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THE FAMILY CODE SECTION 2. Article 36 of Executive Order No.

209 is hereby amended to read as follows:

The Family Code of the
Philippines (Executive Order no. 209) was “Art. 36. A marriage contracted by any party
signed into law by then President Corazon who, at the time of the celebration, was
Aquino on July 6, 1987. The basic law covering psychologically incapacitated to comply with
persons and family relations governs the essential marital obligations of marriage,
marriages, legal separations, property relations shall likewise be void even if such incapacity
between spouses, and parental authority, becomes manifest only after its solemnization.”
among others.
SECTION 3. Article 39 of the Executive Order
Under Executive Order No. 209 also known No. 209 is hereby amended to read as follows:
as the Family Code of the Philippines, Article
37 and 38, incestuous marriages are void ab “Art. 39. The action or defense for the
initio for being contrary to public policy. ... This declaration of absolute nullity of a marriage
bill criminalizes such sexual relations because shall not prescribe. However, in the case of
they are contrary to public morals and public marriages celebrated before the effectivity of
policy. this Code and falling under Article 36, such
action or defense shall prescribe in ten years
Accordingly, "The Family Code of the after this Code shall have taken effect.”
Philippines" should have taken effect as of
August 3, 1988 (People vs. Ramos, No. L- SECTION 4. This Executive Order shall take
25265, May 9, 1978), instead of on August 5, effect upon the effectivity of the Family Code of
1988, as was inadvertently declared in a the Philippines.
Certification dated October 7, 1988
Done in the City of Manila, this 17th day of
Executive order 227 July, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred
and eighty-seven
Philippines, do hereby order: NUMBERED TWO HUNDRED NINE, AND
SECTION 1. Article 26 of Executive Order No. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of
209 is hereby amended to read as follows: Representatives of the Philippines in Congress
“Art. 26. All marriages solemnized outside the SECTION 1. Article 234 of Executive Order No.
Philippines in accordance with the laws in force 209, the Family Code of the Philippines, is
in the country where they were solemnized, hereby amended to read as follows: “ART. 234.
and valid there as such, shall also be valid in Emancipation takes place by the attainment of
this country, except those prohibited under majority. Unless otherwise provided, majority
Articles 35 (1), (4), (5) and (6), 36, 37 and 38. commences at the age of eighteen years.”
SEC. 2. Articles 235 and 237 of the same Code
Where a marriage between a Filipino citizen are hereby repealed.
and a foreigner is validly celebrated and a SEC. 3. Article 236 of the same Code is also
divorce is thereafter validly obtained abroad by hereby amended to read as follows: “ART. 236.
the alien spouse capacitating him or her to Emancipation shall terminate parental authority
remarry, the Filipino spouse shall have over the person and property of the child who
capacity to remarry under Philippine law.” shall then be qualified and responsible for all
acts of civil life, save the exceptions together with the interest at the rate of 6 per
established by existing laws in special cases. cent from the 17th of December, 1910, and
“Contracting marriage shall require parental costs (350).
consent until the age of twenty-one. “Nothing in
this Code shall be construed to derogate from FELIPE CABAGUE and GERONIMO
the duty or responsibility of parents and CABAGUE, plaintiffs-appellants,
guardians for children and wards below twenty- vs.
one years of age mentioned in the second and MATIAS AUXILIO and SOCORRO AUXILIO,
third paragraphs of Article 2180 of the Civil defendants-appellees.
Code.” November 26, 1952

