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Just where is all that gold coming from? And just what really is up with the European Union? Well, this video, part of
which is an address from a British peer in the House of Lords, may have a clue. First, I'll let you watch the video, and
then I'll o er some observations.

 Where\'s All That Gold Coming From?

What I found quite interesting in the rst part of this video is the reference to the World War Two German geopolitical
study outlining the plans for a post-war European Economic Community, which would be the goal if Nazi Germany lost
the war. Well, I have commented on this in passing in The Nazi International.

But intrigues me is the second half of this video, with the British Lord mentioning that there is more gold in the Vatican
bank according to sources - which he himself states are outdated - than have ever been mined in the world.

Well, granted, the source that the British peer mentions is dated, and there may indeed be more up to date
information. But this is not what provoked my thoughts. What provoked my thoughts were a possibility, namely, the
possibility that one might be looking here, in this story, at a manifestation of some sort of alchemy, right out in the

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The proposition is not as absurd as it might at rst seem. As I recounted in The Philosophers' Stone, during the inter-
war period, in the 1920s, Germany was not only rocked by the alchemical scandal of the Franz Tausend a air - an a air
that actually received some  international coverage, but there were also other "alchemical" stories coming out of that
country. As I noted in The SS Brotherhood of the Bell, no less than Prof. Dr. Walther Gerlach wrote an article in the
Frankfurter Allgemeinezeitung that German scientists had done a series of experiments on mercury and discovered
that minute amounts had, indeed, been transmuted by a process they did not fully understand into gold. Gerlach goes
on to mention in the article that it is a phenomenon well worth studying... a typical scientist's plea for more research
money from the government.

Well, that was not the end of the story. As I also noted in The Philosophers' Stone, a number of patents were then
taken out in German by various rms -- the large and well-known Siemens rm among them - for transmutative
processes that could be described as "alchemical." And I'm not the one who used that word, it was Dr. Walther Gerlach,
in his article. Then, as I also pointed out in that book, SS General Oswald Pohl indicated, in a document written after the
war, that SS Reichsfuehrer Heinrich Himmler had opened a number of secret alchemical laboratories around the Third

So, I found the video interesting, with its implication that there was more gold in existence than had actually been
mined. So for the sake of argument only, I propose a speculation - albeit a radical and woolly one - might some of those
interwar patents have been perfected by someone, somewhere, according to the old formula, "with enough money and
manpower"? Might someone actually be alchemically manufacturing gold? If so, then this story bears watching, and
further research, for it betokens yet another probable activity of the banksters.

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Filed Under: Babylon's Banksters

About Joseph P. Farrell

Joseph P. Farrell has a doctorate in patristics from the University of Oxford, and pursues research in
physics, alternative history and science, and "strange stu ". His book The Giza DeathStar, for which the
Giza Community is named, was published in the spring of 2002, and was his rst venture into "alternative history and


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adam says
March 12, 2012 at 4:33 pm

Joseph or anyone:
Have you seen David Hudson’s recent appearance after all these years? He claims people connected with heads of State
in Asia have been funding his research on Gold. This subject has bugged me for 10 years. What is really going on with
this stu ????
I am really hoping Joseph’s book on Trans-humanism will cover some of the possible nightmare scenarios of apocalyptic
theater if this stu is capable of what David Hudson claims. This eld desperately needs some clear research to
separate fact from ction and so far Joseph has only scratched the surface.

Joseph P. Farrell says

March 12, 2012 at 6:15 pm

Unfortunately the Hudson story is not a part of Dr De Hart’s and my transhumanism book. I’d be greatly
interested if you’d email me any links of udpates on the HUdson story.

amrta says
March 6, 2012 at 8:01 am

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I haven’t read Babylon’s Banksters yet; it is de nitely on my “must read” list. I have, however, done extensive reading on
alchemy. So, I thought I might add a little not as commonly known information on the subject.

If we come to the conclusion that the alchemical transmutation of base metals into gold is a real process, then we are
forced to take a closer look at the classical literature on the subject of alchemy. This literature is vast and the the best
of it is sequestered away in the Vatican library. A study of the classical literature reveals why alchemy has been
throughout time possibly the MOST closely guarded secret.

The person who has mastered the alchemical opus, i.e. has made the Philosopher’s Stone, not only has the means of
making gold, but also has the means of making an elixir that confers abundant good health, mental powers, and a
lifespan spanning hundreds of years. Before this elixir is imbibed, it is tested on base metals. If the base metal is
transmuted into gold it is ready to imbibe.

So, naturally the rich and powerful have been after this elixir for at least a thousand years, and the Wise, the
philosophers, understand the importance of keeping it away from the greedy. Many an alchemist died on the torture
racks in Europe. Undoubtably secrets have been spilled.

The Greedy want two things. First one wants to be rich, and once one is rich, there is no such thing as rich enough. One
always wants more. Next, one wants to live forever.

Once one is rich and immortal, then one aspires to ultimate power: to be a god.

