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‘SEC. 2. Te works mentioned In Sxton 1 of this Act ‘hall ben the orignal esos of thelr nexprgated Eng ‘hand Natical Lanpvage versions. ‘SEC. 2. The Department of Baan sal lake steps o promulgate rules tnd region forthe imate plemertation of the proviens ot Ac. ‘SEC. 4. No provision of thls At shall be constred as robbing or ling the study of te wrk € eter F- in eres. SSBC. 8. Any pubic or private collge or university {ond vetting. ting <> comply wn, or cletmmenting ‘he provisions of is Act sal! be punished coreg (2) Te Head o any pubic cates or univer charend ‘th implementing the proviso ft At, who shal ave ‘ee fund ly a wilting nln oer wi Fe Smet te protons heres, dale ised rn ‘ay trom th ovine sal be sq from tac {ng in any public or goverment recogni pate eebool, (Siege o univers (@) Government recognition of any pate cee or ninety found nang. ar erating the protons ‘his Act Sal De meaty wna, and te eee {ne Head te profesor or profane sented sal be Wrrtcat Blt 1460 FC2> 130-37. ‘THE TRIALS OF THE RIZAL BILL, By Dr. J. B, LAUREL, Jn” on loaves ve tea unre or proved acme dcusson at Republic Act No 1425, terse Enon asthe Ma lee heed dpe ht raged rue {its Tgiiation the Dilerness nd termination that aitended iis enacloent, ae almost unperaleled inthe snals of Congres ‘When i wa filed by the Commitee on Bdueation on Ait 23, 199 Senate ill No. 108 wae supported by al but of the ‘embers of the Upper Houte nd seemed, 1o all appearances, & eure. Duk whem on April iy 136, Sen Stor José P Lael, se Chiron ofthe Commitee of Bdveation, Eagan hi sponsraip ofthe ensure, Oe rambles ofthe gather ngutoem sounded ah anlnow warning. Ths wa to mack the he cart of tne long-drawn dlspatations, bth enlightened and ‘Besmontous that would sngrest snd vie the nation for Three nee weeks. ‘The original version of Senate Bill No.4 read as follows 48 ACT TO MAKE NOLL ME TANGIERE AND EL FE.IBOS Aetsngo controvsORy READING MATTER IN ALL, a2 wromicas nontare ver “The Cutholle elements fn and outede Congress, however, ‘were quik to ail he meature a a alempt to discredit theif {aigion.Claming thatthe wo novels contained View nile {othe tonateof te fll they parila challenged the com Paseo the Bil a live egos le cipal bai of thelr opposison wa en alleged Pastoral Letor ‘which, wile pessing Ral, pectaly branded his novels at Foreland paws, The teensy ofthis eter ws much ted and never defintely established, but tere sno qu. lon that je added fuel tothe fires of sod that ho’ eleady fnflamed the pasion of the pope enc DRM on Senne Ne 450 ta on Apa 2, 1 senator Lateel wat = pees oles ‘ardent atonal tbe farms Sener Claro Me Meo. “Tn ‘heather cmp wre Sensors Marana Caenen, Pranchcy Roe ‘Sign and Detran Rosle ll of them Weniied as rabid Co: the controversy whose merely cxchange of abe peo Eee i held ‘he maton ‘Senator Recto provd his wal tilinnce asa parliaments. ‘fon end his Yost erin i htry aed law, ncbding Canon “There wes dot ao ta be war an authority om te “cin cee contteee and teach the dts of en Ship: Now theretore. ‘Be i enced bythe Senate and Howse of Representatives tthe Patines fn Congas seed: SSBOTION Cours on the ue, works and wings toe Ria, partcalany his res Hoh Me Tange and 2B Pithstorimo, shall Be sc In te crea of al) hooks, colossal uniertie, pubic oc pate: Pro- ied, tat tn he college courses, te Giga or unex ‘parated eins of tha Rol Me Taare ana #1 Pao. "sho or that Engi ration sal be sed as base ets. "The Bose of Naan Raication ie bere autorand sd lcd to adopt frthith masts