Republic Act 7160 –Local Government Code Basud, Camarines Norte, Felipe Cabague and
his son Geronimo sued the defendant Matias
REPEAL AND AMMENDMENT Auxilio and his daughter Socorro to recover
Chapter 4. Other Matters Subject to Summary damages resulting from defendants' refusal to
Proceedings carry out the previously agreed marriage
Art. 253. The foregoing rules in Chapters 2 and between Socorro and Geronimo.
3 hereof shall likewise govern summary
proceedings filed under Articles 41, 51, 69, 73, improve the defendants' house in Basud and
96, 124 and 127, insofar as they are spend for the wedding feast and the needs of
the bride; (b) that relying upon such promises
plaintiffs made the improvement and spent
BREACH OF PROMISE TO MARRY P700; and (c) that without cause defendants
*Hermosisisima, Wassmer, Tanjanco, Baksh refused to honor their pledged word.
R. No. L-8166 February 8, 1916
JORGE DOMALAGAN, plaintiff-appellee, arguing that the contract was oral,
vs. unenforceable under the rule of evidence
CARLOS BOLIFER, defendant-appellant. hereinbefore mentioned. And the court
dismissed the case.
-November, 1909, he and the defendant
entered into a contract by virtue of the terms of There is no question here that the transaction
which he was to pay to the defendant the sum was not in writing. The only issue is whether it
of P500 upon the marriage of his son may be proved in court.
CiprianoDomalagan with the daughter of the
defendant, BonifaciaBolifer, together with the Consequently, we declare that Geronimo may
further sum of P16 "as hansel or token of future continue his action against Socorro for such
marriage," that, notwithstanding said damages as may have resulted from her failure
agreement, to carry out their mutual matrimonial promises.
- the said Bonifaciabolifer, in the month of Wherefore this expediente will be returned to
August, 1910, was joined in lawful wedlock to the lower court for further proceedings in
LaureanoSisi; accordance with this opinion. So ordered.

-paragraph 5 of said section (335). A contract REQUISITES

may be a perfectly valid contract even though it
is not clothed with the necessary form. If it is NOT SUBJECT TO STIPULATION
not made in confirmity with said section of *Panganiban, Santiago, Selanova
course it cannot be proved, if proper objection G.R. No. 80965 June 6, 1990
is made. SYLVIA LICHAUCO DE LEON, petitioner,
-endered a judgment in favor of the plaintiff and
against the defendant in said sum of P516
TRIAS, assisted by her husband Angel
On October 18, 1969, private respondent Jose Sanchez,
Vicente De Leon and petitioner Sylvia Lichauco CLARA TRIAS, assisted by her husband
De Leon were united in wedlock Victoriano Salvanera,
October, 1972, a de facto separation between VINIEGRA, GLORIA VINIEGRA
the spouses occured due to irreconcilable and FERNANDO VINIEGRA, JR., assisted by
marital differences, with Sylvia leaving the guardian-ad-litem, Rafael Trias,
conjugal home. Sometime in March, 1973, TEOFILO PUGEDA, and VIRGINIA PUGEDA,
Sylvia went to the United States where she assisted by her husband Ramon
obtained American citizenship. Portugal, defendants-appellants.

On November 23, 1973, Sylvia filed with the -The subject of this action, which was appealed
Superior Court of California, County of San from the Court of First Instance of Cavite, is
Francisco, a petition for dissolution of marriage certain lands acquired from the Friar Lands
against Jose Vicente. Estate Administration
that since Jose Vicente was then a Philippine
resident and did not have any assets in the - The plaintiff claims participation in the said
United States, Sylvia chose to hold in properties on the ground that the same were
abeyance the divorce proceedings, and in the acquired by him and the deceased Maria C.
meantime, concentrated her efforts to obtain Ferrer, with whom plaintiff contracted marriage
some sort of property settlements with Jose in January, 1916 and who died on February 11,
Vicente in the 1934.

March 16, 1977, Sylvia succeeded in entering The defendants Rafael, Miguel, Soledad,
into a Letter-Agreement with her mother-in-law, Clara, Constancia and Gabriel, all surnamed
private respondent Macaria De Leon. Trias are the children of the deceased Maria C.
Ferrer with her first husband Mariano Trias,
Since the Letter-Agreement was repudiated while the defendants Teofilo Pugeda and
before the purpose has been accomplished Virginia Pugeda are children of the plaintiff with
and to adhere to the pari delicto rule in this said deceased Maria C. Ferrer.
case is to put a premium to the circumvention
of the laws, positive relief should be granted to - Defendants Trias also denied for lack of
Macaria. Justice would be served by allowing knowledge and belief the claim of plaintiff in his
her to be placed in the position in which she complaint that he was married to Maria C.
was before the transaction was entered into. Ferrer and that the marriage continued up to
With the conclusions thus reached, We find it the death of the latter in 1934. They further
unnecessary to discuss the other issues raised. presented a counterclaim against the plaintiff
ACCORDINGLY, the petition is hereby for the sum of P40,000, this amount being what
DENIED. The decision of the respondent Court was contributed by them in support of the
of Appeals dated June 30, 1987 and its candidacies of plaintiff when running for the
resolution dated November 24, 1987 are office of provincial governor of Cavite.
- There are two questions or issues raised in
REQUISITES the present case. The first is the alleged
existence of a marriage of Fabian Pugeda and
G.R. No. L-16925 March 31, 1962 Maria C. Ferrer. The second is the claim of the

