My Best Test P6

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Speaking for the whole Pisay community as a student of the institution, I can pretty
safely say that tests are something that no one enjoys preparing for, much less take.
The countless sleepless nights trying to cram knowledge into your brain, A battle
between you, the clock and the questions in order to achieve the grade that you
want, the soul crushing blow of failing or hopefully, the uplifting relief of a perfect
score on a subject that you weren’t doing well in. Looking forward though, the very
tests that we take can also teach us things that are pound for pound more valuable
than what the exam measures, for failure is the greatest teacher.
I chose 2-LT 2 as my best test, despite my barely passing score on it, being a 24/40. I
felt quite ready before taking it, seeing as I tried learning algebra for fun back in
elementary school (though we also had lessons in elementary school) so I didn’t
really think much of the long test and only did minimal preparations for it if I
remember correctly. My cocksureness got the better of me as I got the
aforementioned low score of 24/40. I had placed too much confidence in my abilities
and did not study for it. However, this Long Test did also teach me a few things:
Firstly, Never trust your innate abilities too much in Pisay, especially for a long test.
Doing that would be underestimating the school and what it can throw at you, and
underestimating the school is the first step towards failure. Secondly, it taught me
what my weak point in math is: translating word problems to algebraic equations.
Finally, this long test taught me that I should procrastinate less and study more, to
develop my responsibility because this school is nothing like my previous one.
I don’t really recall how I exactly prepared for this long test, but I do remember that I
prepared very minimally. I recall that the night before the test I basically just
glanced over my notes and looked at the terms. My blunder was that I never even
thought of practicing for the long test. I should have at least tried to practice word
I felt crushed at first when I received the long test. I had already felt scared since I
didn’t finish in time, the word problems were really challenging and on top of that, I
didn’t work as fast since I was so stressed. It felt as if the weight of the world and the
consequences of my actions came crashing down on me. It wasn’t the first time I’d
gotten a 24/40, but my aforementioned confidence made it feel like a 0.
This exam motivates me to do better in class through failure. I failed to prepare for
the exam and I failed to recognize how difficult it could be. Despite all of this, I still
consider it my best exam just because it taught me so many things that I feel like my
other exams haven’t been able to do before. It taught me to consider the weight of
things before deciding how much I would like to prepare for them, for example, me
taking a long test with a topic I am good at vs a quiz with a topic I am bad at. I’d
probably spend equal amounts of time on both tests although there is a
disproportionate weight between them. It also taught me to never underestimate
anything in Pisay, no matter how easy I may think it is. Overall, this turned out to be
a rewarding experience.
Truth Excellence Service
S05 1/28/20
CASTRO, Jaeden Miguel G. 2-P6

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