GCP Survey Report

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GCP Survey Report

Surabaya City, East Java – Indonesia


EXECUTIVE SUMMARY....................................................................................................................... 3

1. INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................................................... 3
1.1 Project Summary and Survey Objectives ................................................................................................ 3
1.2 Scope of Work ........................................................................................................................................ 3
1.2.1 GCP Survey ............................................................................................................................................. 3
1.3 Survey Area ............................................................................................................................................. 5
1.4 Abbreviations.......................................................................................................................................... 5

2. PROJECT TECHNICAL DETAIL .................................................................................................... 6

2.1 Geodetic Parameter ............................................................................................................................... 6
2.2 Summary of Equipment .......................................................................................................................... 6
2.2.1 Survey Equipment .................................................................................................................................. 6

3. GCP SURVEY FIELD WORKS EXECUTION .................................................................................... 6

3.1 GCP Survey using RTK NTRIP method ..................................................................................................... 6

GCP Survey Report

Surabaya City, East Java – Indonesia

Figure 1-1. Area of Interest (Image taken from Google Earth), Orange color is BIG CORS-CSBY as RTK NTRIP
Basestation , Yellow points are GCP Points. ................................................................................................. 5
Figure 4-1. GCP Survey on the edge of court, on the right one prick point from satellite imagery ............................. 7

Table 1-1. Survey scope of work .................................................................................................................................. 3
Table 1-2. T Points for XY Value ................................................................................................................................... 4
Table 1-3. L Points for Z Value ...................................................................................................................................... 4
Table 1-3. E Points for Check Points XYZ Value ............................................................................................................ 4
Table 3-2. GCP equipment list ...................................................................................................................................... 6
Table 4-2. List of GCP points .......................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Table 4-3. GNSS equipment technical specification used in this project ..................................................................... 8

RPT/PHENC/16/BUNYU/OS/TOPO/0.1 Page | ii
GCP Survey Report

Surabaya City, East Java – Indonesia


GMI (Geomosaic Indonesia) team was conducted GCP (Ground Control Points) Survey on Surabaya. There
are 3 (three) team to surveyed 12 (twelve) control points. Leica GS14 GNSS Receiver and RTK NTRIP was
utilized to pick up the points. The RTK NTRIP used Badan Informasi Geospasial (Indonesian Geospasial
Agency) basestation CSBY (CORS Surabaya). GMI team used two (2) cars and one (1) motorcycle to access
survey location.The main survey works of onshore mapping survey are topographic survey and onshore
geotechnical investigation. This report is to cover topographic survey works.


1.1 Project Summary and Survey Objectives

The main survey works of GCP Survey are surveyed Ground Control Points to orthorectified imagery. This
report is to cover GCP survey works.

The GCP survey works were carried out within area of interest from the client with the main tasks as follows:

1. Surveyed ground control points using RTK NTRIP tied-in to Badan Informasi Geospatial CORS.

2. Field data processing to output fixed coordinates of GCP.

1.2 Scope of Work

The scope of work topographic survey is tabulated as follows:

Table 1-1. Survey scope of work

Survey Volume
Type of
Description Of Work Number of Survey Remarks
- 10 Edge Points (XY Value)
Observe Ground control points, Singlebasestation to
GCP Survey - 10 Ground Points (Z Value)
(included check points) BIG CORS at Surabaya
- 2 Check Points (XYZ Value)

Below is a brief summary of survey coordinates of works scope:

1.2.1 GCP Survey

Ten (10) GCP and two (2) Control Points which were tied to Badan Informasi Geospasial (BIG) CORS were
established within area of interest and listed as follows:
GCP Survey Report