plaintiff to various lands acquired from the Friar properties subject of the proceedings. His
Lands Estate failure to intervene in the proceedings to claim
that the friar lands or some of them belonged to
- On the first issue, the existence of marriage, himself and his wife Maria C. Ferrer, shows a
plaintiff and his witness Ricardo Ricafrente conviction on his part that the said friar lands
testified that in the afternoon of January 5, actually belonged to the spouses Mariano Trias
1916, on the eve of Epiphany or Three Kings, and Maria C. Ferrer, and that he had no
that after the usual ceremony Ricafrente asked interest therein
the parties to sign two copies of a marriage
contract, and after the witnesses had signed - FOR ALL THE FOREGOING
the same. Plaintiff and his witnesses explained CONSIDERATIONS, the plaintiff's complaint is
that no celebration of the marriage was held hereby dismissed, and the judgment of the
inspite of the prominence of the contracting Court of First Instance of Cavite, Hon. Antonio
parties because plaintiff was then busy C. Lucero, presiding, decreeing the division of
campaigning for the office of Member of the the properties of the deceased Maria C. Ferrer
Provincial Board and Maria C. Ferrer was among her eight children and plaintiff, is hereby
already on the family way. modified in the sense that all of her properties
be divided among her eight children at the rate
- The baptismal certificate submitted states that of one-eight per child. As thus modified, the
the baptized child was the issue of the spouses judgment of Judge Lucero is hereby affirmed
Fabian Pugeda and Maria C. Ferrer. The
registry of said birth was also submitted and it SOLEMNIZING OFFICER
states that the father is Fabian Pugeda and the
mother is Maria C. Ferrer. It is also not denied *Villar v Paraiso and Aranes v Occiano
that after the marriage, plaintiff cohabited with
the deceased wife, as husband and wife, until MARRIAGE CEREMONY
the death of the latter, publicly and openly as
husband and wife. G.R. No. L-4904 February 5, 1909

- The judge who heard the evidence, after a ROSALIA MARTINEZ, plaintiff-appellant,
review of he testimonial and documental vs.
evidence, arrived at the conclusion that plaintiff ANGEL TAN, defendant-appellee.
Fabian Pugeda was in fact married to Maria C.
Ferrer on January 5, 1916, as well as by the - the only question in this case is whether or
fact that plaintiff and deceased Maria C. Ferrer not the plaintiff and the defendant were married
lived together as husband and wife for eighteen on the 25th day of September, 1907, before the
years (1916-1934) and there is a strong justice of the peace, Jose Ballori, in the town of
presumption that they were actually married. Palompon in the Province of Leyte.

- Testimony by one of the parties to the - The court below decided the case in favor of
marriage, or by one of the witnesses to the the defendant, holding that the parties were
marriage and the person who officiated the legally married on the day named. The
marriage. evidence in support of that decision is: First.
The document itself, which the plaintiff admits
- The pendency of the above intestate that she signed. Second. The evidence of the
proceedings for the settlement of the estate of defendant, who testifies that he and said
Mariano Trias must have been known to plaintiff appeared before the justice of the
plaintiff Fabian Pugeda, who is a lawyer. It peace at the time named, together with the
does not appear, and neither does he claim or witness Zacarias Esmero and Pacita Ballori,
allege, that he ever appeared in said and that they all signed the document above
proceedings to claim participation in the mentioned. Third. The evidence of Zacarias
Esmero, one of the above-named witnesses, ANGEL: It is impossible for me to go to
who testifies that the plaintiff, the defendant, the house of Veles this morning
and Pacita Ballori appeared before the justice because my sister in law will not let me
at the time named and did sign the document go there; if it suits you, I believe that this
referred to. Fourth. The evidence of Pacita afternoon, about 5 or 6 o'clock, is the
Ballori, who testified to the same effect. Fifth. best hour.
The evidence of Jose Santiago, the bailiff of
the court of the justice of the peace, who Arrange everything, as I shall go there
testified that the plaintiff, the defendant, the two only for the purpose of signing, and
witnesses above-named, and the justice of the have Pacita wait for me at the Chinese
peace were all present in the office of the store, because I don't like to go without
justice of the peace at the time mentioned Pacita