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But as we know, power corrupts; absolute power corrupts absolutely. Now we see why the ancient philosophers were
so reticent on the subject of alchemy. the Philosophers themselves used the elixir for spiritual as well as physical
transformation and to fully appreciate the potential and glory of Nature. The making of the Stone paralleled a spiritual
development of the alchemist himself.

Having said all this, it was sometimes alluded to by the alchemists that a lesser degree of accomplishment could
produce a process that could create gold from baser metals, i.e. a process that didn’t also confer the other powers of
the Stone. It just didn’t do the job quite as elegantly or as simply.

If we grant that alchemical transmutation is possible, then how likely is it that the rest of what the classical alchemists
taught is not true as well?

Mary Pishney says

April 28, 2011 at 2:46 pm

Fascinating! I have read ALL your books and look eagerly forward to more!
Are you aware of Graham Hancock’s, soon to be released book about the masters of the world that are truly behind the
scenes and playing with the geopolitical world with the goal of a one world government? It comes out next week (May
4th) and should be well worth the read!

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Seems the Bilderbergers. Masons, and Nazi powers are feeling they are
within their mutual goal…from all that has gone on in the economical, geopolitical revolutions since ’08, it would
appear so!

Robynne says
April 27, 2011 at 5:18 pm

Harvesting minerals from the oceans may cause problems greater than doing so with gold could bring about. I see it
possible that rare metals such as platinum, titanium and others named in the patent could lead to a depletion of these
in our oceans. This could change the character of the oceans forever and cause organisms whose lives depend on the
oceans current makeup would become extinct. I believe that we should be very careful about what people are doing
for, as a species, we have a very poor record when it comes to harvesting our natural resources. It is hard to stop the
elite when they start such a project; however, those of us who are concerned about what happens to Gaia need to be
vigilant and more to help stop another potential catastrophe.

jameske says
April 27, 2011 at 6:03 pm

probably most of the gold comes from deep sea vents supplemented by land erosion and river transport. if one
were to plant transgenic deep sea sponges close to these vents one wonders whether gold much more gold could

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be harvested using that technique – given that gold from deep sea vents would probably be in much higher
concentration that mouths of rivers or the more shallow seas.

jameske says
April 27, 2011 at 3:22 pm

Try this…

According to wikipedia something like 165000 tonnes of gold have been mined in human history.

But there is 10 million tonnes of gold in the oceans of the world. If there is a cost e ective way of getting 165000
tonnes of it from the ocean, then well, that is that. But if you let people know, gold would pretty quickly become half as

jameske says
April 27, 2011 at 3:44 pm

addendum: by the process outlined in the patent, it would be one hell of a lot of sponges. But it might be some
process like behind the rumours.

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Dave Walton says
April 27, 2011 at 2:17 pm

Apart from the obvious monetary value of gold, perhaps the gold has another important use – a HD use?

Stephen says
March 30, 2011 at 5:13 am

Is the link to the video still working ?

At the moment i am getting nothing when i click on it.
Help please. I am looking forward to seeing it.

Justina says
January 30, 2011 at 4:27 am

Remember that guy in the House of Lords who was

advocating accepting Foundation X o er? And he
said that he had intelligence and other connections,
who validated them.

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Wikipedia describes them as a fraud, who made a
similar o er to FIJI of all places among others, and
whose claims of connections to a US o ce are fraud.

Sounds like something is not only very shy, but it

would seem like Lord Whatsisname is part of it, or
the people he goes to for information are part of it,
since he says such cleared Foundation X as legit,
and either he is lying and is part of the fraud, or the
intelligence sources are part of it and lying.

Mary linderman says

January 26, 2011 at 7:29 am

I love your new website.I enjoy your work very much and I look forward to many more enjoyable nuggets of wisdom and

Jay says
January 26, 2011 at 3:14 am

“pseudo gold”, um no. There may not be real interent value in gold–however there is in the philosopher’s stone.

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Jay says
January 25, 2011 at 5:42 pm

I think “metaphor” is an unfortunate word choice.

Justina says
January 26, 2011 at 12:05 am

As i said, both metaphor when it is a matter of constructing

money out of debt, making a pseudo gold out of lead,
something of value (because accepted as such) out of
something that is not of value;

And two kinds of literal. The PROCESSES that go into

alchemy, and literal transmutation.

Jay- says
January 25, 2011 at 11:30 am


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a rather large mistake to call alchemy a “metaphor”, though you’re not the rst.

glad you get that gold isn’t really valuable.

Justina says
January 25, 2011 at 7:42 am

I think there are two things about Dr. Farrell’s use of the concept of
alchemy in this matter.

First, obviously, the possibility someone would succeed, and

start producing a lot of gold.

But primarily, it is a sort of metaphor, for making something out

of nothing, which in the realm of created things usually adds up
to fraud, and a kind of actual transmutation of sorts, where with
the help of illusion spun by words and pompous presentability,
monetized debt is presented as money, meanwhile, the gold
standard isn’t really that much better, once laissez faire is applied
to it. The end of the Bretton Woods Agreement set the stage for
nancial instability, but it was not free market, quite the opposite,

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gold was xed at $35 an ounce internationally. Private ownership
of bullion in the USA was not allowed, whether that was part of
it or a separate matter I don’t know.