Surabaya City, East Java – Indonesia

Table 1-2. T Points for XY Value

Point Easting (m) Northing (m) Latitude (dms) Longitude (dms) Height (m)
T01 695666.912 9196772.463 7° 15' 47.5192" S 112° 46' 20.1457" E 32.237
T02 697356.947 9198142.944 7° 15' 02.6951" S 112° 47' 15.0586" E 31.975
T03 699417.478 9197139.263 7° 15' 35.0982" S 112° 48' 22.3524" E 33.880
T04 700818.876 9195740.180 7° 16' 20.4540" S 112° 49' 08.2149" E 30.899
T05 700403.882 9193297.684 7° 17' 40.0081" S 112° 48' 55.0075" E 31.216
T06 699371.109 9192573.233 7° 18' 03.7230" S 112° 48' 21.4356" E 31.528
T07 696333.428 9192302.146 7° 18' 12.9399" S 112° 46' 42.4454" E 31.602
T08 695656.254 9194856.927 7° 16' 49.8702" S 112° 46' 20.0428" E 32.532
T09 698176.903 9195387.009 7° 16' 32.2928" S 112° 47' 42.1413" E 31.682
T10 699645.114 9195133.555 7° 16' 40.3520" S 112° 48' 30.0335" E 31.851

Table 1-3. L Points for Z Value

Point Easting (m) Northing (m) Latitude (dms) Longitude (dms) Height (m)
L01 695674.418 9196772.276 7° 15' 47.5244" S 112° 46' 20.3904" E 32.069
L02 697360.007 9198151.153 7° 15' 02.4275" S 112° 47' 15.1573" E 31.892
L03 699425.167 9197135.033 7° 15' 35.2349" S 112° 48' 22.6035" E 33.663
L04 700855.223 9195715.969 7° 16' 21.2372" S 112° 49' 09.4029" E 30.792
L05 700421.016 9193288.878 7° 17' 40.2925" S 112° 48' 55.5672" E 31.371
L06 699371.618 9192566.131 7° 18' 03.9541" S 112° 48' 21.4531" E 31.696
L07 696327.407 9192297.043 7° 18' 13.1067" S 112° 46' 42.2497" E 31.502
L08 695673.529 9194856.585 7° 16' 49.8791" S 112° 46' 20.6060" E 32.377
L09 698178.911 9195364.053 7° 16' 33.0397" S 112° 47' 42.2097" E 31.803
L10 699646.400 9195152.041 7° 16' 39.7501" S 112° 48' 30.0730" E 31.775

Table 1-4. E Points for Check Points XYZ Value

Point Easting (m) Northing (m) Latitude (dms) Longitude (dms) Height (m)
E01 697786.691 9196253.937 7° 16' 04.1254" S 112° 47' 29.3096" E 31.672
E02 697910.686 9194120.669 7° 17' 13.5453" S 112° 47' 33.6271" E 31.539
GCP Survey Report

Surabaya City, East Java – Indonesia

1.3 Survey Area

Survey area is located within Surabaya City, East Java, Indonesia.

Figure 1-1. Area of Interest (Image taken from Google Earth), Orange color is BIG CORS-CSBY as RTK NTRIP
Basestation , Yellow points are GCP Points.

1.4 Abbreviations

The following abbreviations may be found in this document:

BIG : Badan Informasi Geospasial (Indonesian Geospatial Information Agency)

CORS : Continous Operating Reference Station
CSBY : CORS Surabaya (Surabaya GNSS CORS operated by BIG)
GCP : Ground Control Points
GMI : PT. Geomosaic Indonesia
GNSS : Global Navigation Satellite System
GPS : Global Positioning System
NTRIP : Network Transport of RTCM via Internet Protocoler
RTK : Real Time Kinematic
GCP Survey Report

Surabaya City, East Java – Indonesia


2.1 Geodetic Parameter

Following details are geodetic parameter used in this project:

Ellipsoid : WGS84
Projection : UTM 49S
False Northing : 10.000.000 N
False Easting : 500.000 E
Latitude Origin : 0°
Central Meridian : 111° BT
Scale Factor on Central Meridian : 0.9996

2.2 Summary of Equipment

2.2.1 Survey Equipment

The GCP Survey equipment used in this project is tabulated as follows:

Table 2-1. GCP equipment list

No Instrument Qty. Photograph

1 Leica GS14 LT GNSS Receiver and data 3 unit



3.1 GCP Survey using RTK NTRIP method

Prior to commencement of GNSS RTK NTRIP observation, a total ten (10) T points for XY value, ten (10) L
points for Z value and two (2) check points were surveyed. This was done on October 2018. GCP location
was chosen with minimum obstruction environment and easy identified at satellite imagery.
GCP Survey Report

Surabaya City, East Java – Indonesia

Figure 3-1. GCP Survey on the edge of court, on the right one prick point from satellite imagery

