Cause and Effect LP

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During the teaching learning process, students are expected to:

1. Discuss the meaning of Cause and Effect

2. Understand the difference and relationship between cause and effect.
3. Create cause and effect scenarios


a. Topic: Cause and Effect relationship

b. Reference: Fun in English Reading Textbook pages 94-101
c. Materials: ICT materials; strips of cartolina
d. Values Integration: Love your family

III. Teaching Strategies / Methodologies


A. Preliminary activities

1. Prayer
Before we start our lesson, kindly Let’s bow our head and pray
lead the prayer. Our Father… Amen.

2. Greetings
Good morning class! Good morning Ma’am!
You may now take your seat

3. Checking of Attendance
Class monitor please kindly check Everybody is present today Ma’am.
the attendance.

4. Drill:

Instead of the usual morning

exercise, we will exercise your
tongues today.

I have here a tongue twister that we

will be reading together.

Are you ready? Yes ma’am.

How can a clam cram in a clean cream How can a clam cram in a clean cream
can? can?

5. Review

Before we start our lesson let’s have a

short review.
What is a common noun? A common noun refers to a person, place,
or thing but is not the name of a particular
person, place, or thing.

Thank you, very good!

Give me example of common noun. Hospital, car, restaurant.

What is a proper noun? A proper noun is the name of a particular

person, place, or thing; it usually begins
with a capital letter.
Very good. Thank you.
Give me example of proper noun. Abraham Lincoln, Argentina

Ok very good. Now let’s answer the

following exercises. Please read the

Direction: Underline the common noun Direction: Underline the proper noun once
once and proper noun twice. and common noun twice.
1. The man bought a Sony 1. The man bought a Sony television for
television for Christmas. Christmas.
2. We went to Disneyland for 2. We went to Disneyland for vacation.
vacation. 3. The puppy named Skip ran to us in the
3. The puppy named Skip ran to morning.
us in the morning. 4. I love to go to Enchanted Kingdom with
4. I love to go to Enchanted my friends.
Kingdom with my friends. 5. I attended Washington Elementary
5. I attended Washington School when I was young.
Elementary School when I was

Very good! Now that you know the

common and proper noun, let’s move on.

B. Development of the lesson

1. Motivation

Now, let us have a short activity before we

proceed to our new lesson. This game is
called “Macthy-Matchy” All you need to do
is to pick a piece of paper here in front
and find a match sentence pasted on the

When the music is on you will dance and

when the music turn off you will start to
find the match sentence on the board.

Is that clear? Yes, ma’am.

 I took a bath.  I took a bath.
I am clean. I am clean.
 I push down on the stapler.  I push down on the stapler.
The papers are stapled together. The papers are stapled together.
 The teacher started to talk.  The teacher started to talk.
The students listened. The students listened.
 The squirrel gathered nuts.  The squirrel gathered nuts.
The squirrel had plenty of food for The squirrel had plenty of food for
the winter. the winter.
 The chef cut the vegetables.
The customer ate the fresh salad.  The chef cut the vegetables.
 He practiced basketball every day. The customer ate the fresh salad.
He made a winning shot during the  He practiced basketball every day.
game. He made a winning shot during the
 I poke my balloon with a needle. game.
It pops.  I poke my balloon with a needle.
 It snowed today. It pops.
The kids built a snowman.  It snowed today.
 I lost my house key. The kids built a snowman.
I can’t get into my house.  I lost my house key.
 It’s raining outside. I can’t get into my house.
I get very wet.  It’s raining outside.
I get very wet.
Very good class.

2. Activity
Learning Task 1: Oral Reading

I will call one of you to read the poem to

the class
Is that clear? Yes, Ma’am.

Ok good! Please stand up and read the

short story. Make sure to read it in a clear Okay Ma’am
and loud enough voice.
Who Loves Mother Best?

“Oh happy birthday, Mama dear.”

Sang Ben, Liz and Bess with cheer
“We love you much, we love you true.”
They kissed their mother, hugged her too.

The quickly Ben skipped out to play

And went with playmates all the day.
Then rush home in time to see
His sister Liz aglow with glee

For Liz held up an ice cream cone.

