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University of Engineering and Technology, Lahore (RCET Campus, Gujranwala)

Department of Mechanical Engineering

Fluid Mechanics I - Session 2018
Semester-Fall 2019
Due to change in temperature and environmental conditions all around the world, Pakistan is also facing
change in its climatic conditions. Some parts of the country are already suffering in the form of floods due to
heavy rainfall. There is also a possibility that windstorms may affect these regions along these heavy rainfalls
and attain high speed of around 35 m/s (about 80 mi/h). Due to these catastrophes, houses in rural areas of
Pakistan greatly suffer. Approximately, what would be the force due to the Bernoulli effect on a roof of a
houses having different covered areas.

Hint: (Bernoulli’s principle assumes laminar flow, so this principle produces only an approximate result, because
there is significant turbulence in windstorms)

Given DATA

Density of Air= 1.14 kg/m3

Atmospheric pressure = 8.89 x 104 N/m2

BONUS POINTS: Suggest possible action to avoid damage of house roof.

Sr. No Attribute Mapping

1 Depth of knowledge required ✔

2 Depth of analysis required ✔

3 Range of conflicting requirements

4 Familiarity of issue

5 Extent of applicable codes

6 Extent of stakeholder involvement and level of conflicting requirement ✔

7 Consequences

8 Interdependence

A. This is a hard deadline. I won’t accept late submission at all.

B. All students must submit an electronic copy (a single, good-quality, scanned pdf) on Google Classroom.
Please make sure that the file gets properly attached. DO NOT attach files in comment section/ timeline.

C. The file name and Subject should be ss“FMI-CEPREG#.pdf”. For example, it should be “FMI-CEP2018-ME-
000.pdf”. In addition, students must also provide an identical hardcopy at the time of your final exam.

D. Questions asked in this project are knowingly open-ended. There may not be a single ‘correct’ answer. You
will need to make assumptions. Please clearly specify your assumptions. Please specify the source of any

E. The project is open notes and open books. However, this is an individual assignment – please do not discuss
the problems with anyone except the instructor until the submission deadline. Plagiarism is Strictly Prohibited.

F. Use plane A4 size paper for answering the above questions. Avoid using assignment papers and files.

G. Clearly Mention your full name and Registration number on the top of each page.

H. You are welcome to ask the instructor any questions until 4:15pm on 19th of Dec

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