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Facebook is a social media application that can help everyone in this

world, communicate and socialize with each other, it allows them to easily share

files and links to each other. Teachers nowadays have begun using Facebook to

send notes, home works, and announcements and also allows them to get in

touch with their teachers for any clarifications.

Facebook also helps the students to easily get the information or notes by

their teachers, instead of copying the teachers notes, the teacher can send the

notes through Facebook. Students who uses Facebook also tend to be more

sociable and more connected to their peers and this encourages them to be

more participative in class and ask more questions.

Facebook can a great distraction when the students abuse its availability

on how it can help their studies and start using it unproductively through non-

related activities, example: updating their social information, facebook status,

looking pictures, playing games, and chatting with the friends.

It has also advantage and disadvantages, it does not always produce

positive results for student. Most of the students don’t realize the negative effects

and impacts of facebook on their life. And the main reason is because they are

already addicted to it. and this addiction can lead to several negative


In this era the student here in Philippine Countryville College are prolonge

to the communication app called facebook, this app sometimes help the students

here in Philippine Countryville College to overcome and to improve their

communication skills but somehow some students are missing this in this topic it

can help you learn and know what are the students of PCC thinks about this

communication app and how to use it properly.


This study will determine the effects of using Facebook on the academic

performance among Grade-10 student in Philippine Countryville College.

1. Determine how Facebook can be used as a platform for educational

learning for Grade-10 students in Philippine Countryville College.

2. Determine the advantages and disadvantages of using Facebook among

Grade-10 students in Philippine Countryville College.

3. Determine the effects of using Facebook towards the academic

performances of Grade-10 students in Philippine Countryville College.


This study aimed to find out the students effects toward using Facebook in

academic performance.

1. What are the usage of Facebook as a platform for educational learning

among Grade-10 students in Philippine Countryville College?

2. What are the advantages and disadvantages of using Facebook?

3. What are the effect of using Facebook towards the academic

performances of Grade-10 students in Philippine Countryville College.


The study will be conducted to the Grade-10 students of Philippine

Countryville College, Inc. (Formerly Philippine Computer College, Inc.) it is

located in Purok 2-B Sayre Highway Panadtalan, Maramag, Bukidnon. Philippine

Countryville College is a private educational institution in Maramag Bukidnon.

The college was established in 1997 by a couple who were educators and

wanted to provide affordable educational opportunities for the residents of

Southern Bukidnon. Founded in1997, PCC currently offers bachelors programs

in Information Technology, Business Administration, and Criminology. The

college department also includes an associate program in Computer Technology

(ACT) and a Diploma in Hospitality Management that leads to BS in Business

Administration. PCCI also has a Senior High School (SHS) department with the

ABM, HUMSS, GAS, and TVL strands made available and also High School

department in Grade 7-10.


The respondents of the study will be the Grade-10 Diamond of PCC.

There are 39 students all in all. There are 20 boys and 19 girls.


There is no significant effects of using Facebook on the academic

performance of the students.



From the beginning of time Facebook is just a way of communication but

as the technology changes rapidly Facebook app now allows users to share

photo, post status, etc. and it is use educational purposes students who uses

Facebook helps them to easily communicate their teachers and classmates

about school activities that helps them to gain knowledge and information, but on

the other hand, over using of Facebook has a potential to bring the negative

effects on individuals study, work, health, and personal


According to (Rouis, Limayen and Sargari (2011), that Facebook might

affects the grades of the students because they spent less time in studying while

the others students who aren’t using Facebook has a higher grades because

they don’t have social network accounts. Facebook also has a good effect on

students in the field of academics because it can be sometimes academically

engaging and has positive effects to students esteem and social capital.

The incorporation of Facebook into the busy lives of the students may

have various effects with their study and habits and consequently with their

Grades. Facebook is also known to have false information and news. Students

who take this information and employ it into their Academics may risk committee

a fallacy. The use of Facebook may also consequently have an negative effect

on students grades. It is true that a lot can be done with Facebook to help with

student school work. it can be use to send notes, chat with classmates about

homework, to collaborative studies and like but not the prior activities would

matter if the students is constantly distructed from continuous post of their

friends. The students will constantly be diverted to check the notifications and

messages from their friends.

