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Heat Recovery Steam Generators Refining and Petrochemical
Waste Heat Boilers Power Generation
Fired Packaged Watertube Boilers Manufacturing & Institutional
Specialty Boilers Food Processing

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MARCH 2019 |

How did asset utilization modeling
save Sadara $1 B in capital costs?

Implement AI to predict the composition

of chemical plant feed

Triple-lane layout for enhanced

cracking coil performance

The intelligent 3D model: A game-changer
in digital project execution

Petrochemicals 2025: Three
regions to dominate the surge
in petrochemical capacity growth



Heat Recovery Steam Generators Refining and Petrochemical
Waste Heat Boilers Power Generation
Fired Packaged Watertube Boilers Manufacturing & Institutional
Specialty Boilers Food Processing

Select 53 at
MARCH 2019 | Volume 98 Number 3



35 How did asset utilization modeling save Sadara $1 B in capital cost? 4 Industry Perspectives
F. Hayek and M. Moran 8 Business Trends
39 Triple-lane layout for enhanced cracking coil performance 12 Industry Metrics
R. Ramesh and J. Van Der Eijk 83 Show Preview
85 Innovations
47 Development of zeolite catalysts for production of ethylbenzene
87 People
W. Yang and Z. Wang
88 Advertiser Index
50 Implement AI to predict the composition of chemical plant feed 89 Marketplace
O. Giiazov, D. Shalupkin, A. Ermulin and G. Stremousov 90 Events
53 Cut costs and save time servicing valves during refinery turnarounds
7 Editorial Comment
N. Dalal Continuing the advancement of the
petrochemical industry
57 Understand net gas compressor control logic
from a process engineering standpoint 13 Reliability
R. Hong and G.-S. Chang Where asset reliability must begin
in refineries and petrochemical plants
PLANT DESIGN 15 Maintenance
61 Set correct design specifications Mind the small stuff: Tips to manage
for optimized piping and pipe support system particle contamination
S. Maiti 17 Project Management
Intelligent 3D model
PROJECT MANAGEMENT for digital project execution
65 The top three causes of contractor and engineering misalignment 21 Project Management
N. Eichelberger Estimate skid and package dimensions

67 Design considerations for rigging and transportation 23 Europe

Russian petrochemicals industry
of large process columns
on the verge of large-scale growth
B. K. Sharma and A. Bahadur
25 Petrochemicals
MAINTENANCE AND RELIABILITY Which network can fulfil
the petrochemical sector’s
71 Fabrication of clad equipment and piping—Part 2 desire to exploit Industry 4.0?
A. Panchal, R. Carmona, K. Daru, J. Desai, M. Irfan and C. Shargay
27 Fluid Flow
75 Application of ring-type joint gaskets in a refinery Retrofit for reliability
S. Lee, S. H. Lee, S. Jeon and T. Y. Jang with Coriolis flowmeters

79 The critical maintenance team: Do you have one? 29 Executive Viewpoint

Introducing the refinery of the future
G. Thorman
31 Digital
Cover Image: Overview of an ethylene plant. Digitalization:
Why now?
P. O. Box 2608
Houston, Texas 77252-2608, USA
Phone: +1 (713) 529-4301
Fax: +1 (713) 520-4433

PUBLISHER Catherine Watkins


Lee Nichols

Executive Editor Adrienne Blume

Managing Editor Mike Rhodes

What are the opportunities Digital Editor

Technical Editor
Stephanie Bartels
Sumedha Sharma

for the global HPI?

Reliability/Equipment Editor Heinz P. Bloch
Contributing Editor Alissa Leeton
Contributing Editor ARC Advisory Group
In the February issue of Hydrocarbon Processing, our editors Contributing Editor Anthony Sofronas
provided the results of Hydrocarbon Processing’s survey on the MAGAZINE PRODUCTION / +1 (713) 525-4633
challenges that the downstream processing industry may face Vice President, Production Sheryl Stone
this year. The HPI certainly witnessed its fair share of challenges Manager, Advertising Production Cheryl Willis
Assistant Manager, Advertising Production Dasha Ivanova
in 2018. From new regulatory announcements and enactments Manager, Editorial Production Angela Bathe Dietrich
to the continued buildout of new refining, petrochemical and Assistant Manager, Editorial Production Lindsey Craun
gas processing/LNG capacity, 2018 epitomized the ever-chang- Graphic Designer Krista Norman
Artist/Illustrator David Weeks
ing global HPI marketplace. With several hundred votes, regula-
tions—representing nearly 30%—were viewed as the top chal- ADVERTISING SALES
See Sales Offices, page 88.
lenge the industry will see in 2019. However, the oversupply of
refined fuels, knowledge transfer and surplus capacity buildout CIRCULATION / +1 (713) 520-4498 /
Director, Circulation Suzanne McGehee
had strong showings. A final breakdown of votes is listed below:
• Oversupply of refined fuels—20% SUBSCRIPTIONS
• Regulations—28% Subscription price (includes both print and digital versions): One year $399,
two years $679, three years $897. Airmail rate outside North America $175 addi-
• Surplus capacity (e.g., is the industry building tional a year. Single copies $35, prepaid.
too much?)—16% Hydrocarbon Processing’s Full Data Access subscription plan is priced at $1,995.
• Increasing costs—6% This plan provides full access to all information and data Hydrocarbon Processing
• Knowledge transfer or lack thereof—20% has to offer. It includes a print or digital version of the magazine, as well as full
access to all posted articles (current and archived), process handbooks, the
• Feedstock availability—2% HPI Market Data book, Construction Boxscore Database project updates and more.
• Other—6%. Because Hydrocarbon Processing is edited specifically to be of greatest value to
Now that the industry is aware of the challenges that may people working in this specialized business, subscriptions are restricted to those
be faced this year, our editors surveyed Hydrocarbon Processing’s engaged in the hydrocarbon processing industry, or service and supply company
personnel connected thereto.
global audience to find out the greatest opportunities the HPI
may witness this year. After several hundred votes, two opportu- Hydrocarbon Processing is indexed by Applied Science & Technology Index, by
Chemical Abstracts and by Engineering Index Inc. Microfilm copies available through
nities emerged as the most popular: An increase in the integra- University Microfilms, International, Ann Arbor, Mich. The full text of Hydrocarbon
tion of refinery and petrochemical operations and an increase in Processing is also available in electronic versions of the Business Periodicals Index.
digital operations. These two categories represented nearly 60% DISTRIBUTION OF ARTICLES
of total votes cast—an increase in refining and petrochemical Published articles are available for distribution in a PDF format or as professionally
operations and the increased use of digital tools represented printed handouts. Contact Foster Printing at Mossberg & Co. for a price quote and
details about how you can customize with company logo and contact information.
35% and 23%, respectively. In third place, increased process-
ing margins represented 11% of total votes cast. A market share For more information, contact Jill Kaletha with Foster Printing at
Mossberg & Co. at +1 (800) 428-3340 x 149 or
analysis of total votes is shown in FIG. 1.
Hydrocarbon Processing (ISSN 0018-8190) is published monthly by Gulf Energy
Information, 2 Greenway Plaza, Suite 1020, Houston, Texas 77046. Periodicals post-
age paid at Houston, Texas, and at additional mailing office. POSTMASTER: Send
35% Increase in refining-petrochemical address changes to Hydrocarbon Processing, P.O. Box 2608, Houston, Texas 77252.
Copyright © 2019 by Gulf Energy Information. All rights reserved.
23% Increase in digital operations
Permission is granted by the copyright owner to libraries and others registered
11% Processing margins with the Copyright Clearance Center (CCC) to photocopy any articles herein for
6% Other the base fee of $3 per copy per page. Payment should be sent directly to the CCC,
21 Congress St., Salem, Mass. 01970. Copying for other than personal or internal
5% New demand centers reference use without express permission is prohibited. Requests for special
5% Increased safety measures permission or bulk orders should be addressed to the Editor. ISSN 0018-8190/01.
5% New technologies
5% Increasing fuels/petrochemicals
5% New capacity builds
President/CEO John Royall
FIG. 1. The downstream processing industry’s greatest opportunities CFO Alan Millis
in 2019, as voted by readers of Hydrocarbon Processing. Vice President Andy McDowell
Vice President, Finance and Operations Pamela Harvey
Vice President, Production Sheryl Stone
Visit to view Vice President, Data Sales Harry Brookby

the results from the latest poll, as well as Publication Agreement Number 40034765 Printed in USA
Other Gulf Energy Information titles include: Gas ProcessingTM, Petroleum Economist ©,
results from previous surveys. World Oil ®, Pipeline & Gas Journal and Underground Construction.

4 MARCH 2019 |
“Energy is a major cost
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Advancements in the petrochemical industry

Each year, Hydrocarbon Processing 2050. This growth pattern would mean INSIDE THIS ISSUE
devotes its Special Focus section to the that the petrochemical’s sector’s oil de-
latest advancements in petrochemical
technology, as well as best practices, reli-
mand would increase from 12 MMbpd in
2017 to 18 MMbpd by 2050. 29 Executive Viewpoint.
The President and CEO of
Honeywell UOP provides his insights
ability and safety to ensure efficient and This substantial petrochemical de-
on how the processing plant of the
optimized petrochemical operations. mand forecast is and will be met by a
future must include not only the ability
The petrochemical industry has wit- surge in new petrochemical capacity ad-
to produce low-sulfur fuels, but also
nessed robust growth over the past sev- ditions. According to Hydrocarbon Pro-
eral years. Increased demand for petro- cessing’s Construction Boxscore Database,

34 Petrochemicals.
chemicals has been led by developing there are nearly 470 active petrochemical
economies, primarily in Asia. As more projects around the world. The petro- This month’s Special
people move into the middle class, de- chemical sector represents approximately Focus explores the innovative technical
mand for petrochemical-based products 35% of all active projects globally. The approaches being applied in the
increases. This has been the trend for sev- refining and gas processing/LNG indus- petrochemical industry to increase
eral years, with no end in sight. tries represent a market share of 36% and energy process efficiency, optimize
Global demand for petrochemicals 29%, respectively. production and reduce CAPEX.
is forecast to expand exponentially to In total, the Construction Boxscore
at least 2030. The International En-
ergy Agency (IEA) has forecast that
approximately 25% of the increase in
Database is tracking nearly $510 B in ac-
tive petrochemical projects around the
world. Most petrochemical projects are in
53 Valves. Most refineries
perform turnaround activities
every 3 yr–5 yr to maintain and upgrade
oil consumption to 2023—nearly 1.7 three regions: Asia-Pacific ($200B), the plant assets and equipment. Reducing
MMbpd—will be from demand for pet- US($100B) and the Middle East ($90B) the time and cost of servicing valves
rochemicals feedstocks. This consump- (FIG. 1). These three regions represent not during a turnaround is a matter
of using available modern technology,
tion rate is expected to increase substan- only 76% of total active projects, but also
such as smart valves, coupled with the
tially in the longer term. The IEA’s The nearly 79% of announced capital expendi-
right tools and training.
Future of Petrochemicals report forecasts ture in petrochemical capacity additions

61 Plant Design.
that the petrochemical sector will ac- globally. A detailed petrochemicals out-
count for one-third of oil demand growth look of these three regions is provided in This work provides details
to 2030, increasing to nearly half up to this month’s Business Trends section. on why owners and EPC firms must
180 develop a comprehensive and detailed
piping design in downstream
160 processing projects.

65 Project Management.
Total active petrochemical projects by region

The author examines

the misalignment between owner-
100 operator companies and EPC companies,
as well as several solutions to mitigate
80 cost overruns.

71 Maintenance
Reliability. Part 1 of this
two-part series discussed the various
20 manufacturing processes used for clad
plates and pipes, along with factors
Africa Asia-Pacific Canada Western Eastern Europe, Latin Middle East US that affect the decision to use cladding
Europe Russia, CIS America vs. weld overlay. Part 2 discusses
weld procedure qualifications,
FIG. 1. Total active petrochemical projects by region. Source: Hydrocarbon Processing’s
production testing and the clad pipe
Construction Boxscore Database.
manufacturing process.

Hydrocarbon Processing | MARCH 2019 7

| Business Trends
According to Hydrocarbon Processing’s HPI Market Data 2019, the
Construction Boxscore Database is tracking nearly $510 B in active
petrochemical projects around the world. The global petrochemical
sector continues to expand exponentially as developing nations’
demand for petrochemical/chemical products continues to increase.
This month’s Business Trends details the investments being made in
the global petrochemical industry, with a deeper look at major capital
expenditures in the Asia-Pacific, Middle East and US regions.

Photo: Linde Engineering Division’s polyethylene plant in Al-Jubail Industrial City,

Saudi Arabia. Photo courtesy of The Linde Group.
LEE NICHOLS, Editor/Associate Publisher,
Hydrocarbon Processing

Business Trends

Petrochemicals 2025: Three regions to dominate

the surge in petrochemical capacity growth
The global petrochemical sector continues to expand ex- At the time of this publication, the Boxscore Database was
ponentially as developing nations’ demand for petrochemical/ tracking nearly 470 active petrochemical projects around the
chemical products continues to increase. In its “Oil 2018” re- world. A breakdown on active refining project market share
port, the International Energy Agency (IEA) forecasts that ap- is provided:
proximately 25% of the increase in oil consumption to 2023— • Africa—6% (29 projects)
nearly 1.7 MMbpd—will be from demand for petrochemical • Asia-Pacific—34% (158 projects)
feedstocks. The IEA’s long-term petrochemical forecast shows • Canada—1% (7 projects)
an even greater amount of oil demand from the petrochemical • Western Europe—5% (22 projects)
sector. In the organization’s “The future of petrochemicals” re- • Eastern Europe, Russia and the CIS—12% (55 projects)
port, the IEA forecast that the petrochemical sector will account • Latin America—6% (28 projects)
for one-third of oil demand growth to 2030, increasing to nearly • Middle East—13% (63 projects)
half to 2050. According to the report, production of key plastics • US—23% (106 projects).
will more than double between 2010 and 2050. In total, the Construction Boxscore Database is track-
Growing demand centers in the Asia-Pacific region will be ing nearly $510 B in active petrochemical projects around
met by billions of dollars of new petrochemical production ca- the world. Asia-Pacific is the leader in capital expenditures
pacity in Asia, the Middle East and the US. These three regions (CAPEX) in the near term. The Boxscore Database is tracking
are investing heavily to boost petrochemical processing capac- more than $200 B in active petrochemical projects in Asia. The
ity to satisfy demand. US has more than $100 B in active petrochemical projects, fol-
Many non-OECD countries are witnessing petrochemical lowed by the Middle East with nearly $90 B in active projects.
demand rates increasing faster than GDP growth. Several na- These three regions represent not only 76% of total active proj-
tions will remain dependent on petrochemical imports, while ects, but also nearly 79% of announced CAPEX in petrochemi-
others are investing to satisfy domestic chemicals demand. cal capacity additions globally. A breakdown of CAPEX in the
Multiple factors will determine the future of the petrochemi- petrochemical sector, by region, is provided:
cal industry: supply/demand factors, plastics recycling, regu- • Africa—$32 B
lations, feedstock costs, partnerships/mergers/acquisitions, • Asia-Pacific—$205 B
digitalization, etc. Many nations are investing heavily to satisfy • Canada—$10 B
domestic petrochemicals demand and/or export petrochemi- • Europe—$48 B
cal products to increase revenues. • Latin America—$19 B

New/active projects. According to Hydrocarbon Processing’s

Construction Boxscore Database, more than 280 new petro-
3% Africa
chemical projects were announced from 2016–2018. New pet- 19% US
rochemical project announcements increased from 68 in 2016
to 88 in 2017 to 125 in 2018. This trend represents a year-over-
48% Asia-Pacific
year increase of 29% and 42%, respectively. Most new petro- 10% Middle East
chemical project announcements have been in the Asia-Pacific
region. The region continues to invest a substantial amount of 1% Latin America
capital to increase petrochemical capacity to mitigate imports 6% East Europe, Russia, CIS
and satisfy increasing domestic demand. Over the past 3 yr, the
petrochemical sector has maintained 36%–41% of new project 12% Western Europe
market share, and has been the leader in new project announce-
ments since 2016. Over the past year, Asia-Pacific and the US
2% Canada
have been the leaders in new petrochemical project announce- FIG. 1. Market share of new petrochemical project announcements
ments, accounting for nearly 70% of all new petrochemical proj- by region, December 2017–December 2018. Source: Hydrocarbon
Processing’s Construction Boxscore Database.
ect announcements over the past year (FIG. 1).
Hydrocarbon Processing | MARCH 2019 9
Business Trends

• Middle East—$88 B 25 MMtpy by 2025 if investments in new production capacity

• US—$105 B. are not made. However, the nation’s operators have announced
According to the IEA petrochemicals report, nearly all re- plans to invest more than $30 B to boost petrochemical capacity.
gions, except for Europe, will increase production of primary
chemicals to 2050. The largest capacity growth is seen in the Middle East. In response to the decrease in oil prices that oc-
Middle East and Asia. The Middle East is forecast to increase curred from 2014–2016, and to mitigate reliance on oil export
production of high-value chemicals, ammonia and methanol revenues and diversify their product portfolios, nearly all nations
from approximately 70 MMtpy to more than 150 MMtpy by in the Middle East have announced capital investments in new
2050. Nearly all Middle Eastern nations are investing in new downstream processing capacity, especially in the production of
petrochemical production capacity to mitigate the reliance on petrochemicals. The region has the largest cost advantage in eth-
crude oil export revenues. ylene production, and several countries are building, or planning
The region has already boosted production capacity, led to build, mixed-feed crackers, as well as ethylene derivatives, am-
by Saudi Arabia, and more investments have been announced. monia/urea and other petrochemical capacity.
The Asia-Pacific region’s petrochemical buildout is forecast to Saudi Arabia is the leader in new petrochemical capacity in-
increase by nearly 200 MMtpy to nearly 500 MMtpy by 2050. vestments. The Kingdom plans to nearly triple petrochemical
China and India will be the leaders in new petrochemical capac- production capacity from 12 MMtpy in 2016 to 34 MMtpy by
ity additions; however, multiple Asian nations have announced 2030. The country will accomplish this goal by adding petro-
capital-intensive projects. Many of these projects will help miti- chemical capacity to existing refineries, as well as building grass-
gate growing supply and demand gaps and will be built alongside roots facilities. Several other nations are investing heavily in do-
refining operations. The move toward refining and petrochemi- mestic output. Major projects include:
cal integration is a primary focus of many operators around the • Kuwait—Olefins 3-Aromatics 2 project
world, especially in Asia. The ability to share feedstocks allows • Oman—Liwa plastics project
producers to produce petrochemical products more efficiently. • United Arab Emirates—Ruwais refining and
petrochemical park, including the construction
Asia-Pacific. To help mitigate imports and to satisfy robust of Borouge 4
demand, many Asia-Pacific nations are investing in the expan- • Qatar—Ras Laffan petrochemical complex (proposed)
sion and debottlenecking of petrochemical units, as well as the • Iran—Mokran petrochemical complex
construction of grassroots petrochemical complexes. These • Iraq—Nebras petrochemical complex.
capital-intensive investments include increased integration
between refining and petrochemical facilities to increase effi- US. Due to the shale gas boom, the US has witnessed a renais-
ciency and value. sance in its domestic petrochemical industry. Cheap, readily
At the time of this publication, the Construction Boxscore available shale gas feedstock has allowed the country to become
Database was tracking nearly 160 active petrochemical projects one of the world’s lowest-cost ethylene producers. In turn, the
in the region. China accounts for nearly half of all petrochemical US is building millions of tons of additional ethylene and ethyl-
projects in the region. India is second in the region, with 15% ene derivatives production capacity.
market share in active petrochemical projects. When broken The Hydrocarbon Processing Construction Boxscore Data-
down by activity level, more than 70% of the region’s petrochem- base is tracking 115 active petrochemical projects in the US.
ical projects are in preconstruction phases, with approximately More than 70% of the country’s petrochemical projects are lo-
43% in the planning/proposed phase: cated in Louisiana and Texas. These two states will be instru-
• Engineering—19% mental in boosting ethylene and ethylene derivatives, methanol
• FEED—4% and specialty chemicals capacity into the early 2020s.
• Planning/proposed—43% By the end of the decade, the US is also forecast to add more
• Study—7% than 10 MMtpy of new ethylene capacity. This boom in ethylene
• Under construction—27%. capacity includes more than 9 MMpty of grassroots facilities, as
China’s Belt Road Initiative calls for the massive develop- well as more than 1.2 MMtpy in ethylene capacity expansion
ment of domestic petrochemical production capacity to miti- projects. Most of the country’s grassroots facilities will include
gate imports. According to an ICIS report, China plans to add derivative units. In total, US petrochemical producers will invest
21 new steam crackers and 10 new refineries in petrochemical nearly $20 B in new ethylene capacity by 2020. A second wave
industry parks. This buildout could equate to nearly 27 MMtpy of new ethane crackers could add more than 5 MMtpy of new
of new ethylene production by the mid-2020s, reaching more capacity after 2020. In total, capital expenditures for both eth-
than 42 MMtpy. ane cracking project waves could top $50 B by the mid-2020s.
Due to increasing demand for petrochemical products, India The largest ethylene derivative capacity expansion will oc-
will continue to heavily invest in additional petrochemical pro- cur in the production of polyethylene (PE). By 2020, the US
duction capacity. According to IHS, India’s domestic ethylene will add approximately 8 MMtpy of new PE capacity, most of
capacity has increased from 4 MMtpy in 2014 to 7.2 MMtpy which will be integrated into new ethane cracking operations;
in 2018. However, with petrochemicals demand forecast to in- however, grassroots PE plants are also being built. According
crease substantially, additional capacity will be needed to satisfy to Platts, PE surplus in the US reached more than 4 MMtpy in
demand and mitigate imports. According to a report by McK- 2017 and could increase to 7.5 MMtpy in 2020. This trend will
insey and Co., India’s petrochemicals shortfall could increase to make exporting US PE a must for producers.
10 MARCH 2019 |


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FFC Plus truly is mercaptan treating made better.

Select 84 at

Industry Metrics

In the US, soaring gasoline stocks and poor fuel oil performance were Global refining margins, 2018–2019*
offset by strong heating oil demand and higher product prices caused by 20
weather-related refinery outages. European product markets weakened WTI, US Gulf
as arbitrage openings pressured margins and outweighed support from a 15 Brent, Rotterdam

Margins, US$/bbl
Oman, Singapore
pickup in diesel and fuel oil demand. In Asia, weakening naphtha and jet/ 10
kerosine markets dragged down margins.
An expanded version of Industry Metrics can be found
online at 0













US gas production (Bft3d) and prices (US$/Mft3)
100 7 Global refining utilization rates, 2018–2019*
6 100
US EU 16
Gas prices, US$/Mft3

5 95
Production, Bft3

Selected Asia
Utilization rates, %
60 4 90
40 3 85
Monthly price (Henry Hub) 2 80
20 12-month price avg. 75
Production 1
0 0 70












2016 2017 2018 2019
Production equals U.S. marketed production, wet gas. Source: EIA.

Selected world oil prices, US$/bbl US Gulf cracking spread vs. WTI, 2018–2019*
100 Prem. gasoline Diesel
90 40 Jet/kero Fuel oil
W. Texas Inter.
Cracking spread, US$/bbl

80 Brent Blend 30
Oil prices, US$/bbl

Dubai Fateh
70 Source: DOE 20
60 10
50 0
40 -10
30 -20













2017 2018 2019

World liquid fuel supply and demand, MMbpd Rotterdam cracking spread vs. Brent, 2018–2019*
106 7 30
Implied stock build Forecast
104 6
Stock change and balance, MMbpd

Cracking spread, US$/bbl

Supply and demand, MMbpd

102 Implied stock draw 5

World supply 15
100 World demand 4
98 3 Prem. gasoline Gasoil
96 2 0 Jet/kero Fuel oil
94 1
92 0 -15
90 -1














88 -2
2014-Q1 2015-Q1 2016-Q1 2017-Q1 2018-Q1 2019-Q1 2020-Q1
Source: EIA Short-Term Energy Outlook, February 2019 Singapore cracking spread vs. Dubai, 2018–2019*
Brent dated vs. sour grades 20
(Urals and Dubai) spread, 2018–2019*
Cracking spread, US$/bbl

6 10
Light sweet/medium sour

Prem. gasoline Gasoil

crude spread, US$/bbl

Jet/kero Fuel oil
2 0
Dubai -10




























* Material published permission of the OPEC Secretariat; copyright 2018;

all rights reserved; OPEC Monthly Oil Market Report, February 2019.

12 MARCH 2019 |

Where asset reliability must begin in refineries

and petrochemical plants
Numerous articles on asset reliability have been published facilities. Both course developers and presenters noted that the
in the decades since 1970. Hundreds of books and conference most profitable facilities also excelled in grooming and training
presentations deal with reliability topics of interest. Eliciting reliability professionals—the future subject matter experts, or
feedback from course and workshop attendees at learning cen- SMEs. An experienced presenter will leave it to his or her listen-
ters for industry in Louisiana and Texas proved valuable; field ing or participating middle management audience to examine
forces have confirmed that effective reliability practices greatly and determine where improvement is possible at their respec-
benefit if middle management is “on board” from the inception tive facilities. Additionally, competent presenters will be fully
of a project. It is too late to optimally involve middle manage- prepared to defend their experience-based claim that the cost of
ment in the quest for reliability after the equipment has begun upgrading to best possible training is negligible, and that the pay-
arriving at the plant site. back is huge. We saw how experienced presenters placed heavy
emphasis on two details of primary importance:
Definitive guidance sought. We had ample opportunity to 1. The specific training topics and their timed “phases”
pay attention to these concerns, which were voiced by workshop in the development of SMEs
attendees at McNeese State University in Lake Charles (Louisi- 2. The respective roles of (a) middle management and (b)
ana), Lamar University in Beaumont (Texas) and at Texas A&M the men and women whose training and development
University’s Kingsville campus. In the 12 yr since 2006, the com- will culminate in their becoming top-notch professionals.
ments and feedback from reliability technicians at these promi- While it may be true that motivation and the desire to add val-
nent locations demonstrated that a variety of reliability manage- ue often originate with one’s upbringing, these attributes can also
ment approaches exist at different plant sites. be learned and/or reinforced by good managers. That said, only
It was evident that diverging approaches brought different re- informed managers have the potential of becoming good manag-
sults. At each of the three regional Institutes for Industry Educa- ers. Their respective management styles will be highly support-
tion Collaboration (II-ECs), attendees suggested that managers ive of the techniques and procedures implemented by competent
would also benefit from education in reliability improvement reliability professionals. Nevertheless, informed managers are in-
matters. In particular, we heard that the message of asset reli- tent on giving specific guidance and direction in grooming and
ability having “precursor requirements” should be conveyed to nurturing the talent needed for best-of-class asset performance
managers; early involvement by managers is needed to avoid in- and plant profitability. Voicing generalizations is insufficient
efficiencies and frequent failures later in the plant’s life. when specifics are needed. To restate the two main points:
One of our major conclusions and recommendations was for • Asset reliability in refineries and petrochemical plants
the training departments of petrochemical plants and oil refiner- should never be an afterthought. Best-of-class facilities
ies to optimize the involvement of managers. Instead of targeting fully recognize that carrying out the needed steps depends
only the plants’ reliability technicians, these II-ECs would arrange largely on guidance from above and not as much on later
forums, tutorials or workshop presentations for middle manage- practices from below.
ment personnel on the theme or topic of “effectively managing • It follows that the training departments of oil refineries and
asset reliability in petrochemical plants and oil refineries.” petrochemical plants may ask regional II-ECs to arrange
However, unless managers had been wisely budgeting and forums, tutorials or workshop presentations for middle
guiding project engineers very early in the business cycle, work- management personnel on the topic of effectively managing
shop participants later reported facing the impossible task of asset reliability in oil refineries and petrochemical plants.
imparting reliability to weak designs. Allowing weak designs to
reach the plant meant frequent and expensive efforts to keep HEINZ P. BLOCH resides in Montgomery, Texas. His
plants running safely. Without wise budgeting and specifica- professional career commenced in 1962 and included
tion-based guiding, plants were later plagued by random fail- long-term assignments as Exxon Chemical’s Regional
Machinery Specialist for the US. He has taught reliability
ures and costly downtime. on all six continents and authored (or co-written)
735 publications, among them 20 comprehensive
The presenter’s role. In developing and presenting a forum books on practical machinery management for industry.
His latest title, Storage Preservation and Optimized
or workshop on the fundamentals of early management involve- Lube Application, will soon be released. Mr. Bloch
ment for II-ECs, an experienced presenter will likely focus on holds BS and MS degrees (cum laude) in mechanical
the methods and procedures consistently used by best-of-class engineering and is an ASME Life Fellow.

Hydrocarbon Processing | MARCH 2019 13

Tomorrow’s refinery is flexible, integrated and connected.
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Sound impossible? Not with Honeywell UOP. As an operational partner, we’ll help
you create your tomorrow today.

Select 71 at
Maintenance Sun Coast Resources Inc., Houston, Texas

Mind the small stuff: Tips to manage

particle contamination
Particle contamination in lubricants
is the primary cause of lubricant-related
equipment failure and hydraulic system
failure, according to industry studies. A
300-gal hydraulic reservoir can contain up
to 8 g of particle contamination. Most par-
ticles are too miniscule for the naked eye
to see, yet are the perfect size to cause abra-
sive wear and disrupt operations.
However, a faulty, long-held, industry-
wide belief remains that using clean fluids
leads to clean machinery. While partly true,
this practice alone will take decades to real-
ize benefits if equipment is not first cleaned.
To reduce particle contamination, improve
fluid cleanliness and maximize equipment
life expectancy, the better approach is to
remove the debris in the equipment before
new clean lubricants are introduced.
There is no better time to remove de-
bris and manage contamination than when
equipment is shut down during scheduled
maintenance or a turnaround. Simple steps
to reduce contamination and increase the
life expectancy of equipment by as much
as seven times are discussed here.
FIG. 1. Since normal operations can create significant amounts of dirt, it is critical to remove
Find your bearings. A thorough analy- storage tank contaminants. Turnarounds and scheduled maintenance are the best times to
conduct these operations.
sis of fluids should be conducted to es-
tablish a baseline and identify areas of
contamination. Fluid samples of criti- water, metal, silicate, paint and water) be- clean tanks and flush lines because the
cal equipment are taken in advance of a cause contamination inevitably happens equipment is down.
scheduled turnaround or maintenance along the lubricant’s journey from the It is critical to remove storage tank con-
event to measure water contamination, manufacturing plant to the equipment taminants because normal operations can
microscopic particulate contamination system or storage tank. create significant amounts of dirt (FIG. 1). If
and even insoluble varnish-forming pre- Particle size and composition are mea- possible, personnel should physically enter
cursors. Technicians typically work close- sured to determine a fluid’s contamina- the tank to clean it. If this is infeasible be-
ly with third-party analytical laboratories tion levels. As particles move through the cause the tank is too small or too difficult
to independently verify the results. equipment’s system, smaller pieces result to reach, then it should be steam cleaned
The tests provide plants with a results- and work into the machines to cause abra- with a tool snaked into the container. The
based schedule, rather than a time-based sion, adhesion, fatigue, erosion and wear. overall goal is to restore the inside of the
schedule that identifies the equipment The most common detriment is abrasive tank to the same clean state as before the
with the most contamination. This sched- wear caused by clearance-sized particles fluid entered.
ule saves time and money, which is crucial interacting with two sliding surfaces. An appropriate analogy is that equip-
during a turnaround. ment and fluids are like mud and ice cream.
Results rarely come back without Clean tanks. Turnarounds and sched- If ice cream is dropped in the mud, nothing
finding areas of contamination (i.e., dirt, uled maintenance are the best times to happens to the mud, yet the ice cream is
Hydrocarbon Processing | MARCH 2019 15

ruined. If the equipment is not clean, then nation before fluids are introduced into the lion (ppm). It is important to work with a
the fluid is quickly spoiled. system than to remove particle contamina- supplier with the ability to perform such
tion after the fluid enters the machinery. testing and consulting.
Filters 101. It is easy to ignore filters, but Certified lubricants also reduce the ex-
they play a critical role. Unchanged filters pense and time required by end users to Takeaway. Most plant equipment is
wreak havoc on equipment because par- prefilter non-certified lubricants to meet mission-critical; few non-critical or re-
ticles will eventually bypass the filtration stringent OEM-specified International dundant pieces of equipment exist. To
system and damage equipment. This is a Organization for Standardization (ISO) protect these assets, operators must con-
costly oversight, especially if production cleanliness recommendations. Certified duct a thorough fluid analysis to establish
is halted for days to repair the equipment. fluid is rigorously tested and verified be- a baseline, clean tanks regularly, keep up
Filtration maintenance must be preserved fore each customer delivery. with filtration maintenance, use certified
with a monthly or quarterly program to re- clean fluids and do regular check-ins to
duce the level of contaminants over time. Schedule ongoing analysis. After a pull samples and track progress.
The plant’s control room typically turnaround or scheduled maintenance, A contamination management program
monitors both lube oil and breather fil- monitor fluid cleanliness with regular flu- not only improves fluid cleanliness, but can
ters on storage tanks, so plants can act fast id analysis to assess the particle count of also maximize the life of the equipment
once a filtration issue arises. fluids present, and identify any contami- and contribute to cost-containment goals.
nation that requires action. For a plant, an effective program translates
Certified clean fluids. When tanks are Personnel at plants located on the to better maintenance, less downtime,
clean and filters are ready, it is time to use Texas Gulf Coast should remember that higher productivity and more responsible
a certified clean fluid to maintain the sys- water is the primary contaminate and stewardship of capital expense.
tem’s cleanliness, maximize the life of the does the most damage to equipment. Just
equipment, meet stringent quality control a 0.05% increase in water contamination TROY GOLDMAN is the Product
standards set by original equipment manu- reduces the expected life of a bearing by Integrity Manager at Sun Coast
Resources Inc. The Society of
facturers (OEMs), decrease unscheduled 60%. Unfortunately, 0.05% is too little to Tribologists and Lubrication
downtime at the plant and save money. It detect visually, so unique instruments are Engineers recognizes Mr. Goldman
costs 90% less to remove particle contami- needed to identify water in parts per mil- as a Certified Lubrication Specialist.


