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During the teaching learning process, students are expected to:

a. Differentiate fact from opinion,

b. Discriminate between facts and opinions in a variety of situations
c. Identify examples of facts and opinions from a given text


a. Topic: Distinguish Facts and Opinions Heard

b. Reference: PELCII 12
c. Materials: ICT materials; strips of cartolina
d. Values Integration: Love for animals

III. Teaching Strategies / Methodologies

A. Preliminary activities

1) Prayer
Before we start our lesson, kindly Let’s bow our head and pray
lead the prayer. Our father… Amen

2) Greetings
Good morning class! Good morning Ma’am!
You may now take your seat.

3) Checking of attendance
Our class monitor, is everybody present Everybody is present today Ma’am.

4. Drill
Instead of the usual morning exercise, we
will exercise your tongues today.

I have here a tongue twister that we will

be reading together.
Yes, we are.
Are you ready?

How much ground would a groundhog How much ground would a groundhog
hog, if a groundhog could hog ground? A hog, if a groundhog could hog ground? A
groundhog would hog all the ground he groundhog would hog all the ground he
could hog, if a groundhog could hog could hog, if a groundhog could hog
ground. ground.

5. Review
Before we start our lesson let’s
have a short review.

What is cause and effect? What happen is called the effect; and why
it happens is called the cause.

Very good, thank you.

What is cause and effect relationship A cause and effect relationship describes
describe? something that is happens and why it

Ok thank you.

I have here some sentences. Identify the

cause and effect in the given sentences.

Is that clear class?? Yes, Ma’am

1. Angela was happy because she got to 1. Cause: Angela got to eat cake for
eat cake for dessert. dessert
Effect: Angela was happy
2. Buster saw a UFO in the air and then he 2.Cause: Buster saw a UFO in the air
started screaming. Effect: Buster started screaming

3. The ocean is extremely polluted, coral 3. Cause: The ocean is extremely

reefs die. polluted
Effect: Coral reefs die

B. Development of the lesson

1. Motivation

Now, let us have a short activity

before we proceed to our new lesson. “Yes we are”
The first game is called “who am I”.
All you need to do is to answer the
following questions. Are you ready?

Who am I?

a. I am the 3rd letter in the alphabet.

b. I am first in the word final. a. C
c. I am a vitamin that you can get in b. F
c. A
squash but never in grass.
d. T
d. I am the 3rd letter in word water,
kind of drink that is healthy for the

We have letter C, F, A and T. What do

you think is our mystery word? FACT Ma’am

“Our second word game
Observe the statement that you see on the
board and identify the scrambled word”

a. Dogs are the best pets among all

b. Purple is the most beautiful color
for me.

What do you think is the scrambled word? Opinion Ma’am

Yes, very good. Thank you.

2. Activity
Learning Task 1: Listening

I will call two of you to read the

paragraph to the class and the rest of you
will listen attentively and try to
understand the paragraphs.

Is that clear? Yes Ma’am.

Ok good! Please stand up and read the

first paragraph. Make sure to read it in a Okay Ma’am.
clear and loud enough voice.

A. Jose works with animals. In fact,

he spends every spare moment in a
neighbourhood pet store. After school, he
helps feed the animals and clean their
cages. He spends a lot of time training the
animals so that they get along with
Ok thank you.

Please read the second paragraph.

B. Jose believes that being a
veterinarian and working with animals
would be a wonderful thing for him to do
when he grows up. He thinks that he will
become an excellent veterinary doctor in
the future.

Learning Task 2.
Comprehension Check up
a. Which paragraph expresses truth Letter A Ma’am.
or facts? The sentences in paragraph A express
facts. These can be proven true and can
be verified.

b. Which paragraph expresses a view Letter B Ma’am.

or a belief? These sentences express opinion. They
tell what someone thinks or believes.
Very good! Our (2) mysterious words are
fact and opinion and that will be our topic
for today. To distinguish fact from opinion
through analytical listening.

3. Analysis / discussion

I have here some sentences.

Please all read.

a) Manila is the capital of the a) Manila is the capital of the

Philippines. Philippines.
b) Philippines is a part of the b) Philippines is a part of the Southeast
Southeast Asian countries. Asian countries.
c) President Duterte is the greatest c) President Duterte is the greatest
president of the Philippines. president of the Philippines.
d) Manny Pacquiao is the best d) Manny Pacquiao is the best senator
senator in the Philippines. in the Philippines.

