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1. How did the first people reach the Americas?

A. Sailing from Asia

B. Walking across a frozen bridge of ice

C. Sailing from Spain

2. Who are believed to be the first Europeans to arrive in the New World?

A. Spanish

B. English

C. Norse

3. What was Christopher Columbus looking for when he sailed to the New World?

A. Gold

B. Asia

C. Spanish settlements

4. How many original colonies were there?

A. 50

B. 13

C. 17

5. . Which European country owned the colonies?

A. Spain

B. The Netherlands

C. Britain

6. Which act caused the greatest reaction from the colonists?

A. The Currency Act

B. The Stamp Act

C. The Quartering Act

7. What did the colonists throw into Boston Harbor?

A. Stamps

B. British paper money

C. Tea
8.. What did moderates in the colonies wish for in their relationship to Britain?

A. For everything to stay the way it was.

B. To move to Britain and leave the colonies.

C. A compromise and a better relationship with the British government.

9. Thanksgiving was celebrated in the beginning as a:

A. religious holiday to give thanks

B. a harvest holiday to enjoy the bounty of the crops?

10. Which President was the first to establish Thanksgiving as a legal national holiday to be held
the 4th Thursday in November?

A. Abraham Lincoln

B. Franklin D. Roosevelt

C. Thomas Jefferson

D. James Madison

+1. What was the name of the ship the pilgrims came over on?


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