Bharat Thakkar
Independent Consultant
Thakkar Analytical Services
Deciphering ASTM Moisture Methods in
Hydrocarbon Processing
Many analytical techniques can be used to test moisture levels in crude oil, feedstock and
refined products, however navigating the nuances of ASTM methods for moisture analysis
can be confusing. Attend this webinar to hear Bert Thakkar, Secretary of ASTM’s Committee
D02 on Petroleum Products, Liquid Fuels, and Lubricants discuss ASTM methods and how to
implement them in your lab. Dr. Kerri-Ann Blake, Product Specialist at Metrohm, will provide
Kerri-Ann Blake, PhD expert tips on sample preparation, reagent selection and instrument maintenance that help
Product Specialist you get the most out of your measurements.

View On Demand:

Mike Rhodes
Managing Editor
Hydrocarbon Processing

16 MARCH 2019 |
Project Management and A. PINTO, Baker Hughes, a GE company, Florence,
Italy; and R. ZANNORI, A. TITTOBELLO and
G. SEMERARO, TechnipFMC, Rome, Italy

Intelligent 3D model for digital project execution

Digital transformation offers the As a consequence, OEM 3D models The goal of this cooperation was the
chance to reorganize and develop new are exchanged with 3D models from EPCs development of a digital methodology
models of collaboration that fully leverage in a neutral format that contains mainly to integrate information and data neces-
the opportunities offered by digital tech- shapes (FIG. 1), and they are used only for sary for plant and equipment design into
nologies and their benefits across the oil space management. Meanwhile, all needed an “intelligent 3D model.” This model
and gas business—particularly for origi- design data for plant design are exchanged would attain an innovative, technically
nal equipment manufacturers (OEMs) through paper documents and drawings. competitive and efficient project execu-
and engineering, procurement and con- In January 2017, the Rome, Italy op- tion. The two companies recognized the
struction (EPC) contractors. erating center of a major project lifecycle intelligent 3D model as a key project
The transformation means that digital services companya and the Florence, Italy deliverable, and jointly defined the con-
platforms inherently enable new types of operating center of an international tur- tent, the common format, the delivery
innovation and creativity in a particular bomachinery OEM and service compa- timeline and the sharing process for the
domain, rather than simply supporting nyb began actively collaborating to achieve detailed design development.
traditional methods. the integration and enhancement of their The OEM 3D model has been devel-
Digital usage may refer to the simple own 3D models, under the framework of a oped as a single and authoritative source
concept of “going paperless,” or to the “digital project execution” initiative. of mechanical design information, con-
more wide-reaching achievement of “digi-
tal business maturity,” which affects indi-
vidual processes and joint businesses.

Oil and gas market challenge. The

scope, nature and complexity of today’s
oil and gas projects present additional
challenges to engineering contractors
and equipment manufacturers to reduce
overall project costs and schedules while
maintaining high engineering integrity
and quality.
These challenges can be addressed by
a new collaborative approach between
the EPC contractor and OEM. This ap-
proach, while maximizing the benefits of
digital transformation, must reshape da-
ta-centric design processes during proj- FIG. 1. OEM 3D models are exchanged with 3D models from EPCs in a neutral format
ect development. that contains mainly shapes.
Digital project execution has the po-
tential to create added value in the design
chain through a “just-in-time” design data
exchange, engineering design integration
and holistic data management.

Intelligent 3D model approach. Tradi-

tionally, EPCs and OEMs develop their de-
signs with specific 3D CAD tools custom-
ized for their different businesses. EPCs
utilize tools to manage bulk materials and
to generate drawings needed for plant erec-
tion, while OEMs utilize mechanical CAD FIG. 2. Specific attributes in the intelligent 3D model include tags for equipment/instrument/
piping line numbering and interface points at battery limits.
software for shop floor machines.
Hydrocarbon Processing | MARCH 2019 17
Project Management

taining both geometry and all other engi- panyb during the last decade in the model- The intelligent OEM 3D model is
neering data to effectively achieve and im- based definition (MBD) approach. This composed of geometric shapes that rep-
plement a paperless approach that is easily experience links projects to engineering, resent real equipment/components, and
integrated in the EPC plant 3D model, en- manufacturing, supply chain and services. non-geometric design data (attributes)
suring “just in time” data availability. The concept of the annotated 3D mod- associated with each item. The model is
el has been taken as a reference to review visually searchable and easily accessible.
Intelligent 3D model development. the original OEM 3D model content. It The appropriate selection of content
The intelligent 3D model development has been used to optimize existing attri- is the key concept of the intelligent 3D
takes advantage of the experience culti- butes (FIG. 2), including information usu- model, allowing for the successful execu-
vated by the turbomachinery OEM com- ally managed through other deliverables. tion of project design. It also ensures that
the 3D model is not over-designed, which
would limit its manageability.
The intelligent OEM 3D model is
exchanged with the EPC contractor
through a dedicated conversion process.
The format is suitable for “plug-and-play”
insertion into the plant 3D model, creat-
ing a one-to-one correlation between the
two design environments that leaves the
EPC and OEM native files and environ-
ment unchanged. The 3D model is then
shared in a collaboration work space with
a timeline that matches critical milestones
for the project execution (FIG. 3).
The EPC contractor’s detailed de-
sign outcomes are stored directly in the
3D model and are analyzed by the OEM
through the same review tool. This meth-
odology allows the EPC and the OEM
to immediately visualize, in a dedicated
joint session, the model details, the com-
ments and the related follow-up “status”
(i.e. open, closed, etc.) with an overall ef-
ficiency enhancement.
The 3D model is iteratively updated to
track the changes inside the model itself,
FIG. 3. Work process: The 3D model is prepared by the OEM through the addition of design with the advantage of a detailed design
data as attributes (Step 1), then it is shared with the EPC in a suitable format (Step 2). development follow-up inside a single
The EPC inserts the OEM 3D model into its plant 3D model (Step 3). The feedback is performed source of data, until the 3D model final
on a digital tool and transferred to the OEM, and then assessed jointly during a review status is achieved.
(Step 4). Once EPC feedback is agreed upon, the OEM implements the feedback in the 3D
model (Step 5), thereby reiterating the process until the 3D model final release (Step 6).
Case study: Middle East refinery ex-
pansion project. Feasibility tests were
carried out for the a refinery expansion
project in the Middle East. For this specific
project, which was executed by the project
lifecycle services company,a the turboma-
chinery OEM and service companyb sup-
plied two power generation gas turbines,
four electric drive centrifugal compressors
and six reciprocating compressors, for
both makeup and recycle services.
The agreed objective was to achieve an
EPC contractor and OEM design integra-
tion with no data manipulation and auto
placement of the specific models.
To test the new digital project execu-
tion, the turbomachinery OEM compa-
FIG. 4. An intelligent 3D model was used to test the new digital project execution.
nyb provided the project lifecycle services
18 MARCH 2019 |
Project Management

companya with an intelligent 3D model virtual reality as a shared environment for

(FIG. 4) with new data and information, the plant 3D model design review.
and with a “maturity” indication to de- The execution of this specific virtual T +49 2961 7405-0
fine the reliability of downstream activi- model review allows early detection of
ties with an analytical approach. potential clashes. It also allows for deep
The case study demonstrated the fol- assessment of the maintainability and
lowing items: operability of equipment in a 1:1 virtual Made
1. Attributes selected for the project plant, while combining the different com- in
development can be included petencies of EPC and OEM engineers. Germany
in the OEM 3D model.
2. The inclusion of absolute Takeaway. The results of the case study
geographical coordinates in demonstrate that traditional “paper”
the OEM 3D model allowed drawings can be effectively replaced by
its integration with the EPC the intelligent 3D model and its contents,
model without manipulation. leading to significant benefits for the
3. The possibility of managing the EPC contractor and the OEM.
OEM model into the EPC model, A project based on digital execution is
independently from the OEM more efficient than conventional design
CAD native format, allows the methods, for a number of reasons:
data owner to maintain • Better and faster alignment, since
responsibility and integrity. the EPC data are captured as
4. All interface points were designed and updated by the OEM
recognized by the EPC model • Just-in-time data availability based
as design “ports,” with specific on maturity and fit-for-purpose Your Specialist for
mechanical characteristics. principle
5. The exchange of models,
executed in different project
0 Elimination of misalignments
among drawings, since design PRESSURE
steps, confirms the reliability data are included in a unique
of data maturity management.
6. The entire OEM model
digital source
0 Optimization of OEM and
was “searchable” in terms of
characteristics and attributes.
EPC contractor work processes,
avoiding redundancies during SOLUTIONS
7. Comments and clarifications engineering development
during the design phase can 0 On-time visual recognition of
be exchanged through the 3D design issues that could heavily
model with a complete paperless impact the cost or quality of
approach and more effective the job, if discovered during the
finalization of the system layout. manufacturing/erection phase
Test results were promising: 0 Reduced time for data retrieval Consulting. Engineering.
1. Equipment 3D models were • Enhanced exchange of design Products. Service.
easily manageable due to solutions between the EPC
limited sizing. contractor and the OEM, which
2. A real integration (and cross- helps manage schedule constraints
checking) of OEM design data • Immediate reuse of the OEM
inside the EPC design data 3D model by the EPC contractor
© REMBE® | All rights reserved

was realized. • Possibility of organizing a

3. The EPC observed a seamless 3D model review as an effective
design execution, with a reduction collaborative event among the
in the total number of comments. EPC contractor, the OEM and
4. The OEM and the EPC the final customer.
appreciated the possibility of The intelligent 3D model represents
querying the model to obtain the “power of change” of digital transfor-
data, as well as the possibility mation, enabling OEMs and EPC con-
of developing an agreed-upon tractors to investigate innovative collabo-
model and effectively verifying ration schemes and play unique roles in Gallbergweg 21
the ergonomics of the plant. the evolving oil and gas market. 59929 Brilon, Germany
The intelligent 3D model is also the F +49 2961 50714
enabler of a new type of collaboration a
between the OEM and the EPC by using b
Baker Hughes, a GE Company
Select 151 at
Project Management Piping/Project Engineer, Islamabad, Pakistan

Estimate skid and package dimensions

In the absence of vendor quotations TABLE 1. Dimensions of existing inlet manifolds (unrefined data)
or detailed engineering, preliminary di-
mensions of skids or packages can be es- Description Length, mm Width, mm Remarks
timated quickly using the ratio method. 6 slot, 4 in. × 6 in.
This method is particularly useful for Class 1500 5,834 3,813 Access = 640 mm
operators, which traditionally have a lim- 6S-4X6-1500
ited database compared to contractors.
9 slot, 4 in. × 6 in.
To overcome this challenge, operators
have created, maintained and organized Class 1500 8,834 3,813 Access = 640 mm
a dimensional database of existing pro- 9S-4X6-1500
cess equipment and skids. 6 slot, 4 in. × 6 in.
The overall dimensions of a skid are Class 600 8,000 3,998 Access = 800 mm
related to key parameters, such as diam-
eter and length of pressure vessel, high- 6S-4X6-600
est flange rating, outer diameter (OD) of 7 slot, 6 in. × 12 in.
pipe, and the number of slots or parallel Class 600 13,000 3,800 Access = 1,500 mm
runs. Skid length ratio is established by 7S-6X12-600
dividing the existing skid length by such
8 slot, 6 in. × 16 in. Access = 800 mm, inlet valve
key parameters. Skid width ratio is estab- in vertical position (less
lished similarly. The average length ratio Class 900 16,027 3,400
width), double isolation valves
and width ratio are calculated to improve 8S-6X16-900 in production header
accuracy and minimize variations. 7 slot, 4 in. × 16 in.
Uneconomical design
The estimated length and width of
Class 600 14,000 4,500 (Unnecessary elbows/
a new skid can be calculated by multi- unutilized space)
plying key parameters with respective 7S-4X16-600
average length ratios and average width
ratios. This concept is illustrated by an
example of estimating the dimensions
of a 10-slot, Class 600, 4-in. inlet × 8-in.
production header conventional inlet
manifold. This method can be applied
to estimate the dimensions of a horizon-
tal vessel skid (based on vessel diameter
and length), a metering skid (based on
L/D ratio and width/run/flange OD) or
cooling water unit plot (based on cooling
tower cell width). An estimate accuracy
of up to +/– 1,000 mm can be achieved
when a dimensional database with con-
sistent criteria (access width, isolation
philosophy, extent of automation/in- FIG. 1. Typical inlet manifold.
strumentation, etc.) is maintained and
updated on a continuous basis.
past records/equipment list (TABLE 1). larly, the key parameter for skid width is
Example 1. To determine the dimen- The skid length depends on the number the highest flange rating of the biggest
sions of the previously mentioned ex- of slots and the OD of the flange (inlet line (i.e., the production header, high-
ample (10-slot, Class 600, 4-in. inlet line), which is highlighted pink in FIG. 1. lighted yellow in FIG. 1). Therefore, the
× 8-in. production conventional inlet So, the skid length ratio is determined by skid width ratio is the “width per flange
manifold), the data here is available from the “length per slot per flange OD.” Simi- OD.” TABLE 1 is rearranged to retrieve re-
Hydrocarbon Processing | MARCH 2019 21
Project Management

TABLE 2. Dimensions of existing inlet manifolds (refined data)

Length, Number FLG OD Length/ Width, FLG OD Width/
Description mm of slots (Inlet), mm slot/FLG OD mm (prod), mm FLG OD, mm
6S-4X6-1500 5,834 6 310 3.1 3,813 395 9.7
9S-4X6-1500 8,834 9 310 3.2 3,813 395 9.7
6S-4X6-600 8,000 6 273 4.9 3,998 419 9.5
7S-6X12-600 13,000 7 356 5.2 3,800 559 6.8
8S-6X16-900 16,027 8 380 5.3 3,400 705 4.8
7S-4X16-600 14,000 7 273 7.3 4,500 686 6.6
Average length ratio 4.8 Average width ratio 7.8

TABLE 3. Dimensions of existing inlet manifolds (normalized data)1

Adjusted Number FLG OD Length/slot/ Adjusted FLG OD Width/FLG
Description length, mm of slots (inlet), mm FLG OD, mm width, mm (prod), mm OD, mm Remarks
6S-4X6-1500 6,834 6 310 3.7 3,813 395 9.7 Length increase; actual
length was 5,834 mm
9S-4X6-1500 10,234 9 310 3.7 3,813 395 9.7 Length increase; actual
length was 8,834 mm
6S-4X6-600 8,000 6 273 4.9 3,998 419 9.5
7S-6X12-600 11,500 7 356 4.6 3,800 559 6.8 Length decrease; actual
length was 13,000 mm
8S-6X16-900 14,897 8 380 4.9 4,160 705 5.9 Length decrease; actual
length was 16,027 mm
Width increase; actual
width was 3,400 mm
7S-4X16-600 10,256 7 273 5.4 4,500 686 6.6 Length decrease; actual
length was 14,000 mm
Average length ratio 4.5 Average width ratio 8
Design basis: Access width = 800 mm; single-isolation valve on inlet lines, test and production header; and isolation valve of inlet lines installed in horizontal position.

fined/statistical data. Note: The average Example 2: Horizontal vessel skid. Takeaway. An estimated accuracy of
skid ratios at the end of the table even out Skid width depends mainly on the di- +/– 1,000 mm can be achieved when a
the dimensions from different vendors. ameter of the vessel and the number of dimensional database with consistent
As seen in TABLE 2, considerable varia- major (≥ 3-in.) lines connected to the criteria (i.e., access width, isolation phi-
tions exist due to inconsistent access vessel. Note: The size/flange rating of losophy, extent of automation/instru-
space, different isolation, etc. It is neces- the line(s) do not have a major impact mentation, etc.) is maintained and up-
sary to adjust/normalize dimensions on a on the width ratio because, as these pa- dated on a continuous basis.
consistent design basis. This will also help rameters/attributes change, the width Furthermore, this concept is based on
benchmark skid dimensions (TABLE 3): ratio will adjust accordingly. A key pa- limited available data. It is expected that
The overall length of the skid is deter- rameter for skid length is the tangent- major oil and gas companies and/or con-
mined by Eq. 1: to-tangent length of the vessel. As previ- tractors will further develop and bench-
Number of slots × flange OD × ously discussed, the basis of design must mark data for the benefit of knowledge-
(average length/slot/ (1) be documented for real results. Based on sharing in the oil and gas industry.
flange OD) limited available vendor data, the aver-
age length ratio is 1.5, while the average JAMSHAID ABID is a Piping/
where 4 × 273 × 4.5 = 12,334 mm– width ratio is 1.8. Project Engineer with more
than 14 yr of experience in
12,350 mm. This method can be applied to es- project design, engineering,
The overall width of the skid is deter- timate dimensions of a 2 × 100% hori- installation and commissioning
mined by Eq. 2: zontal pump skid (based on single- for onshore oil and gas (greenfield
pump skid dimensions), a metering skid and brownfield developments)
Flange OD × (average width/ and ammonia-urea plants in Iraq, Pakistan,
(2) (based on L/D ratio and width/run/
flange OD) the UAE and Yemen. He holds a BE degree in
flange OD) or a cooling water unit plot mechanical engineering from the University of
where 419 × 8.0 = 3,359 mm–3,400 mm. (based on cooling tower cell width). Engineering and Technology in Taxila, Pakistan.

22MARCH 2019 |

Europe Contributing Writer

Russian petrochemicals industry

on the verge of large-scale growth
The Russian government has announced its plan to in- ern and Far Eastern regions. Each of these clusters will have its
crease the volume of support for its domestic petrochemicals own olefins complex, a raw materials base and other associated
industry over the next several years, with the aim of doubling infrastructure. These clusters will also include enterprises spe-
its production and boosting exports, according to Russian cializing in the production of finished petrochemicals. Most of
Minister of Energy Alexander Novak and the press service of these enterprises will be small- to medium-sized.
the Russian Presidential Administration. Of these clusters, special attention will be paid to the pet-
Planned support is expected to be in the form of additional rochemical facilities being established in the Far East. These
subsidies and the creation of favorable tax regimes for produc- facilities will primarily export to the Asia-Pacific region.
ers. In general, the government plans to create more attractive The Eastern Petrochemical Company (EPC)—a petro-
and stable conditions for doing business in the Russian petro- chemical enterprise built by Rosneft—will serve as the basis
chemicals industry, ensuring stability of the industry’s tax re- for the Far East cluster. The new enterprise will have the capac-
gime for at least 15 yr. A final list of planned support measures ity to produce more than 10 MMtpy of petrochemicals and will
will be announced by the end of 1Q 2019. process oil from the Eastern Siberia-Pacific Ocean pipeline.
According to Novak, the government hopes to attract more At the time of this publication, Rosneft and China’s Sino-
than $40 B of additional investments to the industry by 2030, pec are negotiating the construction of a new gas chemical
with the goal of doubling petrochemicals production capac- complex in the Krasnoyarsk Territory. At its initial stage, the
ity within that timeframe. In addition, Russia is planning to facility will have the capacity to process up to 5 Bm3y of as-
increase the competitiveness of its petrochemicals industry in sociated natural gas, with the possibility of expanding to 10
the international arena. In the case of tax policy, the govern- Bm3y. The facility’s feedstock will come from the Yurubchen-
ment plans to introduce a negative excise tax on liquefied hy- sky oil and gas fields.
drocarbon gases and ethane in the country. The development of the Volga cluster will be another prior-
According to the latest proposal of the Ministry of Energy, ity for the Russian government in the field of petrochemicals.
Russia plans to emulate Saudi Arabia, which implemented a Part of the project includes the construction of a large-scale
subsidization policy that boosted the petrochemicals indus- ethylene plant at the Nizhnekamsk Petrochemical Plant.
try’s share of national GDP to 14% over the last several de- According to state assessments, Plan 2030 will boost
cades. This growth is significantly higher than what has been Russia’s ethylene production from 8 MMtpy in 2018 to nearly
seen in Russia, where figures do not exceed 1.5% despite the 13 MMtpy by 2030.
country’s rich hydrocarbon reserves, which are comparable to
those of Saudi Arabia. Structure and production. The Russian petrochemicals in-
At present, outdated technologies and high depreciation of dustry is primarily dominated by large companies, with the lead-
fixed assets are two of the major problems of the Russian pet- ing players being Sibur Holding, TAIF Group of Companies,
rochemicals industry, despite some modernization by leading Rosneft, LUKOIL and Gazprom. Unlike many international
producers in recent years. petrochemical giants (Dow, BASF, etc.), none of these compa-
This has led to a lack of production of key petrochemicals nies are purely petrochemicals. Instead, they are mostly verti-
products in Russia, despite utilization rates of 85%. Most ex- cally integrated oil companies with petrochemicals businesses.
isting pyrolysis units in Russia were built in the mid-1900s. The Ministry of Energy believes that Russia’s domestic pro-
The total capacity of ethylene pyrolysis units is estimated at duction will be enough for the implementation of Plan 2030.
slightly more than 3 MMtpy, which accounts for approximate- In 2018, oil and gas condensate production in Russia amount-
ly 2% of global production. ed to nearly 600 MMt, of which more than 50% was sent for
According to state plans, capacity should significantly in- processing. In the case of associated petroleum gas, production
crease over the next few years due to state support. Novak has reached 83 Bm3 in 2018, of which 40% was processed at do-
said that the implementation of these plans will be part of the mestic gas processing plants. As a rule, the production of raw
existing energy strategy of Russia for the period to 2030 (e.g., materials for petrochemicals facilities is usually carried out
Plan 2030). The strategy was approved by the Russian Minis- near pyrolysis plants.
try of Energy in 2012 and involves the establishment of six large Producers hope for state support during the implementa-
petrochemicals clusters in different parts of Russia, including tion of petrochemicals projects. These companies are hoping
the Volga, Caspian, West Siberian, East Siberian, Northwest- for state assistance during the establishment of infrastructure
Hydrocarbon Processing | MARCH 2019 23

for the new enterprises, as well as for ensuring regular sup- producers that the implementation of their ambitious plans to
plies of raw materials for their processing needs. Companies double petrochemicals production may lead to oversupply.
are ready to actively introduce new technologies to expand the For example, Dmitry Konov, Chairman of Sibur’s Manage-
range of high-value-added products. ment Board, stated that Russia’s existing petrochemicals ca-
pacities are already competitive in the global market. The main
Sanctions. Russia has a shortage of production of certain difficulty is related to the capital intensity of industry projects.
high-value petrochemical products, particularly special com- These capital-intensive projects will require significant incen-
posites and additives. The introduction of new technologies tives from the government, which could be problematic, con-
should help partially solve this problem. However, most of sidering the complex state of the Russian economy.
these new technologies have been traditionally imported to Dmitry Akishin, Gas and Chemistry Division Head at
Russia from abroad, mainly from Western countries, while the Vygon Consulting, believes that Russia has opportunities for
ongoing sanctions against Russia significantly complicate the the development of petrochemicals; however, the doubling of
further transfer of technology. production could be too optimistic for the industry. “To repeat
While the Russian petrochemical industry was not directly the path of Saudi Arabia, it is important to have comparable sup-
affected by sanctions from the US and the EU, they still resulted port tools of domestic petrochemicals production, as in Saudi
in restrictions for supplies of various technologies, equipment Arabia,” said Akishin. “The Kingdom uses a regulated price for
and raw materials used in Russian petrochemicals production. ethane, which is set at $54/1,000 m3 compared to $200/1,000
In addition, the existing sanctions have significantly complicat- m3–$300/1,000 m3 in the world market. In addition, it pro-
ed lending to Russian petrochemicals enterprises by Western vides a 30% discount on LPG and allocates about $10 B–$15 B
banks. Despite the sanctions, the Russian government has high of annual investments in the development of infrastructure for
hopes for the development of its petrochemicals industry. the industry through state-owned companies.”

Threat of oversupply? In accordance with Russia’s Ministry EUGENE GERDEN is an international contributing writer
of Energy report, over the past 15 yr, Russia’s petrochemicals specializing in the global oil refining and gas industry.
He has been published in a number of prominent industry
production has ranged from 7%–9%. Despite good prospects publications.
for further production growth, Russia’s leading petrochemicals
analysts have warned national government and domestic oil

Wednesday, March 27, 2019 | 10 a.m. CDT / 3 p.m. UTC

Covestro uses Next-Generation Process Simulation to

Jochen Steimel, Dr.-Ing.
Expert Process Simulation Software Push the Boundaries of Digital Transformation
Process simulation is increasingly playing a key role in Digital Transformation programs across
the process industries.
Covestro, one of the largest specialty polymer companies in the world, is running a broad
Digital Transformation program across its entire organization to capture value from simplified
processes and increased transparency and efficiency.
Process simulation is already used across the plant lifecycle to optimize design, equipment and
control setpoints and to support operations with troubleshooting and reducing downtime,
using a number of different simulation tools. However, these tools do not integrate well with
Konrad Triebeneck, Dr.-Ing. each other and engineers spend a large amount of time transferring information and rebuilding
Senior Expert Process Modeling models and simulations at different stages of the lifecycle.
Covestro In this webinar, Jochen Steimel and Konrad Triebeneck from Coverstro will share how
they consolidated their process simulation applications onto one single platform, AVEVA’s
SimCentral Simulation Platform, freeing up additional time to innovate, tackle complex problems
and ultimately boosting collaboration between process design, control and operations.