- only direct evidence in favor of the plaintiff is - Don't tell her that we have been civilly
her own testimony that she never appeared married, but tell her at first that you are
before the justice of the peace and never was willing to celebrate the marriage at this
married to the defendant. She admits that she time,
signed the document in question, but says that
she signed it in her own home, without reading - General orders, No. 68, section 6, is as
it follows:

- She says that at the request of the defendant No particular form from the ceremony of
on the day named, about 5 o'clock in the marriage is required, but the parties
afternoon, she went to the store of a Chinese must declare in the presence of the
named Veles; that there she met the plaintiff person solemnizing the marriage, that
and her mother; that she asked the mother of they take each other as husband and
the plaintiff to allow the plaintiff to accompany wife.
her, the witness, to her own house for the
purpose of examining some dress patterns; - plaintiff and the defendant were able to read
that the mother gave her consent and the two and write the Spanish language, and that they
rights left the store, but instead of going to the knew the contents of the document which they
house of the witness they went directly to the signed; and under the circumstances in this
office of the justice of the peace where the particular case were satisfied, and so hold, that
ceremony took place what took place before the justice of the peace
on this occasion amounted to a legal marriage.
- The plaintiff admits that she wrote letters
numbered 2 and 9. The authenticity of the PLACE AND MARRIAGE CERTIFICATE
others was proven. No. 9 is as follows:
G.R. No. L-32473 October 6, 1930
ANGEL: Up to this time I did not see my
father; but I know that he is very angry MELECIO MADRIDEJO, assisted by his
and if he be informed that we have been guardian ad litem, Pedro Madridejo, plaintiff-
married civilly, I am sure that he will turn appellee,
me out of the house. vs.
GONZALO DE LEON, ET AL., defendants-
- Letter No. 6, which bears no date, but which appellants.
undoubtedly was written on the morning of the
25th of September, is as follows: - In support of their appeal the defendants
assign the following alleged errors as
Sr. D. ANGEL, TAN. committed by the trial court, to wit:

1. The lower court erred in holding that the acknowledged as a natural child, which is the
marriage between Pedro Madridejo and condition precedent to establishing his
Flaviana Perez is valid. legitimation by the subsequent marriage and
his right to the estate of his uterine brother,
- the mere fact that the parish priest of Siniloan, Domingo de Leon, but he has not even
Laguna, who married Pedro Madridejo and impleaded either his father Pedro Madridejo, or
Flaviana Perez, failed to send a copy of the the heirs of his mother, Flaviana Perez, in
marriage certificate to the municipal secretary order that the court might have authority to
does not invalidate the marriage in articulo make a valid and effective pronouncement of
mortis his being a natural child, and to compel them to
acknowledge him as such.
2. The lower court also erred in declaring that
solely because of the subsequent marriage of 3. The lower court lastly erred in not rendering
his parents, the appellee Melecio Madridejo, a judgment in favor of the defendants and
natural child, was legitimated. appellants.

- there has been no attempt to deny that - in view of the foregoing, it is evident that
Melecio Madridejo, the plaintiff-appellee, is the Melecio Madridejo has not been acknowledged
natural son of the Pedro Madridejo and by Pedro Madridejo and Flaviana Perez, either
Flaviana Perez, The only question to be voluntarily or by compulsion, before or after
decided is whether the subsequent marriage of their marriage, and therefore said marriage did
his parents legitimated him. not legitimate him

Article 121 of the Civil Code provides: MARRIAGE LICENSE

Art. 121. Children shall be considered as A.M. No. MTJ-00-1329. March 8, 2001
legitimated by a subsequent marriage
only when they have been HERMINIA BORJA-MANZANO, Petitioner,
acknowledged by the parents before or vs. JUDGE ROQUE R. SANCHEZ, MTC,
after the celebration thereof. Infanta, Pangasinan, respondent.