Now, alchemy is also a process, break down, treat the parts

separately, reassemble them using some additonal process,
and see what you get. Maybe use the result in yet another

Once you have the process in mind you can apply it to anything.

Also, I notice, the usual solvents in alchemy were base and

alchohol, while acids and alcohol dominated the chemical
scene in non alchemic stu for a long time. We might want
to look at the e ects of potassium, since the alchemic source
of lye was potassium hydroxide, not calcium hydroxide,
since the old way was to run water through ashes to get…..
lye, aka potassium hydroxide.

Jay says
January 25, 2011 at 5:17 am

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Despite your claims you don’t appear to know much about alchemy–Farrell’s “Philosopher’s Stone” though a good book
is not a major text.

Of course, China, particulary those living in cities aren’t simply eating rice–China does have the monies to raises other

Yes, powerful alternative technology is pontentially tricky to use–but I can sure think of reasonably recent big uses of

To me, and clearly not to you, big scary China bent on subverting the powers of the world is mostly the marketing of
fear–reads similar to some of Bearden.

MattB says
January 24, 2011 at 8:21 pm

Hmmm Jay, you have taken Dr. Farrell way out of context here and really ‘thrown an elephant’.

Even if alchemical process were a conduit to a technology for mass population control-you fail to account for the fact
that the point Joseph is making, that not everyone has the technology, or has developed it to a point where it could

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ful ll its potential. You assume that it is already at that potential and is in regular use. Study the technology Jay and see
how dangerous it is and how carefully these people have to tread with it.

Case in point China. If a covert U.S element had the technology to mass control-they would not need to attempt an
economic war against China-there would be no need publicly or secretly as no one would even know.

“Case in point, your ba ed response to my point about alchemy (and my point is something any eastern or western
alchemist would understand).”

Problem is Jay you haven’t actually made a point-that is the point!

And yes like many here I have read The Philosopher’s Stone and other Alchemical literature-don’t assume things you
can’t prove or that you somehow know what others don’t-that is very arrogant. Please read the thread on ‘The New
Fundamentalism’ and see how your arguments-or lack thereof ow from a very similar mindset.

“The point is China can not feed it’s people without rice and wheat from the USA. All the industrial technology in the
world is next to meaningless unless there are those who can run and maintain it–I’d go so far as to say that making
matter is a much much bigger deal than making the latest fast train.”

Go to China and see what they are eating-it ain’t rice and Yankee Wheat mate despite what the U.S trading authorities
might like you to think. Most of China is eating very well indeed (mostly the cities regions) and they are an enormous

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exporter of fruit and Veg. They are turning enormous swamp areas and arid areas into vast food production elds-

Fast trains (built by Seimens mind you) criss- cross the country and would be very handy shipping large food and
resources across vast distances quickly. Especially if they don’t have a technology

How do I know-I have been there and eaten-they are doing very well thank you very much. Besides, even if they were
drawn into a war, these people are amazingly adaptable and will do incredible things to survive-see the history of the
Long March etc as a case of how starvation would be overcome by an enormous population.

Anyway, I see this conversation deteriorating so I won’t be continuing to reply.

Jay says
January 24, 2011 at 3:30 pm


You skipped my point about food/water and went right to the oil China doesn’t really have. The point is China can not
feed it’s people without rice and wheat from the USA. All the industrial technology in the world is next to meaningless
unless there are those who can run and maintain it–I’d go so far as to say that making matter is a much much bigger
deal than making the latest fast train.

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Please read point 5 on page 103 of “Babyon’s Banksters”, you appear to have missed that and much else in the book.

Case in point, your ba ed response to my point about alchemy (and my point is something any eastern or western
alchemist would understand).

China ostensibly not playing ball is more like just a di erent part of the ball game.

Please do extensive reading on the alchemy of the last hundred and 120 years before simply saying that gold remains
valuable in and of itself to many–as do diamonds.

I note too that you skipped my “entrails” point.

MattB says
January 23, 2011 at 2:38 pm

Could it be Anglo-American elite or nazi International vs China? -yen-weakening.htm

Dollar Trying to Rebound on Gold’s Sello , Yen Weakening

Latest News in Global Markets

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Apple’s App Store reaches 10 billion downlo…
Mahindra’s plane to cost 20 percent les…
How to x the European nancial system: Da…

Dollar is trying to ght back in early US session with the help of sello in Gold, which breaks through recent low of
1352. The greenback is also supported by initial jobless claims dropped more than expected to 404k. Aussie is
particularly weak as hurt by gold’s fall as well as concern on China tightening The Japanese yen, is another weak
currency today on concern of worsening government nances in Japan. Also, yen would be vulnerable to further decline
if longer term US treasury jumps as the US session goes.

