Communication Assignment 6 - Lailly Rahmadini

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L’avenue Apartment

Jakarta, 16242
Mei 14, 2019

Sales Department
PT. Apple Indonesia
Menara Jamsostek Menara Utara Lantai 12 A, Jl. Jend. Gatot Subroto
Jakarta, 12710

Dear Sales Department,

I am writing this letter to ask you some of the benefits of the newest Apple cell phone. I
saw Apple's advertisement for iPhone new version in April, 2019, issue of Lunar Journal. I
was quite impressed with the features as listed in the advertisement, and I would like to
know more about the product. Before I make the decision to purchase 13 iPhones, I need
to be certain that it will work properly on my company.

I have some concern regarding that phone. I have reviewed the iPhone information at
Apple's home page, but I have not been able to find the information about these issue:
dialing, hearing aid compatibility, GPS, browsers, built-in online services support such as
YouTube and storage to name a few.
If the latest release of iPhone feature meet my company’s need, I will definitely purchase
the product. I feel that the price on the product is exceptional, and the range of features
is outstanding.

For your convenience, you can respond to me by e-mail. My e-mail address is If you prefer to respond by telephone, you can reach me at
089777878790. I appreciate any assistance that you are able to provide me.



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