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1. What is the prime objective of software engineering?

2. Define software engineering paradigm.
3. Write any two characteristics of software as a product.
4. Which process model leads to software reuse? Why?
5. Mention the Advantage and Disadvantage of waterfall model.
6. Define software process. State the important features of a process.
7. What do you understand by the principles of abstraction and decomposition? Why these two
principles areconsidered important in software engineering?
8. Mention any two non-functional requirements on software to be developed.
9. What is known as SRS review? How is it conducted?
10. What is meant by software prototyping?
11. What are the non-functional requirements of software?
12. What is data dictionary? How is it used in software engineering?
13. Write the distinct steps in requirements engineering process?
14. Compare evolutionary and throw away prototyping?
15. Define Process Specification.
16. Why software architecture is important in a software process?
17. Distinguish between verification and validation
18. Write short notes on a) COCOMO estimation criteria. b) Software metrics
19. What is Software Development Life Cycle? (SDLC)
20. Draw a diagram for pure waterfall life cycle.
21. Explain the different phases involved in waterfall life cycle
22. What is feasibility study? What are the contents we should contain in the feasibility report?
23. What are the purposes of Data Flow diagrams, Entity-Relationship diagrams? Give an example
diagram of each.
24. What is the difference between SRS document and design document?
25. What are the contents we should contain in the SRS document and design document.
26. Explain all the phases involved in the implementation phase.
27. List and explain different types of testing done during the testing phase.
28. Explain the steps involved in the prototyping
29. What does Verification represent?
30. What does Validation represent?
31. What are the steps followed in testing?
32. What are the benefits of prototyping?
33. What are the characteristics of SRS?
34. Explain in detail about Functional Modelling
35. Explain in detail about Structural Modelling
36. Define design process. List the principles of a software design
37. What is a cohesive module?
38. What is the benefit of modular design?
39. What are the different types of Cohesion?
40. What is coupling?What are the various types of coupling?
41. What are the common activities in design process?
42. What are the testing principles the software engineer must apply while performing the software
43. Define White Box Testing?
44. What are the two levels of testing?
45. Write short note on black box testing
46. What is equivalence partitioning?
47. What is a boundary value analysis?
48. Distinguish between verification and validation
49. What are the approaches of integration testing?
50. What is COCOMO model?.Give the procedure of the Delphi method
51. Give an example of a software product development project for which the iterative model is not
52. What are the applications of the waterfall model?