Register for Free:

Adrienne Blume
Executive Editor
Hydrocarbon Processing

24 MARCH 2019 |
Petrochemicals Rajant Corp., Malvern, Pennsylvania

Which network can fulfill the petrochemical

sector’s desire to exploit Industry 4.0?
The global petrochemical industry ability of the organization relies. Band- means productivity loss but also puts
has not been short of success. It has ex- width and availability are precious, and plant workers’ safety at risk.
perienced more than 15 yr of strong vol- downtime is unacceptable. Simply put, plants cannot afford to risk
ume growth, with no sign of stopping. If plants are to truly take advantage of downtime. With petrochemical plants
Fueled by abundant raw materials and the IIoT, their mission-critical applica- undergoing a period of significant expan-
increasing demand, new petrochemical tions must run on a communications net- sion, choosing the wrong industrial net-
plants are being established around the work that offers highly reliable, agile and work solution could mean that a plant’s
world, and existing plants are quickly ex- adaptable connectivity in diverse, evolv- investment will be unable to adequately
panding to capitalize on this growth. Hy- ing, mobility-driven environments. connect its operations tomorrow.
drocarbon Processing’s Construction Box-
score Database is tracking more than 470 Networking challenges in petro- A new kind of network. To overcome
active petrochemical projects around the chemical plants. While it is clear that these hurdles and enable the capabilities
world. In total, these projects equate to the IIoT is a critical part of establishing that Industry 4.0 brings, petrochemi-
nearly $510 B in active petrochemical Industry 4.0 capabilities plant-wide, de- cal plants require a different kind of
projects to boost production capacity to ploying a network to support connectiv- network—an Internet of Things (IoT)-
satisfy increasing global demand. ity demands in a dynamic and inherently enabling network that is more flexible
However, as the industry grows, so hazardous environment can be difficult. than Wi-Fi networks or two-way radio
does competition. Petrochemical plants In the petrochemical industry, balancing WAN. Only then can the petrochemical
have no choice but to find innovative facility and production growth with em- industry take advantage of the innova-
ways to rapidly optimize their produc- ployee safety is paramount. tive technologies that maximize pro-
tion to get ahead, while maintaining This means that the network must ductivity, enhance safety and give orga-
and increasing safety in all aspects of the keep up with several demands. For ex- nizations a leading edge over increasing
chemical production process. ample, many petrochemical plants oper- petrochemical competition.
Cue the Fourth Industrial Revolu- ate multiple networks to fulfill separate One viable solution is for petrochem-
tion. Also referred to as Industry 4.0, communications needs for their person- ical plants to deploy a mesh network
technologies such as augmented reality nel. The burden of maintaining a Wi-Fi topology—a resilient architecture, con-
(AR), autonomous robots and real-time network for data and a two-way radio structed of nodes, that enables a mul-
equipment analytics have emerged as WAN for voice generates significant and titude of devices to wirelessly connect
next-generation solutions that can satisfy unnecessary added costs and resource to each other. Each of these devices are
a plant’s need for enhanced productiv- demands for daily operations. capable of relaying data across the net-
ity, as well as mitigate the constant con- Petrochemical plants also contain an work until that data reaches its target
cern for personnel safety. Many already abundance of explosive and flammable destination. The technology is gaining
see their value. According PWC, 60% of gases, such as ethylene, propylene, bu- increasing interest due to its ability to
chemical companies state that Industry tadiene and other vapors, which means handle the inevitable surge of data that
4.0 data and analytics are of high impor- that maintaining safety in danger zones comes with an increased number of IoT-
tance, while 88% believe they will be of is a top priority for petrochemical plants. connected devices.
high importance within 5 yr.1 To keep equipment from sparking and Like many other industries, petro-
However, these advanced applica- starting a fire, networking infrastructure chemical operations depend on a variety
tions need full Industrial Internet of generally must be kept in an explosion- of vehicles, equipment, heavy machinery
Things (IIoT) connectivity to func- proof box as a precaution, further com- and personnel dispersed across vast, rug-
tion—a requirement that Wi-Fi and two- plicating installation. ged terrain—all of which require reliable,
way radio wide-area network (WAN) Operations carried out in petrochem- high-bandwidth and mobile communi-
alone cannot fulfil. ical plants are mission-critical (from cations. Every aspect of exploration, ex-
Why? Because the information net- the moment of deployment to ongoing traction and production must always be
work is the backbone of complex petro- plant operations), meaning they require carefully monitored and managed to en-
chemical operations. It is the linchpin on constant connectivity. Dropping signals, sure continuous operations and cost con-
which the productivity, safety and profit- even for a short span of time, not only tainment. A mesh network can provide
Hydrocarbon Processing | MARCH 2019 25

real-time, site-wide communications for Mesh networking software also mize efficient machine movements on
employees, contractors, vehicles, drills, autonomously directs traffic over all the production line. Plants can lay the
wellheads, video cameras, smart meters, meshed connections. By dynamically groundwork for innovative IIoT appli-
sensors, laptops, smartphones and an load balancing and routing data around cations, such as 24/7, 365-d equipment
abundance of other assets. signal blockage from moving assets and autonomy, with plant-wide asset mobi-
It sounds like a dream come true, but potential interferences, it ensures that lization, which increases petrochemical
not all mesh networks are created equal. data packets get to their destination via output while keeping employees out of
Plants require fully mobile wireless the fastest path available. By eliminating dangerous areas.
broadband connectivity that is simple, the need for a controller node, the net- In addition, products and equipment
instantaneous and fail-proof in any ap- work will have no single point of failure. can be protected from theft with real-
plication—a “living” mesh solution that As petrochemical plants are dispersed time video surveillance. With round-
moves and evolves with changing con- over widespread areas, they are regularly the-clock views into operations, a plant
nectivity demands. adding new bandwidth-intensive appli- can gain insights into plant performance
cations to support continued growth. and events on the production floor. With
Delivering critical connectivity. This A superior mesh network topology can AR, productivity of employees can be
connectivity is achievable through a rapidly evolve as a plant expands. In fact, enhanced, while also removing them
combination of wireless network nodes as more nodes are added, more paths to from potentially hazardous petrochemi-
and networking software. This software direct mission-critical data are naturally cal environments. This highlights the
utilizes any-node to any-node capabili- formed. With more paths, the network clear benefits of a wireless mesh network
ties to continuously and instantaneously becomes more resilient. for the petrochemicals market that can
route data via the best available traffic Petrochemical plants are also poten- deliver secure, reliable broadband cover-
path and frequency—for any number of tial targets for high-risk network security age anywhere and at any time.
nodes, all with extremely low overhead. attacks, meaning they require military-
Furthermore, superior mesh networks grade data security. A mesh network can A new era of mesh networking.
can communicate with any Wi-Fi or Eth- protect a plant from security breaches Although this list is not exhaustive, it
ernet-connected device to deliver low- due to multi-layered, military-grade se- illustrates how an IIoT-enabling mesh
latency, high-throughput data, voice and curity for network traffic, making it in- networking solution can make operations
video applications. credibly difficult to penetrate. It boasts smarter and employees safer. It also
A mesh network can provide a secure multiple cryptographic options, con- shows that this new kind of network is
and converged solution, eliminating the figurable data and media access control designed to deliver continuous wireless
need for petrochemical plants to main- (MAC) address encryption, and config- connectivity to support a myriad of
tain multiple networks by flexibly sup- urable per-hop, per-packet authentica- applications.
porting data, voice and video. Not only tion between nodes. What makes mesh networks even
does this solution reduce the total cost more appealing is that there are no cables
of ownership, but it also simplifies the Enabling IIoT through a mesh net- to run, so the IIoT can be deployed cost
work expected of personnel by allowing work. A mesh network is an effective effectively in a matter of days or weeks
them to centralize their communications alternative to existing limiting technolo- rather than months. It means petrochemi-
to a single device. Depending on the gies like Wi-Fi and two-way radio WAN. cal plants can maximize this exciting
mesh network provider, certain nodes Once a petrochemical plant has enabled phase of industrialization sooner than
are also safe to deploy in any corner of IIoT connectivity, a multitude of Indus- imagined. The desire to create a truly con-
a petrochemical plant without the need try 4.0 applications can be implemented nected plant facility need not be a distant
for mounting in explosion-proof boxes. to drive optimized production and to pipe dream. Petrochemical plants can-
Wireless network nodes can be at- increase employee safety. This means a not afford to ignore the IIoT, and when
tached to both fixed and mobile assets, plant can immediately exploit advantag- it comes to Industry 4.0, a “living” mesh
including equipment, vehicles and facil- es, such as radio frequency identification network is their best alternative.
ity infrastructure. They can maintain (RFID) tracking of personnel and con-
multiple simultaneous connections be- tractors, which is enabled through every- LITERATURE CITED
tween peers, as well as send and receive where connectivity and provides real- 1
“Industry 4.0: Building the digital enterprise,”
Pricewaterhouse Cooper, 2016.
data on multiple frequency bands. Fur- time tracking of workers across a plant.
thermore, they never break connections This not only allows operators to moni-
to form new ones, meaning connections tor personnel’s ongoing safety status, but GEOFF SMITH began his career
are maintained until they are no longer also aids in emergency extraction in case at AT&T Bell Labs developing high-
needed. With high-bandwidth speeds of an incident. speed modem technologies. He
led Modem, DSL and Wireless
across multiple mesh node hops, a mesh Mesh networks also support band- R&D teams prior to joining Proxim
network offers extremely low latency for width-intensive applications, such as as- Wireless in 2000, where he held
real-time, plant-wide connectivity, even at set tracking and optimization, thereby senior executive positions managing
R&D, sales and marketing, enabling indoor and
the network edge—making it the perfect enabling the monitoring of a plant’s as- outdoor mobile internet. In 2015, Mr. Smith founded
solution for mission-critical operations sets in real time, as well as predict equip- Wave Mobile Solutions, a DSRC V2X radio company
that require ubiquitous connectivity. ment maintenance needs and maxi- focused on connected and autonomous vehicles.

26 MARCH 2019 |

Performance Based Trust

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Fluid Flow Emerson Automation Solutions, Boulder, Colorado

Retrofit for reliability with Coriolis flowmeters

Aging infrastructure has become a
much-talked-about issue across the hy-
drocarbon industry. Many long-running
plants have worked almost nonstop for
more than 30 yr–40 yr. They have seen
downturns and years of fast economic
growth. During times of fast economic
growth, instrumentation might have been
pressed into service in ever-smaller spac-
es to accommodate the demands of the
market. Engineers and technicians have
become expert at fitting things into tight
spaces and keeping older equipment run-
ning; however, with shrinking budgets and
an aging workforce that is often not being
replaced, plants are looking for compre-
hensive solutions to the aging problems FIG. 1. As hydrocarbon plants age, plant managers are seeking new solutions and technologies
that will not interrupt production. to help maintain reliability and optimize efficiency.
When the price of oil plunged from
$100/bbl to $50/bbl with no sign of re- tion in the two-wire market. As a result, matter experts tasked with maintaining
covery, hydrocarbon processing plant they have made do with technology that specific parts of a hydrocarbon plant. The
managers were forced to reevaluate the was less expensive in the initial setup, but trend in recent years, however, has been to
efficiency of the plant and how they could that has proven to be expensive to main- move toward generalists. This means that
remain profitable at the $50/bbl price tag. tain over time. fewer people, in a shrinking pool, have
Investment in quality instrumentation Add to that the fact that none of those the deep expertise required for long-term
was key to reducing waste and remaining options are reliable over long-term use maintenance success. This scenario im-
relevant against the competition. and may require regular maintenance due pacts production in the long term, as un-
While reliability remains the biggest to internal moving parts, or they do not planned shutdowns might become more
challenge for any operational system, a have the range of the Coriolis meter. frequent and could take longer to rectify
plant manager will look for other factors This is where Coriolis meters come when outside technical help is required to
when considering updates to the exist- into their own by meeting an industry fix a problem, especially if in-house skills
ing infrastructure: cost, safety and inter- need with no moving parts that require are not readily available.
ruptions to ongoing production are chief regular servicing, combined with consis- Ideally, a full retrofit and upgrade
among them. The C-suite and plant man- tent reliability over time. The high turn- should be undertaken. Many in the C-
agers agree on the need for reliable and down options are also very attractive. suite understand this, but are hesitant to
safe equipment. Thanks to advances in technology, such greenlight such projects. Capital expenses
as the shrinking of processor sizes, a two- can quickly overwhelm a budget, especial-
Two-wire flowmeters. Most hydrocar- wire Coriolis meter is now a viable option ly when the financial realities beyond the
bon plants today run two-wire flowme- across the hydrocarbon industry (FIG. 1). planning stage of a full upgrade become
ters. This is how they were originally set apparent. Coupled with the natural hu-
up, primarily because two-wire meters Patching or retrofitting? Plant manag- man resistance to change, it is not surpris-
offer better power consumption and save ers, engineers and maintenance techni- ing that infrastructure continues to age.
on cabling costs. cians have needed to be creative to keep Beyond the capital expense and return
In the two-wire market, the options old meters running. Over the long term, on investment (ROI), another important
in the past have been limited to differen- however, a patched system is simply not challenge when considering a retrofit is
tial pressure (DP), positive displacement feasible or safe—particularly if the tech- that of cabling. In many plants, the cabling
(PD) and turbine meters. While most nology is still analog in our increasingly in overhead racks goes back 30 yr–40 yr,
plant managers would be thrilled to have digital and connected world. if not longer. More cables are added over
Coriolis meters, that has not been an op- In the past, plants had teams of subject time, but none of the old ones are re-
Hydrocarbon Processing | MARCH 2019 27
Fluid Flow

moved. To consider removing all the ca- With these questions in mind, it is likely Aging gracefully. For plant managers,
bling at a late stage would shut production that all of the open jobs created by the re- the issue of an aging workforce does not
for days, if not weeks. A solution must fit tirement wave will not be backfilled. The need to be messy or painful if the right
the two-wire setup that is already in place. jobs that are filled will likely attract new options, tools and people are chosen.
Plants that have seen significant graduates who do not yet have the practi- Shoring up an aging plant can be done in
growth over the past few decades have cal experience to work with existing equip- a way that will give the plant an upgrade,
little room to accommodate equipment ment. These new hires are more accus- and at the same time set it up for success
that requires more wiring. This makes a tomed to relying on digital technology for over the next 20 yr.
two-wire setup necessary, especially one information. They are digital natives; they With careful planning and engineer-
that will not require additional straight grew up with electronic devices, and they ing, hiring the right talent and freeing up
pipe runs to be installed. will expect plant equipment to be digital, enough initial capital, an aging hydrocar-
as well—or at least to have a user-friendly bon plant can realize a significant ROI
“Two birds with one stone.” With so interface. They will expect that a laptop when opting for the upfront expense of
many technicians and engineers retir- or handheld device can interface with the installing new, two-wire Coriolis meters
ing and taking decades of knowledge and transmitter on the meter to provide the that are now available for much-needed
skills with them, it is important to recog- necessary readings and information about infrastructure upgrade projects. Built-in
nize that there is very little substitute for what is going on inside the process. diagnostic tools provide peace of mind
real-world, hard-earned experience over The new, two-wire Coriolis meters can and make these meters more effective in
what is taught in classrooms, books or case help here. Built-in diagnostic tools that the long run.
studies. Classroom training in this area is monitor the meter at all times and send
often missing crucial nuances and vari- out alerts of changes, which can be plotted ANTHONY GENTILE is a Marketing
Product Manager with Emerson
ables found in the real world. For example, over time, bring peace of mind. Learning Automation Solutions, Micro Motion.
what should a technician do when a meter to use these tools will come more easily to He has 15 yr of experience in the
is giving an unknown reading, and it is un- this next generation of engineers and tech- area of Coriolis flow measurement
and holds a BS degree in chemical
clear if water, entrained gas or something nicians. Overall, it is easier to learn how to engineering and petroleum refining
more corrosive could impact production use these tools than to learn how to deal from the Colorado School of Mines, as well as an
as it moves through the system? with old meters that might have quirks. MBA degree from Regis University.

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28 MARCH 2019 |
Executive Viewpoint Honeywell UOP, Des Plaines, Illinois

Introducing the refinery of the future

Businesses that develop and com- high-sulfur fuels and creating mounting taged feedstocks are essential to the long-
mercialize process technology are in a pressure for significant upgrades in refin- term profitability of refiners.
unique position to identify and evaluate ing capabilities. More than ever before, In the past, refineries that converted
global trends in our industry. For more these upgrades must be made with a clear 15%–25% of their production into pet-
than 100 yr, our company has advised view of future market conditions. rochemicals were considered highly inte-
its customers in the application of new Meanwhile, high-growth economies, grated. Our company recently licensed a
technologies to improve their profit- with rapidly growing middle classes, will world-scale complex that is in construc-
ability in an ever-changing global energy increase their consumption of transpor- tion, and that will efficiently convert
marketplace. In most cases, this consulta- tation fuels, and many of them are also more than half its crude intake into petro-
tion commences many years before our investing in a new domestic refining in- chemicals. Even at this level, 50% is by no
clients are ready to make final investment frastructure capable of producing cleaner- means the technological limit. It is simply
decisions. This is what forms the basis burning fuels. Existing refiners that tradi- the level of petrochemicals production
for a clear, long-term view of the trends tionally have supplied fuel products into that satisfied the customer’s targeted
emerging across the industry. these export markets will find demand in product slate, which includes production
One important long-term concept those markets being met by newly estab- of clean fuels.
is what we define as the “refinery of the lished domestic refiners. As a result, mil- Refineries such as this—integrated
future.” It is based on a philosophy that lions of barrels of export refining capacity with substantial petrochemicals produc-
refineries must be designed to facilitate could be at risk of being stranded—that tion—are likely to be among the most
an evolution of product slates and deliver is, unless the assets that produce them can consistently profitable over the long run.
sustainable competitiveness in terms of be adapted or repurposed. In fact, refineries that produce only petro-
the overall cash cost of production, capi- With overall fuel volumes forecast to chemicals are clearly on the horizon.
tal efficiency, responsiveness to regula- peak around 2035, most refiners—even As important as any other factor, the
tion and competition and the agility to those in markets where fuels are grow- refinery of the future will be a digitally
manage molecules for the greatest profit- ing—are looking for paths to better man- connected facility. It will be equipped
ability. The refinery of the future also is age their molecules so they can enter with cloud-based connected plant ser-
designed for the flexibility to cost-effec- product categories that offer growing vices that analyze plant performance
tively address changes in market condi- volumes, as well as greater profitability. data with proprietary models to provide
tions in the short term, as well as 10 yr or Many of these refiners plan to expand into recommendations that improve process
20 yr down the line. petrochemicals, where global demand optimization and operational reliability,
Today’s refiners face an array of new is growing 40% faster than gross domes- minimize energy consumption and emis-
challenges, the greatest of which are the tic product, and several times faster than sions, eliminate waste products and bet-
need to continue making investments to transportation fuels. ter manage water. It also can bridge gaps
produce clean-burning fuels, react to mar- This strong demand for petrochemi- in experience caused by retirements and
ket dislocations and adapt to the widely cals is being driven by dozens of coun- personnel attrition, providing insights
forecasted plateau in demand for trans- tries such as China, India and Indonesia, and guidance to plant operators.
portation fuels. Each of these challenges where nearly 3 B people will graduate into
will affect product mix and investment the middle class by 2050. These consum- Since joining UOP in 1992,
strategies for refiners in the future. In ad- ers will fuel demand for more synthetic JOHN GUGEL has held roles in
dition, the need to address operator turn- fibers, packaging, automobiles, new food business management, sales,
marketing, project management and
over and inexperience in an environment options and pharmaceuticals and count- engineering. He most recently
of increasing complexity—from feedstock less other consumer goods. served as Vice President and General
to products—is another crucial challenge. To satisfy this growing demand, the Manager of Honeywell UOP’s
For many, the stricter rules intending refinery of the future must have the abil- process technology and equipment business. Prior to
this, he was Vice President and General Manager of the
to eliminate the use of high-sulfur bun- ity to upgrade crude oil into high-qual- company’s gas processing and hydrogen business. In
ker fuel presents a pressing challenge. ity cleaner-burning fuels, in addition to previous roles, he served as Global Director of
Simultaneously, many countries are mov- higher-value petrochemicals. The tech- Honeywell UOP’s refining business Mr. Gugel earned
Bch and MS of Science degrees in civil and
ing away from burning fuel oil for power nologies that enable both production of a environmental engineering from the University of
generation and heating. These trends clean fuels slate and an efficient pathway Wisconsin, and an MBA from Northwestern University’s
are quickly closing the market for heavy, to “crude-to-chemicals” from cost-advan- Kellogg School of Management.

Hydrocarbon Processing | MARCH 2019 29

Select 70 at
Digital KBC, a Yokogawa Company, Houston, Texas

Digitalization: Why now?

The process industries are under threat. Their products Despite this, digitalization cannot be ignored, and plants
are encountering substitution while market demand is stag- must look past the confusion to uncover their own unique val-
nant; their means of production are challenged by alternative ues and outcomes.
technologies; local communities do not like dangerous, noisy, The author’s company recently commissioned a survey of
smelly or highly visible assets on their doorsteps; regulators 100 operations leaders across the oil refining and petrochemi-
are making it costlier to operate; retiring employees are de- cals industry to understand how they are responding to mar-
pleting the industry knowledge pool; and tech industries are ket conditions and setting themselves on a more sustainable
attracting potential new talent. path. One of the three major trends identified was the influ-
Faced with such an environment, investment choices are ence of technology on the industry. Respondents showed a
limited and capital is scarce; physical infrastructure is aging strong desire to obtain a digital blueprint for the future, yet
and inflexible. Operational technology (OT) is required to felt underprepared within their organizations for the adoption
last a quarter of a century—many process operations are con- of technologies such as the cloud, the Industrial Internet of
trolling their plants with systems installed in the 1990s with Things (IIoT) and artificial intelligence (AI).
only superficial upgrades since that time. Such technology is
limited in scope; therefore, the plant’s ability to manage its as- Why digitalize? The same research also showed that digi-
sets holistically, rather than as individual standalone units, is talization leaders can access as much as 800% higher human
impaired. This makes them particularly vulnerable. productivity in operations, compared to industry laggards. Al-
The focus of most plants has been “operability”—making though still in its infancy, digitalization is clearly already hav-
sure that each asset is available and runs reliably and safely. ing a massive impact. The potential business impact is truly
Little time is left to devote to driving excellence; the OT infra- transformational.
structure and tools to get the most out of the entire plant are Digitalization allows plant personnel to manage day-to-
not readily accessible, and the organization is not prepared to day performance safely and reliably, so that the facility can
manage a change in focus. respond to swings in market dynamics, operate at a true op-
Plants that are committed to the medium and long term timum, squeeze the gap between potential and realized prof-
must have robust strategies to counter these threats and to itability, create more utility for its end customers/consumers
guarantee their relevance and competitiveness. Digitalization and outmaneuver competition.
is one of the key strategies that a plant can adopt to address It also enables a process operation to extend its problem-
these challenges by spending a modest amount of capital yet solving ecosphere beyond the plant: to engage the support,
generating quick and effective results, sustainably. brainpower and technologies of the plant’s key partners, cus-
tomers and suppliers, each of which can bring specific exper-
Didn’t the industry “digitalize” in the 1980s? The 1980s tise and experience to augment the plant’s own capabilities
went through a digital revolution as old pneumatic and elec- and resources.
tronic instruments and controllers were upgraded to digital Digitalization can turn a distracted organization that is
technologies. However, that was digitization, not digitalization. bogged down in reacting to day-to-day issues and inundated
Digitization is simply a change of format from analog to digital, with data, information and advice into an agile, well-oiled ma-
but essentially business as usual. chine that proactively anticipates issues and organizes to pri-
Conversely, digitalization has a far greater outcome-orient- oritize and solve them before they escalate.
ed ambition. It is the scalable application of digital technologies
and the alignment of organizational capabilities that an energy Digitalization—now is the time. When performed correct-
or chemical process operation should have and master, with ly, digitalization creates revenue, improves business perfor-
digital information at the core to achieve excellence. mance (not just processes), solves problems that could not be
solved before, empowers personnel and makes them more ef-
What do operations leaders think? Many in the down- fective. It builds a culture with digital information at the core.
stream industry are confused or irritated by digitalization. Over- Now is the time to digitalize. Digitalization has been en-
all, information technology (IT) vendors are to blame. They abled by rapid growth in technology capabilities and the ac-
push the idea that digitalization is an IT issue yet cannot ex- ceptance of new business models. Most in the industry are
plain its relevance to an operational audience. They flood their only just beginning their digitalization journey, but some are
offerings with new buzzwords but fail to articulate a compelling already embracing digitalization and are pushing themselves
value proposition when challenged with operational reality. ahead of the rest. Digitalization creates and sustains competi-
Hydrocarbon Processing | MARCH 2019 31

tive advantage, and those who are not digitalizing now are be- right project depends on where the plant is on its digitaliza-
ing left behind—they will be consumed in the marketplace. tion journey. It is important for plant operations leaders to
mobilize the workforce to embrace a culture of digitalization
Digitalization actions to take now. The following are steps and convince executives that their investments are bringing
companies should be taking to advance digitalization within noticeable and measurable returns.
their organizations.
Table stakes. Plants should be properly readied to embark An exciting digital future. The digital future will look
on their digitalization journey. Appropriate infrastructure quite different: decision-making will be streamlined, and
should be in place, data should be trustworthy, and people conclusions will be drawn with more certainty; operational
should be prepared and accepting. Legacy technology should execution will be largely automated; and people will be em-
be assessed against present objectives to determine if it stays powered with a wider scope of accountability, resulting in
(maybe in an upgraded form) or goes. greater job satisfaction.
Investments should be holistic and scalable in nature— The digitally wise will operate plants with a massively re-
they should consider the impact of any change in one area duced number of unexpected events; excellent levels of reli-
on the end-to-end plant economics. They should be smart ability, safety performance and environmental compliance;
enough to identify problems and recommend solutions, not and extraordinary efficiency. Assets will operate with agility
to just present information without context. and flexibility. Competition will have been left behind.
Problem-solving can extend beyond the plant through the
use of the cloud. Suppliers, customers and third-party experts DUNCAN MICKLEM is the Executive Vice President of
can be engaged as stakeholders in the desired outcome, no Strategy and Marketing at KBC, a Yokogawa Company.
matter where they are located. He is responsible for business planning; corporate
strategy, including investment prioritization/capital
Digitalization solutions should be easy to use and main- allocation, mergers and acquisitions (M&A); and
tain. As much as practical, solutions should be automated so marketing. Mr. Micklem started his career in the
the human becomes an implementor and supervisor of strat- engineering industry with AMEC. After moving to KBC,
he held business management roles focused on business development,
egy, rather than a number-cruncher and tactician. strategy, restructuring and planning. Mr. Micklem holds degrees in
Playing for competitive advantage. Plants should start biology and geography from the University of Exeter, UK and an MBA
any one of several ‘quick-win’ digitalization projects now. The degree from Cass Business School in the UK.

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32 MARCH 2019 |
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| Special Focus
Demand for petrochemicals is forecast to surge into the 2020s.
Developing economies in Asia and other regions will lead in new
petrochemical demand centers. The Asia-Pacific, Middle East and US
regions will head the charge in building new petrochemical capacity to
satisfy regional and global demand. The global petrochemical sector
is seeking more flexibility and efficiency so that it can quickly adapt
to future market changes. This month’s Special Focus explores the
innovative technical approaches being applied in the petrochemical
industry to increase energy process efficiency and optimize production.

View of the construction of SIBUR’s polyethylene plant site in Tobolsk,

Tyumen region, Russia, in July 2017.
Special Focus Petrochemical Technology
F. HAYEK and M. MORAN, Sadara Chemical Co.,
Jubail Industrial City, Saudi Arabia

How did asset utilization modeling

save Sadara $1 B in capital cost?
Sadara is a JV between Saudi Aramco and Dow Chemical.
The two companies invested $20 B to build the world’s largest
petrochemical complex ever constructed in one phase (FIG. 1).
This project included new process units that had never been
built before in Saudi Arabia, or in any of the countries of the
Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC). In addition, some of the
complex’s units process risky and challenging chemicals,
whereas others operate at world-scale rates. With such a large
investment in a complicated, highly integrated site, it was im-
portant that the money be well spent to earn the rate of return
investors expect.
As most engineering and construction companies are
more interested in minimizing the initial investment, oper-
ating companies such as Sadara have a different objective:
They want to balance the initial capital investment against the
production and the conversion costs necessary to make their
products over the life of the assets. FIG. 1. A view of the Sadara petrochemical complex. Photo courtesy
of Sadara.
During the design phase, it is important to factor in or dis-
cern how different equipment and process units will affect
availability and asset utilization, so that the plant can meet quired to answer the specific business/technical questions un-
business production targets within cost constraints. This ac- der consideration. Sadara uses three different “levels” of RAM
tion is more difficult than it sounds, since even an experienced models: RAM1, RAM2 and RAM3.
engineer has difficulty predicting actual production in a large,
highly integrated site, given different unit availabilities, com- RAM1 site model. RAM1 is the highest-level model and is
plex process unit configurations, equipment failure and repair, a single model built for the entire site. Constructing the ini-
seasonal effects, fluctuations in supply and demand, and inter- tial model required incorporating process unit configurations,
mediate storage capacity. This is a classic optimization prob- tankage sizes, import/export capabilities and turnaround
lem that requires the right methodology and tools. For that schedule estimates, as well as power, utilities and infrastruc-
reason, Sadara used reliability, availability and maintainability ture information. As opposed to the RAM2 models used at the
(RAM) modeling as a key part of its design approach. plant level, the RAM1 model uses simple uptime/downtime
estimates for each major process unit.
Overview of asset utilization modeling. RAM model- Initial RAM1 model performance data was based on his-
ing is a Monte Carlo mathematical methodology that al- torical data from Sadara’s parent companies, and from world-
lows a user to evaluate different design scenarios, assuming wide refining and petrochemical best practices. Over time,
a given process/equipment configuration, pipe flow, tank these initial data estimates will be replaced with actual Sadara
management and equipment failure/repair characteristics. operating data.
Model outputs are asset utilization, availability and the costs Process units, tanks and other major assets are modeled as
to achieve that asset utilization over a given time period. It simple blocks with little underlying supporting detail. What
is important to note that, since Monte Carlo modeling is a is important in these models are the interconnections and de-
probabilistic mathematical technique, model outputs are also pendencies between the units.
probabilistic (e.g., outputs are probability distributions, rath- In the initial phases of the Sadara program, RAM1 mod-
er than specific discrete values). els were crucial for determining which process units would be
RAM models can be built to any degree of detail. However, built and the ultimate storage configuration. Production rev-
in practice, these models should be built only to the detail re- enue determined from the RAM1 model was then balanced
Hydrocarbon Processing | MARCH 2019 35
Petrochemical Technology

RAM modeling benefits. Sadara has received RAM modeling

Site model (RAM 1) benefits from numerous sources. The following are some of the
more common benefit areas, such as the ability to determine:
• When redundancy is needed or when the system
97% 98% 96% 96.5% is over-designed
Unit 1 model Unit 2 model Unit 25 model Unit 25 model • How reliable a given piece of equipment should be
(RAM 2) (RAM 2) (RAM 2) (RAM 2) • When, where and how much tankage is needed
• Which equipment improvement projects make the most
FIG. 2. The output of the RAM1 model sets the target availabilities
sense economically
for each of the underlying 26 process unit models.
• Optimal quantities of spare parts for given equipment
• Effectiveness of preventive and predictive maintenance
against the costs to build, operate and maintain these units, as (PPM) and turnaround frequency/duration
determined from engineering estimates. However, the RAM1 • Load-shedding strategies when unplanned events occur.
model remains evergreen, and is updated as new business in- One benefit often received is the determination of whether
put becomes available. redundancy is needed or not. Sometimes added capital cost can
Primary outputs of the RAM1 model are “utilized hours,” save a future loss of production, resulting in huge benefits. Con-
along with storage and import/export capabilities over a 20- versely, there may be times when redundancy is not needed and,
yr time frame. The term “utilized hours” is best understood as in these cases, redundancy can result in capital spent unwisely,
the percentage of time that the unit must be available at full along with possibly a lifetime of unnecessary maintenance costs.
production. Simply put, it becomes the yearly asset mechani- At Sadara, in two separate instances, entire trains were eliminated.
cal reliability (AMR) percentage over that 20-yr time horizon. Determining the reliability of a piece of equipment or a com-
ponent within a given piece of equipment is not a trivial matter.
Overview of asset utilization modeling. The output of RAM modeling makes it possible to accurately determine the
the RAM1 model sets the target availabilities for each of the cost/benefit of improved reliability or to select between vendors.
underlying 26 process unit models (FIG. 2). This was used extensively during the RAM modeling effort.
Tankage is usually desired for operational flexibility reasons.
RAM2 plant models. Whereas there is only one RAM1 model, However, it often cannot be justified economically. RAM mod-
there are RAM2 models built for each of the 26 process units and eling allows operators to pinpoint precisely how much tankage
utilities. RAM2 models are much more detailed than the RAM1 is needed—if any at all—between process units, raw materials
model. Blocks are added for each major equipment item, us- storage or finished product storage. If RAM modeling had not
ing typical failure and repair characteristics for that equipment. been used, the Sadara complex would have been built with more,
The model is then run, and adjustments are made that add or and larger, tankage than necessary.
subtract redundancy, using more/less reliable equipment (obvi- RAM modeling is also very good at determining the sensitiv-
ously with cost differences) until the RAM1 and RAM2 model ity of equipment, which leads to asset utilization losses. Once
outputs converge. Outputs from the RAM2 models include the known, the cost for projects to eliminate or reduce those losses
asset utilization of the plant, the total number of failures for all can be calculated to determine which projects make the most
equipment and the percentage of production losses that each sense financially. This aspect of RAM modeling remains an im-
equipment caused, in addition to tank full/empty events. portant part of Sadara’s reliability program on an ongoing basis.
Of importance is the Pareto chart of equipment vs. asset uti- Spare parts optimization has become an important part of
lization loss for every piece of equipment in the unit—often Sadara’s asset management effort. In the Middle East, this is es-
called the “sensitivity” level. These charts can often be used to pecially important in the Gulf region, since lead times are much
determine what equipment performance could be improved to longer than along the US Gulf Coast. Spare parts optimization
increase overall asset utilization. They are frequently used by strikes a balance whereby no production is lost due to the un-
reliability engineers to identify potential projects that would availability of spare parts or the overstocking of spares.
increase asset utilization for that unit. Tanks’ empty/full events PPM and turnaround schedules are often set to maintain
suggest whether the tanks are properly sized, or if they need to certain equipment to keep them in running condition and to
be increased to improve asset utilization or decreased to save prevent unplanned outages. Once a PPM or turnaround has
capital cost. been completed, the model resets the age of these maintained
equipment parts to a specific value, as determined by equip-
RAM3 models. RAM3 models are smaller, and usually more ment experts. This way, credit can be given to the renewed parts
specific, models that are often built to answer a specific ques- by adjusting their age. This process results in a more accurate
tion. They have frequently been used for spare parts optimi- availability and asset utilization estimate for future model runs.
zation or case studies. The information needed to conduct a Setting load-shedding strategies is of great importance to
spare parts optimization analysis includes failure and repair handle process interruptions. It helps maintain focus on as-
characteristics, replenishment time, the cost of spare parts and sets based on their importance to safety, production and asset
spare parts production sensitivity. Model outputs are the mini- performance.
mum/maximum stocking levels that guarantee production is
never lost because of spare parts unavailability, and that spare Takeaways. By utilizing RAM modeling, Sadara saved more
parts are not overstocked. than $1 B in capital spending, while simultaneously increas-
36 MARCH 2019 |
Petrochemical Technology

ing production capabilities and achieving business objectives.