Euro is steadily in range today. There are rumors of a “plan B” for easing Greece’s debt situation as reported by German
newspapers. The “plan B” involves the European Financial Stability Facility (EFSF) selling back bonds as a discount to
Greece and to buy back these bonds, Greece would be granted more money from the EFSF fund. Current Greece bonds’
market value is at around 20% below their issue price. IN that case, Greek bond owners will be forced to decide
whether to take a nancial loss now or hold on to the bonds and hope for a better return in the future.

Commodity currencies remain generally weak today on worry of more tightening measures from China. China’s annual
GDP growth accelerated to 9.8% qoy in Q4, far above expectation of 9.3%. CPI slowed more than expected to 4.6% yoy
December after reaching a 28-month higher of 5.1% in November. But that was well above some estimates of 4.4% yoy

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and is still at worrying level. China raised banks’ reserve requirement seven times last year but hiked rates twice only.
Investors are worrying that more forceful moves lie ahead to cool both growth and in ation.

Dollar index continues to lose downside momentum as fall from 81.31 goes. There is no change in the view that such
decline is merely the third leg of the whole consolidation pattern from 81.44. While another fall cannot be ruled out
yet, strong support should be seen between 77.97 and 61.8% retracement of 75.63 to 81.44 at 77.85 and bring rebound.
Above 79.59 minor resistance will ip intraday bias back to the upside for retesting 81.31/44 resistance zone.

Daily Pivots: (S1) 1.3381; (P) 1.3459 (R1) 1.3551; More.

EUR/USD continues to struggle around 1.35 level and intraday bias remains neutral. Failure to sustain above 1.3496,
followed by break of 1.3245 will indicate that rebound from 1.3245 is nished and will turn focus back to 1.2873 low.
Break will con rm that whole fall from 1.4281 is still in progress. On the upside, break of 1.3537 and sustained trading
above 1.3496 will con rm that whole decline from 1.4281 has completed at 1.2873 already. Note that the corrective
three wave structure of the fall, with 1.2643 support intact, will indicate that rebound from 1.1875 is possibly not over

In the bigger picture, main question remains on whether medium term correction from 1.6039 has nished with three
waves down to 1.1875. Current development, the shallower than expected fall from 1.4281, suggests that could indeed
be a correction to rebound from 1.1875 only. And with 1.2643 support intact, rise from 1.1875 would possibly be in
progress. Break of 1.3496 will target a test on 1.4281 resistance. On the downside, below 1.2873 will turn focus back to
1.2643 instead.

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Jay says
January 23, 2011 at 4:06 pm

Gold aint that important. The very involved citation of exchange rates above means that you missed the point of
this post by Farrell.

Something much much bigger than simply which country happens to have a few extra tonnes of gold is going on

Anyhow, remember in “Babylon’s Banksters” , Farrell makes the point that at times silver has been considered far
more valuable than gold; still who has extra silver is pretty much meaningless except for very short time pro t
taking by nancial parasites. (Yes, I get that there are industrial uses for both gold and silver.)

MattB says
January 24, 2011 at 12:27 am

No I haven’t missed the point Jay-I have con rmed it. Remember that most of the world believes Gold is
important-it is a few ‘in the know’ who are not governed by that paradigm.

“Something much much bigger than simply which country happens to have a few extra tonnes of gold is
going on here.”

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Yes that is the point and the outward evidence can be found in said exchange rates and articles. Don’t forget
the reasoning these parasites have for doing what they do and that Dr. Farrell has outlined a case that there
is more than one faction playing the game.

China is not playing ball and someone is trying to use gold-be it mined or created from an alchemical
process, to upset the way they do things. I am sure the Vatican would be most helpful in destabilising
anything to do with the economy of Communist China. Having said that if the alchemical gold is used by the
IMF to keep African countries impoverished-then perhaps they have a nazi-occult gun to their heads?

There will always be more than one way to view things.

Can I suggest Jay that you give a response that builds a case using evidence as opposed to simply ‘you have
missed’ with out any evidence. I am sure Dr. Farrell would approve of being polite and constructive-we are all
on the same team here:)

Jay says
January 24, 2011 at 5:05 am

Glad you get that gold isn’t that important–I’m willing to bet that China does too. Some of what you’re
saying though looks like a marketing campaign for a war with Asia.

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China however doesn’t have the wheat, rice, and potable water to feed itself–and industrialization has
caused massive environmental problems. China knows this and all of these things stay their hands–
same goes for the fact that China doesn’t have oil.

So yes the price of gold remains mostly just a game that some pro t by. Your point that an alchemist
could simply be yoked into making gold for other masters looks good in one way–but tells me you don’t
know much about alchemy.

By far the most fascinating point to me in “Babylon’s Banksters” was the reference to entrails–he who
commands that technology is a rich man, though not necessarily wise.

MattB says
January 24, 2011 at 2:17 pm

I’ll have to disagree with Jay about China’s ability to ght. I have seen the industrial potential rst
hand and it is beyond comprehension!