Facebook is one of the most popular social networking site where people

used to communicate others, make new friends, or keep in touch with

acquintances, share information, waste time, post status, and many more. and

most of students or young people are engaged to this so called social media app

Facebook, where most of them spend lots of their time on this.

According to Nations,2011, in Facebook users can post comments, share

photographs and links to news or other curiosity content on the web. Play games

chat live, and even stream like video.

According to Rather (2013), the use of Facebook can give students

access to the accounts of intellectual and religious minded people. This allows

their knowledge to widen and become multidimensional. Facebook as a means

of collaborative study, source of information, file sharing and neutral zone for

interaction becomes significantly less effective when students start to use it for

non-academic purposes and forgot about the school work to be done.



According to Tarantino, Mc Donough and Hua (2013), students who use

Facebook also tend to be more sociable and feel more connected to their peer

and this encourage them to be more participate in class and ask more questions.

Asking questions from fellow classmates and teachers will allow the students to

quickly clarify and learn what they need to know.

According to Yu-Ching Chen(2015) with continued development of related

technologies, Web 2.0 has become an important site of learning innovation. In

particular, social networking site such as facebook, which have become popular,

have potential to function as an educational tool enabling peer feedback,

interaction, and learning in a social context. Preparing appropriate environments

for learners with different needs is essential to learning in general and online

learning in particular.

Facebook can help students learn better and help each other by doing

collaboratived studies through group chats. This allow students to obtain

knowledge and information for their educational development where they can

communicate with their teachers or classmates to send power point presentation,

reports, handouts, assignments to students or classmates with the widespread

use if Facebook in society, it simply makes some to look into ways it might be

used in the classrooms. A variety of studies on the use of Facebook, however,

indicates that there are wide numbers of potential benefits to using Facebook as

an educational tool. For interrelated potential benefits : (1) creating a sense of

community and promoting collaboration,(2) enhancing communication between

instructors and students (3) developing computer literacy and language skills,

and (4) Incorporating current students culture into the learning environment are

explored. Facebook is particularly well suited for sharing and discussion of

current events in the news. Note that these benefits do not imply that Facebook

should be used primarily to deliver content, but it could be used supplementally

to promote student reflection on content delivered through other teaching



The use of social media (Facebook) provide important personal data

information regarding social and emotional background, cognitive functioning and

psychosocial development scenarios of the youths who spend most of their

waking hours staring at the internet-connected systems and devices

worldwide(Hayes, Van Stolk Cooke and Muench,2015; Pempek, Yevdokiya, and

Calvert, 2009). Because of exponential growth of huge volumes of user

generated online content and the subsequent potentiality to interact,

communicate, collaborate, cooperate and share meaningful data in real-time with

others conveniently, the social networking platforms are considered to be of

profound significance for educational purposes and social media

analytics.(Hanses et al.,2010)

According to Hartman, Moskal, and Dziuban, 2005. As a professors, want

to make strong connections to our students and engage them with the materials

we want them to learn, we need to adapt our teaching strategies to their

lifestyles. It is necessary to move from a traditional teacher-centered approach to

learning, where the teacher imparts knowledge to students, to a learner-centered

approach, where the student, instead of absorbing material transmitted by the

instructor, learns how to learn.

Some teachers wanted to use Facebook as a tool for educational

purposes were that they felt it was a current trend. They valued the ability to

learn, teach and share information, appreciate its speed and rich of information

available. Specifically, teachers liked social networking site as an effective

Instructional tool for their teaching. Where they can easily disseminated

information to the students through using Facebook. One fear that many

Teachers don’t want to use Facebook as their tool for educational purposes is

that instead of doing or studying notes or activities that the teacher sends is that

students might invest their time doing unrelated school activities.


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