fo imperent. and {ary oat the provtons of ths Seton, ieoting the wing {in printing of appropri primers, ears and textbooks. "The Board shall hin sey (0) days rom the ety fC alopary nature, to onry out an enforce De DoW ‘ons of te Aes. Slane and regulon shall ae effoc ‘ire (20) dope ator thes publction tn the Ota Ga SEC. 2.1 shat bo git el sia ans ‘universes to roo copies of te origina tnd wena. {iin edn othe fol Me Tangere and #1 Fuster. Pirel osof late ter woes aed ogra. Te sid Unexpired eons of the ol Me Tangee td 2 Fi- ‘ustelono or tel translation fn als well as oer Tot Ri shall be Hnlude nthe Hist of approved ook for requ reading In al public oF privat eho, Gages ane niertes. 8 de suwronsca monaran manner ‘alin the Senate that drew more pubic stnton, Not fenderr ofthe Bl i the Howe, wees te sl, wee Can Gres Byles aco Beau, Sn ee Tamonbey ‘the euspoken opponents were Congressmen Ramon Duran, Js Nuguld Mariani tad eos aseas Parse, Gnsedo Ram, Miguel Cenc, snd Cae (Carmen D. Consing std Fela Sen Andres igs. | o ‘aad ‘Gn Bay 9,198, however, he controversy tok anew though ‘ol quite unexpected frm that strred ne hope fot a fal re the ism This cam shout when Senator Laure, Sensing the file of frber se gn the mater, roe 0 pr: Eee gem a anda wih too deal ero 2d pee, dope aw rene Wi, (OSE cum and davon tte es nd works Tat 5 ‘Bie snap the national charac, eres tb ie, works ao writs of Ye Ra a © aunty ts poss ll me Tangere sad Phat, 7 te apres asin with wh oes arng ek oxi sac ‘Scanned by Conscanner, ‘uri TREALS OP THE ROEAL, a ‘the Board of National Education. Several members spoke on the substitute bil, among them Senators Loci, Polar, Briones Sebido, Pujat and Cuenco, Sill vigorously opposed, Senator Rodrigo suggested tho dleticn of the proviso in Sesion 1, but AN cage ce by te Seat m then a “enn for another lengthy deputation. "Then, quite abr, te a | lowing proceedings took place: = [ENAIENDA A LA ENMRENDA FoR SUSTITUCION Senator Priicias. T now, Mr. Present, n the name ‘ot many members of th. body, present ts amendment to the amundiment: On pago 2, in 6, aller We pared (1) {ollowing the word "uc" inset the follow ‘THE DOARD SHAUL. PROMULGATE RULES AND [REGULATIONS PROVIDING FOR THE Sloe aioe or ci [REQUIREMENT OP TE PROVISION CONTAINED I ‘Tamm SECOND PART OF THE Vins PARAGHAPH OF ‘Tals SeoTION; BOT NOT PROM TAKING THE COURSE PROVIDED FOR INTHE FIRST PART OF SAID PARA- GRAPH” ‘The Prrdent. Those wo aren favor ofthe amend. ‘ent to amendment wl plese Say ape. (Several set ‘Tor: Aye). Those who sre punt pl lease sa 1. {tence} "the amendment i tanioutyapproved- Ce ls th a me, Hr fa eee peten eo eee emo sepa i re Ras SE ote id Ts na “er rat tbo Ze snsromtcas oem vu nas tne of cr, to pros ig ra den, oh te Purok organisations and Taro Counts throne the country SSBC. 5. ‘The sumo of shies muniees thousand pasos ‘ere aula to bo apron in te Neon Tress ‘uy to carey out the purposes of tis At. SSBC. € This aot shel take efct won It appro Beplainng this amendment, Senator Laurel said tesey “an my subttte bil, Pha nuded. ot ony theo ‘Seen ten ty ter i tot Nm, te slihough dep In myo, cnsidaring iy ‘hero, od on that tere could be no Me hee Boks tate Bas {auel-THE TRIALS OF THE RIZAL BIL 8 ‘msrontoat-wousern vara a pleted resistance {com save dichards, notably Congreamn fon June 12, 1056, the Bill w ‘vhs in ac — gg Te, 1 te ws iguet Guenen win insted lary peach htt Ae would seem, were of Real Himself ‘who, speaking through aso in Noli Me Tangere. wilh (qesumen appearing

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