53. What are the applications of prototype model?

54. What are the advantages and disadvantages of waterfall model?
55. What are the advantages and disadvantages of iterativemodel?
56. What are the advantages and disadvantages of spiralmodel?
57. With the help of suitable diagram, explain the spiral model.
58. List the major responsibilities of a software project manager
59. What is meant by the size of a software project?
60. Why does a project manager need to estimate the size of the project?
61. How is the size of a software project estimated?
62. When does the project planning activity start and end in a software life cycle?
63. List the important activities software project managers perform during project planning.
64. What are the different categories of software development projects according to COCOMO
estimation model? Give an example of each.
65. What is meant by software cost estimation?
66. What is meant by software project scheduling?
67. What are the various types of traceability in software engineering?
68. “An SRS is traceable”. Comment.
69. Define User Requirements.
70. Define system requirements.
71. What is egoless programming?
72. What problems would you be facing if you are developing several versions of the same product
and you are not using any configuration management tools?
73. What is the difference between revision and version?
74. What do you understand by the term change control and version control? Why are these
75. Explain how change and version control are achieved using a configuration management tool.
76. What is a baseline in context of software configuration management?
77. How does baseline in software configuration management get updated?
78. What are the main activities carried out during requirement analysis and specification phase?
79. What are the final outcomes of requirement analysis and specification phase?
80. What are the different types of requirement gathering activities that the analyst uses to gather
requirements from a customer?
81. List the various categories of problems that many SRS documents suffer from.
82. What do you mean by the term cohesion in the context of software design?
83. What do you mean by the term coupling in the context of software design?
84. Enumerate the different types of cohesion that a module might exhibit.
85. Enumerate the different types of couplingthat a module might exhibit.
86. What according to you are the characteristics of a good software design?
87. Explain in detail about Delphi Method.
88. What do you mean by modularity in software development? Why is it needed? What is its
89. What are the various model of abstraction? Discuss any two in detail?
90. Explain the set of principles for software engineering design?
91. Describe the concept of information hiding.
92. How does a real time system design differ comparing distributed system design?
93. How does a real time system design differ comparing distributed system design?
94. Draw a detailed dataflow diagram for library management
95. Distinguish between verification and validation.
96. Describe two metrics which are used to measure the software in detail. Discuss clearly the
advantages and disadvantages of these metrics.
97. What role does law of Demeterhave in object oriented programming?
98. List the coding standards that good software development organizations usually develop.
99. What is code verification?
100. What are the various classifications of code verification?
101. What are the various techniques used in static code verification?
102. What is code reading?
103. What is symbolic execution?
104. List the steps that are commonly followed for updating the symbolic state considering all possible
105. Whom does the inspection team comprise of? What is the main objective of the inspection team?
106. What are the steps to be followed to conduct code inspections?
107. Define black box testing strategy?
108. What is static and dynamic testing
109. Why testing is important with respect to software?
110. What is the need for cyclomatic complexity?
111. What are the roles of cyclomatic complexity value in software resting?
112. What are the approaches of debugging?
113. What do you mean by test case management?
114. State the objectives and guidelines for debugging
115. What is stress testing?
116. What are the roles of testing tools?
117. Write short notes on empirical estimation models
118. What is Code and Code Review.?
119. Describe agile model.
120. How can you effectively manage software configuration?
What are the umbrella activities of a software process?
122. What is work breakdown structure
123. What are the issues that get discussed during project closure?
124. Give any two activities of project initiation
125. What are the external dependencies in project planning?
126. What are internal milestones?
127. What is the role of the project board?
128. What is closed system?
129. What is embedded system?
130. What is a Process Framework?
131. What are the attributes of Good Test?
132. List out the Characteristics of Testability of Software?
133. What are the Basic Principles of Software Testing?
134. What is review point?
135. What are the various types of charts used in visualizing progress?
136. What is mean by resource schedule?
137. What is meant by activity schedule?
138. What are the formal models of size estimation?
139. What is Metrics?
140. What is the purpose of timeline chart?
141. Give the procedure of the Delphi method.
142. Write short notes on the various estimation techniques
143. What are the advantages and disadvantages of size measure?
144. Define measure.
145. Define metrics.
146. What is called as an object point?
147. What is LOC? How it is used for project estimation?
148. What is FP? How it is used for project estimation?
149. Write the objective of project planning?
Define the terms:

(a) Graph Matrices (b) Connection Matrices.

What is Behavioural Testing?

152. What are the benefits of Smoke Testing?

153. What errors are commonly found during Unit Testing?
154. What problems may be encountered when Top-Down Integration is chosen?
155. What are the Steps in Bottom-Up Integration?
What is Regression Testing?

157. What are the Characteristics of “Critical Module”?

158. What are the testing principles the software engineer must apply while performing the software
159. What is a boundary value analysis?
160. What are the reasons behind to perform white box testing?
161. What are the various testing strategies for conventional software?
162. Write about drivers and stubs.
163. What are the approaches of integration testing?
164. What are the advantages and disadvantages of big-bang?
165. Distinguish between Alpha and Beta testing
166. What are the types of static testing tools?
167. What are the activities that make up testing?
168. List the various types of testing done during product life cycle
169. What is done in test design step?
170. What are the objective of Formal Technical Reviews
171. What are the common approaches in debugging?
172. Write about the types of project plan
173. What are the metrics computed during error tracking activity?
Why software change occurs?

175. What are the types of software maintenance?

176. Who reviews or approves the change request?
List the activities done in maintenance phase.

What is problem reporting?

179. List out the basic principles of software project scheduling

180. List out the Elements of SCM?
181. What are the Features supported by SCM?
182. What are the Objectives of SCM Process?

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