“Some of what you’re saying though looks like a marketing campaign for a war with Asia.”


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Remember con ict is a driving element of these people’s ideology of control.

The only element keeping China from being an aggressive expansionist power is their natural
mindset-they prefer to counter attack than launch rst strikes-especially in the modern era.

Western observers are blind to the fact that China is not a second rate technological power-if you
visit the large cities in China, or for that fact their industrial centres you will be shocked by how
advanced they are. I have seen these places-most of it is very current German or Russian

Your generalisation about resources is quite outdated. The Chinese Government is quite protective
of what the west knows abut what it has in the ground. They do have massive oil and gas facilities
running from mongolia-and they are enormous importers of gas, oil and coal from Australia. We
eat because they buy.

You have failed to see that most of the world still sees Gold as important-that in itself is a major
factor in how the ponzi scheme is played out. Remember how the Chinese economy works, they
are not bound by ‘cash as debt’. So to upset the system you need to introduce debt under false
pretences and I am betting Gold is the key.

“Your point that an alchemist could simply be yoked into making gold for other masters looks
good in one way–but tells me you don’t know much about alchemy.”

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MattB says
January 23, 2011 at 2:21 pm

Post Script

Three out of the four top Gold producers have had problems with post war nazis. One of the four won’t play
ball……..would anyone like to guess who?

MattB says
January 23, 2011 at 2:19 pm

No Justin it is very much about what is backing the system up-you need to read Babylon’s Banksters carefully!

And an article detailing who the ‘dirty ngers’ are in the pot of Gold: /story-e6frg2qu-1225777014136

“THE International Monetary Fund will sell 403.3 tonnes of its gold reserves, worth an estimated $A15 billion, to provide
loans to poor countries and shore up its nances.

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While the fund’s executive board said it decided on Friday to sell its stocks in a way that would not disrupt commodity
markets, gold prices are expected to be hit hard.

Gold has been seen as a safe haven during the global economic crisis and recently breached $US1000 an ounce for the
rst time.

Australia is the world’s fourth-largest gold miner behind China, the US and South Africa, producing 232 tonnes last year
worth $8.6 billion.

When Australia sold most of its gold reserves in 1997 _ which was only 167 tonnes _ it drove the price down to a then
20-year low of just over $US250 an ounce.

The IMF sale represents an eighth of the Washington-based fund’s 3217-tonne gold reserves.

The IMF said the decision was a core element of a new income model to make it less dependent on its lending revenue
to cover expenses and allow it to o er favourable conditions on loans to the poorest countries.

It said in a statement that sales would be “in a volume strictly limited to 403.3 metric tonnes, with these sales to be
conducted under modalities that safeguard against disruption of the gold market”.

“The new income model is designed to provide the fund with more diverse income sources that are better aligned with
the variety of functions performed by the fund, with a central component being the funding of an endowment with

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the pro ts from these limited gold sales,” the IMF said.

The sales “will also increase the fund’s resources for lending to low-income countries”, a strategy that won board
backing in July.

“I am delighted that the executive board has given its overwhelming backing to a strictly limited sale of fund gold to
put the nancing of the IMF on a sound long-term footing, and enable us to step up much-needed concessional
lending to the poorest countries,” IMF managing director Dominique Strauss-Kahn said.

“These sales will be conducted in a responsible and transparent manner that avoids disruption of the gold market.”

Board approval required an 85 per cent majority of the total IMF voting power.

The US, by far the largest stakeholder, gave its green light after Congress passed legislation authorising the sale and
President Barack Obama signed it into law on June 24.

The fund is required by its founding document to conduct all gold sales at market prices.

The IMF did not state the value of the gold to be sold, but based on the current bullish near-record market price for the
metal it is estimated the sale would fetch $US13 billion ($A15 billion).

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Under the approved plan, the IMF would o er to sell gold directly to central banks “or other o cial sector holders if
there were to be interest from such holders”.

A prime candidate could be China, which is sitting on the world’s largest foreign exchange reserves, topping $US2
trillion, and has been seeking to diversify away from the dollar.

Perth-based Stock Analysis author Peter Strachan agreed.

“When it was announced, (the gold price) went down about $US5,” he said.

“I think it will be under pressure and the Chinese will probably be buying it on the back foot.

“We might see it go down $US20-$30, but I think ultimately the Chinese will be looking at this as a great opportunity
to get a big chunk of it.”

An there is the game-gold as debt! having a lot of alchemical gold is a great way either to be free of the system or to
be a ‘poor alchemist being forced in his lab to create bullion for his masters’

Dan Pendleton says

January 22, 2011 at 10:57 pm

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If someone is able to transmute base metals to gold, would this cause the value of gold to drop? Seems like the less
rare it is would in turn cause the value become less?