These benefits accrued from the elimination of process trains,
decreased capital equipment spend, a more robust electrical
grid and supporting components, the addition or elimination
of redundancy where appropriate, adjustment of tank sizes and
spare parts optimization.
The real validation that RAM modeling was beneficial has
been the operational results. After the plant had been fully
commissioned and all units were operating for several months,
the overall plant availability was slightly greater than 97%. No
doubt this was due to many factors. However, it is unlikely that
such a high availability could have been achieved without the
extensive use of RAM modeling.
While it played a very important role during the design Tailor-made solutions for
phase, RAM modeling continues to be an essential component
of Sadara’s asset management program. For example, reliability
cost-effective gas treatment
engineers use RAM2 models as a source of ideas on how a pro- and sulphur recovery plants
cess unit’s availability can be improved by targeting equipment
projects based on sensitivity results.
In 2018, Sadara successfully completed its performance Over 500 projects developed
test, the creditors reliability test (CRT), an exercise required
by the company’s financial lenders to demonstrate the com- for onshore, offshore, upstream
pany’s ability to operate its market-facing plants and supply and downstream installations
chain at 90% of design capacity or better for a period of 60
consecutive days. From October 19 through December 17,
Sadara engaged in its first official run of the CRT, monitored
by the lenders’ representative. All plants and supply chain fa-
cilities passed their tests safely on the first official try. New
industrial companies very rarely pass lenders’ reliability tests
on the first official attempt, and Sadara was the first Saudi Ar-
amco JV ever to do so. This is a validation of the overall as-
set management approach that was taken on the project, and
there is no doubt that RAM modeling played an important
role in achieving that important milestone.
At the very least, asset utilization modeling should be an es-
sential part of every capital project. Models created during the
design phase can then be leveraged to answer future operation- Licensor of SRU and supplier of
al and maintenance issues based on a rigorous analysis rather stick-built process plants and
than on a gut feeling. Used this way, asset utilization models modular or skid-mounted units for:
complement the process simulation models that process engi-
neers already maintain for each unit. • Gas treatment
• Gas field development
FAREED HAYEK is a Senior Reliability Simulation Engineer
at Sadara Chemical Co., specializing in RAM modeling and • Gas dehydration with solvents or adsorbents
spare parts optimization. Previously, Mr. Hayek was a • NGL recovery and stabilisation
reliability and improvement engineer at Dow Chemical
in Freeport, Texas. Prior to that, he was a senior reliability
• Gas sweetening
and maintainability engineer at NASA for the International • Sulphur recovery and tail gas treatment
Space Station (ISS) and the Space Shuttle programs.
He received the Space Flight Awareness Honoree award for reliability and Custom solutions to fit your needs
maintainability support of the ISS. He holds ASQ CRE and CMRP certifications.
Mr. Hayek earned a BS degree in mechanical engineering from the University
of Jordan, an MS degree in computer engineering from the University
of Houston, and is a PhD candidate in industrial engineering at Mississippi
State University.

MARTY MORAN is a Senior Reliability Engineer at Sadara

Chemical Co. He is trained as a chemical engineer and has
more than 35 yr of experience in process industries. He has
concentrated his career on using advanced computer
technology in the areas of asset management/reliability,
advanced process control and plant optimization. Mr. Moran
holds a US patent for multivariable control. Prior to joining -
Sadara, he worked for AspenTech, Meridium, Continental Controls and Setpoint.

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Special Focus Petrochemical Technology
Process Technology, Zoetermeer, The Netherlands

Triple-lane layout for enhanced

cracking coil performance
Ethylene is a precursor to many chemi- The furnace section is where the feed the best conversion and yields.
cals, fibers and plastics that are used in is cracked at high temperature to convert This is a function of
daily life. At most petrochemical sites, the it to ethylene, propylene and other co- the feed characteristics and
ethylene plant is the mother unit that feeds products. Modern plants typically have required products and usually
a number of downstream units. Nearly all 5–10 cracking furnaces. These cracking lies between 800°C (1,472°F)
ethylene is produced in specially designed furnaces are an intricate assembly of many and 880°C (1,616°F).
furnaces by thermally cracking ethane and individual pieces of equipment and must 2. Cracked gas pressure—
longer-chain hydrocarbons. be custom designed to match the feed Low hydrocarbon partial pressures
Cracking furnaces are complex equip- quality, cracking severity, run length and favor selectivity toward ethylene.
ment and consume a large portion of the other parameters. For this reason, the coil
capital and operating costs of an ethyl- operating pressure is kept as
ene plant. They also require significant Key considerations. Cracking, or pyrol- low as practically possible.
operator attention and maintenance. It is ysis, is a complex, non-catalytic phenom- To obtain still lower hydrocarbon
essential to have a well-running furnace enon that involves numerous reactions, pressures, a controlled amount
section to ensure smooth and profitable intermediate species and final products. of process steam, known as
operations at the plant and site. Frequent- In its most basic form, it may be thought dilution steam, is co-fed with the
ly shutting down furnaces for decoking or of as dehydrogenation and carbon-carbon hydrocarbons. This not only lowers
maintenance costs money, disrupts down- bond rupture. The reactions are endo- the hydrocarbon partial pressure,
stream sections and prevents the plant thermic, so heat is needed to initiate and but also reduces coke deposition.
from meeting its production targets. sustain them. The pyrolysis product is a 3. Residence time—A multitude
This article describes the development mixture of components that includes: of side reactions can consume
of a proprietary triple-lane radiant coil • Hydrogen the formed ethylene and degrade
layouta that can be used in cracking fur- • Methane it to lower-value, long-chain
naces to obtain markedly longer furnace • Monoolefins (e.g., ethylene, hydrocarbons. These reactions
run lengths, higher capacities and better propylene, butenes) can be kept to a minimum by
yields. This concept was first implement- • Diolefins (e.g., butadiene, designing the coil to have a very
ed in 2012 at a Middle East cracker as part propadiene, isoprene) short residence time and by
of a furnace modernization project with • Acetylenes (e.g., acetylene, quickly cooling the gas after it
the aim of increasing the capacity, reliabil- methylacetylene, vinylacetylene) leaves the coil.
ity and availability of existing furnaces. • Naphthenes (e.g., cyclopentene, Coking and furnace run length are two
Since then, this concept has been applied methyl cyclohexane) other key considerations in furnace design
at two other projects. Key results that • Aromatics (benzene, toluene, and operation. Coke is an undesirable by-
demonstrate the performance and ben- xylenes) product of pyrolysis that accumulates on
efits of the technology are provided here. • Tars. the inside of the radiant coil. It is a matrix
Three main parameters determine py- of severely dehydrogenated long-chain
Cracking furnace design and op- rolysis yields and selectivity to ethylene molecules that are formed by complex in-
eration. Ethylene plants, also referred and propylene: teractions between the gas phase compo-
to as steam crackers, consist of five main 1. Cracked gas temperature— nents and the tube wall material. Coking
sections: This refers to the coil outlet rates vary with location, and they generally
• Furnace section temperature (COT) and the gas increase from coil inlet to outlet and peak
• Quench section temperature profile as it flows wherever the wall temperature is higher.
• Cracked gas compression through the cracking coil. Each Coke forms a barrier for heat transfer
• Recovery and purification feedstock is associated with an and increases coil pressure drop by reduc-
• Refrigeration. optimum COT that would provide ing the cross-sectional area left for gas flow.
Hydrocarbon Processing | MARCH 2019 39
Petrochemical Technology

These two phenomena lead to higher tube Furnace designs can be optimized to Furnace description. Cracking fur-
wall temperatures and a higher gas pres- increase capacity, run length and yield/ naces can be functionally and physically
sure profile. While one accelerates coking selectivity. The design changes needed to divided into three zones: radiant section,
rates, the other leads to a drop in the yield achieve one of these goals usually come at convection section and transfer line ex-
of desired products. This can be remedied the expense of others. For example: changers (TLEs) (FIG. 1):
by periodically taking the furnaces offline • A furnace can be designed • The convection section recovers
and cleaning them. Cleaning consists of for a long run length by selecting waste heat from the flue gas leaving
decoking the radiant coil by blowing a a coil with a high surface area. the firebox. It is made up of several
mixture of steam and air (controlled coke However, this is likely to increase banks of tubes for preheating
burn) or steam only (coke gasification). the residence time, which is hydrocarbon feed, dilution steam,
Run length is the number of days unfavorable for olefins yields. boiler feedwater and superheating
that a furnace can operate between con- Conversely, a short residence the saturated very-high-pressure
secutive decokes. It depends on crack- time coil is likely to have less (VHP) steam produced in the
ing conditions and often varies between surface area—and, therefore, TLEs. Alternatively, combustion air
35 d–75 d. Furnaces that coke heav- an inferior run length—but it can also be preheated (not shown
ily will have shorter run lengths and will will give a higher yield. in FIG. 1). Depending on the design,
need to be decoked more frequently. This • One way to reduce total plant the cooled flue gas is vented to
has several impacts: CAPEX is to select fewer, larger atmosphere by a fan or natural draft.
• Lower furnace availability furnaces rather than numerous, • The radiant section comprises
for cracking smaller furnaces. However, at a the cracking coils and the firebox,
• Lower ethylene production certain point the maximum practical including the burners.
• Higher energy cost and increased furnace dimensions are reached. • TLEs are waste heat boilers placed
emissions If more capacity is pushed into at the outlet of the radiant coils
• Shorter coil life the furnace when it is at its limit, to rapidly cool the cracked gas
• Increased load on operators run lengths become shorter and kill secondary reactions.
and maintenance staff. and the availability will decrease. They use the recovered heat to
produce saturated VHP steam.
Convection section. The convec-
tion section is usually located above the
firebox at a small offset to it. The tubes
are laid horizontally with the flue gas
in vertical crossflow between them; the
tubes themselves may be bare or finned.
The services of the different heat transfer
banks shown in FIG. 1 include:
• Feed preheater (FPH)
• Economizer (ECO)
• Dilution steam superheater (DSSH)
• Mixed heater 1, feed + dilution
steam (HTC-1)
• Steam superheater 1 (HPSSH-I)
• HP steam superheater 2 (HPSSH-II)
• Mixed heater 2, feed + dilution
steam (HTC-2).
Radiant section. The firebox is a rect-
angular, refractory-lined volume within
which the radiant coils are suspended
FIG. 1. Schematic of a cracking furnace. vertically, and burners are placed in the
bottom and/or in the side walls. The
coils are arranged in one or two lanes. In
a single-lane layout, the coils are arranged
on the firebox center line. In a dual-lane
layout, they are on both sides of the cen-
ter line. Each coil consists of one or more
pipes that are connected to each other in
a series parallel arrangement.
FIG. 2 shows examples of coil layouts
FIG. 2. Typical coil layouts used in cracking FIG. 3. Radiant section with horizontal coils that are used in cracking furnaces. Ex-
furnaces. (pre-1970s).
ample A in this figure has four passes in
40 MARCH 2019 |
Petrochemical Technology

series, with one pipe in each pass. Ex- lowed more heat absorption in the radiant layout, a detailed study was undertaken
ample B depicts a two-pass coil with two section and better box efficiency. FIG. 4 to develop the next-generation radiant
parallel pipes in the inlet pass and a third shows two examples of a radiant section coil, a triple-lane layout. The advantages
larger pipe in the outlet pass. Example C with vertical coils: The one on the left is of a triple-lane layout over contemporary
amalgamates some features of A and B: it an inline coil and the one on the right is a layouts can be explained from first princi-
is a four-pass coil with two parallel pas- staggered coil. Staggered coils require less ples. The analysis has been based on a U-
sages in the first two passes. Example D is box length but have higher peak tube wall coil in dual lanes, but the conclusions can
a two-pass coil with one pipe in each pass; temperatures and, as a result, more coking be extended to any other existing layout.
it is commonly referred to as a U coil. The and shorter run lengths.
number and type of coils and their geo- The next new trend was split coils. A refresher on heat radiation. Radia-
metric details, such as diameter, length, These permitted an increase in coil surface tion is the principal mode of heat transfer
wall thickness, etc., are intrinsic features area without a proportional rise in coil vol- in the firebox of a cracking furnace. The
of the furnace design. Burners are located ume. In other words, the heat absorption refractory sidewalls and burner flames are
along the box length and on both sides of by the process could be increased without discrete heat sources. However, they can
the coil lane(s). They may be located in incurring too much penalty on yields. On be idealized as a single, composite radiat-
the firebox floor or in the side walls. another front, the market saw several new ing plane with a uniform temperature. This
Within a coil, cracking starts once radiant coil materials with higher allow-
the gas mixture crosses threshold tem- able temperatures. These could be used
perature and proceeds as the gas flows to increase heat flux and pare down resi-
through the coil. The cracked gas leaving dence time to the millisecond range.
the radiant coils is cooled in the TLEs. Ethylene plants continued to grow
This is done to halt the cracking reactions larger and larger, and the market became
when the gas is cooled below a threshold increasingly competitive during the last
temperature. decades of the 20th century and in the
TLEs. TLEs may be double-pipe ex- first decades of this century. Producers
changers or conventional multi-tube wanted even larger furnaces to keep capi-
exchangers. Both types are placed verti- tal and operating costs down. FIG. 5 dem-
cally, with cracked gas in the inner pipe onstrates this trend.
(tube side) and boiler water/steam in The application of process intensi-
the outer pipe (shell side). The shell is fication resulted in the dual-lane layout
connected to an overhead steam drum shown in FIG. 6. This is a better configu-
by downcomers and risers. The cooled ration than the staggered layout, as shad-
cracked gas from the TLEs is combined owing is less pronounced and the peak
and sent to the furnace outlet and then to to average differential is smaller, which
the cracked gas header. enabled designers to obtain a higher fur-
nace capacity from the same firebox vol- FIG. 4. Firebox with vertical coils
Evolution of single-lane and dual- ume. Due to the success of the dual-lane (1970s–1990s).
lane layouts. Prior to the 1970s, crack-
ing furnaces were usually equipped with
horizontal coils that had several passes
and residence times of a few seconds.
The furnaces were also small, with ca-
pacities of a few thousand metric tpy of
ethylene. FIG. 3 depicts how the radiant
section would look when viewed from
the top and from the end walls.
The 1970s saw rising feedstock and en-
ergy costs, but also booming demand for
ethylene derivatives. This led to sweeping
changes in the ethylene industry:
• Larger plants
• Fewer and larger cracking furnaces
• Greater emphasis on yields and
energy efficiency.
The relatively short horizontal coils
were phased out, and taller vertical coils
took their place. This allowed larger fur-
naces with taller fireboxes and shorter res-
FIG. 5. Growth in furnace capacities in the past 50 yr.
idence times. The increased box height al-
Hydrocarbon Processing | MARCH 2019 41
Petrochemical Technology

plane occupies the length and height of the The “view factor” is a term that em- layouts are evaluated by comparing their
box. Therefore, a firebox would have two bodies the spatial relationship between view factors.
hot radiating planes along its length, one the radiant and absorbing surfaces and FIG. 7 illustrates the effect of shielding.
on each side of the box. The heat transfer their emissivities. The view factor is: Since radiation occurs in straight lines, a
rate from the hot radiating plane to a tube • 1 when a radiant beam strikes body that is in a shadow created by an-
wall can be calculated using Eq. 1: an absorbing surface normally and other object does not receive any heat
Q 12 = σ × A2 × F12 × (T14 – T24) (1) both surfaces are ideal black bodies directly from the primary heat source. It
(i.e., their emissivities are 1) will, however, receive radiation from the
where • 0 when the beam strikes a gas volume that surrounds it and with
Q 12 = Net heat absorbed by a tube surface tangentially which it has a direct line of sight.
A2 = Tube surface area • Between 0 and 1 when the
T1 = Temperature of the hot impinging angle is between 0° Heat flux and wall temperature in
radiating plane and 90°, and when the surfaces a dual-lane layout with U coils. In a
T2 = Tube wall temperature are not black bodies. dual-lane layout, both lanes have the same
F12 = View factor from the radiating The heat flux and temperature of the number of inlet tubes and outlet tubes and
plane to the tube wall absorbing surface go hand in hand with the same degree of exposure to the radi-
σ = Stefan-Boltzmann constant. the view factor: both reach a maximum at ating planes. Each row receives radiation
locations where the view factor peaks and from the radiating plane that is adjacent to
come down as the factor falls off. Such it and from the plane on the other side of
a direct relationship exists between the the box. The space between the two rows
first two parameters and the view factor is called the inter-lane space and is cooler
that the latter may be considered a proxy than the radiating plane. FIG. 8 is a top
for them. This forms the basis for subse- view of a dual-lane layout showing the ra-
quent paragraphs where the different coil diation impingement on a tube from both
radiating planes. It shows how one side of
the tube gets the full brunt of radiation,
while the other side is partly shielded by
the tubes in the adjacent row. As a result,
the side facing the inter-lane space has a
smaller view factor and a lower tube metal
temperature (TMT) than the side facing
the refractory. This is shown in FIG. 9.
A dual-lane furnace fitted with U coils is
FIG. 8. Radiation on tube in dual-lane layout. used to illustrate this phenomenon. In such
a coil, the inlet pass and the outlet pass have
the same orientation to the radiating plane
and the other tubes, so they have the same
view factors. FIG. 10 shows view factors
computed around the tube circumference
for such a coil: It is 1 at the point directly
facing the burners/refractory wall, and ap-
proximately 0.75 on the opposite side. The
wall temperature and heat flux will have
the same asymmetric trend as the view fac-
tor due to the close relationship between
them. These results imply that the tube
FIG. 9. Lowest and highest tube metal surface area is not optimally used. The
FIG. 6. Dual-lane U coil (since 1999). temperatures in dual-lane layout. portion that is facing the refractory wall
must transfer more heat (therefore, it is
hotter), while the area facing the inter-lane
space must transfer less (cooler). It must
be recognized that the coking rate and run
length are related to the peak wall tempera-
ture. An incentive exists to reduce this peak
value. The challenge of developing a new
layout that would improve the circumfer-
ential heat distribution and thereby shave
off the peak was undertaken. A description
FIG. 7. Shielding effect.
of the resulting triple-lane layout follows.
42 MARCH 2019 |
Petrochemical Technology

Advantages of triple-lane layout. view factor is still high. FIGS. 12A and 12B
The triple-lane concept turns the problem are a comparison of view factors in a two-
on its head: rather than trying to reduce lane and a triple-lane U coil layout. The
shielding and its effects, it uses them to change from dual lane to triple lane has a
reduce peak wall temperatures. moderating effect on the view factors of
FIG. 11A shows U coils arranged in dual the hottest, most critical part of the coil,
lanes. The red circles are the inlet tubes namely the outlet tubes. They adopt a
and the yellow circles are the outlet tubes. nearly circular profile and the maximum AUMA Assistant App
The furnace run length is effectively de- value is only about 0.75, compared to 1 in
termined by the peak wall temperature the dual lane.
in the outlet tubes on the side facing the
refractory wall. The team recognized
that the peak wall temperatures could be
lowered if the outlet tubes could be re- Plant operators
positioned so as not to face the radiating AUMA Cloud
plane. However, this is not possible when
there are only two lanes. It does become
feasible if the number of lanes is increased
to at least three and the outlet tubes are
placed in the central lane. FIG. 11B illus- AUMA Service AUMA CDT
trates this configuration.
In this new arrangement, the outlet
tubes are surrounded by the relatively
cooler inter-lane gas. As a result, the cir-
cumferential variations in the view factor,
wall temperature and heat flux of these
tubes become fewer, while the overall FIG. 10. View factors in dual-lane U coil layout.
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Enhanced device availability by
■ Centralised management of all
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applying the same system
complying with the site setup
■ Fast access to device-related
■ Assessment of actuator
FIG. 11. (A) U coils in dual-lane layout; (B) U coils in triple-lane layout. operating data
■ Clear overview on device
■ Online remote diagnostics
■ Possibility to process service
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FIG. 12. (A) View factors for dual-lane U coil; (B) View factors for triple-lane U coil.

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1 09:15:20
Petrochemical Technology

As a result, the outlet pass has a signifi- capacity and better selectivity. Implementation of triple-lane concept
cantly lower peak wall temperature and • In all cases, the furnace end-of-run in major project. This section describes
the circumferential profile becomes more criterion for tube wall temperature the successful implementation of the triple-
uniform. This reduces coking and pressure was fixed at 1,080°C (1,976°F). lane concept in a furnace revamp project
drop in this pass. The total heat duty of the TABLE 1 summarizes the results. executed in 2011–2013. This project was
outlet pass decreases while the inlet pass • The annual ethylene output is delivered to a global olefins manufacturer
increases. The heat fluxes change along a good overall indicator of the for its plant in the Middle East. This unit
the length of the coil, as shown in FIG. 13. improvement achieved, as it has 10 furnaces cracking an external liquid
The higher heat flux in the inlet tubes has factors into the roles played by feed. All units were revamped. The original
no adverse effects. In fact, shifting a part feed capacity, yield and furnace furnaces were designed to crack gas con-
of the duty to the less hot inlet tubes is ad- availability. All the triple-lane cases densate and were equipped with one-pass
vantageous, as it lowers the maximum wall have a higher annual ethylene cracking coils arranged in a single lane.
temperature in the outlet pass. output than the base case, but for The plant had been experiencing se-
A design exercise was performed to different reasons. In the longer run vere problems with the coils for many
test this hypothesis. Two furnaces were length case, the responsible factor is years due to:
designed for the same feed quality/rate, the higher furnace availability due • Very short coil run lengths
cracking severity and other operating to the fewer number of decokes per • Frequent blockage and rupture
conditions: one had a U coil in a dual- year, while in the higher-capacity due to coke.
lane (base case) arrangement, and the case it is due to the larger feedrate. This had major consequences on site
other had the same coils in a triple-lane • The exact improvement that can be operations:
arrangement: obtained will depend on how it • The average coil lifespan was
• The base case was designed was originally designed and how approximately 1.5 yr, far less than
for a run length of 60 d. it is operating. In general, the the industry standard of about 6 yr.
• In the triple-lane case, three poorer the present operation, the As the plant had more than 1,500
alternative designs were made greater the relative improvement radiant coils, this meant that many
for longer run length, higher that can be achieved. coil repairs and replacements were
required every year. The result:
TABLE 1. Performance of dual-lane vs. triple-lane layouts O High furnace downtime
for inspection and repair
Triple-lane design
O Abnormally high spending
Dual-lane Longer run Higher Better
design length case capacity case selectivity case
on coil materials
O Heavy workload for inspection
Feedrate, tph 40 40 45 40
and maintenance crew.
Total coil length, m Base Base Base 89% base • Furnace availability and reliability
Max tube wall temp. 1,080 1,080 1,080 1,080 were poor due to the short run
at end-of-run, °C lengths and the high inspection and
Run length, d 60 80 60 60 maintenance frequency. The annual
Ethylene yield, wt% dry Base Base Base 101.4% base ethylene production output suffered.
Propylene yield, wt% dry Base Base Base 101.4% base The client embarked on a furnace
Relative annual ethylene Base Base + 0.8% Base + 12.5% Base + 1.4%
modernization project to solve the exist-
production, tpy ing deficiencies and improve the plant’s
Relative run length, % 100% 133% 100% 100%
capability beyond its original capacity. Its
objectives were ambitious:
Relative capacity, % 100% 100% 113% 100%
• Modify the furnaces to reduce
coking and extend run lengths
TABLE 2. Revamp project performance gain with triple-lane layout • Improve furnace availability and
Scenario Before revamp After revamp reliability to bring them on par
Coil type Single-pass U coil
with industry standards
Layout Single-lane Triple-lane
Coil surface Internally finned Bare coil
Coil surface area, bare area, m2 Base Base + 50%
Feed capacity, tph Base Base + 26%
Furnace run length, d Base Base × 2.7
Ethylene production, Mtpy Base Base + 31%
Ethylene + other high value chemicals, Mtpy Base Base + 33%
Specific energy consumption, GJ/t Base Base – 13%
Coil life, yr Base > Base × 4 FIG. 13. Heat flux along coil length.

44MARCH 2019 |

Petrochemical Technology

• Increase capacity by at least 25%. • The 31% rise in ethylene product

Furthermore, the client insisted that rate is greater than the feed
the longer run lengths would need to be capacity increase. The delta is
realized at the increased capacity. mainly due to the better furnace
A detailed two-phase study was con- availability and the higher average
ducted. The first phase consisted of coil selectivity over the furnace run
computer simulations of the present op- length (average between furnace
eration. The second phase consisted of start of run and furnace end of run).
selecting the best revamping option. Both
phases relied on the extensive use of a Takeaway. Radiant coil designs have
proprietary software for steam cracking evolved over the past few decades to meet
yield prediction and complete furnace greater industry demands. This jour-
simulation of gas or liquid feedstocks.b ney has been characterized by numer-
After studying various revamp options, ous small steps, as well as several vital,
it was apparent that a U coil arranged in groundbreaking innovations. Key mile-
three lanes offered the best solution. This stones include the introduction of verti-
coil type, which has been applied in many cal coils, inline dual-lane coils, staggered
liquid cracking furnaces, would be better coils and dual-lane coils.
than other alternatives because: The triple-lane concept is the latest
• It would allow more tubes to be development in this lineage. It has sever-
placed in the existing firebox, al merits over preceding and competing
resulting in higher gas flow area developments:
(i.e., capacity) and more surface • Reduces peak tube metal
area (lower heat flux and lower temperatures
tube wall temperatures). • Is a simple and elegant way
• It would shield the outlet pass to improve run length, capacity
from peak temperatures/heat flux and selectivity
and reduce coking. • Can be applied in revamps and
The site works for this revamp project new furnaces
were staggered over a period of 1 yr, with • Is suitable for all cracker feeds,
one or two furnaces being modified at any from ethane to VGO.
given time. This avoided the need for a The first plant has been operating suc-
lengthy plant shutdown and allowed the cessfully for more than 6 yr, and another
client to more quickly realize the benefits for 3 yr. In addition, a third project is in
of the upgrades. the execution phase.
TABLE 2 summarizes the pre-revamp
and post-revamp performance of the fur- a
Triple-Lane Coil Layout is a proprietary technology
naces. The performance data for both situ- of TechnipFMC
ations are based on actual operational data, b
SPYRO is TechnipFMC’s proprietary software for
rather than design data. For reasons of steam cracking yield prediction and complete fur-
nace simulation of gas or liquid feedstocks.
confidentiality, the changes are shown on
a relative basis rather than absolute values. RAJARAM RAMESH is Technology Manager of the
The differences in furnace geometry ethylene product line at TechnipFMC’s operating
center in the Netherlands. He is responsible for
and performance before and after the re- maintaining and fostering TechnipFMC’s conceptual
vamp project include: design, process engineering and execution capabilities
• The 50% rise in surface area during and applying these to debottlenecking, expansion
and modernization of complete ethylene plants.
the revamp was more than enough Mr. Ramesh has 35 yr of experience in process design,
to compensate for the 26% growth process engineering and technology development.
in feed capacity. As a result, the
JOHAN VAN DER EIJK is Process Manager at
revamp design had a lower average TechnipFMC’s operating center in the Netherlands.
heat flux over the coil, despite He leads the process design department and has
an increase in total firing. 25 yr of experience in process engineering with
• The main advantage of the a specialization in the petrochemical industry.
His experience includes work on proposals, studies,
triple-lane design is its lower grassroots, revamp and development projects as
peak wall temperatures in the process lead engineer, as well as participation in
outlet pass. Together with the training, root cause analysis, test runs, startups and
troubleshooting. Since 2008, he has been a part
drop in average heat flux, this of the TechnipFMC Experts Network as an Expert
was responsible for lower coking (and since 2014 as Main Expert) in ethylene,
rates and longer run length. with expertise in cracking furnaces.
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Development of zeolite catalysts

for production of ethylbenzene
Zeolites, an important type of catalyt- these zeolites are used as catalysts for the tant factors in the progress of the produc-
ic material, are widely used in industrial production of basic organic chemicals. tion process of ethylbenzene.
catalysis. The research, development and Ethylbenzene, one of the most im- In this article, zeolites of the five frame-
industrialization of novel zeolites play portant chemicals, is frequently used for work types are introduced, and their use as
key roles in the evolution of the chemi- the production of styrene, which is used active components of catalysts for the pro-
cal industry. The use of the FAU-type to produce polystyrene, ABS resin, SAN duction of ethylbenzene is summarized.
zeolite, zeolite Y, greatly improved the ef- resin and other products. Ethylbenzene
ficiency of oil refining, while the use of is manufactured through the alkylation of MFI-type zeolite. This zeolite is one of
SAPO-34, a related CHA-type zeolite, benzene catalyzed by an AlCl/HCl sys- the most important. The material of the
helped realize the industrialization of the tem at the early stage. Although effective, MFI structure is ZSM-5, an aluminum
methanol-to-olefins process.1 it is a somewhat controversial process silicate zeolite. Two kinds of ten-member
At present, hundreds of natural and ar- due to the corrosive nature of its catalyst ring (10-MR) channels exist: one straight
tificial zeolites have been found and syn- system. The zeolite-catalyzed alkylation elliptical pore system (5.3 Å × 5.6 Å)
thesized, and 245 types of frameworks process is environmentally benign, which along the [010] axis, and one zig-zag cir-
have been approved by the Structure produces little waste during operation. cular pore system (5.1 Å × 5.5 Å) along
Commission of the International Zeolite Zeolites of five types of structures (MFI, the [100] axis. Due to its unique pore
Association (IZA-SC) (TABLE 1).2 Zeo- MEL, FAU, *BEA and MWW) listed in structure, great stability and adjustable
lites of approximately 19 types of frame- TABLE 2 have been used as the active com- acidic property, ZSM-5 zeolite is widely
works have been industrialized.3 Most of ponents of catalysts.4 They act as impor- used in the chemical industry.

TABLE 1. Zeolite framework types a

A hyphen preceding a three-letter code indicates that the framework is interrupted—i.e., not all T atoms are four-connected. An asterisk indicates that the material
of the framework type is partially disordered.

