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11) San Lorenzo Development Corp.

vs CA ownership of the property until the payment of the

full purchase price. In contracts to sell, the payment
FACTS: of the purchase price acts as a suspensive condition
which, if not fulfilled, prevents the obligation of the
In 1986, spouses Lu allegedly sold through a vendor to convey to the buyer.
verbal contract 2 parcels of land in Sta. Rosa Laguna
to Pablo Babasanta at 15 pesos/sqm. This sale was Sale as mere title, not a mode.
in part influenced by Pacita Lu’s being indebted to
Babasanta. Babasanta made a downpayment of 50k Even if we assume that the contract between
to Pacita Lu, evidenced by a memorandum reciept. the Lus and Babasanta was a perfected contract of
Here thereafter made other payments totalling 200k. sale, ownership of the land could not have passed to
Sometime after that, Babasanta asked the Lus for a Babasanta in the absence of delivery, since in a
reduction in the price, and the Lus refused. Because contract of sale, ownership is transferred to the
of this, Babasanta allegedly backed out of the sale vendee only upon the delivery of the thing sold.
and asked that the original loan be carried out. In
1989, Babasanta wrote to the Lus to demand the The perfection of a contract is different from
execution of a deed of sale in his favor so that he its consummation. In relation to the acquisition and
could pay the full price, but the Lus refused. transfer of ownership, it should be noted that sale is
Subsequently, Babasanta learned that the lands in not a mode, but merely a title. A mode is the legal
question were sold to San Lorenzo Devt Co. means by which dominion or ownership is created,
transferred or destroyed, but title is only the legal
In 1990 the SLDC intervened in the case, basis by which to affect dominion or ownership.
claiming that they were buyers in good faith, since
from the time that the land was offered to them and Under Article 712 of the Civil Code,
up to the time that they bought it, they didn’t know "ownership and other real rights over property are
that the lands were ‘sold’ to Babasanta. They also acquired and transmitted by law, by donation, by
state that after they had paid a total of 632k, the Lus testate and intestate succession, and in
executed a Deed of Absolute Sale with Mortgage in consequence of certain contracts, by tradition."
its favor. Babasanta’s claims were not annotated on Contracts only constitute titles or rights to the
the titles, and furthermore, SLDC moved to possess transfer or acquisition of ownership, while delivery or
the property after execution of the deed, unlike tradition is the mode of accomplishing the same.
Babasanta who never exercised any form of Therefore, sale by itself does not transfer or affect
ownership. ownership; the most that sale does is to create the
obligation to transfer ownership. It is tradition or
ISSUE: delivery, as a consequence of sale, that actually
transfers ownership.
Who has better claim to the lands?
Ownership transferred though delivery
Explicitly, the law provides that the
A contract to sell, and not a contract of sale, ownership of the thing sold is acquired by the
was perfected between Lu and Babasanta. vendee from the moment it is delivered to him in any
of the ways specified in Article 1497 to 1501.The
The Court concluded that the contract word "delivered" should not be taken restrictively to
between the Lus and Babasanta was a contract to mean transfer of actual physical possession of the
sell. In this case, the acts of the spouses Lu signfy property. The law recognizes two principal modes of
that they never intended to transfer ownership to delivery, to wit: (1) actual delivery; and (2) legal or
Babasanta. This was evident in Babasanta’s constructive delivery.
repeated requests to have the deed executed in his
favor, all of which the Lus refused. The Lus could 1. Actual delivery – consists in placing the thing sold
also have executed the Deed when they received in the control and possession of the vendee
the partial payment, thus the receipt should be
considered at best, a perfected contract to sell. Even 2. Constructive delivery :
if the 50k downpayment was made in partial
payment of the lands, the Lus still reserved the a. execution of public document evidencing
the sale

b. symbolical tradition (delivery of keys to the


c. traditio longa manu or by mere consent or

agreement if the movable cannot be transferred

to possession of buyer at the time of


d. traditio brevi manu or if the buyer had

already possessed the object before the sale

e. traditio constitutum possessorium or when

the seller remains in possession of the

propertyin a different capacity.

Respondent Babasanta did not acquire ownership

by the mere execution of the receipt by Pacita Lu
acknowledging receipt of partial payment for the
property. For one, the agreement between
Babasanta and the Spouses Lu, though valid, was
not embodied in a public instrument. Hence, no
constructive delivery of the lands could have been
effected. For another, Babasanta had not taken
possession of the property at any time after the
perfection of the sale in his favor or exercised acts
of dominion over it despite his assertions that he
was the rightful owner of the

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