Bigbomb654 says
January 23, 2011 at 2:18 am

But in this case, it seems mercury is needed in the creation of the gold. Thus by being a factor of production in
making gold, mercury may become the next hotselling commodity. Either way, you can’t create enough gold to
a ect the market price simply overnight…

Jay says
January 23, 2011 at 6:29 am

Mercury is NOT being used in any quantity by at least one person claiming to make precious metals in large

Don’t simply assume that the basic precursors appear on the periodic chart.

Gary Hunter says

January 22, 2011 at 10:51 pm

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This subject is incredibly fascinating. I have had my own internal thoughts for a number of years that one of the
paradigm-shifting developments of hyper-dimensional physics would be the ability to directly engineer the creation of
matter from energy, or in other words–reverse ssion. Science already has the ability to create gold from other heavy
metals by neutron bombardment. But the cost of linear accelerators or cyclotrons and the attendant energy input
make the gold cost millions for a very small amount. The ability to unlock copious amounts of energy cheaply from the
precursor vacuum would alter this limitation. I anticipated that such a development would still be a number of years
away. Could it be that it is at hand now? My speculations assumed that creation of elemental materials would be rst,
and the subsequent ability to holographically map the entire atomic inventory of a complex object would follow. In
other words, the ability to “Xerox” any complex object, perhaps even biological in nature. (Holodec anyone?) Used for
good, this could be the end to all hunger, disease and precious metal economic references. Just a thought.

Jay says
January 23, 2011 at 6:35 am

Right, but imagine the horrible weapons that could be built with profound level engineering expertise.

Gary Hunter says

January 23, 2011 at 12:57 pm

I don’t disagree, Jay, but if humanity doesn’t grow up, we are doomed anyway. We had the same concerns
when nuclear weapons entered the scene. The nuclear threat has not gone away, but at least JFK and

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Kruschev realized that total annihilation wasn’t a victory for either side and made e orts to allow sanity to
prevail, even if feebly. The real war of Armegeddon is inside our own minds. Humans are at a critical transition
point in our development. Racism, xenophobia, nepotism, and general sel shness, I believe, are the animal
part of our brains that helped our survival in agrarian times. The part of our brain stem where these
behaviors are centered goes back to the lizard, so to speak. Civilized mammalian behavior is what propels
most of the things we cherish in life currently, but the lizard keeps getting in the way. We justify these
regressions by spouting Darwinisms about survival of the strongest, smartest, etc. I ponder the e ects of the
genetic engineering that the Ne lim/Annunaki (or whoever) imparted to us to make the quantum genetic
leap tha tde nes the “Missing Link”. It seems we possess something that exceeds the source code that we
were given, or perhaps it is already embedded by natural evolution. We seem to have a moral compass that is
extragenetic and/or hyperdimensionally rooted. But it seems that humans have a strong tendency to behave
in the manner that was ascribed to the “Gods” of the Vedic and Sumerian codecies. Our tendencies to want
to dominate and control other life forms and territory, and our vanity, ego, jealousy, and calous disregard for
the sacred value of life seem to deny the properties of a species that is destined for longevity in the context
of possession of world-shattering technology. We may have already been down this road eons ago. I coined a
phrase to simplify this concept: Animals compete; Humans cooperate. Collectively, our species seems to be
confused about which we are.

Jay says
January 23, 2011 at 7:43 pm

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Yes, grow up is a good term–however growth means di erent things to di erent people–growth can
mean domination of ones neighbors.

Nuclear war: the threat of all out nuclear war was never as great as we were told–for reasons hinted at
by Farrell and stated more explicitly by others.

On the other hand more powerful replacements for nuclear weapons are much more usable and make
hydrogen bombs look like small poisonous toys.

MattB says
January 22, 2011 at 8:01 pm

nd if someone was to ood the market suddenly with high grade bullion? And if certain trading systems are really
ponzi schemes? Only a few entities would be in a position to have enough bullion to give a ‘value’ to their reserves….

Are gold exchange traded funds (etfs) a ponzi scheme?

London Metals Trader whistle-blower Adrian has stated as much at a Commodity Futures Trading Commission Hearing
(CFTC), the US Government regulatory agency, to the chagrin of the London Bullion Market Association (LBMA).

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He claims that the worlds largest gold trading center is nothing more than a giant ponzi scheme with trades backed,
not by gold, but by a fractional reserve system where 100 ounces of gold is backed buy only one ounce. So if everyone
who ‘owned’ gold in the system demanded their stored value in gold bars and not cash, like a run on the bank, there
would not be enough gold to supply the demand.

This is not the rst time this has come to light. In 2007, Morgan Stanley forked out several million dollars to settle
claims it had charged 22,000 clients for storage fees on non existent silver bullion.

At the hearing also Je rey Christian of CPM Group made the revelation that the LBMA banks have one hundred times
more gold deposits than … er … gold.

So where IS the gold? Well it seems there never was anywhere near as much as investors have been lead to believe.

Its like a perverted ponzi scheme. Sell gold that does not exist, keep the gold price down with short selling. Everyone is
a winner, except for those that want to redeem or take delivery of their gold.