Hydrocarbon Processing | MARCH 2019 47

Petrochemical Technology

For production of ethylbenzene, the a high ethylene content of 75%–95%] are are all FAU-type zeolites. Different from
vapor-phase process of ethylation of ben- all suitable feedstocks. faujasite, the counteraction of zeolite Y is
zene with pure ethylene was first indus- Na+. Moreover, the Si/Al molar ratio of
trialized in 1980 using MFI zeolite-based MEL-type zeolite. The type material of zeolite Y is higher than that of zeolite X.
alkylation catalysts.5 The ethylbenzene MEL structure, ZSM-11, has a pore system Zeolite Y is mainly used as a catalyst in the
technology also adapts to fluid catalytic similar to that of MFI-type zeolite. MFI-/ FCC process in petroleum refineries.
cracker (FCC) offgas feed after modifi- MEL-type zeolite, which is a co-crystalline In 1990, a liquid-phase process was
cation. The dilute-ethylene process has zeolite of MFI and MEL, exhibits special commercialized for the production of eth-
a pretreatment system for feedstock and catalytic performance in the vapor-phase ylbenzene, catalyzed by the zeolite Y-based
was first commercialized at Shell’s Stan- alkylation of benzene with FCC offgas. catalyst.10 The catalyst is also used in the
low refinery in the UK with an annual Based on the co-crystalline zeolite, alkyla- transalkylation reactor to convert polyeth-
ethylbenzene capacity of 160,000 metric tion catalysts with the brand names of DL- ylbenzenes into ethylbenzene in the liquid
tpy in 1991. A larger industrial plant was 0802A and DL-0802B were industrialized phase. In the alkylation reactor, the feed
later built in the Netherlands with a ca- by a chemical physics institute in China.9 ratio of benzene to ethylene is about 7,
pacity of 450,000 metric tpy. The pretreatment of feedstock is simpler and the catalyst lifetime is approximately
With MFI-type zeolite as an active than that of the dilute ethylene process. 1 yr. This liquid-phase ethylbenzene pro-
component of catalyst, three series of va- cess was licensed to several industrial cli-
por-phase alkylation catalysts were devel- FAU-type zeolite. This zeolite posseses ents, and their total ethylbenzene capacity
oped and industrialized by a prominent a three-dimensional (3D) pore system is approximately 2.8 MMtpy.
research institute in China.6,7,8 AB-12, with 12-membered ring (12-MR) pore AEB-1H is a transalkylation catalyst
SEB-12 and DF-AS are the three most openings. The basic structural units of developed and industrialized by a pe-
representative catalysts. Pure ethylene, FAU zeolite are the sodalite cages, which troleum research institute in China. The
dilute ethylene, ethanol and coal-based form supercages that are large enough to catalyst uses FAU zeolite as the active
crude ethylene [a byproduct of the meth- accommodate spheres with a 1.2-nm di- component.4 In 2014, industrial experi-
anol-to-propylene (MTP) process, with ameter. Faujasite, zeolite X and zeolite Y mentation with a new transalkylation cat-
alyst (EBC-2) based on modified zeolite
Y was successfully performed.
TABLE 2. Commercialized zeolites for the production of ethylbenzene
MFI MEL FAU *BEA MWW *BEA-type zeolite. Zeolite of *BEA-
type framework possesses a 3D, 12-MR
pore structure consisting of perpendicu-
lar straight channels (6.6 Å × 6.7 Å). The
interconnections create narrow helicoidal
Along (010) Along (100) Along (111) Along (100) Projection channels with an effective pore diameter
Along (001) of 5.6 Å × 5.6 Å. The *BEA-type zeolite
Ring size 10 10 12 12 10 is highly active in the liquid-phase alkyla-
(No. of T atoms) (With cage) (With cage and tion of benzene with ethylene, and shows
side pocket) higher conversion of ethylene and selec-
Channel 3D 3D 3D 3D 2D tivity to ethylbenzene than FAU zeolite.
dimensionality A process for the production of ethylben-
zene was developed and commercialized
in 1996 using a modified *BEA zeolite-
Catalytic performance, %




Conversion of ethylene, %
Selectivity to ethylated benzenes, %
Diethylbenzene/ethylbenzene, %

FIG. 2. Catalytic performance of zeolites

of different framework types. Ethylation of
benzene at 220°C (428°F) and 3.4 MPa with
FIG. 1. Zeolites of MWW-type framework. a benzene/ethylene feed ratio of 4.

48 MARCH 2019 |
Petrochemical Technology

Mobil-Rathen EBMax
pure/dilute ethylene Lummus/UOP EB One
liquid phase pure ethylene
Mobil-Badger 2nd Mobil-Badger 3rd Sinopec Sinopec liquid phase
pure ethylene pure ethylene MWW pure ethylene ethylene MWW
vapor-phase vapor phase vapor/liquid phase vapor phase Novel

1980 1990 2000 2010 Sinopec

Lummus/UOP EB One Lummus/UOP EB One DICP-Sinopec- dilute ethylene
ethylene and Eni SpA CNPC 3rd vapor phase
liquid phase pure ethylene FCC-offgas Sinopec MFI Sinopec
FAU liquid phase vapor phase dilute ethylene pure ethylene
*BEA MFI/MEL vapor phase liquid phase
FIG. 3. Development of zeolite catalysts for the production of ethylbenzene.

based alkylation catalyst, EBZ-500.11 ation of benzene and provides improved Catal., Vol. 37, 2016.
Chen, N. Y., and W. E. Garwood, Catal. Rev. Sci. Eng.,
*BEA-type zeolite-based ethylation product yield.16 A new liquid-phase al- Vol. 28, 1986.
catalyst for the production of ethylben- kylation catalyst with the trade name of 6
Sun, H., W. Yang, B. Liao and J. Zheng, Chem. React.
zene has also been industrialized.12 The EBZ-800TL has been developed. Eng. Tech., Vol. 22, 2006.
Zhang, Y., Q. Tian and X. Ma, Pet. Refinery Eng., Vol.
active components of liquid-phase alkyla- Lately, a new MWW-type zeolite 42, 2012.
tion catalysts with the brand names of named SCM-1 with a crystal thickness 8
Yang, W., H. Sun, W. Liu, B. Zhang, Z. Shen, M. Huan
AEB-2 and AEB-6 developed and com- of approximately 5 nm was synthesized and H. Zhang, US Patent No. 8,519,208, 2013.
mercialized are *BEA-type zeolites, as in a dual-amine system.17 The zeolite 9
Wang, Q., S. Zhang, G. Cai, F. Li, L. Xu, Z. Huang and
Y. Li, US Patent 5,869,021, 1999.
well. A series of AEB catalysts are running is more efficient in the liquid-phase al- 10
Wight, C. G., US Patent 4,169,111, 1979.
in several industrial plants.13 kylation of benzene with ethylene than 11
Gajda, G. J. and R. T. Gajek, US Patent 5,522,984,
MCM-22. Using SCM-1 as the active 1996.
MWW-type zeolite. MWW is a general component, a new alkylation catalyst
Bellussi, G., G. Pazzuconi, C. Perego, G. Girotti and
G. Terzoni, J. Catal., Vol. 157, 1995.
term for a series of zeolites formed by the with the brand name of EBC-1 has been 13
Huang, Z., S. Tian, Y. Xu, W. Wang, F. Zhang and
stacking of basic layers of MWW-type developed and commercialized. X. Wang, US Patent 5,600,050, 1997.
structure, such as MCM-22, MCM-56, 14
Wang, Y., Y. Liu, L. Wang, H. Wu, X. Li, M. He and
P. Wu, J. Phys. Chem. C, Vol. 113, 2009.
ITQ-2, MCM-36 and IEZ-MWW.14 The Directions for future developments. 15
Armor, J. N., Appl. Catal. A, Vol. 222, 2001.
differences between them are the number The process for the production of ethyl- 16
Jan, D.-Y., J. A. Johnson, R. J. Schmidt and M. P.
of layers, the stacking manner and/or the benzene is only one of the petrochemical Koljack, US Patent 8,518,847, 2013.
spacing between adjacent layers (FIG. 1). In processes that use zeolite catalysts, and
Wang, Z. Y. Luo, B. Zhang, H. Sun, Y. Tang and W.
Yang, 25th North American Meeting of the Catalysis
a typical MWW framework, two indepen- it involves only five zeolites of the 245 Society, Denver, Colorado, June 4–9, 2017, poster.
dent pore systems are accessible via 10-MR types of known frameworks. The devel-
windows: one is defined by 2D sinusoidal opment of alkylation catalysts reflects WEIMIN YANG, Professorate
channels with elliptical ring cross-sections the progress of zeolite science and tech- Senior Engineer, obtained his
BSc degree and PhD in physical
of 4.1 Å × 5.1 Å, and the other contains nology (FIG. 3). The strong possibility of
chemistry from Nanjing University
12-MR cages of 7.1 Å × 7.1 Å × 18.2 Å re- discovering and industrializing zeolites in Nanjing, China. He is President
stricted by 10-MR openings of 4.5 Å × 5.5 with higher efficiencies is the reason why of Sinopec Shanghai Research
Å. In addition, pockets like semi-cages are attempts to synthesize zeolites with nov- Institute of Petrochemical
Technology (SRIPT) and Director of the State Key
located on the crystal surfaces. el frameworks are still flourishing after Laboratory of Green Chemical Engineering and
In the liquid-phase alkylation of ben- more than 70 yr of fruitful development. Industrial Catalysis. He won Second Prize of the
zene, MWW-type zeolite shows activity Another direction for the develop- National Award for Technological Invention, and the
that is comparable to FAU zeolite, but less ment of zeolite catalyst is its green prepa- China Patent Gold Award. Dr. Yang also won the
Industry Innovation Award of the Ho Leung Ho
active than *BEA-type zeolite. The advan- ration process, as wastewater is produced Lee Foundation and was honored with the title of
tage of MWW-type zeolite is that the se- during synthesis and ion exchange. It National Outstanding Scientific and Technological
lectivity to ethylbenzene is higher (lower would be of great interest to manufacture Worker. He has published 147 papers and has been
granted 261 Chinese patents and 28 overseas patents.
diethylbenzene/ethylbenzene molar ra- zeolite catalyst in more effective ways to
tio, shown in FIG. 2). Alkylation catalyst reduce environmental pollution. ZHENDONG WANG is a Senior
using the MWW-type zeolite, MCM-22, Engineer and Supervisor of the
LITERATURE CITED Prospective and Fundamental
was developed and commercialized in 1
Shi, J., Y. Wang, W. Yang, Y. Tang and Z. Xie, Chem. Research Department at SRIPT.
1995 and 1997, respectively.15 The ethyl- Soc. Rev., Vol. 44, 2015. He joined the company in 2012
benzene technology can be easily adapted 2
IZA Structure Commission, “Database of zeolite after he received his PhD in
for dilute-ethylene feedstock (ethylene structures,” accessed February 1, 2019, online: physical chemistry from East
accounts for more than 70%). China Normal University. Dr. Wang’s major areas
Vermeiren, W., and J.-P. Gilson, Top. Catal., Vol. 52, of expertise are the high-throughput synthesis
UZM-8 is another MWW-type zeolite 2009. of novel zeolite and the development of a green
that is efficient in the liquid-phase alkyl- 4
Yang, W., Z. Wang, H. Sun and B. Zhang, Chin. J. process for the preparation of zeolite catalysts.

Hydrocarbon Processing | MARCH 2019 49

Special Focus Petrochemical Technology
O. GIIAZOV, Chemical Technologies Inc., New York, New York;
Chemical Technologies LLC, Saint Petersburg, Russia

Implement AI to predict the composition

of chemical plant feed
An important indicator of the techno- error in determining the concentration of The use of the latest developments in
logical processes at chemical plants is the components may exceed permissible val- the technologies of artificial intelligence
composition of the main flows, including ues for many petrochemical processes. At (AI) and machine learning has great po-
feed, products and intermediate flows. It the same time, analysis of the composition tential to reduce the cost of work to de-
is believed that, at present, the accuracy of of process flows is not usually provided for termine the composition of process flows
determining the composition by modern all potentially important flows, due to rela- while increasing the quality of the results.
methods of analysis is quite high, but the tively high investment and operating costs.
Existing methods for determin-
TABLE 1. Concentration of components according to the results of the ing process stream composition. A
analytical laboratory common method for determining the
Composition of depropanizer column feed flow, wt% concentration of components in process
Time, n-Butane + Sum
streams is inline chromatography analy-
min Propadiene Propylene Propane i-Butane Butene of C5 Aromatics C6+ sis. Analysis is carried out during a speci-
fied cycle of the analyzer, which can span
0 4.79 33.82 33.74 7.44 3.94 7.81 6.25 2.21
30 min–60 min.
5 3.6 32.04 32.2 8.02 2 6.32 4.43 11.39 Generally, the accuracy of determin-
10 3.07 32.53 30.95 7.55 2.73 7.89 4.23 11.05 ing the composition by means of such an
15 3.59 34.06 33.44 8.05 3.89 7.72 5.82 3.43 analyzer is not adequately high. This is
20 3.85 32.23 31.77 8.07 2.02 5.55 6.4 10.11 due to a decrease in sensitivity to the con-
25 4.8 32.56 30.98 8.42 3.44 6.83 5.2 7.77
centrations of components, which hap-
pens due to the high frequency of mea-
30 3.54 34.97 29.1 8.3 3.09 6.38 4.99 9.63
surements—one analysis per 30 min–60
35 4.08 32.8 30.17 8.44 2.53 5.67 5.02 11.29 min. In due course, each chromatograph-
40 3.01 34.66 30.7 8.07 3.95 5.69 6.42 7.5 ic analyzer must be disconnected from
45 3.25 34.5 33.8 7.12 3.09 7.71 6.73 3.8 the industrial plant and calibrated.
50 3.03 33.3 32.48 8.78 3.8 5.8 4.54 8.27 The main tool and resource for deter-
mining the most accurate composition of
55 4.16 32.73 29.62 7.6 3.68 5.13 5.43 11.65
the process flow is an analytical labora-
60 3.52 34.62 31.25 7.22 2.78 6.18 5.52 8.91 tory. As a rule, the frequency of analysis
65 4.95 33.14 29.42 8.69 2.86 5.72 5.46 9.76 ranges from 12 hr–24 hr. The sampling
70 4.55 35.99 29.06 8.11 3.65 6.13 5.03 7.48 and analysis procedures, including fix-
75 4.26 33.32 30.7 7.19 3.15 7 6.55 7.83 ing the exact time of sampling, must be
80 3.42 32.13 30.6 7.38 2.48 7.97 5.59 10.43
regulated so that the results of laboratory
analyses have an applied value in the con-
85 4.56 35.31 30.6 7.11 2.79 5.05 4.41 10.17
dition of varying process flows.
90 3.26 35.17 29.7 8.87 2.87 6.01 6.31 7.81 Despite a more precise determination
95 3.46 33.44 31.97 8.17 3.45 6.26 4.88 8.37 of the composition of the samples, the an-
100 4.54 34.59 29.34 7.3 2.08 7.52 6.54 8.09 alytical laboratory cannot always be con-
105 3.99 34.72 33.94 7.38 2.91 5.51 5.51 6.04 sidered as a “gold standard,” because the
results may have some systematic error—
110 4.51 32.66 32 8.86 3.78 5.18 5.87 7.14
or, in other words, a confidence interval,
115 3.81 33.35 30.22 7.5 3.31 7.94 4.34 9.53 which is the average value of the error of
120 4.63 35.99 29.94 8.57 3.82 5.43 4.49 7.13 the results of the analytical laboratory.
50 MARCH 2019 |
Petrochemical Technology

The authors encountered such an error Implementing AI to determine feed constructive intervention in the plant.
while carrying out a full-scale experiment flow composition. Alongside the results By using statistical methods of data
on the feed flow at a depropanizer column. of chromatographic analyses, petrochem- analysis based on AI and machine learn-
They took several samples in a row from a ical and oil refineries measure and record ing, it is possible to determine parameters
process flow with a short time interval and other technological parameters. These that are not measured directly or indirectly
at a stable process regime. The analysis data are used to monitor and control the by the sensors of a depropanizer column.
results were not identical, but they were process blocks and the plant as a whole. The calculation is based on thermody-
within the confidence interval character- The volume of these measurements is namic and statistical dependencies, which
ized by a certain systematic error. large and, at present, this data contains could be found in changing the param-
the potential for additional optimization eters of the plant. This allows for the cal-
Full-scale experiment. To determine of units without the use of hardware or culation of additional process parameters,
the confidence interval of the analytical
laboratory, a test was carried out at the TABLE 2. Values of confidence intervals of the analytical laboratory
depropanizer column for the separation for different components
of C3 hydrocarbons. The feed pipeline
Composition of the feed flow of the depropanizer column, wt%
was sampled within 2 hr in a row (from

12:00 to 14:00), with an interval of 5

n-Butane +


Sum of C5
min. The content of components in the

analytical laboratory were subsequently

analyzed. The tests results are shown in Parameter
TABLE 1. Quantile 5% 3.04 32.16 29.15 7.13 2.03 5.14 4.35 3.5
According to the presented data, be- Quantile 95% 4.8 35.85 33.79 8.84 3.93 7.93 6.55 11.37
tween 5-min measurements, the results Confidence interval, wt% 0.88 1.85 2.32 0.86 0.95 1.4 1.1 3.93
of the analysis of the analytical laboratory
for each component, on average, have the 44
following variations:
Analytical lab with errors
• Propadiene = 0.88 wt%, 43
which is 22.4% of the average
component concentration 40
• Propylene= 1.85 wt%,
which is 5.5% of the average
Mass, %

component concentration 36
• Propane = 2.32 wt%,
which is 7.5% of the average 34
component concentration
• n-Butane + i-Butane = 0.86 wt%,
which is 10.8% of the average 30
component concentration 02 June 03 June 04 June 05 June 06 June 07 June 08 June 09 June 10 June 11 June 12 June
2018 2018 2018 2018 2018 2018 2018 2018 2018 2018 2018
• Butene = 0.95 wt%,
which is 30.4% of the average FIG. 1. Values of the analytical laboratory results for the propane, along with the
component concentration confidence interval.
• Sum of C5 = 1.4 wt%,
which is 21.7% of the average 44
component concentration Analytical lab with errors
• Aromatics = 1.1 wt%, 43 Chromatograph
Virtual analyzer current time
which is 20.2% of the average
component concentration
• С6+ = 3.7 wt%, which 38
Mass, %

is 47.6% of the average

component concentration. 36
According to the results of the analy-
sis of components in the process flow, 34
at a 5-min sampling period, a high-value 32
scattering is noticeable. For this case, the
values of the confidence intervals are pre- 30
sented in TABLE 2. 02 June 03 June 04 June 05 June 06 June 07 June 08 June 09 June 10 June 11 June 12 June
2018 2018 2018 2018 2018 2018 2018 2018 2018 2018 2018
FIG. 1 shows the values of the analytical
laboratory results for propane, along with FIG. 2. Results of the calculation of the mathematical model were within the confidence interval
of the analytical laboratory.
the confidence interval from TABLE 2.
Hydrocarbon Processing | MARCH 2019 51
Petrochemical Technology

based on the values of the process sensors. the concentration of components in the culation by mathematical models could
At the same time, to calculate such new feed flow of the unit. be compared to the accuracy of parameter
parameters, physical access to the process As shown in FIG. 2, the results of the value determination by physical measur-
flows is not required. Physical access is calculation of the mathematical model— ing instruments. As such, the replacement
necessary only to organize access to the which was applied to the calculation of the of expensive in-service sensors that use
database, which contains the actual values composition of the feed of the unit with- digital analogs based on mathematical
of the parameters of the chemical process. out physical access to the process flow— models can be considered.
In addition to determining parameters were within the confidence interval of the The mathematical model can be lo-
that are not measured, it is possible to analytical laboratory. cated on any digital medium with an op-
create a digital analog of an existing chro- At the same time, mathematical models erating system, screen and access to the
matographic analyzer. At the same time, for the prediction of the composition of the database of the petrochemical plant. This
it is possible to add new functions—for depropanizer column feed flow in a future greatly simplifies the process and the cost
example, the prediction of the concentra- horizon of 30 min were developed. FIG. 3 of integration, since it does not require
tion of components in the process flow shows the predicted values of the concen- any changes to the internal information
for some limited future horizon (i.e., pre- tration of the propane received with the structure of the chemical manufacture.
dicting changes in composition). help of such a mathematical model. The For the depropanizer column, math-
For the depropanizer column, a math- values do not exceed the limits of the confi- ematical models were installed on a por-
ematical model and software based on AI dence interval of the analytical laboratory. table tablet computer with a pre-installed
technologies were developed to calculate The accuracy of parameter value cal- set of algorithms and the possibility of
installation of mathematical models. Cal-
Analytical lab with errors
culation of the additional parameters of
43 Chromatograph the chemical plant in the automatic mode
Virtual analyzer + 30 min was achieved on the basis of the measured
40 values of technological parameters.
Connection to the depropanizer col-
38 umn database was made via USB protocol.
Mass, %

Mathematical models were used to calcu-
late the values of technological parameters
34 in real time. The values were calculated
for the current point of time and for 15
32 min and 30 min in advance. The calcula-
tion results are displayed on the interface
02 June 03 June 04 June 05 June 06 June 07 June 08 June 09 June 10 June 11 June 12 June (FIG. 4), which contains a graphic display
2018 2018 2018 2018 2018 2018 2018 2018 2018 2018 2018 area, a table of values of the components
FIG. 3. Predicted values of the concentration of the propane received with the help of a concentration and a schematic diagram
mathematical model. of the unit. Indicated flows for which the
calculation of values was performed are on
the schematic diagram. Integration took
one working day and did not require ad-
ditional financial costs.

Takeaway. This example can be scaled

for other petrochemical processes and for
other industries. It is possible to simulta-
neously implement such analyzers for dif-
ferent process flows of a plant, allowing
the manufacturer to receive a complete
picture of operations and improve the ef-
ficiency of plant management.

OLEG GIIAZOV is the Director of Chemical Technologies

Inc. in New York, New York.

DMITRY SHALUPKIN is the Chief Technical Officer of

Chemical Technologies LLC in Saint Petersburg, Russia.

ARTEM ERMULIN is the Technical Leader for Chemical

Technologies LLC in Saint Petersburg, Russia.

FIG. 4. Interface displaying calculation results, a table of values of the components concentration GEORGII STREMOUSOV is a Senior Process Engineer at
and a schematic diagram of the unit. Chemical Technologies LLC in Saint Petersburg, Russia.

52 MARCH 2019 |
Valves, Pumps and
N. DALAL, Emerson Automation Solutions,
Marshalltown, Iowa

Cut costs and save time servicing valves

during refinery turnarounds
Most refineries perform turnaround To find the answers to these and other parts or valves, leading to cost and time
activities every 3 yr–5 yr to maintain questions, the refinery turned to its con- savings by eliminating unnecessary work.
and upgrade plant assets and equipment. trol valve vendor and service provider.
How the timeline is planned, and how After running tests and determin- Determining valves that require
the scope is defined and executed, varies ing if the valves actually needed to be service. Analyzing data from valve smart
from refinery to refinery. Minimizing the pulled, the control valve scope for the positioners using built-in diagnostic tools
amount of time and expertise needed is site’s turnaround was reduced from 309 can reduce the number of control valves
always critical to the success of the turn- valves to 218, resulting in a cost savings that require service by identifying which
around to meet budgetary constraints and of $577,000. The reduction in scope in- valves are working well. Refinery staff
deadlines. Each day a process unit is down cluded removing the need for scaffolding, or the control valve vendor can leverage
for a turnaround, the refinery is not mak- extra labor, cranes, etc. smart positioners and diagnostic software
ing profits, and the cost increases. Reducing the time and cost of servic- to determine valve health and need for
A 460,000-bpd Gulf Coast refinery de- ing valves during a turnaround is a matter service (FIG. 2).
termined that it was servicing too many of using readily-available modern tech- For those valves requiring service,
control valves (FIG. 1) for maintenance nology, such as smart valves, coupled with these tests can provide information as
during each turnaround. Refinery per- the right tools and training. These strate- to the nature of the required work and
sonnel and management questioned why gies reduce the number of labor hours re- facilitate planning. This information can
so many control valves were being pulled, quired for valve servicing, the number of
and how that number could be reduced. valves pulled and the cost of purchasing

FIG. 2. A technician can run valve diagnostic

FIG. 1. A refinery may have hundreds or thousands of valves that are serviced, repaired or tests using a handheld device, a laptop or
replaced during a turnaround. from the control room.

Hydrocarbon Processing | MARCH 2019 53

Valves, Pumps and Turbomachinery

often include the parts needed for ser- activities. In the case of the Gulf Coast Tracking valves. At the start of each
vice, which allows ordering in advance refiner mentioned here, the site used the turnaround, a site turnaround team de-
and avoiding any expedited fees from the signature series data to determine which velops a list of control valves that require
valve vendor. Unplanned work is one of valves needed repair, and the servicing service. At the Gulf Coast refiner, 309
the main problems routinely encoun- of healthy valves was removed from the control valves were put on the list; how-
tered during turnarounds, leading to cost turnaround control valve scope of work. ever, valves are sometimes put on the list
and schedule overruns. Reducing this With the valve in bypass mode, a tech- for no other reason than they have always
work is critical. nician can run a series of tests. For exam- been on the list.
Using initial installation baseline test ple, one vendor’s valve diagnostic software This often happens because refiner-
data when the valve was installed, the con- executes a 25-step functional performance ies have trouble tracking the status of all
trol valve vendor can determine if a valve test that starts at 50% and changes in valves. Written documents and emails
must be pulled for maintenance. The di- 0.25%, 0.5%, 1%, 2%, 5% and 10% incre- from the maintenance and operations
agnostic tools in the smart positioner can ments in both directions. Data is acquired departments and the control valve ven-
show alert records stored in the device, as to determine the minimum signal required dors get lost or misplaced, so the site
shown in FIG. 3. If the control valve assem- to get the valve to respond, and an assess- turnaround team simply lists all valves for
bly is performing incorrectly, alerts such ment is made of valve tuning (FIG. 4). servicing. To address this issue, a refin-
as travel deviation, drive signal problems Another diagnostic generates a “valve ery and its valve vendor can use modern,
and supply air irregularities can reveal signature” plot (FIG. 5) showing the in- cloud-based technologies.
issues with a valve and assist in repair tegrity of the valve and actuator assem- For example, a refinery can work in
blies. The input (actuator net pressure) is conjunction with its valve vendor using
plotted on the “y” axis, while the output SharePoint or another collaboration tool
(travel) is plotted along the “x” axis. By to track valve repair status, assign prior-
plotting data in this fashion, any increase ity to valves, list parts prices, and store
or decrease in force is shown as a verti- photos, repair reports and repair histo-
cal change on the graph. In this case, the ries. Whenever anyone at the refinery or
slope indicates that the actuator contains the vendor’s service technician performs
a spring, and the green line represents the maintenance, repairs or replacements on
computer’s best fit between all data points. a valve, the necessary paperwork can be
For control valves that show no alerts, stored in this collaboration tool.
have an acceptable valve signature test With such data, the site turnaround
and have no stroking issues, pulling the team can see individual valves that have
valve for maintenance is unnecessary. been serviced, and when, and determine
In the case of the Gulf Coast refiner, whether they require service during the
FIG. 3. This scan indicates an issue with using smart positioners and diagnostics turnaround.
the control valve, whether it needs more (FIG. 6) eliminated 49 control valves from
troubleshooting and if the valve must be those requiring maintenance during the Witnessing from a distance. In many
removed from the line for maintenance. turnaround. cases, a refinery will order replacement
valves or repairs to existing valves as part
of a turnaround, and plant personnel will
need to witness control valve hydrostatic,
seat leak and factory acceptance testing at
the control valve vendor. The shop per-
forming the function could be 45 min
away, or it could be hours away by car or

FIG. 5. A “valve signature” plot showing the

integrity of the valve and actuator assemblies;
the input (actuator net pressure) is plotted
FIG. 4. Dashboard of smart positioner shows that the control valve cannot get to the on the “y” axis, while the output (travel)
commanded setpoint, so it is signaling the need for more troubleshooting. is plotted along the “x” axis.

54 MARCH 2019 |
Valves, Pumps and Turbomachinery

plane. Scheduling such trips can cause de- fic delays often added to trip time. The vite to join a video conference for a sched-
lays on reassembly and shipment of the control valve service provider sent an in- uled time. The video conference took 30
valve, as the control valve vendor waits for
witnesses to arrive for acceptance tests.
Using modern technology, refinery
personnel can use live video conference
software, such as WebEx, to view the test-
ing without leaving the office, saving costs
for the refinery and the vendor and avoid-
ing schedule delays.
Video conferencing allows refinery
personnel to be at the service shop vir-
tually, rather than in person. The control
valve service provider sends a link to a vir-
tual meeting, and then uses multiple high-
definition cameras to show the test to re-
mote users, (FIG. 7). With audio available,
the refinery expert can ask the shop tech-
nician to show a closer view of equipment
on the control valve. If necessary, the valve
vendor’s shop technician can remove the
camera from the stand and physically hold
the camera closer to the assembly.
This method was used for a turn-
around for another Gulf Coast refiner.
The site personnel were only about an FIG. 6. A healthy operating valve, as the actuator pressure vs. travel is smooth, with full
hour away from the service shop, but traf- saturation at both ends of the travel.

Thursday, March 21, 2019 | 10 a.m. CDT / 3 p.m. UTC

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Lee Nichols
Editor/Associate Publisher
Hydrocarbon Processing

Hydrocarbon Processing | MARCH 2019 55

Valves, Pumps and Turbomachinery

freeze date is determined.

• Work scope definition (12 mos–
18 mos prior): Customer kickoff
meeting held with the valve and
service vendor to define a list of
assets to be addressed. A walkdown
of these assets is executed to capture
all relevant data. Diagnostic tools
are used to validate if the asset
can be repaired immediately, or
if it needs further inspection.
• Detailed planning (4 mos–12 mos
prior): The customer has agreed
to the proposal and scope.
Critical valve spares with long
lead times must be put on order,
along with stocked items. The need
for extra labor should be planned
and scheduled. Mobile service
centers must be booked, and other
final approvals from the customer
should be secured.
• Pre-planning (2 mos–6 mos prior):
All resources are aligned for the
execution. This step prepares for
execution, risk reduction and
all communication plans, safety
checks, procedures and signoffs to
commence shutdown.
• Execution: Once the unit is
brought down safely, cleaned and
is safe to approach, the work can
begin. Daily meetings, reports and
communication are key. Safety is
also key during this stage because a
de-energized plant can be dangerous.
FIG. 7. With video conferencing, refinery personnel can witness control valve hydrostatic, seat Training on new technology for site
leak and factory acceptance testing remotely, saving travel time and expense. personnel is performed here.
• Post evaluation: The unit is back
min to run through the test, without site Discussions can begin as early as online, and the plant is producing
personnel needing to leave their office. 24 mos–60 mos before a planned turn- product. Key stakeholders review
This allowed the test to be performed ex- around to define the scope and unit the execution, measuring the
actly at the scheduled time, and reduced scheduled for maintenance. Typically, the effectiveness of the strategy and
plant personnel time from 2.5 hr or more process involves: benchmarking maintenance and
to 30 min. • Operational planning (24 mos– reliability comparisons for future
60 mos prior): Future projects are turnarounds.
Bring in the valve vendor. Most major planned at a high level with key
control valve vendors and service provid- stakeholders for a future successful Takeaway. Use smart positioners and di-
ers have experience with shutdown, turn- turnaround that is on time and safe. agnostics to determine if a control valve
around and outage engagements across These key customer stakeholders needs service. A control valve vendor can
different end users and industries. En- are maintenance, engineering, assist with all other turnaround needs, in-
gaging these experienced teams can help reliability and safety leaders. cluding defining the control valve scope,
a refinery increase clarity on the control • Alignment (12 mos–24 mos prior): testing control valves and valve repair.
valve scope and timeline for repairs, dis- The initial scope definition is
cover opportunities to reduce cost, and generated, and preliminary NEIL DALAL is a Refining Senior
bring control valves back to an OEM state schedule milestones and budgets Sales Engineer for Emerson Flow
Controls Products based in
by using certified parts installed with fac- are defined. The project goals and Marshalltown, Iowa. He holds a BBA
tory procedures performed by trained objectives are also defined, work degree in marketing and an MBA
factory technicians. lists are prioritized and a scope degree from the University of Iowa.