Do you think that the first sentence is true Yes Ma’am it’s true and it is proven.
and proven?

What do you call a statement that is true? Ma’am that is a fact.

Yes, it is a fact.

Fact is something that always true and

can be proven.

Give me an example sentence of a fact. Students’ answer may vary.

How about the second sentence? Ma’am it is also fact because it is proven.

Ok thank you. Very good.

Please give me another example of fact? Students’ answer may vary.

How about the next sentence? Ma’am, It is opinion.

Yes, it is an opinion.

Opinion is what you think or feel and it

can’t be proven.

Can you give me an example sentence of Students’ answer may vary.

How about the last sentence? Ma’am it is also opinion because it can’t
be proven.

Yes very good, you are correct.

Again what is fact and opinion? Fact is always tells the truth and can be
Opinion is what you think or feel and
can’t be proven.
Very good! Thank you.
4) Abstraction

Let’s have a recap if you really understand

what we have discussed earlier. Who can
explain to me the difference of fact from

Exactly! Do you usually watch a television Yes, Ma’am.

or listen to the radio when you want to be
updated with the current news?

Are you aware that some of those are Yes, Ma’am.

facts and some are just opinions based on
their source?

Why is it important to distinguish the fact It is important to distinguish the fact

from opinion based on what he/she just from opinion because it will help you to
heard? interpret information intelligently.

Great answer! Just like watching a news

or listening on a news over the radio,
listening analytically is important so we
can be aware of what is fact and what is
just an opinion based on what we heard.
What if a news caster stated an opinion
and you didn’t listen analytically and you She will say that you are a liar.
have considered it as a fact. And you
informed your neighbour about the news.
Your neighbour became curious so she
searched it in the internet then she found
out that this is not a fact and it is merely
an opinion. What will be the effect?

Yes, and maybe next time that you will

update her for another news, she might Yes we did.
not believe you anymore or she will call
you a liar. Did you get my point?

4) Application
Learning task 3.
Please read the instruction.

Identify if the statement is fact or opinion.

1) Eyes, ears and nose are parts of the Answer.

human body. Eyes are for seeing, 1) Fact
ears are for hearing, and nose is 2) Fact
for smelling. 3) Opinion
2) The planet in the solar system that 4) Fact
is closest to the sun is Mercury. 5) Opinion
3) The cellphones being 6) Opinion
manufactured by Samsung are way 7) Opinion
better than those produced by 8) Fact
Apple. 9) Fact
4) Mammals are warm-blooded 10) Opinion
5) The most beautiful country in
Southeast Asia is the Philippines,
next to Singapore and Malaysia.
6) The series “Friends” is funnier,
more entertaining, and more
interesting than the series “How I
Met Your Mother”.
7) The beaches of Palawan are more
astounding than the beaches of
Bali, Indonesia.
8) The three primary colors are red,
blue and yellow.
9) Japan is also called as the Land of
the Rising Sun.
10)The internet is being used by
teenagers to waste their time in
social media.

Learning Task 4. Group activity

I will group you into two. Each group will

be given a cartolina, all you need to do is
to write an example sentence of fact and
opinion as many as you can.

Is that clear class? Yes, Ma’am

You will be graded based on our criteria.

20% creativity
25% originality
30% teamwork

Thank you. I will give you 10mins to do

the activity.

You may now begin.

Ok time is up, come to the front and

present what your group come up to.
IV. Assessment

Write F if the statement is fact and O if it is opinion.

_____1. The series “Friends” is funnier, more entertaining, and more interesting than
the series “How I Met Your Mother”.

_____2. The beaches of Palawan are more astounding than the beaches of Bali,

_____3. The three primary colors are red, blue and yellow.

_____4. Japan is also called as the Land of the Rising Sun.

_____5. The internet is being used by teenagers to waste their time in social media.

_____6.Boracay is located in the island of Visayas of the Philippines.

_____7. Every person must have a best friend.

_____8. Every person must visit Universal Studios Japan.

_____9. Alligators and crocodiles are examples of reptiles.

_____10. The planet in the solar system that is closest to the sun is Mercury.

V. Assignment.

Watch television news and list 5 facts and 5 opinions that you heard.

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