life. Under Apartheid:
President - A population register is established to fix the
racial classification of every South African
- On 10 May 1994, he was inaugurated as South
Africa’s first democratically elected President.
- Marriage or living together between whites and
On his 80th birthday in 1998, he married Graça
non-whites is a criminal offense.
Machel, his third wife.
- Towns and rural areas are divided into zones in
- True to his promise, Mandela stepped down in
which ownership of property, commercial
1999 after one term as President. He continued to
activity and residence is limited to people of a
work with the Nelson Mandela Children’s
specific racial group. Africans travel into white
Fund he set up in 1995 and established the
areas to work, but they require passes to do so.
Nelson Mandela Foundation and The Mandela
- The universities are reserved for white students,
Rhodes Foundation.
while 'apartness' is carried to extreme lengths in
- In April 2007, his grandson, Mandla Mandela,
the educational arrangements for everyone else:
was installed as head of the Mvezo Traditional
Coloreds, Asians and even the major African
Council at a ceremony at the Mvezo Great Place.
tribal groups (Sotho, Xhosa and Zulu) are now
- Nelson Mandela never wavered in his devotion to
provided with colleges of their own. In everyday
democracy, equality and learning. Despite
life separate facilities are introduced where
terrible provocation, he never answered racism
previously there was no formal segregation – in
with racism. His life is an inspiration to all who
buses and trains, post offices and libraries,
are oppressed and deprived; and to all who are
cinemas and theatres.
opposed to oppression and deprivation.
- The non-white population of South Africa is
- He died at his home in Johannesburg on 5
progressively excluded from the nation's political
December 2013.
processes. The Colored citizens of the Cape
If you are NOT WHITE, you cannot: Province, for example, are deprived in 1956 (after
a long legal battle) of their previous electoral
• Take up a skilled trade rights.
• Travel where you want - The advocates of apartheid claim that these
• Live in areas reserved for white people limitations are balanced by a separate political
• Own land system designed for the African majority. The
• Go to university Promotion of Self Government Act, in 1959,
• Receive the same education as white people arranges for the creation of ten African
• Vote homelands (also known as Bantustans) which
will be to some extent self-governing, though
Apartheid – consisted of numerous laws that allowed the
their policies remain subject to veto by the
ruling white minority in South Africa to segregate, exploit
national administration in Pretoria. The Transkei,
and terrorize the vast majority: Africans, mostly, but also
dating from 1959, is the largest and earliest of the substantially equal, so allowing the government to
Bantustans. provide better facilities to whites.
- In 1948, the National Party, led by Dr. Daniel
- Every amenity imaginable was subject to racial
Malan, won a General Election and promised to
categorization, from taxis and ambulances, parks,
introduce Apartheid (separation) into South
maternity wards and graveyards to walkways
Africa. There were already a number of laws in
over roads and parking spaces in drive-in
place, e.g. the Native Land Acts and laws against
cinemas. Beaches were strictly segregated with
marriages between the races, that separated black
those offering more facilities, bathing and interest
and white South Africans. However, these were
(such as Boulders Beach) designated 'White
to be developed by a series of grand and petty
only'. Africans were only permitted on Mnandi
Apartheid laws.
Beach, and although coloreds were allocated
Grand Apartheid Laws: more coastal areas these were unattractive and
lacking in facilities.
o The Population Registration Act – this grouped
- In the mid-fifties, the government attempted to
every South African into a particular race - white,
further restrict racially mixed gatherings by
Indian, colored (mixed race) and black (Bantu).
amending the Group Areas Act to prevent
Only whites could vote, and the opportunities
anyone going to a restaurant, a concert or the
available to each group decreased according to
cinema in an area not zoned for their racial group.
their race.
With the threat of large fines, only a few groups,
o The Mixed Marriages Act – this made it a crime
such as the National Union of South African
for any marriage to take place between a white
Students (NUSAS) and the Liberal Party, dared
person and a person of any other racial group.
continue mixed social gatherings.
o The Immorality Act – this made it a crime for
- The Native Laws Amendment Act (1957)
any sexual act to be committed between a white
prohibited Africans from going to church
person and a person of any other racial group.
services in white areas. However, despite the lack
Between 1950 and 1985 there were more than
of protest by the Dutch Reformed Church, the
24,000 prosecutions and nearly half (11,614)
law was not enforced, and some churches became
were convictions.
the rare public places where cross-racial
o The Group Areas Act – this divided South
gatherings persisted.
Africa up into different areas where the different
- Somewhat ironically, the only other places where
race groups could live. 84% of the land was given
this occurred were in nightclubs such as the
to the whites, even though they were only 15% of
Catacombs and Navigators' Den, famous for
the total population. Blacks were only given 14%
drug-dealing and prostitution.
of the land, known as the ‘Tribal Homelands’,
Mandela’s first major act of defiance was to form
even though they made up over 80% of the
South Africa’s first black law firm with his
population. If you were living in the ‘wrong’ area
colleague, Oliver Tambo. Soon after, Mandela
you had to move. Usually it was black and
began to lead the ANC, and was joined by many
colored people that had to move: out of 3.5
people, both black and white, who wanted to
million people who had to leave their homes
speak out against apartheid. Mandela hoped that
under this act between 1951 and 1986, only 2%
peaceful protest could get rid of the policy, but
were white.
what he was trying to do was very dangerous, and
o The Pass Laws – these laws made it compulsory
in 1956, Mandela and 155 other people were
for blacks to carry pass books (identity cards) at
arrested and imprisoned for treason. It was only
all times, which allowed them to have permission
after a trial lasting five years that he was set free.
to be in a white area for a limited amount of time.
In 1960, some people held a demonstration
If they did not have their pass, blacks could be
against apartheid at Sharpeville, near
arrested and imprisoned.
Johannesburg. The police shot dead 69 black
Petty Apartheid Laws – segregated everyday places. people. Despite this, the government blamed the
The Separate Amenities Act of 1953 included a clause ANC, and subsequently banned the organization.
stating that separate facilities no longer had to be It was at this point that instead of being the leader
of the ANC, Mandela became that of a secret
army, known as Umkhonto we Sizwe, or ‘Spear
of the Nation’. As a result, he was hunted by the
police, and had to hide and use disguise. He also
travelled to other countries to ask for help, but on
5th August 1962 Mandela was arrested again and
accused of plotting to overthrow the government.
In 1964, at the age of 46, he was given a life
Disguised as a chauffeur, he was arrested by
police in 1962 (supposedly turned in by the CIA)
and jailed for five years for leaving the country
without a passport. On 5th August 1962, Nelson
Mandela was imprisoned for attempting to
overthrow South Africa’s apartheid rule.
When security police swooped down on the
African National Congress underground hideout
in 1963, they found a fanciful guerrilla warfare
document that would have terrorists from Russia
and Algeria landing by submarine. Mandela was
brought from prison to stand trial for treason
along with seven comrades. Defending himself,
Mandela gave his now-famous “black man in a
white man’s court.”
[read: On Freedom: Black Man in a White Court (Nelson
Mandela’s First Court Statement, 1962)]

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