56 MARCH 2019 |
Valves, Pumps and
R. HONG and G.-S. CHANG, GS Engineering
& Construction, Seoul, South Korea

Understand net gas compressor control logic

from a process engineering standpoint
In a refinery or petrochemical plant, directly corresponds to process variable. put (25%) is not directly the same as the
certain equipment can create “gray areas” As shown in FIG. 2, they may wrongly as- process variable level (50%), but rather the
between process engineers and instru- sume that controller output (or the signal same as the control valve opening of 25%.
ment engineers. The two-stage recipro- to the control valve) should be 60% if the Another reason why controller output
cating compressor control, typical of a level is 60%. The following example shows does not correspond to process variable is
naphtha reformer, is one of these. The why this understanding is incorrect. that controller output (OPn) is based on
following article describes the interpreta- FIG. 2 shows a simple diagram for a not only error (ε, calculated by controller
tion of that control from the standpoint surge drum with level control, where the with the difference between setpoint and
of a process engineer. entire feedstream is flowing out of the process variable) but also on the previous
The purpose of this article is to under- drum bottom. During normal operation, output (OPn–1). It can be represented as
stand four points: the feed flowrate and product output rate shown in Eq. 1:
1. The selection control are 100 m3/hr and the level is controlled
2. The exact meaning of controller at 50%, while the level controller (LC) 1. Normal operation
action, controller output and output is 50% and the control valve open-
control valve fail position ing is 50% (assuming the control valve In 100 m3/hr
3. Why a high selector is preferable characteristic is “linear” where the flow- LC
to a low selector in two-stage rate through the control valve is propor-
reciprocating compressor control tional to its opening).
4. The overall scheme and logic Imagine this system goes to 50% turn- 100 m3/hr Out
of a two-stage reciprocating down operation and stabilizes after tran- 50% opening
compressor control. sient conditions. In this 50% turndown
2. Turndown operation
What is selection control? As can be operation, the feed flowrate and product
seen in FIG. 1, selection control is used output flowrate are 50 m3/hr and the level
when more than two controllers try to is stabilized at 50%, while the LC output is In 50 m3/hr
50% 25%
manipulate one control element or control 25% and the control valve opening is 25%. LC
valve. In most cases, one of the controllers By observing this 50% turndown opera-
is assigned to the control valve during nor- tion, it can be seen that the controller out-
mal operation, and the other assumes con- 50 m3/hr Out
trol during abnormal or upset condition. High selector
25% opening
In the case of FIG. 1, the flow control- >
ler (FC) is supposed to control the valve FIG. 2. Diagram for a surge drum with level
to maintain the flow of positive displace- control during normal operation and turndown
ment pump discharge, while the pressure
controller (PC) takes control if the pro- PC FC
cess variable (pressure) is above a certain
limit as a kind of abnormal condition. FC
This is why selective control is sometimes
called override control.

What is controller output? Many pro- FIG. 1. Selection control is used when more FIG. 3. Flow controller action should be
cess engineers, especially early in their ca- than two controllers try to manipulate one reversed since the controller output must
control element or control valve. decrease when flow increases.
reer, misunderstand that controller output
Hydrocarbon Processing | MARCH 2019 57
Valves, Pumps and Turbomachinery

OPn = OPn–1 + E (1) troller output is necessary to understand pass must be opened more, which means
the overall concept of control logic. the controller action must be reversed.
This is a usually preferred option,
since the integral term among propor- What is controller action? Controller Understanding control valve fail
tional/integral/derivative controllers action can be “direct” or “reverse,” based position and its effect. Regardless
may not be used or may be negligibly on whether the controller output should of whether the fail position of the valve
small in some cases, even though the be increased or decreased when the pro- is fail-close (FC) or fail-open (FO), the
same function can be obtained by the cess variable increases. As shown in FIG. 3, electrical signal increases the air pressure
integral term. The exact meaning of con- the flow controller action should be “re- (against spring force) to control the valve
versed” since the controller output must actuator through the current-to-pressure
Minimum bypass decrease (closing the control valve) when (I/P) positioner. The signal opens the
flow increases (enlarging the error from control valve more in an FC case and vice
the flow setpoint). versa in an FO case. FIG. 5 aids in under-
Another example is shown in FIG. 4. standing why the control valve works this
The flow of pump discharge is checked, way—except in a special case where the
and its flow controller changes the open- valve plug is located under its seat and
ing of the control valve in the minimum moves up when it closes.
bypass (recirculation) line. Should this Whether the control valve must be FC
controller be “direct” or “reverse?” The or FO depends on which position is safer
FIG. 4. The flow of pump discharge is purpose of this control is to keep the min- or leads the system into a more desirable
checked, and its flow controller changes imum flow in the common line to protect condition when air fails. Typical FO ser-
the opening of the control valve in the the pump. If the flow decreases under its vices are pump minimum bypass, com-
minimum bypass line. setpoint, then the control valve in the by- pressor kick, liquid to fired heater, column
reflux/pumparound, etc.
Air In FIG. 3, assume the fail position of
the control valve is FC, as it is normal.
Increased process variable (flow) will de-
crease the controller output (reverse) and
then decrease the control valve opening,
which corrects the flow to match its flow
setpoint. If the control valve is FO, then
the increased process variable (flow) will
decrease the controller output (reverse)
and then increase the control valve open-
ing. This enlarges the error between the
process variable and its setpoint. If the
Fail-close, air-to-open Fail-open, air-to-close control valve in FIG. 3 must be FO, then
the controller action must be direct.
FIG. 5. Diagram of fail-close and fail-open positions for valve.
Another method for FO control valves
is the DCS output option, as outlined in
Vent to ATM to flare the next section.
PV-0 Why use high selector instead of low
S-1 S-2 selector? A recycle valve is a popular and
> > economic method to control the flow of a
positive displacement compressor (FIG. 6)
PC PC PC since the flow of this kind of compressor is
PC-1 PV-1A PC-2 PV-2A PC-3 PV-3
fixed. With this recycle control, part of the
FO FO FC compressor discharge should always be re-
cycled to its suction to match the compres-
sor performance to the system demand.
FO FO In the case of upset condition, when
First stage Second stage more gas is supplied from an upstream
system than is needed in a downstream
system, the process fluid (gas) must go
Reciprocating compressor somewhere. Ultimately, it comes down
*inlet/interstage/outlet KO drums, interstage/outlet coolers are not shown to vent or flare. Since the pressure is con-
trolled by the recycle control valve and
FIG. 6. Diagram of fail-close and fail-open positions for valve. the last means (vent) is PV-0 at first-stage
58 MARCH 2019 |
Valves, Pumps and Turbomachinery

suction, the signals that make the recycle 2. Reversal between the controller normally not recommended.
control valve open wider must be se- and the selector. 7. Reversing the function of the
lected in the selectors. With this in mind, 3. Note that PY-1A and PY-2A smart I/P positioner can be done.
several reasons exist why a high selector are reversing signals, because No reversal is assumed in this case.
is better than a low selector. the PV-1A/B opening is reverse 8. Control valve fail position. The
First, during startup, it is common to to the PC-1 output, and the PV- FO control valve has a reversing
manually operate control valves. Intuition 2A/B opening is reverse to the effect by its own mechanism where
says that increasing the controller output PC-2 output. the air is introduced into the top
increases the control valve opening. To 4. Reversal between the selector of the actuator against the spring.
do this, the signal to the FO control valve and the DCS output option— An increased signal (increased
must be reversed logically inside the DCS no reversal in this case. air pressure) decreases the valve
after calculation or adjustment, which is 5. DCS output option—reversal opening. This is canceled by the
referred to as the DCS output option. only for FO valves. DCS output option (No. 5)
Secondly, using high selectors is easier 6. Reversing at the I/P positioner in the preceding list.
to understand and seems correct, because by switching the instrument The number of reversals from the se-
a higher signal (to the high selectors) air connections is possible, but lectors to the control valves should be
means a larger valve opening. This makes
FIG. 7a much simpler, without any addi-
tional reversing effect required between TABLE 1. Relationship between pressure and valve opening
the selectors and the control valves. Pressure ↗ ↗ ↗
Controller PC-1 (direct) PC-2 (direct) PC-3 (direct)
Reversing signals. Several means exist
to reverse the signal from the controller to Controller output
↗ ↗ ↗
the control valve, as can be seen in FIG. 7:
1. The controller can be direct or Valve opening
↗ ↘ ↗ ↘ ↗ ↗
reverse, but to simplify the problem
it is better to set it as direct. Valve PV-0 PV-1A/B PV-2A/B PV-3

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Hydrocarbon Processing | MARCH 2019 59

Valves, Pumps and Turbomachinery

even if a high selector is used, and odd if PC-1 to PV-1A/B and from PC-2 to PV- to open PV-2A, and then PV-2B,
a low selector is used. Two reversals from 2A/B must be reversed so that the valve to recycle more to the interstage.
the selector to the control valves are in opening decreases with increasing pres- The action takes effect only
FIG. 7: one is a DCS output option and the sure, as shown in the red box in FIG. 7. when the signal from PC-3 to
other is the FO control valve itself, so use S-2 (selector) is higher than
of a high selector is validated. Understanding the control logic. the signal from PC-2 to S-2.
The odd number of reversals with a A description of each controller (PC-1, 2. In the case of higher pressure at the
low selector would have the same effect, PC-2 and PC-3) from the second-stage interstage, PC-2 tries to decrease
but with an even number of reversals with discharge back to the first suction is the opening of PV-2B, and then
a high selector; however, this would make as follows: PV-2A, to receive less from the
the logic more complicated. 1. In the case of higher pressure at second-stage discharge. The action
When the process variable (pressure) the second-stage discharge, PC-3 takes effect only when the signal
increases at the suction of the first stage increases the opening of PV-3 from PC-2 to S-2 is higher than
(PC-1) and the interstage (PC-2) with to send more product. When the signal from PC-3 to S-2. When
direct controller action, the signals from PV-3 is fully opened, PC-3 tries the PC-2 controller output reaches
50% while trying to fully close PV-
First-stage suction Interstage Second-stage discharge 2A/B, PC-2 tries to open PV-1A,
PC-1 PC-2 PC-3 and then PV-1B, to recycle more to
Direct Direct Direct
the first-stage suction. The action
takes effect only when the signal
from PC-2 to S-1 is higher than
50~100% 0~50% 50~100% 0~50% 50~100% 0~50%
X X X X X X the signal from PC-1 to S-1.
PY-1B PY-1A PY-2B PY-2A PY-3B PY-3A 3. In the case of higher pressure at
the first-stage suction, PC-1 tries
0~100% 100~0% 0~100% 100~0% 0~100% 100~0% to decrease the opening of PV-1B,
> >
S-1 S-2
and then PV-1A, to receive less
from the interstage. The action
takes effect only when the signal
from PC-1 to S-1 is higher than
0~50% 50~100% 0~50% 50~100% the signal from PC-2 to S-2. When
the PC-1 controller output reaches
50% while trying to fully close PV-
0~100% 0~100% 0~100% 0~100% 1A/B, PC-1 opens PV-0 to vent to
atmosphere or a flare.
Output option Output option Output option Output option Output option Output option It is also important to check the rela-
direct reverse reverse reverse reverse reverse
tionship between the process variable
FC FO FO FO FO FC (pressure) vs. the valve opening follow-
ing the logic shown in FIG. 7 to make sure
PV-0 PV-1A PV-1B PV-2A PV-2B PV-3 that the control valves operate correctly. If
Vent First-stage recycle First-stage recycle Second-stage recycle Second-stage recycle Product
the results are in alignment with those in
100 TABLE 1, then the design is correct.
Opening, %

The graphs at the bottom of FIG. 7 show that the
control outputs of the x-axis start from the right (0%)
PV-0 PV-1A PV-1B PV-2B PV-2A PV-3 and move to the left (100%), thereby arranging the
compressor suction on the left and the second-stage
Control output, PC-3 discharge on the right.
100% 50% 0%
Control output, PC-1
RANGKI HONG is a senior process engineer on the
100% 50% 0% plant basic engineering team at GS E&C. He has 22
yr of wide experience in engineering and design of
various refinery and petrochemical processes, and
specializes in utilities and offsites basic design.
He holds a BS degree in chemical engineering
from Korea University in Seoul, Korea.

PV-1B PV-1A PV-2A PV-2B GEUN-SOO CHANG is a principal process engineer

and leader of the plant basic engineering group
at GS E&C. He holds an MS degree in chemical
Control output, PC-2
engineering from Seoul National University. He has
contributed to basic engineering, commissioning
FIG. 7. Overall control logic for the controller to the control valve. and troubleshooting for numerous EPC projects for
refinery and petrochemical plants.

60 MARCH 2019 |
Plant Design
S. MAITI, Wood Group, Kolkata, India

Set correct design specifications

for optimized piping and pipe support system
During the planning and engineering execution of petro- Many areas are not explicitly addressed in B31 pressure piping
chemical, oil and gas, and power projects, it is essential that the codes. Sometimes these code requirements are ignored or over-
owner and engineering, procurement and construction (EPC) looked, which can lead to potential “loose ends” from a design
contractor mutually develop a comprehensive and detailed pip- perspective. Eventually, these aspects are left to the designers’
ing design specification. This specification should not only ad- choice or to good engineering practices. These design aspects sig-
dress the grey areas of governing piping codes of construction, nificantly impact the optimization of piping and pipe support sys-
such as ASME B31.3 or ASME B31.1, etc., but also ensure full tem optimization, safety and reliability. Some of these issues are
compliance to code-intended design aspects, design optimiza- discussed here, based on recently executed projects. It should be
tion, material productivity, reliability and maintainability with noted that complete design reliability is not limited only to these
a focus to project-specific objectives and criteria adhering to factors. In fact, numerous other factors affect the design reliability
local regulations. of piping and pipe support systems, but are not discussed here.
An overly conservative design specification that stipulates
stringent criteria above and beyond ASME B31.3/31.1 not only Installation temperature. The reference temperature for cal-
affects cost and material productivity, but also seriously jeopar- culating thermal expansion of the piping system while comput-
dizes the reliability and functionality of the piping system; con- ing support or equipment nozzle reaction forces and moments is
nected equipment; supporting steel structures; pipe supporting the installation temperature. This data should come from project
devices such as struts, snubbers, etc.; and process performance specifications and has a significant impact on pipe support ther-
of the associated equipment. When developing a piping design mal load, equipment nozzle loading, etc. Many pipe stress speci-
specification or addressing flexibility analysis guidelines, focus fications conservatively stipulate the minimum design metal
must be maintained on severity levels of the piping system, the temperature (MDMT) of pipe material, as installation tempera-
criticality of the connected equipment and environmental load- ture can lead to an unnecessary requirement of piping flexibility
ing (wind, seismic, snow) and their consequences on the piping and additional supports with a loss of performance and oppor-
system and equipment, ensuring that guidelines of B31 pressure tunity for a reliable piping system. Piping support reaction and
piping code and its interpretations are met. equipment nozzle reaction are computed and qualified based on
On the contrary, a poorly drafted piping design specifica- the installation temperature, whereas the expansion stress range
tion leaves many ambiguities among designers. Therefore, the will be based on minimum ambient temperature to maximum
opportunity to properly optimize the piping and pipe support temperature (design), as per the B31.3 code.
system according to project objectives is eventually lost.
A blanket consideration or a copy-and-paste job using the Pipe support design/equipment nozzle load checking.
same design specification for multiple different projects is det- When piping systems are subjected to occasional load, such as
rimental to achieving the project’s specific objective of reliable seismic or wind, those are to be added with normal operating
and optimized design. cases (operating temperature/pressure) rather than with de-
A piping design specification must be comprehensively sign cases (design temperature/pressure). Combining design
drafted with care, keeping in mind project requirements, gov- temperature with a seismic/wind load case and evaluating pipe
erning codes of construction and project objectives to ensure support load/equipment nozzle load almost sounds like two
the safety of critical equipment, long-term reliability, maintain- occasional cases in conjunction, which B31 code does not rec-
ability, cost optimization, material productivity and, most im- ommend. Conservative piping stress specifications that allow
portantly, full compliance to construction codes. this kind of combination result in heavy structural design/foun-
This article highlights examples and case studies for pip- dation, special requirements for additional pipe support and
ing and pipe support design where an overly conservative complex pipe routing, and unnecessary special reinforcement
approach or even a complete absence of proper approach/ for equipment nozzles.
guidelines can create potentially serious design issues, leading
to long-term reliability problems for piping systems and as- Allowable nozzle load and nozzle flexibility. With the ad-
sociated critical equipment. vent of modulated finite element analysis (FEA) tools,a it is easy
Hydrocarbon Processing | MARCH 2019 61
Plant Design

250 than zero for high-temperature piping, is highly recommended

to be simulated with the appropriate stiffness of the strut itself,
Resulting moment, kilonewton-meter

200 as well as the associated structural part with which the strut is
connected. If possible, for critical application, a stiffness sensi-
tivity analysis should be performed to determine a minimum re-
quired stiffness to ensure proper functionality of the strut. FIG. 1
is an example of a strut used near the coke drum of a delayed
50 coker unit to direct the thermal expansion away from the coke
drum. The stiffness sensitivity analysis shows that a minimum
0 stiffness of 2 E6 is required for this case to achieve convergence
0.E+00 1.E+06 2.E+06 3.E+06 4.E+06 5.E+06 6.E+06
Strut stiffness, lb/in. of the loading imposed on the coke drum nozzle.
A similar approach is applicable for a snubber, which is de-
FIG. 1. A stiffness sensitivity analysis of a strut used near the signed to take only an occasional load and not a thermal one.
coke drum of a delayed coker unit. While conducting a dynamic analysis, snubber stiffness is an
input to pipe stress analysis software. However, for equivalent
to estimate nozzle flexibility and use that information in pipe static analysis, analysts must be careful to choose the stiffness
stress calculation rather than considering an infinitely stiff anchor and ensure that connected structural stiffness is maintained well
(as high as E12 lb/in.), which gives an impractical result. This above the snubber stiffness to ensure its functionality and main-
result leads to a complex pipe routing with increased flexibility tain the position of the piping system during a seismic event.
and special supports. To maintain the simplicity of routing and
pipe support, the use of equipment nozzle stiffness through FEA Allowable loading for pipe support standard. The pipe
calculation or other means, such as WRC 297, is recommended. support standard used for any project must have allowable load-
In most cases, stress specification dictates the allowable ing for standardized pipe support members and attachments.
load for the vessel/exchanger, and the pipe stress engineer lim- The weld size and type of weld should also be clearly defined
its the equipment loading within those parameters. However, in the support standard as minimum requirements. Selection
in a high-seismic zone, when operating and seismic cases are of support member and attachment based on pipe size only is
combined for the qualification of allowable nozzle loading of not recommended. In the absence of allowable loading of pipe
pressure vessels, then it is beneficial to take advantage of ASME support, further structural evaluation is required for selecting
VIII, Division 2 elastic analysis. Here, the thermal load and pri- the appropriate pipe supporting element. Any deviation from
mary load, such as pressure and seismic inertia load, are treated this approach is a clear case of non-compliance of B31 code and
differently. This provides the analyst with leverage to qualify the must be avoided to attain reliability and structural integrity of
pressure vessel shell nozzle junction analysis. the pipe-supporting element.
For rotating equipment, especially for pumps, rather than
using the same allowance for both operating and operating Unlisted code mechanical components. A good stress
+ occasional (+ occ), a factor such as 1.33 or 1.5 can be used for specification also recognizes where special analysis may be re-
the combined case of operating + occ. However, this approach quired to ensure design reliability of the piping or support com-
should agree with the equipment vendor and owner/client. ponents, particularly for unlisted code items like the stress in-
This will simplify pipe support by reducing special supports, tensification ratio for pipe diameter thickness exceeding 100 for
such as snubbers, and improve reliability. However, piping sys- components like bends, lateral tees or Y pieces. FEA is recom-
tems must comply with code requirements of occasional stress- mended for these applications, especially where large-diameter
es and position retention requirements during a seismic event. piping with high pressure and temperature are associated. This
is also relevant for equipment nozzle qualifications for top, bot-
Handling two-phase flow. Two-phase flow, with or without tom, side or hill-side nozzles for towers, vessels, etc. FEA is rec-
slug, is a potential source of vibrations and can pose a serious re- ommended, using ASME VIII, Division 2 elastic analysis stress
liability issue if not addressed in the design phase. These vibra- categorization, since WRC bulletins such as 107 and 297 are
tions not only reduce the fatigue life of a piping and support sys- not applicable for these calculations. Numerous unlisted code
tem, but also create maintenance problems, such as dislocation items or design scenarios require thorough analysis depending
of the supports from steel. The best prevention is to maintain a on application, but those cases are not discussed here.
minimum natural frequency of the piping system, such as 6/7
Hz, as required. However, proper analysis must be carried out to Allowable excursion of pressure/temperature. Process
achieve this frequency. Rather than just adding a few guides and engineers often define short-term escalations of pressure/tem-
stops in the piping stops, a finite stiffness supporting analysis perature as design pressure/temperature. Subsequently, pipe
must be adopted to achieve a realistic result. A good stress speci- material and stress engineers carry out pressure design analy-
fication must explicitly dictate the stiffness requirement of the sis and select piping component ratings based on this elevated
modal analysis, as well as the frequency criteria for two-phase pressure/temperature.
flow lines to arrest potential vibration issues. Process engineers responsible for the preparation of line
lists and line parameters must consult with stress and mate-
Use of pipe supports. The rigid strut support, which often rial engineers for possible impacts on materials, especially for
plays the role of reliable pipe support with a friction gap of less high-temperature and pressure-alloy steel piping. They should
62 MARCH 2019 |
Plant Design

evaluate whether B31.3 Clause 302.2.4 can be applied for a pipe support design. Since it is impossible and unrealistic to
short-term occasional case, and they should define this as an cover all aspects of a stress procedure/specification in a single
upset case in the line list and line parameters. Application of document, the following general guidelines must be consid-
this clause will have an impact on the pressure design of the ered while drafting a piping stress procedure:
piping system, as well as subsequent impacts on the flexibility • A design specification is vital to ensure the reliability and
analysis, equipment nozzle loading, pipe support loading, etc. safety of the piping system, which cannot be left loose.
Design basis can highlight a mention of this excursion It must be drafted properly and implemented without fail.
clause, alerting the designer to choose an optimized design • The specification should be project-specific and compliant
within the ambient current code of construction. to local regulations, such as PED, IBR, etc., as well as
international standards like B31 pressure piping codes.
Use of more applicable data for SIF and flexilibility factor • Attention must be paid to simplifying pipe support
(B31J). In 2001, the B31 mechanical design committee (MDC) systems, rather than unnecessary complication
initiated a project for evaluating more applicable data of SIF (i) through an unrealistic and impractical analysis.
and flexibility factors (K) as a defined appendix of B31 pressure • Root cause analysis (RCA) of the ongoing reliability of
piping. In 2017, B31J was approved by the American National piping and pipe support systems must be studied and
Standards Institute (ANSI) and has provided a more refined data documented. The RCA outcomes must be effectively
set for SIF and flexibility factors for piping components. implemented, and design specifications must be
Designers should be aware of the criticality of the piping recalibrated to prevent such occurrences.
system—its high pressure and temperature, displacement and
thermal cycle, the fact that it is fatigue prone, etc.—and act a
accordingly by using B31J for more realistic results for code
stress calculations. SOUMITRA MAITI is Principal Engineer—Piping at Wood Group
India in Kolkata, India. He has more than 13 yr of experience in
Takeaway. The design aspects presented are a few rudimen- piping stress analysis and pipe support engineering in the oil
tary considerations for design work, but their implications are and gas, power and steel sectors. He previously worked for GE
Energy, Tata Consulting Engineers Ltd. and L&T-Sargent & Lundy
significant. Based on the type of petrochemical plant and re- Ltd. He graduated with a degree in mechanical engineering from
lated application, numerous considerations affect piping and Jadavpur University in Kolkata, India.

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Hydrocarbon Processing | MARCH 2019 63

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New Technology for Reducing Amine losses

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The top three causes of contractor

and engineering misalignment
When contractors, engineers and operations teams at down- the job done on time, on budget and with reasonable quality.
stream processing plants do not work together at optimal effi- Since they work with computer-aided design (CAD) drawings,
ciency, it can present serious problems. If these teams are not they can improvise to complete the work. However, this creates
aligned, and if information is not properly shared, it can get in problems the next time the system is worked on by a different
the way of safety, productivity and cost control. contractor. Simply put, contractors are less likely to detail the
Fiatech, which is now part of the Construction Industry In- as-built version beyond what is required for them to get paid.
stitute, estimates that the typical engineering, procurement and The second person involved is the engineer. Hydrocar-
construction (EPC) firm will budget less than 0.3% of the total bon plant engineers are responsible for designing solutions that
project cost for information handover. However, Fiatech also meet codes and specifications, and that are safe, resilient and
found that an additional expense of 2%–4% of the total project durable. These engineers are experts at creating detailed draw-
cost is required by the owner-operator to manually correct and ings with CAD systems, and they typically have sound pro-
enter required information into operations and maintenance cesses. They know the systems, understand how everything is
(O&M) systems. For example, on a $400-MM project, approx- supposed to work and which fail-safe mechanisms are needed
imately $1 MM might be budgeted by the EPC firm, but the to do so. Plant engineers are typically practical people who de-
owner-operator must invest an additional $8 MM–$16 MM in pend on record keeping and precision. They require data and
“hidden” data entry and validation costs. The study’s good news accurate records to deal with problems at both the macro (plant
is that 60% of those hidden costs can be avoided through peri- efficiency) and micro (component performance) levels.
odic, structured and automated information exchanges between Engineers plan and build the processing plants. They are re-
EPC and O&M systems. This means that $5 MM–$10 MM of sponsible for keeping plan drawings and CAD files up to date.
operational costs can be saved on a $400-MM capital project. They apply scientific principles to design and implement sys-
The reader might wonder why this is so hard and why the tems that perform the right duties and comply with regulations,
hidden costs are so great. The author’s team has analyzed these thus ensuring that systems are safe for workers. They collaborate
challenges and observed that, across a range of process indus- within and across disciplines to make an overall system work.
tries, hidden costs can emerge from three main sources: Their blind spot may be a tendency to work “by the book” and
1. Different work styles, personalities and motivations “off the drawings” instead of “in the real world.”
between EPC and O&M systems The third person involved is in production and is respon-
2. An over-reliance on email and file transfer protocol sible for maintaining the license to operate. Operational
(FTP) communications personnel must optimize production and protect their licenses
3. Drawing libraries that do not reflect what is built. to operate. This includes maintaining documentation such as
operating procedures, certificates, specifications, manuals, and
Different work styles, personalities and motivations. Mul- piping and instrumentation diagrams (P&IDs). All too often,
tiple types of people with different responsibilities and outlooks operations personnel do not ensure that the right requirements
must collaborate seamlessly to avoid wasting money in handoffs. are in place for data handover. While procurement can hold the
The first person involved is the on-time, on-budget con- contractor accountable for delivering to the letter of the agree-
tractor. The contractor who is building a new unit or manag- ment, the structure and format of the data may not be in the for-
ing a turnaround is motivated to complete the job on time and mat needed by operations personnel. The result can be a hando-
on budget. Contractors are not overly interested in how project ver of PDFs that cannot be edited and updated. Consequently,
or design documentation is applied for operational use, espe- when the next change is needed, the design documents must be
cially given that those documents represent as little as 20% of recreated from scratch, which costs money and time.
project documents. In addition, contractors do not have the
time, motivation or resources to check that they are working Over-reliance on email and FTP communications. When
from the most up-to-date information. Their priority is to get we asked audience members in a recent webinar how they com-
Hydrocarbon Processing | MARCH 2019 65
Project Management

municate engineering information, 44% responded that they In one of our company’s surveys, it was found that 28% of
use email. Unfortunately, email is not dependable for managing engineers use FTP communications to share engineering infor-
the information flow for hydrocarbon plant projects. mation. While this process addresses file size issues, it also intro-
Email allows transmission of engineering drawings as attach- duces the risk of sending an incorrect file. Overall, it is easy to
ments. When these files are transmitted correctly, there is no make mistakes and share the wrong information with the wrong
problem. Unfortunately, email is subject to human errors, such as: people when depending on FTP communications.
• Omitting the attachment Other problems with using FTP communications for sharing
• Attaching a file size that is too large to send engineering information are:
• Attaching the wrong design file or version • Version control—Was the correct version sent?
• Failing to attach all documents. Does that recipient know if an updated version
of the drawing becomes available?
• Access, especially in the field—Many phones do not
have an app for sharing, opening, accessing or sharing
information via FTP communications.
As new team members are added, providing access to the
right files becomes a challenge. If information lives in emails,
new team members must then receive all the right emails or a
new batch of files via FTP communications. Information has
been shared, but this does not mean that the correct information
is available to the right people in a work order system.

‘As-built’ is not reflected in the drawings. When changes

occur in a plant, whether they are made by the operator or con-
tractor, they are often not documented in the master engineer-
ing drawings. With O&M personnel, this happens because they
are busy executing work orders and do not have time to update
FIG. 1. Maintenance workers in the field. the documentation. When performing their work in the field,
maintenance workers must have up-to-date information for the
sake of safety and compliance (FIG. 1).
Each engineer depends on team members to keep master in-
Only One Foot Required. formation complete and accurate. This process is crucial when
work is handled concurrently across disciplines or departments.
Roth Low NPSH pumps If maintenance personnel or contractors have made changes that
require a Net Postive are not reflected in the master documents, this may lead to er-
rors that can impact plant performance, reliability and/or safety.
Suction Head (NPSH) Engineers may encounter delays, quality control issues and the
of only one foot of need for rework when changes are not reflected in the current
liquid for full curve drawings and when master documents are not kept up to date.
The solution: A master documentation system. An engi-
neering information management (EIM) system for documents
can contain the costs and risks of misalignment between all par-
ties. EIM systems provide a centralized, easy-to-access, single
source of truth. The best EIM systems provide a mobile inter-
face that allows contractors and maintenance personnel to up-
date and view as-built plans, with notifications when documents
change and/or need approval. Operators can have direct access
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Design considerations for rigging and

transportation of large process columns
Design guidelines for rigging and
transporting large process columns are
outlined in this article, along with the
various aspects that should be considered
during the initial design phase of equip-
ment. Attention to these points will mini-
mize changes in equipment and avoid
cost and schedule overruns.

Lifting weight consideration. The

lifting weight for a fully dressed column
should include the weight of the column
(with the ladder and platform); internal
attachments like trays, packing and insula-
FIG. 1. Shackle dimensions can be taken from the Crosby shackle table, based on the WLL.
tion; and piping, which is installed on the
columns before lifting.
The standard design of trunnion and
lifting/tailing lugs should be carried out in
accordance with good engineering prac-
tices. Alignment with other attachments
used for lifting, such as spreader beams,
slings and shackles, should be considered.
The design of lifting/tailing lug shack-
le dimensions can be taken from the
Crosby shackle dimensions table (FIG. 1),
or an equivalent, based on the working
load limit (WLL). All below-the-hook
components (i.e., lugs and trunnions)
should meet the criteria provided in FIG. 2. Clashing of the shackle shown with the
ASME B30.20/BTH-1.1 marked part of the tailing lug stiffener.
Shear stress ≤ 0.45 × Fy, bending stress
≤ 0.66 × Fy and bearing stress ≤ 0.75 × Fy
should be evaluated for tailing/lifting lug sling diameter. The distance between the
design (Fy = minimum yield values from keeper plates should be 30% more than the FIG. 3. A possible solution: the tailing lug is
ASME Section 2, Part D). The proof load size of the sling diameter to allow for sling moved an additional 75 mm away from the skirt.
of shackles is generally equal to the WLL compression and deformation.
of a shackle multiplied by 2. The ultimate The sleeve is generally provided to
load capacity = 5 × WLL. avoid friction between the sling and the is better for large, heavyweight columns.
trunnion. The sleeve is a thin plate that acts Tailing lug clashing must also be
Suggested options for trunnion as a bearing surface between the trunnion checked for all lifting positions during the
configuration. The keeper plates on the and the sling, thereby reducing friction. rigging operation. FIG. 2 and FIG. 3 illus-
sleeve should be at least the size of the Providing a sleeve on the trunnion design trate the interference between the shackle
Hydrocarbon Processing | MARCH 2019 67
Project Management

and tailing lug stiffener during the last elastic analysis is preferred, as per ASME. (where σb = induced bending stress, Sb =
phase of the tailing operation. It is good engineering practice to apply an allowable bending stress, σt = induced ten-
impact factor of 1.5 or 2, as per the speci- sile stress and St = allowable tensile stress).
Rigging analysis. The reaction force act- fication requirement; to limit the mem-
ing on the tailing lug must be calculated by brane (local or primary) stress to 0.9 × Extent of pre-dressing. The extent of
analyzing the various lifting angles, from Fy; and to limit the membrane plus bend- pre-dressing must be defined for a large
horizontal (0°) to vertical (90°). The an- ing stress to 1.1 × Fy. These limits should column. For example, the piping that must
gle that results in the highest value, W2Y, is be applied to the pressure boundary, the be installed on a column in horizontal con-
considered for the detailed design. An im- skirt and the base ring. dition, prior to lifting, must be determined.
pact factor of 2 will be considered, unless A buckling analysis also must be per- This information must be readily available
a different value is selected for the project formed to protect columns from collapse so that pre-installed piping supports can be
specification (FIG. 4). due to the loads acting on them. This anal- analyzed in advance, which could eliminate
For large and heavy vessels, a finite el- ysis may result in an increase of mid-shell the deformation of pipes during lifting.
ement analysis (FEA) of the lifting case course thickness for thin, tall columns. Other major services to be considered
should be performed to investigate the Sometimes the lifting trunnion and tail- include deluge lines, steam-out lines, drain
structural behavior of the vessel for differ- ing lug location must be selected to reduce lines for level gauges or transmitters, and
ent lifting conditions. If the FEA is used mid-span bending (i.e., to minimize the ef- fuel gas lines. Information on these items
to evaluate columns for lifting, then an fective bending arm of the process column are needed for lifting considerations, as
accordingly). Also, the skirt base block well as for transporting the fully dressed
must be stiffened with additional supports column from the laydown area and mov-
to prevent deformation during the lifting ing it to the final site with a self-propelled
of a large process column (FIG. 5). modular trailer (SPMT).
If the total induced combined stress Large-bore-pipe pre-dressing lifting
[i.e., bending stress (σb/Sb) + tensile should be analyzed (FIG. 6). Additional
stress (σt/St)] is < 1 on the skirt base supports should be installed for the pip-
block, then there is no need to provide ing on the column. A lifting study should
additional struts. If the total induced com- consider the possibility of fouling of the
bined stress = > 1, then additional struts sling or lifting tackles on the fully dressed
must be provided for the skirt base block column as a result of attachments like lad-
stiffening (FIG. 5). The tensile stress = 0.6 der and platform (L&P) extensions, pipe
× Fy, and the bending stress = 0.66 × Fy extensions, external support clips, etc.

