Communication Blockers

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1. Accusing 1. Downward, or top-down communication. In

Blaming someone and making someone feel guilty is a other words, communication from superiors to
sure shot way of creating a negative atmosphere and this subordinates in a chain of command is a
can surely block open communication. downward communication. This communication
2. Judging flow is used by the managers to transmit work-
Judging someone too quickly and passing on a verdict related information to the employees at lower
about them as being “bad” or “good” will easily lead to a levels.
feeling of “insecure” and “inferior” in the minds of people 2. Upward communication is the transmission of
and can lead to loss of communication. information from lower levels of an organization
3. Insulting to higher ones; the most common situation is
It is important to manage one’s anger and temper. No employees communicating with managers.
matter what, we should not be using our temper in a Managers who encourage upward
negative way and end up insulting someone. communication foster cooperation, gain support,
4. Diagnosis and reduce frustration among their employees.
Many times there will be a need to diagnose the validity The content of such communication can include
of information provided by someone, especially from requests, estimations, proposals, complaints,
some experts. This can be a very sensitive thing to do. It appeals, reports, and any other information
must be done with adequate research and care. directed from subordinates to superiors. Upward
Otherwise, we may end up hurting the sentiments of the communication is often made in response to
people whose information we are trying to validate. downward communication; for instance, when
5. Sarcasm employees answer a question from their
Sarcasm is one of the worst kinds of behaviour we can manager. In this respect, upward
use. This is a sure shot way to push people back into communication is a good measure of whether a
their shell. This creates a feeling of extreme disrespect. It company’s downward communication is
has all the potential to completely breakdown the effective.
communication. By being courteous we can win people’s 3. Horizontal communication, also
trust and get things done. called lateral communication, involves the flow
6. Globalizing of messages between individuals and groups on
Using extreme words such “Always”, “Never”, “Absolutely the same level of an organization, as opposed
Not” etc have the potential to create a wall between to up or down. Sharing information, solving
people. It is important to involve and engage people in problems, and collaborating horizontally is often
communication. Hence such strong words should not be more timely, direct, and efficient than up or
used. down communication, since it occurs directly
7. Threats or Orders between people working in the
Ordering or threatening someone by using one’s power same environment. Communication within
of position is one of the most negative way of engaging a team is an example of horizontal
with people. It is important to be understanding in a team communication; members coordinate tasks,
environment. work together, and resolve conflicts. Horizontal
8. Interrupting communication occurs formally in meetings,
Frequent interruptions to a person can surely create a presentations, and formal electronic
negative feeling in his/her mind and that person can communication, and informally in other, more
retreat himself/herself from the conversation. Hence casual exchanges within the office.
interruption should be done for genuine clarification. 4. Diagonal communication is the sharing of
9. Changing the subject information among different structural levels
Suddenly changing the topic of conversation also will within a business. This kind of communication
have similar impact of making the other person to feel as flow is increasingly the norm in organizations (in
if you are not interested in a conversation, leading to the same way that cross-functional teams are
retreating from communication. Hence one needs to be becoming more common), since it can maximize
careful not to suddenly change the subject suddenly. the efficiency of information exchange. The
10. Calling for reassurance shortest distance between two points is a
In a meeting, if one of the team members shared some straight line. Diagonal communication routes are
crucial information, and you try to get this validated and the straight lines that speed communications
reassured from others in the meeting immediately, then directly to their recipients, at the moment
the person who shared this information may end up communication is necessary. Communications
feeling very uncomfortable. If there will be a need for that zigzag along horizontal and vertical routes,
reassurance, it should be done in private. on the other hand, are vulnerable to the
schedules and availability of the individuals who
reside at each level.
 Whenever i’m talking to someone in a public
place, noise isn’t just the problem but also the
people around us that may interfere us in the
middle of our conversation and may lead to
dismissal of it.

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