Melecio Madridejo, then, was not voluntarily - may 21,1966 Complainant avers that she was
acknowledged by Pedro Madridejo or Flaviana the lawful wife of the late David Manzano,
Perez, either before or after their On 22 March 1993, however, her husband
marriage. 1awph! contracted another marriage with one
Luzviminda Payao before respondent
- Did Pedro Madridejo acknowledge Melecio Judge.Hhe knew or ought to know that the
Madridejo as his son, by compulsion? same was void and bigamous, as the marriage
contract clearly stated that both contracting
The compulsory acknowledgment by the father parties were "separated."
established in article 135 of the Civil Code, and
by the mother according to article 136, requires -May 21,For this act, complainant Herminia
that the natural child take judicial action against Borja-Manzano charges respondent Judge with
the father or mother, or against the persons gross ignorance of the law in a sworn
setting themselves up as the heirs of both, for Complaint-Affidavit filed with the Office of the
the purpose of compelling them to Court Administrator on 12 May 1999.
acknowledge him as a natural son through a
judgment of the court. - Respondent Judge, on the other hand, claims
in his Comment that when he officiated the
In the instant action brought by Melecio marriage between Manzano and Payao he did
Madridejo not only has he not demanded to be not know that Manzano was legally married.
- the Court Administrator recommended that - Pepito Niñal was married to Teodulfa
respondent Judge be found guilty of gross Bellones on September 26, 1974. Out of their
ignorance of the law and be ordered to pay a marriage were born herein petitioners.
fine of P2,000, with a warning that a repetition Teodulfa was shot by Pepito resulting in her
of the same or similar act would be dealt with death on April 24, 1985. One year and 8
more severely months thereafter or on December 11, 1986,
Pepito and respondent Norma Badayog got
- On 25 October 2000, this Court required the married without any marriage license
parties to manifest whether they were willing to
submit the case for resolution o - On February 19, 1997, Pepito died in a car
accident. After their father's death, petitioners
- David Manzano and Luzviminda Payao filed a petition for declaration of nullity of the
expressly stated that they were married to marriage of Pepito to Norma alleging that the
Herminia Borja and Domingo Relos, said marriage was void for lack of a marriage
respectively license.