Enjoying it, she seat alone.
Ben grabbed the cone, and slipped away,
So Liz cried out, “For that you’ll pay!”

Like cats and dogs the two did struggle

Each making sure to win the battle. They
tried to push and then pull,
While Mama almost lost her cool.
But little Bess with Mom she stayed,
She set the table, drinks she laid.
And helped to serve Mom’s friends and
Now tell me, who loves Mother best?

Thank you. You may take your seat.

Learning Task 2: Comprehension check.

Now class, did you understand the poem? Yes ma’am.

Let’s now answer these question:

 Why did Bess, Ben, and Liz kiss and  Because it is their Mother’s birthday.
hug their mother?  Liz was aglow a glee because she was
 Why was Liz aglow with glee? eating a cone of ice cream.
 What made Liz cry out?  Liz cried out because Ben grabbed the
 Why did Mother almost lost her cool? cone then slipped away.
 Who among the three children loved  Because Ben and Liz struggled.
their Mother best? How did he/she  Bess because she helped mother to
show it? serve the guests.

Thank you. You are all correct.

Values Integration:

Now class, what do you think the best way Students answer may vary.
to show your love for your parents?

Yes you are right. Thank you.

3. Analysis / discussion

What do you see on the picture? A girl eating a cone of ice cream.

What happened to Liz when she was Liz was aglow with glee.
eating ice cream?

Liz was aglow with glee, answer what

happen to Liz when she eats a cone of ice
cream. That is called the effect.

What happen is called the effect.

Look again at the picture,

What do you notice on Liz’s face? Liz was aglow with glee.

Why was Liz aglow with glee? Because she was eating a cone of ice cream.

Because she was eating a cone of ice

cream, answer why Liz aglow with glee.
This is called the cause.

Why it happens is called the cause.

And that’s we call the Cause and Effect

4. Abstraction

Again class, what is cause and effect? What happen is called the effect; and why it
happens is called the cause.
Give me example of cause and effect.
Students answer may vary.
Another example class.

Thank you very good. Students answer may vary.

5. Application
Learning task 3.
Please read the direction.

Determine the cause and effect in the Determine the cause and effect in the
following sentences. following sentences.

1. Angela was happy because she got to 1. Angela was happy because she got to
eat cake for dessert. eat cake for dessert.
CAUSE: Cause: Angela got to eat cake for dessert
EFFECT: Effect: Angela was happy
2. Buster saw a UFO in the air and then 2. Buster saw a UFO in the air and then he
he started screaming. started screaming.
CAUSE: CAUSE: Buster saw a UFO in the air
EFFECT: EFFECT: Buster started screaming
3. John ate three hot dogs for lunch 3. John ate three hotdogs for lunch because
because he was very hungry. he was very hungry.
CAUSE: CAUSE: John was very hungry
EFFECT: EFFECT: John ate three hotdogs for
4. Becky’s flowers died because she lunch
forgot to water them. 4. Becky’s flowers died because she forgot
CAUSE: to water them.
EFFECT: CAUSE: Becky’s forgot to water them
5. We run out of milk so we had to drink EFFECT: Becky’s flowers died.
water for dinner. 5. We run out of milk so we had to drink
CAUSE: water for dinner
EFFECT: CAUSE: We run out of milk for dinner
EFFECT: We had to drink water for

Learning Task 4. Group activity

Okay class I will group you into two, all

you need to do is to make a two scenario
using the cause and effect relationship.

I will give you five minutes to practice your


Cooperation 25%
Theme 25%
Originality 25%
Creativity 25%

You may now begin..

Ok time is up, Please come to the front

and present what your group have come
up to.
IV. Assessment

Identify the cause and effect. Write it on the column and the correct cause with its effect.


 The bee lands on a rose.

 He had to go to detention.
 A worm wiggles on a leaf.
 A girl cleaned her room.
 The glass window was broken.
 The puppy was sparkling clean.
 It was windy, sunny day.
 John flew his kite at the park.
 He threw a rock at the window.
 The boy gave his puppy a bath.
 The flower blooms.
 Her room was neat and clean.
 Jimmy forgot his homework.
 A bird gobbled up the worm.

V. Assignment

Have an advance study about synonyms and antonyms.

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