FIG. 4. Vessel loading diagram during lifting.

FIG. 6. Large-bore piping shown on columns.

TABLE 1. Accelerations to be considered for column transportation

Acceleration to be considered
Case Transverse Longitudinal Vertical
Sea transport ±0.76 g ±0.4 g 1 g/±0.46 g
Road transport on SPMT to erection site ±0.1 g ±0.3 g 1 g/±0.05 g
FIG. 5. Stiffeners shown in skirt base block.
*Acceleration values shown are examples and may differ based on logistics and client specifications/requirements.

68 MARCH 2019 |
Project Management

Sections of platforms or pipes that may the transportation saddles must be identi- BRIJESH KUMAR SHARMA is a Mechanical Engineer
at Fluor Daniel India Pvt. Ltd. He holds a BE degree
foul can be identified and installed after fied by a logistics consultation for fastening in engineering from the Sant Longowal Institute
column erection. during shipment by sea or road (FIG. 7). of Engineering and Technology in Longowal, India.
A suitable section on an L&P extension
can be identified and marked on the draw- Takeaway. The importance of good con- AVADHESH BAHADUR is a Mechanical Engineer
ings so that those portions are installed af- ceptual and preliminary designs in the de- at Fluor Daniel India Pvt. Ltd. He holds an MTech
degree in engineering from the Indian Institute
ter vertical installation of the column. This velopment of safe and cost-effective lift- of Technology in Kanpur, India and is a member
will help avoid clashing with slings and lift- ing and transportation procedures have of the Institute of Mechanical Engineers (UK).
ing tackles during lifting. An advance lifting been examined here, with the following
study should be performed for large/heavy key takeaways:
process columns to avoid later changes. • During the initial phase, it is
necessary to design the lifting
Transportation scheme. A transporta- attachments (trunnion, lugs, etc.) for
tion study should be performed to iden- ease of construction and installation.
tify possible clashing during shipping, • Incorrect selection of rigging
along with the dressing condition. Gener- arrangement and lifting tackles
ally, these columns will be placed on the (e.g., inadequate size of sling,
transportation saddles during shipping shackles and spreader beams) may
and dressing. lead to damage of components,
The transportation saddle design structural failures or personal injury.
should consider both sea acceleration and • Such failures may have major
road transport acceleration values, as these impacts on the project cost and
values will be used for both dressing and schedule.
transport with the SPMT to the final lifting
location at the site. TABLE 1 shows the typi- 1
American Society of Mechanical Engineers,
cal accelerations to be considered for the “B30.20/BTH-1: Below-the-hook lifting devices,” FIG. 7. Lashing points shown on transport
different cases. Adequate lashing points on New York, New York, 2013/2017. saddles for fastening during shipment.

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Fabrication of clad equipment and piping—Part 2

For pressure vessels, heat exchangers and specifically whether it needs to be Outside
and piping in corrosive services, the ma- qualified per ASME Section IX,16 Para.
terials in contact with the process are of- QW-217(a) or (b), which are described
ten required to be high alloys to provide further in this article. FIG. 9. illustrates Tbc
a reliable service life. When the design the steps in analyzing UCL-23 require-
conditions call for thick walls, the use ments.
of carbon or low-alloy steel (LAS) clad- Condition 1: Cladding and back Tuc a
ding—or overlaying with a high alloy—is cladding not considered for strength Inside
often a significant cost savings compared purposes. As shown in FIG. 9, if the avail-
FIG. 9. Sketch of a back-cladded weld.
with the use of solid high alloys. Part 1, able backing material thickness at the un-
Note: Tbc is the base metal thickness at
published in the February issue of Hydro- dercut (Tbc) is greater than the minimum the back-cladding area; Tuc is the intentional
carbon Processing, discussed the various required thickness (Tr) under all loadings undercut thickness at the back-cladding
manufacturing processes for clad plates before corrosion allowance is added, then area; and a is the cut-back length.
and pipes, along with factors that affect the cladding or back cladding is not be-
the decision between using cladding vs. ing used for strength purposes (e.g., Tbc
weld overlay. Part 2 will discuss weld pro- ≥ Tr). The welding procedures for such cedures for alloy weld overlay to be quali-
cedure qualifications, production testing, weld detail can be qualified either per fied per QW-217(a), as qualification per
the welding of internal attachments and QW-217(a) or (b) per Section IX. When QW-217(b) is not allowed.
the clad pipe manufacturing process. both options are acceptable, most proce- According to the code, if the cladding
dures are qualified per QW-217(b). is by weld metal overlay cladding, then
Considerations: Cut-back and thick- Condition 2: Back cladding needed the allowable stress of the wrought mate-
ness. The following provides consider- for strength purposes. If the remaining rial—the chemistry of which most close-
ations for when cut-back impinges on the backing material thickness is not enough ly approximates that of the back cladding
backing material’s required thickness. As to meet minimum ASME requirements, at the design temperature—can be used
discussed in Part 1, ASME code (Section then appropriate thickness equal to for Sc. If back-cladding overlay is con-
VIII, Div. 1 and Div. 215) allows cladding Tuc consisting of back cladding CRA sidered for strength (e.g., the base metal
or overlay to be considered in strength filler metal may be utilized for strength. thickness is not adequate for strength as
calculations. However, additional provi- The method of including cladding for per UCL-35(c) of the ASME Code VIII,
sions must be taken into account, and strength purposes is given in ASME Division 1), then the final radiography of
even when the primary cladding or over- Code Par. UCL-23(c). This practice has the base metal welds must be performed
lay layer is not being used as “credit” in also been confirmed by Code Interpreta- after the disposition of the back cladding
meeting the minimum thickness require- tion VIII-80-17.17 According to the code, weld overlay.
ments, there are cases where the cut-back an equivalent undercut thickness equal
depth impinged on the backing material to Tuc × Sc/Sb (allowable stress for clad- Weld procedure qualification. If clad-
design thickness. Therefore, some of the ding at the design temperature/allow- ding or back cladding is used for strength
back cladding is being used as part of the able stress for the base metal at the de- purposes, then the welding procedure
code design thickness. One impact is that sign temperature) may be considered for (e.g., the WPS) shall be qualified in ac-
this affects the weld procedure specifica- strength (e.g., Tuc × Sc/Sb + Tbc must be cordance with ASME Section IX, QW-
tion (WPS) qualification requirements, ≥ Tr). This case will require welding pro- 217(a), which requires that:
Hydrocarbon Processing | MARCH 2019 71
Maintenance and Reliability

• The procedure qualification record cladding portion should be based QW-251.4 then refers to the set
(PQR) test coupon should be on a chemical analysis performed of tables defining the essential
made using clad coupons, which in accordance with Table QW- and nonessential variables
are the same p-number base metal 453. Tensile and bend tests are (e.g., tables QW-252 through
and cladding as the production required, which should be made QW-267). Separate tables are
welding, and should use the same using specimens that contain full provided for corrosion-resistant
welding process and filler metal thickness of cladding through a overlays for each welding process.
combination as will be used in reduced section of the specimen. • Using the shielded metal arc
production welding. If cladding and back cladding are not welding (SMAW) process and
• The essential and nonessential used for strength purposes, the welding Table QW-233.1, the amperage
variables—per Section IX, procedure shall be qualified using ASME for the corrosion-resistant overlay
QW-251.1—and the referenced Section IX, QW-217(a) or (b), and (b) is an essential variable. The table
tables should apply for each welding allows two separate qualifications—one defines QW-409.22 as essential,
process used in production. for the base metal welding and an overlay and QW-409.22 states that an
• The qualified thickness range for WPS/PQR to qualify the back cladding. increase in the amperage for the
the base metal and filler metal(s) It also requires that: first layer of more than 10% of that
should be based on the actual test • The essential variables and qualified requires requalification
coupon thickness and QW-451, testing requirements for butt- of welding procedure.
except that the minimum thickness weld qualifications should apply • For overlay qualifications, the
of the filler metal joining the for joining the base metal portion required PQR testing is shown in
of weldment. The PQRs, which ASME Section IX, Table QW-453.
Attachment directly Attachment welded support the base metal portion of The testing includes penetrant tests,
welded on cladding on weld overlay
the WPS, need not be made on the bend tests and chemical analysis.
test coupons made with clad metal. The chemical analysis is typically
• For the back cladding, which is determined by extracting chips
qualified using a corrosion-resistant from the deposited overlay at a
overlay PQR, QW-217(b) refers to predetermined depth above the
QW-251.4 for the special welding weld interface—which is explained
essential variables. QW-251.4 then in ASME Section IX, Figure
refers to the set of tables defining QW-462.5(a).
FIG. 10. A lightly loaded internal attachment is the essential and nonessential
shown directly welded to the cladding (left). variables, which are tables QW-252 Production testing. In addition to the
The cladding has been stripped back (right), through QW-267. Separate tables nondestructive examination (NDE) re-
a weld overlay has been applied and the are provided for corrosion-resistant quired by the design code, such as ASME
attachment is welded to the weld overlay. overlays for each welding process. Section VIII, some owners specify pen-
etrant or magnetic particle testing and
chemical analysis of production overlays
and back claddings. One example of the
chemical analysis testing for back cladding
would be to require sampling at two or
three locations per the long seam and cir-
cumferential seam, as well as at each nozzle
weld. This testing is required to be done at
a specified depth below the surface that
is in contact with the process. A portable
positive materials identification (PMI)
analyzer is typically used. The chemi-
cal analysis is generally required to meet
the specified levels of the major elements
for the undiluted weld chemistry. The
chipped or ground-down test locations of
the production overlays are later restored
(e.g., repaired) using the same overlay
weld procedure followed by an NDE.
If the backcladding alloy far exceeds
the cladding alloy, such as when Ni-based
welding filler metals are used to back clad
welds between 410S SS clad plates, the
FIG. 11. Clad pipe manufacturing process.23
criteria for the chemical analysis testing
72 MARCH 2019 |
Maintenance and Reliability

can be reduced. For example, it is com- welded attachments on clad equipment sure adequate corrosion protection. At-
mon to increase the limit on the maxi- has always been a topic of great interest tachments may be attached directly to
mum iron in the Ni-based back cladding and debate. It is unclear when internal the cladding (vessels constructed from
weld from a maximum of 5% to 10%. attachments can be attached directly on integrally clad material or weld overlay)
Another possible test on weld overlays cladding, when cladding should be re- if the primary and secondary stress at the
or back claddings made with austenitic moved, and the area weld overlaid before weld attachment between the support
SS is the ferrite number (FN). The pur- internal attachments can be welded. plate and cladding are acceptable for the
pose of the test is that, if the weld metal Only lightly loaded attachments are cladding material to the respective code.
has a high ferrite phase content, it may typically welded on the cladding. In the As per API RP 582, RP 934-A19 and
be susceptible to sigma embrittlement, case of heavily loaded alloy-welded at- RP 934-C,20 which are specifically for
as ferrite can transform to sigma from tachments, the cladding at the attach- LAS reactors and equipment, internal at-
high temperature exposure. Hence, test- ment location is removed first and the tachment welding on cladding or overlay
ing for the maximum ferrite number is weld overlay is applied. The heavily load- can be performed after PWHT provided
generally required if the equipment is ed alloy attachment is then attached to a PQR, or a mockup test shows a satisfac-
required to be PWHT or is operating at the overlay (FIG. 10). Generally, when an tory result of absence of a newly formed
a high temperature. A minimum ferrite attachment is to be welded onto the clad- HAZ in the base metal. Whenever the
is also beneficial, as it minimizes the risk ding, the bond of the cladding with the cladding or overlay is at least 4.8-mm
of hot cracking during welding. A typical base metal is verified by straight-beam thick, the risk of forming an HAZ has
required range of 3 FN–10 FN is used for ultrasonic testing (UT) to confirm that been shown to be very low with most
most SS grades, except for 347 SS, which there is no disbondment at the attach- commonly used weld procedures.11,21
typically has a stricter limit of 5 FN–10 ment location.
FN.11,18 Ferrite measurements must be For vessels with applied linings, the Fabrication and welding of clad
taken before PWHT, if PWHT for the lining should be stripped back to allow ASME B31.3 piping. The manufactur-
backing material is being done. the attachment to be welded directly to ing of large-sized clad pipes (nominal pipe
the backing, unless testing or analysis of sizes of 8 in.–36 in.) is typically done by
Welding internal attachments to the cladding is shown to be adequate to rolling clad plates and welding the lon-
cladding or overlay. Welding internally carry the load. The attachment shall en- gitudinal joint from both the inside and

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Hydrocarbon Processing | MARCH 2019 73

Maintenance and Reliability

outside (FIG. 11). API specification 5LD22 provide corrosion-resistant properties, RYAN KATIGBAK CARMONA is
a Mechanical Engineer specializing
also provides the requirements for clad- while most of the thickness is a less-ex- in the area of static equipment
ding where the backing materials are the pensive, non-alloyed base metal. Howev- engineering and design. His key
pipeline grades of CS. er, there are various possible issues with interests are material selection
Special beveling is required to allow code compliance and proper fabrication, and the design of static equipment
like columns, reactors and vessels,
the CS or LAS root pass to be made from which should be specified and addressed as well as the structural design of equipment
the outside (Step 6). The inside is then at the start of the design to ensure reli- platforms. Mr. Carmona has a BS degree in mechanical
back cladded with CRA (Step 7). This re- able service. engineering from Batangas State University in the
quires a special welding arm that is long
enough to reach into at least half the pipe REFERENCES KUNTAK DARU is a Technical
length. The CS or LAS weld is then com- 15
API Specification 5LD, “Specification for CRA Clad Director in Mechanical Engineering
pleted from the outside (Step 8). Heat or Lined Steel Pipe,” American Petroleum Institute, at Fluor Corp. He has more than
Washington, DC, March 2009. 30 yr of experience in the
treatment is also typically done, which is 16
Nishimoto, K., T. Aizawa, S. Takimoto and W. engineering, designing and
not shown in FIG. 11. Kawakami, “Recent technology development and specifying of static equipment
As per the ASME Piping Code 31.3, manufacturing experiences of clad steel pipe for in the refinery, oil and gas,
Paragraph 323.4.3, fabrication by welding natural gas transportation pipelines,” Japan Steel petrochemical and chemical industries. He now
Works ( JSW) Technical Review, No. 20. serves as a mechanical coach for Fluor in the
of clad piping must meet ASME Section 17
Harris, M. K., Welding Health and Safety: A Field Asia-Pacific region, where he oversees the regional
VIII, Division 1, Par. UCL-30–UCL-52, Guide for OEHS Professionals, AIHA Press, American work and the training of personnel in static equipment
and the piping code (whichever require- Industrial Hygiene Association, Fairfax, Virginia, design. Mr. Daru has produced five publications in his
2002. field, and holds a BS degree in mechanical engineering
ments are stricter). For the welding of cir- 18
API Technical Report 942-B, “Material, fabrication from SVNIT in Surat, India.
cumferential butt welds, some welds will and repair considerations for austenitic alloys subject
have access available to the inside surface, to embrittlement and cracking in high temperature JIGNESH DESAI is a Senior Design
and some will not. Welds between the 565°C to 760°C (1050°F to 1400°F) refinery ser- Engineer for Materials and Welding
vices,” American Petroleum Institute, Washington, in the Mechanical Engineering
pipe and flanges are an example of a circ DC, November 2017. department at Fluor Daniel Pvt. Ltd.
weld with access to the inside surface. For 19
API Recommended Practice 934-A, “Materials in New Delhi, India. He has more than
these welds, the same cut-back, beveling, and Fabrication of 2¼Cr-1Mo, 2¼Cr-1Mo-¼V, 20 yr of experience in equipment
3Cr-1Mo, and 3Cr-1Mo-¼V steel heavy wall and piping engineering (metallurgy,
welding, back cladding and other steps pressure vessels for high temperature, high pres- welding, fabrication, coating and testing) in the field of
done for vessel welding can be done for sure hydrogen service,” American Petroleum refining, gas processing, petrochemical and power
these pipe welds. Institute, Washington DC, May 2008 (addendum plant projects. He has produced five publications in his
For the circ welds that do not have March 2012). field, and earned a BS degree in metallurgical
API Recommended Practice 934-C, “Materials and engineering from the Faculty of Technology and
access to the inside surface, an appropri- fabrication of 1¼Cr-½Mo steel heavy wall pressure Engineering at the Maharaja Sayajirao University of
ate CRA filler metal is used for the entire vessels for high temperature, high pressure hydro- Baroda in India. Additionally, his professional
weld (e.g., through both the cladding and gen service operating at or below 825°F (441°C),” qualifications include International Welding Engineer
backing layers). In many cases, Ni-based American Petroleum Institute, Washington DC, from the International Institute of Welding, NACE
May 2008. Protective Coating Specialist–2 Advanced, and Lead
filler metals are used. 21
ASME PCC-2, “Repair of pressure equipment and Auditor QMS ISO 9001-2008 from IRCA.
The pipe fittings and flanges are typi- piping,” American Society of Mechanical Engineers,
cally overlaid in the clad piping systems. New York, New York, February 2015. MUHAMMAD IRFAN is a Mechanical
API Specification 5LD, “Specification for CRA clad Engineer specializing in the area of
The overlay procedures must be properly or lined steel pipe,” American Petroleum Institute, static equipment engineering. He
qualified, and the production overlays are Washington, DC, March 2009. has participated in various green
generally tested using penetrant or mag- 23
Nishimoto, K., T. Aizawa, S. Takimoto and W. and brownfield upstream/
netic particle testing, along with chemi- Kawakami, “Recent technology development and downstream projects for the oil and
manufacturing experiences of clad steel pipe for gas/refining/petrochemical sectors.
cal analysis sampling. The discussion on natural gas transportation pipelines,” Japan Steel His specialty is in the mechanical design of pressure
vessel flanges and nozzles is also applica- Works Technical Review, No. 20. vessels, columns and reactors, and in the thermal
ble to these components. Branch connec- design of shell-and-tube heat exchangers. He has a
tions especially need careful procedures ANILKUMAR PANCHAL is a thorough understanding of ASME, API, TEMA and
Mechanical Design Engineer with NBIC design codes and standards. He is actively
and NDE with clad piping fabrication, as the Technical Services Group at involved in giving technical trainings to junior
it is essential that no areas of CS or LAS Kuwait Integrated Petroleum members of his organization. Mr. Irfan has a BS degree
are left exposed. When set-on weldolets Industries Company (KIPIC). When in mechanical engineering from NED University of
or sockolets are used for the branches, it this article was written, he was Engineering and Technology in Karachi, Pakistan.
employed with Reliance Industries
is essential that the bore of the hole made Ltd. Mr. Panchal has worked on butyl rubber, CATHLEEN SHARGAY is a Senior
through the main pipe is overlaid. gasification, ethane cracker, chlorinated PVC and Fellow and Technical Director in the
Small-diameter piping is impractical refinery revamp projects. He is a certified chartered Materials and Welding Engineering
to get as clad or overlay. Hence, an ap- engineer and professional engineer in India, and has group at Fluor Enterprises in Aliso
prior work experience at L&T Heavy Engineering, Viejo, California. Over the span of her
propriate solid alloy is often used for the Bechtel India, Jacobs Engineering and Reliance 35-yr career, she has specialized
systems where the larger-diameter piping Industries. Mr. Panchal holds a BS degree in in corrosion, metallurgical damage
is overlaid. mechanical engineering from Lalbhai Dalpatbhai mechanisms, materials selection and fabrication for the
College of Engineering (LDCE) in Ahmedabad, refining, power and other process industries. She has
India, and an MS degree in industrial process produced more than 60 publications in her field. Ms.
Takeaway. The use of cladding and equipment design from Sardar Vallabhbhai National Shargay has a BS degree in metallurgical engineering
weld overlay are excellent techniques to Institute of Technology (SVNIT) in Surat, India. from Stevens Institute of Technology.

74 MARCH 2019 |
and Reliability
S. LEE, S. H. LEE and S. JEON, SK Energy,
Ulsan, South Korea; and T. Y. JANG, SK Innovation,
Daejeon, South Korea

Application of ring-type joint gaskets in a refinery

In refineries and petrochemical plants, detected, and no re-tightening was needed gasket is advantageous
ring-type joint (RTJ) flanges have been during startup and normal operation. for sealing performance.
applied to high-pressure processes or sen- • Ring gaskets can be reusable;
sitive areas that are susceptible to leaks. Challenges. RTJ flanges require great however, in practice, gaskets
In an RTJ flange, the bolt tightening load care in handling, such as bolt tightening have been used without
should be calculated and applied carefully or the cleaning of the sealing face, and are detailed inspection.
to achieve good sealing performance and used in some high-pressure petroleum To remedy these issues, simulation
to avoid flange deformation with over- processes [over the American Society test spools reflecting variation cases were
tightening. However, a deviation exists of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Class made, and the sealing performances of
between theoretical bolt load values and 1500 rating], or in petrochemical pro- each bolt load were confirmed. In addi-
actual application—many maintenance cesses containing hydrogen (H2). tion, FEM analysis under similar con-
personnel have experienced leak incidents Normally, the recommended bolt load ditions was conducted and compared.
by applying only the theoretical bolt load value is based on the flange design value Based on this, the management plan for
value, leading them to apply a higher bolt determined during the initial design, so an RTJ flange was derived and applied to
load value than its criteria requires. the bolt load value is different even though a residue hydrodesulfurization (RHDS)
In most cases, the root cause of the the same bolt size and material are used. process turnaround work. The applica-
leak incident was not a bold load crite- Despite the theoretical bolt load crite- tion result was successful.
rion, but concerns about applying this rion, maintenance technicians may apply
value remain. Field personnel generally an excessive bolt load to prevent leaks. SIMULATION TEST
believe that a higher tightening load is This has consistently resulted in flange Test spools with artificial defects were
more effective to achieve good sealing deformation or damage to the gasket seal- fabricated under the following condi-
performance in a flange joint. While this ing face, leading to leaks. While many tions. Artificial defects were applied to
technique is not technically incorrect, ex- maintenance personnel are aware of this, one flange in each pair of flanges (FIG. 1
cessive tightening can lead to increased such errors continue to be prevalent. Af- and TABLE 1).
flange deformation damage. ter interviewing numerous maintenance • Simulation test condition: Flange
The RTJ flange is normally used to personnel, the following shared view- test spool (FIG. 1)
design a heavy wall item with low-alloy points emerged: O Flange: 8-in., Class 2500 ×
materials, so it is difficult to repair or re- • Bolts should be tightened more Schedule 160 standard flange,
place within a short turnaround period. strongly than their given bolt load A105 Tp321
Additionally, repair costs are expensive. to improve sealing performance. O Gasket: Tp347 octagonal type,
This article explores adequate and prac- • Applying graphite tape on the ring R-51
tical criteria to maintain the sealing per-
formance of flange joints and to minimize TABLE 1. Damages reflected (refer to FIG. 1, shown as red colors)
flange deformation.
Flange 1 Flange 2 Flange 3 Flange 4 Flange 5
A test spool was manufactured with
flange damage cases, and finite element Damage A at No 1-mm 2-mm 3-mm 1-mm
method (FEM) analyses were carried out inner groove depth* depth* depth* depth*
to check performance. The work deter- Damage B at No No 1.3-mm depth 0.7-mm depth 1-mm depth** +
mined that the bolt load criteria could be outer groove at four points at four points 1.3-mm depth
at four points
adjusted effectively and successfully ap-
plied to the maintenance work of the resi- Gasket New New New Used New
due desulfurization process. No leaks were * Around entire circle ** Around a half circle

Hydrocarbon Processing | MARCH 2019 75

Maintenance and Reliability

O Bolt: A193-B16 • Bolt tightening Simulation test results. For all flanges
• Pressurizing condition O The initial bolt load value was with various damages, no leakage was de-
O Pressure was increased slowly 20% of the yield strength (YS), tected when applying up to 40% of the YS,
to 300 bar and then maintained which gradually increased by as detailed in TABLE 2.
for 1 hr. If leaks occur during 10% when the leaks occurred • Flange 1: Leakage occurred
pressurization, then the bolt load and stopped when it reached when 20% of the YS was applied
is increased by 10%. 50% of the maximum YS. and pressure reached 250 bar.
When the bolt load was increased
TABLE 2. Simulation test results to 30% of the YS, no leak was
detected, even at 300 bar.
Flange 1 Flange 2 Flange 3 Flange 4 Flange 5
• Flange 2: No leakage occurred at
Graphite Old gasket 300 bar at 20% of the YS. However,
Flange No compound on gasket – used –
as a result of this, it is difficult to
Pressurizing 20% of YS, 20% of YS, 20% of YS, 20% of YS, 20% of YS, conclude that the effect of graphite
to 25 bar no leak no leak no leak no leak leak
wrapping on the gasket was effective.
~ 200 bar 20% of YS, – 20% of YS, 20% of YS, 30% of YS, • Flange 3: Leakage was evident
no leak leak no leak no leak at 200 bar at 20% of the YS,
~ 250 bar 20% of YS, – 30% of YS, 20% of YS, 30% of YS, but no leakage occurred at 300 bar
leak leak leak no leak at up to 40% of YS.
~ 300 bar 30% of YS, 20% of YS, 40% of YS, 30% of YS, 30% of YS, • Flange 4: Leakage occurred
no leak no leak no leak no leak no leak when the YS reached 20% and
the pressure reached 250 bar.
TABLE 3. FEA modeling case When the YS was increased to 30%,
no leakage was detected at 300 bar.
Flange 1 Flange 3 Flange 4 Flange 5
Yield • Flange 5: A leak occurred at 25 bar
strength With Damage A With Damage A and B under tightening at 20% of the YS,
20% Case 1-1 Case 2-1 Case 3-1 Case 4-1 but no leakage was detected at
Bolt stress 30% Case 1-2 Case 2-2 Case 3-2 Case 4-2 300 bar at 30% of the YS.
40% Case 1-3 Case 2-3 Case 3-3 Case 4-3
FEM analysis. The stresses on the con-
50% Case 1-4 Case 2-4 Case 3-4 Case 4-4
tact surface while increasing the bolt load
60% Case 1-5 Case 2-5 Case 3-5 Case 4-5 for the four cases were analyzed: no dam-
age, 2-mm damage, 3-mm damage, and
damage of 1-mm inside and 1-mm out-
side. For FEM modeling (TABLE 3), Flang-
es 1, 3, 4 and 5 with only Type-A damage
were considered. The bolt load was gradu-
ally increased from 20% of the initial YS to
60% of the YS. As shown in FIG. 2, the R-
type gasket has four sealing lines at the top,
bottom, right and left. A flange and groove
details are shown in FIG. 3.

FIG. 2. The R-type gasket has four sealing

FIG. 1. Test spool and flanges for simulation test. lines at the top, bottom, right and left.

76 MARCH 2019 |
Maintenance and Reliability

Analysis result. The FEA determined enced slightly increased stress while the
that the upper flange has the largest stress bolt load increased.
concentration in the center part of the Flanges 1-3 and 1-4 experienced dam-
gasket and the inside groove, and the seal- age in Area A only, and a similar tendency
ing line of four faces is formed. As the bolt was observed. The inside groove face of
load increased, the stress in the two seg- the upper flange and the outside groove
ments (A and C in FIG. 4) of the inside of face of the lower flange experienced
the four contact surfaces increased. The stress, and the sealing line was formed
FEA results for Flange 1-1 indicated no (FIG. 5). For Flange 2-3, the damaged
damage. The four points were stressed Area C with gap was not contacted. It is
almost evenly, but Areas A and C experi- believed that stresses are concentrated in

FIG. 3. Flange and groove details.


FIG. 4. FEA results for Flange 1, which is not damaged. Four points have stressed almost evenly,
but Areas A and C indicate slightly higher stress levels while the bolt load increases.  BALL VALVES
Phone: + 49 030 4301-01
Fax: + 49 030 4301-2236
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FIG. 5. FEA results for Flange 3.