- Article 34 of the Family Code provides: - Judge Ferdinand J. Marcos of the Regional
Trial Court of Toledo City, Cebu, Branch 59,
No license shall be necessary for the marriage dismissed the petition after finding that the
of a man and a woman who have lived together Family Code is "rather silent, obscure,
as husband and wife for at least five years and insufficient" to resolve the following issues:
without any legal impediment to marry each
other. The contracting parties shall state the (1) Whether or not plaintiffs have a
foregoing facts in an affidavit before any cause of action against defendant in
person authorized by law to administer oaths. asking for the declaration of the nullity of
The solemnizing officer shall also state under marriage of their deceased father,
oath that he ascertained the qualifications of Pepito G. Niñal, with her specially so
the contracting parties and found no legal when at the time of the filing of this
impediment to the marriage. instant suit, their father Pepito G. Niñal
is already dead;
- ACCORDINGLY, the recommendation of the
Court Administrator is hereby ADOPTED, with (2) Whether or not the second marriage
the MODIFICATION that the amount of fine to of plaintiffs' deceased father with
be imposed upon respondent Judge Roque defendant is null and void ab initio;
Sanchez is increased to P20,000.
(3) Whether or not plaintiffs are
G.R. No. 133778 March 14, 2000 estopped from assailing the validity of
the second marriage after it was
ENGRACE NIÑAL for Herself and as dissolved due to their father's death.
Guardian ad Litem of the minors BABYLINE
NIÑAL, INGRID NIÑAL, ARCHIE NIÑAL & - valid marriage license is a requisite of
PEPITO NIÑAL, JR., petitioners, marriage under Article 53 of the Civil Code, the
vs. absence of which renders the marriage void ab
NORMA BAYADOG, respondent. initio
YNARES-SANTIAGO, J.: -exemption: 5 years cohabitation. But Pepito
had a subsisting marriage at the time when he
- May the heirs of a deceased person file a started cohabiting with respondent.
petition for the declaration of nullity of his
marriage after his death? - A marriage that is annulable is valid until
otherwise declared by the court; whereas a
marriage that is void ab initio is considered as Extra-judicial Partition," whereby they
having never to have taken place. oid partitioned among themselves Lots Nos. 458,
marriages can be questioned even after the 471, 506, 511, 509, 513-B, 807, and 808, all of
death of either party but voidable marriages the Cadastral Survey of Himamaylan,
can be assailed only during the lifetime of the Occidental Negros.
parties and not after death of either.
1st marriage: They alleged, among other
- WHEREFORE, the petition is GRANTED. The things, that they had been induced by the
assailed Order of the Regional Trial Court, defendants to execute the document in
Toledo City, Cebu, Branch 59, dismissing Civil question through misrepresentation, false
Case No. T-639, is REVERSED and SET promises and fraudulent means; that the lots
ASIDE. The said case is ordered which were partitioned in said document
REINSTATED.1âwphi1.nêt. belonged to the conjugal partnership of the
spouses Lucio Perido and Benita Talorong,
PRESUMPTION OF MARRIAGE and that the five children of Lucio Perido with
MarcelinaBaliguat were all illegitimate and
G.R. No. L-28248 March 12, 1975 therefore had no successional rights to the
LEONORA PERIDO, joined by husband estate of Lucio Perido, who died in 1942. The
MANUEL PIROTE, INOCENCIA PERIDO, defendants denied the foregoing allegations.
LETIA PERIDO, joined by husband After trial the lower court rendered its decision
BIENVENIDO BALYAO, LETICIA PERIDO, dated July 31, 1965, annulling the "Declaration
joined by husband FELIX VILLARUZ, of Heirship and Extra-Judicial Partition."
EUFEMIA PERIDO, CONSOLACION However, it did not order the partition of the lots
PERIDO, ALFREDO PERIDO, GEORGE involved among the plaintiffs exclusively in
PERIDO, AMPARO PERIDO, WILFREDO view of its findings that the five children of
PERIDO, MARGARITA PERIDO, ROLANDO Lucio Perido with his second wife,
SALDE and EDUARDO SALDE, petitioners, MarcelinaBaliguat, were legitimate; that all the
vs. lots, except Lot No. 458, were the exclusive
MARIA PERIDO, SOFRONIO PERIDO, JUAN properties of Lucio Perido; and that 11/12 of
A. PERIDO, GONZALO PERIDO, PACITA Lot No. 458 belonged to the conjugal
PERIDO, MAGDALENA PERIDO, ALICIA partnership of Lucio Perido and his second
PERIDO, JOSEFINA PERIDO, FE PERIDO, wife, MarcelinaBaliguat.
PERIDO, respondents. The plaintiffs appealed to the Court of Appeals,
alleging that the trial court erred: (1) in
declaring that EusebioPerido, Juan Perido,
Lucio Perido of Himamaylan, Negros Maria Perido, SofroniaPerido and Gonzalo
Occidental, married twice during his lifetime. Perido, were the legitimate children of Lucio
His first wife was Benita Talorong, with whom Perido and his second wife, MarcelinaBaliguat;
he begot three (3) children: Felix, Ismael, and (2) in declaring that Lucio Perido was the
Margarita. After Benita died Lucio married exclusive owner of Lots Nos. 471, 506, 511,
MarcelinaBaliguat, with whom he had five (5) 509, 513-Part, 807, and 808 of Cadastral
children: Eusebio, Juan, Maria, Sofronia and Survey of Himamaylan, Negros Occidental,
Gonzalo. Lucio himself died in 1942, while his and in not declaring that said lots were the
second wife died in 1943. conjugal partnership property of Lucio Perido
and his first wife, Benita Talorong; and (3) in
On August 15, 1960 the children and holding that 11/12 of Lot 458 was the conjugal
grandchildren of the first and second marriages partnership property of Lucio Perido and
of Lucio Perido executed a document MarcelinaBaliguat.
denominated as "Declaration of Heirship and

