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Combined Production Order Processing (DIMP)

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Business Process of Order Combination:

In certain segments of industry, including the steel, paper, and textile industries, but also the tools
and special-purpose machinery sectors, the same operations are used to manufacture different
products. These operations may include producing a melt,continuous casting, and hot and cold
rolling. The operations before and after these identical operations are different for different products.

The order combination function allows you to combine the sequences of identical operations in a
consolidated production order.

This document shows how two production orders created for the same material are combined.
However, there is no system restriction in regard to the combination of production orders with
different header material or the mix of MTO and MTS orders.


 In this scenario, a combined order is created from two individual orders using the same
operations and components.
 The confirmation and the goods issue are performed against the combined order.
 The goods receipt is performed against the individual orders.
 The costs of the combined order are settled to the individual orders


 Combining machine processes for orders that run at the same time ;ie Reduction in setup time
 Settling the costs to the individual orders.


 SAP ECC 6.0

 Industry Solution ECC-DIMP to be activated in SFW5


SPRO – Production – Shop floor control – Master data – Order – Administer selection profile for the

Create the selection profile as displayed below:

Process Flow:

 Creation of two original production orders for finished products (CO01)

 Check production orders in unrelease condition (CO02)
 Combination of the two original production orders into one combined order (MILL_OC)
 Enter the plant, selection profile and unreleased production orders
 Release the combined order system release the child production orders also
 Post good issue against the combined order(MIGO)
 Confirmation of the combined order(CO11N)
 Post the goods receipt against individual orders.(MIGO)
 Technical completion of combined order.
 Cost settlement of the combined order to the original orders

Process Flow with screen shots:

There are two scenarios handled in combination order process.

1. Combination of production orders belonging to same material derived from single sales order.
2. Combination of production orders belonging to same material derived from two different sales

1. Creation of Production Orders: ( Tcode: CO01/CO41)

List of production orders created against sales order 337372

List of production orders created against sales order 337373

2. Combination of Original production orders into combined order ( Tcode : MILL_OC)

In standard MILL_OC is the tcode used for combining the production orders. More than two
production orders also can be combined. Select the plant, selection profile and order numbers which
needs to be combined as shown below.

Various options are available like imputing sales order number or material number or production
order numbers. In the below example production orders numbers which needs to be combined are
Select the orders to be combined along with one order as reference order as shown below. Click on
Execute button.

New Pop screen will be displayed as shown below. Click OK.

New combined production order ( 1001365) is created for qty of 6 by combining the original order 1
(337372100002 – qty 3) and original order 2 (337373100002 – qty 3) as displayed below. Release
the order and SAVE.

Observe the routing of one of the original order 337372100002.

Observe the routing of one of the original order 337373100002.

Combination order 1001365 has same operations as original orders including the standard values
like setup time, machine time etc.
Observe the BOM of the combination order. Two negative elements are created automatically for
two original orders combined.

3. Goods issue against combined order ( Tcode : MIGO)

Good Issue to the combination order –Tcode MIGO

Material cost for the combination order.

4. Confirmation against combined order: (Tcode : CO11N)

Go to T-code CO11N and confirm the operations of combination order

Confirmation of first operation 0010

5. Goods Receipt against Original Orders: (Auto GR -CO11N or MB31)

Auto GR while doing confirmation of last operation is possible.

While confirming the last operation for combination order, click on the Quantity Distribution button as
shown below to distribute the total GR quantity to original orders
Below screen will appear, showing the confirmation quantity against the individual order. Click on
execute or press F8.

Below message will appear the showing the confirmation for original orders.
Original Order 337372100002 after GR completion with delivered qty of 3

Original Order 337373100002 after GR completion with delivered qty of 3

Documentation Referred:

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