And to cap it o when one does demand their gold and takes delivery, one nds it is really a bar of tungsten coated in
rich creamy gold and worth, if your lucky, one hundredth of the gold price. This was recently discovered in Hong Kong
when delivery of four 400 ounce LBMA bars were delivered and sparked o a wave of investigations in which further
LBMA gold bars were found to be counterfeit.

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So we wonder now how many thousands of clients, Asian and Middle Eastern Governments think they own billions of
dollars worth of gold but in fact own, at the best, unsecured loans to the banks at a disturbing negative interest rate
and at the worse, bits of paper with large numbers on them.

In any event, we will likely see a continuing rise in the gold price as the true amount of gold in the world emerges.
Those people, then, who are astute enough to have actually bought real physical gold instead of worthless paper gold
will be the winners when the price of gold shoots through the roof.

Jay says
January 23, 2011 at 6:25 am

I think you missed the point here–it’s not about what’s backing up gold holdings.

MattB says
January 22, 2011 at 7:33 pm

And if someone was to ood the market suddenly with high grade bullion? And if certain trading systems are really
ponzi schemes? Only a few entities would be in a position to have enough bullion to give a ‘value’ to their reserves….

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Are gold exchange traded funds (etfs) a ponzi scheme?

London Metals Trader whistle-blower Adrian has stated as much at a Commodity Futures Trading Commission Hearing
(CFTC), the US Government regulatory agency, to the chagrin of the London Bullion Market Association (LBMA).

He claims that the worlds largest gold trading center is nothing more than a giant ponzi scheme with trades backed,
not by gold, but by a fractional reserve system where 100 ounces of gold is backed buy only one ounce. So if everyone
who ‘owned’ gold in the system demanded their stored value in gold bars and not cash, like a run on the bank, there
would not be enough gold to supply the demand.

This is not the rst time this has come to light. In 2007, Morgan Stanley forked out several million dollars to settle
claims it had charged 22,000 clients for storage fees on non existent silver bullion.

At the hearing also Je rey Christian of CPM Group made the revelation that the LBMA banks have one hundred times
more gold deposits than … er … gold.

So where IS the gold? Well it seems there never was anywhere near as much as investors have been lead to believe.

Its like a perverted ponzi scheme. Sell gold that does not exist, keep the gold price down with short selling. Everyone is
a winner, except for those that want to redeem or take delivery of their gold.

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And to cap it o when one does demand their gold and takes delivery, one nds it is really a bar of tungsten coated in
rich creamy gold and worth, if your lucky, one hundredth of the gold price. This was recently discovered in Hong Kong
when delivery of four 400 ounce LBMA bars were delivered and sparked o a wave of investigations in which further
LBMA gold bars were found to be counterfeit.

So we wonder now how many thousands of clients, Asian and Middle Eastern Governments think they own billions of
dollars worth of gold but in fact own, at the best, unsecured loans to the banks at a disturbing negative interest rate
and at the worse, bits of paper with large numbers on them.

In any event, we will likely see a continuing rise in the gold price as the true amount of gold in the world emerges.
Those people, then, who are astute enough to have actually bought real physical gold instead of worthless paper gold
will be the winners when the price of gold shoots through the roof.

Jay Trout says

January 22, 2011 at 7:00 pm

I can remember textbooks and teachers referring to the historical alchemists as the rst modern scientists, as men
who were brilliant in every respect save the idea of transmuting ordinary metals into gold! And, of course, the spiritual
aspects barely got a mention. The idea was xed: It goes without saying that such a thing is impossible and merely
wishful thinking. So, for years I had the impression that Bacon, et al were some of the best minds in history while
simultaneously being the biggest fools. What a fool am I! But of course! Had I any inkling that I was not being told the

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whole truth, I might have done some experimenting, and who knows? By now I could have a eld of gold the size of a
salvage yard!

Bill says
January 22, 2011 at 9:42 am

Hey Joseph! In this discussion of gold and an alchemical process, isn’t gold a highly valuable resource for various military,
space, and weapons and or war machine applications, in that gold is an excellent conductor of electrical power?

Jay says
January 22, 2011 at 11:03 am

Um, Bill are you a new reader of Joseph Farrell?

Generally, those following Bearden, Cold Fusion (LENR), and ORMUS developments are plenty aware of making
gold or other precious minerals. It’s claimed that there’s a guy in the US West who has gotten in a lot of trouble for
making platinum by the pound–out of water and little else.

logician says
January 22, 2011 at 11:31 am

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Where can I nd out more info about the ORMUS developements and cold fusion Beardon alchemy??

Joseph P. Farrell says

January 22, 2011 at 3:48 pm

The only easy way to do it is to read Bearden’s works and papers, and they are extensive!!!!

Jay says
January 22, 2011 at 7:20 pm

A good place to read about Cold Fusion is the magazine “In nite Energy”.

Careful when reading Beardon, though vast and knowledgable he misses huge things and has a
blinkered slant that he’ll expend too much e ort maintaining (eg the Soviets got there rst and have
been doing it for years longer than the West–no the West hid it better in a plethora of babbling voices.)