Select 156 at

Maintenance and Reliability

TABLE 4. Calculated stress in four areas

Flange 1 Flange 3
Area Case 1-1 Case 1-2 Case 1-3 Case 1-4 Case 1-5 Case 2-1 Case 2-2 Case 2-3 Case 2-4 Case 2-5
A 143.9 215.6 287.1 358.7 430.2 249.4 373 494.8 616.7 737.2
B 145.7 218.1 288.1 347.8 409.3 118.1 177.7 236.1 295.5 354.5
C 143.8 215.4 287.1 358.7 430.2 Non-contacted
D 146 218.5 287.8 347.7 409.6 264.4 387.5 506 630.4 759.1

TABLE 5. RTJ bolt load application guide per groove deformation

distortion of grooves. Even in the
severe damage case, applying 40%
Groove damage Normal of YS was enough to cause sealing.
(deformation gap) flange ~ 1 mm 1 mm~2 mm 2 mm~3 mm 3 mm 3. A relatively high stress is
Bolt load YS × 35% YS × 40% YS × 45% YS × 50% Flange applied to the inside grooves
replacement in a normal flange.
4. If at least two contact surfaces
each act as an inside and outside
sealing point, leakage is eliminated
since these two contact surfaces
form the sealing line.
5. It can be determined that the bolt
load standard value is basically
35% of the bolt YS, regardless
of the degree of deformation,
and it would be increased by 5%
according to the degree of the
groove deformation.
6. A thinly applied compound
is recommended to act as a
lubricant during the placing
process. Gasket reuse and graphite
wrapping are not recommended
since their effect cannot be ensured
FIG. 6. FEA results for Flange 5. In the stress distribution along the bolt stress, large and for long-term usage.
complicated stress distributions can be seen due to the unbalanced groove deformation.
SANGMO LEE is the Pressure Vessel Specialist at
SK Energy and has more than 24 yr of experience
Areas A and D and that the sealing line is tributions can be seen due to the unbal- providing technical support for numerous large
formed through these areas. When more anced groove deformation. It is assumed projects. He earned a BS degree from the University
bolt load is applied, a possibility exists for that only elastic deformation occurs, of Ulsan and holds a Professional Engineer certificate
for welding and metallurgy.
the forming of a sealing line in Area B due but plastic deformation actually occurs,
to plastic deformation. which is expected to result in sealing in SEHO LEE is a Stationary Equipment Engineer at
A sealing line is also formed on the more areas than FEA results. SK Energy in South Korea. He has more than 7 yr
of petrochemical industry experience, specializing
outside groove surface of the upper flange It was decided to apply different bolt in pressure vessel and flange leak troubleshooting
and on the outside groove surface of the load values according to the groove de- and maintenance. He graduated with a BS degree
lower flange. Only the inside groove sur- formation amount (TABLE 5). As a result in mechanical engineering from Inha University
face of the lower flange is not formed with of application to 68 flanges in the high- in South Korea.

the sealing line due to the damage. The pressure sections of the RHDS unit, no SEOKRYONG JEON is the Leader of the stationary
three points (A, B and D) that are con- leakage has been detected in startup and equipment engineering team. He has more than 24 yr
tacting in Flange 3 are approximately 1.7 normal operations. of experience in reliability and project management
for refinery and petrochemical plants. He earned an
times more stressed than Flange 1, which MS degree in metallurgical engineering at Hanyang
is contacted with four points (TABLE 4). Takeaway. The following results were University in South Korea.
For Flange 5, the formed stress appears obtained:
TAE YOUNG JANG is a Senior Researcher at the
to be very unstable. Stress is distributed 1. RTJ flanges showed excellent SK Innovation Institute of Technology Innovation
unevenly on the gasket and the flange of sealing performance in the in Daejeon, South Korea. He has more than 11 yr of
the normal and damaged parts, which simulation tests and FEA results. petrochemical industry experience, specializing in
leads to an unstable sealing line (FIG. 6). 2. Sufficient sealing performance computational fluid dynamics and finite element
analysis. He received an MS degree in mechanical
In the stress distribution along the bolt can be obtained with a bolt load engineering from the Korea Advanced Institute
stress, large and complicated stress dis- applying 20% of YS, if there is no of Science and Technology (KAIST).

78 MARCH 2019 |
and Reliability
G. THORMAN, Independent Consultant,
Osceola, Wisconsin

The critical maintenance team: Do you have one?

Larger plants typically have planners and maintenance super- ing and testing, coached field implementation of new skills and
visors onsite, as well as operations personnel. But are they formed a final audit were successfully completed. Planners came away
as a team? Do they make decisions as a team? Does the alignment from this training with an all-inclusive perspective of what the
of the maintenance workflow process and computerized mainte- planning and scheduling role should be.
nance management system (CMMS) support the team? However, components were still missing, since planners do
It is common to see pieces of the above. However, their not operate in a silo. The work they plan is typically requested
performance is too often fragmented, with some areas/depart- and scheduled by operations personnel. The maintenance su-
ments doing well while others underperform. Telltale negative pervisor then executes the work and captures the results, return-
signs include: ing the work orders to planners for closure. A successful work
• Maintenance planners reporting to area maintenance management plan requires all of these entities to be cohesive
supervisors and receiving no centralized best planner and group focused. This training is not just focused on roles, but
practice leadership also on the team. This led to the team being aptly identified as
• Maintenance supervisors with a focus on the emergencies a natural work team using a well-defined process. Each of the
of the day and with little time allocated for helping three entities received not only training for their respective roles,
plan and schedule the next week’s schedule but also training on how to operate as a team, followed by indi-
• Planners who specialize in emergency parts acquisition vidual field coaching, along with an audit of role performance
and who are, in effect, junior maintenance supervisors and the desired certification.
• Operations customers who come to maintenance from Contributing to the training’s success was its verification
numerous positions with conflicting requests and a through a closed-book test, which became the portal to confirm
universal demand of “fix it now” the training and prove that the candidates were ready to apply
• A workflow process that has gaps and workaround their new tools in the field. Candidates who did not meet the
avenues, often frequently modified to meet ever-changing minimum score received personal coaching before retaking the
conditions and perceived needs test. As with many of life’s endeavors, the testing became quite
• A poorly used or constructed CMMS that hinders, rather competitive. Scores were kept confidential, but candidate chat-
than helps, work management ter usually revealed who got the highest scores—all of which
• Management staff members who are frustrated with added to the excitement of the process. The ending audit and
poor metric results that indicate high levels of emergency certification as gold, silver or bronze in the field of maintenance
work, raising costs and declining reliability—e.g., planner, maintenance supervisor or operations maintenance co-
key performance indicators (KPIs) have become key ordinator were equally competitive.
indicators of poor performance. Over the years of natural work team training, few candidates
In 2006, a small group of maintenance consultants looked at have withdrawn from the process, and few candidates who have
available practices to correct some of the shortfalls common in been driven to succeed and reach certification have failed. Since
the field of work management. What they found included lim- the process is made up of teams, team awards are also given based
ited training courses for planners, along with supervisors receiv- on the lowest certification of any of the team’s members. This
ing only leadership pep talks, and operations personnel with no promotes achievement of team members for the team’s benefit.
maintenance training at all. If a natural work team training process is being considered,
The consulting group began with planners. The traditional the following are several details of the process design.
4-hr planner training session was significantly expanded to near-
ly a full week. Note: This training was not focused on how to use Prelude to training. The week before the process begins is
a CMMS. Rather, planners were assumed to know their CMMS, crucial, as it sets the expectations and deliverables. Typically,
including the important area of securing parts. Their previous a review of the candidates and management’s goals begin with
knowledge would now feed a key component of the much larg- 1-hr presentations to key personnel, at times including the en-
er work management process. What started as a training effort tire site. The presentations cover topics such as training, coach-
grew into a certification, awarded only after the classroom train- ing, and the final audits and certifications (FIG. 1). They also de-
Hydrocarbon Processing | MARCH 2019 79
Maintenance and Reliability

Classroom Written In-field Process Results and

training exam coaching audit certification

Individuals Group Individuals Individual/group Organization Customer

• Assess P&S • 3 d–4 d • Based on classroom • 10 wk–20 wk • 1 d–3 d per work • Each member receives
organization •Single-point lessons training document • Daily and weekly team member a certificate for the level
• Evaluate planner, (100+) • Go/no-go for scheduling meetings • 35 technical topics and reached
supervisor and • Exercises certification implementation eight management • Meeting with P&S client
coordinator • Start work on • Documentation • Team backlog review topics project leader and
capabilities team meetings, not allowed • Scheduling tool • Score provided for each individual planners to
• Evaluate training weekly agenda, • 75% required to pass; • P&S performance topic for the group present results
and coaching needs, backlog review, retests are allowed indicators average and individual • Identify with client
aligned with current scheduling tool, • Certificate • Transfer of best needs for retraining,
plant-desired practices KPI development, practices recoaching or additional
• Define performance etc. support
• Conduct white board
exercise to capture - Audit score ≥ 80%
existing maintenance Gold
workflow processes - Audit score ≥ 70%
• Introduce with Silver
kickoff presentations - Audit score ≥ 60%
Not certified - Audit score < 60%

FIG. 1. The work team certification process.

tail the “why” of such a process being implemented and how the Testing. Each test covers elements from the role-specific train-
entire plant benefits. If a union is involved, a presentation is of- ing (e.g., the planner test is different from the supervisor test
fered to help the union better understand what the certification and the maintenance coordinator test). Typically, the test takes
benefits are for its members (often if there are hourly planners). 1 hr–2 hr to complete. A calculator is recommended for deter-
In addition, union craftsmen will learn how a certification pro- mining backlogs in a man-weeks question. The test results are
cess allows them to experience better-organized jobs with less not disclosed and are rated as pass/fail—a passing score is 75%.
emergency job pull-offs. The pre-week session includes a white- For candidates who fail to meet the minimum score, retests are
board exercise diagramming the work process flow. Partici- allowed. The test is the portal through which candidates must
pants—including maintenance and operations personnel—can successfully pass to begin implementing their new skills, roles
see the gaps and workarounds that often exist in the work pro- and responsibilities.
cess flow. These gaps then become notable points during the
classroom training and underscore the need for a robust work Implementation and coaching. The newly certified candi-
management process managed by trained participants. dates are ready to implement the skills they have proven they
learned by passing the test. Teams begin by conducting man-
Classroom training. The training portion of the project is a dated daily and weekly scheduling meetings. Coaches often run
lengthy process averaging more than 30 hr of instruction. Topics the first meetings to ensure that correct protocol is followed, and
range from how work orders originate and who approves them, then attend the additional meetings to observe and resolve de-
to what is involved in planning, scheduling and execution, and viations. One example is the maintenance supervisor’s report on
the completion and closure process. The topics are pre-aligned the status of a job scheduled for the day. “Almost done,” “nearing
with site protocol and adjusted as necessary. If conflicts with completion” and “about halfway” are unacceptable responses to
best practices exist, the site may decide on changes or adjust a job’s status. The supervisor’s report is expected to use more
the training program before it begins. Typically, the program’s precise terms that include percentages (e.g., 0%, 25%, 50%, 75%
best practices are within 90% of what the site already expects. or 100%). This process allows the team to understand the status
The training contains textbook-supplied material in a single- of the job and to move to the next phase of decision-making if a
point lesson (SPL) format, along with videos, spot review ques- job has not been completed. Repetition of this process is key to
tions and prizes for candidate winners. Exercises cover specific sustainability. Other coaching takes place with supervisor crew
knowledge topics, including how to calculate a backlog or build line-outs, planner preparation of job packets, coordinator selec-
a Gantt chart (TABLE 1). Candidates have never considered the tions of jobs for the schedule, etc. All coaching will help candi-
classroom training boring since the topics always include spe- dates prepare for audits and final certifications.
cifics to each role (e.g., planner, supervisor, coordinator) while
still benefitting the entire group. The training is for both indi- Audits. At the end of the implementation and coaching stage,
vidual roles and completing team objectives. the coach becomes the auditor and advises that all observable
80 MARCH 2019 |
Maintenance and Reliability

TABLE 1. Gantt chart exercise example

Task Duration, hr 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32
Beginning of project 0
Equipment site cleaning 4
Remove conveyor hoods 4
Remove conveyor belt 2
Remove discharge hopper 2
Replace head pulley 2
Remove loading hopper 3
Replace tail pulley 2
Replace defect rollers 4
Install new conveyor belt 4
Perform belt joint 8
Install discharge hopper 2
Install loading hopper 3
Install conveyor hoods 4
Proceed to no-load testing 2
Process to load testing 2
Critical path
What is the total length of the job? 31 hr  What are the tasks determining the critical path? 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 10, 11, 15, 16

actions and decisions will be part of the final score and certi- agement audit report that highlights any areas that may require
fication ranking for each candidate. A lengthy form becomes reinforcement. Metrics tend to reflect if the process has con-
the checklist to certification by the auditor. Each candidate ar- tributed to overall plant improvement objectives.
ranges an audit period with the auditor, where detailed ques-
tions are asked and documentation is requested by the audi- Takeaways. This certification process should contain the fol-
tor to verify compliance. The formal audit requires a 1 hr–2 lowing:
hr individual time slot. Upon completion of the informal and • Plant management that is 100% behind the effort
formal audit, a score will determine if the candidate passes. • Principles of best-practice maintenance work
Candidates who are dissatisfied with their ranking may request management protocols
personal remedial coaching and re-auditing, as allowed and ap- • A degree of competition among the candidates,
proved by management. Candidates who want to secure previ- for which success is then measured by both testing
ously approved multiple-role certifications are given separate and scoring
audits for each role. • Certification success that is regarded with a sense
of pride by both management and candidates
Certifications. Once all audits have been completed and • Continuous and random management observations
scored, candidates are ready to celebrate. Team award plaques that help make the process sustainable
are presented to those teams that achieved recognition. This • Certification renewal sessions to re-certify existing
team award is coveted, as it reflects how well the individuals personnel and also certify new personnel.
scored as a team, emphasizing that the success of an individual Any plant can implement this process by adhering to these
is only a part of the success of the team. The success of a team is outlined steps and by developing the appropriate materials.
summarized by how well the group works together for the ad- Past results have consistently shown changes and improve-
vancement of the plant’s entire maintenance and reliability goals. ments in workplace cultures and the advancement of positive
relations between maintenance and operations teams. Metrics
Sustainability. Because of normal plant personnel turnover, and continuous improvement measurements underscore the
renewal sessions are often conducted every 2 yr–3 yr with new benefits of having dedicated teams for planning and schedul-
candidates. This allows the process to remain embedded with- ing critical maintenance.
in a site’s core group and to become part of its culture. Com-
pleting these sessions usually takes half the time of the original GLYN THORMAN has 30 yr of experience in maintenance and
session, as existing certified members become ad-hoc coaches reliability consulting, and was a member of the original NWT
Certification Process team. He has implemented this process at
and supporters for the new candidates. Renewal sessions are many facilities to bring their maintenance and operations
often accompanied by rechecks of how the overall process is perspectives together create a cohesive team solution.
doing at the site. This status of the process is captured in a man-
Hydrocarbon Processing | MARCH 2019 81
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Show Preview LNG2019
A. BLUME, Executive Editor

LNG2019 Shanghai to explore

sustainable energy future
1–5 April 2019 The 19th International Conference tional Offshore Oil Corp. (CNOOC),
and Exhibition on Liquefied Natural Gas China National Petroleum Corp. (CNPC)
Shanghai, China (LNG2019), presented by the Interna- and Sinopec.
• 19th iteration of LNG tional Gas Union (IGU), Gas Technology
Institute (GTI) and the International In- Conference program to focus on sus-
conference to take place stitute of Refrigeration (IIR), is the pre- tainable energy. In launching the theme,
in Shanghai, China, mier LNG event conducted by the indus- “LNG for a sustainable energy future,”
1–5 April 2019 try for the industry. LNG2019 focuses on the industry’s chal-
Since 1968, the LNG series has grown lenge of answering an increasing demand
• More than 240 speakers and into a significant global LNG event, with for reliable and cleaner sources of energy,
250 exhibitors confirmed the key aim of conducting a strategic, tech- with the primary question being: How
• Anticipated attendance nical and commercial event for the LNG does the industry adapt to this changing
industry. The event is held every 3 yr, al- landscape? LNG2019 will highlight the
of more than 11,000
ternating between exporting and import- strategic, commercial and technical solu-
delegates from more than ing countries. In 2019, Shanghai will host tions and discussions taking place within
80 countries and the 19th edition. LNG2019 is supported the industry to create a sustainable and en-
550 organizations by the Shanghai Municipal People’s Gov- vironmentally considerate energy future.
ernment and hosted by the China LNG In the plenary sessions, industry lead-
• Conference program Association, the China Gas Society, the ers will share experiences, discuss market
to feature presentations Chinese Association of Refrigeration and challenges and opportunities, and con-
and key insights by company the China Gas Association. sider the future of LNG. Plenary speakers
Among the prominent speakers con- will feature representation from leading
leaders, government officials firmed for the opening ceremony of global energy companies, government
and industry experts LNG2019 are the chairmen of China’s ministers and other senior-level experts
• Evening networking events three major oil companies—China Na- from outside the industry.
encourage delegates to enjoy
food and entertainment
with colleagues and new
• Experience traditional
Chinese culture within
the modern environment
of Shanghai

FIG. 1. The Shanghai World Expo Exhibition and Convention Center (SWEECC) welcomes LNG2019.

Hydrocarbon Processing | MARCH 2019 83

Show Preview: LNG2019

During the spotlight sessions, senior areas of the LNG industry, sharing case global platform for the LNG industry’s
industry panelists will share their views, studies and encouraging the audience to latest technical developments. Authors
successes and case studies while discuss- join the conversation. will present their findings during an inter-
ing the complexities of the industry’s Paper sessions will focus on global active showcase.
most topical subjects. At the LNG fo- industry developments across the entire In addition, evening networking func-
rums, expert panelists will explore the LNG value chain. Finally, the research tions will allow delegates to network and
challenges and potential within specific and innovation showcase will provide a make new contacts. A welcome recep-
tion will be held at the Shanghai World
Expo Exhibition and Convention Center
(SWEEC) (FIG. 1) on 1 April, and a net-
working reception will be hosted by Gaz-
prom at the SWEEC on 4 April.

Host city. Home to 23 million people,

Shanghai (FIG. 2) is the largest city in
China. Shanghai is a renowned global
economic hub for finance, trade and ship-
ping. Famous for its impressive skyline,
historic buildings and museums, the city
blends traditional Chinese culture with a
modern environment.

Attending LNG2019. To learn more

about LNG2019’s conference agenda,
speakers, exhibition, host city and China
FIG. 2. Shanghai, the host city for LNG2019, is famous for its impressive skyline, visa information, and to register, visit
historic buildings and museums.

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84 MARCH 2019 |


Thermal mass flowmeter 1,000 psig (0 barg–70 barg), depending

for hydrocarbon tank on the specific model selected to support
the most demanding applications.
vapor recovery systems When specifying the ST100 meter,
Engineers tasked with finding a green users have multiple communication op-
solution to waste gas emissions from hy- tions. They can choose from: 4-20 mA
drocarbon storage tanks during loading analog, frequency/pulse or certified digi-
and unloading operations will find that the tal bus communications, such as HART,
ST100 series thermal flowmeter from Flu- Foundation Fieldbus, Profibus PA or
id Components International (FCI) sup- Modbus RS485. Should a production
ports tank vapor recovery systems, which field or plant’s communication needs
help reduce greenhouse gas emissions. change, a new, replaceable card can be
The loading and unloading of hydro- swapped out in the field.
carbon products at tanker terminals, oil Designed with a graphical, multi- FIG. 1. FCI’s ST100 thermal mass flowmeter
and gas refineries and chemical plants cre- variable backlit LCD display, the so- series.
ates vapors that must be vented to avoid phisticated readout of the ST100 meter
hazardous tank overpressure conditions (FIG. 1) continuously displays all process
that can cause a rupture. While gas relief measurements and alarm statuses for easy New standards for global
valve venting reduces the tank overpres- onsite viewing by technicians, and it can purge solutions
sure condition, it increases a plant’s carbon query for service diagnostics. Pepperl+Fuchs, a world leader in pro-
footprint and damages the environment. The meter’s electronics include a user- cess automation, has introduced an ad-
Tank vapor recovery systems solve selectable and programmable data logger. vanced Bebco EPS purge and pressuriza-
this dilemma. They gather the excess gas Readings are stored in a removable, inter- tion system, designed for Class I or II/
vapor from tanks and send it to electric nal micro-SD card. The micro-SD card Division 2 and Zone 2/22 locations. This
generating stations, where it is fed to large has a 2-GB capacity capable of storing innovative and compact manual or auto-
turbine engines that drive electricity gen- approximately 21 MM readings. The re- matic system delivers all the features need-
erating systems. Vapor recovery requires cording time base is user-selectable, with ed for reliable hazardous location protec-
highly accurate and reliable gas flowme- a maximum rate of 1 reading/sec. The tion within a small, streamlined solution.
ters designed for rugged operating condi- logging feature is selectable via the front- The 7500 series Ex pzc/Type Z purge
tions with high turndowns to accommo- panel menu or via the serial port and con- and pressurization system can be fully
date fluctuations in gas vapor delivery. figuration software tools. automatic or manual and purges a com-
FCI’s ST100 thermal mass flowmeter The feature-rich ST100 meter utilizes mon enclosure of hazardous gas or dust
series can be calibrated to measure the constant power thermal mass flow sensing to maintain positive pressure. It effec-
mixed, dirty hydrocarbon gases result- technology that measures flow with 100:1 tively reduces the classification within the
ing from tank loading and unloading op- turndowns in ranges from 0.006 ft3/min– protected enclosure to a non-hazardous
erations. Featuring a thermal dispersion 1,850 ft3/min (0.01 m3/hr–3,140 m3/hr). area. The 7500 carries ATEX and IECEx
technology air/gas flow sensor with op- The transmitter/electronics are integrally certifications and is UL listed. It operates
tional pressure measurement, this meter mounted with the flow body or can be re- within an extremely small footprint of
combines repeatable measurement with mote mounted to 1,000 ft (305 m) away. only 5.8 in. × 3.8 in. × 1.9 in.
feature- and function-rich electronics. It The transmitter enclosure is NEMA4X/ The 7500 Series includes intelligent
provides direct gas mass flow measure- IP67-rated and available in painted alumi- automatic monitoring and control of en-
ment and requires no additional sensors num or stainless steel. closure pressure with dilution and con-
or flow calculating devices. Its no-mov- ST100 meters are agency approved for tinuous flow functionality. The system
ing-parts design also virtually eliminates hazardous environment installations. FCI makes automatic adjustments and pro-
wear, breakage and maintenance. products undergo rigorous agency testing vides an alarm output for reliable pro-
The basic insertion-style ST100 flow- and obtain approvals on the entire instru- tection. It is designed in marine-grade
meter measures air/gas flow from 0.25 ft/ ment, not just the enclosure. Approvals chromate aluminum, making it rugged
sec–1,000 ft/sec (0.07 m/sec–305 m/sec) available for the ST100 flowmeter include: enough to withstand the harsh conditions
with an accuracy of ± 0.75% of reading, and FM, FMc, ATEX, IECEx, EAC/TRCU, of many process industries. The 7500
± 0.5% of full scale. A wide variety of pres- CPA, NEPSI, InMetro and CE. uses universal AC/DC power and is avail-
sure ranges can be specified, from 0 psig– Select 1 at able as both a panel mount and an exter-
Hydrocarbon Processing | MARCH 2019 85

nal mount. The large touchscreen enables that vibrations or dust settling have no makes the system unique and user-friend-
quick and easy setup while also providing impact on its operation. Internal sealing ly. The dual-stage trigger allows atomizing
status LEDs, a bar graph for pressure and also safeguards the condition of Hyper- air to flow first to the nozzle and then to
multiple program selections. ion, even in the event of water ingress. initiate material flow from the cartridge.
Select 2 at With an enhanced self-diagnostics Mixcoat Spray is also compatible
capability and built-in condition moni- with both single-line and dual-line flex
Accurate, reliable toring, the system can monitor health hoses for detailed spray projects. It is the
status and relative humidity, predict only cartridge system that can be used
system for bulk level and component failures and provide an end- to spray polyureas with a flexible hose,
density measurements of-life estimation. This allows operators making it possible to spray inside small
Tracerco has added to its range of ad- to diagnose potential errors in the mea- spaces, such as manhole applications.
vanced nucleonic instrumentation with surement, providing a proactive and cost- This equipment is an ideal alternative for
the launch of Hyperion. Designed using effective approach to the planning of any smaller spray projects that would nor-
innovative scintillator-based technology, maintenance on equipment. mally require the use of costly dispens-
Hyperion is a non-contact, no-moving- Hyperion is Tracerco’s latest addition ing equipment that require lengthy setup
parts measurement solution that pro- to its nucleonic instrumentation portfo- and cleanup times.
vides accurate and reliable bulk level and lio and will provide production, safety Select 4 at
density measurements, enabling custom- and environmental benefits.
ers in the oil, gas, petrochemical, refining Select 3 at
and mining industries to solve their most ASME-certified flow lab
challenging process measurement and Spray protective coating Elfab, a leading manufacturer of pres-
control problems. sure safety solutions, has enhanced in-
Externally mounted to eliminate pos-
dispensing system house testing capabilities with its new
sible leak paths, this robust solution is Sulzer Mixpac USA Inc., a leading in- ASME-certified Flow Lab. Elfab is the
unaffected by adverse process condi- novator of two-component adhesive dis- first rupture disc company outside the US
tions, such as high pressures, extreme pensing systems, has released its MIX- to gain this certification, improving its po-
temperatures, fouling or corrosive fluids. PAC MixCoat Spray, a member of the sition to attract global business to the UK.
Hyperion also automatically compen- innovative MIXPAC MixCoat cartridge- The Flow Lab (FIG. 3) test rig is de-
sates for the effects of ambient tempera- based, two-component dispensing sys- veloped and assembled by Elfab’s engi-
ture changes, allowing for sustained ac- tem family. The portable Mixpac Mix- neering team. American Society of Me-
curacy and virtually no age-related drift coat Spray pneumatic dispense system is chanical Engineers (ASME) certification
in its measurements. designed for small-volume applications, allows Elfab to carry out capacity testing,
Housed in 316L stainless steel as a touch-up and repairs, including pipeline and the company now has authorization
standard, Hyperion is rugged, ensuring repair and field joint coating. to apply the UD stamp to a wide range of
Mixcoat Spray (FIG. 2) is an excellent rupture discs for systems built to ASME
choice for complex, quick-set coating pressure vessel codes. The UD stamp is
structures, such as 100% solid polyure- a legal requirement for many pressure
thanes and polyureas. It is widely used relief products sold to the US and other
for offshore and water/wastewater mar- regions worldwide.
kets, secondary containment for tanks, The Flow Lab enables Elfab to estab-
spray-on truck bed liners, sealing mem- lish a rupture disc’s resistance to flow (Kr
branes, sealing foundations and con- value) and its minimum net flow area
crete pipelines. (MNFA). This data is used by pipeline
The complete MixCoat Spray sys- and process engineering designers, and
tem includes cartridges containing the the new facility will see Elfab certifying
FIG. 2. Sulzer’s portable Mixpac Mixcoat Spray packaged coating material, a mixer that products to both ASME and ISO4126-6
pneumatic dispense system. ensures consistent coating mix and the (Annex D) standards.
pneumatic operated spray. With a light- Elfab’s ASME acceptance followed a
weight, ergonomic design, the MixCoat rigorous review of the test facility by the
Spray is ideal for one-handed use. Un- National Board of Boiler and Pressure
like other cumbersome dispersion op- Vessel Inspectors, with flow testing and
tions, MixCoat Spray dials and settings certification tests being witnessed by an
are located on the handle, eliminating approved National Board Team Leader.
the need for additional hoses and gaug- In-house testing using the Flow Lab
es. Sulzur’s MixCoat Spray provides the has commenced with recertification of a
ability to use 1:1, 2:1, 3:1 and 4:1 ratios. range of discs requiring 6-yr certification
This self-contained system requires renewal. New product certifications be-
FIG. 3. Elfab’s new ASME-certified Flow Lab only a pressurized air connection. The gan in 2019.
test rig.
integrated air flow and dual-stage trigger Select 5 at

86 MARCH 2019 |


MFG Chemical has Operational Sustainability Michael Lordi has been Merichem Co. has Connell Bros. Co. LLC, a
promoted Barry Lassiter LLC (OS) has hired appointed CEO of Elliott appointed Cyndie M. company of Wilbur-Ellis
to VP of operations, where Thelma Kipe as VP for Group, succeeding Fredrick to the position and a leading marketer
he will be responsible for customer and product Yasuyuki Uruma, who of Senior VP and General and distributor of specialty
MFG’s three plants in the management. Ms. Kipe has retired after 47 yr Manager of Merichem chemicals and ingredients
Dalton, Georgia area and brings three decades with Elliott Group and Process Technologies. Ms. in Asia-Pacific, announced
the recently acquired 26.7- of experience in Elliott’s parent company, Fredrick’s responsibilities a strategic rebranding of
acre plant in Pasadena, implementing, designing, Ebara Corp. Mr. Lordi include leadership of the company under the
Texas. Barry joined MFG supporting, selling and joined Elliott in 1987 the business unit sales, new name, Connell. Azita
in 2014 following nearly interfacing with software as Sales and Marketing marketing, product Owlia has been named
40 yr with Dupont and for industrial users to Manager for Elliott’s tube execution, R&D and President and CEO of
Invista. Joe Welch joined the OS team. She joins tool business. He has financial performance. Connell. Prior to joining
MFG in 2018 with 22 yr OS after nearly 20 yr at since held increasingly She is replacing Ronald Connell, Dr. Owlia served
of experience in leading Rolls-Royce in various responsible roles covering Buras, who served as as a Senior VP at Bayer
environmental, health and roles, including managing every aspect of Elliott’s Executive VP and General MaterialScience, now
safety (EHS) initiatives the company’s VisiumKMS business, most recently as Manager of this business known as Covestro. Dr.
in both the public and EHS software. She also VP of industrial products, for the last 7 yr. Ms. Owlia joined the company
private sectors. Mr. Welch previously worked for VP of Global Service Fredrick has more than in 2011 as VP of North Asia.
will now assume Mr. Radian and Oracle in and COO. 25 yr of experience in
Lassiter’s previous role project management and downstream, midstream
as Director. customer support roles. and technology licensing. Valor Mineral Management
ROSS has promoted VP She previously spent LLC has added Ed McCabe
of corporate operations 6 yr with SNC-Lavalin, and Greg McCabe to its
ValvTechnologies Inc. has The International Society Joseph Martorana to the working as the VP board of advisors. Ed
named Mark Abbott as of Automation (ISA) position of Executive VP. of engineering and McCabe is the President of
Director of engineering, announced that Paul Mr. Martorana has more operations, and General McCabe Energy Inc. and
where he will have Gruhn, PE, CFSE and than 26 yr of leadership Manager of its engineers has been active in the oil
global management ISA Life Fellow, is its experience in the process and construction division. and gas business of the
responsibility for all 2019 Society President. equipment manufacturing She has also held roles Permian Basin for more
of ValvTechnologies’ He will lead the ISA industry, and has been with Exterran and than 35 yr, operating and
engineering groups and board of directors, a driving force in the Conoco. She previously managing numerous oil
activities worldwide. He which is responsible for management and global served in management and gas properties. Greg
will lead R&D, product governing, setting policy growth of the ROSS group and engineering roles for McCabe is an experienced
development and design, and establishing the of companies. Merichem for 14 yr prior geologist with more
manufacturing, production strategic direction of the to her role at Exterran. than 32 yr of oil and
and application organization. Mr. Gruhn gas experience. He is a
engineering, and will is a Global Functional Brendan Warn has been principal of numerous
spearhead engineering Safety Consultant with appointed Senior VP The EnergyNet board of oil and gas-focused
process continuous aeSolutions. He serves as of investor relations directors has appointed entities, including McCabe
improvement and product a Co-Chair and long-time of Total, succeeding Chris Atherton as CEO of Petroleum Corp., Manix
standardization programs. member of the ISA 84 Mike Sangster. Prior to the company, succeeding Royalty, Masterson
Mr. Abbott joined standard committee joining Total, Mr. Warn William W. Britain, who Royalty Fund and G-Mc
ValvTechnologies in 2016 (on safety instrumented was Managing Director founded the company Exploration.
as Product Engineering systems) and continues and UK Head of Equity and has served as CEO
and Design Manager. to develop and teach ISA Research at BMO Capital since 1999. Mr. Britain
He previously served as courses on safety systems. Markets. He has more will remain Chairman of Jeffrey Jianfeng Lou,
Engineering Manager He also developed than 13 yr of experience the board. Mr. Atherton Senior VP of battery
within Schlumberger’s the first commercial in equity research across most recently served materials for BASF (China)
Completions Division, led safety system modeling three investment banks, as President of the Co. Ltd. will, as President,
Flowserve’s Durco product program. Mr. Gruhn has including Macquarie company and has held assume responsibility for
design team, and worked written two ISA textbooks, Capital and Jefferies Intl. varying roles of increasing the Division Advanced
as a Research Engineer numerous chapters in in London. Previously, Mr. responsibility since he Materials & Systems
and a Senior Drilling other books and dozens Warn was an Associate joined the company Research, succeeding
Engineer for ExxonMobil. of published articles. Director at Evans & Peck. in 2002. Harald Lauke.

Hydrocarbon Processing | MARCH 2019 87

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