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The story behind the novel Oliver Twist of Charles Dickens

started when an baby boy named Oliver Twist born in a workhouse
in a certain town in England around 1830’s and with his mother said
to be unknown because it was just found lying in the street and
eventually died after giving birth.And then, automatically Oliver was
already turn-over to the authorities and spends his childhood in a
badly run orphanage until at the age of nine he already works at the
workhouse for adults.He is taken out to the workhouse for wanting
more food to feed him.he was hired to an undertaker and coffin
maker, Mr.Sowerberry but he was abandoned and experienced ill
treatment like his mother was being criticized that made Oliver reach
its melancholy and anger and attack violently.After that,it forced him
to escape and run away toward London and meets Jack Dawkins, the
Artful Dodger, a boy with his same age.This guy tend to offered him
a shelter where Fagin was the benefactor of the house, a leader of a
group of children who had been taught to earn their living by
pickpocketing and doing other crimes and became Oliver to be one
of them.In the end,Oliver Twist won over the hardships in his life
with the help of Mr.Brownlow, who adopted and save him.
Cause and Effect.
The adventure of hardships ,povertry and the social
criticism deal by Oliver Twist was already began since the day he
was born due to the death of his mother.He grew up having no
family, a mother who will take care of him and led to be abandoned
in an unfortunate orphanage.Where the authorities with higher
position made orphans work and serve for them with unequal
treatment to them like making them . It simply because of the
evilness conquer at that time in society and in the world which Poor
Law was implemented that poor should entered workhouses .But
then all of these never lose Oliver, he made it as a lesson to never
stop fighting .Hence,in the end Oliver succeeded to taste a better
life with the help of the kind Mr.Brownlow who believe in him.As a
result, Oliver was saved to the evilness activities of Fagin before he
was let to escape and finally adopt by Mr. Brownlow.And it was not
too late for him to experience to have a family.
Compare and contrast
The novel Oliver Twist of Charles Dickens that I have
read and to my favorite short novel The Old Man and the Sea of
Ernest Hemingway are one of the remarkable and famous novel of
all time in connection to its greatest novelist.Although they have the
same interesting and valuable major themes but still it differ in
another field.Oliver Twist is more classical which talks about the
reign of Good versus evil.And between the young orphan Oliver
Twist live of having a society of criticism and a government being
badly run.On the other hand, The Old Man and the Sea focuses in
the story of Santiago and his journey out the sea after 84 days
without catching fishes.And it shows all about friendship and pride
against man and to the natural world.At the same time, they both
expressed all about surviving and accomplishing at last in terms of
all the hardships that the protagonist had and show an important of
strength,wisdom and faith that inspires people who read these.
The novel Oliver Twist tells the life story of a young orphan
Oliver.The author centres to the obstacles encounter by the
protagonist in social problems of poverty and criticism of his
identity.In that Victorian era was a bad time under the inequality in
terms of maltreatment and unfair low between social
classes.Nevertheless,the only way of the characters to solve it is to
stick for goodness and still choose what is the right thing to do.They
stay positive and never give up so that they can
survive.Mr.Brownlow even uses his wealth and kindness to help
others and let evils pay for their mistakes.These mindset and
attitude of the characters let themselves to set free and saved by the
evilness they faced against their world.
Through the success of Charles Dickens of his novel Oliver
Twist he introduce almost 20 fictional characters and they are all
categorized by their different character types.The first one , is the
protagonist Oliver who is also the title character who plays the most
significant role as he represent the purpose of the author.Next type
is the major and minor role characterized by Artful Dodger(Jack
Dickens),Nancy , Charley Bates , Monks which are also have a
important role especially in the protagonist’s life in his experience in
Fagin’s hand of pickpocketing and maternal relationship and
friendship.And Mr.Bumble and Mr.Brownlow who treat Oliver in
goodness may be in wealth and good moral.Another are the
antagonists classified with the major ones, Fagin and Bills Sikes
having a Bull’s eye dog who said to be criminals and master of mind
of gang where Oliver was badly belongs.The minor antagonists are
Mrs. Corney ,Mrs.Mann ,Mr. and Mrs.Sowerberry and Noah Claypole
which are the reason of Oliver’s escape to London after he was being
abandoned,punished , treated very bad, and being cause of jealousy
that was addressed to criticize his identity and his mother.The last
type are the flat character ,who are reader don’t need to know
anything because they are just once or twice entered in the scene
like Dr.Grimwig,Tom Chitling ,and Toby Crickit but still can be
consider of having important role in the story.

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