Following is summary of GCP survey activities:

1. Determined GCP coordinates that was referenced to BIG CORS at Surabaya, coordinates as given by BIG
as follows:
Latitude : 7º 20' 3.60420" S
Longitude : 112º 43' 27.71424" E
Height : 51.253 metre above ellipsoid
2. RTK NTRIP survey used carrier phase to determine new points using RTCM correction from CORS. In
real time observation, the same satellite was used in the same epoch.
3. During GCP survey activity, GNSS measurement needs to consider following criteria in related with
GNSS satellite:
- Minimum number of four (4) satellites is compulsory for every observation epoch
- Geometric Dilution of Precision (GDOP) number should be less than five (5)
- 1 seconds epoch interval.
- 15 minutes duration each points with all RTK solution fixed.
4. The height of GNSS antenna should be measured.
5. 15° Satellite elevation will be setup on this observation.

Following is the summary coordinates of GCP Survey:

Table 3-1. T Points for XY Value

Point Easting (m) Northing (m) Latitude (dms) Longitude (dms) Height (m)
T01 695666.912 9196772.463 7° 15' 47.5192" S 112° 46' 20.1457" E 32.237
T02 697356.947 9198142.944 7° 15' 02.6951" S 112° 47' 15.0586" E 31.975
T03 699417.478 9197139.263 7° 15' 35.0982" S 112° 48' 22.3524" E 33.880
T04 700818.876 9195740.180 7° 16' 20.4540" S 112° 49' 08.2149" E 30.899
T05 700403.882 9193297.684 7° 17' 40.0081" S 112° 48' 55.0075" E 31.216
T06 699371.109 9192573.233 7° 18' 03.7230" S 112° 48' 21.4356" E 31.528
T07 696333.428 9192302.146 7° 18' 12.9399" S 112° 46' 42.4454" E 31.602
T08 695656.254 9194856.927 7° 16' 49.8702" S 112° 46' 20.0428" E 32.532
T09 698176.903 9195387.009 7° 16' 32.2928" S 112° 47' 42.1413" E 31.682
T10 699645.114 9195133.555 7° 16' 40.3520" S 112° 48' 30.0335" E 31.851
GCP Survey Report

Surabaya City, East Java – Indonesia

Table 3-2. L Points for Z Value

Point Easting (m) Northing (m) Latitude (dms) Longitude (dms) Height (m)
L01 695674.418 9196772.276 7° 15' 47.5244" S 112° 46' 20.3904" E 32.069
L02 697360.007 9198151.153 7° 15' 02.4275" S 112° 47' 15.1573" E 31.892
L03 699425.167 9197135.033 7° 15' 35.2349" S 112° 48' 22.6035" E 33.663
L04 700855.223 9195715.969 7° 16' 21.2372" S 112° 49' 09.4029" E 30.792
L05 700421.016 9193288.878 7° 17' 40.2925" S 112° 48' 55.5672" E 31.371
L06 699371.618 9192566.131 7° 18' 03.9541" S 112° 48' 21.4531" E 31.696
L07 696327.407 9192297.043 7° 18' 13.1067" S 112° 46' 42.2497" E 31.502
L08 695673.529 9194856.585 7° 16' 49.8791" S 112° 46' 20.6060" E 32.377
L09 698178.911 9195364.053 7° 16' 33.0397" S 112° 47' 42.2097" E 31.803
L10 699646.400 9195152.041 7° 16' 39.7501" S 112° 48' 30.0730" E 31.775

Table 3-3. E Points for Check Points XYZ Value

Point Easting (m) Northing (m) Latitude (dms) Longitude (dms) Height (m)
E01 697786.691 9196253.937 7° 16' 04.1254" S 112° 47' 29.3096" E 31.672
E02 697910.686 9194120.669 7° 17' 13.5453" S 112° 47' 33.6271" E 31.539

Technical specification of GNSS equipment that was used in this project is as follows:

Table 3-4. GNSS equipment technical specification used in this project

Model Positioning Performance (RTK L1+L2)
Horizontal: 5 mm + 0.5 ppm (rms)
GNSS Leica GS14
Vertical: 10 mm + 0.5 ppm (rms)

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