ORMUS is even more slippery, however it certainly overlaps with some of Beardon and “In nite Energy”;
it aint simply Laurence Gardner and David Hudson. In some ways simple grey sea salt it the best place to

Joseph P. Farrell says

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January 22, 2011 at 7:40 pm

I am well aware of Bearden’s problems and, as I’ve pointed out in my books, the Soviets didn’t get
there rst, the Nazis did.

Jay says
January 23, 2011 at 6:48 am

I think it’s over simpli ed to say that the Nazis got there rst. A lot of this stu is around in late
19th Century and early 20 Century literature. Those Vassilatos patent collections are amazing.

Then there’s the reaction to people like Bruce Cathie and from the 1980s a bad novel called “The
Montauk Fault”, by Mitgang–and that author sure looks to be tied up in higher level US

Jon says
April 27, 2011 at 11:24 pm

Bearden has also said in private exchanges with me that he is aware of other international
criminal/political and parapolitical groups involved in these areas, in addition to the KGB, Yakuza,
etc., and that it is di cult to sort out the in uences.
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His views have also changed over time, and his works span several decades in which he continued
to learn and re ne his ideas.

I haven’t asked him, but I suspect that the “Soviets as enemies” stand he often takes is a
combination of his Cold War military years, and perhaps a desire to stay on the good side of certain
forces in the U.S.

Also, we have to remember that there is still more to be uncovered, and there was a lot of activity
in these areas in the 1800s before there were Soviets and Nazis. It is di cult to get hold of good
documentation, and there are always people ying under the radar in any age and time.

Given the money and power of the Banksters and Robber Barrons, it is hard to believe that they
wouldn’t put money into secret research, especially if they were members of various secret

Remember, the Nazis themselves built on earlier works by Theosophists and the Thulegesellschaft,
who built on even earlier works.

Bill says
January 22, 2011 at 1:31 pm

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The very rst book I’ve read by Dr. Farrell was “The Giza Death Star,” which was around 2002 at the time of
purchase. This book was a sort of follow-up on Christopher Dunn’s “The Giza Power Plant.” I came away very
impressed with both researches, as, at the time, as an inherant skeptic, I was interested in how or why people
viewed the Great Pyramid at Giza as anything but a tomb for King Khufu around 4,500 or so years ago.
Egyptology steadfastly maintains the tomb theory produced by Bronze Age artisans; but, unlike Dunn, they
are not engineers nor master craftsman. Most in the scienti c community would view the idea of an
undiscovered very ancient technical civilization as patent nonsense; however, that point of view is at once
understandable. No ambiguities here, either such a culture once existed or it did not; I now see compelling
evidence over the years that the former is the case. As for gold, all I know of that precious metal is that,
according to mainstream astrophysics, only super-massive stars going supernovae can create the required
temperatures and pressures to produce it as sun-sized stars are no where near energetic or massive enough
to do so, and, in the past, I’ve sold some!

Jay says
January 22, 2011 at 1:57 pm

There’s a lot more Joseph Farrell to read than the Giza Death Star books–perhaps you know this.

Other books like: “Nuclear Transmutations: The Reality of Cold Fusion” by Mizuno are worth reading.
Also look into the work of people like Ken Sholders–or T H Moray or LeBon, though in that last case
avoid the racist sociology.

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Christopher Dunn has a new book out with some compelling pictures–and someone who travelled in
Egypt with Dunn published even more interesting photos is a di erent book.

Note to webmaster: Comments submitted from the Firefox browser don’t appear to go thru.

Bill says
January 22, 2011 at 4:15 pm

Alas, my personal library will be full and keeping me busy!!

Gary Hunter says

January 24, 2011 at 7:06 pm


Wasn’t it Mainstream Physics that told us fusion could only happen at the extreme temperatures and
pressures of stars?

Jay says
January 25, 2011 at 6:00 pm

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Because physicits don’t know what energy is–albeit genuinely smart ones will actually say so–
though my experience is that they had to have been drinking.

Hatin’ having to use Internet Explorer to make these posts–now even Safari did something odd.

By the way: as Hoagland has pointed out there are major problems with the mainstream model of
how the sun produces energy (no matter what successes P Farnsworth had.)

Joseph P. Farrell says

January 25, 2011 at 6:38 pm

Quite so… the solar-fusion model is awed.

jameske says
April 28, 2011 at 3:20 am

The issue with that is the corona being much hotter than the surface of the sun, which indicates
that the corona heats the surface of the sun, not the other way around.

Jay says
January 22, 2011 at 6:22 am

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Not really news for those following Cold Fusion, Tom Bearden, or that guy in eastern Oregon–platinum by the pound,
though you can guess what happened there.

Ursula says
February 22, 2011 at 8:22 pm

Here is someone who claims to be able to turn copper into gold using something called a LENC:

Don’t know if he is legit, but thought you all might like to check him out.

Love your work Dr Farrell!

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