WHEREFORE, the decision of the Court of residence in her certificate of candidacy as
Appeals is hereby affirmed, with costs against Kananga, Leyte. It was alleged that she was in
the petitioners. fact a resident of Ormoc City like her husband
who was earlier disqualified from running for
the same office
DOMICILE AND RESIDENCE two (2) legal issues raised by Silvestre T. de la
BENJAMIN P. ABELLA, petitioner, Cruz namely, Larrazabal's lack of legal
vs. residence in the province of Leyte and her not
COMMISSION ON ELECTIONS and being a registered voter in the province
G.R. No. 100739 September 3, 1991 COMELEC found that petitioner Larrazabal
ADELINA Y. LARRAZABAL, petitioner, was neither a resident of Kananga, Leyte nor a
vs. registered voter there
SILVESTRE DE LA CRUZ, respondents. Appeals: NIMUS REVERTENDI evidenced by
who is the rightful governor of the province of her continuous and regular acts of returning
Leyte 1) petitioner AdelinaLarrazabal (PDP- there in the course of the years, although she
Laban) (G.R. No. 100739) who obtained the had physically resided at Ormoc City."
highest number of votes in the local elections
of February 1, 1988 and was proclaimed as the But Her attempt to purportedly change her
duly elected governor but who was later residence one year before the election by
declared by the Commission on Elections registering at Kananga, Leyte to qualify her to
(COMELEC) "... to lack both residence and ran for the position of governor of the province
registration qualifications for the position of of Leyte clearly shows that she considers
Governor of Leyte as provided by Art. X, herself already a resident of Ormoc
Section 12,
petitioner Benjamin Abella (Liberal Party), who testimony of Adolfo Larrazabalreenforces this
obtained the second highest number of votes conclusion. It admits, as of the second or third
for the position of governor but was not allowed week of November, that the residence of
by the COMELEC to be proclaimed as EmeterioLarrazabal was Ormoc City and that
governor after the disqualification of IndayLarrazabal was going to transfer her
Larrazabal; or 3) Leopoldo E. Petilla, the vice- registration so she may be able to vote for him.
governor of the province of. Leyte. Civil Code is clear that '[F]or the exercise of
civil rights and the fulfillment of civil obligations,
On January 31, 1988, the day before the the domicile of natural persons is the place of
election, she filed her own certificate of their habitual residence.
candidacy in substitution of her husband. (Ibid.,
p. 48) The following day, at about 9:30 o'clock There is no evidence to prove that the
in the morning, Silvestre de la Cruz, a petitioner temporarily left her residence in
registered voter of Tacloban City, filed a Kananga, Leyte in 1975 to pursue any calling,
petition with the provincial election supervisor profession or business.
of Leyte to disqualify her for alleged false
statements in her certificate of candidacy There is no evidence to prove that the
regarding her residence. ( petitioner temporarily left her residence in
Kananga, Leyte in 1975 to pursue any calling,
On February 14, 1991, the second division in a profession or business.
2-1 vote rendered a decision disqualifying
Larrazabal as governor. most telling evidence is the list of voters (Form
2-A), Exh. "G", that the Chairman and the poll
Larrazabal from running as governor of Leyte clerk had written in Part II of the same, closed
on the ground that she misrepresented her by the signatures of both officials showing that

there were only nine (9) additional registered Andres Flores, his term expired on February 2,
voters in Precinct 17, Mahawan, Kananga, 1991 to enable a faithful compliance with the
Leyte, constitutional provision that the terms of office
in the COMELEC are on a staggered basis
was only on February 15, 1988, or two weeks commencing and ending at fixed intervals, his
after the election day that the same Registrar continuance in office until February 15, 1991
certified for the first time that there were two has a color of validity.
voters lists, the first without the names of the
Larrazabals and the second, which appeared Abella claim: Any candidate who has been
only after February 1, submitted by the declared by final judgment to be disqualified
Chairman of the Board for Precinct 17 which shall not be voted for, and the votes case for
contained the spouses Larrazabals' names. him shall not be counted.
the votes cast in favor of Larrazabal who
Section 12, Article X of the Constitution obtained the highest number of votes are not
provides: considered counted making her a non-
Cities that are highly urbanized, as determined candidate, he, who obtained the second
by law, and component cities whose charters highest number of votes should be installed as
prohibit their voters from voting for provincial regular Governor of Leyte in accordance with
elective officials, shall be independent of the the Court's ruling
Section 89 of Republic Act No. 179 creating the The simple reason is that as he obtained only
City of Ormoc provides: the second highest number of votes in the
Election of provincial governor and members of election, he was obviously not the choice of the
the Provincial Board of the members of the people of Baguio City.
Provincial Board of the Province of Leyte —
The qualified voters of Ormoc City shall not be hose who have received the highest number of
qualified and entitled to vote in the election of votes cast in the election for that office, and it is
the provincial governor and the members of the a fundamental idea in all republican forms of
provincial board of the Province of Leyte. government

9 to section 12, Article X of the Constitution In sum, the Court does not find any reason to
one comes up with the following conclusion: reverse and set aside the questioned decision
that Ormoc City when organized was not yet a and resolution of the COMELEC. The
highly-urbanned city COMELEC has not acted without or in excess
of jurisdiction or in grave abuse of discretion
We agree with the COMELEC en banc that
"the phrase 'shall not be qualified and entitled
to vote in the election of the provincial governor
and the members of the provincial board of the
Province of Leyte' connotes two prohibitions —
one, from running for and the second, from
voting for any provincial elective official."

Finally, the petitioner contends that the

February 14, 1991 decision of the COMELEC's
second division is null and void on the ground
that on that date, the term of Commissioner
Andres Flores, one of the signatories of the
majority opinion (vote was 2-1) had already
expired on February 2, 1991.


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